Who is an ophthalmologist and what does he treat? Study of the refraction of the eye. When is dispensary registration with an ophthalmologist shown?

Today, fashion for various electronic devices is very common. Of course, all the newfangled gadgets do not have much benefit for our health. And, as a result, the demand for the services of an ophthalmologist or ophthalmologist is growing. Many of us do not even think about what a complex system of actions is going on in our head, at the moment when we look at the phone screen or at changes in nature. An ophthalmologist is a highly demanded profession these days. About what ophthalmology is, and what the eye doctor does when conducting an appointment, how it differs from an ophthalmologist - the details are below.

Ophthalmologist: who is it and what does it treat

An ophthalmologist (correctly in another way, an ophthalmologist) is a general eye specialist in diseases of the organs of vision, prescribing surgical or conservative treatment. Medical and anatomical knowledge about the eyes began to appear already in the first 100 years of our era.

Although at that time no one knew such a word, but specialists in the restoration of vision were already found then.

One of these was the healer Cornelius Celsus. His achievements gave an excellent start for the development of ophthalmic medicine. Physicians Fedorov and Filatov played even more significant roles in this process. Spectrum of specialists in eye diseases wide enough these days.

Professions that restore health to the visual organ:

  1. Optometrist- corrects the quality of vision, prescribes pharmacological agents, shows numbers and letters.
  2. Ophthalmologist- detects eye diseases, relieves them with medicines or surgical intervention.
  3. optometrist- does not carry out the process as such, but selects tools to ensure healthy vision(glasses, lenses, advises gymnastic exercises).

The doctor uses a specialized composition that causes the patient's pupils to increase as much as possible in diameter. Next, intraocular pressure is measured to rule out glaucoma. There is no difference between an ophthalmologist and an ophthalmologist.

What is the difference: oculist and ophthalmologist

An ophthalmologist and an ophthalmologist are similar representatives of the same profession. In fact, an ophthalmologist does the same thing as an ophthalmologist. The difference in the use of these terms is only a kind of fashion trend and outdated stereotyping. Any of these specialists checks the vision according to the same scheme.

Scheme of eye examination by an ophthalmologist (oculist):

  1. Grade appearance eyes in general (eyelids, cornea, iris, pupil, etc.).
  2. Checking eyesight when looking at distant objects (in any ophthalmologist's office there is a table with letters or pictures of different sizes).
  3. First you need to close one eye and name the letters or pictures you see, and then the same procedure is repeated for the other eye.

If the patient was able to see all the letters and icons on the 10th line from the top of the board, this indicates absolute vision. Lines 11 and 12 are seen by far-sighted patients. If it was possible to see a very small number of lines, then the selection of the necessary glasses or lenses is required.

For this purpose, a special mechanism with holes for several lenses is used.

An optometrist at a children's clinic makes a discount for non-reading children using a table of incised circles. Also for children, when checking close vision, they use special cards with different size letters. It is also important to check for color blindness with the help of special visual tests. The next step is to check the fundus.

Optometrist and ophthalmologist - is it the same thing or not

The ophthalmologist must carefully understand the structure of the eye and operate easily. different ways treatment. There is a thinking that an ophthalmologist, a more qualified doctor, with the highest quality way of providing services. However, this is a common misconception. An ophthalmologist is a simpler but rarer name for the profession of an ophthalmologist.

It is worth contacting an ophthalmologist for both children and adults if you notice symptoms:

  • It became difficult to distinguish objects at far and near distances;
  • It is difficult to focus on one subject;
  • All elements of the environment seem to bifurcate;
  • There was a feeling of "sand" in the eyes;
  • Black dots and bright spots appear before the eyes;
  • Eyes often and profusely water;
  • Suppuration began to appear in the eyes;
  • Sclera acquired a yellowish tint.

It is urgent to run to the doctor if the brain was injured, there is a stably increased arterial pressure or blood glucose. The doctor will check the clarity of vision, measure intraocular pressure, do other necessary procedures and, if necessary, prescribe glasses or contact lenses.

Features of an eye doctor

According to ordinary citizens, both an oculist and an ophthalmologist are two different person With different levels education. The origin of these words, respectively, varies considerably. Oculist - a concept that came to us from the already dead Latin, and ophthalmologist is a Greek word that also arose in ancient times. In support of the previous section, it is worth clarifying that both of these terms mean one profession that deals with eye diseases.

Each of them performs the same production steps, the scheme of which includes:

  • Analysis and detection of a disease state;
  • Timely elimination of inflammation;
  • An effective preventive program.

Chronic sores that affect vision can also lead to a specialist in ophthalmology. For example, an increase in blood sugar, excess weight, increased pressure, malfunction of the glands internal secretion. The causes that affect the change in vision can be included in an infinite periodic system.

Even such an unusual condition as pregnancy can adversely affect visual perception of this world.

An ophthalmologist can conduct a fairly high-quality examination of the patient and independently choose for him necessary medicines and optometric instruments. Specifically, an ophthalmologist has the ability to restore the patient's lost vision. It is in his power to heal such serious illnesses like glaucoma, cataracts and others serious ailments eye.

When to See a Pediatric Ophthalmologist

Children's health is a sensitive issue, especially when it comes to vision. Fully optic nerve and other components good vision formed in adolescence. Therefore, before this period, it is very important for the child to undergo ophthalmological examination. As a result of systematic visits, children's doctor examines the child and prescribes the necessary treatment.

It is worth contacting a pediatric ophthalmologist if there is a hint of the following diseases:

  • Inflammation of the eyes (including conjunctivitis, blepharitis, etc.);
  • Myopia;
  • Farsightedness;
  • Brain injury at birth;
  • Injury to the visual apparatus;
  • Noticeable slanting of the eyes to the bridge of the nose.

All of the above eye diseases have their own, most often, pronounced symptoms. If a parent notices that the child takes longer to see an object, or if he himself complains of a low ability to see, then it is urgent to check his vision.

A professional pediatric ophthalmologist must have a specialized higher education in pediatrics, with an emphasis on children's vision.

This is the essential difference between the treatment of delicate children's eyes and the examination of vision in adults. Each specialist who checks the eyesight of a child must take into account specific features child's body.

Eye doctor: who is an ophthalmologist (video)

Ophthalmologist and ophthalmologist are synonymous concepts. A doctor of this specialization is engaged in the restoration of the most important human organ- eye treatment. Trusting one, louder and more common name does not make sense. Perhaps many would rather trust their vision to a new-fangled ophthalmologist than an outdated ophthalmologist, and maybe vice versa, but this is only a matter of psychology. Nevertheless, you should rely on the quality of the work of a specialist and his professionalism, and not on the name of his profession.

An ophthalmologist is a doctor who specializes in studying the mechanisms of the occurrence and development of diseases of the organs of vision. During the consultation, the oculist diagnoses diseases of the visual organs, prescribes appropriate therapy and the necessary preventive measures to improve the quality of vision.

Diseases treated by an ophthalmologist

An ophthalmologist performs correction and prescribes a course of treatment for diseases of the organs of vision associated with a violation in the light-conducting structures of the eye and structure vitreous body, retinal detachment, destructive changes in the tissues of the eye and cornea.

The ophthalmologist deals with the treatment of myopia, hyperopia, glaucoma, cataracts, astigmatism and other diseases associated with visual impairment.

Visual impairment is not always the result of pathological processes in the visual organs, in 80% of cases the quality of vision decreases with the following diseases and conditions:

It is difficult to correct visual impairment, the cause of which is deviations intraocular pressure from the norm, which occurs in a number of diseases, for example, in diabetes mellitus. Visual impairment can develop gradually, over many years, therefore, in order to prevent irreversible changes in the visual organs and restore their function, an ophthalmologist's consultation is necessary, during which the cause of the pathology is determined and a course of treatment is prescribed. If visual impairment is associated with pathological processes in the endocrine or other systems of the body, then the treatment should be comprehensive and aimed primarily at the underlying disease.

The most common pathological conditions and diseases with which they turn to an ophthalmologist for help are given in this list describing symptoms or characteristic features the course of the disease for some of them:

    Conjunctivitis is an inflammatory disease of the mucous membrane of the eyelid (conjunctiva), during which it turns red and swells, pain, burning and itching appear. Conjunctivitis may occur in initial stages SARS.

    Blepharitis - inflammation of the ciliary edge of the eyelid with swelling, the formation of ulcers and crusts, there may be discharge of an oily consistency.

    Trachoma is a disease with symptoms characteristic of viral conjunctivitis, the duration in the absence of treatment can be several months.

    Cataract is a clouding of the lens that often develops in the elderly, but can also occur in young age, is congenital. A cataract leads to a gradual and painless loss of vision or a decrease in its quality over several years.

    Glaucoma is a disease that develops against the background of constantly elevated intraocular pressure, leads to severe damage to the optic nerve fibers and disorders visual function;



    Spring Qatar - a disease allergic nature, usually the period of its exacerbation falls in the spring, after which the inflammation lasts from several months to a year.

    Trichiasis - occurs due to deformity cartilage tissue century, due to which eyelashes begin to grow in different directions, providing mechanical pressure on the mucous membrane of the eyelids and the eyeball. This condition leads to a number of pathologies of the organs of vision, increases the risk of developing conjunctivitis.

    Barley - appears on the skin of the eyelid or conjunctiva purulent abscess, causing inflammation and swelling of the area;

    Tearing - may occur as a result of compression of the lacrimal ducts or appear as an allergic reaction due to increased secretion of the lacrimal gland;

    Keratitis is a clouding of the cornea, in which vision is impaired, and pain occurs, viral and bacterial infections can provoke keratitis, constant wear contact lenses, allergic reactions;

    Scleritis and episcleritis inflammatory diseases the outer shell of the eyeball - the sclera;

    Eversion of the eyelids - deformation of the cartilage of the eyelids, in which they turn out without signs of inflammation, do not set back into place;

    Iridocyclitis - a disease of the iris and ciliary body of the eye;

    Presbyopia is a visual impairment in which the ability to focus on nearby objects is lost. Also called age-related farsightedness.

    Keratoconus is a pathological condition in which the cornea from a spherical shape takes the form of a cone, which causes visual impairment such as myopia and astigmatism.

    Mechanical damage and eye injury

    Ptosis is the drooping of the eyelid, its lifting is difficult, but a sign of inflammation such as swelling, burning, itching and redness is not observed if ptosis is the only pathology detected. If there are foci of inflammation in the organs of vision, ptosis can be their symptom.

    Hemorrhages - occur when there is insufficient blood clotting, due to friction or mechanical action on the eyelids, it can also occur when physical stress or cough.

Any inflammatory diseases and pathological conditions of the eyelids, conjunctiva, eyeball and buccal gland require an ophthalmologist.

Optometrist and ophthalmologist: what's the difference?

An ophthalmologist and an ophthalmologist are specialists of the same profile who are engaged in the diagnosis and treatment eye diseases. However, the ophthalmologist-surgeon has narrow specialization and conducts therapy of the organs of vision only in case of need for surgical intervention, while for conservative treatment contact an optometrist.

An examination by an ophthalmologist is necessary for children from the first months of life - this allows you to identify congenital pathologies- cataracts, glaucoma, retinal tumors - and take appropriate measures to prevent further deterioration of vision. In the absence of timely diagnosis and treatment, pathologies of the organs of vision can lead to partial or complete blindness. The first visit to a specialist is carried out at the age of two months, after which, in the absence of pathologies, an examination is carried out every year.

Treatment of eye diseases childhood gives good results, because during this period the visual system is flexible and has a high ability to regenerate. By the age of 12-14, when the formation of the organs of vision ends, the treatment of eye diseases is slower.

Optometrist in progress scheduled inspection, which must be carried out annually, determines the state of the organs of vision and reveals possible lesions and pathological processes. This is a necessary preventive measure to preserve and improve vision. There is also an urgent examination, it is necessary when the patient needs emergency care.

Scheduled examination of the child by an ophthalmologist

The first scheduled inspection is carried out at infant at the age of 2 months. The optometrist determines how well the organs of vision are developed, whether the child has strabismus or other pathologies, during the examination, the doctor uses special drops that are harmless to the baby, and the effect of their use completely disappears two to three hours by the end of the examination. This is necessary for the timely diagnosis of congenital cataracts, glaucoma, retinoblastoma and other eye diseases.

If a child is born ahead of schedule before the 34th week of pregnancy, then he has a high risk of developing retinopathy. In list serious complications of this disease - visual impairment up to blindness, low vision. Therefore, premature babies undergo a routine examination ahead of schedule, at the age of one month. After the first scheduled examination, regular visits to the ophthalmologist every two weeks until the child reaches the age of three months is necessary.

Further preventive examinations are carried out at 1 year, at 3 years before entering kindergarten and at the age of 6 before school. After a child enters school, his visual system begins to undergo increased loads related to study, which determines the need for an annual scheduled examination subsequently.

The doctor prescribes an additional visit to the ophthalmologist depending on the state of the organs of vision, the changes that occur in them in the process of development.

Urgent examination of the child by an ophthalmologist

Urgent care an ophthalmologist is required for a child if his organs of vision have been injured, as well as if there are any in the lacrimal fluid or other parts of the eye foreign objects that endanger eye health.

There are a number specific symptoms, which should be noticed by parents in order to provide the child with ophthalmic care in time:

    Loss of a baby from 2 months of the tracking reflex for objects moving within 20 cm from the face;

    Incomplete cover of the eyelid;

    Strabismus of any type;

    Barley on the eye;

    There is swelling and redness of the eyelids;

    Painful sensations and itching, which are expressed in constant rubbing of the eyes;

    Photosensitivity bordering on photophobia, or obvious photophobia (when bright light enters the eyes, the child avoids it);

    Severe tearing or discharge from the eyes of any other nature;

    Serious injury heads;

    Pathological conditions that the child can tell about by personal feelings (flies, lightning before the eyes, defocused, blurred or split vision).

These symptoms are typical not only for children, but it is in babies that complications arise, since they are often unable to express their complaints in a language understandable to their parents. When observing at least one of the above signs of ocular pathologies, it is shown urgent appeal to the optometrist.

How is the appointment with the optometrist

Good inspection requires a good psychological condition child, calm mood, openness and willingness to talk. This should be taken care of by both parents and the oculist himself, who must show the qualities a good psychologist to get more full information about the state of vision from the child himself.

The order of the examination depends on the age of the patient. In the process of conducting a routine examination, the oculist conducts the following studies:

    The condition of the eyelids and lacrimal ducts is determined;

    The presence or absence of strabismus is determined - for this, mobility and location are examined eyeballs;

    In the process of skiascopy, the degree of refraction, optical properties are determined visual system. This procedure allows you to identify pathologies such as myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism;

    The state of the pupils, their reaction to light is being examined;

    Examination of the fundus is necessary for the timely diagnosis of diseases such as glaucoma, cataracts and hydrocephalus;

    The ability to distinguish colors is determined to eliminate color blindness - children at the age of three can confuse blue with green or red, this is not considered a pathology.

    Visual acuity is determined - for children younger age they show pictures, when checking the eyesight of schoolchildren and adults, they show tables with letters.

According to the results comprehensive examination the doctor prescribes a course of treatment for identified pathologies, which may include taking medicines, physiotherapy, exercises for vision correction. If necessary, the optometrist selects glasses.

In view of the fact that in many cases visual impairments are associated not with pathologies of the organs of the visual system, but with other systemic diseases, an ophthalmologist can prescribe tests and write out a referral to specialists of a different profile - a neuropathologist, endocrinologist, infectious disease specialist. Chronic pathologies vision, which progress over time, require constant control by an optometrist to prevent serious complications and loss of vision.

Analyzes and studies carried out by an oculist

In addition to the standard examination, the ophthalmologist may prescribe some additional tests, which provide information on factors that indirectly affect eye health. To such diagnostic procedures include an immunogram that shows the state of the cellular and humoral immunity, and immunodiagnostics - a study of the impact of infectious invasions, oncological and hormonal diseases on eye health.


virus herpes simplex;





toxoplasmosis and others.

It's important to know!

    Any pathology of vision associated with a violation of accommodation (the ability of the eyes to focus) requires urgent correction. The earlier the appropriate procedures for the treatment of spasm, accommodation paralysis, asthenopia, presbyopia, myopia, astigmatism began, the more likely restore vision and maintain eye health for a long time.

    Glasses are not a treatment for vision problems - rather, they play a role similar to that of a crutch for a person who is unable to walk. Moreover, if you prescribe glasses to a child if he has farsightedness or astigmatism, Negative consequences wearing them may be irreversible.

It is better not to fall for the well-known trick of marketers, namely - free check vision in optical shops. Remember that only a certified ophthalmologist can correctly assess the quality of vision and eye health in specialized conditions of an ophthalmological office, which must be appropriately equipped and properly lit.

Expert editor: | MD general practitioner

Education: Moscow medical institute them. I. M. Sechenov, specialty - "Medicine" in 1991, in 1993 " Occupational diseases", in 1996 "Therapy".

An ophthalmologist is a doctor who diagnoses and treats diseases related to the eyes and vision. Ophthalmology is divided into pediatric and adult, both specialties have their own characteristics. It is necessary to visit this specialist regularly, since vision loss can greatly impair the quality of life, and it is quite difficult, and sometimes impossible, to restore it.

Many people wonder, what is the difference between an ophthalmologist and an ophthalmologist, and how exactly does this or that doctor treat. As it turned out, they are no different and treat the same thing. Many people think that an ophthalmologist is a broader specialty, but this is not so.

What does an ophthalmologist treat?

Diseases associated with the eyes can be chronic nature, and acute, seasonal. Below are the diseases that an ophthalmologist diagnoses:

  • conjunctivitis and trachoma;
  • barley;
  • myopia, farsightedness;
  • glaucoma, cataract;
  • color blindness;
  • astigmatism;
  • spring Qatar;
  • blepharitis;
  • dacryocystitis in children;
  • blindness;
  • eye injury, etc.

An ophthalmologist can also diagnose and assist in the treatment of diseases such as:

  • diabetes;
  • pathology of pregnancy;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • renal pathologies;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • headache.

When should you see an adult ophthalmologist?

It must be visited once a year to monitor the state of vision, as in modern world There are many factors that contribute to its deterioration. If a person feels the following symptoms, a doctor should be visited immediately:

  • feeling of sand in the eyes;
  • discomfort in the light;
  • clouding of the lens of the eye;
  • blurred vision;
  • eye pain, burning or itching;
  • increased lacrimation;
  • redness of the eyes.

When is a doctor needed: a pediatric ophthalmologist?

The difference between an adult and a pediatric ophthalmologist is great, pediatrician specializes in the organ of a growing organism. Monitoring the development of the eye of children is an important task, because, having noticed deviations in early stage can save a child from problems in adult life.

Children of the first year of life should visit an ophthalmologist every 3 months. After a year, it is recommended to visit a doctor at least once every 6 months, but this is if no pathologies were found.

If an older child complains of a burning sensation in his eyes, constantly rubs them to the point of redness and squints when he looks into the distance, then he urgently needs a pediatric ophthalmologist to rule out serious diseases or diagnose them on time. If the baby’s eyes are constantly watery and pus is visible in the corners, self-medication cannot be done, since such symptoms may indicate the presence serious illness, in this case, a pediatrician is also needed.

The child's vision must be treated with great attention, and if there are complaints, it is worth going to the doctor just in case to make sure that everything is fine.

Who should see an ophthalmologist regularly?

  • Those who wear glasses or contact lenses.
  • People with a hereditary predisposition to eye diseases.
  • Women who are planning pregnancy, pregnant and lactating women.
  • People who work at the computer.
  • Those who have been treated hormonal drugs long time.
  • Patients with hypertension or diabetes.
  • People over the age of 45.
  • Those who have suffered inflammatory eye diseases or injuries.

In the presence of diseases associated with the eyes, it is necessary to visit a doctor regularly in order to undergo treatment and monitor the course of the disease. Even if the disease is cured, something can provoke its recurrence, the sooner the doctor sees this, the better.

What does an adult or pediatric ophthalmologist do at the appointment?

Usually initial appointment the ophthalmologist begins with an external examination of the eyes, checking visual acuity and collecting all complaints. Next, the doctor invites the patient to a dark room, where he checks the fundus.

If necessary, the ophthalmologist can examine the patient for special equipment, where he examines the retina and optic nerve, examines the cornea, and measures refraction. Also, if indicated, the doctor will prescribe necessary tests such as ultrasound internal structures eyes.

Many are interested in the question, what does an ophthalmologist treat in infants. In young children, the doctor checks the fixation of vision, so at 2 months the baby should already fix his gaze on any object. In children aged about one year and older, vision is checked using refraction.

How to prepare for an appointment with an ophthalmologist?

First of all, you need to remember and write down all the complaints that bother you in order to tell the doctor everything in detail. The doctor may need information about diseases associated with the eyes of relatives. Women should stop using eye makeup before seeing an ophthalmologist.

If the patient was seen by another doctor, then you must bring a medical history and prescriptions that indicate which drugs were taken during treatment. If the patient wears contact lenses and goes to see an ophthalmologist to check his vision, then at least an hour before the appointment should be spent without lenses. The eyes tend to get used to the lenses and the results of the test may be distorted. It is better to wear glasses during this period.

It is necessary to prepare for an appointment with a pediatric ophthalmologist, since it is necessary to examine the eyes of a frightened and crying baby almost impossible. Before taking it for several days, it is necessary to tell the baby that the optometrist is fun and interesting. All the kids visit it to show their eyes and play with new toys. One wrong word can frighten a child and discourage him from going to the doctor for a long time.

In order for the reception not to be a blow to the baby, you need to follow a few rules:

  • You need to feed the child well and take a bottle of water with you. In hospitals, there are often queues that exhaust the child. If the queue is too long, you need to spend some time outside, so the baby will not be bored, and he will not start acting up.
  • It is not recommended to visit an ophthalmologist if the child has a cold, it will be very difficult for him. In addition, there is a risk of infecting other children.
  • Before the appointment with the ophthalmologist, it is necessary to acquaint the child with the table, repeat all the icons and letters, if he knows them, so that the baby does not confuse anything at the reception.
  • It's a good idea to buy a new toy and hide it away from your child. And when it's all over, encourage him with a gift, so the baby will have a pleasant impression of going to the doctor.

Do not neglect a visit to the ophthalmologist, because poor eyesight cannot be returned without serious, dangerous and expensive operations. A patient who delays seeing a doctor when they have anxiety symptoms, dooms himself to life-long wearing glasses and contact lenses in best case and, at worst, complete blindness. Children should be examined by an ophthalmologist first of all because timely diagnosis and prevention allows you to stop the decline in vision for a long time.

A doctor who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases affecting the visual system. He monitors the quality of vision, explores the mechanisms of development pathological conditions and looking for ways to fix them.

An ophthalmologist is also called an ophthalmologist. Both terms refer to the same specialist. The only difference is that the first Greek origin, and the second - Latin. Therefore, both expressions are used in the article.

What does an ophthalmologist treat?

The competence of an ophthalmologist includes several anatomical zones, so he treats various diseases.

Visual defects:

  • myopia;
  • farsightedness (including age);
  • strabismus;
  • amblyopia (lazy eye).

Inflammatory processes associated with viral or bacterial infection, injuries:

  • blepharitis (the edges of the eyelids suffer);
  • conjunctivitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye);
  • iridocyclitis (inflammation of the iris);
  • keratitis (infection affecting the cornea);
  • barley;
  • chalazion (the edge of the eyelid becomes inflamed).

Diseases of the lens:

  • cataract (clouding);
  • astigmatism (the shape of the lens changes, the structure of the cornea is disturbed).

Other diseases:

  • glaucoma (increased intraocular pressure, subsequently affecting the optic nerve);
  • leukoma (leukoma);
  • nystagmus (rhythmic oscillatory eye movements performed involuntarily);
  • ptosis (drooping eyelid);
  • hemophthalt (clouding of the vitreous body);
  • epiphora (excessive lacrimation);
  • hemorrhages;
  • blindness;
  • retinal detachment.

The optometrist also checks for other diseases that lead to pathological changes in the eyeball: hypertension, diabetes mellitus, different kinds nephropathy, hereditary factors, long-term work eye strain(e.g. at the computer, jewelry), head injuries and cervical, stressful situations, severe pregnancy and childbirth.

When to go to the doctor?

You should do an eye test regularly - at least once a year as a physical examination, since you should not forget that many eye pathologies are almost asymptomatic. But there are a number of signs, the appearance of which requires an immediate appeal to the doctor:

  • visual acuity is reduced;
  • changes in the field of view: the picture shifts, becomes cloudy, distorted;
  • sensation of pain in the eyeball;
  • lack of tear fluid or its excess;
  • burning, redness of the eyes;
  • photophobia;
  • swelling of the eyelids of unclear etiology;
  • pus is released from the eye;
  • midges, circles, dots of different diameters before the eyes.

More frequent visits to the ophthalmologist are also necessary for diseases that can affect the visual system. They have been listed above.

What does an ophthalmologist do during an appointment?

At the reception, the ophthalmologist makes visual inspection using a slit lamp (biomicroscope). He evaluates the condition of the eyelids for swelling, tear ducts, determines the reaction of the pupils to light. If necessary, measures the fundus, rinses tear ducts. Shows letters at a distance to check sharpness. The ophthalmologist also checks the viewing angle (the so-called peripheral vision), tests job 6 eye muscles. Such a set of events during the examination takes place every time at the reception in the clinic.

After the complete diagnosis the doctor selects contact lenses or glasses if correction is needed. For objective research inner surface eyes, vasodilator eye drops are used.

In addition to the above actions, the oculist can use other diagnostic methods:

  • color test - determines the ability to distinguish one color from another;
  • tonography - allows you to study the ability to produce eye fluid, a study for glaucoma;
  • refractometry - determines the refraction of the eye using refractometers;
  • perimetry - evaluates the field of view;
  • iridology - studies the condition of the iris;
  • pachymetry - corneal thickness is measured;
  • optical coherence tomography;
  • eyeball;
  • Schirmer test - evaluates the amount of tear production;
  • Norn's test - determines the stability of the tear film.

Additional tests

In many cases, in order to clarify the diagnosis, the ophthalmologist asks for certain tests, for example:

  • general and biochemical analysis blood;
  • immunogram;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • blood for sugar, for hormones;
  • bakposev from the eyes;
  • scraping on demodex;
  • analysis to determine the infection: cytomegalovirus, hepatitis, staphylococcus aureus, toxoplasmosis, chlamydia, herpes virus, mononucleosis.

Poor eyesight is a scourge modern society. There are more people wearing glasses and lenses on the streets every year, and the reason for this is the constant work at the computer, the active use of smartphones and watching TV. At the same time, most turn a blind eye to the recommendations of doctors. Take breaks? Charging? No, we haven't.

Ophthalmology is a branch of medicine that studies the human visual organs, their anatomy, physiology and diseases, develops new and improves existing methodologies prevention and treatment of eye diseases. In turn, an oculist is a doctor who studies the etiology and mechanisms of development of all eye diseases. Who is an ophthalmologist (oculist) we learn in childhood, since regular eye examinations are required for kindergarten and primary school schools.

What does an ophthalmologist treat in adults and children

The vast majority of visits to the ophthalmologist are associated with visual impairment - nearsightedness (myopia) and farsightedness (hypermetropia). Who is an ophthalmologist? This is a man who makes the lives of thousands of people bright and full, returning the ability to see clearly the world and freely navigate in space. Other common eye diseases include cataracts, astigmatism, glaucoma, keratoconus, and others. separate group there are hereditary and age-related diseases, manifested pigmentary degeneration retina.

It is worth noting that a doctor of any other specialization can refer to an ophthalmologist, since eye complications can complicate the course of almost any disease: hypertension, allergic reactions, tuberculosis, acute infectious diseases, pancreatitis, diabetes, obesity, disease endocrine system. The list can be continued for a long time. Vision can deteriorate due to complications after kidney disease, atherosclerosis, lesions blood vessels and even pregnancy. In order to understand what kind of doctor is an ophthalmologist, here is an extended list of diseases that he treats:

    blepharitis - inflammation of the edges of the eyelids;

    conjunctivitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyelid;

    farsightedness, myopia and astigmatism;

    seasonal allergies;



    trachoma - inflammation of the connective membrane of the eye;



  • trichiasis - abnormal growth of eyelashes;

  • hemorrhages;

    ptosis - drooping of the upper eyelid;

    scleritis, episcleritis - inflammation of the entire thickness of the sclera of the eye;

    eyelid deformities;

    presbyopia ("senile vision");

    iridocyclitis - inflammation of the iris and ciliary body of the eye;

    eye injury;

    corneal diseases;

    retinal detachment and other diseases of the human visual system.

Preventive and urgent examination by an ophthalmologist

The child learns who an ophthalmologist is and what he treats at 2 months. More precisely, he himself does not yet realize this, but it is at this age that you need to visit the first appointment with the ophthalmologist with the baby. Identified in early age pathology will increase the chances of complete cure or successful containment of the disease. Human eyes are finally formed only by the age of 12-14, so before this age it is extremely necessary to regularly visit an ophthalmologist. It is advisable for adults to be checked at least once a year, especially if vision problems are already known: the dynamics of deterioration / improvement of vision is assessed, treatment is prescribed and preventive therapy a prescription for new glasses or contact lenses.

Even if you do not know what an ophthalmologist does, you must remember the main signs that it is time for you to make an appointment with him. The following symptoms apply to both adults and children, unless otherwise noted.

  • In children older than 2 months, the tracking reflex for moving objects (for example, a finger) disappears;
  • the child periodically squints or rubs his eyes;
  • one or both eyes do not close completely;
  • strabismus;
  • barley formation;
  • pain in the eye area, burning, itching, redness, swelling;
  • atypical discharge from the eyes, profuse lacrimation;
  • increased sensitivity to light;
  • eye and head injuries;
  • the appearance of iridescent circles before the eyes, blurred vision, double vision, "flies" and other visual defects.

What does an ophthalmologist do at the appointment

Before you go to an appointment with an ophthalmologist, you should find out about the upcoming examination in more detail, understand what the ophthalmologist (oculist) checks. Assessed condition tear ducts and eyelids, the position and mobility of the eyeballs, strabismus is excluded. The study of the fundus, the state of the pupils is carried out, their reaction to light is determined. Visual acuity is checked in a standard way: from a certain distance, the patient, alternately closing one of the eyes, calls the letters indicated by the doctor. Children are shown pictures or rings with cutouts, depending on age. Skiascopy allows you to clarify the degree of refraction of the visual system, measured in diopters. simple tests the ability to distinguish colors and their shades is assessed. In some cases, an immunogram and immunodiagnosis may be required. To the question "Oculist - who is this?" the easiest answer is this: this is a person who will help you see the world around you as it really is. We wish you health!

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