The influence of the time of day on the work of our body and individual organs. Chronobiology - the science of the daily rhythms of the body

It has been scientifically proven that people who do not get enough sleep regularly cannot make fully adequate decisions throughout the entire time they are awake. All this is due to the fact that the body is tired. He needs good sleep, the value of which can be judged by the clock, by each of its phases.

Energy value of sleep

Before proceeding to a more detailed consideration of such a rich value of sleep, we should mention its stages, or rather the stages slow sleep, which lasts up to 90 minutes:

  • Stage I is nothing more than the usual state of half-asleep;
  • Stage II lasts no more than half an hour, it is during this period that the sleeping person is easiest to wake up;
  • III stage characterized by the onset of slow sleep;
  • Stage IV affects the appearance deep sleep during which a person sees dreams.

The illnesses of many people are caused, first of all, by the fact that an insufficient number of hours of sleep is devoted to rest. After all, in different time it has a different value for the restoration of each cell human body. Moreover, it is chronic sleep deprivation opens the door to many ailments.

Recovery occurs during sleep energy forces organism, strengthens, exhaustion is prevented nerve cells, muscle fibers are restored.

The value of sleep at certain times of the day

It is impossible to say exactly how much a person needs to sleep. After all, this indicator depends on individual characteristics, age-related changes and from the regime of the day. So, the baby sleeps at least 10 hours, preschoolers - about 7 hours.

Experts say that in order to be healthy, you should sleep at least 10 hours. So, below is a table that perfectly shows the value of sleep by the hour. Thanks to this data, everyone has the right to create their own sleep schedule. Of course optimum time for night rest there is a period until midnight. It is then that every cell of the body is restored.


In the period of 22-24 hours, there is, let's say, a reboot nervous system. If a person for some reason does not go to the kingdom of Morpheus at this time, then her nerves will be at the limit. As a result, the body will require daytime rest. If this is not provided, memory impairment, inhibition of reactions are the main companions of lack of sleep.

If we consider the value of sleep by the hour from the point of view of esoteric knowledge, then we can safely say that those who manage to restore their strength and wake up at 3-4 in the morning can easily develop their abilities. After all, right now the world provides such an opportunity.

4-5 hours is a period of good for the whole day, the time of the sun.

5-6 - calmness dominates on the planet, and in the interval from 6 to 7 people are stocked with optimal vitality.

The value of daytime sleep

It is not for nothing that children are put to sleep in the kindergarten during the day. Indeed, even if it is short, a break for sleep increases efficiency, the ability to concentrate by 50%, or even 60% more. Many have noticed that they often want to sleep between 3-5 o'clock in the morning and 13-15 o'clock. This is explained by the fact that in given period body temperature reaches its minimum.

American physiologists have found that daytime rest has a beneficial effect on the speed of the visual reaction of any person. So, according to studies, during the day it is 10 milliseconds, in the evening it is already 40. If the body has at least a little rest during the day, then the indicator of this speed remains at around 10.

The number of groups that replicated the "magic table" about the value of sleep depending on the time of day rolls over and continues to increase for the second week. I am sure that our subscribers do not need to talk about how crazy this idea is, and yet, seeing hundreds of reposts and thousands of likes, we decided to look into the issue in more detail.
Pretty soon the source and the author became clear - this is none other than Budilov (Sergey Alfeevich) and co-authors with the book "Alfeevichi Methodology". On various sites dedicated to healing, the author, as it should be for any self-respecting healer and pseudoscientist, is given various titles: a member of the professional association of visceral therapists and a full member of the International Academy of Ecology. Such accompaniment gives rise to the ignorant illusion of the scientific nature and reliability of the texts.

Medical education was nowhere to be found in Budilov's characteristics, however, membership in the "professional association of visceral therapists" gives a false allusion to it. It is worth noting that such an association really exists and also has the second name "association visceral chiropractic", much less scientific, and therefore less often used. This association has nothing to do with the medical community, but unites, as can be understood from the second name of chiropractors and some of their clients.

The term "chiropractic" was coined in the late 19th century by Pastor Siuel H. Weed. The basically correct idea that a number of visceral diseases are associated with various curvatures of the spine and that it is possible to alleviate them by giving it a physiological position has turned into another panacea, the adherents of which are taken to cure everything in the world, and now this statement has nothing to do with science anymore.

With the second title "member of the International Academy of Ecology" is somewhat more difficult. Such an organization also exists. Truly an academy. Truly international. But no, if you presented the developed European countries or something in their spirit, you will be a little disappointed. Kazakhstan. It is Kazakhstan that is the birthplace of this academy. Further comments are generally redundant.

And now we give the text - the source of the table in its entirety:

"... The natural mode of getting up and going to bed should not depend on age, or on your work, or on any other reasons. The sun behind the clouds "rises and falls" according to the rhythm set by nature. Live in accordance with the laws of the sky, and your soul - the representative of Heavenly laws by date, month and year of birth - will enter into a coordinated harmony with your body. Any diseases will dry up like morning dew.

Rise - at 4-30 - 5-00 am (dew point).
Breakfast - from 6 to 7 am.
Lunch - from 11:00 to 13:00.
Afternoon snack - from 14:00 to 16:00.
Dinner is completely unnecessary.
End - from 21-00 to 22-00 hours.
(Weakened, during the recovery period - from 19-00 to 20-00 hours - already sleep).

One of the main causes of illness is that we sleep very little. It must also be remembered that sleep different watches days has a different value for the restoration of the body. (Classics of pseudoscience - issue known fact and give him his own, unproven explanation of IvM)

Using the table below, calculate the amount of sleep that you choose with your daily routine. For a healthy person, 12-14 hours of sleep is enough to restore strength per day. (According to such mathematics, you can sleep 2 hours a day from 19 to 21 hours, which is equal to 13 hours of IvM according to the table)

Time of day / Value of sleep per hour
From 19 to 20 - 7 hours
From 20 to 21 - 6 hours
From 21 to 22 - 5 hours
From 22 to 23 - 4 hours
From 23 to 24 - 3 hours
From 0 to 1 - 2 hours
1 to 2 - 1 hour
2 to 3 - 30 min.
3 to 4 - 15 min.
From 4 to 5 - 7 min.
From 5 to 6 - 1 min.

Further, the dream is meaningless. (!? IvM) Many go to bed at 24-00, or even at one or two in the morning, while gaining sleep, according to the table, only 2-3 hours. Calculate, taking into account when you go to bed, how much do you sleep? Lack of sleep - "fatigue syndrome" is the first cause of all diseases.
The authors recommend sleeping with your head facing north. (!? ivm)

And future mothers and mothers who already have children, in addition, should know: in order for your sweet baby to sleep well, put the stroller or crib so that the head (the back of the child's head) always looks at the sun (!? IvM). ..."

In such short text numerology, and an analogue of feng shui, and banal miscalculations in mathematics fit right away. I think it is not worth mentioning that such a gradation of the value of sleep is not known to official science. But it is known that a good sleep should include 5 sleep cycles, each of which lasts about 1.5 hours. The hormone melatonin is responsible for the regulation of sleep, its concentration in the blood is highest between midnight and 5-00 and is due to dark time days (daylight and artificial lighting inhibit synthesis). However, this does not prevent some people with a predominantly nocturnal lifestyle from sleeping during the day (“when sleep makes no sense”) for years and getting enough sleep.

Even without medical knowledge and remembering the common concepts of "owl" and "lark", one can understand the delusional nature of the table. I perfectly understand the administration of public posts posting such information to attract attention. But it’s hard for me to understand people thoughtlessly giving this attention.

Mornings are wiser than evenings or what is better to eat depending on the time of day

Hey guys! Today we will be happy to tell you which foods are better to eat in the morning, and which ones should be left for the evening :)

No matter if you are a lark or an owl, any (edible J) berries are best for the first meal: strawberries, blueberries, wild strawberries, raspberries and others that you only like, as well as juicy fruits such as kiwi, persimmon , peaches, oranges, mangoes, apples, etc. Make them delicious salads or wonderful smoothies. They will gradually increase the level of sugar in the blood, "wake up" digestive system after a night's sleep, as well as saturate you with useful micro- and microelements, fiber and moisture. The boost of energy that you get from such a breakfast will help you cheer up in the morning and feel great!

During the day, you can safely snack on seeds, nuts, dried fruits or treat yourself to granola.

For lunch, various vegetables, whether it be carrots, beets, different types cabbage (white, broccoli, cauliflower, etc.), peppers, tomatoes or pumpkin, zucchini, zucchini will be just right. From this variety of products, you can prepare your favorite salads, or hearty cream soups. You can safely diversify these dishes with herbs, mega-useful sprouts, both seeds and grains or legumes, as well as sauces based on nuts, avocados or tomatoes)). During the day, it is very important to saturate the body as much as possible. healthy fats, dietary fiber and various substances for supporting high level energy and health in our body!

Between lunch and dinner, you can include flax crackers or bread in your diet, eat bananas, or drink a glass of nut milk with a cookie.

There is an opinion that it is best to have dinner no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime, so that our body can get the most out of food. We will not focus on this, because. everyone has their own rhythm of life, and let's move on to the very food that should be left for the evening. So, for an evening meal (as well as for lunch), vegetables and greens are perfect, but unlike lunch, you should not get carried away with "heavy" foods, such as nuts or avocados. It is also believed that fruits are also not the most suitable products for dinner, because they can overload our pancreas. Given these nuances, try to include in your evening menu light vegetable rolls, “green” cocktails made from parsley, celery, spinach or any other of your favorite greens, or you can even arrange a mono dinner for yourself, for example, from beetroot, it will saturate you in the evening without extra weight since morning.

Enjoy your food! Look for inspiration in simple things and we, as always, will be happy to help you with this!

Each warm-blooded organism experiences daily fluctuations in body temperature. Such fluctuations are called circadian rhythms. For example, for an average person, the morning temperature may differ from the evening temperature by one degree.

Daily temperature fluctuations

The most low temperature body observed early morning- around six o'clock. It is about 35.5 degrees. His maximum value reaches in the evening and rises to 37 degrees and above.

The daily change in body temperature is closely related to the solar cycle, and not at all to the level of human activity. For example, in people who, unlike the rest, work at night and sleep during the day, exactly the same patterns of temperature changes are observed - in the evening it rises, and in the morning it falls.

The temperature is not the same everywhere

Temperature human body changes not only depending on the time of day. Each organ has its own "working" temperature. For example, temperatures between skin surface, muscles and internal organs can reach ten degrees. Thermometer placed under the arm healthy person 36.6 degrees. Wherein rectal temperature will be 37.5 degrees, and the temperature in the mouth - 37 degrees.

What else affects temperature?

When the body is sharply mobilized, the body temperature also rises. This happens, for example, during intense mental work, as a result of severe stress or out of fear.

Among other things, the dynamics of body temperature is influenced by factors such as age and gender. in the nursery and adolescence temperature fluctuates more during the day. In girls, it stabilizes by the age of 14, and in boys - by 18 years. In this case, the temperature, as a rule, is half a degree higher than the temperature of men.

Sometimes it happens that a person convinces himself that his temperature is too low or too high. This phenomenon is called "psychosomatic temperature jump". As a result of such self-hypnosis, body temperature can indeed change.

The mechanism of thermoregulation

The hypothalamus and the thyroid gland are involved in the control of body temperature and its change. The hypothalamus contains special cells that respond to changes in body temperature by decreasing or increasing the production of thyroid-stimulating hormone. This hormone acts on thyroid gland and causes it to secrete the hormones T4 and T3, which have a direct effect on thermoregulation. For temperature female body the hormone estradiol also affects. The higher its concentration in the blood, the lower the body temperature.

Many of you have come across websites with different designs day and night. For example, during the day it is light, and at night, in order not to blind too much, it, on the contrary, becomes darker. In this article, I will show you how to do this change of design depending on the time of day.

First of all, you need to do 2 CSS files: daytime and nighttime. Let it be files day.css and night.css respectively.

Calculating the time of day and connecting the corresponding style file can be done as in JavaScript, so on PHP. But in the second case, it will be difficult for us to find out the visitor's time zone, and, as a result, his time. We can have a day on the server, and the visitor deep night, and it will display the daily design, which is very strange. Whereas in JavaScript there are no problems in this regard. Therefore, we implement with you design change script through JavaScript to make it work as correctly as possible.

So, the complete code for all this is given below:

The code is very simple. By default, the daily stylesheet is included. And by the way, it will remain with those who have it turned off JavaScript. For those who have it enabled and it's nighttime, it will change to a nighttime stylesheet. As you can see, the script is very simple.

If you want to practice, you can improve script to change the design of the site depending on the time of day by adding an account current day and months. It's obvious that December 20 at 18:00 it is actually night on the street, while June 20 and at 21:00 still light. Therefore, as a training, you can come up with an algorithm that will take this into account.

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