Why do you need a charge for the eyes. Charging to improve vision will help restore vigilance. Gymnastics to relieve tension from the eye muscles

The benefits of gymnastics for the eyes

Vision - one of the five senses with which a person learns, perceives and explores the world around him.

Causes of visual impairment.

Modern conditions in which children grow up do not allow protecting them from harmful influences. Cartoons that develop computer games, TV - all this is an integral part of the life of a preschooler. We will not talk about the dangers of the TV and the computer, but we will try to adapt to the current circumstances. It is in such conditions that it is necessary to learn how to protect eyesight.

Visual gymnastics - a wonderful assistant in the fight for good eyesight. The main task of gymnastics for the eyes of preschoolers is to form the correct idea that vision needs to be taken care of. Regular gymnastics for the eyes increases the efficiency of vision, improves blood circulation, and prevents the development of certain eye diseases. In addition, any educational material is absorbed more efficiently. Often underestimating the use of visual gymnastics for children can be a serious miscalculation in working with babies. In addition, this method is a kind of relaxation for the nervous system of the child, it helps the brain to better process the information received through vision. When instilling in children simple exercises for eye gymnastics, teachers should be reminded that a child can perform this gymnastics at home. Getting the skill of performing visual gymnastics, the child performs it within a few minutes. The child's eyes rest.

Which kids need eye gymnastics?

Many parents believe that their children, who have 100% vision, are not at risk. By no means! A child's vision is a fragile instrument that requires care, attention and, above all, constant monitoring.

Visual gymnastics in preschool educational institution

Visual gymnastics for the eyes in a preschool educational institution can be carried out in various forms:

  1. Game five-minute with different items;
  2. Use of visual simulators (individual, wall-mounted);
  3. Reliance on the scheme and visual marks;
  4. Gymnastics according to verbal instructions, with poems.

Gymnastics for the eyes of a preschooler

Exercises to relieve eye strain:

1. Stand freely, arms along the body. Raise your shoulders as high as possible. Keeping them in this position, pull back as far as possible and return to the starting position. Make circular movements with your shoulders. Repeat 10 times.

2. Stand freely, arms along the body. Raise your shoulders as high as possible. Holding them in this position, pull back, then move forward, lower, returning to the starting position. Repeat 10 times.

3. Lower your chin to your chest, relax your neck, then raise your head and tilt it back as far as possible. Repeat 5-6 times.

4. In a sitting position. Lower your chin to your chest, then gently turn your head to the left, tilt back, return to the starting position. Repeat 5 times in one direction and 5 times in the other.

5. In a sitting position. Turn your head as much as possible to the left, return to the starting position. Turn your head as much as possible to the right, return to the starting position. Repeat turns 5 times at a slow pace.

A set of exercises for the eyes.

1. In the corners of the room, under the ceiling, place colored cardboard circles of different sizes. Invite the children to look at the left circle for a few seconds, then at the right one, do this exercise 3-5 times, make sure that only the eyes work for the children, after 3-5 exercises close the eyes for 10 seconds, repeat the exercise 3 times.

2. To relax the muscles that support the eyeball, it is proposed to close and relax the eyes for 10 seconds.

3. To perform the following visual gymnastics exercise for children, place your hands under your chin to prevent head movement. The child should raise his eyes and look up, then down 4 times, a break of 10 seconds, then to the right, to the left 4 times, a break of 10 seconds. 4. Finding toys in the space of the group; fixation of the gaze on the object.

We invite children to find a toy with their eyes. Examine it for 5-7 seconds.

5. Exercise "Mark on glass"(a small silhouette of a toy can act as a label).Look at the mark on the glass from a distance of 30-35 cm for 4-6 seconds. Then look at the object behind the glass (tree, house, car, etc.) for 4-6 seconds. Then alternately look at the mark, then at the object. Repeat for about 30-40 seconds.

6. Slow blinking for 10 seconds.Butterflies flew, flapped their wings. Children perform a wave of eyelashes.

7 . "Let's warm up our eyes." Invite the children to rub their palms together and cover their eyes with them (the eyes under the palms are closed). “We rub our palms so that they become warm. Let's close our eyes and put our hands on them, warm our eyes. (Eyes closed for 5-10 seconds).

Toddlers quickly get tired of doing the same exercises. Therefore, they can be offered eye exercises in a playful way.

A set of exercises:

“Fun week”

All week on - order,
Eyesdo the exercises.
- On Monday, when you wake up,
Eyes smile at the sun
Look down at the grass
And back up.

(Raise your eyes up; lower them down, the head is motionless).

Tuesday watch eyes
They look to and fro,
Walk left, walk right
They will never get tired.

(Turn your eyes to the right side, and then to the left, the head is motionless).

On Wednesday we play hide and seek
We close our eyes tightly.
One, two, three, four, five,
Let's open our eyes.
We squint and open
So we continue the game.

On Thursdays we look into the distance
It's not a pity for this time
What is near and what is far
Eyes must be considered.

(We look straight ahead into the distance, then raise our finger at a distance of 30 cm from the eyes and look at it. Repeat several times).

On Friday we didn't yawn
Eyes darted around.
Stop and again
Run to the other side.

(Rotate eyes to the right and left in a circle).

Even if Saturday is a day off
We are not lazy with you.
Looking for corners
To run the pupils.

(We look in the upper right corner, then the lower left, then vice versa in the upper left).

We'll sleep on Sunday
And then let's go for a walk
To make the eyes harden
You need to breathe air.

(Close the eyelids, massage them with light circular movements of the fingers).

Without gymnastics, friends,
Our eyes cannot live!

For eye gymnastics, you can use physical. minutes, just "wipe them with your eyes":

The fish are having fun
In clean warm water
They will shrink, they will unclench,
They will bury themselves in the sand.
Eyes - fish - close, open, close with your hands and stroke your eyelids with your fingers.

Our delicate flowers
The petals are unfolding.
The wind breathes a little
The petals sway.
Eyes opened, looked left and right. Eyelashes waved.

Finger to nose moves
And then back
look at him
We are very pleased!
Stretch your hand forward. Follow the tip of your finger, slowly bringing it closer to the nose, and then just as slowly pushing it back.

Now close your eyes
And stroke your hands
We dream with you
About my beloved mother.
Close your eyes, stroke your eyelids.

The eyes are subjected to daily stress, their overstrain leads to reduced vision and blindness. A set of special exercises recommended by ophthalmologists will help to avoid deterioration of the condition of the eyes. How to do exercises for the eyes? How much time per day should be devoted to classes? Find answers in this article.

If you do eye exercises daily, you can prevent visual impairment.

Gymnastics helps to keep the eye muscles in good shape, relieves tension. Ophthalmologists recommend at least 30 minutes a day to exercise.

During the day, they need to be performed 3-4 times, starting from waking up and ending with the time before going to bed

Exercises for the organs of vision:

  • Eyelid massage. It is carried out with warm clean hands. Massage your closed eyes and the area around them with your fingertips for 5 minutes. Touch the eyes with the lower part of the palm and massage with a little effort for 1-2 minutes. Clench your hands into fists, rub your eyelids with them for 20-30 seconds
  • Hydromassage. A contrast shower for the eyes is carried out according to the following scheme: in the morning, the eyelids are washed first with warm, then with cold water. Before going to bed, the eyes are treated in reverse order to relax the oculomotor muscles.
  • Circular movements of the eyes clockwise and counterclockwise improve the circulation of intraocular fluid. You can conduct a lesson both with closed and open eyes, the duration of the lesson is up to 2 minutes
  • Drawing with the nose helps relieve tension from the eye muscles and neck, improve blood circulation. Take a comfortable position, close your eyes. Draw a circle, square, or write a word with your nose. Spend at least 10 minutes per session
  • Drawing lines and figures with a glance is carried out in the same way as circular movements. Imagine a number or a geometric figure, try to draw it with your eyes. You need to repeat the exercise 5-7 times
  • Blink. Blinking for 30-60 seconds is recommended before the start of gymnastics and after each exercise. This will prepare the eyes for the upcoming load.
  • Concentration on the subject

Technique for performing gymnastics for the eyes with myopia and hyperopia. Charging and exercises for children.

Gymnastics for the eyes is a set of special exercises aimed at maintaining vision and relieving fatigue. Such charging is not only useful for myopia and people with reduced vision, but also for office workers who spend most of their work at the monitor.

Useful properties of gymnastics for the eyes

The whole complex is very simple, you need to do the exercises for 3-5 minutes twice a day. At the same time, you will not only relieve fatigue, but also be able to get rid of many problems that, it would seem, have nothing to do with vision at all.

The benefits of gymnastics for the eyes are as follows:

  • Relaxes. This is especially important in preschool and school age, when it is necessary to absorb a huge amount of information. With the translational and rotational movement of the eyes, the performer abstracts from what is happening. He seems to be relaxing. Accordingly, after exercise, nervousness and anxiety disappear. In addition, during exercise, blood circulation in the eyes and brain improves.
  • Relieves fatigue. When performing exercises, a person switches from monotonous visual strain when reading. While massaging the eyeballs, the nerve endings relax.
  • Stimulates the lacrimal ducts. Accordingly, after gymnastics, the dryness of the mucous membrane disappears. Disappears pain and burning.
  • Improves eyesight. By improving blood circulation, vision can be improved. This usually occurs with initial myopia in children.
  • Prevents vision loss. Due to the constant stimulation of the eyeball, the rush of blood and the massage of the tear ducts, the eyes are moisturized, it does not dry out. With blood, useful vitamins and oxygen enter the eyes. This is what helps prevent visual acuity loss.

Contraindications for eye exercises

Despite the benefits of eye exercises, some patients should forget about the procedure. There are diseases that will progress when doing gymnastics.

Contraindications for charging are as follows:

  1. Retinal detachment. With this disease, the retina is separated from the vascular. After performing gymnastics, the vessels work more actively, this can be considered the cause of decreased vision as a result of retinal detachment.
  2. Inflammatory eye diseases. You should not do exercises with blepharitis and conjunctivitis. Mucus and tear fluid contain pathogens that you can transfer to other parts of the face and spread all over the surface of the eye.
  3. Rehabilitation after surgery. If you have recently had laser vision correction or a lens replacement, you should give up gymnastics. By stimulating circulation, you run the risk of causing bleeding and rupture of sutures (if any).

Gymnastics technique for eyes for adults

There are several methods of gymnastics for the eyes. The complex of exercises depends on visual acuity and the presence of diseases. You can perform the simplest complexes to relieve stress and fatigue.

Eye exercises to improve vision

A complex of simple exercises mainly consists of blinking, moving the eyeballs and massaging the eyelids. There are many exercises to relieve fatigue and improve the vision of Zhdanov, Norbekov and Tibetan. All of them are aimed at supplying the eye with a sufficient amount of blood and nutrients. The complex described below is a collection of exercises from ophthalmologists.

The method of performing universal exercises to improve vision:

  • Winkers. It is very easy to do the exercise. It is necessary to squeeze the eyelids strongly, and then open them and blink very quickly for 1-2 minutes. The procedure is aimed at improving blood flow to the eyelids and the eyeball.
  • Zhmurki. Sit on a chair or sofa, straighten your back, close your eyes with an effort and sit like this for 3-5 seconds. Repeat the manipulation 7-10 times. If this is your first time doing a complex, you can reduce the number of repetitions to five. This exercise improves eye muscle tone and strengthens the eyelids.
  • swimming. Stand straight, arms at your sides. Close your eyes for 3 seconds. Open your eyelids and look into the distance for 10 seconds. Place your finger in front of the bridge of the nose at a distance of 35 cm and sharply look at it. Repeat the procedure 7-12 times. This manipulation helps to train the muscular apparatus.
  • Massage. A very simple exercise that must be done after washing your hands with soap and water. Do not touch the eyelids and mucous membranes with dirty hands. Close your eyelids, massage the upper skin fold with your little finger from the inner corner of the eye to the outer. In the area of ​​​​the lower crease, perform circular movements from the outer part of the eye to the inner.
  • In queue. This exercise trains the muscles of the eyes separately. You need to take a vertical position and bring your index finger at the level of the bridge of your nose. The distance from the nose to the palm should be 30-35 cm. Look at the tip of your finger for 5-7 seconds. Close your right eye and look at the palm with one eye for another 5-7 seconds. Open your eye and cover your left eye with your palm. Repeat the manipulation 12 times.
  • Wings. The exercise is so called due to the fact that the hands during its implementation must be spread apart, like wings. Stand upright and raise your arms, bent at the elbows, so that they are parallel to the floor. Extend the index finger of your right hand and gradually extend your elbow. At the same time, follow the movement of your finger. Return your hand to its original position without taking your eyes off it. Do the same on the other side (left hand). Repeat the manipulation 7-10 times.
  • clicks. Sit on a chair. On each eye, place three fingers connected to each other. Press on the eyes for 2 seconds. Repeat 7 times. Helps to improve the circulation of fluid inside the eyeball.
  • Vertical. Take a vertical position, raise both hands up. Now move your straight arms in front of you at chest level. Lower your right and left hands in turn. Remember to follow the movements of the limbs with your eyes. This trains the vertical muscles and improves coordination.
  • Watch. Sit on a chair and bring your right arm bent at the elbow in front of you. Extend your index finger and rotate your hand in a clockwise direction. Follow your pupils with your finger. Repeat the same with the left hand. This exercise helps to improve the functioning of the vestibular apparatus and increases attention.
  • Falls. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Close your eyes and then open them. Without moving your neck and head, look down, as if throwing it. Then look up sharply. Repeat the movements 7-12 times. This is how you train complex eye movements.
  • Pendulum. Get upright. Now perform the movements, as in the previous exercise, only after the eyes are at the bottom, move your gaze to the right and left. Repeat 10 times.

Gymnastics for the eyes with myopia

Myopia is a defect of the visual apparatus, in which the image is formed not in the area of ​​​​the retina, but in front of it. That is, a person sees only very close, bringing the object to his face. Usually, such an ailment can be dealt with with the help of laser correction. Often patients are prescribed glasses or contact lenses. But by giving your eyes just 20 minutes a day, you can improve visual acuity without surgery and glasses.

The method of charging for the eyes with myopia:

  1. Perform rapid blinks while squeezing your eyelids with force. When opening your eyes, do it with maximum tension. It is necessary to do 5-10 repetitions. Increase the number of blinks every day.
  2. eights. Open your eyes and move your eyeballs along the perimeter of the figure eight. You must draw a figure eight with your pupils. Close your eyelids and repeat the exercise with closed eyelids.
  3. Vertical. Open your eyes wide and move them from top to bottom, describing a vertical line. Movements should be frequent, and the range should be small. The line should be as long as the face.
  4. Horizontal. Perform oscillatory eye movements from side to side. You should get something similar to the movement of a cat in a clock. The span should also be small, the length of the line should be about 15-20 cm.
  5. Circles. Open your eyes and describe a circle with them. To begin with, you can draw a circle with a diameter of 15 cm and describe it clockwise and counterclockwise. After that, close your eyelids and repeat the exercise.
  6. A hammer. The exercise resembles an examination by a neurologist. Stretch your right hand in front of you and gradually bring your index finger closer to your face. They need to touch the nose, while the finger must be accompanied by a look. If you start seeing double before you touch your nose, stop the activity. You need to repeat 10 times a day.
  7. Pressure. Place the index fingers of both hands in the area above the eyebrows and lift them up. Close your eyes and lie down for 3 seconds. You need to do 10 repetitions. So you put pressure on the eyelids, improving muscle function.
  8. Diagonal. Move your eyes in the direction from the ear to the chin, you will get oblique lines. Change direction, you must immediately perform movements from the right ear, and then from the left. Do 7 reps for each eye in total.

Gymnastics for the eyes with farsightedness

Farsightedness is a disease characterized by the fact that the image is formed behind the retina. In this case, the eye muscles are often tense, which causes headache and anxiety. With age-related farsightedness, pain does not occur, and older people see well into the distance, the muscles of the eyes are relaxed. You can fight the disease with the help of glasses, surgery or special gymnastics.

The method of performing exercises for the eyes with farsightedness:

  • Pendulum. Take a pencil and stretch out your hand. It is necessary that the rod be at the level of the nose. Now gradually wiggle the pencil to the left, then to the right. Follow the subject with your eyes, gradually bring the pencil closer to your face.
  • Candle. Exercises with light and darkness are very useful for farsightedness. The activity must be done in the dark. Take a candle and light it, watch the flame. The exercise is performed while sitting on a chair. Without taking your eyes off the flame, rotate the body 90 degrees.
  • Eyebrow massage. Sit on a chair and straighten your back. Put your index fingers on the head of the eyebrows and perform circular motions. In total, you need to do 5 repetitions.
  • Letters. Put a dot on the nose with bright lipstick. With your eyes open, move your nose, describing some letters. You can "write" your name. Now close your eyelids and repeat the exercise.
  • Surveillance. The exercise is performed outdoors. It is necessary to find a moving object and follow it. An aircraft or birds are suitable as an object for observation.
  • slopes. Sit comfortably, close your right eye with your palm. Tilt your head to one shoulder, then to the other. Repeat the movement, covering the other eye with the palm of your hand. While doing the exercise, focus your eyes on some object.
  • Circles. The lesson is quite simple, but unlike the exercise that is performed with myopia, it is necessary to drive not with the eyes, but with the chin. You need to draw a circle with your face, focusing on any object that is directly in front of your eyes. Close your eyelids and repeat the exercise.

Gymnastics for the eyes for children

Children are a category of patients who often have visual impairment due to constant tension, so all exercises to restore visual acuity are aimed at alternating tension and relaxation. It is advisable to do gymnastics for 2 minutes every hour when reading or doing homework.

The method of performing gymnastics for the eyes for children:

  1. Semicircle. The lesson is performed while sitting on a chair, look sharply at the ceiling, and then look to the left. Describing a semicircle, move your eyes to the right over your forehead. Get an arc above the forehead.
  2. Infinity. The child should look at the inverted figure eight, that is, the sign of infinity. The figure eight is drawn within the face. You can change things up a bit. First, let him look to the upper right corner, and then to the lower left. Now from the upper left corner you need to move your eyes to the lower right. You get something that looks like a butterfly.
  3. Strabismus. A very fun exercise. Focus on the tip of your nose. Move your gaze quickly to the right. Repeat the same, only selecting the item on the left.
  4. To the sides. Touch the tip of your nose with your index fingers and spread them apart. With peripheral vision, observe two fingers, while not trying to squint with your eyes.
  5. Waves. Describe a wave or a sine wave with your eyes. Do the exercise from right to left and from left to right. Repeat 10 times.
How to do exercises for the eyes - look at the video:

Such simple exercises will relieve tension and help improve vision a little. Usually there is an improvement in visual acuity after 6-9 months of regular exercise.

Tiring work at the computer affects the condition of the eyes in a far from the best way, because the huge volumes of daily processed information require constant tension from them. Rest for the eyes is necessary for everyone, and if you fill such moments of rest with useful gymnastics, you can not only save priceless eyesight, but also significantly improve it.

What is eye gymnastics for?

It is no secret that many vision problems often arise due to overexertion. Hard work, especially at the computer, can lead to rapid reddening of the eyes and their dryness, as well as to the fact that a person can begin to see much worse into the distance. Therefore, it is extremely important to periodically perform exercises specifically designed for the eyes. It is gymnastics for the eyes that will perfectly help not only to relieve the accumulated tension and redness, but also to maintain vision, which is extremely important for a person, and sometimes even restore it.

By the way, the first exercises to preserve vision appeared among ancient people, long before our era. Such exercises have not lost their relevance even now. Even wise yogis, creating whole complexes of asanas for the human body, did not forget about exercises for the eyes.

Eye fatigue exercises

Such exercises will not take much time - it will take only 5 - 7 minutes to complete them. At the same time, they will definitely help to properly relax the muscles and get rid of eye fatigue.

  • Without closing your eyes, you need to try to smoothly and slowly draw a figure eight in the air with them. In this case, you should move your eyes in different directions, trying, if possible, to breathe in time with the actions performed. And, of course, it is better to do without sudden movements. After doing 5 - 7 repetitions, you can move on to the next exercise.

  • The right hand is extended in front of you and raised to eye level. Then, for five seconds, you should look at the thumb, gradually, smoothly and rather slowly moving your hand to the right and not taking your eyes off the thumb. The head during the exercise should remain motionless. Having completed it with the right hand, they pass to the left hand. Each action is performed 5-7 times.
  • First, look for a few seconds at any distant object that is directly in front of you. Next, the hand is raised so that its thumb is at a distance of about 25 - 30 cm from the eyes. After looking at the finger, the hand is lowered, and the gaze is again moved to a distant object. This exercise is done 10-12 times.
  • Raising your hand, make sure that the thumb is at a distance of 25 - 30 cm from the eyes. For five seconds, look at the tip of the finger, and then, closing the right eye, continue to look at the thumb for another five seconds. Then they open their eyes, and, counting five seconds again, close the left eye, continuing to look at the finger all this time. Ten to twelve repetitions will be more than enough.

Exercises to improve circulation

Insufficient blood circulation in the region of the optic nerves and eye muscles plays an important role in visual impairment. Such basic massage techniques as kneading, pressing, vibration and stroking help to cope with this unpleasant situation. And to achieve the best effect, massage is recommended to be combined with special exercises.

  • Eye movements in a straight horizontal line, first to the right and to the left, and then up and down.
  • Eye movements diagonally: first from the upper right corner to the lower left, and then vice versa.
  • Rotation of the eyes in a circle (both counterclockwise and clockwise).
  • Having placed a finger on the bridge of the nose, you need to try to see it with both eyes at the same time.
  • For a few seconds, you need to quickly and intensely close your eyes, and then relax.
  • Fast blinking for a few seconds.
  • A small circle or some other mark is pasted on the window pane, and any large object (for example, a tree in the yard or a distant house) is marked far behind this mark. Then you need to move away from the window for a meter or two and begin to look from the mark located on the window to the selected distant object and back.

Eye massage

Massage has an excellent tonic effect on blood circulation, as well as on the optic nerves and on numerous nerve endings. Massage manipulations for the eyes are extremely simple - stroking closed eyes with your fingertips, light kneading, pressure, vibration and massage with your palms.

Perhaps the most common massage technique is the simultaneous massage of both eyes with the help of two fingers - index and middle. All movements along the lower edge of the eyes are carried out towards the nose, and along the upper edge - above the eyebrows. Repeat these movements eight to fifteen times.

Also, closing your eyes, with the backs of the thumbs (or, to be more precise, their second phalanges) of both hands, with a slight pressure, stroke the eyebrows in the direction from the bridge of the nose to the temples. It is enough to make 20 - 30 such movements.

There is another equally effective massage technique: three fingers press three times on the upper edges of the eye sockets located under the eyebrows, directing the movement upwards and trying not to touch the skin with the nails. Do the same with the lower edges of the eye sockets, while directing the movement down.


  • The eyes are the mirror of the soul! Gymnastics for the eyes. , a social network for losing weight Diets.ru
  • Gymnastics for the eyes according to Norbekov, a social network for parents Stranamam.ru
  • Gymnastics for the eyes: improving vision, women's social network MyJulia.ru
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