Why does a 3 month old baby cry in his sleep. Why does a child cry during sleep without waking up

If you are expecting an addition to the family soon or a newborn has already appeared in your house - mentally prepare in advance or just put up with the upcoming sleepless nights.

I was lucky with my eldest daughter: she gave a “beep” only once around midnight, practically without waking up, fed, and continued to sleep until 6-7 in the morning. She fed again, was a little awake and fell asleep again until 9-10. In general, with her, I practically did not suffer from lack of sleep.

Such a “gift” with the first child even convinced me that every baby can live like this, the main thing is to find an approach to it. But it was not there. After 6 years, the youngest daughter proved to me exactly the opposite. During our first 11 (!) months together, my only need in life was an insatiable desire to sleep.

Why do babies cry in their sleep?

Physiological causes

The child is hungry

All new mothers first check to see if the baby is hungry. And this is an absolutely healthy and correct approach.

Old-school pediatricians or your mothers and grandmothers may convince you that a newborn must be accustomed to a strict feeding regimen, and then he will sleep at the allotted time, and wake up to feed strictly on the clock. Don't listen to them. If you choose to breastfeed, your baby should be breastfed on demand.

Such a regimen will make him healthier both physically and mentally. But, if for some reason you have chosen to feed with artificial mixtures, then you just have to feed the child by the hour and carefully observe the rate calculated by the neonatologist for the amount of mixture per feeding.

There is another controversial point with the issue of baby food regimen: pediatricians say that the average infant does not experience hunger for 2-3 hours after feeding. I am convinced that such a conclusion can be attributed just to artificial people: they “eat away” their norm, calculated in accordance with age and weight, and, indeed, are saturated for these 2-3 hours.

In addition, artificial formula is a denser food for babies. It is carbohydrate and heavier in fat, so it gives a feeling of fullness faster, and it lasts longer. And a baby who receives lighter and less dense, but better balanced breast milk, may well get hungry much faster.

My personal experience and observation of numerous young breastfeeding mothers show that newborn babies sometimes require a breast every hour, and sometimes more often. Thus, the first reason babies cry at night is hunger.

Soiled diaper

The second action in the algorithm of behavior of young mothers: if the baby cries in a dream, but the mother has already made sure that he is full, check the diaper.

In the past, before the era of disposable diapers, newborn babies could actually scream if their diapers got wet. In today's world, a wet diaper rarely causes a baby to start crying. Well, perhaps, if it has not been changed for a very long time.

But the presence of poop in the diaper must be checked, because they irritate the baby's ass and cause pain. Don't change a soiled diaper in time - you will get a screaming baby all night long.

tummy hurts

The third most common cause of night crying in newborns is intestinal colic. The baby is fed, his diaper is clean, his butt is fine, but he still screams. Mom instinctively takes him in her arms and begins to rock him.

Attention: look at the behavior of the child. If he shudders and moves his legs, most likely he has a tummy ache. It's colic. A newborn during the first month of life adapts to the outside world, and its internal organs and systems continue to form and adapt to the "autonomous", already separate from the mother's body, life.

As the type and manner of eating changes dramatically after birth, the gastrointestinal tract reacts with painful colic and the baby cries in its sleep.


In babies up to a year, crying at night can be caused by cutting teeth. Usually the first teeth come out at the age of about 6 months, but the acceleration shows more and more early teeth: at 4-5 months, sometimes even at 2!

If the teething process is not accompanied by severe pain and fever, the baby may cry during sleep without even waking up. But such crying quickly stops.

Thermal discomfort

And finally, a baby can cry and still not wake up if he is sweating or, conversely, cold. The conclusion suggests itself: the baby is hot and stuffy, or, on the contrary, cold. Remember that for this reason, children can cry both before the year and after. Even in 2 years they can.

Psychological reasons

The baby should always be near the mother. That is his nature. In newborns, this is at the level of instinct: they express the slightest need with a cry. The mother's presence calms the children, creates a sense of security.

If the mother separated the baby, laying him in the crib, he, without waking up, feels this and screams. It is clear that not a single mother will be able to hold her child around the clock in her arms, and not all mothers are ready to sleep with their babies. Then it is important to organize a common space so that the baby feels: mom is nearby.

The child's sleep may be disturbed due to overexcitation. Excessive exercises, increased exercises and massages, a long walk, too hot and long bath before going to bed - young parents hope to "wrap" their child in the hope that he will fall asleep in a heroic dream.

An no. The baby is overexcited, or, as our grandmothers used to say, "overdos", and, as a result, cannot fall asleep at all.

Health problems

Trying to diagnose yourself by night crying is absolutely pointless. That in 6 months, that in a year, that in 2 years. Even if it's just teething.

If the baby has a fever at night, or you notice something completely unusual and not very healthy in his behavior, call the doctor and let him personally inform you about the teeth. Or put another, correct diagnosis and immediately prescribe treatment.

Children get sick, sadly. But everything is fixable, if you do not let the disease take its course. And do not forget that in some cases you can help the child yourself, for example, to detect a runny nose and clean the baby's nose, and then drip baby drops.

Why can an older child cry in a dream?

Older babies may cry at night because they are scared and dark. I wanted to go potty, and all around was darkness. Of course, she will be scared and cry. This is such an ancient and often unrecognized fear. If an older child cries and does not wake up, most likely he has had nightmares.

Uncomfortable posture in sleep, stuffiness and overheating, cold, runny nose, breath holding, unsuitable mattress or pillow - all this can cause night crying in children of preschool and sometimes primary school age.

How to help the baby if he burst into tears in a dream?


With newborns - sequentially perform all the steps of the algorithm described above: pick up, check the diaper, feed. If the newborn is definitely not hungry, shake it.

Be prepared that a newborn baby may have to be carried in your arms every night. It's hard, but usually ends in a month. Joint sleep of mother and child can get rid of such a prospect.

But, here it should be borne in mind that not all parents can sleep with the baby. Especially fathers, even if the young mother is ready for it. Unfortunately, newborn babies can permanently separate husband and wife in bed and lead to a situation where mom sleeps with the baby and dad sleeps in the other room.

I know families, and there are many of them, in which the spouses never returned to the common bed, even when the need to sleep with the child disappeared.

With colic

If the baby twitches and twists its legs, also take it in your arms and press it with your tummy to yours, it is better to keep the baby upright. Shake it like this.

You can try to give the baby a special vapor preparation, children's tea or dill water, but especially inventive babies do not want to drink all this, and if you have already managed to stuff such a liquid into his mouth, they spit it out.

By the way, a very warm bath helps with colic and gases. You will be surprised how instantly the child will become silent. Well, if you are, of course, ready to fill his bath in the middle of the night.

To an older kid

Crying older children are easier to calm: wake up, comfort, hug. In extreme cases, take to sleep with you or lie down next to you.

With disease symptoms

Remember, all of the above techniques apply to healthy children. If the temperature rises, the child is sick - take appropriate medical measures.

In severe cases, you will have to call an ambulance, in simpler ones - lower the temperature, give a warm drink, put babies to your chest, call a doctor in the morning.

We will conclude the article with the hope that your children will be healthy, to the delight of mom and dad, they will eat and sleep well. In time.

Video: causes of baby crying during sleep

Sound sleep is the key to children's health. Especially when it comes to babies. Unfortunately, not every child sleeps sweetly and calmly. This leads to the fact that he does not rest, which entails serious health problems. To eliminate this possibility, you need to understand why the child cries at night. First, let's figure out what is the norm of sleep for young children.

How much sleep does a child need

The duration of sleep depends on the age of the baby. You need to focus on the following data:

  • If the baby is not more than 3 months old, then the duration of his nightly sleep should be from 8 to 9 hours, no less.
  • When the child is already 3 months old, but not yet a year old, he needs to sleep for at least 11 hours.
  • If the baby is one year old, then the duration of his sleep should be about 10 hours.

These are statistical data, if your baby's sleep duration is slightly different from the above, then do not worry, this is the norm. However, if the deviations are significant, and at the same time the child screams at night, because of which he does not get enough sleep, you need to pay attention to his health. Doctors identify several causes of nighttime restlessness.

The child feels health problems

This is perhaps the most common cause of nighttime restlessness. The child screams and cries at night if something hurts him. Health problems can be many. The most common of them are:

  • Sore throat. Examine the throat, if it is red, you need to see a doctor.
  • Ear ache. Children often suffer from otitis media.
  • Runny nose. If a child has a stuffy nose and cannot breathe easily, he will start to cry.
  • Cough. If the child is constantly coughing, he will not be able to sleep.
  • Pain in the abdomen. Most often, this is facilitated by the resulting colic. This cause can be eliminated by one of the methods: put a warm film on the baby's tummy, stroke it clockwise, or let the child drink fennel tea.

Another common reason that a child cries is banal discomfort.

The child feels uncomfortable

If you are sure that the child feels well and has no health problems, then pay attention to the conditions that surround him. Perhaps these are:

  • The child is cold. Dress your baby according to the room temperature.
  • The baby is too hot. Often, caring mothers wrap their children in such a way that they become hot and cannot sleep peacefully. Avoid overheating.
  • The baby wants to eat or drink. This is especially true if the child is a month old. He screams at night because he is not used to eating on schedule. In this case, he should be fed, but in the future, try to wean the baby from night meals.
  • The baby has a wet diaper or sheet. Things and bed linen of the child should always be dry.

One of the most unpleasant causes of children's anxiety is night terrors.

Child's night terrors

There is another explanation for the fact that a child screams at night. Often mothers go to bed and put the baby next to them. After the child falls asleep, they transfer him to the crib. When the baby wakes up, he finds himself in a new place, and there is no mother next to him. Because of this, he starts crying.

Each mother must decide for herself what to do in such situations. A good solution would be to sleep with the baby. He will feel safe, and for a woman, co-sleeping is useful because it stimulates the lactation process.

However, doctors advise choosing a different path. So that you can sleep, perform your household duties much better and better, teach your baby to fall asleep on his own. It's not easy, but you'll love the result. You must put the baby to bed and stay away from him during the night. If you need to either endure this moment, or calm the baby very quickly and leave. Over time, you will no longer hear night crying. And the child will become more independent and less vulnerable.

But remember, this method is only good if it's about night terrors. If a child has health problems or is uncomfortable, his cries should not be ignored in any case.

Another common cause of night screams is banal overexcitation.

Excitation in the evening

If in the evening you actively play with your child, watch TV with a strong sound, or just talk loudly, then do not be surprised that the child screams at night.

Children who are in an excited state before going to bed usually cry loudly and for a long time at night. To prevent this, you need to change the evening environment in your home.

In the evening, try to organize silence. In a child, this period should be associated with calmness and peace. If he falls asleep in a calm state, then he will also sleep the whole night.

The last reason for nighttime restlessness is problems with child psychology.

Psychological reasons for crying at night

The mind of a child should not be underestimated. The child understands perfectly well if his parents have problems in relationships, they are upset, angry. He also sees that you are not giving him enough attention. Because of the lack of love, the baby can

The child cries every night if he has problems with the nervous system. Increased children's excitability is a signal that the baby needs to be regularly shown to a neurologist. This will help not only to normalize sleep, but also to avoid health problems in the future.

Remember that a calm environment without quarrels and scandals has a positive effect on the baby and allows him to sleep without worrying about his parents.

Also, if he screams at night, he may just be overworking during the day.

Overwork as the cause of children's crying

Overwork and overexcitation are in some way related causes. The child may be tired if you have guests, new pets, or even if you are doing things that are unusual for the baby. Any new impressions leave a mark on the child's psyche, and babies are still too weak to withstand such an emotional burden. When a child is overtired, he cannot sleep peacefully at night.

In this case, perform one of the rituals:

  • Create a dark and quiet environment in the room.
  • Bathe your baby in a soothing herbal bath.
  • Sing a lullaby to your child.

You need to do everything possible so that the child forgets about the fuss and tunes in psychologically for a productive sleep.

What to do if a two-year-old child screams at night

Usually, parents breathe a sigh of relief when the baby is two years old, because he stops tormenting adults with his cries at night. But sometimes the problems don't end there. In this case, the child is difficult to calm down, and his cry is so loud that it affects the psyche of the parents. Usually this happens with choleric children, that is, with children who are distinguished by an impressionable character and increased emotionality. Doctors advise taking the following measures:

  • Do not find out the relationship with the child.
  • Protect him from modern gadgets.
  • Until the age of 3, it is advisable not to allow the baby to watch cartoons.
  • Hold off on going to the circus, the cinema, or even the puppet theater.
  • Practice soothing baths before bed.
  • Encourage your child to interact with pets.
  • Teach your child to do quiet activities. It can be drawing, modeling or applique.

If your efforts are in vain, take your child to a child psychologist to get advice and direct your actions in the right direction.

Children's cries at night have prerequisites. If you figure out what the cause of the anxiety is, you will quickly be able to normalize the baby’s sleep and your psychological state.

Joy and happiness from the appearance of a new family member for many parents is overshadowed by long sleepless nights, constant lack of sleep, which develops over time into chronic fatigue. Why a child cries in a dream and often wakes up is known only to him for certain, while parents are obliged to create the most comfortable conditions for children's sleep and provide timely assistance to the newborn on demand.

If a baby sobbing in sleep There can be a lot of reasons for this phenomenon, ranging from psychological problems to physical pain. Each parent should be able to identify those factors that negatively affect the well-being of the child and interfere with his good night's sleep. To prevent unreasonable nighttime awakenings, mom and dad need to be attentive and observant to their child, attach importance to his behavior during the day.

A typical reason for a baby’s night crying is elementary overexcitation, which is provoked by the parents themselves, starting to play active games with the child before going to bed. Before putting the child to bed, it is necessary to carry out water procedures, after which you can read fairy tales or sing lullabies - it is the monotonous words and actions that will lead to a good night.

It is necessary to pay attention to another reason for the child's anxiety in a dream - this is a banal discomfort that can arise for various reasons, for example, a diaper has gathered, a baby has described himself, he is cold or hot, the presence of extraneous noise in the room.

The most basic and unsafe cause of night crying is physiological pain that increases at night, which is most difficult for inexperienced parents to diagnose. Most often, this is intestinal colic, which occurs due to the digestive tract that has not yet formed properly, which is characterized by difficulty in passing gases and bloating in the intestines.

At this time, the baby bends the whole body, draws the legs to the stomach, and the actions are accompanied by a heart-rending variable cry, the cause of which is a sudden cramping pain. If there are no miracle cures at hand from the pharmacy, then simple turns from side to side or alternately pressing the knees to the stomach will help - after these exercises, the gases leave and the baby calms down.

The regular crying of a child, heard every night, should alert parents and become the reason for contacting a neurologist, a child psychologist, followed by testing, undergoing an examination and undergoing the required course of treatment.

The baby's ears may hurt, but this diagnosis is more difficult to make on your own, since, apart from the wild ora, the child does not perform any actions that could become a clue. If there is an ear thermometer in the house, then this greatly facilitates the situation, since it can be used to confirm or refute the fact that the baby has pain in the ear.

The fact is that, as a rule, otitis media occurs alternately in each ear, and therefore if there is a temperature difference between one and the second auricle, then inflammation of the middle ear is most likely to occur. If there is no ear thermometer, then parents should gently touch the baby's ear near the ear, if at the same time the child cries and removes the head, then the reason for awakening lies in the ear pain.

Toddlers aged 5 months and older often wake up at night and wake up others with their loud crying due to teething. Abundant salivation, swollen reddened gums, a slight increase in body temperature, a gnawing reflex are symptoms in the presence of which it can be assumed that a new tooth will soon appear in a small mouth. Special children's dental gels, which have an analgesic effect, will help eliminate pain, alleviate the suffering of a beloved child.

Night crying can also be caused by various kinds of fears, the sources of which are numerous: loud noise, nightmares, fear of losing your mother when, after waking up, she was not around. Experienced pediatricians do not recommend accustoming a baby to co-sleep with parents, despite the fact that due to this, the frequency of awakenings is significantly reduced. Doctors explain this by the excessive attachment of the child to the mother, as a result of which it will be very problematic even at an older age to teach the baby to sleep in a separate bed.

Small children do not notice the general sound background, and therefore it does not in any way interfere with their normal sound sleep, and some monotonous sounds (soft classical music, the operation of a washing machine or hair dryer motor, for example) lull the baby to sleep.

Children's crying, heard in the middle of the night, should in no case be ignored by parents, because with his cry a little person notifies moms and dads about his poor health or discomfort and asks adults to come to his aid.

Lyudmila Sergeevna Sokolova

Reading time: 10 minutes


Article last updated: 04/01/2019

Sleeps like a baby. A catchphrase familiar to all of us, which means - strong, sweet, full. But any mother knows that almost no baby sleeps like that. Newborns suffer from colic, babies teething, they are overwhelmed by a flood of new knowledge and impressions. And we are not talking about restful sleep, both for the baby and for the mother.

If babies often cry, grandmothers say "outgrow". Of course, the child will grow up, a number of problems will go away, but is it worth waiting until the problem with unknown consequences ceases to be obvious? Probably, it is better to understand it in a timely manner, and help the child adapt. Why do 4 month old babies cry?

When does a baby cry?

The question is precisely when does a 4-month-old baby cry? And how does he cry, and how much? Does he sleep with his mother or in his own bed?

For example, babies may cry or laugh during REM sleep. This is absolutely normal. After 3 months, babies begin to dream, some of them can cause crying. This physiological crying is quite normal. It will pass with time.

Moreover, the crumbs still do not know how to laugh like adults, and they make sounds that are not associated with laughter in a sleepy mother, it may even seem that the child is sobbing and feeling bad. But it's not.

The main reasons for crying at bedtime, during sleep and during awakening are:

  • increased excitability of the nervous system;
  • overwork;
  • nervous disorders;
  • the onset of the disease;
  • overheated, dry air, stuffiness;
  • hunger and thirst;
  • discomfort (uncomfortable bed, tight or rough clothes, wet diaper);
  • teething;
  • weather anomalies (magnetic storms, changes in atmospheric pressure);
  • bad feeling.

Night crying associated with the state of the nervous system

If a child cries before going to sleep, or wakes up with a roar and cannot calm down, his nervous system may be overloaded. He overworks himself during his waking hours, and does not rest during his sleep. In this situation, the little man needs help. If your child goes to bed with tears and fighting, the night's sleep will be interrupted and restless. This is indeed a problem that needs to be addressed. For example, rational physical and mental stress (at this age, playing with new objects is emotional, intellectual, and physical work, which is quite difficult for a small person). As well as the formation of sleep and wakefulness.

The reason for constant crying before bed and during sleep can be neurological problems. This will help clarify neurosonography (if it was not performed in the maternity hospital) and an experienced neurologist.

The nervous system of the baby can be arranged in such a way that the processes of inhibition in him prevail over the processes of inhibition (you have a growing choleric). This means that “it starts up with half a turn”, and under heavy load it “goes into overdrive”, because it is difficult for it to stop and “cool down”, this is how it works. He needs to be helped by carefully observing the behavior, and at the first sign of fatigue, calm down and try to sleep. All children after 3 months are more interested in the world around them and struggle with drowsiness with all their strength, but excitable children are a special category. These will try especially zealously.

Four-month-old babies acutely feel the absence of their mother, they do not wake up immediately after her departure, but in the fast phase of sleep, when they begin to toss and turn, they react more sharply to stimuli. That's when they feel that they are left alone, and can cry in their sleep and even wake up. You can rock the baby and try to put him down again, you can be with him during the REM phase of his sleep, or teach the baby to sleep on his own.

The latter is still debated among pediatricians with experience and engaged in scientific work. Some are for the independent sleep of the child, some consider it necessary for the joint sleep of the mother and her child.

Crying caused by physical factors external and internal

The set of reasons why a child up to a year old can cry does not depend on the length of his life. This applies to reasons related to environmental conditions:

  1. temperature;
  2. humidity;
  3. dustiness;
  4. noise and light stimuli.

Internal causes cause increased nervousness in children no less than heat or loud sounds, for example:

  • If the child is hot, stuffy, his bed is near the battery, he will not fully rest. Experts recommend even in winter, when putting the child to bed, leave the window open until the ambient temperature drops to -15-18 ° C. It is necessary to ventilate the room well before going to bed, the exception may be the situation when the child has seasonal hay fever. In this case, it will be necessary to cool, refresh and humidify the room with the help of devices for maintaining the microclimate in the room (split systems).
  • The feeling of hunger quite often wakes up children up to a year in the middle of the night. At first, they whimper in their sleep, if they are given milk or water - this calms them down, if they do not get what they want, then they wake up crying. If an infant does not get enough calories during the day, he will demand food more than once at night. This will disturb the sleep of both the child and the mother. Therefore, it is better to feed him in sufficient quantities during the daytime. If the baby is breastfed and fed on demand, the mother should think about the quality of her milk. And look at how the baby eats. Some babies do not suck their breasts to the end, receive only liquid surface milk and therefore look constantly hungry.
  • Teeth, or rather the process of their eruption, goes unnoticed by few. This is usually quite painful for the baby and very exhausting for his mother. Sometimes the teeth erupt in pairs, and there are times when they are in no hurry to appear, and then appear 4 teeth at a time. This is very painful for the child. Discomfort in the mouth, especially in the evening, leads to the fact that the little man tries to gnaw everything that comes to hand, is naughty, falls asleep badly, and cries before going to bed. He also sleeps restlessly, crying in his sleep and on waking.

It is sad to admit it, but today many modern children are weather sensitive. They react to the activity of the sun, to changes in environmental parameters during windy weather, or during the transition from a sunny day to a cloudy one. They feel especially bad with a sharp change in conditions and a heavy downpour (snowfall, hail). More often, babies suffer from such dependence after a caesarean section, difficult childbirth, and intrauterine infections. Especially goes to the baby with increased intracranial pressure. These children may suddenly have a headache attack, which will cause crying at bedtime or during a night's rest. It is not yet possible to find out what is wrong with the crumbs, and it is difficult to predict the development of this condition. Most often, parents who recognize the presence of such a problem in their son or daughter, only after the fact can understand why their child behaved so excited and capricious. In this case, consultation with a neurologist is indispensable.

Try to find out the cause and eliminate it. If a child cries constantly, there is obviously no reason, he is definitely needed by a specialist (neurologist, psychologist, pediatrician).

Over time, parents learn to recognize the cause of crying. When children are unhappy and scream, trying to squeeze out a tear to show their disagreement, when they are hungry, or they are in pain, or when they are just very tired.

To reduce the number of complaints of the baby (before going to bed or immediately after it), you need to prepare a crib in which he will sleep, preferably with an orthopedic mattress. Or a place on your bed, comfortable and warm. Create a comfortable environment for sleeping crumbs: ventilate and wash the room. Don't wrap it too tightly. Change diapers, make sure he's full. If teeth are cut, the child can be capricious for a long time before going to bed, and sleep restlessly. In such a situation, it is better to consult a pediatrician and select suitable drops or gel to relieve swelling and inflammation of the gums.

Lyudmila Sergeevna Sokolova

Reading time: 4 minutes


Article last updated: 02/04/2019

When overcoming the first annual milestone in a child's life, parents already have a certain amount of knowledge about how to behave in a given situation. But if this is the firstborn, there are still many dark spots, one of which we will help shed light on. We will reveal to you the main reasons why your offspring cannot sleep peacefully at night.

Why does a one year old baby wake up every night and cry in his sleep?

Such a question often confuses new parents, and they shrug their shoulders, not knowing what to do. Should I see a doctor or look for the cause on my own?

The most ridiculous conclusion they can draw is to increase the load on the baby every day so that he (they believe) sleeps like a log all night.

This is a really effective way, but only if your baby is 3-4 years old or more. Despite the fact that doctors constantly warn about the dangers of this method, a huge number of new moms and dads make this mistake every year. After all, the only alternative is to understand the reasons, and not every parent wants to waste their time.

There are only 5 main reasons. We will first list them, and then we will analyze them in more detail so that you can confidently find the one for which your child cries at night in his sleep.

  • Illness or indisposition;
  • inconvenience and lack of comfortable conditions for sleep.
  • children's fears and nightmares;
  • overexcitation;
  • psychological irritation.

Now let's look at each reason separately.

Health problems

It is clear that when the baby is in sharp pain, it is unlikely that he will fall asleep all night. Not to mention the tears. Even an adult, in pain, can cry. If the baby starts crying at night, when he goes to bed, the search for the disease narrows down to only four options: otitis media (ear pain), tonsillitis (sore throat), stomach cramps (stomach pain), teething. All four disorders are activated when the body is horizontal, this is due to the pressure on the head that rises when the baby goes to bed. In case of colic, it is not necessary to see a doctor, there are several simple ways to deal with them at home. Everything is clear with the teeth, the baby must endure the pain, you can only help him with an anesthetic gel, which will reduce the degree of discomfort. But in the case of otitis or tonsillitis, you will have to urgently consult a doctor. Self-medication can cause him irreparable harm.

Ways to deal with colic

If you are not in a hurry to disturb the doctor with digestive problems, you can first try the methods that he will advise you in the first place anyway, so that the child sleeps peacefully all night:

  • Lay your baby on a flat surface, stomach down. Let him lie down in this position for a while;
  • try to put pressure on his tummy when he is in your arms;
  • learn how to feed him properly: air should not get into the throat. To do this, pay attention to the fact that the nipple is completely absorbed, and with it part of the areola. In the case of a bottle, the entire nipple must be captured;
  • do not eat foods that stimulate gas formation: spicy, flour, peas, and so on;
  • use only a quality formula if you do not feed him with his own milk;
  • make sure that the baby does not overheat, especially at night.


It is important to create maximum comfort for the baby at night, otherwise do not be surprised when he wakes up and cries. There are many parameters here and all of them must be taken into account, for a year you were obliged to learn this already, if not, it's time to correct the situation. Maybe it's the uncomfortable pajamas, from which he has already grown and she presses him. Also, the cause may be stuffiness or a draft. Rough linens, crumpled pillows, obsessive pets, and so on. Analyze all possible triggers.

Why does a child suffer from fears and nightmares at night?

The most common cause of fear is broken contact with the mother. A year is just the age when many parents stop sleeping in the same bed with their child in order to develop in him such a character trait as independence. Naturally, he is frightened when he wakes up at night completely alone in the room, and there is no one nearby to caress and calm him down. In this case, there are two options. First, be patient and continue to sleep with him until he is no longer afraid. Second, leave him alone with his fears and wait for him to overcome them. It's hard to tell which type to choose. Different teachers recommend different approaches. Some say that in the second case a neurosis can develop for life. And others appeal to the fact that later it will be difficult for him to learn to develop on his own, without the support of his parents.

Why does a tired baby often wake up at night in the first year of life?

At first glance, it looks strange, but the solution is very simple. The hormone cortisol is to blame. This is the hormone of cheerfulness, which our body, thanks to centuries of evolution, has learned to produce in stressful situations. Our distant ancestors constantly had to fight or run away from predators. It is thanks to cortisol that a person could overtake a lion or a tiger in the struggle for life. It is clear that all these dangers are long gone, but the body is being rebuilt for more than one hundred years.

In 80% of cases when moms go to the doctor with complaints that their baby, who is barely a year old, often wakes up at night, it is cortisol that is to blame.

The result is a vicious circle: at night, your baby cannot sleep and recuperate. The next day he overworks again and again does not sleep. Breaking this circle is simple - give his body a break, make him spend a couple of days in bed. Give him a tablet with his favorite games and cartoons in his hands so that such a vacation is not a burden. And in the future, you will have to make sure that the baby goes to bed early. Do not be afraid that he will get up early and ruin his day. Just in a dream at night, all the fatigue accumulated during the day is reset. And the longer it is, the less traces of it will remain by morning.

Psychological reasons

If not enough time and attention is given to the baby, then he begins to feel abandoned and forgotten. This is reflected in sleep, he wakes up more often or even cries at night. And he can intuitively feel the mood of his parents, including conflicts and scandals. All this leaves a trace in his psyche, because of which he will experience all these events again in a dream.

How to put the child to sleep all night?

If you properly prepare the baby for bed, then it will be much less likely that he will wake up at night in tears. There are several ways to help you spend the night without whims:

  • bathing. Warm water relaxes the body, especially for children. And if you add soothing herbs there, rinsing in such water will become the basis of a healthy and full sleep. Buy bath bombs and give your little one a fun bath every night;
  • lullaby. The gentle voice of the mother will create a good mood for the whole night, sing and enjoy how your beloved child smiles in a dream. In extreme cases, you can put audio recordings, because with the modern pace of life, parents often do not have time for such signs of attention, using technology that performs their functions. Fairy tales operate in the same way;
  • oil burner. The aroma of some plants has a calming effect on children and adults in their sleep. If you use scented lamps, your baby will be able to spend the whole night calmly;
  • mode. In order for your baby to fall asleep every day well, you will have to teach him such things as the daily routine. Every day you must put him to bed at the same time. It can also be very useful to develop an associative array for him with preparation for sleep. To do this, you need to turn on a cartoon every night before going to bed, or read the same fairy tale. In time, even at her sounds, he will be put to sleep;
  • food. Mother's milk will saturate the baby, as a result of which he will begin to fall asleep;

Alternate these methods, experiment. Find the ones that are right for your child.

Why does a child often wake up at night to drink, and then cannot fall asleep

It is not uncommon for a little one to be tormented by thirst in a dream, which makes him wake up. After that, falling asleep is much harder, he begins to cry and act up. To avoid this, you first need to find out why he wants to drink at night. Pay attention to the humidity and temperature in his room, try buying a humidifier and air conditioner. The optimum temperature is 20-22 °. Do not forget to ventilate the room in the evening and do a wet cleaning; in a dream, the crumbs are very sensitive to dust and dirt.

It could also be the food. A year after birth, the diet changes little by little, and the baby simply may not be ready for salty and spicy foods. Try to reduce the amount of unfamiliar food on his table for feeding. Also, the lack of calcium could be to blame, the body gets used to getting it through the liquid and signals the brain with signals of thirst. If you are weaning him and not feeding him before bed, increase the number of evening feedings.

These tips are universal, but are not a panacea. There are many other reasons why children often act up at night in their sleep, which we have not touched on. If you're unsure, try spending at least a night in the same bed with your baby. Maybe it is then that he will give you a clue what was the fault of his whims.

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