If the tongue sinks. The decline of the language. Drowning in sea water

The unconscious state always contains a certain danger. A person who has lost consciousness does not feel anything, his pain threshold lowered, he does not understand what is happening to him, is not able to help himself. Therefore, the victim needs medical care.

The unconscious state is characterized by a serious threat of choking with vomit, blood, mucus and other masses that rush from digestive tract outside, blocking the airways. However, more often in practice there is another problem that is considered more dangerous than the movement of vomit, this is the displacement of the root of the tongue.

What it is?

Relaxation of the muscles of the lower jaw and root at a time when a person is unconscious will inevitably lead to the movement of the tongue from its usual position to the larynx. This phenomenon in the people and medicine was called "retraction of the tongue." It is characterized by the displacement of the muscles of the tongue to the wall of the larynx, which leads to the cessation of air flow into the lungs, resulting in suffocation, in other words, asphyxia.

The retraction of the root of the tongue is primarily dangerous because, if not needed help, a person will suffocate due to lack of air. Asphyxia, which develops as a result of the displacement of the tongue, leads to a decrease in the level of oxygen in the tissues and an increase in the level of carbon dioxide in the blood. As a result, a person dies within 10 minutes from suffocation.

Causes of tongue retraction

main reason The development of this pathological condition is the relaxation of the root of the tongue and the muscles of the lower jaw, which partly control the position of the tongue in the oral cavity. So, for example, if the victim has a broken lower jaw on both sides, then the probability of displacement of the root of the tongue is quite high.

However, in medical practice, such a cause of tongue displacement as a broken jaw is rare. Much more often, a similar phenomenon occurs during a long coma, in which many muscles atrophy, including the tongue. Retraction of the tongue in a patient may occur after the application of anesthesia before surgery. Also, pathology is observed in victims of accidents and other accidents that entail a strong pain shock.

Epilepsy is one of the causes

There are still many myths about swallowing the tongue during epileptic seizure. Some people who are ignorant of medicine try to open the mouth of an epileptic during an attack with a spoon, pens, or their own fingers, simultaneously fixing the unclenched jaws with a stick or other objects. It should be noted here that such activities will not only not help the patient, but can also break his teeth and damage the oral mucosa.

The only way a passer-by can help a person suffering from an epileptic seizure is to try to secure the space around him as much as possible: remove hot and sharp objects to prevent injury to the head, place soft clothing under it. During an attack, a person can, but in no case will he swallow it, for another reason that during an epileptic seizure, all the muscles of the body are extremely tense and in hypertonicity.

However, retraction of the tongue can really happen, only not during an attack, but after it, when the muscles, on the contrary, are in a state of hypotonicity. AT this case relaxation of the root of the tongue can cause it to move from its usual position and subsequent blockage of the larynx.

Appearances of pathology

As mentioned, main symptom and at the same time, the most negative consequence of tongue displacement is suffocation. A person cannot breathe air, as the path to the lungs is blocked. Nor can he exhale the air filled with carbon dioxide, as a result of which blood circulation is disturbed in the body. This leads to a change in the complexion of the patient, it acquires a bluish tint. How longer man does not receive the necessary amount of oxygen, the further the so-called cyanosis spreads: the upper part turns blue chest.

A person who has had a retraction of the root of the tongue begins to sweat profusely, the veins in his neck swell and increase in size. He begins to make reflex arms and legs, rushing from side to side due to the inability to take a full breath. By itself, breathing is hoarse, arrhythmic (due to excessive stress intercostal muscles and neck muscles).

How to help?

First of all, a person who has had a displacement of the tongue must be placed in horizontal position. After performing this manipulation, you need to throw back his head: left hand is placed on the forehead of the victim, and the right hand at this time raises the neck, a retainer (pillow, roller) is placed under it. After tilting the head, you need to push it lower jaw. To do this, its right and left corners are taken with two hands, shifted down and then rise forward. If breathing is restored, then the person should be turned to one side to prevent re-sagging.

If these measures did not help to restore patency respiratory tract when the tongue sinks, then you need to move on to a proven and guaranteed way to end the state of suffocation by getting rid of causative factor. In this case, this is the removal of the tongue from the oral cavity and its fixation from the outside. Manipulation involves pulling the tongue out of the mouth with the help of cloth-wrapped fingers, tweezers, tongs, and, in fact, any tool capable of capturing and holding the tongue. next step is its fixation at the chin by means of an adhesive plaster or bandage.

If the displacement of the root of the tongue occurred due to a fracture of the lower jaw, then assistance should immediately begin with its removal from the mouth and subsequent fixation at the chin. Subsequent manipulations, such as matching and connecting fragments of a broken jaw, can only be performed in a specialized institution. Also, in the carriages called by the ambulance, doctors can provide professional assistance in case of retraction of the tongue, as they have devices for artificial ventilation of the lungs. A special air duct is placed between the root of the tongue and the wall of the pharynx, providing the lungs with air flow.

What Not to Do

All manipulations regarding the movement of the victim in space and changing the position of his head and neck are contraindicated if a person has a suspicion of a fracture of the cervical region. Any inaccurate movement in relation to the victim can harm him even more. In this case, it is enough to change the position of the jaw forward and down.

It is also worth noting that some citizens have a myth firmly entrenched in their heads, which says that it is necessary to take out the tongue and pin it with a pin, needle to the collar of the clothes or the cheek of the victim. To do this is absolutely contraindicated, and it is pointless. Moreover, first aid in case of tongue retraction should not be provided by such barbaric methods. To fix the tongue, a regular adhesive plaster attached to the chin is suitable. Moreover, the fixation itself is necessary in extreme cases usually enough to change the position of the head and neck.

Language Root Displacement Warning

When a person loses consciousness, the muscles of his body relax, including the tongue, which can fall against the back wall of the larynx, causing an attack of suffocation. This does not happen so often with ordinary fainting, but a number of measures should still be taken to prevent tongue retraction. Its main principle is to tilt the head of the victim back by raising the neck and placing a roller under it. It is also possible to attach the tongue with adhesive tape or a bandage passing through the bottom of the lower jaw and securing around the forehead. If the jaw is broken, then you need to act differently: you need to put a person on his stomach, face down.


The fall of the tongue is quite dangerous phenomenon, which consists in the displacement of its root and blockage of the respiratory tract. similar condition occurs when the muscles of the body, including the tongue, relax during unconsciousness, coma and anesthesia, as well as fractures of the lower jaw.

When the tongue is displaced, a person begins to suffocate, the veins in his neck swell, his breathing becomes hoarse, his face gradually turns blue. You can help a person by throwing his head back and changing the position of the jaw. It also helps to fix the tongue outside the mouth by attaching it to the chin, but in no case with pins or needles.

Sylvester's method: the victim is placed on his back, a roller is placed under the shoulder blades, and therefore the head is thrown back. Then producing artificial respiration kneels at the head, at the expense of 1-2 raises the victim's arms up and back - inhale, at the expense of 3-4 lowers down, pressing to the chest with bent elbows - exhale.

Schaeffer's method: the victim is placed on his stomach, artificial respiration sits on top (on his knees on the buttocks of the victim), wraps his arms around side surfaces chest, compresses the chest - exhale, lets go - inhale. This method is used for fractures of the upper limbs.

The method of artificial ventilation of the lungs "mouth to mouth" or "mouth to nose".

The victim is placed as far as possible on a flat and hard surface(ground, floor) facing up, then his head is thrown back as much as possible, for which it is best to put a roller (from clothes, etc.) under his back in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades.

Before you start artificial ventilation lungs, it is necessary to ensure the patency of the upper respiratory tract. Usually, when the head is tilted back, the mouth opens voluntarily. If the patient's jaws are tightly compressed, then they should be moved apart with some flat object (the handle of a spoon, etc.) and a roller of bandage or cotton wool or any other non-traumatic tissue should be placed between the teeth in the form of a spacer. After that, with a finger wrapped in a handkerchief, gauze or other thin cloth, the oral cavity is quickly examined, which should be freed from vomit, mucus, blood, sand, and removable earth dentures.

It is necessary to unbutton the patient's clothes, which impede breathing and blood circulation. All these preparatory measures must be carried out as quickly as possible, but very carefully and carefully, because. gross manipulations can worsen the already critical situation sick or injured.

The caregiver kneels on the right hand of the victim. If there is an air duct, then it should be inserted into the oropharynx to prevent retraction of the tongue and lower jaw. If there is no air duct, the lower jaw (by the chin) should be held with the right hand, moving it forward and slightly opening the mouth. With the left hand (thumb and forefinger) pinch the nose. A gauze is preliminarily applied to the mouth.

After a deep breath, the caregiver leans over the victim, covers his mouth with his lips and evenly blows air into the victim's mouth. If the inflation is performed correctly, the victim's chest will expand.

Inhalation is produced passively by elastic contraction lung tissue and collapse of the chest. Adults blow air 10-12 times per minute, then more often.

Artificial respiration using the "mouth-to-nose" method is performed in a similar way, with the difference that the victim's mouth is tightly covered, and the inhalation of the inhaled air is carried out through the nose.

Combating cardiac arrest, non-direct cardiac massage technique.

The main symptoms of cardiac arrest: loss of consciousness, lack of pulse, heart sounds, respiratory arrest, pallor and cyanosis of the skin, dilated pupils, convulsions.

Heart massage should be carried out in parallel with artificial respiration.

Indirect cardiac massage produce a trace. way. The victim is placed on his back on a hard surface (floor, table, couch). The caregiver stands on the left side of the victim. The palm (base of the palm) of one hand (right) is placed on the lower third of the sternum, the other (left) - on the rear of the right. Hands should be turned to elbow joints. Vigorous jerky movements are made 50-70 times per minute. When pressing on the sternum, it shifts 4-5 cm towards the spine, compresses the heart, blood is pumped from the left ventricle into the aorta and enters the periphery and the brain, from the right ventricle into the lungs, where it is saturated with oxygen.

In this case, not only the strength of the hands is used, but also they are pressed with the whole body. In children, heart massage should be performed with less force, pressing on the chest with only the fingertips, and in very young children, with only one finger at a frequency of 100-120 pressures per minute.

If resuscitation is carried out by 2 people, one inflation of the lungs should be performed for 4-5 compressions of the sternum. In the absence of a peripheral pulse and respiration for 2-3 minutes, they switch to an open heart massage.

Measures for the prevention of falling tongue.

Retraction of the tongue occurs in coma, traumatic brain injury and leads to asphyxia. To prevent retraction of the tongue, it is necessary to: push the lower jaw anteriorly (behind the corner of the lower jaw with both hands), fix the tongue with blowers, turn the head on its side, hold the tongue with the help of a tongue holder or pressing it along the midline with fixation (pin) to clothes, skin .

Rescue measures in areas of catastrophic flooding (ZKZ).

When eliminating the consequences of catastrophic floods, the main tasks are:

provision of first aid, pre-medical and first aid medical care to all those affected by the flood,

evacuation of the injured as soon as possible to medical and preventive institutions and their timely treatment until the final outcome outside the ZKZ (Zone of Catastrophic Flooding).

First medical and first aid for drowning.

When providing first aid at the scene of an accident, one should proceed from the presence or absence of consciousness, appearance the victim, the nature and severity of respiratory and hemodynamic disorders, as well as concomitant injuries.

If the victim is rescued in the initial period with preserved consciousness, measures should be taken to eliminate emotional stress, take off wet clothes, wipe his body dry, wrap the body, give a hot drink (tea, coffee).

When extracting a drowning person from the water in an unconscious state, but with spontaneous breathing and a satisfactory peripheral pulse, the victim is laid horizontally with the feet raised by 40-50 degrees. feet, let inhale ammonia, produce rubbing hands, feet and chest, inhaled oxygen.

It does not matter where and when they came from, but almost every one of our people has some knowledge of first aid. Alas, in most cases this set of knowledge is a porridge of stereotypes and rumors, and the application of this porridge in practice is not only useless, but also dangerous. For example, everyone knows that a splint should be applied to a fracture. And most people imagine this tire as two or three sticks, ideally - pickets from a fence with the remnants of a traditional painting. When the need arises to help, for some reason it turns out that a person is not at all happy when they try to straighten his broken arm and leg and tie him to a stick.

And all because the fracture must be fixed in the position that is most comfortable for the victim. The limb is usually half-bent. Like this. Did you know about it? Hope so. And therefore, you will laugh at the ten most common incorrect stereotypes of first aid listed below, as if they were a well-known thing. Or think. Or remember. And best of all - take the time and take a good first aid course. Suddenly, God forbid, come in handy.

1. Die yourself, but help out a comrade

This stereotype is firmly driven into the heads of the older generation by films, books and simply by the ideology of the Soviet era, which desperately glorified heroism and self-sacrifice. No doubt - these qualities are important, valuable and sometimes even necessary. But in real life, on the street, in the city or in nature, following the learned rules can cost the life of both the hero and the rescued.

A simple example - a car crashed into a power line pole. The driver sits inside unconscious, he is not afraid of the current. And suddenly a hero rushes to his rescue. He runs to the car, not seeing the wire, and once - one more victim. Next - another hero, then - a couple more ... and here we have a car with a live driver, surrounded by a bunch of heroic bodies that did not have time to call rescuers and an ambulance. Of course, the hype in the press, a rally with posters "How long?!" state of emergency. In short - a mess, but why? Because our heroes didn't know one thing simple rule- first determine what threatens you, and only then - what threatens the victim, because if something happens to you, you will no longer be able to help. Assess the situation, call 01 and, if possible, refrain from extreme heroism. No matter how cynical it may sound, one corpse is always better than two.

2. Get it by any means

Let's continue the theme of roads and accidents. You won’t believe how common the following scenario is in our country: an ambulance and rescuers arrive at the scene of the accident, and the victims have already been removed from the wrecked cars, laid in the shade and given some water to drink. At the same time, voluntary rescuers pulled people out of the cars by the arms and legs and, in addition to the injuries already received, caught up with a couple more completely harmless ones, such as a deformity of a broken spine. So if a person sat in the car, waited for help, the specialists would carefully dismantle this car, put him on a stretcher and hand it over to the doctors. Six months in the hospital - and again on his feet. And now no. Now - lifelong disability. And it's not all on purpose. All out of a desire to help. So, no need. No need to pretend to be lifeguards. The actions of witnesses to an accident are as follows: call for help, turn off the battery of the emergency vehicle so that spilled gasoline does not flare up from an accidental spark, enclose the accident site, stop the bleeding of the victim (if any) and, until the doctors arrive, just talk to the person ... talk. Yes, yes, psychologically support, distract, encourage, joke in the end. The wounded must feel that he is being cared for. But dragging a person by the arms and legs from a car is possible only in one case - when possible consequences transportation will be less than its absence. For example - when the car caught fire.

3. Tongue to collar

Remember this bike? There is a pin in the army first aid package, and it is needed in order to pin the tongue of an unconscious person to his own collar - so that he (tongue) does not fuse and does not block the airways. And it happened, and they did. A good picture - like this to wake up from a swoon, but with the tongue out? Yes, in an unconscious state, a person always sinks his tongue. Yes, this needs to be borne in mind and dealt with. But not in the same barbaric way! By the way, have you ever tried to get a tongue out of a person's mouth? Not? Try it. An opening awaits you - it turns out to be soft, slippery and does not want to remain in an extended state. And yes, it's unhygienic. To free the airways from a sunken tongue, a person simply needs to be turned to one side. All - the airways are open. So, by the way, it is recommended to do with all the familiar and unfamiliar drunkards sleeping on the street. Put it on its side - and nothing, oversleep. But if he fell asleep lying on his back, then two dangers threaten his life at once: suffocate from the retraction of the tongue and choke on vomit. And if for some reason it’s impossible to sideways (for example, a suspicion of a spinal injury, in which it’s generally dangerous to move a person once again), just tilt his head back. It's enough.

4. Tourniquet on the neck

By the way, this is quite possible. A tourniquet is applied to the neck, but not just like that, but through the hand. But it's not about that. Our people have a quivering and tender relationship with the tourniquet. It is in every first aid kit, and therefore, for any heavy bleeding citizens rush to burn. At the same time, some even remember that in summer a tourniquet can be applied for two hours, and in winter for one. And they know that deoxygenated blood darker in color than arterial. But it often turns out that it is not the most life-threatening deep cut for some reason they are burning, so much so that upon arrival at the hospital it turns out that the bloodless limb can no longer be saved. Remember - tourniquet is used only to stop arterial bleeding. How to distinguish it? Well, certainly not the color of the blood. Firstly, shades of red are not always distinguishable anyway, but here stressful situation. It's easy to make a mistake. However, it is arterial bleeding that you can easily recognize. If we translate our typical pressure of 120 to 80 into atmospheres, we get somewhere around 1.4. That is, almost one and a half. Now imagine that water comes out of a narrow tube through a small hole under pressure of one and a half atmospheres. Have you figured out what kind of fountain will be? That's it. It is by the pressure and height of the fountain of blood that arterial bleeding is unmistakably identified. And here you can’t hesitate, life leaves a person with every second. So no need to look for a tourniquet or rope, take off your belt. Immediately quickly pinch, even with your finger. Where? In places where the arteries are closest to the surface of the body and less covered - the groin, armpits. Your task is to press the artery, wait for the bleeding to stop, and only then attach the tourniquet in place. And hurry to the hospital. By the way, the tourniquet is applied to clothing so that it can be seen. It is better to write a note with the time of applying the tourniquet with a marker ... on the victim's forehead. So there is more chance that the information will not be lost, and the poor fellow will surely forgive you this body art.

But venous bleeding- even very plentiful - it is better to stop tight pressure bandage. It does not matter if it is soaked through with blood - put another layer on top. This, among other things, will allow the doctor to assess the severity of blood loss by the thickness of the bandage.

5. Oil burn

Imagine, we are 80% water, which, in addition to other properties, also has a heat capacity. What is our burn, given these data? A certain amount of heat enters the skin and from its surface goes deeper into the tissues of the body, which readily accumulate the joules they have inherited. What does banal logic tell us? In order to remove the joules back and stop overheating, it is necessary to cool the burn site. After all, right? And just like. We pour cool water on the burn and wait. But here we are waiting, as it turns out, not enough. As a rule - until mitigation or disappearance pain syndrome, which is less than a minute. During this time, only part of the joules comes out, while the rest sit, hiding, and wait for developments. How do we develop events? Thickly smear the burn area with panthenol, cream, kefir or - according to grandmother's recipe - oil and salt. What's happening? Above the place where the notorious joules still walk in the tissues, an airtight pillow is created from a substance that closes their way out. As a result, the burn only gets worse. But if you had the patience to stand under water for another 10-15 minutes, it would be a completely different conversation. And panthenol, and other means would begin to work with a damaged area of ​​​​the skin, from under which all the heat has already been removed.

6. Rub his ears

Russia is a cold place, so one of the threats to a Russian person is frostbite. Almost everyone has encountered it - the ears and nose become white, lose sensitivity, but if they are rubbed with hands or snow, they quickly turn red, and then pain comes. Why does it hurt so much? Yes, because our body (sorry for the simplification) is a system of tubes and wires, where the first are blood vessels, and the second are nerve endings. In the cold, the tubules freeze, blood does not circulate through them (hence White color), the wires are tanned, and it all becomes brittle. And we begin to grind. And we crush and break small tubes, wires, causing serious damage to the body. After all, even a bottle of beer, frozen in the freezer, can burst with a sharp transfer to heat. And gentle vessels... Therefore - it is not necessary to grind. You have to warm up slowly. cool or slightly warm water. Then the consequences of frostbite will not be so deplorable, and the pain when sensitivity returns is not so strong.

7 Chill-warm

Remember how it used to be at a high temperature - itself hot, but chilly. The whole body is trembling, I want to lie in a ball under warm-warm blanket and warm up... And after all, they went to bed, and even warmed up later, and did not know that warming up in such a situation was not only harmful, but mortally dangerous. Everything is very simple - chills at a high (more than 38) temperature indicate only one thing. The fact that the temperature continues to rise and the body overheats. He needs cooling, and instead we wrap ourselves up warmly, cover ourselves with blankets, and surround ourselves with heating pads. As a result - a personal thermos in which the body heats up more and more. In the saddest cases, the temperature flew over 41, and then there were already irreversible processes leading to death. Infrequently, but it happened. So remember - with a high temperature and chills, you do not need to wrap yourself up. Gotta cool off cool bath, a light blanket, a wet wipe... anything to give the body the opportunity to dump excess heat. Rest assured - so heat will be transferred and will pass much easier.

8. Bank of potassium permanganate

So. Did your parents know that manganese crystals completely dissolve in water only at a temperature of about 70 degrees? Did they know that it is not only pointless to body such a solution (it is not necessary to drink antiseptics in order to immediately give them back), but also dangerous, since an undissolved potassium permanganate crystal can cause a lot of trouble in the gastric mucosa? No need to waste time and chemicals - to cleanse the stomach, it is enough to drink 3-5 glasses of simple warm water and induce vomiting.

9. Let's knock-clap

The man is choking, poor fellow, and coughing so hard that his heart breaks. What are the people around doing? Naturally, they help him - they knock on the back. But why are they doing this? FROM scientific point of vision, such blows irritate the place where the foreign body is located even more; cough reflex and the piece that gets in the wrong throat flies out by itself. Now imagine a drainpipe. We throw a cat there (it is clear that supposedly, we are not some kind of sadists) and begin to knock on the pipe with a stick (virtually). What do you think is the probability that the cat will jump out from the top of the pipe? It is the same with our piece - in ninety-nine cases a person clears his throat. But in one piece it will fall deeper into the respiratory tract with all the ensuing consequences - from the need for medical intervention to death from respiratory arrest. Therefore, no need to knock. Even if they ask. It is much easier and safer to calm the person down and ask them to take a few slow, very slow breaths and sharp exhalations. When exhaling, it is better to lean forward slightly - so that our drainpipe from vertical position changed to horizontal. Three or four such breaths and exhalations - and coughing will intensify. The piece will fly in by itself, simply and safely.

10. Unclench his teeth

This is probably the most common and most legendary misconception that millions of Russians seriously believe in. This is an unshakable belief that a person who has had an epileptic attack needs to unclench his teeth and insert something between them. The beauty! And they insert after all - they try, by at least. And later, when epileptics come to their senses, they are surprised to understand that their mouth is clogged with plastic from a gnawed fountain pen (in best case) or fragments of their own teeth (at worst). So: don't! Do not shove anything into a person’s mouth, it’s not sweet enough for him. You'll only make it worse. After all, what is the rationale for similar actions well-wishers? The fact that a person in a fit can bite off his tongue. Three times "ha"! So that you know - during an attack, all the muscles of a person are in good shape. Including the tongue, which, among other things, is also a muscle. It is tense and therefore will not fall out of the mouth and will not fall between the teeth. Maximum - the tip will be bitten. At the same time, there is not much blood, but, mixed with foamed saliva, it creates the appearance of unprecedented destruction - this is how myths about bitten off tongues are heated up. In general, you do not climb with your knives, forks, spoons. If you really want to help, kneel at the head of the epileptic and try to hold it, the head, so that there are no hits on the ground. Such blows are much more dangerous than a hypothetical bitten tongue. And when active phase the attack will pass - the convulsions will end, - gently turn the person to one side, as he has entered the second phase - sleep. It may not last long, but all the same, in this state, the muscles are relaxed and therefore there is a possibility of suffocation from the retraction of the tongue.

Such are the harsh realities of our unsafe life. It is advisable to learn them very well for yourself, because it is not for nothing that the most important medical law sounds like this: “Do no harm!” And it would be nice to observe the laws - we will be healthier.

epilepsy tongue

On the Internet in search query epilepsy tongue - is not a rare event. At the appointment of an epileptologist such a question about language during an epileptic seizure asked infrequently, but there were cases.

What happens during an epileptic seizure with the tongue

During large generalized convulsive attack Grand mal there is a fall, snoring breathing, salivation, sometimes crying, generalized tonic-clonic convulsions.

Language in such cases of epilepsy can be pulled out tongue prolapse).

During epileptic tongue can be clamped between the teeth and bitten when clenching the jaws during convulsions chewing muscles. In such cases, there may be bites and inner wall cheeks. When biting the tongue during an epileptic seizure, foam from the patient's mouth may be slightly stained with blood (the foam has pink color). After the attack, traces of the past epileptic seizure remain in the form tongue bite and cheeks. Considering that patients do not remember their Grand mal attack, and there may not be witnesses to the attack, then tongue bite and the bruising of the whole body may be the only facts confirming what happened.

Is it necessary to pull out the tongue during an epileptic seizure?

No, you do not need to pull out the tongue during an epileptic attack!

It is impossible to swallow the tongue during an attack , it is well attached.

Block the airways with the tongue - this is not so important, since during a large convulsive attack, breathing is disturbed for a short time.

Hold the victim's tongue with your fingersineffective action, and even the threat of biting the fingers of an assistant.

Well, the most common thing is damage to teeth and tongue victim during such "help" during an epileptic attack. If you want to help the patient during an epileptic seizure, they put spoons, sticks, hard objects that have turned up in the mouth in order to unclench your teeth and stick out your tongue . Such actions lead to damage to the teeth and damage to the soft tissues of the oral cavity (tongue, lips, cheeks) . Result pulling out the tongue during an epileptic seizure - Broken teeth, tongue bite.

Do not put anything in your mouth or hold your tongue with your fingers during an epileptic attack. .

What to do if the patient swallowed the tongue?

Or rather: what to do if it seems to you that the patient swallowed tongue ?

I looked at what a search on the Internet gives for a request Language epilepsy. Here are common misconceptions in Yandex on the topic epilepsy tongue

1. Epilepsy is a chronic disease bruises, cuts, missing teeth, cicatricial changes from multiple bites language and so on…

But cicatricial changes from multiple tongue bite in patients with different forms Epilepsy at the daily appointment of an epileptologist is not observed. Although each patient at the reception examining the tongue, during neurological examination and assessment of cranial nerve function. Yes, and broken teeth are rare in patients with epilepsy.

2. The patient may die if he swallows his tongue, he will suffocate. It is necessary, first of all, to plant or lay him down so that he does not fall, take a hard object, preferably a spoon, open his mouth, pressing his tongue with a spoon and keep his mouth open.

I explain. These actions will definitely lead to trauma to the teeth and tongue, if you have the strength to do it. Do not open your teeth with hard objects or fingers. Yes, and seating an adult patient during a major convulsive attack is physically difficult and not wise. The patient should be placed on the floor or bed and kept in the lateral position to avoid injury. And the patient will not be able to swallow the tongue, it is physically impossible, it is well attached.

3. I know that the main thing is not to let the person swallow the tongue. To do this, the jaw is fixed with a stick.

I explain. It is generally difficult to imagine how exactly to fix the jaw with a stick? In addition to injury, nothing can be achieved by such fixation of the jaw with a stick. These actions are dangerous.

Internet search results:

What offers in Yandex search on request epilepsy tongue - this is not funny, this is sad, this is not true, these myths are common, these actions are not rational and dangerous.

So we have established that with epilepsy, the tongue should not stick out during an attack. During an attack epilepsy, it is not necessary to open the jaw with hard objects so as not to break your teeth. Language at epileptic seizures rarely bite off, not infrequently bite the tongue. But damage to the tongue after a bite during an epileptic attack heals quickly, and there is no scarring. And swallowing the tongue during an epileptic attack is physically impossible.

Airway obstruction by a foreign body

New Description

Airway obstruction by a foreign body causes asphyxia and is a life-threatening condition, occurs very quickly, the patient very often cannot explain what happened to him. In case of severe obstruction, it can lead to rapid loss consciousness and death, if you do not quickly and successfully help the victim. Immediate recognition of airway obstruction by a foreign body and treatment are of paramount importance.

Because recognition plays a key role in successful care, it is important to ask the victim, "Are you choking?" This gives him the opportunity to answer at least with a nod if he cannot speak.

Choking should be suspected, especially if:

  • the episode occurred while eating, and its onset is very unexpected;
  • an adult victim may grab his neck, point to his throat.4
  • in children, the clue to recognition may be, for example, eating or playing with small objects before the onset of symptoms.

Severity score

Not severe choking:

  • the victim can breathe and speak, his cough is effective;
  • the child is conscious, cries or verbally answers questions, coughs loudly, can take a breath before coughing.

Severe suffocation:

  • the victim cannot speak or make sounds;
  • wheezing;
  • silent or silent cough;
  • cyanosis and gradual deterioration of consciousness (especially in children) to its complete loss.

Urgent care

In adults:

For mild obstruction, encourage the victim to continue coughing. There is no need to take any action other than monitoring the patient's condition.

For severe airway obstruction in a conscious victim:

  • stand to the side of and slightly behind the patient, support the chest with one hand and tilt it forward (so that the foreign body enters the mouth, and does not fall down the airways);
  • make 5 sharp blows to the back between the shoulder blades with the other hand (check after each blow if the obstruction has been released);
  • if unsuccessful, perform 5 abdominal thrusts (Heimlich maneuver). Stand behind the victim, lean forward, place both hands clasped together around the upper abdomen and pull sharply inward and upward;
  • continue alternating between 5 blows to the back and 5 abdominal thrusts until they succeed or until the victim loses consciousness.

If the victim is unconscious:

  • put it on the floor, on your back;
  • call immediately ambulance;
  • initiate CPR (even if a pulse is present in a choking patient who is unconscious).

Algorithm for emergency care for obstruction by a foreign body in adults

In children:

  1. If the obstruction is not severe, encourage the child to cough and watch him
  2. In an conscious child with severe airway obstruction by a foreign body:
  • Give 5 hits to the child's back
  • If blows to the back do not clear the airway, give 5 chest thrusts for children under 1 year of age or 5 abdominal thrusts for children over 1 year of age. This technique creates an artificial cough, which increases the pressure in chest cavity and may dislodge the foreign body.
  • position the child lying, face down, on your lap;
  • support the baby's head by placing thumb hands on the corner of the lower jaw, and one or two other fingers of the same hand on its opposite side;
  • do not compress soft tissues under the child's mandible, as this can increase airway obstruction;
  • make 5 sharp blows on the back of the child between the shoulder blades;
  • the goal is to clear the airway with any of these punches, not to do all 5.

Back blows in children older than 1 year:

  • are more effective if the child is positioned head down;
  • a small child can be positioned on the rescuer's lap, like an infant;
  • if this is not possible, lean the child forward while supporting him and hit the back between the shoulder blades from behind.

If blows to the back have not dislodged the foreign body and the child is still conscious, use chest thrusts in infants or abdominal thrusts in children over 1 year of age. Do not use abdominal thrusts on infants.

  • turn the child into a supine position, head down. This is safely achieved by placing the free hand along the back of the baby and clasping the back of his head with a brush;
  • support the baby with the hand that is placed on your hip;
  • determine the location of chest compressions (in the lower half of the sternum, about one finger width above the xiphoid process);
  • perform 5 chest thrusts; they are similar to chest compressions, but sharper and less frequent.

Abdominal tremors in children older than 1 year:

  • place yourself behind the child, place your hands around his body, connect them together on the stomach between the navel and the xiphoid process;
  • sharply pull your hands in and up;
  • repeat up to 5 times;
  • make sure you don't push xiphoid process or ribs - this can cause injury to the abdominal organs.

After chest thrusts or the Heimlich maneuver, the child should be reassessed. If the foreign body has not been removed and the child is still conscious, alternate back blows and chest thrusts or Heimlich maneuvers.

  1. An unconscious child with severe airway obstruction by a foreign body:
  2. Airway patency. Open the child's mouth and look for a visible foreign body. If found - try to remove it with one finger. Do not blindly try and try again - this can push the foreign body deeper.
  3. Artificial breaths. Open the airway with head extension and mandibular thrust, then deliver 5 rescue breaths. Monitor the effectiveness of each breath in lifting the chest.
  4. Chest compressions and CPR:
  • after 5 artificial breaths (if there is no reaction - movements, coughing, spontaneous breathing), proceed to chest compressions without assessing signs of circulation;
  • if you are alone, perform CPR as recommended on children for 1 minute, and then call an ambulance (unless someone else has done this);
  • when the airways are open for artificial respiration - check the oral cavity for the presence of a foreign body;
  • if it is visualized, try to remove it with one finger;
  • if the foreign body is removed, open and check the airway; administer artificial respiration if the child is not breathing;
  • if the child regains consciousness and begins to spontaneously breathe effectively, place him in a stable position on his side and control his breathing and level of consciousness until the ambulance arrives.

old description

Finding out the cause and action

- First of all, find out and remove the cause of respiratory failure. If the victim, for example, is littered with the ruins of buildings or earth, it is necessary first of all to free him from them.

- after that it is necessary:

if it interferes with free breathing, remove foreign substances and objects from the mouth and nose - earth, sand, water, and the like.

- if the victim lies on his back, his tongue may also drop and, thereby, block the larynx - there is a so-called retraction of the language.

During exhalation, a stream of air pushes the tongue forward, but then it sinks again, closely adhering to the back wall of the pharynx and interfering with inhalation, the victim has noisy breathing.

What to do in case of tongue retraction?

First you need to stick out the lower jaw of the victim forward. For this thumbs both hands are placed on the chin, the index and middle fingers lead around the corner of the lower jaw.

With a sharp movement, the lower jaw protrudes so that lower teeth compared with upper teeth stepped forward. If this cannot be done, and the victim has difficulty breathing, which is accompanied by blue face skin and swelling of the neck veins, you need to turn his head on its side and insert it between the molars gag. It could be:

  • tablespoon,
  • pliers wrapped with a bandage or gauze and the like.

After the mouth is open, a hand wrapped in gauze grabs the tongue and thus provides air access to the respiratory tract.

Another effective way against falling tongue use of the oral duct.

As well as restoring the patency of the respiratory tract, other methods are also used: throwing the head back; mouth opening; tapping on the back and the like.

If the victim has a fracture or dislocation in cervical region spine - he can not throw his head back.

It is recommended that a finger wrapped in a handkerchief be released oral cavity from mucus and vomit. If there is a removable denture in the mouth, check if it holds well, otherwise it is better to remove it.

When closed by a foreign object (choking)

When a foreign object closes the airways located below the site of its entry (pharynx, trachea), especially in children, the following methods are used to remove this foreign object:

- if the victim has not lost consciousness (sitting, standing, leaning forward slightly), the one who provides assistance, standing nearby, makes several blows with the base of the palm in the interscapular region .

Video. What to do if a person chokes. Heimlich's maneuver.

If the victim has lost consciousness, blows to the interscapular region are applied to the victim lying on side.

– it is sometimes possible to try to move or remove the foreign object with your finger. Grasping the lower jaw so that it is placed between the thumb and the rest of the fingers, pull the jaw forward.

At the same time, the language moves away from rear wall throats.

Forefinger right hand slides on inner surface cheeks of the victim to the root of the tongue: bent nail joint index finger try to move the foreign object, and if possible, remove it. In no case should you push a foreign object deep into.

First aid for drowning

Two videos clearly show how to provide first aid for drowning. In the first video, you will see what steps you need to take to clear your lungs of water. The second video clearly shows how artificial lung ventilation (artificial respiration) and chest compressions are performed, as well as what needs to be done if the victim is saved in the initial period and he has sufficient breathing and a normal pulse.

First aid video for drowning

Cleansing the lungs from water

Performing mechanical ventilation and chest compressions

Drowning is a type of mechanical asphyxia (suffocation) as a result of water entering the respiratory tract.
The changes that occur in the body during drowning, in particular, the timing of dying under water, depend on a number of factors: on the nature of the water (fresh, salty, chlorinated fresh water in pools), on its temperature (ice, cold, warm), on the presence of impurities (silt, mud, etc.), from the state of the body of the victim at the time of drowning (overwork, excitement, alcohol intoxication etc.).

True drowning occurs when water enters the trachea, bronchi and alveoli. Usually a drowning person has a strong nervous excitement; he expends colossal energy to resist the elements. Taking deep breaths during this struggle, the drowning person swallows some amount of water along with the air, which disrupts the rhythm of breathing and increases body weight. When a person in exhaustion plunges into water, there is a delay in breathing as a result of a reflex spasm of the larynx (closing of the glottis).

At the same time, carbon dioxide quickly accumulates in the blood, which is a specific irritant. respiratory center. Loss of consciousness occurs, and the drowning person makes deep breathing movements under water for several minutes. As a result, the lungs are filled with water, sand and air is forced out of them. The level of carbon dioxide in the blood rises even more, there is a repeated holding of the breath, and then deep death breaths for 30-40 seconds. Examples true drowning is drowning in fresh water and sea ​​water.

Drowning in fresh water.

Upon penetration into the lungs, fresh water is quickly absorbed into the blood, since the concentration of salts in fresh water is much lower than in the blood. This leads to blood thinning, an increase in its volume and the destruction of red blood cells. Sometimes pulmonary edema develops. Formed a large number of stable pink foam, which further disrupts gas exchange. The function of blood circulation stops as a result of a violation of the contractility of the ventricles of the heart.

Drowning in sea water.

Due to the fact that the concentration of dissolved substances in sea water is higher than in the blood, when sea water enters the lungs liquid part blood along with proteins penetrates from blood vessels into the alveoli. This leads to thickening of the blood, an increase in the concentration of potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium and chlorine ions in it. A large amount of fluid is heated in the alveoli, which leads to their stretching up to rupture. As a rule, pulmonary edema develops when drowning in sea water. That a small amount of air, which is in the alveoli, contributes during respiratory movements whipping liquid with the formation of a stable protein foam. Gas exchange is sharply disturbed, cardiac arrest occurs.

When conducting resuscitation extremely importance has a time factor. The earlier the revival is started, the greater the chance of success. Based on this, it is advisable to start artificial respiration already on the water. To do this, carry out periodic blowing of air into the mouth or nose of the victim during his transportation to the shore or to the boat. On the shore, the victim is examined. If the victim did not lose consciousness or is in a state of slight fainting, then in order to eliminate the consequences of drowning, it is enough to smell ammonia and warm the victim.

If the circulatory function is preserved (pulsation in the carotid arteries), there is no breathing, the oral cavity is freed from foreign bodies. To do this, it is cleaned with a finger wrapped in a bandage, removable dentures are removed. Often, the victim's mouth cannot be opened due to a spasm of the masticatory muscles. In these cases, carry out artificial respiration "mouth to nose"; if this method is ineffective, a mouth expander is used, and if it is not available, then some flat metal object is used (do not break your teeth!). As for the release of the upper respiratory tract from water and foam, it is best to use suction for these purposes. If it is not there, the victim is laid with his stomach down on the rescuer's thigh, bent in knee joint. Then sharply, vigorously compress his chest. These manipulations are necessary in those cases of resuscitation when it is impossible to carry out artificial ventilation of the lungs due to blocking the airways with water or foam. This procedure must be carried out quickly and vigorously. If there is no effect within a few seconds, it is necessary to start artificial ventilation of the lungs. If a skin pale, then it is necessary to proceed directly to artificial ventilation of the lungs after cleansing the oral cavity.

The victim is laid on his back, freed from restrictive clothing, his head is thrown back, placing one hand under the neck, and the other is placed on the forehead. Then the lower jaw of the victim is pushed forward and up so that the lower incisors are ahead of the upper ones. These techniques are performed in order to restore the patency of the upper respiratory tract. After that, the rescuer does deep breath, holds his breath a little and, tightly pressing his lips to the mouth (or nose) of the victim, exhales. In this case, it is recommended to pinch the nose (when breathing mouth to mouth) or mouth (when breathing mouth to nose) of the person being revived. Exhalation is carried out passively, while the airways must be open.

It is difficult to carry out artificial ventilation of the lungs for a long time using the method described above, since the rescuer may develop undesirable disorders from of cardio-vascular system. Based on this, when carrying out artificial ventilation of the lungs, it is better to use apparatus breathing.

If, during artificial ventilation of the lungs, water is released from the respiratory tract of the victim, which makes it difficult to ventilate the lungs, you need to turn your head to the side and raise the opposite shoulder; in this case, the mouth of the drowned person will be lower than the chest and the liquid will pour out. After that, you can continue artificial ventilation of the lungs. In no case should artificial ventilation of the lungs be stopped when independent respiratory movements appear in the victim, if his consciousness has not yet recovered or if the rhythm of breathing is disturbed or sharply accelerated, which indicates an incomplete restoration of respiratory function.

In the event that there is no efficient blood circulation(no pulse on large arteries, heart beats are not auscultated, not determined arterial pressure, the skin is pale or cyanotic), simultaneously with artificial ventilation of the lungs, an indirect heart massage is performed. The person assisting stands on the side of the victim so that his hands are perpendicular to the surface of the chest of the drowned person. The resuscitator places one hand perpendicular to the sternum in its lower third, and puts the other on top of the first hand, parallel to the plane of the sternum. Essence indirect massage the heart is in a sharp compression between the sternum and the spine; at the same time, blood from the ventricles of the heart enters the systemic and pulmonary circulation. Massage should be performed in the form of sharp jerks: do not strain the muscles of the hands, but should, as it were, “dump” the weight of your body down - it leads to a deflection of the sternum by 3-4 cm and corresponds to a contraction of the heart. In the intervals between pushes, the hands cannot be torn off the sternum, but there should be no pressure - this period corresponds to the relaxation of the heart. The movements of the resuscitator should be rhythmic with a frequency of 60-70 shocks per minute.

Massage is effective if pulsation begins to be determined carotid arteries, dilated pupils shrink, cyanosis decreases. When these first signs of life appear, indirect heart massage should be continued until the heartbeat begins to be heard.

If resuscitation is carried out by one person, then it is recommended to alternate chest compressions and artificial respiration as follows: for 4-5 pressures on the sternum, 1 air is blown. If there are two rescuers, then one is engaged in indirect heart massage, and the other - artificial ventilation of the lungs. At the same time, 1 air blowing is alternated with 5 massage movements.

It should be borne in mind that the victim's stomach can be filled with water, food masses; this makes it difficult to carry out artificial ventilation of the lungs, chest compressions, provokes vomiting.
After removing the victim from the state clinical death they warm it up (wrapped in a blanket, covered with warm heating pads) and massage the upper and lower extremities from the periphery to the center.

When drowning, the time during which a person can be revived after being removed from the water is 3-6 minutes.

The temperature of the water plays an important role in the timing of the return to life of the victim. When drowning in ice water when the body temperature drops, recovery is possible even 30 minutes after the accident.
No matter how quickly the saved person regains consciousness, no matter how prosperous his condition may seem, placing the victim in a hospital is an indispensable condition.

Transportation is carried out on a stretcher - the victim is laid on his stomach or on his side with his head down. With the development of pulmonary edema, the position of the body on the stretcher is horizontal with the head end raised. During transportation continue artificial ventilation of the lungs.

We try to provide the most up-to-date and useful information for you and your health. The materials posted on this page are for informational purposes and are intended for educational purposes. Website visitors should not use them as medical advice. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your doctor! We are not responsible for possible Negative consequences resulting from the use of information posted on the site site

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