Hypochromic anemia in a Samoyed dog. Signs and treatment of anemia in dogs. General information about the pathology

Anemia is a serious disease that affects not only the human body, but also many animals. It appears in the background significant reduction the number of red blood cells (blood cells that are responsible for transporting oxygen throughout the body). RBC deficiency can cause pernicious influence on the general health of the animal, and affect the functioning of many body systems.

Types of anemia in dogs

Veterinarians identify several various kinds this disease:

  1. Posthemorrhagic anemia - a decrease in BCC develops due to blood loss (internal or external bleeding). The etiology of this type lies in injuries that affect blood vessels or internal organs. If the bleeding is internal, it will be difficult to notice it, especially if it is chronic. But by certain signs, it is possible to recognize the presence of anemia (pallor of the mucous membranes, frequent appearances subcutaneous foci of hemorrhage).
  2. Hypoplastic anemia - given form disease occurs due to the absence or deficiency of certain trace elements, proteins or vitamins. If the dog eats a complete fortified food, then the cause of hypoplastic anemia may be hidden behind pathological changes in bone marrow cells caused by toxins. Toxins can accumulate in the body in a variety of diseases.
  3. Alimentary anemia is one of the varieties of the hypoplastic form. Mostly detected in puppies who eat unbalanced food. It may be associated with insufficient intake of iron from the diet, much less often due to impaired absorption of iron by the intestines.
  4. Aplastic anemia is caused by severe pathologies in the functioning of the circulatory system. The disease concerns not only the formation of red blood cells, but also all other blood cells.

Causes of Anemia in Dogs

for the development of anemia in pet may be influenced by many factors. The main ones are:

  1. Injuries accompanied by significant blood loss.
  2. Massive internal bleeding caused by pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract (severe inflammatory or infectious processes).
  3. Infectious diseases (often, anemia develops due to tick infestation), this cause is characteristic small breeds dogs.
  4. Autoimmune diseases that regard their own red blood cells as pathogenic cells.
  5. Treatment with certain groups of drugs, for example, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which often provoke bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. Flea infestation, as well as with tick infestations, exists high risk pathology in small breeds.
  7. Poisoning the dog's body with poisons, heavy metals, which lead to severe general intoxication organism.
  8. Pathologies of the chronic course - many dogs who have survived to old age suffer from oncology. These diseases are treated with drugs that reduce the production of red blood cells.

Clinical picture

The main function of red blood cells is to transport oxygen to all tissues and organs, which is very important for their smooth functioning. If the level of red blood cells decreases, it will be displayed throughout the body.

A sick dog looks sluggish and apathetic, hard to tolerate physical exercise. You can also notice changes in behavior: the dog spends all the time lying in one place. Does not show the same activity, gets up only in case of emergency. The animal's appetite worsens or completely disappears. characteristic feature anemia is the pallor or cyanosis of the mucous membranes, if you feel the gums, then in sick animals they will be cold.

With an autoimmune etiology of anemia, you can notice a more pronounced complex of symptoms:

  • Shortness of breath, even when at rest.
  • Dysfunction of the digestive tract - vomiting, diarrhea.
  • Increased urine output (rare symptom).
  • Strong thirst, provoking the animal to drink a lot of water.
  • Fever.

During the examination, veterinarians may note the presence of a rapid heartbeat, systolic murmurs, tachypnea, and signs of jaundice. Urine may change to more dark color, due to the high concentration of hemoglobin or bilirubin in it. On ultrasound and other instrumental diagnostic methods, you can notice an increase in the size of the liver, spleen and lymph nodes.

At-risk groups

Anemia can develop in any dog, regardless of breed, age or gender. But to the group increased risk, includes those animals that have a history of gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer, as well as some hereditary diseases.

This includes the pit bull terrier and the greyhound, because these breeds of dogs are prone to infectious diseases, which, as described above, can provoke anemia.


Anemia can be diagnosed after a blood test. Most often, they use the method of calculating the hematocrit value, which is a component of the general blood test. If the downward deviations from the norm exceed 35%, then the dog is safely diagnosed with anemia.

Of the main diagnostic methods, a bone marrow biopsy is most often prescribed - this analysis provides maximum information about its condition, and can indicate the cause of anemia. Less common diagnostic procedures:

After completing the full complex diagnostic procedures doctors can determine exact reason causing anemia in a dog. Based on the results, timely and adequate therapy can be prescribed to the animal.


Therapeutic measures largely depend on etiological factor in addition, when drawing up a treatment plan, the veterinarian takes into account such data as: the general condition of the dog, its age, gender, individual characteristics, anamnesis, etc.

During the entire course of treatment, it is important to monitor the general condition of the dog, and once it is completed, conduct regular check-ups and register with the veterinarian. With timely assistance, acute manifestations anemia can be eliminated in just 3-4 weeks.

The chronic course of anemia is a more complex and difficult problem, requiring a serious approach. Even after undergoing treatment, the dog will recover for a long time and return to normal. Of course, the body of young individuals copes with the disease faster, and their disease proceeds in a milder form. In young dogs, the rehabilitation period (even after surgical treatment) is faster and more successful than in older dogs.


The assumptions that doctors give to animals with anemia largely depend on the diagnosed type and form of the disease, as well as the general condition of the pet's body. With the hemolytic form of anemia, the recovery period is quite fast and successful, but only if it is diagnosed and treated in a timely manner.

If anemia was caused by poisoning, or an autoimmune disease, then the prognosis will not be so rosy. Anemia caused by oncology, in many cases, ends in death, because the animal's body reacts negatively to chemotherapy or surgery.

One of the most serious diseases in dogs is anemia. It develops against the background of a sharp decrease in the number of red blood cells. They provide the dog's body with oxygen. As a result of the development of anemia, all systems and vital organs suffer.

Anemia is a violation of the component composition of the blood. In this case, a decrease in hemoglobin is observed. Red blood cells also decrease in number.

With anemia, a dog has low hemoglobin in the blood.

Hemoglobin supplies oxygen to body tissues and cells. When its deficiency occurs, the development of oxygen starvation of cells is observed.

The main types of pathology

There are the following types of anemia:

  1. Regenerative.
  2. Non-regenerative.
  3. Aplastic.
  4. Alimentary.
  5. Hypoplastic.

Anemia blood picture.

With regenerative anemia, the dog's body compensates for the lost red blood cells. The non-regenerative type of pathology does not imply this.

The main provoking factors

Anemia can develop against the background of:

Anemia can occur with poisoning.

Other reasons

The factor that provoked the development of aplastic anemia may be impaired activity hematopoietic system. This refers to the "birth" of both red blood cells and other blood cells.

Nutritional anemia is most common in puppies.

hypoplastic anemia develops against a background of deficiency:

  • vitamin components;
  • proteins;
  • trace elements.

Another reason for the development of this form is the damage to bone marrow cells by toxins.

The main cause of posthemorrhagic anemia should be considered the occurrence of external or internal bleeding.

Internal bleeding is the cause of posthemorrhagic anemia.

Risk group

Anemia develops in animals with a history of duodenal ulcer or stomach ulcer. And also this pathology progresses in dogs with genetic diseases.

Most often, the disease is diagnosed in pit bulls and greyhounds.

Pit bulls are at risk.

This is due to the fact that these breeds are most prone to infectious pathologies, which are often the root cause of anemia.

How pathology manifests itself

When the red blood cell level drops, the dog becomes very lethargic, lethargic. It becomes incredibly difficult for her to endure physical activity. The animal lies all the time, does not show activity.

With a decrease in the level of red blood cells, the dog appears lethargic.

There is a sharp decrease in appetite. In the most difficult cases, the dog refuses food. The mucous membranes turn blue or turn pale. The gums of the animal become cold.

But the following symptoms also appear:

  1. Fever.
  2. Unrelenting thirst.
  3. Polyuria.
  4. Chair disorder.
  5. Vomit.


The disease is diagnosed after. Usually, the hemocrit value is used for this. If the indicators are less than the norm by 35%, then the presumptive diagnosis is confirmed.

A blood test is taken to make a diagnosis.

For this, a bone marrow biopsy is used. After that, the veterinarian has clear information about the root cause of anemia.

After passing comprehensive survey appropriate therapy is given.

Treatment for anemia in dogs

When prescribing treatment, the specialist takes into account the root cause of the pathology, as well as the age and health of the four-legged patient. Usually the veterinarian resorts to conservative therapy.

Surgical intervention is prescribed in very severe cases, when there is a serious risk of death.

If the dog becomes weak before our eyes and loses consciousness, the bleeding vessel is adjusted. For this, the following is introduced:

  1. Aminocaproic acid.
  2. Vikasola.
  3. Dicinon.

Aminocaproic acid is given to a dog that is losing consciousness.

Blood transfusion

And also transfusion of canned blood and plasma-substituting solutions is carried out.

One of the treatments is a blood transfusion.

Help with flaccid anemia

If the pathology is characterized by a sluggish, slow course, then the dog is prescribed the following:

  1. Vitamin B12.
  2. folic acid.
  3. Substances of iron.

With flaccid anemia, the use of folic acid is prescribed.

Help with posthemorrhagic anemia

First of all, the veterinarian eliminates the root cause of the bleeding stop. Poliglukin is prescribed. It is injected into a vein or under the skin of an animal. But the dog is also prescribed the following drugs:

  1. glucose solution.
  2. Isotonic sodium chloride solution.
  3. 5% Ringer's solution.

The drug Polyglukin is used for posthemorrhagic anemia.

Help with hemolytic anemia

If the dog has been poisoned by heavy metals, methylene blue or phenotisane, the use of detoxifying drugs and glucocorticosteroids is recommended. The effectiveness of therapy will increase if the doctor removes the spleen.

Removal of the spleen will increase the effectiveness of therapy.

Help with hypoplastic anemia

Treatment depends on the underlying cause. Usually the dog is given an appointment:

  1. Multivitamins.
  2. Glucocorticoids.
  3. Anabolics.

Multivitamins are prescribed for hypoplastic anemia.

Other medicines

Also, the veterinarian can prescribe the use of:

Phytomenadione is used to treat anemia.

If necessary, a course of procedures is carried out, main goal which is to maintain the dog's body in good shape.

During therapy, it is very important to constantly monitor the condition of the animal.

At the end of treatment, it is necessary to exercise strict control over the health of the dog.

Treatment Predictions

If the treatment was timely, then the symptoms of this dangerous disease stop at about 3-4 weeks.

But if the anemia was transformed into chronic form the therapy takes longer. The danger lies in the fact that even at the end of the course of treatment, the dog cannot fully recover for a long time.

Young pet recovers faster, and the disease itself is milder. The recovery period in this case is from 16 to 23 days .

In young dogs, recovery is faster.

Autoimmune hemolytic anemia

With an autoimmune hemolytic form of the disease, there is fast recovery even older pets.

Older dogs recover quickly from autoimmune hemolytic anemia.

If the root cause of the pathology was the poisoning of the canine body with poisons, then the prognosis is the least favorable. The same applies to those cases when the disease is provoked by autoimmune pathologies.

If the root cause of the disease was oncology, then in most cases a fatal outcome occurs. The body of the animal reacts poorly to surgery and chemotherapy.

Preventive actions

There is no method that would completely prevent the development of anemia. But it is important to remember that a huge role is played by proper nutrition animal. The dog's diet must be filled useful substances. You need to feed her only high-quality food.

Proper dog nutrition is a preventive measure.

It is advisable to regularly take your pet to the veterinarian for examination. Mandatory, preventing disease-root causes.

Video about anemia in dogs

Hello dear readers!

Anemia in dogs (anemia) is a group of symptoms, a common fact for which is a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood, while the number of red blood cells also decreases. Hemoglobin colors blood red. It is one of the components of red blood cells - erythrocytes that are formed in the bone marrow and move into the blood. Red blood cells live for 2 months. Then, dead, they are removed from the body, and the blood is renewed by young red blood cells. AT healthy body they are always the right amount. An imbalance of red blood cells can be caused either by a decrease in their production or an increase in losses.

Anemia in dogs - what is it? The concept of "anemia" is just a symptom that implies clarification - what kind of ailment caused the deficiency of red blood cells.

Causes of Anemia in Dogs

Diseases that are able to provoke anemia are divided into three categories:

Diseases that cause the destruction of red blood cells (hemolysis)

Diseases that cause atrophy of the function of reproduction of red blood cells in the bone marrow

  • Chronic severe illness internal organs;
  • Poor or unbalanced nutrition;
  • Disorder of the immune system;
  • Pathology of the thyroid gland (hypothyroidism), making it unable to produce enough hormones (thyroxine and triiodothyronine). As a result, slowdown metabolic process in the body of a dog;
  • Poisoning with toxins or chemicals;
  • Malignant neoplasms(neoplasia).

Symptoms of Anemia in Dogs

Hemoglobin supplies oxygen to body tissues. An anemic animal will experience symptoms triggered by oxygen deficiency. There is no strict description of the signs of this disease. Its symptoms will depend on the cause of the disease.

As a rule, the presence of anemia in a dog is indicated by:

  1. Pathologically pale mucous membranes (pale pink or even white). This is especially true of the oral cavity;
  2. Refusal to eat or loss of appetite;
  3. progressive weakness;
  4. Low performance;
  5. tendency to sleep;
  6. Dyspnea;
  7. Rapid pulse;
  8. The presence of pustules on the skin (pyoderma) indicates the presence of an infection (pus-forming cocci).
  9. The appearance of jaundice (indicates a possible hemolytic anemia).

Dogs of all breeds are susceptible to this disease. With a mild form of the above symptoms may not be observed. If signs are present, the animal should be taken to the veterinarian immediately. It is important to start treatment in a timely manner - oxygen deficiency can cause irreversible consequences.

Treatment of anemia in dogs, medications.

The prognosis of treatment depends on its severity of the disease and the general condition of the dog:

  • Severe forms of the disease that threaten the life of the animal involve blood transfusion. We are talking about atrophy of the function of reproduction of erythrocytes in the bone marrow or hemolysis. If necessary, the blood is transfused repeatedly. This procedure allows you to deliver the necessary oxygen and other nutrients to tissue cells and thereby stabilize the condition of the animal. But for direct treatment, it is necessary to identify the cause of the disease and prescribe appropriate therapy.
  • To stop bleeding of internal organs, hemostatic medications are prescribed, for example, vikasol.
  • In the treatment of anemia of a gradual nature, folic acid, iron, are used.
  • In case of poisoning with toxins or poisons, steroid hormones are used - corticosteroids, glucocorticoids (prednisolone) and antidotes (antidotes). To increase the effectiveness of treatment, the spleen is sometimes removed.
  • Autoimmune anemia is treated with immunosuppressants, drugs that lower the dog's immune system. But this therapy is not always effective. It often leads to side effects and complications leading to the death of the animal.
  • Diet food is an important part of therapy. Raw liver is very useful. It contains mass and trace elements, primarily iron. It is prescribed for anemia caused by iron deficiency.
  • vitamin therapy

This disease cannot be definitely prevented. But preventive measures will help to grow the animal strong and able to withstand many ailments that cause anemia. Should take care of it good nutrition, walk a lot with him in the fresh air, regularly go to the veterinarian for examinations, do the required vaccinations, it is useful to visit the forum of dog lovers.

Associated with immune disorders. The animal's body regards its tissues as foreign and seeks to damage them. As a result, hemolysis (destruction of red blood cells) occurs, which provokes anemia.

The main reason for this is genetic predisposition. It often occurs as a result of cancer, systemic lupus erythematosus, due to infection with infectious diseases. Particularly located for this species anemia poodles, bobtails, Irish setters, cocker spaniels. Most Vulnerable age period in dogs from 2 to 8 years. Bitches get sick much more often than males.

Diagnosed by laboratory analysis blood smears to determine external changes erythrocytes. Treatment involves taking drugs that lower the dog's immune system (immunosuppressants) and steroid hormones(corticosteroids). At severe forms disease, a blood transfusion is done and the spleen is removed. Lethal outcomes in this disease are 40%.

The symptoms of autoimmune hemolytic anemia are often subtle. Often this is:

  • darkening of urine to brown;
  • darkening of feces to black;
  • pale or icteric mucous membranes;
  • muscle pain;
  • refusal to eat or loss of appetite;
  • severe weakness;
  • heavy breathing;
  • frequent pulse;
  • enlarged spleen and peripheral lymph nodes.

Anemia test in dogs

An extensive blood test is done to identify the diagnosis.

Rapid diagnosis allows you to do a study of hematocrit - the volume of red blood cells in the blood. Hematocrit shows the amount of red blood cells in the blood, expressed as a percentage. If it is lower than normal by 35%, then the dog has anemia.

Further research into the cause of anemia is done in the laboratory:

Good luck everyone, see you in the next article.


Autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AHA) is the most commonly diagnosed type autoimmune diseases in dogs and cats (Person J.M., Almosni R, Quintincolonna F, Boulouvis H.J., 1988). In dogs, primary AGA occurs as a result of an autoimmune disease. Severely flowing secondary AGA of a non-traumatic nature is also often found (Squires R., 1993).

AGA is one of the most characteristic classic examples of autoimmune diseases. Therefore, autoantibodies are involved in the pathogenesis of AGA (Miller G., Firth F.W., Swisher S.N., Young L.E., 1957). In humans, the specificity of target antigens has been identified: there are autoantibodies for the blood group antigen (Person J.M. et al., 1988).

AHA in humans was first discovered in 1945 using an anti-globulin test called the Coombs method. Miller G. et al. (1957) first reported AGA in a dog.

AGA has also been identified in mice, guinea pigs, horses (Miller G. et al., 1957; Taylor FG.R., Cooke B.J., 1990), large cattle(Dixon P.M. et al. 1978; FengerC.K., et al., 1992), sheep, pigs, dogs and cats (Halliwel R.E.W., 1982).


The term "anemia" refers to a decrease in the concentration of hemoglobin in the circulating blood below 12 g per 100 ml in dogs and below 8 g per 100 ml in cats, which is accompanied by a decrease in oxygen transport.

AHA is defined as acquired severe hemolysis associated with

Anemia is not a disease, but only a syndrome, the etiology of which should be the subject of research.

The term "anemia" means a decrease in the concentration of hemoglobin circulating in the blood.

Most often, a decrease in the number of red blood cells is observed, but this is not at all necessary. The normal content of total hemoglobin in the blood of dogs ranges from 12-18 g per 100 ml of blood. We are talking about anemia if this figure falls below 12 g per 100 ml. In cats, the hemoglobin concentration threshold is normally below -10 g/100 ml of blood.

Usually anemia is divided into regenerative and regenerative. This depends on the ability of the bone marrow to maintain the number of red blood cells circulating in the peripheral blood.

Regenerative anemia

Regenerative anemia is characterized by the appearance of reticulocytes in the peripheral blood, giving a picture of polychromatophilia associated with anisocytosis in smears. Regenerative anemia, in turn, are divided into regenerative anemia due to blood loss and anemia due to hemolysis.

Hemolytic anemia

Table 1. Classification of AGA (PMC = direct Coombs method),

ny with the presence of immunoglobulins on the surface of erythrocytes and sometimes in the blood serum, the action of which is directed towards the antigenic determinants of the patient's erythrocyte membrane (Appendix 1).

AGA is characterized by two main criteria:

1. diagnosed with a blood test;

2. autoantibodies are detected using direct method Coombs.

Among hemolytic anemias of an immune nature, there are secondary anemias that develop after allogeneic immunization, due to an infectious process or drug sensitization, as well as AGA itself, sensu stricto (in the strict sense of the word). Alloimmunization is very rare in dogs and cats.


AGA is classified according to immunological and clinical features.


Clinical picture, results laboratory research, pathogenesis, prognosis and treatment of AGA largely depend on the type of immunopathological process.

The immunological classification of AGA is based on the class of antibodies (IgG or IgM) and their functions - agglutinating or sometimes hemolytic.

The AGA classification includes five main classes (Table 1). Cold agglutinins are defined as agglutinating antibodies detected at +4°C. They always belong to the IgM class.

Impact on prognosis and therapy

AGA occurs most often in dogs and is caused by the action of autoimmune IgG both together with complement and separately (Cotter S.M., 1992).

1. If IgG is expressed on the surface of erythrocytes in association with complement or without its participation (class I and III), then this disease is mainly idiopathic in nature with an acute and transient course. The clinical picture of the disease is characterized by the progressive development of hemolysis, sometimes proceeding severely and with remissions. This IgG-associated primary AGA responds well to corticosteroid treatment and is generally not associated with secondary AGA due to any comorbidities. According to Klag etcol. (1993), among 42 dogs tested, 74% tested positive for IgG and negative for complement. Such AGAs are generally classified as class III.

2. If we are talking about IgM antibodies (classes II, IV and V), then the disease responds worse to corticosteroid therapy, often has a secondary nature (oncological, in-

Table 2 Diseases associated with SAGA in dogs and cats (according to Werner L).

* Diseases caused by peri- or intra-erythrocyte agents may be responsible for the development of immune-mediated hemolytic anemia without autoantibodies, which may occur secondarily and be complicated by the development of true AGA.

infectious disease or some other autoimmune disease). Such AGAs can be detected directly or indirectly through the presence of C3b and IgM during elution or washing.

The prognosis of AGA associated with C3b and IgM is more questionable compared to IgG.

Common immunological disorders

In the same patient, it is often necessary to observe a large number of different antibodies in combination.

taniya with anti-erythrocyte autoantibodies. Canine AGA is especially common in association with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) or autoimmune thrombocytopenia. In the latter case, we are talking about Evans syndrome.

Evans Syndrome (E. Robert, Amer., 1951) [Eng. Evans "syndrome]. Si. syndrome de Ficher-Evans. Association of an autoimmune disease with thrombocytopenic purpura. Rarely occurs in humans, has a dubious prognosis.

Sometimes AGA is observed in association with autoimmune dermatosis, characterized by the presence of a depot of IgG and complement at the level of the dermoepidermal junction (Hasegawa T. et al., 1990). Anti-erythrocyte autoantibodies are a factor in an extensive immunological disorder even in the absence of a clinical picture of the disease.

Clinical classification

Immunological classification must be in conflict with strict clinical classification, as it contrasts idiopathic AGA with secondary AGA. Autoimmune hemolytic anemia, characterized by the presence of warm antibodies (IgG), corresponds to "idiopathic", while AGA associated with the persistence of cold antibodies (IgM) - "secondary".

Idiopathic AGA

In primary or so-called idiooptic AGA, no comorbidities are noted. In dogs, the incidence of idiopathic AGA is 60-75% of cases. In cats, this disease is rare, since secondary AGA predominates in them due to infectious disease caused by the leukemia virus (FeLV) (Jackon M.L et al., 1969).

Secondary AGA

In 25-40% of cases in dogs and 50-75% in cats, AGA is associated with other diseases. AGA precedes, accompanies or follows another disease, sometimes without special clinical symptoms(Table 2). The prognosis and effectiveness of treatment depends on the underlying cause of AGA.

Secondary AGA in cats is mainly associated with FeLV infection or haemobartonellosis (Haemobartonella felis).

The frequency of detection of IgM on erythrocytes in cats significantly exceeds IgG, while IgG autoantibodies predominate in dogs. The higher content of IgM antibodies in cats compared with dogs explains the predominance of the autoagglutination reaction.


In humans, a high positive correlation was found between the signs of clinical, hematological, and immunological manifestations of AGA (Stevart A.F., Feldman B.F., 1993).

Clinical symptoms

AGA manifests itself at any age, but most often they are observed from 2 to 7 years. The season also affects (Klag A.R., 1992), since 40% of AGA cases are detected in May-June. In humans, an increase in the incidence of AGA in the spring was also found (StevartA.F, Feldman B.F., 1993).

Sex and breed are not factors predisposing to this disease.

The onset of the disease may be progressive or sudden. AGA is characterized by a combination of five pathognomonic symptoms:

1) loss of strength, lethargy (86%)

2) pallor of mucous membranes (76%)

3) hyperthermia

4) tachypnea (70%)

5) tachycardia (33%).

The top three reasons to visit a veterinarian are: Brown color urine, anorexia (90%) and loss of strength (Desnoyers M., 1992). Hepatomegaly and splenomegaly are not always detected (25% of cases), a similar trend is noted for lymphadenopathy (Stewart A.R, Feldman B.F., 1993).

Prostration and sometimes lethargy are also observed. Jaundice, slight or absent (50% of cases).

Petechiae and ecchymosis (bruising) are observed only in cases where thrombocytopenia occurs. According to Klag A.R. et al. (1993) moderate or severe thrombocytopenia was observed in 28 of 42 dogs (67%).

The intensity of anemia can vary and depends on 2 factors:

1) degree of hemolysis,

2) compensatory ability of the bone marrow.

The intensity of anemia in primary AGA is more pronounced than in secondary.

Quite rarely, when cold agglutinins (IgM) are detected, more often in idiopathic AGA, anemia is generally moderately expressed, with separate episodes of intensification.

Cyanosis and necrosis of the terminal parts of the body (ears, fingers, tail, nose) that can evolve into gangrene, sometimes with a fatal outcome, are the most pathognomonic signs in this disease (Vandenbusshe P. et al., 1991).

Picture. 1. Coombs method: agglutination reaction.

Table 3. Norms of general biochemical analysis in domestic carnivores (according to Crespeau).

Appendix 3

All these injuries in dogs and cats are associated with circulatory disorders caused by agglutination of red blood cells in the peripheral capillaries, where the body temperature is much lower than that of its visceral part.

Clinical blood test

In the presence of AGA, the number of erythrocytes falls below 5,000,000/ml. The hematocrit is greatly reduced (up to 8-10%), a similar picture is observed for hemoglobin (up to 4 g/100 ml). Note normocytic, normochromic and sometimes macrocytic anemia (Jones D.R.E. et al., 1992, 1991, 1990).

Attention is drawn to the presence of small colored spherocytes (photo 1), and sometimes neutrophilia is noted (Desnoyers M., 1992).

Sometimes we state phagocytosis of erythrocytes by monocytes. AGA in dogs is more often regenerative (Appendix 2). Total reticulocytes varies from 20 to 60%. In 30% of dogs, mild reticulocytosis (1-3% of reticulocytes) is noted, in 60% it is moderate or severe (more than 3% of reticulocytes). Weakly regenerative and regenerative AGA have been described in dogs (Jonas L.D., 1987). Currently, these forms of the disease are being detected more and more often.

Blood chemistry

All dogs have marked bilirubinuria (brown urine) with urobilinuria, as well as hyperbilirubinemia (not conjugated). Jaundice is present in approximately 50% of cases. Increased hemoglobinemia is sometimes accompanied by hemoglobinuria, but intravascular hemolysis is less common (10% of 42 dogs) (Klag A.R. et al., 1993). At the same time, a significant decrease in haptoglobin and serum iron, while uricemia ( uric acid in the blood) increases in 50% of cases. With the development of the disease, the indicators vary, sometimes the changes are prolonged or interrupted with subsequent relapses.


Direct Coombs test

This method in the diagnosis of AGA is a priority (Person et al., 1980).


The Coombs test is an immunological method that detects the presence of non-agglutinating antibodies due to the action of xenogenic (from another species) anti-immunoglobulin serum that provokes agglutination. With the help of only one direct Coombs test, a diagnosis is made for this disease. In clinical practice, this method is used for humans, dogs and cats.

The principle of operation of the direct Coombs test, or the so-called special specific antiglobulin test, is based on the effect of sensitization of erythrocytes with the help of immunoglobulin or complement fixed on their membrane, or due to both of them together (Stewart A.R, 1993).

The mechanism of the proposed method is to use species-specific "anti-antibodies" or specific antiglobulins to create bridges between antibodies that cover the surface of erythrocytes (Fig. 1).

At the first stage, polyvalent antiglobulins are used, directed against all serum globulins.

Table 4. Interpretation of the results of the direct Coombs method (according to Cotter).


The following reagents have been developed for humans: anti-lgG, anti-IgM, anti-lgA, and anti-C3.

For dogs, one polyvalent antiglobulin is used in routine diagnostics, sometimes three antiglobulins: one polyvalent and two specific - anti-lgG and anti-C3 (Jones D.R.E., 1990).

With the help of specific reagents, it was found that most often erythrocytes are sensitized only by IgG alone (AGA type IgG), or IgG in combination with complement (AGA mixed type), in particular with C3d expressed (present) on the erythrocyte membrane.

Sometimes erythrocyte sensitization is caused by complement alone (AGA of the complement type). This type of anemia is associated exclusively with the action of IgM, since IgM in the Coombs test usually elutes spontaneously during the washing process. AT this case after washing at 37 CC, only C3d remains on the surface of the erythrocytes.

IgM can be detected through anticomplement using the Coombs method, or using the same method, but carried out in the cold, in which IgM is not eluted during washing. We are talking about IgM cold agglutinins, when at +4°C in dogs spontaneous agglutination can be observed.

IgA antibodies are extremely rare.

Each antiglobulin has species-specific properties. Setting up the Coombs reaction with feline erythrocytes means the need for timely preparation or purchase of an antiglobulin reagent for this type of animal. Kits designed for this test in humans or dogs are not suitable for cats.

In domestic carnivores, AGA detected with cold antibodies are much less common than with warm ones.

Execution technique

Blood for analysis (Appendix 3) must be taken with an anticoagulant (citrate or EDTA - ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid). It is extremely important that the medium in the tube contains a calcium chelating agent. In a blood sample, it provokes non-specific fixation of complement on erythrocytes in vitro and leads to a false positive reaction. That is why heparin is not used as an anticoagulant.

After thorough washing (three or five centrifugations from 5 min at 800 g to 5 min at 1500 g), the test sample of the suspension is ADJUSTED to 2% concentration. Direct Coombs reaction is recommended to be carried out as soon as possible after taking the material, preferably within 2 hours. The blood sample should be stored at 37°C. After incubation for one hour at 37°C with different serial dilutions of three antisera, the sample is kept under conditions room temperature(1-1.5 hours). The results of the reaction should be taken into account visually in the wells of microplates placed on the Cahn mirror, or using a microscope (x100).

In parallel, it is necessary to carry out negative controls:

1. 2% suspension of the patient's erythrocytes in the presence of isotonic NaCl solution to test the ability of the tested erythrocytes to spontaneously agglutinate in the absence of antiglobulins. According to Desnoyers M. (1992), autoagglutinins are responsible for spontaneous autoagglutination both at 37°C (class I) and at 4°C (class IV). In cats, erythrocyte autoagglutination is common (Shabre B., 1990). Dilution of blood in an equivalent volume of isotonic NaCl solution eliminates this artifact due to the dissociation of tube-shaped erythrocytes, without adversely affecting true autoagglutinins (Squire R., 1993).

2. Mixing a 2% suspension of red blood cells from a healthy dog ​​(control animal) with a species-specific serum antiglobulin allows you to check the quality of the antiserum.

If clinical symptoms suggest IgM-mediated AGA, then the clinician may request a conventional Coombs test at 37°C as well as a cold Coombs test at 4°C to detect cold-active antibodies (types IV and V) (Vandenbussche P. et al., 1991).

This test is not suitable for cats. The fact is that many normal cats have non-agglutinating antibodies that become active at lower temperatures and are detected using a direct Coombs test at 4 ° C. In this species, the method of indirect haemagglutination at 4°C should be used.


The laboratory diagnosis of AGA is almost entirely based on the direct Coombs method in combination with a complete blood count. The interpretation of a positive reaction in the Coombs test is not difficult.

If the detected antibodies belong to the IgG class, then it is very likely that the identified anemia is of autoimmune origin.

The significance of detecting a positive result in the IgG + complement Coombs test in mixed type AGA requires discussion, since there is no complete certainty that complement is fixed on the complex formed by IgG with erythrocyte membrane antigens.

It turned out that it is even more difficult to establish the reliability of erythrocyte sensitization in AGA, detected using a positive Coombs test in the formulation of a reaction to “pure complement”.

It is possible that part of the Coombs' complement tests correspond to the temporary fixation of antigen-antibody complexes, which are rapidly eluted from the surface of erythrocytes.

Differentiate AGA from true hyperhemolysis according to the following features: increased reticulocytosis, unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia, etc. Sometimes the Coombs test gives a false positive or false negative result (Table 4). This is quite rare (about 2% of cases), but a negative reaction to the Coombs test can occur with true AGA, especially if the number of fixed immunoglobulins is insufficient (less than 500 per erythrocyte).

The clinical symptoms of AGA are in many ways similar to piroplasmosis, which is very common in France. This requires the clinician to systematically perform the Coombs test in the case of hemolytic anemia in the absence of a positive response to classical treatment, when an animal becomes ill with piroplasmosis, even if persistence of piroplasms in the blood is established, because this disease can be simultaneously accompanied by AGA.


If using the Coombs method it is possible to determine which class the sensitized antibodies belong to, then elution makes it possible to determine their specificity. Elution at high temperature using an ester or acid, it allows you to collect a pool of antibodies and test them on a panel with erythrocytes of the corresponding type using the indirect Coombs method (Person J.M., 1988).

Table 5. Doses of cytotoxic immunosuppressive drugs used and possible toxic effects.

This is mainly done in human medicine, where there are panels with typed erythrocytes.

In animals, acid elution is of particular importance when a false-positive reaction of specific antibodies to an antigen artificially fixed on the surface of erythrocytes is suspected. If the eluate obtained from the erythrocytes of a dog suspected of having a disease does not give an agglutination reaction with a pool of erythrocytes obtained from dogs with various groups blood, then we are talking about AGA (Tsuchidae tal., 1991).

Indirect Coombs Method

Its principle is to detect the presence of free autoantibodies in the blood serum against erythrocytes.

The blood of a sick dog must be collected in a clean, dry test tube and centrifuged. The test serum is incubated in the presence of erythrocytes, washed three times and obtained from a healthy dog ​​of the same blood type as the sick animal. The level of free autoantibodies in serum is often very low, since all the antibodies present are tightly fixed on the surface of red blood cells. In 40% of cases, the amount of free antibodies is insufficient to get a positive reaction in indirect method Coombs (Stevart A.R., 1993).


AGA belongs to the group of autoimmune diseases for which the role of autoantibodies in pathogenesis has been clearly and convincingly demonstrated.

It is the binding of autoantibodies to specific antigens on the erythrocyte membrane that is responsible for the decrease in their life expectancy, which is mediated by three cytotoxic mechanisms: 1) phagocytosis; 2) direct hemolysis with the participation of complement; 3) antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity.

Extravascular erythrophagocytosis

In most cases, phagocytosis of erythrocytes by macrophages is observed. Erythrocytes sensitized by autoantibodies are destroyed after opsonization by macrophages of the spleen, liver, and, to a lesser extent, bone marrow. Bilirubinemia, as well as the presence of urobilin and bilirubin in the urine, prompt the clinician that extravascular hemolysis is occurring (Chabre B., 1990).

Minor differences in pathogenesis are present between the two RBC graveyards.

Extravascular erythrophagocytosis may be associated with intravascular hemolysis.

Complement mediated intravascular hemolysis

The destruction of erythrocytes in the circulatory system is quite a rare event(in 15% of dogs), which is observed exclusively in acute hemolytic anemia, or in acute complications that have developed during the chronic course of the disease (classes II and V).

This is due to the complete activation of complement along the classical path from C to CD on the surface of the same erythrocytes. As a result, the erythrocyte membrane is destroyed and their constituents (mainly hemoglobin) are released into the circulating blood, which leads to hemoglobinemia and hemoglobinuria.

This is observed only when fixing autoantibodies to complement with a pronounced hemolytic effect: the role in hemolysis is now well established for IgG and IgM. Only these forms of an autoimmune disease can be accompanied by ictericity or subictericity.

Cytotoxicity of cells caused by antibodies

K-cells (killer cells or killer cells) have receptors for the Fc fragment of the IgG molecule, with the help of which they are fixed on the surface of sensitized erythrocytes and cause their death through direct cytotoxic effects.

Recently, the role of this third mechanism in the development of AGA has been well established, but not yet completely defined.

As with other autoimmune diseases, the degree of autoimmune disorders is not always directly proportional to the severity of the manifestation of the process.

Short term forecast

The short-term prognosis is unfavorable only in 15-35% of cases. Clinical improvement after adequate therapy observed, according to different authors, in 65-85% of patients.

An increase in hematocrit and reticulocytosis against the background of a decrease in spherocytosis are positive prognostic criteria.

Mortality in dogs is significantly increased under the following circumstances: poor regeneration (moderate or insufficient reticulocytosis), low hematocrit (below 15%), blood bilirubin concentration above 100 mg/l.

Long term forecast

The long-term prognosis is less favorable in terms of possible complications. Usually you have to be content with the fact that recovery is achieved only in 30-50% of cases.

The prognosis for secondary AGA depends mainly on concomitant disease and its possible complications.

Most often, pulmonary thromboembolism and disseminated intravascular coagulation are observed (Cotter S.M., 1992). AT rare cases noted complications in the form of lymphadenitis, endocarditis, hepatitis or glomerulonephritis, which can be fatal (Stewart A.F., Feldman B.F, 1993).

In class III disease, the prognosis is most often favorable. In cats, the prognosis is poor, since the disease is often associated with infection caused by one or another retrovirus (feline leukemia virus, FeLV; feline immunodeficiency virus, VIF) (ChabreB., 1990).

A more cautious prognosis for diseases of classes II and V, accompanied by intravascular hemolysis.

The prognosis is doubtful in diseases belonging to classes I and IV and accompanied by autoagglutination (Hagedorn J.E., 1988). They are more likely to end in death.

According to Klag et col. (1992, 1993) the overall mortality rate is about 29%.

In any case, the prognosis should always be restrained and depend on the adequacy of the pharmacological correction of the condition.

AGA therapy can be administered in a variety of ways. Most general approach treatment is based on the elimination of the immunological reaction by prescribing immunosuppressants that suppress the formation of autoantibodies and the activity of macrophages responsible for erythrophagocytosis.


Corticosteroids are the main component of therapy. They are used both as monotherapy and in association with danazol, cyclophosphamide or azathioprine (Cotter S.M., 1992; Squires R., 1993).


In high therapeutic dose and at long-term use corticosteroids are the main drugs that provide the effect of immunosuppression. From the clinician's point of view, prednisone (Cortancyl N.D. per os), prednisolone, methylprednisolone (methylprednisolone hemisuccinate: Solumedrol N.D., i.v.) shock doses 2 to 4 mg/kg every 12 hours, give best result. You can also use dexamethasone or betamethasone at doses of 0.3-0.9 mg/kg per day (Stewart A.F., Feldman B.F, 1993).

If corticosteroid therapy is effective in AGA with warm autoantibodies (IgG) in 80-90% of cases, then in AGA with cold autoantibodies (IgM) its effectiveness is ambiguous. However, the data obtained should be evaluated very carefully. If corticosteroid therapy is ineffective, cytotoxic chemotherapy should be considered.

Shock corticosteroid therapy should be initiated as soon as possible after confirmation of the diagnosis of AGA by the direct Coombs method. Treatment should not be long: the duration varies on average from three to eight weeks. A longer course of corticosteroid therapy has little benefit but carries risks severe complications(iatrogenic Cushing's syndrome).

With maintenance therapy, corticosteroids are prescribed every other day in doses equal to half, a quarter, or one-eighth of the shock. The gradual withdrawal of drugs is carried out within two to four months after clinical remission. Some animals are completely off corticosteroids. Others continue to be treated at low doses throughout life to avoid relapses (Squires R., 1993).

In dogs with idiopathic AGA (IgG), the Coombs test remains positive throughout the course of the disease, including during corticosteroid therapy and clinical remission. When the reaction is negative in the direct Coombs method, the recurrence of the disease is quite rare. This is a very favorable prognostic criterion (Slappendel R.J., 1979).

In cats, corticosteroid therapy is combined with tetracycline antibiotics if haematological examination reveals haemobartenellosis (Haemobartenella felis), or for prophylaxis bacterial complications on the background of immunosuppression.

Corticosteroid therapy should not be given long-term in cats, especially in FeLV infections. The immunosuppressive effect of corticosteroids may enhance the already pronounced immunosuppressive effect of the virus. In cats with a latent viral infection, corticosteroid therapy may exacerbate the pathology and cause viremia.

If in the first 48-72 hours after the start of corticosteroid therapy it is not possible to achieve stabilization or improvement in hematocrit, then therapy should be continued. A marked increase in hematocrit may occur 3-9 days after initiation of therapy. If there is no improvement even after 9 days, then more powerful immunosuppressive drugs should be used.

Powerful immunosuppressants

Cyclophosphamide and azathioprine are two cytotoxic drugs (cytostatics) that are more potent immunosuppressants than corticosteroids (Table 5). They suppress the production of antibodies by B-lymphocytes (Squires R., 1993).

These drugs should be used only in the most severe cases AGA diseases: patients with autoagglutination (classes I and IV) or with intravascular hemolysis (classes II and V) (Hagedorn J.E., 1988). In severe cases, vigorous therapeutic measures are required. Be sure to inform pet owners about the side effects of drugs.

Cyclosporine (10 mg/kg, IM, then orally for 10 days) has been successfully used to treat complex recurrent cases of AGA that are not amenable to classical corticosteroid therapy (Jenkins TS. et al., 1986; Preloud P., Daffos L, 1989 ). Patients with autoagglutination (classes I and IV) require combination therapy (corticosteroids + cytostatics) to prevent relapses and achieve remission. However, larger trials are required to better understand how effective this combination is in AGA therapy.


Danazol (an ethisterone derivative), a synthetic hormone of the androgen group, is increasingly being used to treat autoimmune diseases (Stewart A.F., 1945). Danazol reduces the production of IgG, as well as the amount of IgG and complement fixed on cells (Holloway S.A. et al., 1990).

The main mechanism of action of danazol is to inhibit complement activation and to suppress complement fixation on cell membranes (Bloom J.C., 1989). Danazol modulates the ratio of T-helpers and T-suppressors, which is disturbed in autoimmune thrombocytopenia (Bloom J.C., 1989). It can also reduce the number of receptors for the Fc fragment of immunoglobulins located on the surface of macrophages (Schreiber A.D., 1987).

The therapeutic dose for dogs is 5 mg/kg PO 3 times a day (Stewart A.R, Feldman B.F., 1993). The action of danazol (Danocrine N.D., Danatrol M.D.) increases slowly over one or three weeks and is manifested in the improvement of hematological parameters (Bloom J.C., 1989; Schreiber A.D., 1987). It is recommended to combine danazol with any corticosteroid (Stewart A.F., Feldman B.F., 1993). When the patient's condition stabilizes, the doses of corticosteroids are reduced, and treatment with danazol is continued for two to three months (Schreiber A.D., 1987). Danazol can cause a marked increase muscle mass if used for more than six months.


The purpose of splenectomy is to remove the spleen, which is the main organ of red blood cell destruction in the case of IgG-associated AGA. It is also the main organ of the lymphoid system producing circulating antibodies, in the particular case of autoantibodies. Successfully applied in humanitarian medicine, this operation probably cannot be so favorable for a dog and a cat (Feldman B.F. et al., 1985). It is completely useless in AGA associated with IgM, where the destruction of red blood cells mainly occurs in the liver. Moreover, this operation can exacerbate the latent course of babesiosis or hemobartonellosis. Thus, we propose to consider splenectomy only as an extreme option (Feldman V. Fetal., 1985).

Blood transfusion

Blood transfusion is generally contraindicated due to the possibility of hemolysis. Transfused erythrocytes are rapidly covered with autoantibodies, which leads to their mass rupture, and, consequently, aggravation of the hemolysis crisis. On the other hand, blood transfusion reduces normal bone marrow hematopoiesis. Therefore, it should be prescribed for the following indications: hemolytic crisis, hematocrit below 10%, or respiratory failure.

In practice, the indication for blood transfusion is a drop in the number of red blood cells below 2x106/ml in dogs and 1.5x106/ml in cats. Very short-term improvement is noted with intravenous corticosteroids. Plasmapheresis gives positive results in humans, but in animals its use is complicated by the low availability of instrumentation for cats (Matus R.E. et al., 1985).

adjuvant therapy

As with all anemias, adjuvant therapy is used: ferrous sulfate at the rate of 60-300 mg per day (Squires R., 1993), vitamin B12, calm environment, warmth, and then intravenous infusion sometimes forced breathing. It is especially important that patients with cold agglutinins be protected from exposure to too low temperatures. Prevention of thromboembolism and DIC in dogs at risk ( elevated level total bilirubin, condition after blood transfusion) consists in the early administration of anticoagulants: 100 IU / kg of heparin s / c every 6 hours during the exacerbation period (Klein M.K. et al., 1989).

Patient follow-up

It has great importance. Control over the condition of patients can be carried out using the Coombs test: two months after the patient enters the acute phase of the course of the disease, then every 2-3 months during the transition to chronic course. If the criteria for clinical and hematological assessment are normal, the Coombs test gives a negative reaction, it can be considered that the dog or cat has recovered. However, it is difficult to talk about true recovery or simple remission.

In this case, you should be extremely careful, since with a probability of 50% any of the above options is possible.

To clarify the true situation, it is necessary to continue monitoring the condition of the animal, systematically conduct blood tests (for example, once a month for six months, and then once every three months) and resume corticosteroid therapy at the slightest threat of relapse. As a rule, this is enough to normalize clinical condition. Minimum dose corticosteroids (0.05-1 mg / kg per day) every other day helps to restore blood counts to the physiological norm. In chronic or recurrent AGA, permanent administration of corticosteroids, whenever possible, at the lowest therapeutic dose is recommended.


When clinical picture is indicative enough, then with the help of only one direct Coombs method, it is possible to diagnose AGA. But this applies only to a positive Coombs test in the presence of IgG (both with and without complement). In general, positive reactions with complement alone are common in dogs and rarely associated with severe hemolysis. If delivered provisional diagnosis, then it is necessary to carry out additional research. As with all autoimmune diseases, nonspecific abnormalities in immune system can be caused by a variety of reasons.

Finally, all autoimmune diseases share similarities, with each representing a group of disorders that overlap to varying degrees. Often, one can observe the simultaneous or sequential manifestation of AGA and systemic lupus erythematosus, and AGA and rheumatoid arthritis, or AGA and autoimmune thrombocytopenia. If an immunological diagnosis reveals the presence of one of these autoimmune diseases, then it is necessary to look for others even in the absence of characteristic clinical symptoms. When AGA is associated with SLE or thrombocytopenia in a dog, or with FeLV infection in a cat, the prognosis is more uncertain compared with isolated idiopathic AGA.

magazine "Veterinarian" № 2003

Anemia in dogs is a condition of their body in which there is not enough hemoglobin or red blood cells in the blood. Red blood cells have a special function - they carry oxygen from the lungs to other organs. Accordingly, the development of anemia leads to the fact that organs and tissues begin to suffer from a lack of oxygen. In particularly serious cases, this can lead to the death of the animal.

Erythrocytes - red blood cells containing hemoglobin - are formed in the bone marrow. They are based on a specific chemical element - iron. And this is true even for a dog, even for a person. The life span of these cells is about 2 months, after which the liver filters them out of the blood, the main components are processed in the spleen, and hemoglobin is sent back to the bone marrow to end up in new red blood cells. This is the life cycle of an erythrocyte.

At any stage of this process, various violations which lead to the development of anemia. So, iron deficiency, as well as B vitamins and folic acid, leads to a lack of hemoglobin in blood cells. There are also diseases that block the recovery of blood cells. Others provoke premature breakdown of red blood cells - hemolysis.

As a rule, dogs do not have primary anemia associated with iron deficiency, although, for example, people suffer from it quite often. However, dogs have a slightly different metabolism, and anemia is not a problem for them. independent disease but a symptom of other diseases.

In this case, often the amount of blood in the dog's body does not change, only the qualitative composition is disturbed. Moreover, intuitively, the animal will try to improve blood quality by increasing water intake. And this, in turn, can even lead to an increase in the amount of blood in the vessels.

It is not possible to single out any breeds or age categories that are most predisposed to the development of anemia. It can only be said that animals that had diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or a tendency to serious infectious diseases fall into the risk zone.

Causes of Anemia in Dogs

Anemia can be the result of a number of diseases. There are the following causes of anemia:

Anemia in dogs is classified according to a variety of criteria. For example, there are regenerative and non-regenerative anemias in dogs.

Regenerative anemia in dogs is a condition in which the body is able to make up for the loss of blood on its own. Non-regenerative - a state in which the body copes with the situation on its own.

Anemia can also be divided into primary and secondary. But, as already mentioned, primary anemia in dogs is extremely rare.

Symptoms of Anemia in Dogs

If anemia is associated with a sharp loss of a large amount of blood, then it will not be difficult to determine it, even if we are talking about internal bleeding. The condition of the animal will deteriorate sharply, up to loss of consciousness. The situation is complicated by the fact that in this case you need to act very quickly, otherwise you may not have time to save the animal.

In other cases, diagnosing anemia can be quite difficult. The most striking symptoms may be the pallor of the mucous membranes. Their color becomes pale pink or even almost white. In addition, the animal becomes more lethargic, gets tired quickly, weakens.

Hemolytic anemia may present with jaundice and be accompanied by an increase in the amount of bilirubin in the blood and urine.

Much more vivid and pronounced signs appear in the case of autoimmune anemia:

  • dyspnea,
  • vomiting, diarrhea,
  • an increase in the amount of urine,
  • increased thirst,
  • fever.


If the owner suspects anemia in his pet, then, first of all, veterinarians will do a blood test, checking the amount of hemoglobin in the blood. It is this indicator that allows you to say with accuracy whether the dog really has problems with anemia.

However, this diagnosis is unlikely to be completed, since it is very important for dogs to determine the cause of anemia. Without this, it will be impossible to choose suitable treatment. Iron preparations in most cases can only be maintenance therapy. It is the cause that needs to be treated, not the effect.


In the case of acute anemia from blood loss, hemotransfusion is performed - blood transfusion for anemia in dogs. This allows you to quickly fill the lack of blood. In some hereditary diseases, transfusion is also used, but not pure blood, but its products: plasma, red blood cells, and so on. A bone marrow transplant is also possible.

In parallel with the elimination of the cause of the disease, it is also necessary to stimulate the production of new red blood cells and hemoglobin. To do this, the dogs are given preparations of iron, potassium, phosphorus and other minerals, vitamin K1, folic acid, and so on.

Predictions for sick dogs

Like treatment, prognosis depends entirely on the cause of the disease and on the general condition of the dog's body. So, if the cause of anemia is cancer tumor, then this, most often, leads to the death of the animal. This happens both because of the weakening of the body by a serious illness, and because of aggressive chemotherapy.

Heavy chemical poisoning also leave the dog little chance of being shown. However, this does not mean that it makes no sense to fight for the life and health of the animal.

But if the cause of anemia is an external injury, and at the same time the animal was helped on time, then most likely the forecasts will be favorable.

It must be understood that many conditions that lead to anemia are almost impossible to completely cure. Especially when it comes to hereditary diseases. While others, for example, helminthic invasion, although they require long-term treatment, make it possible to get rid of anemia completely.


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