Is it true that the computer deteriorates vision. How far should you keep your smartphone? Proper nutrition - an assistant to an advanced user

People began to see worse. According to a study by the famous British oculist David Allambie, the number of myopic people has increased by 35% compared to 1997, when smartphones were not in sight, and mobile phones were just beginning to come into use. If the progression continues, by 2035 more than half of the world's people (55%) will have low vision.

Thanks to Allambie and his experiments, a special term even appeared - screen myopia.

Is vision really bad?

results these studies of British scientists can be trusted - confirm the experts of the Russian Institute of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Their report says that reading from a small screen, and even in an uncomfortable position and in poor lighting, makes eyesight many times faster than, say, reading a paper book at home in bed.

“Under attack” are mainly those users who, with the help of gadgets, brighten up trips in the subway, trains, and fixed-route taxis. Vibration, changing lighted and dark sections of the tunnel, swaying cars - all this makes it difficult to focus your eyes and makes you blink less often. In addition to visual impairment, the use of devices in transport can cause headaches and even nausea.

Are smartphones as harmful as computers?

No, smartphones and 7-inch tablets are much more damaging to vision than computers. Of course, the reason lies in the diagonal of the screen. To see what written on a tiny smartphone display, you have to bring the device too close to your eyes, and this negatively affects the concentration of vision and contributes to the destruction macula - part of the eye that allows a person to see fine details.

Are all phones equally harmful?

Renowned ophthalmologist Andrew Hepford warns that violet and blue hues cause the most damage to the eyes. From this point of view, it is worth "fearing" first of all AMOLED displays, which are known for the uneven brightness of colors and the predominance of purple.

AMOLED displays have been installed on Samsung devices for a long time, and their acidity(overly intense, implausible brightness) has become the talk of the town. It is clear that this characteristic also affects the eyes not in the best way.

How to use the gadget, so as not to plant vision?

There are many recommendations about this, but the main thing to keep an eye on is the distance from the smartphone to the eyes. A curious experiment organized by the American " Journal of Optometry and Vision Science» (« Journal of Optometry and Vision Science”) showed that out of 129 participants in the experiment, none of them kept the gadget at the required distance. People bring mobile devices to their faces, on average, 4-6 cm closer than allowed.

How far should you keep your smartphone?

In a publication of the same Journal» stated the rule « 1 – 2 – 10 ”, which everyone who wants to stay with good eyesight should follow. The rule says: The smartphone screen must be placed 1 foot (30 cm) from the face, the computer monitor must be 2 feet (60 cm), the blue screen of the TV must be 10 feet (3 m).

Exercise "20-20-20" - what is it about?

« 20-20-20 "- a well-known exercise recommended by ophthalmologists and allowing you not to overload your eyes when working with a smartphone or computer. Every 20 minutes of operation, take your eyes off the monitor and focus for 20 seconds on a point approximately 6 meters (20 feet) away. This will be enough time for the eyes to get a well-deserved rest.

Is it possible to set the phone so that the vision does not sit down?

By adjusting the gadget settings, you can reduce the negative impact on vision. Primarily set a large enough font, so that the text on the screen is clearly visible from a distance of 30 cm. Android smartphones have fonts like “ Large" and " Huge". On the iPhone, the size of the letters is adjusted by the slider, which can be found in the " Text size» in the main settings.

Also you need to adjust the brightness. You need to proceed from how well the room is lit. Remember: when you had to look at an overly bright display in the dark, you felt physical pain. That's a lot of stress on the eyes! iPhone owners are advised to use the " auto brightness" (In chapter " Wallpaper and brightness"Settings) - it automatically adjusts the brightness of the display to external conditions and copes with it with a bang."

Adjust the gadget so that the vision does not sit down generally, will not succeed - for this you will have to completely abandon the use of mobile devices.

Is it possible to save vision thanks to mobile accessories?

Accessories can help too. When using a smartphone whose screen is glare, the user needs to be prepared for the fact that vision problems will not take long. Even small reflections lead to eye strain. Getting rid of glare is easy - you need to stick a matte film on the screen. This accessory is inexpensive and also durable. As a bonus, the matte film will protect the display from scratches and fingerprints.

Another useful tool is contact lenses with HD optics. Lenses reduce eye strain even when the user is reading from a mobile device in poor light or with regular light changes. Lenses with high-definition optics from the company are widely represented on the Russian market. Bausch & Lomb.

Proper nutrition - an assistant to an advanced user?

Vitamin A has a positive effect on vision. It is found in large quantities in fish, blueberries, carrots, eggs - these are the foods that should be emphasized in the diet of a person who suffers from "gadget addiction". However, it is important to remember that eating well is not enough to keep your eyesight. It has been calculated: in order to compensate for the damage that gadgets cause to the eyes, a person needs to eat 5-6 kg of carrots every day.

Should I be worried about my vision if I wear lenses or glasses?

Constant "talking" with a smartphone also has a negative impact on the vision of people who use contact lenses or wear glasses. If, for example, a person is forced to constantly “sit” on a smartphone or at a computer due to the duty of work, he is recommended to contact an ophthalmologist. The doctor will help you choose optics, taking into account the state of eye health and professional activity of a person.

There are several recommendations for those who cannot imagine a trip to the subway or a fixed-route taxi without reading. First of all, such people should think about purchasing an e-book with technology e-ink. Such books do not have backlighting, their pages are visually similar to ordinary paper ones, the font size can be adjusted as you like - thanks to this, the negative impact on vision is minimal. Plus e-books e-ink is a long battery life - since energy is spent only on turning pages, the device can do without recharging for a whole month. Minus - high cost: e-books have recently risen in price all in all, and device e-ink will cost the buyer about 10 thousand rubles.

Paper literature should not be discounted either. When reading text from paper, the eyes strain much less than when concentrating on a tiny smartphone screen - therefore, the negative impact is lower. Objection what to buy real books are expensive, usually unreasonable. Business literature can really cost a pretty penny; art is sold in online stores Ozone and Book24 practically for nothing. Libraries have not been canceled either - here you can borrow a book for free.

Frequent headaches, dryness and irritation of the eyes are all symptoms of prolonged work at the computer and its negative impact on the visual system. Every year more and more patients turn to an ophthalmologist with similar symptoms, and these people are of different age categories. Is office work so harmful to the eyes and does the computer spoil vision - all this will be discussed in this article.

Computer monitor exposure

The regularity of the deterioration of visual functions was noted by experts from different countries. This led to the idea of ​​the negative impact of a computer monitor on visual acuity. But despite this pattern, the results of special studies indicate that the computer does not spoil the eyesight. The radiation emitted by the monitor has a minimal effect on the human visual apparatus, so they cannot affect vision.

What then is the reason? It is not the computer itself that is to blame, but the regular violation of the rules for working with an electronic computer. An improperly equipped workplace, poor lighting, or a monitor placed too high - all these and other factors affect vision.

Causes of decreased visual acuity

There are several main reasons due to which harmless work at the computer can turn into a deterioration in the functioning of the visual apparatus. These include:

  • eye position too close to the computer monitor. Very often people forget about the optimal distance to the computer. It is about 60-70 cm;

  • correct position of the body in relation to the screen. If a person works at a computer in a lying or standing position, this will negatively affect vision. Therefore, experts recommend taking a sitting position so that the monitor is located directly in front of the eyes;
  • too bright lighting. An excessively lit room interferes with normal operation, especially if the sun's rays hit the monitor at a right angle. If possible, adjust the lighting, making it less bright;
  • unadjusted brightness in PC monitor leads to increased eye fatigue and, as a result, deterioration of vision. This can be avoided by lowering the excessive brightness of the monitor.

Note! The eyes are damaged not due to the impact of the PC monitor, but due to the fault of the people themselves, who, out of ignorance or inexperience, ignore the safety rules when working with computers. Such neglect can lead not only to visual impairment, but also to the development of various ophthalmic diseases.

Vision may decrease as a result of prolonged work at the computer, because the eyes are too much stressed, due to which they do not have time to recover normally. The minimum number of periods of rest or their complete absence gradually leads to a decrease in the tone of the muscles of the lens, as a result of which a person may fail to adapt to bright light sources. Therefore, vision deteriorates not because of the computer itself, but from working with it, that is, from non-compliance with safety rules.

Associated symptoms

You can notice a decrease in vision by several signs that are difficult to ignore. Let's consider the main ones:

  • feeling of dryness in the eyes. As a rule, this symptom manifests itself against the background of insufficient hydration of the mucous membrane of the organs of vision. Increased dryness is often accompanied by the ingress of pathogenic microorganisms on the mucous membrane and, as a result, development;

  • increased tearing. With excessive moisture, the blood vessels in the eye area overflow with blood, which causes them to turn red;
  • the appearance of foreign objects on the surface of the eyes. This unpleasant feeling often occurs if a person sits in front of a computer monitor for too long and, most importantly, without interruption;

  • decreased adaptation of vision. After a person takes his eyes off the monitor, it takes some time to restore clarity of vision;
  • formation of a veil before the eyes. Prolonged work at the computer leads to the appearance, due to which, under low light conditions, it is difficult for a person to distinguish between various objects, his visual acuity decreases.

Whether your vision has deteriorated, you will be able to determine if at least one of the above symptoms has been detected. If this still happened, then you need to seek advice from an ophthalmologist as soon as possible. It is impossible to delay with this, so as not to complicate the pathological process and not lead to even worse consequences.

Ways to restore vision

Indeed, in the modern world, many people spend days in front of a computer monitor. And often such a hobby or work, if safety rules are not followed, leads to a deterioration in vision. Moreover, not only children suffer from this, but also older people. But what to do if work is connected with the computer and it is impossible to limit the time spent at the computer? In such cases, you need to follow a few simple recommendations to restore the full functioning of the visual apparatus.

We are talking about the proper arrangement of your workplace and the regular performance of gymnastics. Of course, without a preliminary examination and consultation with a doctor, it is not recommended to do this.

Arrangement of the workplace

It is important that the workplace meets all the requirements, so if you work at a computer every day, you need to devote enough time to arranging the workplace. This will minimize the load on the organs of vision.

  • keep the monitor as far away from your eyes as possible. In this case, you need to follow the arm's length rule (the screen should be approximately at this distance);
  • work at the PC in only a sitting position, but not in a lying or standing position;
  • provide adequate lighting in the work room. For example, the brightness of the monitor screen should not be high, because this will cause increased eye strain, especially if you work in a dark room. It is also necessary to ensure that the lighting in the room is not too bright - this also negatively affects visual functions;

  • the face should be slightly above the monitor so that when working, the gaze is directed not from the bottom up, but vice versa. It is strongly not recommended to put the screen on the same level with the face;
  • between your face and the monitor there should be a distance of 150% more than the diagonal of the screen. First of all, this rule applies to children who, while playing, often do not notice how close they are to the monitor. Therefore, parents should watch this;
  • adjust the brightness and contrast on the monitor so that it works comfortably for your eyes;
  • put a small table lamp next to the PC. This will improve the lighting in the room and, as a result, reduce eye strain.

On a note! Also, experts recommend about 7-8 times a day or every hour to take a short break. During this time, you need to move away from the workplace, you can use moisturizing drops or do some eye exercises.

Gymnastics for the eyes

The first signs of eye fatigue are headache, redness and itching. If at the height of the working day these signs are simply not noticed and ignored in every possible way, then towards the evening they become more pronounced. They are especially evident during reading or focusing on small objects. Below is an instruction, the observance of which will allow you to relax the organs of vision and prevent violations of their functions.

Table. Relaxing exercises for the eyes.

Steps, photoDescription of actions

Alternately move your gaze to the right and left, while trying to keep your eyes in a straight line.

Repeat the first exercise, but with a slight correction: the gaze should now move from bottom to top and back. As before, the eyes should move in a straight line.

Slowly rotate your eyes clockwise. After completing 5 circles, proceed to rotate in the opposite direction.

Looking straight ahead, close your eyes sharply, and then open them just as quickly.

Move your eyes from the upper right corner to the lower left, that is, diagonally. First you need to move your eyes in one direction, and then in the opposite direction.

Slowly bring your eyes to the center, closer to the bridge of your nose. Fix your eyes in this position for a few seconds, and then return to the starting position.

Start blinking your eyes intensely and quickly. Repeat the procedure for 5-10 seconds.

Often people underestimate the effectiveness of this gymnastics, ignoring the prescription of the attending physician. But with the regular implementation of the above exercises, you can save your eyesight almost to old age. This topic is especially relevant for people who spend more than 6 hours a day at the computer.

How to protect children

Children of the past generation spent all their free time on the street, playing various kinds of active games, but modern children prefer virtual games for a long time. If some parents encourage such activities of their child, believing that this way he will develop more actively, then others, on the contrary, fearing for the visual acuity of their child, try to protect him from the computer.

To prevent harmless PC games from being displayed on the visual functions of the child, parents must follow a few simple rules:

  • if the child is not more than 4 years old, then the maximum period that he can spend at the computer should not be more than 20 minutes a day;
  • for older children, aged 4 to 6 years, the allowable time is increased to 30 minutes;
  • for 8-year-old kids, the optimal allowable playing time at the computer is 40-50 minutes.

Note! Children do not always obey their parents when it comes to their favorite PC games, so they need a special approach. Try to negotiate with them, find a compromise that allows you to protect their vision without moral suffering. For example, delicious ice cream will distract the child from games.

Restoring vision after years of ignoring computer safety rules is a difficult task. But it is much easier to prevent a decrease in visual acuity by protecting the eyes from the effects of computers. This is a feasible task if you follow the following recommendations:

  • take regular breaks while working at the computer. Experts recommend getting up from your desk every hour and doing a warm-up for the eyes. If possible, look away from the monitor every 20-30 minutes;
  • periodically undergo an examination by an ophthalmologist to check your vision. Possible pathological processes are much easier to eliminate if they were detected at an early stage of development. If necessary, the doctor, after conducting a diagnostic examination, may prescribe other procedures;

  • When working at a computer, be sure to use special protective glasses. to reduce monitor glare and improve image quality. For the correct selection of such an accessory, you need to contact an optometrist;

  • keep your eyes well hydrated. It is no secret that when reading or working at a PC, the eyes dry out, which leads to irritation. To prevent this from happening, try to blink more often. Also, if necessary, use, the composition of which is very similar to a natural tear.

Video - Are monitors harmful to vision

There is an opinion that reading in poor lighting and watching your phone in the dark is harmful to your eyesight. Doctors say that the regular creation of such conditions for the eyes negatively affects their functionality and provokes myopia. In the short term, a darkened area does not have a negative impact, as they adapt to this amount of lighting and normalize their work. Vitamins, proper nutrition and periodic unloading of the body help maintain good vision.

When is darkness harmful?

Conditions under which low light or darkness damages vision:

  • using a phone or computer, or watching TV with a strong screen glow:
  • prolonged eye strain in poor lighting, including reading, sewing, assembling small parts;
  • sharp and frequent changes from darkness to bright light.

The fact that vision deteriorates from reading in the dark is an absolute myth that medical scientists have refuted.

Inadequate lighting affects the eyes, increasing the load on this organ. The lack of light and the proximity of a book or monitor creates additional strain on vision. But the eyes are characterized by the ability to adapt to weak or strong lighting. When there is a lack of light, the pupil dilates and transmits more light to the retina. In this regard, a person is able to distinguish objects in the dark when he gets used to the lighting.

Why is this happening?

If you use the phone in a room without light, bringing it close to your eyes, you can provoke myopia.

If you consistently read or look at the phone close to the organs of vision and in a poorly lit room, myopia (nearsightedness) may develop. Since the eye will begin to strain intensely and adapt to the perception of objects at close range, while losing the skills of focusing on objects far away. In harsh light, a person can instantly feel a headache and a cutting sensation in the eyes. Eyelid swelling and tearfulness are also possible. When reading steadily in poor light, the cones become accustomed to receiving more light and the eye muscles do not stop straining due to the close proximity of the object. This impairs vision and prevents further focusing on distant images. Violation occurs only with daily long reading in the dark.


In the last month, in the statistics of requests on the blog, I often encountered questions about how harmful a computer is to vision, whether TV damages vision, and even such a touching one)): “I have poor eyesight and my parents are allowed to sit a day only 30 minutes a day. computer, how to convince? 🙂

Since my own vision does not differ in particular sharpness, I read and outline everything related to the topic “harmful-useful” for the eyes 😉

Recently, many of the postulates that were previously considered harmful, after regular studies, are no longer such, which cannot but rejoice.

And if the topic of vision care is close to you, I suggest that you get acquainted with the latest statements of scientists refuting popular myths or vice versa, confirming them.

So, is it true that:

This is the most common horror story of the past years.

Now, most doctors answer the question “whether the vision is spoiled by the TV” - you can watch TV at close range. (Really, why?).

There is no direct link between TV viewing and visual impairment. Undoubtedly, eyes can get tired if you spend a lot of time close to the screen, especially in poor lighting conditions. But it will be just fatigue, so you will not get myopia.

2. "Reading in poor light ruins your eyesight"

The same goes for reading in low light. I immediately want to take the book away from the child and forbid him to read in the twilight.

In principle, this is how it should be done, why strain your eyes once again, but know that doctors consider the situation with reading to be similar to watching TV - the eyes may get tired, but will quickly recover.

3. "Wearing glasses impairs vision"

Doctors also give an unequivocal answer to the question “does vision deteriorate from glasses” - only wearing glasses with incorrectly selected lenses can worsen vision, so we take a trip to an ophthalmologist very responsibly.

If glasses are not worn in the hope that without them the eyes will be stimulated and stop being lazy, hopes will not come true, vision will not improve, and you will earn additional wrinkles by constantly squinting to make the picture sharper.

4. “Vision deteriorates if it is not protected and constantly loaded”

This is not true. Deciding that today you "used" your sight too much and putting the book aside for later, you do not help to "save" it at all, but simply deprive yourself of the pleasure of reading.

The eyes will not benefit from such a decision, they are intended to serve us all our lives.

5. "People with visual impairments need to read as little as possible and work with small objects, such as embroidery"

Most are convinced that such activities lead to even more wear and tear on the eyes.

But our eye can be compared to a camera that does not deteriorate because we shoot small objects with it. Therefore, by choosing the right glasses, you can read, embroider and make miniatures without fear of worsening your eyesight.

6. “If you look at the sun through dark glasses, your eyesight will not suffer”

Even through the most expensive and high-quality glasses, you cannot look at the sun. All components of the eye suffer from this: the retina, cornea, lens. You can get not only a headache, but also burn your eyes and even lose your sight for a while.

Moreover, the answer to the question “is it harmful to look at a solar eclipse” will be the same - it is harmful. If you look at it with unprotected eyes, you can get serious problems in a very short period of time. This natural phenomenon can only be observed with the help of special protective devices.

(I remember with horror how in childhood we took some incredible pieces of glass of red and black colors through which we stared at the sun “arranging an eclipse”).

7. “Eye diseases and general visual impairment cannot be prevented.”

It is possible to prevent. But for this it is worth treating the eyes in the same way as other organs - arms, legs, heart ... If we have a heart ache, we go to the doctor for a diagnosis, prescribing medications and subsequent treatment, but if the sharpness of vision deteriorates, darkness in the eyes or sudden outbursts, we can’t be dragged to the doctor, we wait until everything goes away by itself ...

And most diseases can be prevented or cured if you consult a doctor in time, make high-quality diagnostics and undergo regular examinations. For example, glaucoma can be successfully treated if diagnosed early.

8. “Women suffering from myopia during childbirth may lose their sight.”

In this case, problems can really appear. During childbirth, intraocular pressure rises greatly, and if a woman has severe myopia, then her thin and stretched retina is much more likely to break.

Therefore, expectant mothers suffering from myopia are required to visit an ophthalmologist at the beginning, middle and end of pregnancy. Depending on the diagnostics passed, the doctor will determine whether the birth will take place naturally or whether a caesarean section is required.

9 . "Poor vision can get better with age"

Alas, it cannot. When a person, getting older, begins to see better up close, it seems to him that this is a “visual” progress.

But as a rule, this is not an improvement in vision, but vice versa. This often happens with cataracts, which, as they progress, change the focus of the eye lens, while increasing the level of myopia, which makes it seem that vision has become better. But in fact, this "improvement" requires treatment.

10. "Computer affects vision"

Now almost everyone asks the question “whether vision is spoiled by a computer”.

Computers really have a negative effect on vision. And the main trouble is the “dry eye” syndrome, which causes pain, a feeling of sand in the eyes, redness, photophobia. Especially often this problem occurs for those who are engaged in computer graphics or spend a lot of time in an interactive mode.

Working at the monitor, we blink three times less than expected, which causes the mucous membrane of the eye to dry out and unpleasant sensations and tension appear. In addition, when focusing at a close distance for a long time, visual fatigue syndrome develops.

But even here, not everything is so bad, if you follow the simple rules of behavior recommended by doctors, then, in reasonable quantities, sitting at the computer can be allowed without hesitation.

Mandatory rules of conduct while sitting at the monitor:

The monitor must be at least 70 cm away from the eyes;

Looking straight ahead, you should be able to see the top edge of the monitor;

Regularly take your eyes off the monitor and look at objects at different distances for at least 30 seconds;

Step away from your computer for 10-15 minutes every hour. Change the direction of the gaze, the distance at which we look;

Set an electronic alarm clock that will tell you when it's time to take a break;

7-8 hours of sleep will help your eyes rest even after a lot of stress;

  • An adult whose work is associated with the constant use of a computer is recommended to spend no more than 8 hours a day near him.
  • Teenagers from 12 to 16 years old - no more than two hours.
  • Children aged 7 to 12 - about one and a half hours.
  • Toddlers from 5 to 7 - a maximum of half an hour a day.
  • Up to 5 years - 15 minutes, the time of one cartoon))

I myself spend a lot of time at the computer, earlier, due to the specifics of the work, almost full-time, and now at home))) But I can’t say that during this time my eyesight has gone down. Okay, I, and those who work exclusively with computers ... I recalled who from those working in the computer department had poor eyesight ... no one. Not a single person was wearing glasses!

Judging by the research of scientists, practically nothing is harmful to vision, but does it get worse from something? What is the negative effect on vision?

Visual impairment, causes:

  1. hereditary predisposition.
  2. Aging of the retina.
  3. Constant eye strain. For example, regular long-term work at close range without complying with established standards.
  4. Deterioration of blood circulation.

The reason is the internal problems of the body, which are detected by examining the fundus.

  1. Bright sunlight, dust.

Protect your eyes carefully from the sun and dust, wear good sunglasses.

  1. Dryness of the mucous membrane of the eyes.

Use moisturizing drops (rather than vasoconstrictor, as is often done).

And plus, a curious conclusion of scientists from the University of Cambridge: every additional hour that we spend in the fresh air reduces the risk of myopia by 2%.

Those who like to watch TV or spend time at the computer, but then compensate for such a pastime with a few hours in nature, are no more likely to get visual impairment than "non-lovers" of the TV and computer.

To be honest, I was very pleased with all these refutations of myths, although I had already “got used” to the rules: “watching TV near is harmful”, “poor lighting spoils vision”, that it was not easy to perceive this information from a different point of view ...

But now you can calmly engage in matters of interest knowing that, according to doctors: "For the tone of the eye muscles, it is quite enough just to live and look at the world around you."

To train vision, it is useful to periodically consider stereograms. (You need to look at the center of the photo, focusing your vision so that the image becomes blurry, a kind of “look into nowhere”).

Do you see a huge plane flying over the city?

And who is depicted on this yellow field? 😉

What about chamomile?

Health to your eyes 🙂

Almost all segments of society, adults and children, spend a lot of time behind computers now. All activities and leisure activities are computerized. How does prolonged work affect our main sense organ - the eye?

There are many reasons for visual impairment, since the eye reacts to negative changes throughout the body:

  • violation of diet and sleep;
  • lack of sleep;
  • excessive pastime at the computer, TV, tablet;
  • mental and mental stress.

All this is reflected in the eye muscles, which cannot function flexibly and softly, the work of the eyes is disturbed.

Computer work

The nature of computer activities is divided into the following categories:

  • screen reading;
  • file analysis;
  • text input;
  • software debugging and text editing;
  • work with graphics and design programs.

People get the greatest strain on their eyes when working with the last two categories. They especially need to pay attention to protective measures to preserve their eyesight. Other hazards include:

  • static electricity;
  • bad light;
  • electromagnetic;
  • ionizing radiation.

The negative impact of the computer on vision

At the screen of monitors we read, write, draw and tire our eyes looking at images. The image on the screen consists of many luminous dots. The eye processes the changes on the screen and adjusts to see clearly. When this ability is reduced, myopia may begin to develop.

You can reduce the negative impact if you work on a high-quality monitor by placing it correctly. And most importantly, control the time of continuous work at the computer. Otherwise, a person gets tired, the nervous system strains, causing eye fatigue, poor health and sleep disturbance.

You can talk about computer vision syndrome when it appears:

  • heaviness in the eyelids,
  • rapid blinking,
  • redness of the eyes.

Further deterioration of the eye condition will lead to:

  • lacrimation;
  • headaches;
  • vision is blurred, the person quickly gets tired.

This is because the image is flickering, the eye is constantly moving between the screen, keyboard and text.

Leads to eye fatigue:

  • improper placement of lighting fixtures;
  • glare on the screen;
  • increased screen brightness.

When working without interruptions, the flow of tears is disrupted. In order to avoid the feeling of dryness, it is recommended to blink more often.

To prevent the negative impact of working at the computer will help:

  • properly organized workplace;
  • the use of drops and glasses;
  • breaks at work.

How to avoid overwork

Fatigue will be less if you follow the following rules:

  • use a quality computer;
  • pick up comfortable furniture;
  • wipe the screen from dust, and clean the room regularly;
  • the air in the room should not be dry;
  • do eye exercises.

It is necessary to place the computer correctly:

  • the backlight of the screen should be on the left;
  • do not dim the general lighting of the room;
  • use furniture so that there is support on the legs and back;
  • the spine should be perpendicular to the floor;
  • hands should be on the table;
  • legs bent at a right angle;
  • the back is adjacent to the chair;
  • look at the image as if from top to bottom at a distance of about 50 cm.

To prevent the occurrence of computer eye syndrome, make it a rule:

  • blink more often;
  • be sure to take breaks at work;
  • use eye drops to moisturize the eyes;
  • it is important to adjust the light so that it does not fall on the screen and does not shine into the eyes.

Tension Relief Exercises

  1. In a sitting position close your eyes for a few seconds and then open them. This will improve blood circulation and relax the eye muscles.
  2. Blink for two minutes, perform sitting.
  3. Stand up and look straight ahead for three seconds, then look at the outstretched finger for the same amount of time. Repeat 10 times. Improves visual acuity at close range. Glasses, if any, do not take off.
  4. Improves fluid circulation by pressing fingers on the eyelids for two seconds.
  5. It is useful, especially with myopia, to look from close to distant objects.

Ways to recover after working at a computer

The most useful will be walking on the street, warming up the muscles, especially those responsible for posture and exercises for the eyes. Sunlight is good for the retina. Reading magazines and playing computer games will not help, but will exacerbate fatigue. It is useful to drink clean water and eat fruits.

Overvoltage protection is well protected by special glasses. They are not very expensive, but useful. Eyes are less strained in glasses, as light emission and glare on the screen are reduced.

In pharmacies, you can buy teas to improve vision. It is advisable to drink them during the day. Or first before work, and then at night.

Experts advise eating butter, which is good for the eyes.

We should not forget about vitamins. It is desirable to select their complex especially for the eyes.

  • Vitamin A is necessary for the functioning of the retina, which is responsible for providing daytime, color and twilight vision. Vitamins are drunk in courses, according to the instructions. Breaks in their use are required.
  • It is useful to take trace elements for antioxidant protection of the eyes.

The rules and advice are simple. But with their observance, vision will remain for a long time even if you need to work at the computer for a long time. When working more than 4 hours a day, most people require vision correction. Regular fatigue can lead to unwanted functional changes.

Not a single type of human activity in our time can do without the use of computers. However, it is necessary to take into account not only the benefits, but also the harmful effects on people when working at a computer. In order to avoid negative impacts, protective measures, rules and regulations must not be neglected. Listen to the advice of specialists aimed at prevention and support of the eyes. It will not be possible to avoid strain on the eyes, but it is quite within our power to reduce them.

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