Hydrologists predict that the flood in the Urals will pass without serious complications. Engineering troops will help to cope with the flood

Active work is underway in the Sverdlovsk region to prevent the consequences of natural disasters, but problems cannot be avoided

In the Sverdlovsk region, during the upcoming floods, three villages near Nizhny Tagil may fall into the zone of probable flooding. This was reported in the press service of the city administration to a REGNUM correspondent.

According to Andrey Zhbanov, head of the civil protection department of the administration of Nizhny Tagil, 70 houses are in the zone of possible flooding. Of these, 29 buildings are in Visimo-Utkinsk, 21 in Baronskaya and 20 houses in Yevstyunikha. The mayor's office of the city reported that the necessary explanatory work with the population has already been carried out, and all measures are being taken to mitigate the consequences of the upcoming floods. In particular, work is underway to lower the water level in reservoirs so that in the future they can receive flood waters in full.

As REGNUM reported earlier, in the spring of 2017, severe floods are expected in the Sverdlovsk region, and the estimated start time falls on April 10. One of the main reasons for the upcoming natural disaster is an unusually snowy winter.

Flooding threatens not only the settlements of the Nizhny Tagil urban district. In the worst case scenario, it is expected in 11 settlements, 223 houses, where 335 people live. At a meeting of the Government of the Sverdlovsk Region on March 14, 2017, the Minister of Public Security Alexander Kudryavtsev reported that 76 settlements in 14 municipalities could be temporarily cut off from the usual means of communication. Flooding threatens 13 low-water bridges.

Kudryavtsev stressed that it is already planned to deliver 147 tons of necessary food and essential goods to settlements that may become difficult to access due to the upcoming natural disaster. Also, 29 temporary ferry crossings will be opened during the passage of flood waters.

Traditionally, in addition to Nizhny Tagil, at least eight municipalities may be in the danger zone of flooding. Among them are the city of Irbit, the Irbit municipality, the Slobodo-Turinsky and Baikalovsky municipal districts, as well as the Talitsky, Tavdinsky and Turinsky urban districts.

In the Sverdlovsk region, an audit of hydraulic structures (HTS) is already underway. And the governor of the Sverdlovsk region, Yevgeny Kuyvashev, instructed all ministries and departments responsible for preparing for the flood period to ensure strict control over the state of all potentially dangerous objects in the region. More than 185 million rubles will be allocated in 2017 for the repair of the regional gas transmission system in 2017.

In 2016, floods in the Sverdlovsk region began in early April. All major rivers of the region came out of their banks: Iset, Tavda, Tagil, Tura, Ufa and others. The state of emergency was introduced in Irbit, Turinsky and Tavdinsky urban districts, in the Slobodoturinsky municipality and other districts of the region. As a result of a natural disaster, property and housing were damaged by many residents of the region who fell into the disaster zone. Then the government of the Sverdlovsk region promised to compensate for the damage suffered, but, judging by reports in the local press, things are not so rosy, the victims still cannot receive full payments.

According to NDNews.ru, so far the victims of the 2016 flood have received only 10,000 "moral" as a lump sum payment. This process began in August last year after the Urals wrote an angry letter to the president of the RRF. The regional government began to allocate funds from the regional reserve fund. Subsidies in the amount of 21 million rubles were given to the Irbitsky district, Garyam, Verkhoturye, Slobodo-Turinsky municipal district and Turinsky municipal district, where more than 2 thousand people suffered from spring water. But the question of compensation for material damage in the form of 50 thousand rubles remained up in the air. Such a situation, in particular, arose in Irbit, whose authorities were suing the prosecutor's office for a long time on the subject of who was entitled to this amount. Ultimately, the Sverdlovsk Regional Court indicated that compensation of 50,000 was due to each victim of the disaster. And since the flood in Irbit was recognized as a federal emergency, funds should be allocated from the reserve fund of the Russian government, Newdaynews.ru reports.

However, even today, according to local residents, the funds have not yet been paid, and they carried out the repair of their damaged houses and household plots on their own. Expecting that the flood will be even stronger in 2017, some residents living in the area of ​​potential flooding are trying to insure their property, and since they are not entitled to any subsidies, they have to pay for insurance from their own funds. At the same time, insurers accept such applications reluctantly.

Now, preparations for the flood are underway again. And we can confidently say that as soon as the elements begin to rage, people will not remain abandoned. Rescue services will work on the ground, officials will create commissions and work at the interdepartmental level. The elements will be overcome, just like in 2016. But will it not turn out that as soon as the water comes down, all the promises of compensation and assistance to the victims will again float with it?

Details on IA REGNUM: https://regnum.ru/news/accidents/2250310.html

It is predicted that in four subjects of the Ural Federal District the water level in the rivers will exceed normal levels. A strong flood is possible in the Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk, Tyumen and Kurgan regions. Such a forecast was announced on March 14 at the Rossiyskaya Gazeta media center, where a press conference was held on the topic: “ Spring high water - 2017: the most problematic areas«.

The event was attended by the head of Roshydromet, the head of the laboratory of the department of river hydrological forecasts of the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia, as well as the head of the Federal Agency for Water Resources.

According to the departments, the largest water reserves in the snow (150-160% of normal) observed in the watershed Tobol. It is from this basin that the passage of floods in the Kurgan and Tyumen regions depends.

Pre-winter waterlogging of the soil in the Southern Urals was within the normal range, while it is noted that it was uneven. In most of the country, the soil was slightly frozen. In the river basins of the northwest, on the Upper Oka, the soil has frozen to 5-40 cm; in the basins of the Don, Khopra and Medveditsa - by 20-50 cm, and only in the Volga region and on Southern Urals the depth of soil freezing was 40-100 cm.

In the second ten days of April, ice drift will begin on the Tobol River (upper course) and its tributaries, and in the third ten days of April, the middle and lower reaches of the Tobol will open from ice. In the Kurgan region, the opening of the rivers will approximately 20 April which is in line with normal times.

On individual rivers Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug congestion is possible. All over the rivers Middle and Southern Urals the maximum flood is expected to be above the norm. In the Asian part of the country, the highest flood maxima (by 0.5-1.5 m, in some places up to 2.7 m above the norm) are expected on the Ob to the mouth of the Tym River, Irtysh, Ishim, Tobol.

Flooding is expected in lower coastal areas of settlements, bridges, roads and economic facilities located in the floodplains of the Veslyana, Kosa, Inva rivers near the cities of Kudymkar, Chusovaya, Sylva ( Perm region), Tura, Nica near Irbit, Sosva ( Sverdlovsk region), Tobol y ( Kurgan region), Ui, Iset near the city of Dalmatovo, Sim near the city of Asha and the city of Minyar, Ai near the cities. Chrysostom and Kusa ( Chelyabinsk region), as well as flooding of the floodplain and economic facilities on the frozen small rivers of the Chelyabinsk region.

In the Ural Federal District, during the passage of spring floods, breakthroughs of unemptied ponds on small rivers and related flooding are possible.

Let me remind you that a year ago, many subjects of the Urals District were seriously affected by floods. So in April 2016 the city Ishim in the Tyumen region covered by the strongest flood in 40 years. On April 15, about seven hundred houses were flooded, the authorities had to evacuate about 1,200 people. A state of emergency was introduced, because of the flood, it was possible to travel by boat through the streets of the city. More than 300 rescuers and dozens of pieces of special equipment fought against the cataclysm. A Mound suffered from the strongest flood in the last 15 years, the water level in the Tobol River exceeded the norm by 2.8 meters!

March 14th. /TASS/. The flood in the regions of the Ural Federal District (UFD), according to the forecasts of hydrologists, in 2017 should pass without any special complications. In most reservoirs of the Kurgan, Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk regions, the water level is expected to exceed the norm by half a meter to a meter, Neli Miroshnikova, head of the hydrological forecasting department of the Hydrometeorological Center of the Ural UGMS, told TASS.

According to her, the situation in the region is developing more successfully than in 2016, when some regions of the Ural Federal District experienced the worst flood in the last 40 years.

snow factor

"In most areas, there is now an excess of snow accumulation from the norm of this period (March). The excess is 15-30% of the average annual values. At the same time, somewhere this standard is exceeded even more, for example, in the northern basin of the Tobol River, Kurgan Region, to the south - in the west of the Sverdlovsk region, in the mountainous part of the Chelyabinsk region... In the extreme north of the Middle Urals, on the contrary, snow reserves do not exceed the average annual values, "said the hydrologist.

Miroshnikova stressed that despite the large amount of snow, the condition of the pools so far does not cause concern among specialists, as it was last year, and they do not yet predict the passage of a difficult flood that was observed in 2016. Hydrologists expect spring flood peaks in most regions of the Ural Federal District to be within the normal range and higher by 0.5-1 m. . For the time being, we are expecting an excess of the norm by 2.5-3 m in the Tobol River near the city of Kurgan, ”she specified.

According to her, despite the mitigating factors for the flood, "regional authorities should not relax." “We don’t have forecasts for April yet. Therefore, if everything starts to melt sharply, the flood situation may worsen and floods cannot be avoided,” Miroshnikova said.

Sergey Ketov, head of the Department for Rehabilitation of Territories and Protection of the Population of the Region, noted that a group of more than 11 thousand people and 2 thousand units of equipment, 97 units of swimming facilities and 17 units of aircraft, including eight drones from the Russian Emergencies Ministry, was organized to carry out preventive measures. .

In the Trans-Urals, 142 temporary accommodation points with a capacity of more than 20 thousand people have been identified and checked, eight stationary and 24 temporary gauging posts have been organized to monitor the water level.

According to Colonel Yaroslav Roshchupkin, Assistant Commander of the Central Military District (CVO), specialists from the engineering troops will blast ice on the Sim River near the city of Asha, Chelyabinsk Region, to prevent flooding of settlements. He clarified that for the destruction of ice, the thickness of which reaches 90 cm, sappers will use up about a ton of explosives. Work is scheduled from Monday to Wednesday during daylight hours.

Flood prevention measures are coordinated by the regional control center of the headquarters of the Central Military District in Yekaterinburg, where monitoring of the situation in the reservoirs of the Volga region, the Urals and Siberia is organized, interaction with local authorities and the Russian Emergencies Ministry is established.

Residents of the Middle Urals, who became victims of the flood last spring, are surprised by the position of the regional government, which is making plans for the coming flood, not yet compensating the victims for the damage in 2016. Citizens had to restore their homes at their own expense, buy firewood carried away by high water in winter, and independently prepare for the next blow of the elements. Many got into debt and are ready for tent rallies near the administration buildings. About how difficult the situation is now in the province, which the regional authorities are trying not to see, in our material.

The promised compensation is waiting for a year

As the correspondent of NDNews.ru reports, so far the victims of the 2016 flood have received only 10,000 "moral" as a lump sum payment. This process began in August last year after the Urals wrote an angry letter to the president of the RRF. The regional government began to allocate funds from the regional reserve fund. Subsidies in the amount of 21 million rubles were given to the Irbitsky district, Garyam, Verkhoturye, Slobodo-Turinsky municipal district and Turinsky municipal district, where more than 2 thousand people suffered from spring water. But the issue of compensation for material damage in the form of 50 thousand rubles remained up in the air. Such a situation, in particular, arose in Irbit, whose authorities were suing the prosecutor's office for a long time regarding who was entitled to this amount (you can read more about this protracted confrontation and).

In short: the officials considered that 50 thousand should be paid only to those registered in the houses, but subject to the provision of technical passports, warranty cards and sales receipts for furniture, household appliances and other property damaged by water, as well as expert opinions. Most of these documents did not survive. Ultimately, the Sverdlovsk Regional Court pointed out that compensation of 50,000 was due to each victim of the elements. And since the flood in Irbit was recognized as an emergency on a federal scale, funds should be allocated from the reserve fund of the government of the Russian Federation.

However, as residents of Irbit told NDNews.ru today, they have not received these compensations so far. “A meeting is scheduled for March 24 in the administration of Irbit with the participation of the prosecutor's office. The main question on the agenda is whether the regional government will allocate subsidies for the payment of compensation in the amount of 50 thousand rubles. Now it turns out that the local authorities were late in submitting documents for compensation for material damage, the deadlines have passed. By law, lists must be provided within three months of the occurrence of an emergency. Our state of emergency was officially declared on April 13, 2016, and the lists were sent to the government of the region only in January... - Olga Popova, one of the victims, said in a conversation with an agency correspondent. – The situation is confusing, twofold. On the one hand, new budgets are already being drawn up. And at the same time, the government of the region cannot answer “no” to the local authorities, as they will set them up, and there will be a new trial. But no one says “yes” to compensation either.”

“The tents are ready to be put up at the City Hall!”

According to the interlocutor of the agency, in the absence of all possible assistance from the authorities, the residents of Irbit had to rely only on themselves for all the past months. First, they restored damaged property at their own expense, made repairs. In order not to freeze in winter, they bought firewood borrowed from friends and acquaintances, which were carried away by high water. “This year the flood, they say, will be stronger. And if we are not paid the required compensation, we will go around the world! There will be nothing left for us but to set up tents at the mayor's office. We are ready for it. People have nothing to eat, and this is not an exaggeration, ”Popova said.

It is worth noting that at today's meeting of the government of the Sverdlovsk region, both Governor Evgeny Kuyvashev and Minister of Public Security Alexander Kudryavtsev recommended that residents of "dangerous" territories insure their personal property as soon as possible so that last year's situation does not repeat, when people lost their property and then were kicked out of the authorities for months compensation. This idea did not arouse enthusiasm among the mayor of Irbit, Gennady Agafonov. “Citizens are somehow not very active ... and insurers in such places are not very willing to work,” the mayor said.

The same Olga Popova explained to NDNews.ru why property insurance caused further questions. “We had to insure our property for 1.5 million rubles this year. Insurance cost 15 thousand rubles. And at least there was some kind of subsidy! At least 30 percent. None of this happened. Again, they did everything on their last hard-earned money, no help from the authorities ... Here is another important point. An insured event occurs only in the event of an emergency. And without it, even if the water has already entered the house, insurers have the right to refuse payments. Let's see what happens," the resident of Irbit concluded.

Agafonov, by the way, at today's meeting of the government said that in the worst case scenario, 87 houses and 127 household plots could be in the flood zone. Up to 500 people live in the "dangerous" territory of Irbit, including 69 children.

In general, according to the forecasts of the Sverdlovsk authorities, this year the flood may flood 11 settlements, 223 houses, in which 335 people live. Cut off from the usual routes of communication may be 76 settlements. In the “risk zone” are Irbit, Irbitsky district, Karpinsk, Krasnoufimsky district, Gornouralsky municipal district, Slobodo-Turinsky and Baikalovsky municipal districts, Makhnevskoye municipal district, Turinsky and Talitsky municipal districts, Achitsky district, Nizhny Tagil and Pervouralsky district, as well as Staroutkinsk. The exact dates of the passage of flood waters are not yet known - the opening of the rivers is expected in the second half of April. At the same time, the flood this year due to the snowy winter is predicted to be stronger and more dangerous than last year.

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