Fertilization and conception. How a new life is born: a description of the process of conceiving a child

About fertilization, conception and possible pregnancy

How to find out if conception has occurred? People have been looking for answers to this and other questions regarding the birth of a new life since ancient times. It turns out that our great-grandparents considered pregnancy to be a completely natural state of a woman.

Therefore, it is not surprising that most families had up to 20 offspring, and abortions were punishable by law, condemned by public opinion, and banned by the church. At the same time, miscarriage and infant mortality were then perceived as a given, they say, "God gave - God took." However, today times are different, as are the living conditions and mentality of people ... But the process of conceiving a baby itself has remained unchanged.

An essential condition for fertilization is, of course, the presence in the human body of fully mature germ cells. In a woman - eggs, which are formed through hormones in the ovaries, which secretes such a part of the brain as the pituitary gland. These hormones promote the growth of follicles, and consequently, ovulation (the release of an egg), and are also responsible for the viability of the corpus luteum, which forms a hormone (progesterone), which is responsible for maintaining pregnancy.

On the other hand, in the male body, through hormones, sex cells are formed - spermatozoa, which mature in the testicle, then pass into its appendage, and then into the prostate gland and seminal vesicles. Mixing with the secretion of the prostate gland, spermatozoa form semen, which takes part in fertilization and conception.

A favorable moment for fertilization and conception is, of course, the period of ovulation, which occurs approximately 14 days before menstruation. At the same time, the mucous membrane of the uterus and the volume of mucus increase. Thus, spermatozoa can easily penetrate inside.

Under the influence of the release of hormones into the blood, the follicle ruptures, from which the egg enters the fallopian tube and moves towards the uterus. In turn, the egg merges with the sperm - an embryo is formed, and fertilization occurs in the fallopian tube.

Before conception at hand?

However, it should be noted that without ovulation, fertilization will by no means occur. It is known that from 12 hours to a day after ovulation, the egg is viable. So during this period, conception is likely. Despite the fact that male cells live in the female body for up to 2-5 days, the duration of the conception process depends on the egg. If during these days she has not been fertilized, then conception is possible only in the next menstrual cycle.

Thus, given the speed of the sperm (from 3 to 4 mm / min.), Its journey to the egg takes about an hour. It turns out that fertilization after the eruption of the seed is probably an hour later. At the same time, it is unrealistic to foresee the exact occurrence of ovulation, so conception can happen even a week after sexual contact.

As a result, the embryo that has formed divides and moves towards the uterus. After 7 days, it passes into the uterus and produces chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) - a hormone that promotes the creation of progesterone by the corpus luteum.

As a result, the endometrium of the uterus, which provides the embryo with oxygen and the necessary substances, grows. So, by the presence of the hCG hormone and its concentration in the blood of a woman, one can judge the occurrence of pregnancy and identify how the fetus develops.


Healthy women ovulate regularly. How to find out if conception occurred after ovulation? Neither a pregnancy test nor an ultrasound will give any result immediately after ovulation, because hCG is not produced in the pre-implantation period. After the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine wall, and hormone secretion begins, a test can be done. Up to this point, a woman can record the initial signs of pregnancy, which are far from always objective.

Favorable period for conception

Is it possible to get pregnant before ovulation or after it? The maximum chance of conception exists on the day of ovulation. Favorable time after it is calculated in hours and averages less than a day. This is due to the fact that the oocyte lives only 12-24 hours. The potentially dangerous period is about 8 days (7 days before the release of the oocyte and 1 day after it), since the spermatozoa live from 2 to 7 days. That is, they can penetrate the tubes even before ovulation occurs, and wait for the egg there. In this case, conception occurs on the day the oocyte is released.


To calculate ovulation, you need to divide the average cycle time by two, the error is three days in both directions. This method is not very accurate because ovulation may occur earlier or later than the middle of the cycle. The test for LH (luteinizing hormone) in the urine can accurately determine the output of the oocyte. An increase in the content of LH indicates the approaching ovulation. The test allows you to find out about ovulation a day before its onset with an accuracy of 99%.

Signs of pregnancy

To understand that conception has occurred, specific signs will help, signaling a change in hormonal levels. Pre-implantation symptoms of conception and fertilization are not reliable, but sometimes they accurately indicate the presence of pregnancy.

Bloody issues

Minor spotting that appeared after ovulation may indicate conception, this is implantation bleeding that accompanies the introduction of the embryo into the uterine wall. These discharges are often mistaken for menstruation. But you can not ignore the spotting, which repeatedly appear during the day or more. This could mean a threatened miscarriage, a condition that requires medical attention.


Long before the onset of toxicosis, a woman may complain of increased gas formation and bloating. These symptoms can be considered a sign of pregnancy if they occur towards the end of the cycle.

Some note intolerance to certain foods and smells, unusual food addictions. These phenomena disappear with time, but having become pregnant again, the woman already clearly knows what the occurrence of these symptoms indicates.

Cramps in the abdomen

Also, many women indicate such signs of pregnancy as heaviness in the lower abdomen and cramps, sometimes tingling and pulling pains. These symptoms may also indicate an increased tone of the uterus, so if they last a week, then you should consult a specialist.

Changes in the mammary glands

Soreness, enlargement and engorgement of the breast, enlargement and darkening of the areola are the main signs that conception has occurred. These phenomena occur before menstruation, but at the beginning of pregnancy they are more pronounced and can last longer. Also, a woman may notice a light discharge from the nipples, this is the mammary glands begin to produce colostrum.

High basal body temperature

If fertilization has occurred, then the entire second half of the cycle should remain elevated basal temperature. Sometimes the sensations when the egg is released are mistaken for the onset of fertilization, since the symptoms that occur during ovulation are similar to the signs of conception. It is more reliable not to rely on subjective feelings, but to wait for the 10th day of the alleged pregnancy and take a test.

After fertilization, the basal temperature rises. If the thermometer is 37 degrees, this allows us to conclude that pregnancy is possible even before the delay. After ovulation and fertilization occurs, increased production of progesterone begins. It is he who gives an increase to 37 degrees.

Normal temperature after fertilization is an unfavorable prognostic sign and indicates a lack of progesterone. This condition poses a threat of miscarriage and needs treatment.


The initial signs of pregnancy include increased fatigue, sleepiness and a constant feeling of malaise, which is caused by hormonal changes. The body after ovulation and conception adapts to a new state for it and provides protection to the embryo. If pregnancy occurs after ovulation, immunity automatically decreases so that the mother's body does not reject the embryo, which it perceives as a foreign body.

An informative sign of pregnancy is severe irritability and emotional lability, which is also a reaction to hormonal changes taking place in the body. If a woman is nervous and annoyed for any reason, then this may indicate a conception has occurred.

Increased PMS symptoms

Unpleasant sensations after ovulation and conception may resemble discomfort before the onset of menstruation. They are evidence of the onset of pregnancy. Severe and prolonged pain may indicate abnormal attachment of the egg, so if they continue for more than 14 days, then it is worth visiting a doctor.

Stomach ache

In the first days after conception, sometimes there are mild pains in the sacrum and discomfort in the lower abdomen. More pronounced pain appears with a threatened miscarriage or ectopic implantation, in addition to it, blood discharge occurs.

Gastrointestinal dysfunction

Sometimes the first signs of conception after ovulation are associated with dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract. If more than a week has passed since the expected moment of conception, then a woman may experience the following symptoms:

  • nausea, urge to vomit;
  • heartburn;
  • increased gas formation;
  • heaviness in the stomach;
  • taste perversion.

These symptoms occur when conception occurs after ovulation and the egg is implanted in the thickness of the uterus. Before this happens, the hormonal background remains at the same level and any changes in the functions of the gastrointestinal tract are not informative.


The early stages of fetal development in many women are accompanied by inflammation of the bladder. The reason for this phenomenon is not so much that the growing uterus presses on the bladder (it still has a size no larger than a chicken egg), but rather in the hormonal changes in the body. Immune defense is weakened, as a result, the infection penetrates into the organs of urination and cystitis develops. Problems of this nature can haunt a woman all the time of pregnancy. Treatment is carried out with antibacterial drugs that do not have a negative effect on the fetus.

Signs of conception by day

For the fusion of gametes, it is necessary that a full-fledged egg comes out of the follicle. The mature cell is capable of fertilization and subsequent division. On what day after ovulation does conception and fertilization occur? Most often on the same day, the life of the egg is short - about 12-24 hours.

First day

Spermatozoa must travel a certain distance to enter the fallopian tube, where the egg is waiting for them. This process takes about 2-6 hours. After the struggle, the sperm penetrates inside and fertilization occurs. Signs of conception after ovulation before implantation in most cases are absent. A woman does not feel anything on the 1st day of pregnancy.
Second day
The immune system perceives the fertilized egg as a foreign body, therefore, on the 2nd day of pregnancy, the production of antibodies begins, the so-called immune attack. From this, the expectant mother feels tired and weak. In addition, on the second day, there may be a change in taste preferences, bloating and nausea, as well as signs of fertilization of the egg, such as engorgement and soreness of the mammary glands.

Third day

The first few days, including day 3 of embryo development, take place in the fallopian tube. A woman may lose her appetite, experience nausea and dizziness. Starting from the third day, the woman's body begins to rebuild and prepare for implantation.

Fourth day

On the 4th day after the fusion of gametes, thanks to the peristalsis of the tubes, the embryo enters the uterus. Signs of pregnancy on this day: increased gas formation, bloating. Sensation of a foreign body in the abdomen.

Fifth day

Implantation means the process of attaching the embryo to the uterine lining, which occurs between the 5th and 9th day from the moment of fertilization and lasts about 40 hours. If the embryo does not move into the uterine cavity, but continues to develop in the tube, then an ectopic pregnancy is formed. On the 5th day after the fusion of gametes, the temperature may rise, dizziness and chills may occur. The woman feels like she has a cold.

Sixth day

On day 6, there is an increase in basal temperature, which must be measured without getting out of bed in the morning. Drawing pains are felt in the lower part of the abdomen, as before the onset of menstruation.

Seventh day

A sign of pregnancy on the 7th day is: slight light brown or pink discharge. They may occur between the fifth and seventh day after gamete fusion, corresponding to the implantation of the embryo.

eighth day

The beginning of the second week of embryonic development corresponds to the first critical period of formation. During this period of time, teratogenic factors lead to the death of the embryo. But if he survives, then he does not have any malformations. On the 8th day there is a feeling of constant fatigue, headaches and dizziness. The expectant mother looks pale.

Ninth day

The embryo, which is at the stage of crushing, reaches the uterus and begins to sink into the mucous membrane. This sometimes causes minor implantation bleeding. Until the 9th day, the signs of pregnancy are very scarce and similar. Due to the fact that the hormonal background begins to change, the expectant mother feels very tired, therefore, on the 9th day after the fusion of gametes, the woman feels drowsy.

tenth day

On the 10th day, the embryo is finally implanted in the uterine mucosa. Now you can determine the presence of gonadotropic hormone in the blood. A biochemical blood test, which can be done from this day, objectively confirms the onset of pregnancy. After 10 days, you can use a highly sensitive test.

Eleventh day

In most women, the approach of menstruation is accompanied by some characteristic sensations: mood lability, pulling pain in the back or lower back, migraine, engorgement and breast enlargement. And if on the 11th day these signs are absent, then it is possible that it is no longer worth waiting for menstruation.

Twelfth day

On the 12th day of embryonic development, dyspeptic phenomena may appear: changes in taste, nausea, vomiting, rejection of certain odors. These symptoms of fertilization occur in the vast majority of expectant mothers. At this time, the body itself can suggest what it needs for the proper formation of the fetus, so women note a change in taste preferences. They may be attracted to those foods that before pregnancy seemed tasteless to them, and previously favorite dishes cause disgust.

Thirteenth day

Changes in the mammary glands begin to occur immediately after conception, in parallel with the processes taking place in the uterus. On the 13th day of pregnancy, a frequent sign of fertilization is discomfort in the mammary glands, and in some cases even slight discharge from them. The body is preparing for breastfeeding, the result of changes may be darkening and swelling of the areola around the nipples.

sixteenth day

From the 16th day of pregnancy, the neural plate is formed in the embryo, the ends of which are connected and form a tube. This is how the nervous system starts. After this, the skeletal system of the embryo is laid.

Conducting a test

How to find out if conception has occurred and whether pregnancy has occurred after ovulation? The accuracy of the test results depends on the time of the study. In order for him to fix the pregnancy before the onset of menstruation, it is necessary to purchase a test with high susceptibility. Some products are able to show the concentration of hCG starting from 10 mU / ml and fix fertilization already on the 10th day. The second type of test has less susceptibility and notes the presence of hCG only with 15-25 mU / ml, that is, after the first day of menstruation delay.

It often happens that conception occurs, but the test is negative. One of the reasons for this phenomenon may be the failure to follow the correct sequence of the test specified in the instructions. Also, the objectivity of the study can be affected by the use of excessive amounts of fluid and the test in the evening, which affects the concentration of the hormone in the urine.

If the second strip is poorly visualized, it is recommended to conduct a secondary test after a few days. Sometimes hCG rises slowly, and the test will fix a false negative result up to 3 weeks after the fusion of gametes. In this case, a woman can focus on subjective signs of pregnancy. Details about the early symptoms of fertilization in the video:

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Conception is result of intercourse men and women subsequently which connects with. In order for pregnancy to occur, the following conditions are necessary:

  • sexual intimacy should occur a few days before or within 12-24 hours after it.
  • Good.
  • Permeability of the fallopian tubes.
  • Sufficient.

May occur within hours after (if present in the fallopian tubes). You can most likely determine the day of conception if you know the release date for sure. The following methods will help with this:

  • Folliculometry.
  • Special tests.

Start of pregnancy

For a complete pregnancy fertilized egg need to take its place in the uterus. But, first of all, you have to get there and go through many stages of division.

After what happened, the cell is called a zygote, it continues to move towards the uterus with the help of cilia and contractions of the muscular layer of the tube.

After 13-15 hours after getting inside, pronuclei (male and female nuclei) are formed inside the egg, each of which has 23 pairs of chromosomes.

Approximately 20–21 hours after the association of pronuclei, at this moment, the color of the eyes, hair, physical data and gender of the unborn baby becomes known.

Due to the formation of a zygote, mitotic division occurs. The cells that are created as a result of this process are called blastomeres. On the second day, 2-4 cells are formed. On the third day, the embryo stage 8 blastomeres.

Normally, on the 4th day after conception, a morula develops as a result of crushing, an intercellular cavity is formed inside it, which is characterized by a transition to the next stage - blastocyst. It is formed on the 5th day after and is the final stage in the development of the embryo before fixing in the uterine cavity.

Usually implantation occurs 6-7 days after conception. But in some cases, this process can be quite lengthy and the journey of the embryo through the fallopian tube can reach 14 days. The intensity of the passage depends on the degree of contraction of the pipe, the presence of adhesions and other factors. In some cases, a woman can feel this moment by the following signs:

  • Temperature rise.
  • Cramps in the lower abdomen.
  • The appearance of minor blood secretions.
  • Deterioration of well-being.

A woman can find out about the fact of pregnancy when the body starts release of hCG hormone.

In the blood, its concentration begins to increase a few days after implantation. The hormone is excreted into the urine much later. If you want to confirm pregnancy as early as possible, the best option would be to take an analysis that determines hCG level in the blood.

ON A NOTE! There is a theory that if sexual intercourse occurred a few days before, then a girl is more likely to be born. If sex was on the day of release - a boy.

In time determine pregnancy Keeping a regular menstrual calendar will help. It should include the following information:

  • The duration of the menstrual cycle.
  • Excretion intensity.
  • Discomfort in the lower abdomen.
  • The frequency of sexual intercourse.

The information obtained will help determine the likelihood of pregnancy. And also fixing menstruation helps in making a diagnosis, in the presence of any abnormalities. You can enter the results of regular events in the calendar. They help in determining the day. The calculations are based on a long-term basis. Otherwise, the result cannot be considered reliable.


Even before the onset of the delay, some women may experience signs of conception. In many ways, they are similar to the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

The mammary glands begin to increase, weakness of the body appears, increases irritability. In some cases, toxicosis may already manifest itself at this stage. A woman has new food preferences, develops intolerance to familiar foods.

Indirect signs of successful conception include the appearance minor bleeding about 6-7 days after. In most cases, they are not taken seriously by a woman. Their appearance is associated with the fixation of the embryo in the uterine mucosa, as a result, vessels, which results in minor blood loss.

The presence of pregnancy can be calculated by. After that, it becomes higher and, in the absence of conception, falls towards the end. In the event of pregnancy, the temperature does not fall, but rather rises. It is also possible to fix the day on the chart embryo fixation, which is characterized by a decrease in temperature.

REFERENCE! If conception did not take place during the life of the egg, then the female cell dies and leaves the body along with menstruation.

Knowing the intricacies of the fertilization process, you can both increase the likelihood of conception and prevent unwanted pregnancy.

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How quickly will the test show pregnancy after conception?

Many girls planning their motherhood are wondering - How many days does fertilization occur after conception?

In the fertilization procedure, several stages can be conventionally distinguished:

  • Ovulation is the process of release of a mature egg;
  • The phenomenon of fertilization - the sperm is in the egg;
  • The process of cell division - the fetal egg is divided into cells;
  • The moment of implantation is the attachment of a fertilized fetal egg, which has already begun the process of division, on one of the uterine walls.

How quickly does pregnancy occur after conception? And how soon can you make a diagnosis to detect pregnancy? - these questions concern many of the fair sex today.

Process mechanism

Fertilization during sexual contact can occur during the period of ovulation - the egg is released into the abdominal cavity. After some time, it is already moving in the fallopian tube to the uterus. After ejaculation, spermatozoa end up in the vaginal area, a significant number of them die. The remaining sex cells, through the flagella, also move towards the body of the uterus, the area of ​​the fallopian tubes.

Already in the fallopian tube, the procedure for the fusion of male germ cells with female ones begins, a single zygote is created, gradually dividing, turning into an embryo, moving all the same to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body of the uterus.

How long is the ovulation period? Ovulation can be observed 14-17 days before menstruation. In the absence of fertilization, the egg dies, and is subsequently released during menstrual days.

How long does it take for fertilization?

The readiness of the egg for fertilization after the moment of exit from the ovary is estimated at 1 day. Spermatozoa are able to maintain their viability for up to 4 days.

Therefore, it is not difficult to calculate the time of onset of fertilization - usually 4-5 days after sexual contact.

How long does conception take after intercourse?

Merging process:

  • If sexual contact occurred before ovulation, i.e. spermatozoa found themselves in the zone of the fallopian tube in the absence of an egg - in this situation they are able to remain viable for up to 3 days, waiting for it in this place. If an egg is released during this period, then the fertilization process will take place. Even under the condition that sexual contact occurred 3 days before the possible onset of ovulation;
  • If sexual contact occurred during the period of ovulation, which is a day, the process of conception will occur in a given time. Spermatozoa, finding themselves in the vaginal area, move to the body of the uterus, where there is already an egg, upon reaching the spermatozoon, it will fertilize it, this is how a zygote is created. How long is the ovulation period? You can do a test to detect ovulation, calculate it in a calendar way, measure rectal temperature, and so on;
  • If sexual contact occurred after ovulation, then the egg that came out of their follicle must be fertilized in a day, in the absence of this process, it moves to the uterus, where it dies. After her death in the area of ​​the uterus, the process of rejection of the surface layer of the endometrium, which has not become the zone of attachment of the embryo, begins. All this manifests itself in the form of menstruation.

Signs of fertilization

After the sperm enters the structure of the egg, the body system will gradually begin to rebuild, preparing for the process of bearing the fetus. How long after conception does it start to feel nauseous? Already a few days after fertilization, a female representative is able to notice moments of a pregnant state in herself:

  • There is irritability, nervousness, a sharp change in mood - due to a huge release of progesterone during conception;
  • The feeling of hunger is aggravated, since the body needs a large amount of nutrients, useful substances to maintain pregnancy;
  • There is a change in taste preferences, the sense of smell develops strongly, bouts of nausea are possible (in the morning);
  • There is a state of fatigue, fatigue, dizziness, headache attacks are possible - as a consequence of changes in hormonal levels;
  • When conception is carried out on the 14th day from the first day of menstruation - on the 15-16th day, transparent discharge from the vaginal area can be observed.

Diagnosis of detection of pregnancy, application of the test

The most reliable option for detecting pregnancy today is a blood test, the levels of certain hormones increase throughout the entire period of pregnancy. But it is not always possible or means to carry out this event, especially since there is an alternative method - a test for detecting pregnancy, it is possible to purchase it in the pharmacy network. It consists of one or more narrow strips treated with the necessary substance. The accuracy of this method is highly rated. When will the test show the state of pregnancy? Many packages say that the test will show pregnancy, after the first days of the absence of the menstrual cycle. But you should not diagnose immediately after the conception process - the indicators of the chorionic hormone (HCG), which is responsible for determining pregnancy, will only increase over time. When, after conception, the test will show the onset of a pregnant state? As a rule, a sufficient period is 7 days, this time is enough for the test to respond to pregnancy.

The principle of operation of any test is a reaction to hormonal concentration, determined in the urine. This hormonal element begins to reproduce during the development of the placenta. For women in the normal state, its normal level is from 0 to 5 mU / ml. But after the first week of fertilization, the levels of this hormone increase. Pregnancy tests can vary in sensitivity:

  • The reaction to the concentration of hCG from 10 mU / ml - the state of pregnancy is determined already 5-7 days after fertilization;
  • The reaction to hCG from 25 mU / ml - a pregnant position is detected in the later stages.

In the absence of a menstrual cycle, a test should be done if it shows a positive result, therefore, pregnancy was detected. But if negative, this process should be repeated after a couple of days to prevent the possibility of a false result. Also, do not forget to check the expiration date of the drug. The procedure for determining pregnancy should take place according to the test instructions. An accurate result is not always possible; to detect pregnancy, it is better to do a blood test.

The birth of a new life is a touching, amazing, almost fantastic process. Expectant mothers have always been interested in the question: how is the conception of a child. Two small autonomous cells, uniting, create a new person. And if the period when the fetus begins to move is more or less noticeable for the expectant mother, then the first days and even weeks of pregnancy remain “behind the scenes”.

Mother Nature is a wonderful and wise creator. Everything that concerns the continuation of the family, it is thought out to the smallest detail. Approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle, a “marriageable girl” appears from the ovary - an egg ready for fertilization. It will remain ready for 12 to 36 hours. If during this time conception after PA (sexual intercourse) does not occur, the egg dies and is excreted from the body along with menstrual bleeding. Thus, conception by day after ovulation can occur in the period from one to three days. In some cases, during the period of ovulation, not one, but several eggs are formed. In this case, the likelihood of multiple pregnancy is high.

It is no secret how the fertilization of the egg occurs. Only one female cell is not enough for the birth of a new life. The immediate process of conception begins when potential "grooms" - spermatozoa - rapidly burst into the female body. Like heroes from fairy tales and epics, they have a long and dangerous path to their cherished goal. At the same time, the road is not close - from the cervix to the fallopian tube - about 20 cm. Given the tiny size of the sperm, this is a very decent distance.

First test

First of all, the "tadpoles" are in the vagina. This happens in the first seconds after the act of intimacy. Here their first danger lies in wait. Due to the acidic environment of the vagina, weak spermatozoa (and most of them) die within 2 hours without reaching the cervix. So, out of 500 million spermatozoa that enter the vagina after sex, only a third reaches the cervix. This is how natural selection works.

Second test

For successful conception, at least 10 million spermatozoa must be in the uterus. Not everyone will be able to achieve the goal, because the second barrier - the cervix, is no less difficult and dangerous. An environment of increased acidity also reigns here, in addition, there is a mucous plug in the neck that prevents further movement. True, during ovulation, the amount of mucus decreases somewhat. Mucus usually moves towards the spermatozoa, as if “washing away” the weak and indecisive on its way. The rest of the specimens have sufficient strength to move "against the current".

Third test

After passing the cervix, the spermatozoa end up in the uterus. The genital organ helps the "tadpoles" in every possible way, increasing the speed of their movement. Gradually, they are begging for the last point - the fallopian tube. The catch of this test is that the tube is covered with epithelial cilia. Vibrating, they block the path to the final goal for most applicants. So, out of the multi-million army of spermatozoa that ended up in the uterus, only a few thousand fighters remain in a row by the end of the fallopian tube.

During their movement through the uterus and tubes, spermatozoa change qualitatively, becoming capable of fertilization. Gentlemen are more patient: if the egg is “late”, they will expect it, and fertilization can take up to 3-5 days.

What happens after conception

Consider the fertilization of the egg by day. We will consider the first day of the life of an intrauterine baby not the day of sexual intercourse, but that great moment when the sperm meets the egg.

Day one: fertilization

And now the coveted egg is in the field of view of the applicants. They surround her in an attempt to complete the task.

But a reliable barrier stands in their way - the protective membrane of the egg. To break through it, the spermatozoa will have to try very hard. But nature again came to the aid of the "tadpoles" by putting an acrosome in their heads. This is a special substance that helps the sperm to dissolve the shell of the egg and penetrate inside.

Trying to break through the barrier, most of the "fighters" die, having exhausted their vitality. But the protective layer is weakened in some places under the action of the acrosome. At this moment, that very single sperm detects a "crack" in the membrane armor of the egg. He overcomes it and finds himself directly inside the egg.

Thus, the number of spermatozoa that have entered the vagina plays a primary role in conception. The statement that only one sperm is needed for fertilization is not entirely true. Millions of “tadpoles”, having gone through a difficult thorny path, thus make their way to one, the most successful one.

It is not always possible to predict with accuracy how long pregnancy occurs after ejaculation. This largely depends on the presence of ovulation, sperm motility and the state of the gynecological health of the woman. The answer to the question when conception occurs after the act is ambiguous. On average, it can take up to 3 days from the time sperm enters the female body to a direct meeting with the egg. However, sometimes the partner's sperm are so tenacious that they are ready to wait for the egg for a whole week.

Day two-four: division

The sperm and the egg become one, forming a zygote. It will take about 36 hours after fertilization and the zygote will begin to divide. Still in the fallopian tube, the zygote is now a whole cell complex. Modern medicine can accurately indicate on which day the division of the zygote will end. After the fourth day after fertilization, the division process is considered complete. The zygote is represented by two cells - blastomeres. In size, it remains the same, although the number of blastomeres will gradually increase. Future man needs space for growth and development. The pipe becomes cramped and uncomfortable.

On the third day, the zygote already has about 8 blastomeres, but still remains motionless. Only a day later, on the fourth day, the zygote of 16 blastomeres begins to move towards the uterus. At the same time, the blastocyst (embryo) itself remains tiny for all four days, practically not changing in size. This is necessary for convenient passage through the fallopian tube. Full growth from this moment will begin directly in the uterus.

Days 5-7: Embryo in the uterus

For the first few days, a woman does not suspect that such amazing events are taking place in her body. Meanwhile, the embryo is already freely moving around the expanses of the uterus, in search of its place of residence. Having chosen a place convenient for himself, the future baby is attached to the wall of the uterus. The long and exciting journey is over. In this place he will live and develop for the next 9 months.

Days seven to twelve: implantation

The egg has implanted in the endometrium.

The zygote is in the uterus for 5-7 days after fertilization. After a few days (9-10 days following the fusion), the embryo will completely sink into the wall of the uterus. This process is called implantation. It lasts about 40 hours. It is reliably known how many days the implantation is completed - on the 12th day. From that moment on, the woman is considered pregnant.

After implantation, by about the 20th day of the cycle, a woman may show certain symptoms indicating that a new life has arisen in her body. These include:

  • Implantation bleeding. It is often confused with menstruation. However, it is less abundant and ends, as a rule, on the same day it started. But if the smearing brown discharge lasts up to 10-14 days, a woman should immediately consult a doctor.
  • The production of hCG - a special "pregnancy hormone". It begins to be produced 5-6 days after conception. It is because of him that a woman feels morning sickness, weakness or drowsiness.
  • Sensitivity and swelling of the mammary glands;
  • Increased;
  • Rejection of certain odors;
  • There may be a tingling sensation in the uterus or a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen.

All the described events occur in the body before a woman begins to miss her period or the main symptoms of pregnancy appear.

If the pregnancy is the first, a woman often writes off such symptoms as a common malaise. Ladies who have been in a position before are usually more sensitive to such manifestations and quickly guess about their pregnancy.

Days thirteen-twenty: delay

The most important sign by which a woman finds out about her pregnancy is a delay in menstruation. If it did not start on a certain day of the cycle, pregnancy can be suspected. Sometimes a delay can be caused by menstrual irregularities. One way or another, a woman should take a test to make sure her guesses are correct.

This period corresponds to approximately the 5th week of pregnancy. At this time, the fetus is still quite small - its size does not exceed 7 mm, and its weight is 4 g. But the doctor on the ultrasound will already be able to see it. The future person himself at this time resembles the letter C in shape. Despite its tiny size, upon careful examination, you can see processes on the monitor - future arms and legs. Sometimes you can even distinguish small tubercles in the region of the top of the processes - future fingers.

Facial contours also begin to appear during this period: dimples of the eyes and cheeks, nasal and oral slits. The tiny embryo floats freely in the amniotic fluid, which begins to be produced around the 5th week.

It was during this period that the rudiments of the internal organs of the future person begin to form. At the initial stage of formation are the respiratory, circulatory and nervous systems. The cells of a small organism continue to actively divide. Very soon, the heart of the future baby will begin its work.

How to keep your baby safe

It often happens that a woman finds out about her pregnancy even before the results of the test and consultation with the doctor. Women's intuition tells the expectant mother that a new life is ripening inside her. But this is not always the case, and many women are unaware of their situation.

The first days and weeks are considered the most dangerous period for the unborn baby. After all, a potential pregnancy can end at any initial stage. That is why a woman should take care of her health and help her body in every possible way to accept a tiny creature.

To do this, you should follow some recommendations:

  • It is worth preparing for conception in advance. For several months (ideally - for six months), potential parents should give up smoking, drinking alcohol and other bad habits.
  • The expectant mother needs to be carefully examined to study her female health. The presence of inflammation or adhesions in the uterus or in the tubes can lead to sad consequences. A fertilized egg, without passing through the adhesive barrier, can begin to develop in the fallopian tube and further lead to its rupture (ectopic pregnancy).
  • A woman is recommended to drink. Preparations containing folic acid and vitamin E are especially recommended for expectant mothers. They significantly increase fertility (the ability to conceive).
  • Proper nutrition should be a companion of a woman for the entire period of pregnancy. Harmful foods should be excluded from the diet, but water, on the contrary, should not be neglected.
  • A potential mother is categorically not recommended for serious physical activity. Lifting weights should also be avoided. You can practice leading a calm lifestyle even before conception - the movements of the expectant mother should be smooth, unhurried and soft.

Pregnancy is a complex and simple process at the same time. It is complicated due to the fact that the baby goes a long way from the fusion of two cells to the birth. And at the same time, nature has simplified and thought through everything - the process of conceiving a child and its further development has been thought out practically by the day. From the expectant mother, it only takes a little effort and unconditional love for the being within herself to make childbearing as simple and enjoyable as possible.

fantastic video

Incredibly exciting and realistic video about the conception and subsequent development of the child. All about the intrauterine life of the future person. A touching and at the same time very informative fantastic video.

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