The effect of drinking water on the human body. What are the types of water: the power of magnetized water in human life. Drinking regimen and balance of water in the body

Educational Establishment "VSU named after P.M. Masherov"

Faculty of Social Pedagogy and Psychology

extramural studies.

By discipline: Medico-social foundations of health

Theme: Water and health

Prepared by: student of group 20


Gavrilenko Svetlana Sergeevna

Checked by: teacher

Kazimirov Igor Sergeevich

Vitebsk 2009


about water in general

The role of water in human life

Water in human life

Main sources of drinking water pollution

Communal drains

Industrial waste

municipal waste

Industrial waste

Water purification methods

Chlorine removal

Filtration through coal

Application of reagents

UV radiation

Ion removal

Membrane processes

Ion exchange


Bacterial control

Ultraviolet radiation

Chemical sanitation



What is mineral water?

The most important mineral springs The Republic of Belarus


Attachment 1

Appendix 2

Annex 3


Water, you have no taste, no color, no smell. You cannot be described, you are enjoyed without knowing what you are! It cannot be said that you are necessary for life: you are life itself. You are the greatest wealth in the world.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Water is vital. It is needed everywhere - in everyday life, agriculture and industry. Water is needed by the body to a greater extent than anything else, with the exception of oxygen. A well-fed person can live without food for 3-4 weeks, and without water - only a few days.

A living cell needs water both to maintain its structure and to function normally; it is about 2/3 of body weight. Water helps to regulate body temperature and serves as a lubricant that facilitates joint movement. It plays an important role in building and repairing body tissues.

With a sharp reduction in water consumption, a person becomes ill or his body begins to function worse. But water is needed, of course, not only for drinking: it also helps a person to keep his body, dwelling and habitat in good hygienic condition.

Without water, personal hygiene is impossible, that is, a set of practical actions and skills that protect the body from diseases and maintain human health at all times. high level. Washing, a warm bath and swimming bring a feeling of cheerfulness and calmness.

about water in general

Much has been said about water, but little has been said. Therefore, the phrase “Water is life” means nothing to many of us. And for a careless attitude towards it, water cruelly takes revenge on us. Think about what you know about water? Surprisingly, water is still the most poorly understood substance Nature. Obviously this happened because there is a lot of it, it is omnipresent, it is around us, above us, below us, in us. Water is considered the most difficult of all substances studied by physicists and chemists (see our article “On the amazing properties of water "). The chemical composition of waters can be the same, but their effect on the body is different, because each water was formed in specific conditions. And if life is animate water, then, like life, water has many faces and its characteristics are endless.

Water is, at first glance, a simple chemical compound of hydrogen and oxygen. But in fact, water is the basis of life on Earth.

Water is a universal solvent of a significant number of substances, and therefore, in nature, chemically clean water no. According to the content of substances dissolved in water, water is divided into 3 classes: fresh, salty and brines. Fresh water is of the utmost importance in everyday life. Although water covers three-quarters of the Earth's surface and its reserves are huge and are constantly maintained by the water cycle in nature, the problem of water supply in many parts of the world has not been solved and is becoming more acute with the development of scientific and technological progress. About 60% of the Earth's surface are zones where there is no fresh water or there is an acute shortage of it. Nearly 500 million people suffer from diseases caused by lack or quality of drinking water. Fresh water makes up about 2% of all water resources on the planet.

By 2050, 4.2 billion people will live in countries where it is already impossible to satisfy the daily human need for water - 50 liters per day (data from the UN population report). The number of earthlings, which has doubled over the past 40 years, now stands at 6.1 billion and may still double by the middle of this century. The main growth is planned in developing countries, where resources, in particular water resources, are practically depleted. Now people use 54% of available fresh water, with two-thirds going to agriculture, according to the Green Dossier. According to experts, by 2025 water consumption will increase to 75% of the current level only due to an increase in the population. Already now more than a billion Earthlings do not have access to clean water.The problem is that in developing countries, 95% of sewage and 70% of industrial waste is discharged into water bodies without treatment.

Water itself has no nutritional value, but it is an indispensable part of all living things. In plants - up to 90% of water, and in the body of an adult - about 65%; this circumstance allowed the science fiction writer V. Savchenko to declare that a person “has much more reason to consider himself a liquid than, say, a forty percent solution of caustic sodium.”

A certain and constant water content is one of the necessary conditions the existence of a living organism. When the amount of water consumed and its salt composition change, the processes of digestion and assimilation of food, hematopoiesis are disturbed. Without water, it is impossible to regulate the body's heat exchange with the environment and maintain constant temperature body.

A person is extremely acutely aware of changes in the content of water and can live without it for only a few days. With a loss of water up to 2% of body weight (1-1.5 l), thirst appears, with a loss of 6-8%, a semi-conscious state occurs, with a shortage of 10%, hallucinations appear, swallowing is disturbed. With a shortage of more than 12% of water, death occurs. (We recommend reading our article “Drinking regimen and balance of water in the body”).

The average daily water consumption is 2.5 liters. Excess water leads to an overload of the cardiovascular system, causes exhausting sweating, accompanied by a loss of salts, weakens the body. The mineral composition of the water is very important. A person uses water for drinking, containing from 0.02 to 2 grams of minerals in 1 liter. Of great importance are substances that are in small doses, but play an important role in many physiological processes organism. For example, prolonged consumption of drinking water containing fluorine in an amount of less than 0.6 mg/l leads to the development of dental caries.

The content of carbonic and sulfate salts of calcium, magnesium and iron determines the hardness of water; with a small amount of them, the water is considered soft, and with a significant amount - hard. Vegetables and meat are poorly boiled in hard water, because calcium salts form insoluble compounds with food proteins. In this case, the products are absorbed by the body worse. Tea in hard water is poorly infused and its taste is reduced.

Very hard water is unpleasant for washing, and when washing clothes in such water, the consumption of detergents increases. At home, softening of hard water is achieved by boiling.

If pathogens of infectious diseases (cholera, typhoid, dysentery, etc.) get into drinking water, it can be a factor in their spread. The causative agents of intestinal infections remain viable in water for a long time. For example, a typhoid bacillus can survive in river water for over 180 days.

So what do we know about water? Is water just a chemical combination of two hydrogen atoms with one oxygen atom?

About the amazing properties of water

Water is one of the most amazing substances in nature. For example, its heat capacity is 4.1868 kJ / kg, which is almost twice that of vegetable oils, acetone, phenol, glycerin, alcohol, paraffin. The problem of 37 degree temperature in the animal world is still being discussed. As you know, when any substance is heated, its heat capacity increases. Any, except water: when it is heated from 0 to 37 degrees, the heat capacity drops, and only with further heating does it begin to increase. This fact means that at 36 - 37 degrees to increase the temperature of a certain volume of water, it is necessary minimal amount heat. Apparently, it was this property of water that was the selective evolutionary factor in the development of warm-bloodedness at the level of 37 degrees Celsius.

This does not exhaust the paradoxes of water: its analogues are compounds of elements of the oxygen group with hydrogen (hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen selenide, hydrogen telluride) - under our earthly conditions - gases with a boiling point of minus 61, minus 42 and minus 4 degrees, respectively. Extrapolating this series, we get the expected boiling point of water - minus 70 degrees, and the freezing point - minus 90 degrees. As you can see, here water is an exception.

Very bad water evaporates; if not for this, then many lakes and rivers would dry up. The density of water is also surprising: when cooled, it increases only to a temperature of plus 4 degrees, and then decreases again. This means that the heaviest water is precisely at plus 4 and it sinks to the bottom, and an ice cover forms from the colder one, but on the surface! That is, the water, as it were, was created so that something living could be found in it, even at temperatures below zero: freezing will never begin from the bottom, but only from the surface.

But perhaps the most amazing property of water is the property of an almost universal solvent. And if some substances do not dissolve in it, then this also played a huge role in evolution for life: most likely, it is precisely the hydrophobic properties of primary biological membranes that life owes its appearance and development in the aquatic environment.

All these extraordinary properties of water suggest that liquid water has an ordered structure, so that water can carry information.

Water treated with a magnetic field significantly changes its biological activity. Moreover, “magnetic” water in some cases contributes to the treatment of diseases, wounds, etc. Water has special properties in “transitional” states, for example, when ice melts.

Many have seen how in early spring, among the melting snowdrifts, thawed patches appear, on which plants grow in a matter of days, bloom and even begin to set fruits. A lot of amazing things are hidden here, and most importantly, the unusually fast growth of these plants due to melt water, accelerating biological processes in plant organisms.

In addition to the fact that biochemical processes take place in water, water itself actively participates in many metabolic reactions. Digestion of food occurs in a liquid medium, liquid media transport substances throughout the body, end products of metabolism are removed from the body with water, water is necessary for thermoregulation by evaporation. In other words, water for the body is the first main substance (along with oxygen).

The body of an adult contains about 65% water. How younger body, the richer it is in water. A monthly embryo consists of 97% water, a newborn - 75-80%. In the elderly, the water content is 57 percent or less.

All water of the human body can be divided into two phases: intracellular - 70% and the remaining - 30% - extracellular (20% - intercellular fluid, 8% - blood plasma water, 2% - lymph water), which are in a state of constant exchange.

The water of the body moves and flows only in the vessels; there is no free, flowing water in the tissues.

Water balance is a balancing of the inflow and formation of water with its release. An average of 2.5 liters of water enters the body and is formed during metabolism per day. The same amount of water is excreted by the kidneys, lungs, intestines and skin.

Water in the body is always in interaction with electrolytes, the concentration of which determines the movement of water; there is even an expression: “Water is the slave of electrolytes, it follows electrolytes like a thread after a needle.”

If water is such an important component of the structure and functioning of the body, then it is logical to assume that the influence outside water no less great. Water, even without entering the body, can have a huge impact on external contact with the human body.

Deep biological meaning lies in dousing with cold water as a method of hardening and healing.

cold water for modern man is a beneficial stress effect that trains the body, increasing it nonspecific resistance, rejecting non-viable functional elements of organs and systems, contributing to the stimulation of regenerative processes, having a rejuvenating effect. At the same time, the impact of water procedures is not limited to a dosed stress reaction. The fact is that water itself, as a physical and chemical reality, is capable of exerting beneficial effect on the body. The water located in natural reservoirs is not only saturated with some salts, microelements and organic substances, it is under the constant influence of the Earth's magnetic field, and, probably, therefore, is subject to certain structural changes. Purified tap water is not only devoid of many dissolved substances, but is also shielded from the magnetic field by pipes, bathtubs, etc.

“Many songs have been written about water”, but every person who wants to be and remain healthy should realize its life-affirming role.

The role of water in human life

Water is the largest "food product" in the human diet in terms of consumption.

Water is a universal substance, without which life is impossible. Water is an indispensable part of all living things. Plants contain up to 90% water, and in the body of an adult - about 70%; this circumstance allowed the science fiction writer V. Savchenko to declare that a person "has much more reason to consider himself a liquid than, say, a 40% solution of caustic sodium."

Biologists sometimes joke that water "invented" man as a means of transportation. And this seems to be true, because the main component of our body is water. There is a beautiful metaphor by Dubois on this score: "A living organism is animate water."

Every living cell of the human body contains a life-giving aqueous solution of various nutrients.

In general, the human body consists of 86-50% water (86% in a newborn and 50% in an old man).

And a few more numbers:

70% of the body's water is located inside the cells as part of the cellular protoplasm. This (intracellular) water is called structured, it has a high biological activity and provides the body's resistance to the effects of aggressive environmental factors.

30% of water falls on the extracellular fluid, of which the intercellular fluid is 20%, blood plasma water - 8%, lymph water - 2%.

Water in human life

The value of water in human life is determined by the functions and the huge share that it occupies in the total mass of the human body and its organs.

Sufficient intake of water in the body is one of the main conditions for a healthy lifestyle. Water is actively involved in the chemical reactions taking place in our body, delivers nutrients into every cell, removes toxins, toxins and excess salts, helps lower blood pressure. Drinking enough water is one of the best ways to prevent the formation of kidney stones. Water, as it were, "lubricates" the joints, thereby acting as a shock absorber for the spinal cord, and also regulates body temperature and provides skin elasticity. Water is essential for normal digestion. By participating in the metabolism, this unique liquid allows you to reduce fat accumulation and reduce weight.


Many of those who want to lose weight believe that their body retains water and try to drink as little water as possible. However, water is a natural diuretic, and if you really want to lose weight, then the best way is to drink more water. By the way, if we are talking about "eternal", that is, about extra pounds, that is, simple, but effective recipe. You have a hard time sticking to your diet. Even with a slight feeling of hunger, you cannot resist a piece of bread with butter? Constantly drawn to "delicious"? So, drink water - this will help reduce your appetite, and you can easily refuse heavy, high-calorie foods.

One of the tricks that help French women stay slim is that they drink mineral water often and little by little during the day.

A certain and constant water content is one of the necessary conditions for the existence of a living organism.

You must always maintain the optimal amount of water in the body!

How much water does a person need?

A person is extremely acutely aware of the change in the water content in the body and can live without it for only a few days.

With a loss of water up to 2% of body weight (1-1.5 l), thirst appears, with a loss of 6-8%, a fainting state occurs,

With a shortage of 10%, hallucinations appear, swallowing is disturbed.

With a loss of water in the amount of 12% of body weight, a person dies.

Insufficient water intake disrupts the normal functioning of the body: fatigue appears and efficiency decreases, the processes of digestion and assimilation of food are disrupted, the course of biochemical reactions slows down, blood viscosity increases, which creates conditions for the formation of blood clots, and the process of hematopoiesis is disrupted. Without water, it is impossible to regulate the body's heat exchange with the environment and maintain a constant body temperature. Because the brain is 75% water, relative dehydration causes extreme stress on brain cells. Dehydration negatively affects essential functions body, weakening it and making it vulnerable to disease.

According to some experts, water deficiency in the body - chronic dehydration - is the main reason many diseases: asthma, allergies, high blood pressure, overweight, some emotional problems, including depression.

The need for water depends on the nature of nutrition, work activity, health status, age, climate and other factors. The water requirement of an adult living in the middle lane is 2.5-3 liters per day. In the US, the norm is 1 liter of water per 1000 kcal of diet. Scientists have calculated that we consume part of the water (1.5 - 2 l) with food and drinks, about 3% (0.3 l) of water is formed as a result of biochemical processes in the body itself. Thus, the body's need for drinking water is approximately 1.2 - 1.5 liters per day.

Recently, however, some experts are inclined to think that a normal healthy person still needs to drink 2 liters a day. Just in case. In order to prevent even slight dehydration in any case. "Just like you don't wait until your car runs out of gas before driving to the gas station, don't wait until your body is dehydrated before drinking water."

The demand for water increases on average:

by 10% for every degree increase in body temperature above 37°C

during physical work of moderate severity, the need increases - up to 4-5 liters

during hard work in the fresh air up to 6 liters, and when working in hot shops it can increase up to 15 liters. (VG Liflyandsky, Doctor of Medical Sciences, "Water for health and longevity").

And more interesting facts.

Studies have shown that if an athlete forces himself to drink more water than the feeling of thirst requires, then his endurance increases dramatically.

German scientists, after conducting tests on student volunteers, came to the conclusion that those who drink more water and drinks show more endurance and a penchant for creativity than those who drink less.

Unfortunately, most people, as practice has shown, drink only one third of the required amount of liquid. And their ailments are not connected in any way with a lack of water.

In fact, the first signs of dehydration are well known, but few people pay attention to them. If the skin begins to dry and peel off, you feel tired, lethargy, headache and dizziness, back and joint pains appear, efficiency decreases - all these are SOS signals that the body gives. The body does not have enough water.

Take a glass of amazing substance, quench your thirst! And in the future, never forget about it. Remember, the regular intake of clean water in the body in enough will provide you with stamina and vitality, will relieve ailments, and, according to experts, from many serious diseases

Some tips to avoid dehydration at home:

Drink plenty of water the night before a trip where you won't be able to drink water regularly.

while on an airplane, where the air is as dry as in the desert, drink water at the rate of 1 glass per hour of flight;

Drink 1 or 2 glasses of water before going outside in hot weather. Do not get carried away with drinking directly in the heat, as this can cause increased sweating and, as a result, dehydration of the body;

strange as it may seem, but you need to drink more water even in cold weather. In the cold, the body spends more energy and a lot of water is lost during breathing;

drink more water when you have a fever;

more water is required for pregnant and lactating mothers;

The use of caffeine and alcohol leads to dehydration. For every cup of coffee or alcohol you drink, you should drink an additional glass of water;

Smoking also contributes to dehydration. If you smoke, drink more water.

Water is necessary to maintain all metabolic processes, it takes part in the absorption of nutrients by cells. Digestion becomes possible only when food becomes water-soluble. Crushed tiny food particles acquire the ability to penetrate through the intestinal tissue into the blood and intracellular fluid. More than 85% of all metabolic processes in our body occur in the aquatic environment, so the lack of clean water inevitably leads to the formation of free radicals in human blood, which leads to premature skin aging and, as a result, the formation of wrinkles.

Water is a heat carrier and thermostat. It absorbs excess heat and removes it by evaporating through the skin and respiratory tract. Water moisturizes the mucous membranes and the eyeball. In the heat and during physical exercises, intensive evaporation of water from the surface of the body occurs. Consumption of cool clean water, which is absorbed into the blood from the stomach, provides timely cooling of your body, protecting it from overheating. During training, for the normal functioning of the body, it is necessary to drink in small portions of about 1 liter per hour.

Even if you do not bother yourself with physical exercises, you still need to constantly replenish the lack of water. The atmosphere in modern buildings is often overheated and air-conditioned. This dries the air and dehydrates the body. The same thing happens when traveling by train, plane and car. Coffee, tea, alcohol - all these joys of life contribute to the removal of water from the body. An adult is able to live without food for more than a month, without water for several days. Dehydration of the body by 10% leads to physical and mental incapacity. Loss of 20% of water leads to death. During the day, from 3 to 6% of the water contained in the body is exchanged. Half of the water contained in the body is exchanged within 10 days.

The amount of water required to maintain water balance depends on age, physical activity, ambient temperature and humidity. The daily requirement of an adult is about 2.5 liters.

Clean drinking water also increases the body's defense against stress. It thins the blood, fights fatigue, helps the cardiovascular system, fights stress. A healthy lifestyle is based on proper nutrition, activity and the consumption of clean water.

With such a great importance of water for a person, the water must be of the appropriate quality, but if the water contains any harmful substances, they will inevitably be distributed throughout the body.

Drinking regimen and balance of water in the body

Under the drinking regime, it is customary to understand the rational order of water consumption. Proper drinking regimen provides a normal water-salt balance and creates favorable conditions for the vital activity of the body.

The balance of water, in turn, implies that the human body in the process of life receives from the outside and releases the same amount of water to the outside. Water, drinking regimen, water in the human body, water balance in the body, water and health, clean drinking water, mineral water, water and useful minerals, microelements, macroelements, water balance, water-salt balance, water-salt metabolism.

If this balance is disturbed in one direction or another, changes occur up to serious violations life process.

With a negative balance, i.e. insufficient intake of water into the body, body weight drops, blood viscosity increases - this disrupts the supply of oxygen and energy to tissues and, as a result, body temperature rises, pulse and breathing become more frequent, thirst and nausea arise, and efficiency decreases.

On the other hand, with excessive drinking, digestion worsens (gastric juice is too diluted), there is an additional burden on the heart (due to excessive blood thinning). The body strives to compensate for the amount of incoming water due to greater sweating, and the load on the kidneys also increases sharply. At the same time, with sweat and through the kidneys, minerals valuable for the body (in particular, table salt) begin to be more intensively excreted, which disrupts the salt balance. Even short-term overload with water can lead to rapid muscle fatigue and even cause cramps. Therefore, by the way, athletes never drink during the competition, but only rinse their mouths with water.

It has been established that the daily water requirement of an adult is 30-40 g per 1 kg of body weight. On average, it is considered that a person consumes a total of 2.5 liters of water per day and the same amount is excreted from the body.

The main ways water enters the body are as follows:

An important point should be noted. Directly in the form of a free liquid (different drinks or liquid food), an adult consumes on average about 1.2 liters of water per day (48% of the daily requirement). The rest is water that enters the body in the form of food - about 1 liter (40% of the daily requirement). We do not think about it, but cereals contain up to 80% water, bread - about 50%, meat - 58-67%, fish - almost 70%, vegetables and fruits - up to 90% water. In general, our "dry" food is 50-60% water.

And finally a small amount of water, about 0.3l (3%), is formed directly in the body as a result of biochemical processes.

The routes of excretion from the body are given below.

Water, drinking regimen, water in the human body water balance in the body, water and health, clean drinking water, mineral water, water and useful minerals, microelements, macroelements, water balance, water-salt balance, water-salt metabolism.

Basically, water is excreted from the body through the kidneys, an average of 1.2 liters per day - or 48% of the total volume, as well as through sweating (0.85 liters - 34%). Part of the water is removed from the body during breathing (0.32 liters per day - about 13%) and through the intestines (0.13 liters - 5%).

These figures are averages and are highly dependent on a number of factors, including climatic conditions, as well as the degree of physical activity. So, the total need for water during heavy physical work in hot conditions can reach 4.5 - 5 liters per day.

Under normal conditions, the human body adapts to environmental conditions and the balance of water is maintained as if "by itself". Roughly speaking, I wanted to drink - I drank. "Failures" in the usual scheme are possible with a sharp change in temperature (for example, going to the bath), or with an increase in physical activity (for example, playing sports). In addition, the change in the body's need for water is affected by temperature and humidity, the consumption of coffee and alcoholic beverages, the state of the body (for example, illness), for women, such a factor may be feeding a child, etc.

Interesting information about the dependence of water consumption on a person's weight and physical activity is given on the IBWA (International Bottled Water Association) website. The only inconvenience is that all data is given in pounds and ounces. Based on the IBWA data, we took the liberty of preparing a small table that, in a more "digestible" form, would present information on how much water an average person consumes.

However, we consider it our duty to warn about the following. On the IBWA website, the data is given as the amount of water that is "needed to drink." From a human point of view, this is understandable, after all, this is a site of "bottlers", therefore, the more people drink water, the more profitable it is for their business. But, as they say: "Plato is my friend, but the truth is dearer." According to our understanding, the figures given by IBWA are more similar to the daily total water consumption and the directly "drinking" share here should be about 50% (at least with low physical activity). In fairness, we add that the main increase in water consumption with increased loads will indeed be mainly provided by "drinking" water.

Of course, these figures can only serve as a guide and are by no means a strict guide to action.

Impact of water resources on human health

The water we consume must be clean. Diseases transmitted through contaminated water cause ill health, disability and death in large numbers of people, especially children, predominantly in less developed countries where low level personal and communal hygiene. Diseases such as typhoid fever, dysentery, cholera, hookworm are transmitted primarily to humans as a result of contamination of water sources with excrement excreted from the body of patients.

Success in the fight against these diseases or the achievement of their complete elimination depends on how the system for removing all metabolic products excreted from the human body is organized, how the matter of providing clean water to the entire population is set.

The quality of water is also determined by the presence of chemical inclusions in it, which are the first to be detected by our senses: smell, vision. So, microparticles of copper give the water some turbidity, iron - redness.

There are basic indicators of drinking water quality. They can be conditionally divided into groups:

Organoleptic indicators (smell, taste, color, turbidity)

Toxicological indicators (aluminum, lead, arsenic, phenols, pesticides)

Indicators affecting the organoleptic properties of water (pH, total hardness, petroleum products, iron, manganese, nitrates, calcium, magnesium, permanganate oxidizability, sulfides)

Chemicals generated during water treatment (residual free chlorine, chloroform, silver)

Microbiological indicators (thermotolerant coliforms or E. coli, TMC).

The experience of the laboratory for the analysis of water quality has shown that the most common water pollutants (the content of components exceeds the standards) include iron, manganese, sulfides, fluorides, calcium and magnesium salts, organic compounds, etc.

What negative properties can certain components impart to water if they are contained above the standards?

The presence of iron in water does not threaten our health. However, an increased content of iron in water (more than 0.3 mg/l) in the form of bicarbonates, sulfates, chlorides, organic complex compounds or in the form of a highly dispersed suspension gives the water an unpleasant red-brown color, worsens its taste, causes the development of iron bacteria, sedimentation in pipes and clogging. If you wash clothes in such water, rusty spots will remain on it. Similar stains appear on dishes, sinks and bathtubs. When drinking water with an iron content above the norm, a person runs the risk of acquiring various liver diseases, allergic reactions, etc.

The increased content of manganese in water has a mutagenic effect on humans. At levels in the water supply that exceed 0.1 mg/L, manganese causes stains on plumbing fixtures and linen, and bad taste in drinks. The presence of manganese in drinking water can cause deposits to build up in the distribution system. Even at a concentration of 0.02 mg/l, manganese often forms a film on pipes, which flakes off as a black deposit.

Sometimes in drinking water there are many salts of hydrochloric and sulfuric acids (chlorides and sulfates). They give the water a salty and bitter-salty taste. The use of such water leads to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. Water, in 1 liter of which there are more than 350 mg of chlorides and more than 500 mg of sulfates, is considered unfavorable for health.

The content of calcium and magnesium cations in the water imparts the so-called hardness to the water. Water hardness is expressed in mg-eq / l (= mol / m3), in German degrees (1 mol / m3 = 2.804 German degrees), French degrees (1 mol / m3 = 5.005 French degrees), American degrees (1 mol / m3 = 50.050 US degrees). The optimal physiological level of hardness is 3.0-3.5 mg-eq/l. Water highly saturated with salts causes a lot of inconvenience: vegetables and meat are more difficult to boil in it, soap consumption increases during washing, scale spoils teapots and boilers. Hardness above 4.5 mg-eq/l leads to intensive accumulation of sediment in the water supply system and plumbing, interferes with the operation of household appliances. According to the instruction manual household appliances water hardness should not exceed 1.5-2.0 mg-eq / l. Constant ingestion of water with increased hardness leads to the accumulation of salts in the body and, ultimately, to diseases of the joints (arthritis, polyarthritis), to the formation of stones in the kidneys, gall bladder and bladder.

Water is also responsible for human teeth. The incidence of caries depends on how much fluorine is contained in the water. Water fluoridation is believed to be effective in preventing caries, especially in children. The content of fluorides in drinking water above sanitary standards (not more than 1.5 mg/l) has a harmful effect on human health. Fluorine is a biologically active trace element, the content of which in drinking water should be in the range of 0.7-1.5 mg/l in order to avoid caries or dental fluorosis.

But in addition to useful impurities in the water, there are others that are dangerous to the human body.

The presence of sulfides (hydrogen sulfide) in water gives the water an unpleasant odor, intensifies the process of corrosion of pipelines and causes their overgrowth due to the development of sulfur bacteria. Sulfides have a toxic effect on humans and cause skin irritation. Hydrogen sulfide is poisonous to living organisms.

According to domestic researchers, the use of mine water containing 0.2-1 mg / l of arsenic causes a disorder of the central, and especially peripheral, nervous system, followed by the development of polyneuritis. Arsenic concentration of 0.05 mg/l was recognized as harmless.

Hygienists first spoke about the health hazards of lead in water in connection with mass intoxications that arose when lead pipes were used on water pipes. However, elevated concentrations of lead can occur in groundwater. Water is considered harmless if the lead content in it is not more than 0.03 mg/l.

Strontium is widely distributed in natural waters, while its concentrations vary widely (from 0.1 to 45 mg/l). Its long-term intake in large quantities in the body leads to functional changes in the liver. At the same time, prolonged use of drinking water containing strontium at a level of 7 mg/l does not cause functional and morphological changes in tissues, organs and in the whole human body. This value is accepted as a standard for the content of strontium for drinking water.

According to modern scientific data, nitrates in the human intestine are reduced to nitrites under the influence of bacteria living there. The absorption of nitrates leads to the formation of methemoglobin and to a partial loss of hemoglobin activity in oxygen transport.

Thus, methemoglobinemia is based on one or another degree of oxygen starvation, the symptoms of which are manifested primarily in children, especially infants. They get sick mainly during artificial feeding, when dry milk formulas are diluted with water containing nitrates, or when this water is used for drinking. Older children are less susceptible to this disease, and if they get sick, it is less severe, since they have more developed compensatory mechanisms. The use of water containing 2–11 mg/l of nitrates does not cause an increase in the level of methemoglobin in the blood, while the use of water with a concentration of 50–100 mg/l sharply increases this level. Methemoglobinemia is manifested by cyanosis, an increase in the content of methemoglobin in the blood, and a decrease in blood pressure. These symptoms were registered not only in children, but also in adults. The content of nitrates in drinking water at the level of 10 mg/l is harmless.

Uranium is a radioactive element widely distributed in natural waters. Especially high concentrations can be found in groundwater. The rationing of uranium is based not on its radioactive properties, but on its toxic effect as a chemical element. The permissible content of uranium in drinking water is 1.7 mg/l.

Cadmium accumulates in the kidneys, causes hypertension, weakens the body's immunity, has a negative effect on mental capacity human, because it displaces zinc necessary for the normal functioning of the brain.

Aluminum, accumulating in the body, can cause senile dementia, increased excitability, cause disturbances in motor reactions in children, anemia, headaches, kidney and liver disease, colitis, and neurological changes associated with Parkinson's disease.

The maximum permissible concentration in water of some additives used to clarify water (for example, polyacrylamide, aluminum sulfate) is also strictly regulated.

There is such an indicator as permanganate oxidizability (the standard is 5 mg O2 / l, not more, this is the total oxygen concentration corresponding to the amount of permanganate ion (MnO4-) consumed during the treatment of a water sample with this oxidizing agent), which characterizes the measure of the presence of organics in water (gasoline, kerosene, phenols, pesticides, herbicides, xylenes, benzene, toluene) and oxidizable inorganic substances (iron salts (2+), nitrites, hydrogen sulfide).

Organic substances that cause an increased value of permanganate oxidizability adversely affect the liver, kidneys, reproductive function, as well as the central nervous and immune systems of a person. Water with a permanganate oxidizability higher than 2 mg O2/l is not recommended for drinking.

The toxicity of the above components is not so great as to cause acute poisoning, but when long-term use water containing the mentioned substances in concentrations higher than the normative ones, may develop chronic intoxication leading to some kind of pathology. It should also be taken into account that the toxic effects of substances can manifest themselves not only when they are taken orally (through the mouth) with water, but also when absorbed through the skin during hygienic (shower, bath) or health-improving (swimming pools) procedures.

Thus, in order to answer the question about the suitability of water for drinking, it is necessary to evaluate the sample at least according to the above parameters.

According to sanitary standards, any water that flows from a tap must meet drinking water standards. However, how far these standards are from the quality of hot water. At the time of hot water supply from the station, the temperature is 130 degrees. Naturally, not a single microbe can withstand such heat. However, on its way, through rusty and worn-out heating networks, the liquid is not only saturated with living and very harmful microorganisms, but also chemically hazardous substances. First of all, it is iron, lead, arsenic, chromium, mercury. The main threat, primarily to the health of hair and skin, is active chlorine, which at high temperatures forms an extremely toxic substance in water - dioxin. The microbes and microelements accumulated in hot water are detrimental to damaged areas of the skin and hairline. Skin diseases and hair diseases in many ways become a serious problem due to the ingress of pathogenic substances into the affected areas.

Few people today doubt that the water that we drink and use in everyday life needs additional purification, no matter where it comes from - from a well, artesian well or water supply. According to the statistics of the Gosstroy of Russia, about 40% of the city's water supply network is now in an emergency state, not to mention country cottages and summer cottages, where the quality of natural water often goes beyond sanitary standards. In their reports at scientific conferences, scientists are increasingly stating that not only non-drinking, but even “domestic” water flows from our tap.

In recent decades, surface and underground water sources have been subjected to intense anthropogenic pollution. The deterioration of water quality in water sources has led to the fact that in many regions drinking water does not meet hygienic requirements, both in terms of sanitary-chemical and sanitary-biological indicators. According to the Ministry of Health of Belarus, about half of the country's population is forced to use poor-quality drinking water.

Communal drains

They contain both chemical and microbiological contaminants and pose a serious hazard. The bacteria and viruses contained in them are the cause of dangerous diseases: typhus and paratyphoid, salmonellosis, bacterial rubella, cholera embryos, viruses causing inflammation pericerebral membrane and intestinal diseases. Such water can be a carrier of worm eggs (tapeworms, roundworms and whipworms). Municipal drains also contain toxic detergents (detergents), complex aromatic hydrocarbons (ACH), nitrates and nitrites.

Industrial waste

Depending on the industry, they can contain almost all existing chemicals: heavy metals, phenols, formaldehyde, organic solvents (xylene, benzene, toluene), mentioned above (SAU), etc. highly toxic effluents. The latter variety causes mutagenic (genetic), teratogenic (damaging the fetus) and carcinogenic ( cancerous growths) changes. The main sources of especially toxic effluents are the metallurgical industry and machine building, the production of fertilizers, the pulp and paper industry, the cement and asbestos industry, and the paint and varnish industry. Paradoxically, the process of purification and water treatment itself is also a source of pollution (!).

municipal waste

In most cases, where there is no water supply network, there is no sewerage, and if there is, then it (sewerage) cannot completely prevent the penetration of waste into the soil and, consequently, into groundwater. Since the upper groundwater horizon is located at a depth of 3 to 20 m (the depth of ordinary wells), it is at this depth that the "products" of human activity accumulate in much higher concentrations than in surface waters: detergents from our washing machines and bathtubs, kitchen waste (food leftovers), human and animal feces. Of course, all of the listed components are filtered through the top layer of the soil, but some of them (viruses, water-soluble and fluid substances) are able to penetrate into the groundwater almost without loss. The fact that cesspools and local sewerage are located at some distance from the wells does not mean anything. It has been proven that groundwater can, under certain conditions (n. p. slight slope), move in a horizontal plane for several kilometers!!!

Industrial waste

In groundwater, they are present in slightly smaller quantities than in surface waters. Most of this waste goes straight to the rivers. In addition, industrial dust and gases settle directly or in combination with atmospheric precipitation and accumulate on the soil surface. plants, dissolve and penetrate deep into. Therefore, no one who is professionally engaged in water purification will be surprised by the content of heavy metals and radioactive compounds in wells located far from metallurgical centers - in the Carpathians. Industrial dust and gases are transported by air streams hundreds of kilometers from the emission source. Industrial soil pollution also includes organic compounds formed during the processing of vegetables and fruits, meat and milk, waste from beer factories, livestock complexes. Metals and their compounds penetrate into body tissues in the form of aqueous solution. The penetrating power is very high: all internal organs and the fetus are affected. Removal from the body through the intestines, lungs and kidneys leads to disruption of the activity of these organs. Accumulation in the body of the following elements leads to:

kidney damage - mercury, lead, copper.

liver damage - zinc, cobalt, nickel.

capillary damage - arsenic, bismuth, iron, manganese.

damage to the heart muscle - copper, lead, zinc, cadmium, mercury, thallium.

the occurrence of cancer - cadmium, cobalt, nickel, arsenic, radioactive isotopes.

Water purification methods

Water from underground sources entering the water treatment system must meet drinking water standards. Although natural water should be potable, it can contain quite problematic contaminants as a result of human activities and their negative impact on the environment. In particular, such problems undoubtedly include chlorine and its compounds, which must be removed at some stage of the purification process. The reduction of impurities in water is often achieved by the same processes that are used to reduce the concentration of ions. However, while membrane technology is usually used to a limited extent to reduce ion concentrations, in some cases it still has to be used to reduce the total content of contaminants. In particular, membrane technologies have to be used to treat water for storage purposes. Maintaining low levels of bacteria in the process of water treatment, storage and distribution of water is a very difficult task, so bacterial control is carried out throughout the movement of water from the source of water supply to the consumer.

We list some stages of water treatment that guarantee its quality: removal of suspended solids, removal of chlorine, reduction of ion concentration, bacteriological control and removal of specific pollutants.

Chlorine removal

In this case, by chlorine we mean not only elemental chlorine - a greenish gas, but any chlorine-containing compounds. There are several methods for removing chlorine from water. The most common is activated carbon filtration. But there are other chlorine-removing compounds, for example, including dissimilar metals. Chlorine can be removed by the reducing agent sodium metabisulphite. It has recently been shown that a high dosage of ultraviolet radiation also reduces the concentration of chlorine-containing substances.

Filtration through coal

Coal is able to remove both free chlorine and chloramines dissolved in water. But in the latter case, the contact time of water and coal must be significantly increased. A layer of coal to remove free chlorine should occupy, depending on the concentration of chlorine and the initial characteristics of the water, from 2 to 5 layers filling the volume of the apparatus. To remove chloramines, the number of layers should be 7.5-12. Carbon filters are also effective in reducing total impurities. The biggest problem carbon filters is their predisposition to colonization of bacteria colonies. To combat this, the coal filling must be periodically sanitized with hot water or steam. In addition, for water disinfection, a UV source must be installed both at the inlet and outlet of the carbon filter. This will increase the duration of the interval between sanitization. The quality of the coal used to fill the carbon filters also plays a role. If carbon is used to remove specific organic compounds, it must have the appropriate characteristics. The minimum content of impurities in coal, low ash content and sufficiently high mechanical strength are desirable. All coal immediately after loading should be washed with acid directly in the process tanks. After start-up, the coal bed should be washed until fine particles are removed from it. The coal layer must be periodically loosened by a reverse flow of water during the entire period of operation.

Other granular materials effective for chlorine removal are dissimilar metal compositions. They are not susceptible to colonization by bacteria, which is their significant advantage. However, the high cost of dissimilar metal compositions limits their use for the removal of chloramines, and their high weight significantly increases the water consumption for loosening.

Application of reagents

Entering the reagent directly into the water stream requires very little equipment: dosing pumps and static reactors. Therefore, the capital costs for this method of removing chlorine compounds are extremely low. The main costs are determined by the cost of reagents. A complication associated with the use of dechlorinating agents is the promotion of growth of some organisms that grow on the deposition equipment. For this reason, the dosage of the reagents must be kept at such a low level that it does not lead to the rapid growth of these organisms. It is this requirement that is difficult to fulfill: it is difficult to maintain the minimum dosage of reagents under conditions of a wide range of changes in the concentration of chlorine-containing compounds.

UV radiation

Ultraviolet radiation is widely used in water treatment systems to disinfect and reduce the concentration of all contaminants. The use of UV radiation to remove chlorinated compounds is relatively new process, but due to the ability to destroy many chemical compounds, this technique is becoming more widespread, since the dosages of UV irradiation are selected and tested in practice. It has been shown that UV radiation is much more effective than reagents for the destruction of chlorine-containing compounds. The destruction of chloramines requires significantly higher dosages than the removal of free chlorine. Therefore, it is sometimes advantageous to use oxidizing agents in combination with UV radiation for this purpose. The capital cost of using UV for free chlorine removal is comparable to that of carbon filtration. A significant contributor to the cost of using UV light to remove chlorine is the cost of electricity. However, these costs are justified, because by eliminating carbon filters from the technological scheme, we eliminate the basis for the growth of bacterial colonies. In addition, the water is largely disinfected, which is very beneficial for the entire water treatment system.

Ion removal

There are three main ways to reduce the concentration of ions: membrane processes, ion exchange, distillation process. In practice, many varieties and combinations of these methods are used, which opens up almost endless possibilities for their use in water treatment.

Membrane processes

Membrane processes are widely used in water treatment systems to remove: ions, suspended solids, organic compounds and microorganisms. The range of pore sizes of industrially produced membranes is very wide: from sizes comparable with those of colloidal particles to sizes of ions. Ion-removing membranes occupy a "close" portion of the pore size spectrum and include reverse osmosis (RO) and nanofilter membranes. Membrane chemistry is now so advanced that the separation of ions of various sizes is somewhere between 99.9 and 50%, blurring the distinction between nanofiltration and low pressure filtration. Now it makes sense to discuss not the pore sizes of membranes, but the features of the operation of membranes made of cellulose and other polymers.

Non-cellulose membranes operate at much lower pressures and over a wide pH range. It is not for nothing that non-cellulose membranes are used in all the most progressive technical solutions. One of the most important characteristics of ion-removing membranes is their high ion-separating capacity regardless of the concentration of ions in the flow (up to the maximum osmotic pressure). This is another significant advantage over ion exchange, in which each ion removed is replaced by another. It is this characteristic that actually determines the inclusion of membrane separation in every ion removal system. It is very rarely economically justified to use ion exchange to remove only one ion. The fundamental solution in the use of membrane separation is the possibility of using systems with a one- or two-fold change in the direction of the flow of treated water. Another problem in membrane treatment is gases dissolved in water, especially CO2, but these problems are also solved by using degassing membranes.

The use of membrane technology imposes high requirements on compliance with the norms of the technological regime, analytical control and flushing rules laid down in the project. The first condition for the reliable operation of membrane treatment systems is a constant water flow, expressed in liters per square meter of membrane area per day (LMS). Typically, industrial membrane treatment systems are designed for a flow rate of 0.4-0.6 m3/m2 per day. The feed water flow is directed to the membrane treatment system, first to membranes with large pores, and then to membranes with progressively smaller pores. Feed water must be free of contaminants that could cause fouling or fouling of the membranes before it enters the membrane treatment system. It is very important to constantly monitor the pressure and flow of water through the membrane system during operation, since these two parameters determine the observance of the conditions for the constancy of the technological regime and reflect all deviations from it. It is necessary to constantly monitor the characteristics of both feed water and treated water leaving the treatment system. Quality control consists of actions aimed at compliance with all the above-mentioned operating conditions of the membrane system. Temperature is a very important factor that determines the viscosity of water and, as a result, the rate of its filtration through the membrane. Often, the feed water entering the treatment, in membrane systems using reverse osmosis, is heated to 25 ° C, although this is not always economically justified. A more rational approach is to use an MHD resonator, which reduces the viscosity of water and increases the filtration performance without heating costs. Flushing the membranes with filtered water before shutting down the plant is an essential part of removing fouling and preventing deposits on the membranes. This is especially important in systems using antiscale. The combined use of automated general membrane cleaning and system sanitization increases the duration of its operation and reduces maintenance costs.

Ion exchange

Although two-pass reverse osmosis (RO) can in many cases provide the necessary ion removal, often water treatment system designs include an ion exchange stage downstream of the RO unit. Ion exchange removes CO2, which in the RO system can cause failures in cleaning quality control. In addition, in some cases it is considered acceptable in very low flow water treatment systems to use portable ion exchange tanks as the only method of reducing the concentration of ions. The use of ion exchange after the RO installation increases the reliability of the entire purification system. However, this raises several problems. It is well known that bacterial colonies willingly settle on the surface of the granules of ion-exchange material, especially on mixtures of cation exchanger-anion exchanger having a neutral pH. In addition, at the stage of regeneration of ion-exchange materials, risky reagents and complex equipment are used. The use of ion exchange tanks creates a constant "unpredictability" in the water treatment process. Some of these problems are reduced by proven ways of applying ion exchange technology. For example, the separate use of cation exchangers and anion exchangers provides pH values ​​that are very different from neutral on different types of ion exchangers, which inhibits the growth of bacteria. At the same time, the separate use of cation exchangers and anion exchangers facilitates their regeneration and reduces the cost of reagents. The use of a portable ion-exchange tank allows for regeneration without affecting the main process and is a guarantee of a stable quality of purified water.


Distillation is a natural water purification process consisting of an evaporation and condensation stage. Any contaminant that evaporates at a temperature higher than water can be removed in the distillation process to a very high degree (typically over 99%). Contaminants in water vapor can only enter in the form of splashes when boiling too intensely.

Purification by distillation is energy intensive due to high energy consumption for water evaporation. Rational technological schemes, however, can significantly reduce energy costs. Such schemes include multi-vessel vacuum evaporation, when the secondary steam of the previous, more "hot" housing is used to heat the next housing. With this scheme, a feature inherent in a first-order phase transition is used. The heat released during condensation is equal to the heat spent on evaporation if both processes are carried out at the same temperature. But if condensation is carried out at a lower temperature, then more heat will be released than was spent on evaporation. Assume evaporation is carried out at a temperature of 100°C. Then the evaporation of 1 kg of water consumes 2259 kJ of heat. If the condensation is carried out at 40 ° C, then 2406 kJ of heat will be released, that is, 147 kJ more. This "surplus" heat can be used for heating, especially since only 80 kJ of heat is needed to heat 1 kg of water from a temperature of 20°C to a temperature of 100°C.

The weak point of distillation is scale formation on heat exchange surfaces. A scale layer of even 1 mm significantly increases energy consumption in thermal processes. To combat this evil, various types of antiscale are usually used. Descalers are called chemical additives, the molecules of which form water-soluble complex compounds with calcium and magnesium ions. Complexing agents are, for example, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) or polymeric phosphates such as Graham's salt, sodium hexametaphosphate, etc.

Antiscale has several major drawbacks:

high price;

the need to use an anti-scale dissolution unit and its dosage in the technological scheme;

the antiscale molecule hydrolyzes (reacts with water) and decomposes at high temperatures. This process proceeds relatively slowly, but forces to constantly compensate for hydrolysis, to add "excessive" portions of antiscale to the feed water;

if an organic complexing agent is used as an anti-scale agent, it can splash into the distillate with splashes during intense boiling. And organic decalcifiers are poisonous to humans. An excellent technical solution, devoid of all the disadvantages of antiscale, is the use of an MHD resonator. It solves two problems at the same time:

reducing the specific heat of vaporization, reduces energy consumption;

prevents scale formation by forcing calcium carbonate to crystallize in the form of aragonite. Use in the 80s of the last century

The MHD resonator at a forty-case desalination plant fed with water from the Caspian Sea made it possible to:

give up antiscale;

work in a no-scale mode;

reduce energy costs for obtaining 1 ton of fresh water by 30-50%.

Bacterial control

Bacterial control requires constant attention compared to any other aspect in water treatment systems. The concept of bacterial control includes both equipment and procedure. Commonly used equipment is ultraviolet radiation (UV) source, ozone generating systems, heating systems, chemical dosing and recycling systems. Procedures are reduced to periodic sanitization and technological methods that prevent bacteria from entering the system. Bacterial control is applied at all stages of water treatment, storage and distribution.

Ultraviolet radiation

Ultraviolet radiation with a wavelength of 254 nm and a dosage of 30 thousand microwatts per second per square centimeter provides a satisfactory rate of destruction of most bacteria. At the same time, you do not need to add any chemical substances. This makes UV irradiation an excellent disinfectant in water treatment systems.

Typically, UV sources are placed at many points in the water treatment system. Often, UV emitters are placed both at the inlet and outlet of the water treatment system, which significantly extends the time between periodic sanitization. UV radiation initiates scale formation. Therefore, the UV emitter, located at points where there is an increased content of hardness salts in the water, must be equipped with a cleaning sleeve (ramrod), and the water channel in this place must be made of Teflon.


Ozone is a powerful oxidizing agent, constantly generated from atmospheric oxygen by an electrical discharge. Ozone kills microorganisms at a very high rate by oxidizing and dissolving cell walls. Ozone, as shown earlier, easily decomposes into molecular and atomic oxygen, which is actually an oxidizing agent. The process of ozone decomposition is accelerated by UV radiation. Ozone is an excellent sanitizing agent because it is slightly soluble in water (0.039% by volume) and easily volatilizes from it. The positive qualities of ozone are also its negative qualities A: It can oxidize polyamide membranes, ion exchange resins and other polymers. Ozone is most often used for water disinfection, but can also be used in purification systems if the structural materials used allow it.

Thermal (thermal) sanitization

Heat is a reliable method of killing microorganisms. It can be applied to sanitize filter cartridges, carbon filters, ion exchange substrates, membrane systems, pipelines, tanks, and so on. All heat sanitized systems must be made of special materials of construction. This is especially true in the case of membrane and ion exchange systems. The positive qualities of thermal sanitation, however, significantly increase operating costs. The minimum temperature at which sanitary heat treatment is already acceptable is 75°C, but this temperature can harm membranes and ion exchangers. However, more high temperatures are admissible at steaming of pipelines and capacities. Therefore, for the sanitization of membrane systems and ion exchangers, heated purified water is usually used.

Chemical sanitation

Various chemical compounds can be used for the sanitation of individual units of water treatment systems. Because thermal sanitation is very expensive, sanitation is often carried out with chemicals periodically circulating through a membrane system. This is easy to implement if a cleaning and flushing system is provided in the membrane water purification system. The main problem with the use of sanitizing chemicals is the possibility of their subsequent removal from the system.


Hardness ions can be easily removed from water by ion exchange or membrane separation. Ion exchange systems (softeners) using cation exchange resins in sodium form are regenerated with sodium chloride. The volume of resin in the softening system is determined by the water flow and the exchange capacity of the resin. Water consumption should not exceed 25-40 m3/h per m3 of resin. A flow of less than 17 m3/h per m3 of resin can flush channels in the resin bed. A flow rate of more than 50 m3/h per m3 of resin will reduce the time of its contact with the treated water and make the treatment of hardness ions ineffective. The total exchange capacity of the resin, combined with the water consumption and the concentration of hardness salts in it, determine the duration of the ion exchange filter between regenerations and the dosage of salt for regeneration. By controlling the content of hardness ions in the water leaving the ion-exchange filter, the time for switching it to the regeneration mode is set. As a rule, the technological scheme provides for the presence of several containers filled with ion-exchange resin, and the possibility of switching from one to another. This allows not to interrupt the operation of the softening system, but simply to bring for regeneration those containers in which the resin has already worked out.

Iron, manganese and hydrosulfide

These contaminants are most typical of groundwater and are quite common. They are easily removed in the form of poorly soluble compounds in the oxidized form, and therefore, purification methods based on oxidation and separation of the formed precipitate by settling or filtration are usually used to remove them. membranes with the right size pores do not allow iron and manganese ions to pass through, so it is sometimes beneficial to use membranes to purify water from these ions. Since iron hydroxide has ferromagnetic properties, it is possible to purify water from iron by creating a suitable pH, precipitation of iron in the form of hydroxide, followed by removal of suspension by filtration through a layer of steel balls placed in an electromagnetic field. Such a device is called a magnetic separator.

Ozone is the preferred oxidizing agent for hydrosulfide water purification systems by oxidation/filtration. Chlorine can also be used for these purposes, but it requires a significant increase in contact time and special measures to remove excess chlorine.


All water supplies contain suspended solids of a very wide size range. Spring water usually contains much more fine suspended particles than water from surface sources. The water of the urban water supply network usually contains a very small amount of suspended solids, since the purification of drinking water always involves the operation of their removal at the first stage of purification. The most rational way to remove sufficiently large weighted particles is filtration. The standard solution in this case is the use of filters with an alluvial layer (FNS). Such a filter is able to remove particles larger than 10 microns. Smaller particles are not retained by such a filter.

Filters filled with granular carbon and ion exchange resins are also able to provide purification from small suspended particles. A patented filtration process using cation-exchange polymer-coated resin beads capable of removing colloidal-sized solid charged particles. Cartridge filters can be used to remove suspended matter over an extremely wide range of sizes. Often the pore sizes in the filter cartridges vary over a very wide range and the cartridges are installed in series, which allows the load to be distributed and the life of the cartridge to be extended. The main problem in this case is that disposable cartridges have to be used to separate suspended particles of colloidal size from water, which significantly increases operating costs.

Reverse osmosis membranes in principle provide very high quality filtration. However, the content suspended in water leads to membrane fouling. Therefore, the water entering the reverse osmosis membranes must be pre-filtered to remove particles smaller than 5 microns, which can clog the filter channels. High-quality pre-filtration significantly extends the interval between membrane cleanings. In recent decades, backwashing of micro- and ultrafilters has become increasingly common in water treatment systems. Membrane filters can only be used for separating large solids as prefilters. It is this function that they perform in reverse osmosis treatment systems, which significantly extends the period of work between membrane cleanings. A huge advantage of membrane filters is their ability to remove bacteria. This is very useful in water purification systems, as it significantly minimizes the colonization of bacteria in the process line equipment.

What is mineral water?

Mineral water is rain water that has gone deep into the earth many centuries ago, seeping through the crevices and pores of different rock layers. At the same time, various mineral substances in the rock were dissolved in it. From simply natural water from underground sources and open reservoirs, mineral waters differ in composition. The deeper they lie, the warmer and richer in carbon dioxide and minerals. In addition, the deeper the water penetrates into the rock, the more it is purified.

In such water, minerals accumulate naturally as it passes through geological formations. Thus, mineral waters are, first of all, waters of underground sources.

It is necessary to distinguish between drinking and mineral water. According to the Codex Alimentarius - the UN's main food standard - these differences boil down to the following:

mineral water is extracted from natural sources or drilled wells without external influence on its chemical and physical properties;

in water there are mineral salts in certain proportions, trace substances and other components;

water is collected under conditions that guarantee its initial microbiological purity and a stable chemical composition of its components.

Mineral water is valued primarily for its medicinal properties. In addition, mineral water is often used in cooking and cosmetics.

Action on the body.

The healing effect of natural mineral water consists in replacing cellular water with a partially destroyed structure with individually structured water, which allows you to increase the life time and work efficiency of absolutely all human cells, as well as in a beneficial complex effect on the whole organism as a whole, which allows the body to independently extinguish internal foci of pathology.

The action of mineral waters is determined by the composition of their constituent elements and chemical compounds.

Chlorine affects the excretory function of the kidneys. Sulfate in combination with calcium, sodium or magnesium can reduce gastric secretion. Bicarbonate stimulates the secretory activity of the stomach. Potassium and sodium maintain the necessary pressure in the tissue and interstitial fluids of the body. Potassium affects changes in the heart and central nervous system, and sodium retains water in the body.

Calcium is able to enhance the contractile force of the heart muscle, improves immunity, has an anti-inflammatory effect, dehydrates the body, affects the growth of bones, increases their strength. Hot calcium waters help with stomach ulcers and gastritis.

Magnesium is well absorbed by the body, helps to reduce spasms of the gallbladder, lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Iodine activates the function of the thyroid gland, participates in the processes of resorption and recovery. Bromine normalizes the function of the cerebral cortex. Fluorine is extremely important for the body: the lack of fluorine leads to the destruction of bones, in particular teeth. Manganese has a beneficial effect on sexual development enhances protein metabolism. Copper helps iron to pass into hemoglobin.

Iron is part of the structure of hemoglobin: its deficiency leads to anemia.

Carbonated mineral waters improve metabolism. Absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, carbon dioxide enhances the activity of the lungs, increases muscle tone.

Hydrogen sulfide mineral waters are used mainly in the form of baths. Hydrogen sulfide has a positive effect on blood vessels and the central nervous system. It also affects the glands that secrete hormones: the adrenal glands, the pituitary gland, and the thyroid gland.

The taste and temperature of mineral water have a stimulating effect through receptors on the cerebral cortex.

Indications for use.

Diseases of the stomach

Mineral water should be drunk with clinical severe symptoms pathology of the stomach (gastralgia, belching with air, heartburn, etc.), changes in the secret and motor functions of the stomach. With persistent heartburn, sour eructation, "late", "hungry" pains, drink mineral water two glasses an hour and a half before meals at a water temperature of 40-45 ° C.

In chronic gastritis with normal and increased secretory function of the stomach, treatment with mineral water is carried out for 3-4 weeks. Water is drunk in a warm form (temperature 40 ° C) without gas, one and a half glasses 1-1.5 hours before meals 3 times a day. Tyumenskaya, Isetskaya and Rafaylovsky Monastery are ideal as medicinal waters.

Those suffering from stomach ulcers and duodenum mineral water must be consumed in a warm form (40-45 ° C) without carbon dioxide, one and a half - two glasses 3 times a day for 1-1.5 hours before meals. Drink water slowly, in small sips.

In chronic hepatitis, drinking treatment with mineral water is carried out in time, depending on the secretory function of the stomach, 30-90 minutes before meals, two glasses each. Water temperature 40-50 °С.

In chronic infectious cholecystitis, mineral water is used at a temperature of 40-50 °C. With an abundance of inflammatory products in the bile and the presence of pathogenic microflora in it, the dose of water is increased to 250 ml and drunk in 2-3 doses with an interval of 20-30 minutes.

In the presence of atonic and hypotonic forms of gallbladder dyskinesia, mineral water is used cold and slightly thermal (18-35 ° C), and in the hypertonic form of dyskinesia - at a temperature of 38-50 ° C, 3 times a day, two glasses 30-90 minutes before meals (depending on the secretory function of the stomach).

Bowel disease

With intestinal dyskinesia with a predominance of hypotonic and hypokinetic components, mineral water is given 1 glass 3 times a day 40 minutes before meals. Water temperature - 20-25 °С. Intestinal dyskinesia with a predominance of hypertension and hyperkinesis, on the contrary, is treated with mineral water at a temperature of 40-45 ° C, given 100-150 ml 3 times a day.

Diseases of the genitourinary system

Mineral water has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps cleanse the kidneys and urinary tract, facilitating the release of stones. Water is taken only in a heated form (up to 40 ° C) on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals. However, the treatment process requires more frequent drinking of these mineral waters and in large quantities to ensure a regimen of frequent urination (2-3 glasses, 3-4 times a day). For chronic diseases urinary tract good choice as remedy there will be mineral waters "Tyumenskaya", "Isetskaya" or "Rafaylovsky Monastery".

Liver disease

In case of liver diseases (for example, viral hepatitis, hepatosis), mineral water is indispensable. It helps to restore the function of liver cells. They drink it 3 times a day, always in a heated form (40-45 ° C) in a gradually increasing dose of one and a half to two glasses at a time. The type of mineral water should be chosen depending on the initial secretory function of the stomach. Suitable water for the treatment of liver diseases will be Tyumenskaya, Isetskaya or Rafaylovsky Monastery.


Obese people need to drink a lot: in their body, the water content is greatly reduced. It is recommended to drink one and a half - two glasses of mineral water at room temperature 3 times a day 45-60 minutes before meals, after releasing all carbon dioxide. Siphonic bowel lavages are also shown.


Treatment with mineral water can slow down the development of diabetes. People with diabetes excrete large amounts of urine and are constantly thirsty. Therefore, they need to restore the lost fluid.

It is generally accepted for patients with diabetes to drink mineral water 3 times a day: before breakfast, lunch and dinner 45-60 minutes before meals, two glasses each. In addition to drinking treatment for diabetes, other methods can be used. internal use mineral waters: administration through a duodenal probe, therapeutic enemas, siphon bowel lavages.


A contraindication to the appointment of mineral waters for drinking is exacerbation of chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer disease with symptoms of nausea, vomiting, pain. Treatment with mineral water is also contraindicated in cases of diarrhea, especially if they are aggravated by its intake.


According to the concentration of mineral salts

Canteen. Mineral water suitable for daily use. The salt content in it does not exceed 1 gram per liter of water, and its composition does not contain biologically active chemical microcomponents (such as boron, bromine, arsenic, etc. in concentrations acceptable for mineral waters). As a rule, it is soft, pleasant in taste, without foreign smell and taste.

Therapeutic dining room. This water can contain from 1 to 10 grams of salts per liter of water. The advantage of medicinal table mineral waters, which include such waters as Tyumenskaya, Isetskaya and Rafaylovsky Monastery, is their versatility: they can be used as a table drink and systematically for treatment.

Therapeutic. The most saturated salt water. This category includes mineral waters with a mineralization of more than 10 grams per liter, or waters with a high content of active trace elements, such as arsenic or boron. It should be drunk strictly on the advice of a doctor.

By origin.

Atmospheric infiltration, formed as a result of infiltration of atmospheric and surface waters into rocks. They form mainly at shallow depths. Their mineralization rarely exceeds 5-15 g/l. In their anionic composition, HCO 3 - - and SO 4 2- - ions prevail, and Cl - - ions are either completely absent or play a subordinate role. Waters of atmospheric origin are characterized by different cationic composition and constancy of gas composition (CO 2 or N 2). Among the carbonic waters, the most common are hydrocarbonate and hydrocarbonate-sulfate waters of various cationic composition. Among nitrogenous waters of atmospheric origin, there are widespread low-mineralized siliceous thermal waters that form in hard-to-leach crystalline rocks, and sulfate and sulfate-chloride waters genetically associated with carbonate sedimentary rocks enriched in gypsum and anhydrite.

Sedimentary (sedimentary), formed as a result of burial and transformation of sea water. They form in horizons with extremely difficult water exchange. The mineralization of sedimentary waters varies from 10-20 to 35 g/l, while strong and ultra-strong brines reach 150-650 g/l. The anionic composition is dominated by chloride ions, which are a stable component of sea water. At total absence SO 4 2- - ions in waters of marine origin often contain a lot of bromine, iodine and boron. Being sodium or calcium in cationic composition, these waters are often enriched with Li, Sr, Rb compounds and organic substances. The main gas composition is represented by N 2 and CH 4 of biochemical origin, less often CO 2. Among sedimentary waters, bicarbonate-chloride sodium and sodium chloride waters, as a rule, methane, as well as calcium-sodium chloride predominantly nitrogenous waters are widespread. Carbonic waters of marine origin are predominantly hydrocarbonate-sulfate-chloride and chloride sodium and sodium-calcium waters.

Magmatic (juvenile) ones, which arose due to the condensation of endogenous vapors and gases. The wide participation of magmatic eruptions in the formation of groundwater, justified at the beginning of the 20th century. Viennese geologist E. Suess, is currently disputed by most researchers. Only partial participation of condensing magmatic vapors and gases in the supply of some types of thermal waters of zones of active volcanism is allowed.

Mixed, formed as a result of the displacement of ancient sedimentary waters by young infiltration waters.

According to the production method.

In addition to natural mineral waters, there are also artificially mineralized waters.

The production of artificially mineralized water goes through two stages. First, water is pumped out of an artesian well or water supply, then it is subjected to deep cleaning. Thorough filtration removes not only harmful impurities, but also all useful salts and minerals. The second stage is to saturate the purified water with salts. The output is not an active living environment, but simply a solution of salts. Artificial, or reconstituted, water, according to GOST, belongs to the class of soft drinks and has nothing to do with mineral waters.

By temperature.

Very cold (0-4 °C).

Cold (4-20 ° C).

Subthermal (20-37 °С).

Thermal (37-42 °С).

Hyperthermal (over 42 ° C).

By chemical composition.

The composition of mineral waters includes mainly salts of three basic acids, called macrocomponents: negatively charged ions (anions) of coal, called bicarbonates (anion HCO 3 -), hydrochloric - chlorides (anion Cl -), sulfuric - sulfates (anion SO 3 2- ). Of the positively charged salt ions (cations), the main macrocomponent composition of mineral waters is: sodium (Na + cation), calcium (Ca 2+ cation) and magnesium (Mg 2+ cation).

hydrocarbon waters. Reduce the acidity of gastric juice. At the same time, depending on the method of application, they can both stimulate and inhibit the secretion of gastric juice. Used in the treatment of urolithiasis. This group includes such popular waters as Narzan and Borjomi.

chloride waters. Stimulate metabolic processes in the body, improve the secretion of the stomach, pancreas, small intestine. Used for disorders of the digestive system. The well-known waters of the Yessentuki brand, as well as the products of the Siberian Mineral Company, are classified as sodium chloride.

sulfate waters. Stimulate the motility of the gastrointestinal tract, especially favorably affect the restoration of liver and gallbladder function. Used for diseases of the biliary tract, chronic hepatitis, diabetes, obesity.

Most mineral waters have a complex mixed structure (chloride-sulfate, hydrocarbonate-sulfate, etc.), which increases their therapeutic effect when used correctly.

Mineral waters, in addition to the main salt macrocomponent composition, often contain impurities of other chemical elements in microscopic quantities (microcomponents), which can also have a significant therapeutic or stabilizing effect on a living organism. The microcomponents of mineral water are usually those substances that in larger quantities are usually considered poisons for the body. All these substances (elements) are present in the human body in very small (trace) amounts and are usually part of various enzymes and are constantly involved in the process of water-salt metabolism. Therefore, they must be constantly replenished, including from water. The absence of one or some of them can lead to various human diseases.

So, for example, silicon is found in the hair and in the lens of the eye. Iodine is concentrated in the thyroid gland, is part of the hormone produced by it - thyroxine, which regulates the level of protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism, the activity of the nervous system. The daily requirement for iodine is not great and is only 100 mcg, but if it is not administered, then chronic diseases occur.

Boron and arsenic are specific microcomponents of mineral waters. In biotic doses, arsenic is considered a vital element. It is involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin, in the processes of oxidation and nucleic metabolism.

Allocate mineral waters with the presence of specific components in them. We list some of them:

glandular (iron content not less than 20 mg/l);

arsenic (arsenic content not less than 0.2 mg/l);

How to spot a fake.

Poor quality water can be identified by external signs. Table water should not have the smell of a film on top and sediment. True, it must be borne in mind that there are medicinal waters in which a small sediment is allowed, but this assumption does not apply to ordinary table drinking water, which is used for drinking and cooking.

Fake mineral water is not extracted from a well. A minimum of costs allows its producers to dump. Therefore, a low price (15-20% cheaper than the average market price) can be considered a sign of a fake.

You should also pay attention to the date of release of water: original products are not delayed in warehouses. If the water was released more than six months ago, it is probably a fake.

Before buying mineral water, you need to learn how to read the label. Each label must include the following information:

the degree of mineralization of water in grams per liter;

chemical composition, purpose (dining room, medical, medical-dining room), as well as indications for therapeutic use;

name of the group (hydrocarbonate sodium, chlorine sulfate, sodium, etc.);

well number or source name;

year, month and day of bottling;

volume in liters, storage conditions and expiration date;

manufacturer's trademark, trade mark;

manufacturer's address (if the water is imported, then the name and address of the importer);

number of GOST or TU.

General characteristics of the balneological resources of Belarus

On the territory of the republic there are the following balneological types of mineral waters (MB) and medicinal brines (LR):

without specific components of the composition and properties;

bromine water and iodine-bromine brines;

sulfide and hydrogen sulfide waters and brines;

ferruginous waters;

radon waters;

boric water;

waters with a high content of organic matter (Yasoveev, 1997).

In turn, within the balneological type, depending on the ratio of the main macrocomponents of the chemical composition, the presence of specific components in it, as well as the degree of mineralization, the MB and LR groups are distinguished. Note that the definition of the group complies with the requirements of GOST 13273-88 and STB 880-95, as well as similar standards of Russia, Ukraine and Poland.

The type and name of mineral water are determined by the ratio of macrocomponents of its chemical composition (Table 4.2), as well as the content of a specific balneological component in it in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents.

Influencing the processes of osmosis and diffusion, surface tension, electric charge of cells and metabolic processes, mineral waters affect the level of reactivity (the ability to change living conditions under the influence of various environmental factors) of cells and tissues. The severity and nature of these changes largely depend on the chemical composition of mineral waters, so the choice of it for drinking purposes has importance.

As mentioned above, the specificity of the action of mineral water in drinking treatment depends on its main ionic composition (cations - Na +, Ca2 +, Mg2T, anions - HCO3 SO42 C1) and the presence of specific components (As, Br, I, B, CO, H, S , organic matter, Fe, etc.).

Below is a description of the established mechanisms of action of various components of the composition of mineral waters on the human body.

Hydrocarbonate waters - are characterized by high concentrations of bicarbonate ion (HCO,). Chemically, the bicarbonate ion is usually associated with the sodium cation (Na+). The presence of the latter has an alkalizing effect on the contents of the stomach, contributes to a change acid-base balance. The property inherent in all mineral waters to stimulate or inhibit the secretion of gastric juice, depending on the time of its intake in relation to food intake, is especially pronounced when using hydrocarbonate waters. This circumstance makes it possible to consider waters of this composition as "universal". Hydrocarbonate waters contribute to the liquefaction and easier removal of pathological mucus from the mucous membrane of the stomach, urinary and respiratory tract while reducing inflammation. Alkalinization of body fluids contributes to an increase in solubility uric acid and, accordingly, contributes to the removal of the latter from the body. The intake of hydrocarbonate waters stimulates carbohydrate metabolism, which is successfully used in the treatment of patients with diabetes mellitus. They contribute to the absorption of trace elements, in particular iron. The presence of calcium ions in these waters promotes anti-inflammatory and antiseptic action, activates the activity of a number of enzyme systems, and increases urination. The presence of elevated concentrations of magnesium ions in hydrocarbonate waters has a choleretic and antispasmodic effect, reduces cholesterol.

Sulfate waters are characterized by the predominance of the sulfate ion (SO42 "). Of the cations in these waters, Na +, Mg2" and Ca2 + are most often present. They provide a pronounced irritant effect on the intestinal mucosa, accompanied by an increase in its motor (motor) function. This type of water significantly reduces the secretion of the stomach. Sulphate waters with a high content of magnesium ions increase the peristalsis of the biliary tract and bile formation, while the viscosity of bile decreases. The use of these waters improves hepatic blood flow, has a laxative effect, enhances metabolic processes, which contributes to the elimination of the inflammatory process in the biliary tract, the prevention of stone formation, and the increase in the outflow of bile from the gallbladder and its ducts. Sulfate waters somewhat reduce the absorption of proteins and fats, reduce cholesterol, normalize the concentration of free fatty acids. The result of treatment with these waters is the activation of oxidative processes in the body, the normalization of the content of total nitrogen and urea in the urine.

Sulphate waters are used in the treatment chronic diseases liver and biliary tract, metabolic diseases (diabetes mellitus, obesity), chronic constipation.

Chloride waters are characterized by a high concentration of chlorine ions (CH), which is most often found in combination with sodium cations, less often calcium. Drinking treatment with sodium chloride waters enhances metabolic processes, has a choleretic effect, stimulates the secretion of digestive glands, and has a laxative effect. Calcium chloride mineral waters have an anti-inflammatory effect, reduce the permeability of cell membranes.

Chloride waters are most effective for the treatment of diseases of the digestive system with a reduced secretory function of the stomach (gastritis, colitis, cholecystitis).

The scope of waters of chloride composition in balneotherapy expands significantly if they contain iodine and bromine. Since iodine favorably affects the processes of resorption and regeneration, activates the function of the thyroid gland, has a bactericidal effect, and participates in redox processes, chloride waters with an increased concentration of iodine are most often used in the treatment of inflammatory phenomena in the gastrointestinal tract, atherosclerosis and Graves' disease. .

Bromine-containing mineral waters regulate the functional state of the central nervous system, help eliminate spastic phenomena in the stomach and intestines, normalize the functions of the liver and gallbladder by reflex action, and stimulate the functioning of organs involved in metabolic processes. Due to these properties, bromine-containing waters are widely used in the treatment various forms neuroses.

Waters of complex composition are characterized by the presence of two or three anions with a high content of them. The action of these components of the chemical composition is integrated, which favors the expansion of indications for the use of mineral waters. This circumstance is important in medical practice, since with prolonged diseases of any part of the gastrointestinal tract, dysfunctions in other parts of the digestive system and, most often, other body systems are often noted.

Hydrocarbonate-chloride waters are prescribed in the treatment of chronic gastritis with reduced, normal and increased gastric secretion.

Sulfate-chloride waters have a beneficial effect in diseases of the stomach with reduced secretion and simultaneous damage to the liver and biliary tract, in intestinal diseases that occur with constipation.

Hydrocarbonate-sulfate waters have an inhibitory effect on gastric secretion and cause relaxation.

These waters are used for diseases of the stomach with increased secretory function and concomitant damage to the liver and intestines.

The specificity of the action of drinking mineral waters is determined not only by their basic ionic composition, but also by the content of biologically active substances (the action of two of them - bromine and iodine - is discussed above).

Iron is found in mineral waters of various chemical compositions. The iron in the water stimulates the formation of red blood cells, increases the content of hemoglobin, and contributes to the overall strengthening of the body. Drinking ferruginous waters is recommended for hypochromic anemia, acute anemia after blood loss and diseases, chronic anemia.

Siliceous waters have a beneficial effect on the health of the elderly, especially those suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diabetes and metabolic disorders. They are also indicated for skin diseases. Silicon waters have an anti-inflammatory effect, enhance the antitoxic function of the liver, which is due to the adsorption properties of silicic acid.

Boric mineral waters, when taken systematically, reduce the intensity of oxidative processes in the body, and are prescribed for obesity.

Carbon dioxide (CO2) stimulates the secretory and motor functions of the intestine.

Hydrogen sulfide waters (HS) increase the content of sulfhydryl compounds in liver tissues; when taken orally, they play an important role in the process of protein metabolism. They are used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, for diseases of the endocrine system (diabetes mellitus).

Radon waters (Rn) are used in drinking treatment for hypothyroidism and atherosclerosis. In addition, they contribute to the normalization of thyroid function, enhance the secretory and motor functions of the stomach. Radon waters are used in the treatment of chronic dystrophic diseases of the joints, diseases of the peripheral nervous system with the elimination of pain. The daily dose of radon when taking water inside is 1-3 μCi/dm3. The analgesic effect of radon waters depends on the time of use. So, taken with or after a meal, this water has a longer analgesic effect than drunk on an empty stomach.

Organic substances in drinking mineral waters contribute to the excretory function of the kidneys. The intake of waters with a high content of organic substances favors diuresis and the excretion of chlorides from the body, activates metabolic processes in the liver, and reduces the cholesterol content in the blood plasma. These waters are successfully used in diseases of the liver (especially in cholelithiasis), kidneys and urinary tract (pyelitis, cystitis, urolithiasis disease), as well as atherosclerosis.

Of the therapeutic factors of a non-chemical nature, it is necessary to note the influence of the temperature of mineral water on the effectiveness of drinking treatment. It has been established that cold water stimulates the motor function of the stomach and enhances intestinal peristalsis. Warm water inhibits the latter, thereby contributing to the resorption of foci of chronic inflammation. Under the influence of the temperature of mineral water, the pulse rate, vascular tone, etc. may change somewhat.

Mineral baths. These are baths from natural waters or mineral analogues. The former are mainly used in resorts, the latter - in medical institutions.

Mineral water baths, in addition to thermal and mechanical effects, have a specific chemical effect on the body, and therefore their use requires especially careful medical control.

Sodium chloride (salt) baths are taken from 10 to 20 minutes at a temperature of 35-38 ° C, every other day or two in a row with a break for the third. Total for the course of treatment - 12-15 baths.

Sodium chloride baths are indicated for hypertension I and Pa stage, initial manifestations of obliterating diseases of the vessels of the extremities, arthritis and polyarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, consequences of injuries of the musculoskeletal system, chronic inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, plexitis and consequences of spinal injuries and spinal cord.

Iodine-bromine baths are taken at a temperature of 35-37 ° C for 10-15 minutes, every other day. On the course - 15-20 baths.

Iodine-bromine baths are used for cerebral atherosclerosis, coronary disease heart, inflammatory and degenerative lesions of the musculoskeletal system, endocrine forms of female infertility, obesity, allergic and itchy dermatoses, chronic salpingo-oophoritis, mild forms of hypothyroidism.

Bishop baths. Bischofite is a natural mineral, which is a magnesium chloride bromine brine with a concentration of 400-450 g/dm3. It also contains a large number of various trace elements (bromine, iodine, boron, copper, iron, silicon, rubidium, molybdenum, titanium, lithium, etc.). It is used in the form of general or local baths. With a general effect, the bath is filled with water at a temperature of 36-37 ° C and bischofite brine is dissolved in it at a dilution of 1: 50, which corresponds to approximately 10 g / dm3. To prepare one bath (200 l), 4 l of bischofite brine are required. The duration of the procedure is 10-20 minutes, every other day. The course consists of 10-12 procedures.

Indications for taking bischofite baths: diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, arthrosis, osteoarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, consequences of injuries); diseases of the peripheral and central nervous system (radiculitis, neuritis, cerebral atherosclerosis, neurosis, neurocirculatory dystonia); inflammatory diseases of the female genital area; thyrotoxicosis; initial stages of hypertensive and ischemic heart disease.

While taking baths with bischofite, patients often show a balneological reaction. She expresses herself general weakness, palpitations, dizziness, headache, shortness of breath, exacerbation of the underlying disease. With severe balneoreaction, treatment should be interrupted for 2-3 days.

Hydrogen sulfide baths are taken every other day or two days with a break on the third day. Only 12-14 baths per course of treatment. In children, the duration of the procedure is 5-10 minutes, and the concentration of sulfides is 50-100 mg/dm3, for a course of treatment - 8-12 baths.

Sulfide baths are indicated for tubal infertility, adnexitis, prostatitis, obliterating diseases musculoskeletal system, neuralgia, causalgia, radiculitis, skin diseases (neurodermatitis, eczema, psoriasis).

General carbonic baths are used at a temperature of 34-36°C for 8-15 minutes, every other day. The course of treatment includes 12-15 baths.

Carbon dioxide baths are most widely used for cardiovascular diseases (myocardial dystrophy, cerebral atherosclerosis, hypotension, neurocirculatory dystonia of the hypotonic type). They are effective in neurosis and neurosis-like conditions, the consequences of injuries of the brain and spinal cord, peripheral nervous system, chronic bronchitis, hypothyroidism, hypofunction of the gonads.

More than 25 mineral water deposits have been explored in Belarus, which can produce 4.3 thousand m 3 of water per day (Table 4). Of these, only about 10% of the resources of the identified 11 types of mineral waters are still being used. Mineral waters of the republic with mineralization from 1.7 to 4.40 g/l are predominantly cold (10-15 0 C), with the exception of deep brines with temperatures up to 89 0 C, non-carbonated nitrogen (gas saturation up to 35 g/l), in the majority cases without specific components. According to the chemical composition, they are calcium-magnesium sulfate, sodium chloride, sodium-calcium chloride-sulfate, sodium chloride-sulfate, sodium chloride and calcium chloride with a high content of hydrogen sulfide, bromine, iodine. The most common chloride-sodium water. They have been explored on Lake Naroch, in Bobruisk, the Gomel region (sanatorium "Vasilyevka"), in the Brest region (sanatorium "Berestie").

Name of the mineral spring Opening year Location of the mineral spring Characteristics of mineral water
1 Bobruisk 1929 on the right bank of the river Berezina in Bobruisk up to a depth of 200 m chloride-sulfate, calcium-sodium, deeper - chloride-sodium
2 Dyatlovsky 1984 in the village of Dyatlovka sodium chloride
3 Yelsky 1955 near Elsk sodium chloride
4 Zhdanovichsky 1960 on the bank of the river Svisloch, 10 km from Minsk sulfate - chloride-sodium
5 Kopatkevichsky 1949 town of Kopatkevichi, Petrikovsky district sodium chloride
6 Letchanskaya 1961 r.Z. Dvina, 3 km from the village of B. Pilots of the Vitebsk region
7 Maleikovsky 1959 R. Dnieper near the village of Maleyki, Bragin district chloride, sodium
8 Minsk 1929 in Minsk chloride, sodium
9 Mogilevsky 1937 R. Dnieper near Mogilev sulfate-chloride and chloride-sulfate sodium-calcium
10 Narochinsky 1963 lake Naroch salty, sulfate-chloride, sodium
11 Pochtarevsky 1961 in Novopolotsk chloride-sulfate sodium-calcium
12 Prevomaisky 1960 near the village of Pervomaisk, Rechitsa district chloride, sodium
13 Prudoksky 1949 near the village of Prudok, Mozyr district chloride-sulfate sodium-calcium
14 Rogachevsky 1964 R. Dnieper, 12 km from Rogachev water at a depth of 211.5-256 m chloride-sulfate sodium-calcium, at a depth of 569.3-597.5 m chloride sodium-calcium

There is a prospect of opening radon waters in the central and western parts of the republic. Mineral waters of Belarus are widely used in hospitals and for bottling (Minsk mineral water). The resorts Naroch, Zhdanovichi, Rogachev, Gorval, Ushachi, Novoelnya, Bobruisk, Letsy, Chenki, Belyi Bereg, Beloe Lake operate on their basis.


Thus, the need of our population for clean, transparent, colorless, tasteless and odorless drinking water is quite obvious. This will save the health of millions of people, will save huge amounts of money that will potentially have to be spent on providing medical care for diseases arising from the use of poor-quality water.

Without any exaggeration, we can say that high-quality water that meets sanitary, hygienic and epidemiological requirements is one of the indispensable conditions for maintaining people's health. But in order for it to be useful, it must be purified from all harmful impurities and delivered clean to a person.

In recent years, the view of water has changed. Not only hygienists, but also biologists, engineers, builders, economists, and politicians began to talk about it more and more often. And it's understandable - the rapid development of social production and urban planning, the growth of material well-being, the cultural level of the population constantly increase the need for water, make it more rational to use it.


1. I.F. Livchak, Yu.V. Voronov "Environmental Protection",

2. St. Petersburg, 1996.

3. O.N. Malach UO "VSU named after P.M. Masherov" 2005

4. www.likar. info

6. Vasilyeva Z.A., Lyubinskaya S.M. health reserves. - L., 1981.

Attachment 1

Water Diet Schedule

On an empty stomach. So, the day should start with a glass of clean water (it is important that the water is filtered, which means it is healthy, otherwise the whole water mission will lose its meaning) before breakfast. You can add some lemon juice to the water and, in a ratio of 1: 1, good mood and hope for the coming day.

During the day. Since water gives a noticeable acceleration to the metabolic process and gives the body additional energy, it is a sin not to take advantage of this. Water is pristine from the presence of calories, cholesterol and fat. The individual daily "water dose" should be determined on the basis of personal weight (40 ml of water is required for every kilogram of body). Approximately 6-8 glasses of pure water per day (because tap water contains active chlorine and other unhealthy impurities, use any filtration system to ensure the quality and usefulness of purified water) sets the entire mechanism of the digestive system into effective work, the feeling of hunger and the obsessive desire to "chew something" disappear. Sports or summer heat slightly increase this rate.

Check with the clock. Drink water should be 20-30 minutes before meals or two hours after! During the meal, drinking is prohibited! Otherwise, there is a risk of disruption of the digestive process (water dilutes the gastric juice). The drunk dose of water immediately after the feast will also be harmful (the liquid comes out after 15 minutes and "washes" the still undigested dinner from the stomach, dooming it to the process of decay). Therefore, you should drink water only a few hours after a meal (two hours after starchy foods, four hours after protein foods), when all the food absorbed is successfully digested.

Favorable exchange. On the water diet, you don't have to be Don Quixote and fight windmills. No cardinal upheaval of the world, but just a few reasonable changes. So, replace your usual sugary sodas (why do you need extra calories?) And Diet Coke for water. It may be more difficult to fight the habit of drinking a glass of beer (with pizza then!) Or a cup of tea, coffee, which deceptively quench thirst, but in fact simply dehydrate the body (caffeine is a conscientious diuretic, don't forget). Only the smell of coffee for many is associated with happiness and peace. In this case, count on a cup of fragrant pleasure to have a glass of crystal water.

Feel the taste. Turn your next diet into a fun water game. Get large and beautiful glasses for water in the house. Take care of the quality of the water you drink, because this issue is often more important than the composition of the rest of the diet. Remember, water makes its way into every cell of your body, participating in all vital processes. Therefore, it is so responsible that the water is pleasant, clean, without harmful impurities. Buy a high-quality filter (for example, Aquaphor), which is able to work for the benefit of your health and beauty day and night, making the prescribed rate of 6-8 glasses of water safe and healthy. Learn to drink water slowly and with taste, in small sips (this is useful because it does not overload the stomach and kidneys), or through a straw, like a cocktail at a bar. Most importantly, have fun!

Appendix 2

Recipes for soft drinks.

orange frappe

Ingredients: 50 g milk ice cream; 2 teaspoons grape juice; 2 teaspoons of lemon juice; 1 tablespoon orange syrup; half a glass of carbonated mineral water ...

Baby hoods

Ingredients: 2 peaches, 300 g raspberries, Apple juice and mineral water to taste in a ratio of 1: 1; 1 kg of melon, 1 kg of watermelon, 2 kiwi fruits, mineral water and apple juice to taste in proportion 1:

health cocktails

The first group of cocktails is rich in vitamins A, C and E. With their help, you can improve not only the condition of the skin, but also your overall appearance. Mix 80 ml of blackberry juice with 90 ml of white grape juice...

watermelon cocktail

Ingredients: 1 kg of watermelon; 1 liter of mineral water; 4 tablespoons of honey; nuts. Cut the pulp of the watermelon into pieces, dip into cocktail glasses, pour honey ...

Coffee with mineral water

In sweet chilled coffee with milk (sugar to taste) add the same amount of chilled mineral water...

Peaches and currants

Ingredients: 10 peaches; 3 glasses of peach juice; 3 liters of currant juice; 1/4 cup sugar; 2 glasses of mineral water. Wash the peaches, peel and remove the pits...

Drink with cranberries and pomegranate

Ingredients (serves 4): 1 liter of mineral water; 200 g cranberries; 1 pomegranate; sugar to taste. Wash the pomegranate, cut off the top. With a knife, make several deep longitudinal cuts on the peel ...

Drink "Awakening"

Ingredients: 1 liter of very strong tea; 1 liter orange juice; 1 liter of carbonated mineral water; 2 lemons; refined sugar to taste...

citrus drink

Ingredients: 4 oranges (peeled and cut into 6-8 pieces, pitted); 1 lemon (peeled and cut into 4-6 parts, pitted); 150 g of sugar; 6-8 ice cubes...

Lemon sparkling tea

Ingredients: 1.5 teaspoons of tea; 1 glass of water; A quarter of a lemon; 20 g of rum; 1/2 tablespoon of sugar; 150 g of mineral water. Put lemon, rum, sugar into strong brewed tea...

Annex 3

cosmetic recipes.

Makeup remover

Ingredients: 0.5 l of mineral water, 2 teaspoons of sea (edible) salt, juice of 1 lemon. Pour some of the mineral water into a glass, stir in salt and lemon juice, pour back into the bottle and shake...

Facial skin care

For the care of oily, porous and combination skin, Borjomi, Essentuki, Narzan and other mineral waters with a high salt content, for example, Tyumenskaya, are suitable ...

Man is 70% water. It is for this reason that water is the first and vital important product. Health, beauty and longevity directly depend on the quality and properties of the water consumed. The quality of drinking water, beauty and health, human longevity, are in a fairly rigid relationship. The main sources of drinking water for the majority of the population are certainly:

  • urban water supply;
  • spring water;
  • mineral water;

According to the laboratory of drinking water supply of the Research Institute of Human Ecology and the Environment of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, 90% of water supply networks supply water to homes that does not meet sanitary standards. The main reason for the presence of harmful nitrates, pesticides, oil products and salts of heavy metals in tap water is the catastrophic condition of the water and sewer systems. The combination of sewage water with emissions from enterprises gives an additional effect: bacteria - E. coli, pathogenic microorganisms, cholera vibrio, etc. are added to the above chemical components of drinking water.

One should not overestimate the "purified" water in plastic bottles, the quality of which is not always higher than ordinary tap water. In order for all processes in the human body to proceed optimally, water must have certain qualities.

How can we change physiochemical properties water to make it: clean, "liquid", biologically available, easily digestible, safe, reactive, structured, just such that it meets the needs of a living cell?

For a clearer understanding, each item should be considered in more detail.

Water purity
Surface tension

Water should be "liquid", biologically available, easily digestible, i.e. the degree of surface tension between water molecules should not be too high. Tap water has a degree of surface tension up to 73 dynes/cm, and intra- and extracellular water about 43 dynes/cm. The cell requires a large amount of energy to overcome the surface tension of water. A direct relationship has been found between the quality of drinking water, human health and life expectancy.

Resistivity (conductivity)

Determines the concentration of electrolyte in the blood, saliva, lymph, urine. This indicator is key for the implementation of bioinformation flows between the cells of the body. The vital activity of the organism, mobility and coordination of all its systems and individual organs essentially depend on this.

Acid-base balance of water

The main living environments (blood, lymph, saliva, intercellular fluid, cerebrospinal fluid, etc.) have a slightly alkaline reaction. Water should be neutral, and preferably slightly alkaline. When they shift to the acidic side, biochemical processes change, the body becomes acidic. This leads to the development of diseases.

Redox potential of water (ORP)

An indicator of the number of electrons and the energy potential of the liquid. The ORP of the water must match the ORP of the extracellular fluid. It ranges from -100 to -200 millivolts (mV). Then the body will not need to spend additional energy to equalize ORP.

Water structure

Dipoles of water molecules are oriented in space in a certain way, connecting into structural conglomerates. This allows the liquid to form a single bioenergy-information environment. All fluid in the body is structured. Only in this state is it capable of conducting energy impulses. When water is in a state of solid crystal, molecular lattice rigidly oriented.

Information memory of water

Due to the structure of the crystal, biofield information is recorded. This is one of the very important parameters of water, which is of great importance for the human body. Water should have as little negative information as possible. Transmission of negative information into a cell violates its bioenergy-information characteristics.

Hardness of water

The presence of salts in it. The degree of interaction of water with other substances also depends on the hardness.

Water mineralization

The presence of minerals and trace elements in water is necessary for health. Body fluids are electrolytes, and replenishment of the mineral composition is, among other things, due to water.

Water, which has low surface tension, slightly alkaline reaction, high redox potential and crystal structure, is the most favorable and curative for human health. Such drinking water is living water, which optimizes all internal processes and prolongs human life.

We can: boil, stand, filter, freeze and thaw, electroactivate, mineralize, change the pH using chemical methods, magnetize, distill, influence it with light, sound, biofield and much more.

How safe all these water manipulations are for the body can only be shown by accurate scientific research and experiments. But one thing is clear, nature does not forgive rude and inept interventions.

Creation date: 2015/02/12

Fresh water has become the most vulnerable part of nature, because its properties are a universal solvent. Wastewater, fertilizers, mercury, arsenic, heavy metal ions in large quantities fall into rivers and lakes. According to experts, in some areas of the earth, 80% of all diseases are caused by poor-quality water.

All this determined the research problem: what properties should drinking water have in order not to harm human health.

Currently, more and more attention is paid to the purity of drinking water. This is explained by the fact that water is an important component of the liquid environment of the body (i.e. the human body is two-thirds water), in which a large number of chemical reactions that underlie life take place. At the same time, water also poses a danger to human health. Considering this issue, we came to the conclusion that two groups of dangers can be distinguished:

1. Water is a direct route for the transmission of infectious diseases. A large group of intestinal diseases, such as cholera, typhoid fever, and dysentery, spread by water. According to the World Health Organization, 80% of all infectious diseases in the world occur due to poor water quality or violation of sanitary and hygienic standards due to its lack. The main reservoir of pathogens, intestinal viruses in environment are faeces and domestic wastewater. Experimental data indicate that the content of enteric viruses in domestic wastewater can reach 700 per 100 cm³ of wastewater. 2. There are diseases of the body associated with the microelement composition of water.

Depending on the content of ions, natural waters are divided into fresh waters, the salinity of which does not exceed 1 g/dm³, the mineralization is from 1 to 50 g/dm³, and brines are above 50 g/dm³. . The mineralization of groundwater in Russia increases from North to South. The study of the effect of water with a mineralization of 1.5-3 g / dm³ of dry residue showed its negative effect on the secretory function of the stomach and on the water-salt balance, in which water is retained in the body and edema may occur - on the legs, under the eyes.

IN AND. Vernadsky developed at one time the theory of biogeochemical provinces - geographical areas where the causative factor of a certain group of diseases is the mineral composition of water characteristic of the area. Up to 65 trace elements found in the tissues of animals and plants were found in water. Twenty of them have been proven to be important for the organism of animals and humans.

The most studied effect on the body of fluorine. The average daily requirement for it is 2000-3000 mcg, and a person receives 70% of this amount with water, and only 30% with food. With prolonged use of water, poor in fluorine salts, dental disease develops - caries. No less harmful is the excess content of fluorine, it leads to another disease of the teeth - fluorosis, characterized by a peculiar mottling and brownish coloration of the tooth enamel. Sometimes this process can lead to complete destruction of the teeth.

It turned out that nitrates are not only an indicator of water pollution, but also can cause disturbances in hemoglobin metabolism, resulting in respiratory failure at the cellular level.

With an insufficient amount of iodine in the water, the development of endemic goiter is associated - a disease that is manifested by an increase in the thyroid gland, often by bulging eyes. Iodine deficiency is corrected by salt iodization.

Currently, there are many methods for disinfecting drinking water at a waterworks: ozonation, UV irradiation, etc. But chlorination is most widely used.

Currently, water is chlorinated using aluminum sulfate. The dirtier the water, the more “chlorine” is added, and this is unsafe, because. compounds harmful to human health are formed. As a result of this, bacteria continue to live quietly, unextracted metals and toxic salts are preserved.

A person drinks an average of 2.5 liters of water per day. Having performed a simple multiplication exercise, we found out how much "chemistry" will enter the body in 50 years of life. By the way, during this time a person drinks more than 45.5 tons of water.

What enters the body with water in 50 years?

  • 16 kg of chlorides (two buckets of bleach)
  • Harm: chlorinated water has a bad effect on the esophagus and stomach, increases pressure, exacerbates asthma, atherosclerosis and heart ischemia. Causes skin irritations, allergies. According to scientists from Columbia University (USA), those who drink chlorinated water have a 44% increased risk of cancer of the gastrointestinal tract and bladder.

    What to do: put a filter with activated carbon(it completely removes chlorine) or boil water. In its pure form (from the tap), it is better not to use it.

  • 2 kg nitrates
  • Harm: nitrates, which accumulate in water with an excess of nitrogen fertilizers in the soil, cause oxygen starvation, stomach cancer, adversely affect the nervous and cardiovascular systems, the development of embryos. Plus teeth get unnecessary fertilizer every morning and evening. This causes tooth decay and leads to gum disease.

    What to do: cook food with bottled water, use it as drinking water. And also buy yourself a paste with a high content of fluoride, it will beat off the nitrate attack on the teeth. But be sure to check with your dentist if excess fluoride will harm you.

  • 14 g iron (nail)
  • Harm: Excess iron in the body affects the kidneys. Water with a high content of this chemical element in it tastes disgusting, it has a cloudy brown color.

    What to do: boil water! And for cleaning, use filters that remove hardness salts, dissolved iron, as well as insoluble impurities from the water.

  • 23 g aluminum (aluminum spoon)
  • Harm: aluminum accumulates in the liver, as well as in vital areas of the brain, leading to severe disorders of the central nervous system. Especially dangerous for men after 30 years, whose liver is already touched by alcohol.

    What to do: in cases where the disease has already manifested itself, the situation can no longer be corrected by boiling water. Switch to drinking bottled water, mineral water.

Virus contamination of the water supply systems of the Novooskolsky and Chernyansky districts, the cities of Belgorod, Gubkin, Stary Oskol was detected.

Due to natural features, water areas have an increased concentration of iron. In recent years, 80% of the population of the region use drinking water that does not meet the requirements Sanitary regulations by iron content; more than 5% of the population consume water of increased hardness; about 1.3% of the population - with a high content of nitrates and 0.3% - ammonium nitrogen. Diverse contamination of drinking water has been established in Stary Oskol and the Stary Oskol district.

On the territory of the region, diseases of the genitourinary system, primarily kidney and ureteral stones, can be directly related to the quality of drinking water. The spread of this disease has increased by almost 55%!

More than 2% of the region's population used water with a high content of nitrates.

According to experts, of the poisons that regularly enter the human body, 70% come from food, 20% from the air and 10% from water. The fact that water is in last place here is not a reason for joy. Rather, it suggests that drinking water does not meet the highest quality requirements that were once placed on it.

One of the effective measures to solve the problem of using clean drinking water by the population is the ban on the consumption of tap water and the sale of water of guaranteed quality in plastic bottles that are filled directly from wells and delivered to consumers.

From this article you will learn:

  • What are the benefits of drinking water for disease prevention?
  • What are the benefits of water for skin and beauty
  • Is water good for weight loss?
  • What water is useful
  • How strong is the benefit of spring water for the human body

A person can live much longer without food than without water. But the liquid not only supports our life, it has great healing power, which was well known in ancient times. But what is the benefit of water for humans? It does not contain vitamins and many minerals, but often has a beneficial effect on the body. What is the secret here? Let's try to figure it out.

Useful functions of water

Water in the human body performs the following functions:

  1. Dissolves mineral and nutrients - vitamins, amino acids, etc.
  2. Carries electrons around the body.
  3. It is directly involved in the process of thermoregulation of the body.
  4. Promotes muscle work.
  5. Plays a major role in digestive system person.
  6. Without water, it is impossible to safely remove the body's waste products, including toxins.

This list is endless. In fact, every single system of the human body is dependent on fluid to some extent. It is in some way the fuel that our body runs on. Scientists and doctors are well aware of this, and therefore they do not get tired of repeating the benefits of drinking water for human health.

Benefits of water for disease prevention

  • hardening.

Everyone knows that it is easier to prevent trouble than to deal with its consequences later. The same applies to disease prevention. A strong immune system protects a person from many ailments. Swimming, dousing and cold and hot shower. Short-term cooling followed by rapid heating - the best method of hardening has not yet been invented. That is why going to the bathhouse or sauna is so good for strengthening health. If you prefer a contrast shower, do not forget to rub yourself with a damp washcloth or rough towel after it.

Anyone who has tried to douse with cold water knows that the body literally starts to burn after that. This is the warm-up, which strengthens the immune system. If you quickly alternate heat and cold, you can achieve a much greater effect. It is worth plunging into the hole after a hot bath, and then running into the steam room again - and you get the feeling that you were born again. No wonder our ancestors considered the bath a remedy for any ailments and even old age.

  • Drink.

The benefits of pure water for the human body are undeniable. Scientists have long proven that people who regularly drink water in small sips have very strong immunity. Moreover, their skin looks better, and their weight is almost always normal. If you drink water in small portions throughout the day, the condition of the internal organs will improve, the work of the gastrointestinal tract will normalize, and the risk of a stroke or heart attack will significantly decrease.

Thanks to the water spinal cord starts working as efficiently as possible. It is also useful for hematopoietic systems bone marrow, as it prevents the development of serious blood diseases.

Some people don't handle sudden change well. climatic conditions, for example, during business trips, vacations, etc. The immune system fails, and a person can get sick. Again, water helps to avoid such troubles, drinking which well stimulates the immune system.

With the help of water, dead cells of foreign infections are removed from the body. That is why doctors strongly advise drinking warm water for acute respiratory infections and other infectious diseases. Body poisoning level dead cells decreases, the remnants of medicinal substances are washed out - and the person recovers much faster.

Water fills the lungs with oxygen-carrying red blood cells.

Without fluid, body heat exchange is impossible. The human body cools down in extreme heat through perspiration.

However, the benefits of drinking water for the human body do not end there. It is a source of vitality and energy, as it promotes deep healthy sleep, starts rejuvenation processes in the body, accelerates recovery reactions, has a beneficial effect on the lymphatic and circulatory system, cleanses and strengthens the bronchi and lungs.

Benefits of water for skin and beauty

Cosmetic skin care without the use of liquid is unimaginable. However, water not only cleanses the skin, it trains the body and has a good effect on the nervous system - which is most beneficial for the appearance. Hygiene rules have long been part of our daily lives. Today it is difficult to find a person who would not perform daily water procedures.

For the skin to be healthy and look young, its stratum corneum should be approximately 20% water. As soon as this figure is halved, the skin becomes dry and rough.

Previously, scientists believed that the skin is moisturized exclusively by sweat and sebaceous glands. And if they do not work at full strength, this immediately affects the appearance of a person. Then it turned out that even if dry skin is regularly treated with oily cream, it will not become normal. Moreover, even oily skin may well be dehydrated. And for its proper hydration, many different substances are required.

It is necessary to start fighting the aging process in time and carry out appropriate procedures on a regular basis. To keep your skin healthy, you need to:

  • sleep well;
  • to live an active lifestyle;
  • protect the skin from the sun;
  • eat properly;
  • devote time to physiotherapy, which affects the biochemical processes of the skin;
  • use high quality cosmetics.

The health benefits of water are undeniable. But no less obvious is the fact that this is not always the case. For example, a tap liquid saturated with calcium, magnesium and some other elements only harms the skin of the face, drying it out, making it rough, flaky and causing inflammation. Therefore, it is categorically not recommended to use tap water for facial care - especially for people with dry, thin and sensitive skin.

To prevent premature aging of the dermis, use pre-boiled water for washing. If you let it settle, it will become much less rigid. And melt or rain water will give the skin a velvety texture.

And, most importantly, learn how to wash. The following statement may sound somewhat paradoxical, but not all people do it right. The meaning of washing is that the cells of the stratum corneum of the skin swell and are rejected along with the remnants of sweat, dust and dirt that have settled on them. If during water procedures to pat and stroke the skin, the cleansing effect of water is enhanced. In addition, the blood begins to run faster through the veins, the metabolism accelerates, and the skin tone improves.

It is best to wash your face with water at room temperature: in this case, the blood rushes to the skin, which improves the nutrition of the latter.

The benefits of water for the human body lies primarily in the fact that it is an indispensable source of nutrients and energy. The fluid flowing through cell membranes can be compared to water masses that make the turbines of a power plant rotate. Without enough of it, our body simply will not be able to “work” at full strength. That is why you need to drink more. Moreover, preference is given not to tea or coffee, juices or lemonades, but to purified water. Only she is able to supply the body with the amount of fluid it needs.

The beauty of our skin largely depends on this. Cells that do not receive enough water stop producing new energy and begin to use previously accumulated reserves.

The elasticity and smoothness of the skin healthy look are also directly dependent on water, which supplies the cells with the necessary nutrients. Consuming a small amount of liquid, you make your skin starve, which most negatively affects its health.

If you want to look young, have beautiful and smooth skin, drink clean water regularly. Believe me, no cosmetics will help improve complexion if the body does not receive enough fluid.

Benefits of water for weight loss

The benefits of water for the human body also lies in the fact that its reasonable consumption helps to get rid of excess weight. But dehydration significantly reduces the rate of fat burning. In addition, a person whose body does not have enough fluid (and, therefore, oxygen) gets tired much faster.

What is the purpose of drinking water?

  • By burning fat, the end products of metabolism are released. They need to be removed from the body, which is what water does.
  • Liquid dissolves food and stimulates work digestive enzymes. If the body has enough water, it absorbs nutrients better.
  • Adequate hydration ensures the transport of nutrients to the tissues and cells of the body.
  • The benefits of water for the human body lies in the fact that a sufficient amount of it stimulates the burning of calories and reduces the feeling of hunger. Those who drink enough, want to eat less, and this contributes to weight loss.

Scientists have found that if the body is low on fluid, it often interprets thirst as a lack of food and sends signals to the brain that coincide with hunger impulses. As a result, a person, instead of just drinking a glass of water, begins to "jam" thirst, which leads to the deposition of fat in problem areas. But it is necessary in such a situation to satisfy the body's need for fluid - and the feeling of hunger will disappear by itself.

  • If a person who wants to lose weight drinks cold water, he will thereby force the body to spend energy on maintaining normal temperature body. According to research, two liters of cold water per day causes an additional burning of 123 kcal.
  • The body, adequately provided with water, better tolerates physical activity. In this case, the tone of muscle tissue is easier to maintain, training is more successful, muscle pain after strength exercises almost not felt.

To prove the benefits of water for the human body, scientists conducted an experiment. It was attended by 48 people who were divided into two groups. People from the first category followed a healthy diet and drank two glasses of water 20–30 minutes before each meal. Participants of the second group adhered only to the diet.

Three months later, it turned out that each of the members of the first team managed to lose about 7 kg, while the successes of people from the second group were somewhat more modest, and they lost about 5 kg in weight.

Scientists also found that the optimal amount of fluid for a healthy person is 1.5–2 liters per day. Moreover, it is not recommended to drink water during a meal - just like within an hour after a meal. This can lead to disruption of the digestive process.

What water is useful

Natural water cannot be absolutely pure. It necessarily contains certain impurities: gases, bacteria and fungi, organic compounds and simple microorganisms. Such a liquid can be fresh, mineral and salty - depending on its saturation with salts. You can drink only fresh and mineral water. Salty not only does not benefit the human body, but also causes direct harm to it.

Without fresh water entering the body, dehydration begins - which is deadly for human health. Fluid is vital for us. A person needs about 2-3 liters of clean water per day, or 30-40 ml per 1 kg of body weight. If it is hot outside or we are experiencing increased physical activity, its amount should be increased by 1–1.5 liters.

Fresh water can be obtained by us from the tap or from natural sources. Recently, special bottled water has been sold in stores. Everyone decides for himself which liquid and for what needs he will use.

There are the following types of water, in varying degrees, useful to humans:

  • spring;
  • thawed;
  • boiled;
  • mineral;
  • distilled.

Sea and lemon water deserve special mention. Let's talk about each type of water in more detail.

The benefits of spring water for the human body

The advantages of spring water are as follows:

  • It has a properly balanced chemical and physical composition of the elements.
  • Gives people who drink it strength and energy.
  • Contains a large amount of oxygen.
  • Has natural qualities.
  • Does not need boiling or chlorination.

Some believe that spring water has some magical properties. Of course, this is not so, but it brings great benefits to a person, scientists have a common opinion on this matter.

In order for the use of spring water to have a beneficial effect on the body, it is necessary to follow certain recommendations. The main thing is to take water from trusted sources. Approach the spring carefully so as not to accidentally pollute it. Some keys hit rather weakly, and it may take a considerable amount of time to fill a container with water. The benefits of spring water for a person are undoubted, but it should be remembered that it quickly loses its healing properties, and it cannot be stored for a long time. You need to drink it for a maximum of several days.

In fact, really useful sources are not so common. If you mistakenly take the most ordinary reservoir for a spring and draw water there, it is easy to harm your health. Such a liquid may be contaminated with E. coli or harmful bacteria, contain pesticides or radionuclides, contain arsenic, lead, mercury or other dangerous chemical compounds. In order not to take risks in vain, you need to carefully study the surrounding area. The presence of industrial enterprises nearby is unlikely to make even spring water useful for humans. On the contrary, with big share likely to cause irreparable harm to health.

The benefits of melt water for humans

The peculiarity of melt water is that it penetrates the cells and tissues of the body much faster than ordinary water, thus providing a more active water-salt metabolism. Why is this happening? The fact is that freezing cleanses the liquid of heavy impurities, making it not only safer for human health, but also extremely useful. Melt water is a source of vigor, its use significantly improves the overall well-being of a person.

Thanks to this drink, metabolism is enhanced, and excess adipose tissue begins to break down. This is due not only to the very structure of the water, but also to its low temperature, because the body spends excess energy on heating the liquid. In addition, melt water is quite soft, which has a good effect on the work of the heart muscle, brain activity and blood composition.

Melt water, due to its special structure, affects the process of cleansing the body, which, in turn, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. The drink removes excess cholesterol from the blood, and this good prevention diseases of blood vessels and veins: the walls of capillaries become much stronger and more elastic, blood clots gradually dissolve.

Also, the benefits of melt water for humans lies in its rejuvenating effect and general strengthening of the immune system.

Melt water has the following beneficial properties:

  • immunostimulating;
  • protective;
  • cleansing;
  • rejuvenating;
  • strengthening.

Thanks to melt water, the nervous and endocrine systems of the body begin to work better. People who use such water every day sleep well, become more attentive, and even after a hard day's work they are able to be active. Doctors recommend drinking melt water at any age - it helps to stop the aging process. In place of dead cells, quickly leaving the body, new ones begin to form.

Melt water brings great benefits to the digestive system, and is also able to eliminate dermatological problems and allergy symptoms.

However, melt water can bring not only benefits to the human body, but also harm. To prevent this from happening, the core, which accumulates heavy compounds in itself, must be drained. In addition, it is better not to prepare melt water from ice or snow collected on the territory of industrial cities. In this case, the liquid will contain soot and various types of toxic substances.

The benefits of sea water for humans

Sea water not only has a general strengthening effect on the human body, but also has other exceptionally useful qualities:

  1. She strengthens endocrine system person. Stimulation of the latter occurs when swimming in the sea and even just when a person is in the appropriate climate. Also, sea water activates the work of the center of regulation of the neuroendocrine system (hypothalamus).
  2. Useful in the prevention and treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
  3. Sea water (like sea air) is rich in iodine and salts, useful in the treatment of throat diseases and restoration of work vocal cords. Gargling with such a throat liquid has the most beneficial effect on the ligaments, rids the body of various pathogenic microbes. Doctors especially recommend such procedures for pharyngitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis and others. similar diseases. In this case, it plays the role of a natural local antiseptic.
  4. It contains large amounts of calcium, bromine and iodine, which help strengthen gum tissue and tooth enamel. To get the appropriate effect, you just need to regularly rinse your mouth with warm sea water. The only thing is that it is recommended to purchase it in a pharmacy, and not take it directly from the sea. Water taken from the shore is not suitable for such purposes, as it may contain a large amount of dirt. The duration of the procedure also matters: it should be at least two minutes.
  5. Also, the benefit of sea water is that, acting as an antibiotic, it accelerates the healing of cuts, abrasions and insect bites. Due to the presence of salts and trace elements in it, small wounds are well cleaned and heal much faster.

Benefits of boiled water

If you boil water, you can solve several problems at once, namely:

  • reduce its rigidity ;
  • disinfect;
  • reduce its chlorine content.

Thanks to boiled water, food in the stomach is broken down better, without using a lot of energy. It has a beneficial effect on the mental and physical condition person. In addition, the use of hot water helps to speed up the process of splitting fats.

The benefits of boiled water for the body are not limited to this. After drinking hot tea, the body temperature rises, a person begins to sweat, and this helps to cleanse the bloodstream and quickly remove toxins. In addition, drinking warm boiled water and tea is very useful for people who have a sore throat or stuffy nose.

When water is boiled, hard salts precipitate to the bottom of the kettle, and most of pathogenic bacteria are killed. This is especially true for the hot season, when even chlorinated liquid contains a huge number of microbes.

The benefits of lemon water for the human body

Water with lemon contains ascorbic acid, which helps to strengthen the immune system, and therefore is very beneficial for health. But the lemon drink has other healing properties:

  1. Thanks to him, the content of sugar in the blood decreases, the body is filled with energy. Also, lemon water has a tonic and antipyretic effect.
  2. Doctors recommend drinking such a drink for diseases of the cardiovascular system. Lemon contains vitamin P, which is very useful for the body, which is present only in a few vegetables and fruits. It gives elasticity to blood vessels and capillaries and is absolutely indispensable in the prevention of thrombosis.
  3. Lemon water is good for people with disabilities to drink mineral metabolism who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Such a drink helps with hypertension, rheumatism and common sore throat.
  4. Drinking water with lemon is recommended for those who want to lose weight.

Thus, the benefits of lemon water for the human body are beyond doubt. But it is worth remembering that the effect of lemon on the gastrointestinal tract is not always safe. Therefore, before drinking water with lemon, you should consult your doctor.

Benefits of mineral water

Water with a unique mineral composition energizes the human body, helps it fight various infections.

Mineral water has the following extremely useful qualities:

  • Provides the body with essential trace elements.
  • Activates enzymes.
  • Strengthens body cells.
  • Strengthens bone tissue and tooth enamel.
  • Regulates acid-base balance.
  • Improves a person's well-being.
  • Strengthens his immunity.

Also, the benefit of mineral water for a person is that it very effectively cleanses the body, quickly removing toxins and toxins from it. Mineral water normalizes metabolism, which is very useful for people who want to lose weight.

Such water increases the tone of the body during increased mental and physical stress.

Regular consumption of mineral water normalizes blood pressure and strengthens the nervous system. Heated mineral water is good for inflammation, pain and spasms in the stomach.

Thanks to mineral water, the contents of the gallbladder are liquefied and bile is drained.

But it should be remembered: for this drink to bring health benefits, it should be consumed on a regular basis.

Distilled water and its benefits for humans

Purified water can also be very beneficial for the body. It has the following medicinal properties:

  • Completely cleanses the body of harmful substances.
  • Increases immunity.
  • Helps in the fight against excess weight.
  • Reduces the amount of allergens in the blood.
  • Normalizes the work of the kidneys.
  • Facilitates the condition of the body after a person has consumed a significant amount of alcohol.
  • Reduces the risk of dehydration of organs and joints.
  • Promotes the deposition of salts in the liver and kidneys.

True, some believe that drinking distilled water can not only benefit the human body, but also cause harm. Moreover, if some arguments are absolutely based on nothing, then others have a certain basis.

What happens if you don't drink water

Of course, it is impossible to completely refuse water - otherwise a fatal outcome is inevitable within a few days. In real life, it is very difficult to die from dehydration, because the liquid is present in the composition of many products. But if you refuse to drink water and start trying to get it indirectly, this threatens with the following very unpleasant consequences:

  • Problems with the respiratory system.
  • Infections of the genitourinary system.
  • Disorder of the nervous system.
  • Digestive problems.
  • Constipation.
  • Eczema.
  • Rheumatism.
  • Gaining excess weight.
  • General weakness of the body.

How to drink water to be healthy

The amount of water that you need to drink per day should be at least four liters. And better - more. Adequate hydration cleanses the body of accumulated harmful substances and helps to strengthen the immune system. True, such a practice of drinking is completely unacceptable if a person has diseased kidneys, has a tendency to edema, or has other health problems. In addition, we should not forget that the liquid in large quantities washes out useful minerals from the cells and in some cases thins the blood.

According to the recommendation of the World Health Organization, a healthy person should consume 30 ml of water per 1 kg of body weight per day. That is, those who weigh about 70 kg should drink at least 2 liters daily. If your body weight is less, then the amount of water consumed can be reduced. But those who live in a hot climate, play sports or just lead an active lifestyle, need to drink more.

How do you know if you are drinking enough water? The easiest way is to pay attention to the color of urine. Too dark urine is a sign that there is not enough fluid in the body. Another method is to put your hand on the table with your palm down and pinch it from the outside. The immediate return of the skin to its normal state indicates that the level of cell hydration is satisfactory. If the skin is smoothed out slowly, the body needs more fluid.

In order for water to benefit the human body, you need to drink it correctly. Try to follow these tips:

  1. Drink 1-2 glasses of water as soon as you wake up. Thus, you will cleanse the intestines of toxins accumulated overnight and start metabolic processes in the body.
  2. Drink water warm or at room temperature. From the cold, the body may experience shock, spasms are likely. According to experts in Chinese traditional medicine, ice water contributes to a sharp slowdown in metabolism, which often leads to a set of extra pounds.
  3. Drink water in small sips - so you do not impede the work of the kidneys.
  4. If you go to the gym, you should not drink large amounts of water at once between exercises. First, restore your breath, then fill your mouth with water, hold it there for a while, and only then swallow it. If the sip seems small, take another one. Wait 15-20 seconds, and only then resume classes.
  5. Juices and compotes, even tea or coffee, have a diuretic effect, and therefore are not able to replace ordinary clean water.

If the water quality leaves much to be desired…

The problem of dirty water in the house can be partially solved by installing a high-quality filter, but in such systems it is periodically necessary to replace components, because it directly depends on how well the drinking liquid will be cleaned.

At the same time, the question remains: how to ensure that our workplace or a child at school has the best quality water? The best solution is to buy it with delivery.

The Iceberg company offers favorable conditions for servicing its customers:

  • free delivery of water to your home or office: buyers pay only the cost of the goods;
  • wells from which our water is drawn have registration documents in the State Water Cadastre of the Russian Federation;
  • for the extraction and bottling of water, advanced technologies are used, which helps to preserve and increase its quality and natural purity;
  • we also sell modern water coolers and other equipment manufactured by well-known European brands, taking into account existing quality standards. The sizes of pumps and racks for bottles vary, allowing you to install devices even in small rooms;
  • delivery of drinking water to your home or office is carried out at the lowest price, thanks to constant promotions from our company;
  • along with water, you can purchase disposable tableware, tea, coffee and other auxiliary products.

Clean water is valuable, but it should not be worth its weight in gold. Our mission is to provide every home and workplace with high-quality drinking water, so we have prepared the most favorable conditions for our customers.

Water renders huge influence on the health human...

Water is the source of life on earth. Man is a part of this life, and it is not surprising that our body also consists of water.

There is no exact figure, as it depends on many factors. For example, depending on the age of a person - an embryo consists of 97% of water, a middle-aged person - 65-70%, and the older the person, the less percentage of water in his body.

The amount of fluid depends on the physique of a person - the fuller it is, the less fluid.

Literally every organ of ours contains water, somewhere more than it, somewhere less. For example, in the blood - 83%, in the bones - 15-20%, brain, heart, muscles - 76%.

This means that not one process in the body can do without water. Water helps convert food into energy, delivers nutrients to all cells of our body, participates in the cleansing of blood vessels, joints, dissolves mineral salts and removes toxins, toxins, and regulates body temperature.

Scientists, examining the blood, proved that the cause of many modern diseases is dehydration .

For example, thrombosis is the cause of stroke, heart attack, sudden cardiac arrest. So here is one of the factors in the formation of thrombosis - increased clotting blood, which is provoked, including dehydration of the body. Or, osteochondrosis of the spine - a lack of fluid turns the jelly-like mass of the intervertebral disc into a thin bone plate.

What other impact does water have on human health? The list is quite impressive - the work of the nervous system and the work of the heart suffer from a lack of fluid. Overweight, migraine attacks, fatigue, brittle nails, dry hair and skin, high blood pressure, poor kidney function, dry cough, back and joint pain, dry mouth, tongue coating and bad breath can also be caused by dehydration. Constant shortage water leads to constipation and the formation of stones in the kidneys and gallbladder.

There are some very interesting numbers:

  • if the water level in the body has decreased by only 2%, the state of health worsens, nausea, drowsiness appear;
  • decrease by 6-10% - headache, shortness of breath, impaired thinking, loss of concentration;
  • loss of 11-20% - causes deterioration in hearing and vision, there may be muscle spasm;
  • with a loss of 25% - death occurs.

Based on the foregoing, it becomes clear that water, and most importantly, its percentage in organs and tissues, is an important condition for normal human life.

How much water should you drink per day

Throughout the day, we lose about 2 - 2.5 liters of fluid - through the kidneys, skin, even during breathing. And it is very important to maintain the water balance, namely, how much fluid you have lost, make up as much.

But often a person does not feel the need for water. Since our body consists of liquid, can this liquid be replenished in it somehow on its own?

It turns out that only 3% of water is formed in the body itself as a result of biochemical processes.

About 30 - 40% we satisfy our body with water through food, and then, depending on what foods we eat, because different products contain different amounts of water.

And the rest of the missing percentages - gotta drink water!!! , and, interestingly, we should not be guided by such a feeling given to us by nature as thirst. It turns out that thirst is already an alarm signal of our body, and not just a desire to drink water. By the way, it is necessary to drink water, since tea, coffee, juices, as doctors say, are food.

So, as a result of simple calculations, it becomes clear how much water you need to drink per day - minimum amount of water , which we must use if we want our body to be healthy - this is 1.5 liters per day .

But this is the minimum amount, and if there are factors in which the loss of fluid from the body increases, then the amount of water consumed should be greater.

- Older people are highly susceptible to dehydration, as kidney function deteriorates with age, the thirst signal weakens, and frequently used medications contribute to dehydration.

- the body also needs more water on hot days, at low humidity, during the heating season, on airplanes, in a bath, during elevated temperature bodies, with increased physical activity, with breastfeeding, coffee, alcohol and smoking cause dehydration, with active weight loss, with an increased protein content in the diet.

What is the best water to drink

It is often thought that boiling water kills all microbes and that such water is safe for humans. Yes, microorganisms die, but heavy metal salts remain, and useful calcium and magnesium salts are destroyed and deposited on the walls of dishes in the form of scale. That's why boiled water should be used immediately after boiling when preparing tea or coffee.

Water and its importance in the human body

The pH of unboiled water is almost the same as the pH of the blood, so it is recommended to drink plain water. raw water . Of course, you don’t need to drink it from the tap, but use filters to purify water or buy bottled water.

Drink spring water , if you are not sure of its quality, the same is not recommended. After all, it is not known what path this water went through before it ended up in your glass.

Don't drink all the time mineral water , especially with a high content of mineral salts, as it can lead to an imbalance of minerals in the body.

Sparkling water - it is better to exclude it from the diet, it does not replenish the body with moisture, but dehydrates it.

Of course, you can drink water randomly, but if we want water to bring benefits to our body, then it is advisable to follow some recommendations:

  • do not drink water quickly, preferably in small sips;
  • first glass of water should be immediately after sleep on an empty stomach;
  • If you exercise in the morning, drink a glass of water after your workout. If your workouts take place at other times of the day, it is recommended to drink water before and after physical activities, it is not forbidden to drink during training;
  • do not drink water during meals, doctors recommend drinking at least half an hour before a meal and not earlier than an hour after a meal;
  • it is advised to drink a glass of water after each trip to the toilet;
  • do not drink too cold and too hot water.

And further: If you were inspired by this article and decided to get into this useful habit, but in the hustle and bustle of the day you forgot to drink water, in no case do not turn on the “guilt” in the evening and do not catch up. This will not bring benefits, but edema, both internal and external, will help to earn. Release the past day with gratitude, and the next day do not forget what you now have new good habit- drink more water.

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