The child's nasolabial triangle turns blue when crying. Is it dangerous if a child's nasolabial triangle turns blue? Blue nasolabial triangle in a healthy child

Cyanosis or blueness of the nasolabial triangle in an infant is a symptom that indicates a deviation in the work of the child's cardiovascular activity, uncoordinated functioning of the kidneys, and, in general, an insufficient process of hematopoiesis. Ideally, the child should not have any blueness in the area of ​​​​the lips and nose. Often, parents observe how at the age of 2 months the baby appears and then disappears blue, in order to exclude the possibility of congenital heart disease, it is necessary to undergo an examination. If everything is normal with cardiology, you will have to undergo treatment with a neurologist, since cyanosis around the eyes, mouth and nose indicates vegetative-vascular dystonia. Are there any other reasons when the nasolabial triangle turns blue in a newborn?

Can blueing be in a healthy child?

Each disease in an infant manifests itself rapidly, for example, pneumonia develops in one day, and a runny nose can appear immediately after a walk, where the baby is slightly blown by the breeze. In case of cyanosis, you should immediately consult a doctor. Your baby is probably perfectly healthy, and the disease is of a pulmonary nature, when the level of oxygen in the body drops sharply during crying. Perhaps his skin is so thin that the capillaries are translucent and turn blue and become more convex during tension. As soon as the child calms down, the blue disappears. A symptom should alert you if the nasolabial fold remains blue throughout the day - this is a sign of a serious pathology.

Cyanosis is a symptom of ill health

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the appearance of the baby while crying. If he gasps for air with his mouth, and the nasolabial triangle becomes much darker, then the air circulation in the lungs is disturbed. It can be inflammatory processes and pulmonary diseases, which are in the nature of seizures. A strong cough with a cold can cause blueness.

If the baby chokes on food, a foreign body gets into the respiratory tract, the child cannot take a deep breath - he coughs and begins to choke. In this case, you need to put the baby on your knee with your stomach and tilt his head slightly to the ground: at this time, the lungs will be squeezed by the chest, and the foreign body will be able to come out unhindered.

Observations of children have shown that congenital heart disease, acute heart failure and underdevelopment of the pulmonary artery in a child are accompanied by cyanosis around the eye sockets and in the nasolabial fold. If your baby "turns blue" in a calm state, you need to urgently go for help to a cardiologist. He will conduct an ultrasound diagnosis, make an x-ray and an electrocardiogram to exclude all accompanying external causes.

The blueness is temporary, if the birth was difficult or premature, then the blueness in the nasolabial fold will bother your baby for a while. But remember that cyanosis appears only during crying. When the lungs are fully functioning normally, the blueness will stop. It is necessary that the baby be calm during the day, take him out into the fresh air more often, try to make him sleep longer, in these cases light sedatives are indicated. Mom needs to do everything possible so that the child’s nervous system does not strain, the baby cries less, so that it is easy to “ripen”. Try to feed your baby with breast milk, which creates immunity against external infections and perfectly strengthens the nervous system. In any case, you can’t joke and hesitate with this symptom, after you have learned what cyanosis is, seek help from a pediatrician. Your child's health is in your hands!

Parents often note a blue nasolabial triangle in newborns. This phenomenon occurs both in absolutely healthy children and children with disorders in the work of the cardiovascular, nervous and other systems.

Normally, blood oxygen saturation in children reaches 95%, while a newborn is screaming or crying, the indicator can drop to an extreme minimum - 92%. All indicators below the minimum are pathologies. With a decrease in the level of oxygen in the blood, the baby's nasolabial triangle turns blue. This phenomenon is called cyanosis.

Blue nasolabial triangle in healthy children

In the first weeks of life, the baby may appear blue, which is caused by cyanosis of pulmonary origin. The phenomenon is observed at the time of screaming or crying, when the child's oxygen level in the blood decreases. As he matures and systems improve, such manifestations disappear. If after a few weeks of the baby's life the blue remains, the baby should be shown to specialists. The issue should be approached seriously, since pathological conditions accompanied by oxygen deficiency in the blood give the same effect.

The blueness of the nasolabial triangle in newborns may be associated with very thin and transparent skin in this area. Due to this structure and the plexus of veins translucent through the skin, it takes on a bluish tint. If the blueness of the nasolabial triangle of newborns is caused precisely by this factor, then you should not worry - the child is healthy.

Blue nasolabial triangle during illness

The nasolabial triangle in a newborn may turn blue in severe respiratory diseases. Vivid examples are such ailments as pneumonia and pathological conditions of the lungs. These diseases are accompanied by blanching of the entire skin, heavy breathing and shortness of breath, which are paroxysmal in nature. The stronger the attacks, the more pronounced changes in skin color. A prolonged cold or viral infection in infants due to effects on the lungs can also trigger the symptoms described.

The blueness of the nasolabial triangle in a newborn may be caused by the presence of a foreign body in the airways. If such symptoms are observed for the first time and the child cannot breathe, it is urgent to examine him and call an ambulance.

Blue nasolabial triangle in pathological conditions

The most common cause of the manifestation of the blue of the nasolabial triangle in a newborn is a congenital heart disease. The same symptoms can give malformations of the pulmonary artery and acute heart failure. All these conditions can only be diagnosed by specialists. If the blueness is observed longer than normal and at times when the child does not show signs of severe anxiety in behavior, you should immediately inform the doctor about this.

To diagnose pathological conditions in cyanosis, a specialist conducts an ultrasound examination of the heart, a chest x-ray and an electrocardiogram. If heart disease has been ruled out, the doctor may refer the child to a neurologist.

Most often, neuropathologists diagnose insufficient development of the infant's respiratory system. In this case, the mother is recommended to increase the walking time and send the baby to massage sessions. As a rule, by the year everything is restored and the symptoms disappear. In any case, experts do not recommend self-medication, and these symptoms should not be treated negligently. At the first manifestations of cyanosis, you need to inform the local pediatrician about this.

Types and causes of cyanosis in children under one year old

Physiological causes

In infants, blood oxygen saturation varies between 92-95%, so saturation below 92% can cause cyanosis of the skin due to a lack of oxygen in body tissues. Normally, blue may appear around the mouth in the following situations:

  • Strong and frequent crying. It is observed in capricious children due to a decrease in the supply of oxygen to the blood. Cyanosis is observed only when the baby is crying and goes away on its own at rest.
  • Thin and light skin of the baby. The blueness of the nasolabial triangle is due to the proximity of the blood vessels to the surface of the skin, and therefore the cyanosis may increase with crying or sudden changes in ambient temperature.
  • Hypothermia. Often, after bathing a child, cyanosis around the mouth may occur, due to the temperature difference in the bathroom and the child's room. At the same time, you can feel that the child’s limbs are cold to the touch, which probably indicates that the baby is cold.

Somatic diseases

A decrease in blood oxygen saturation may occur due to a violation of gas exchange or due to a violation of the flow of air into the lungs. For example:

  • Pneumonia. A serious infectious disease that has vivid clinical manifestations and, in addition to cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle, is accompanied by such manifestations as shortness of breath, fever, cough, wheezing during auscultation, heavy breathing, pallor of the skin, etc.
  • Entry of a foreign body into the respiratory tract. Against the background of apparent well-being, a cough, shortness of breath or difficulty in breathing suddenly begins. Soon, due to difficulty breathing, the nasolabial triangle or the skin around the mouth begins to turn blue.

In this situation, you need to act quickly. The child must be put on a roller or on your knee, lower your head down and pat on the back. Due to compression of the chest, the foreign body will be pushed out, and breathing will be restored. If this fails, urgent hospitalization is necessary.

Pathological conditions

Congenital diseases of the cardiovascular system can be attributed to this category of factors. As a rule, this includes heart defects. The most common congenital malformation is the non-closure of the oval window, in which mixing of venous and arterial blood occurs, which leads to a sharp decrease in blood oxygen saturation and the appearance of blue over the upper lip.

Normally, the oval window should close immediately when the baby is born, because. during intrauterine development, this hole was necessary for the breathing of the fetus in the womb. As soon as the child has taken his first breath, the need for this hole disappears.

If the foramen ovale is not overgrown at birth, then clinically this may be characterized by the presence of persistent cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle, which tends to increase with anxiety, crying, sucking, etc. This problem requires an urgent consultation with a cardiologist and observation of the defect for 1 year of the baby's life. As a rule, during the year the defect can be delayed without any therapeutic intervention. Otherwise, surgery may be required.

As it already becomes clear from all of the above, in order to eliminate the fears of the parents of a baby who has such an alarming symptom, it is necessary to show it to three specialists:

  • Pediatrician. On examination, he can roughly guess what the cause of the appearance of cyanosis is and send for further examination.
  • Cardiologist. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate serious congenital pathologies, which often require urgent treatment.
  • Neurologist. The blueness of the nasolabial triangle in combination with tremor of the limbs and chin, regurgitation, anxiety and frequent crying may indicate increased intracranial pressure or vegetovascular dystonia in a child. These neurological problems may be the result of a complicated birth, difficult pregnancy, and/or immaturity of the baby's nervous system.

Regardless of the true cause of cyanosis in children under one year old, a timely visit to a specialist will help to avoid the disastrous outcomes of serious illnesses.

A variety of symptoms can indicate health problems, sometimes not even very pronounced and not accompanied by special changes in well-being. Therefore, each person needs to be attentive to the state of his body. So in healthy people, the skin and mucous membranes have a pink tint, and changes in their color should be considered as an alarming symptom. So cyanosis is considered a fairly common violation. And we will talk about the condition in which cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle appears in an infant and in an adult.

How does cyanosis manifest itself, what symptoms indicate it?

Cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle is the bluish color of this area, which is determined by the state of the underlying network of capillaries. This is a symptom that is easily detected during a physical examination. Indeed, normally, the area near the nose and lips should have the same color as the skin throughout the body. If such a disorder is caused by various health problems, it may be accompanied by other symptoms. Blueing can occur gradually, and in some situations it develops abruptly.

cyanosis in an infant

In newborn babies, blueness on the nasolabial triangle is completely normal. This phenomenon can be observed in babies when they scream or cry. This is a bluing of pulmonary origin, in which the amount of oxygen in the blood decreases, and the skin becomes blue. Such a symptom disappears on its own, after the child grows up. If this does not happen, then you need to see a doctor.

Also, natural cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle is observed due to too thin skin on this part of the body. Through it, venous plexuses easily shine through, which is why the fold looks blue. But over time, this symptom will disappear on its own.

Sometimes the blueness of the nasolabial triangle in children appears when they swallow small objects. In this case, cyanosis is explained by violations of the respiratory system.

Cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle in adults

If the blue around the lips and mouth appeared suddenly, do not leave it unattended. A persistent symptom most likely indicates various chronic diseases. It is worth noting that cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle in adults rarely appears on its own. Most often, it is accompanied by blueness of other parts of the body: mucous membranes, skin in certain areas, etc. The natural cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle can be explained by hypothermia, prolonged exposure to a considerable height and oxygen deficiency.

Why does cyanosis occur, what causes it?

Consider the causes of cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle, which can cause it to turn blue, in a little more detail.

As practice shows, the most common health disorders that cause such a symptom are cardiac disorders. It can be congenital heart disease or acute heart failure. Also, this phenomenon is sometimes caused by malformations of the pulmonary artery.

Another pathological cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle can occur in patients with any respiratory disease. This phenomenon is often observed in pneumonia - inflammation of the lungs. It is worth noting that in children this disease is often almost asymptomatic. Therefore, cyanosis that arose suddenly should definitely not be ignored.

The blueness of the nasolabial triangle in both children and adults can be explained by the development of various types of anemia. Also, such a symptom is provoked by neuralgia.

Sometimes cyanosis around the lips and nose appears with bronchial asthma or with respiratory allergies, which are accompanied by spasm of smooth muscles.

How is cyanosis corrected, what is its effective treatment?

As already clear from the above, cyanosis is only a symptom. Therefore, in order to correct the blueness of the nasolabial triangle, it is necessary to identify the causes of this violation.

So if such a symptom is caused by an open oval window in a child, doctors only advise to monitor the baby and provide him with proper care. With a crumb, you must definitely walk more, it is also necessary to systematically monitor the condition of the oval window.

If the crumbs are diagnosed with a complete absence of a heart valve, surgery is indispensable. Weakened children undergo surgery.

Inflammation of the lungs in children and adults is corrected with the help of infusion, as well as antibiotic therapy. An oxygen mask is used to correct respiratory failure.

With bronchial asthma and respiratory allergies, doctors select the appropriate treatment. Therapy involves the relief of an attack, as well as a planned correction in the interictal period.

If you suspect that the cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle, which we continue to talk about on this page, has developed due to the ingress of some small objects into the respiratory tract, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. Surgical intervention may be required to eliminate such a violation.

As for anemia, its correction depends on the cause of such an illness. To eliminate such a nuisance, you may need to take iron and / or vitamin B12 supplements.

If you find cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle in yourself, in a child or in your loved ones, be sure to consult a doctor.

It is not uncommon for an experienced practitioner to have only one look at a patient to make a preliminary diagnosis, because there are characteristic external signs that indicate a particular disease. In newborns, the nasolabial triangle serves as an indicator of health on the face. What can he tell about, and what to do if his color has changed? This is our article.

cyanosis is normal

The nasolabial triangle is a place on the face, limited by the nasolabial folds, the mouth at the bottom and the nose at the top. This place is very interesting from a diagnostic point of view, since it is here that the blood supply is well developed. Moreover, there are vessels of both arterial and venous networks.

In the first month of life, one can often observe how the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe triangle turns blue during the crying or crying of the baby. This phenomenon is explained very simply: at the moment of crying, the level of oxygen saturation in the blood drops, and the capillaries swell during tension and are translucent through thin skin. Such blueness in medicine is called pulmonary cyanosis; it disappears as soon as the baby calms down.

Another possible option for acceptable blueing is a condition after a difficult birth, when there were signs of hypoxia or asphyxia. In this situation, the child needs time so that the blood circulation can recover normally.

Blue spots above the lip during crying in a newborn are quite normal if they disappear in a calm state.

Blueing during illness

But what if everything was fine with the child for two or three months, when suddenly, when you came home after another walk, you noticed a blue nose and mouth? What does this mean?

Examine the baby and pay attention to how he behaves. If the baby comes in while crying and tries to capture air with his mouth, or if he has coughing fits, it means that air exchange is disturbed in the lungs for some reason. This may be due to the development of a cold with a runny nose and cough, or even pneumonia. Be sure to call a doctor, as a viral or bacterial infection that provoked the development of inflammation must be treated without fail. Remember: the heavier the breath, the more pronounced the color changes of the nasolabial triangle will be.

Another cause of blueness can be the ingestion of a foreign body into the respiratory tract. The child may choke on food or inhale a small object. You can’t confuse the symptoms of such a condition with anything: the baby begins to choke, eagerly swallow air and cough. Unfortunately, such situations are not uncommon, so every parent should know how to provide first aid.

Actions on the part of parents when a foreign body enters the respiratory tract of the baby should be immediate. Turn the baby upside down so that his face is turned towards you. With one hand, hold the baby by the legs, with the other, tap on the back. Manipulations are best done over the sofa in case the baby gets out of hand.

In an emergency situation, when there is a threat to life, emotions interfere with thinking. Therefore, learn the rules of first aid for a choking child now

Second option. Take a sitting position, lay the baby on your left knee with your stomach down. With your left hand, hold it by the neck and chest, with your right hand, make fairly strong jerky movements along the back between the shoulder blades towards the mouth. Without changing position, you can put pressure on the root of the tongue and tickle the back of the throat, trying to induce a gag reflex.

The nasolabial triangle regularly turns blue: attention to the heart and lungs!

But what if the nasolabial triangle constantly turns blue, regardless of whether the baby is calm or crying? Go see a doctor!

We have already found out that persistent oxygen starvation, which is indirectly indicated by blue over the lip, may be due to the development of pathologies of two systems: pulmonary or cardiovascular. To find out the true cause, an ultrasound of the heart, X-rays of the lungs, and an electrocardiogram are done. Most likely, you will need to consult a narrow specialist, for example, a cardiologist, neurologist or pulmonologist.

Cyanosis above the lip often indicates heart problems

During the examination, the following diseases can be detected:

  1. One of . A typical example is (OOO). Until some time, it is quite acceptable, and if the valve between the atria is in place, the child is simply observed. But at some point you may need surgery. Do not be alarmed, medicine today has stepped far forward, and the oval window is closed through a single puncture in the femoral vein, through which all the necessary tools are delivered to the heart. Children easily tolerate such an intervention.
  2. Acute heart failure. A condition in which a child's heart is unable to provide enough blood to the body. This leads to a failure of the heart rhythm and myocardial contractility.
  3. Malformations of the bronchopulmonary system. This includes lung hypoplasia, bronchial hypoplasia, tracheal stenosis, etc.

Show the child to a specialist if the blueness does not go away for a long time

All of these diseases are serious and require urgent treatment. Therefore, with alarming symptoms associated with the appearance of blue over the lips, do not delay with the examination.


Of course, preventive measures will not help with severe diseases. But if cyanosis is associated with age-related characteristics and doctors have confirmed its harmlessness, you can quickly get rid of it by following simple rules:

  • daily and a lot of walks in the fresh air with the baby;
  • observe the daily routine, giving enough time to sleep;
  • do not overfeed the baby;
  • even during pregnancy, take care of the future health of the baby, adhering to all medical recommendations, avoiding bad habits, stress and an unhealthy lifestyle; this will minimize the risk of developing malformations in the fetus in the process of laying all its organs and systems.

Video about congenital heart defects - the most common cause of cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle in newborns:

So, the newly minted mom and dad need to know what the blue nasolabial triangle can mean, under what circumstances it is better to show the child to the doctor, and when you can watch the baby at home. And of course, you need to remember the rules for providing emergency care in the case when a small object enters the respiratory tract. Take care of your children.

The skin color of the child may have a different color. Normally, the skin has a pale pink color. With various diseases and conditions in children, skin color changes can be observed. The skin may appear blue (cyanotic), yellow (icteric), red, marbled, or white. A change in skin color may be a manifestation of the norm, but for the most part such changes appear due to diseases.

The appearance of blueness is associated with a decrease in blood oxygen saturation or a supersaturation of blood with carbon dioxide. Cyanotic staining can be observed both in individual parts of the body (acrocyanosis, cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle), and the entire body of the child.

The appearance of a cyanotic coloration of the skin of a newborn child may be associated with imperfections in the muscular layer of the heart and its nervous innervation. Such states are called cardiovascular maladaptation. These conditions are transient, appear only in the early neonatal period, and do not require medical or surgical treatment. One of these conditions, characterized by the appearance of cyanotic coloration of the skin, is neonatal pulmonary hypertension. This condition is due to the fact that the vessels of a newborn child are able to sharply spasm in response to a decrease in oxygen in the bloodstream. Such reactivity of blood vessels can last up to 7 days of a child's life. The appearance of a bluish color is observed when the child screams and is restless. It does not need treatment, this condition goes away on its own.

The appearance of a bluish coloration of the skin can also be physiological. The appearance of cyanosis is normally observed in a newborn child due to changes in ambient temperature. There is bluish coloration of the skin only in the area of ​​the hands and feet. However, this condition can also be pathological, especially in older children with hypothermia. When hypothermia the child must be placed in a warm room and the child should be heated, but only gradually.

In addition to chronic hypoxia of the body, acute hypoxia can be observed. This state develops when a foreign body enters the airways child. In this case, the child has difficulty breathing (the child cannot take a breath), cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle appears. In this case, the child must be given first aid and contact the ambulance team.

But the most common reason why children turn blue limbs or a nasolabial triangle is their congenital heart defects. Heart defects are of the white type, when the appearance of cyanosis is not observed, and the blue type, when the appearance of a bluish color is observed. Malformations that cause cyanosis: transposition of the great vessels, common arterial trunk, atrioventricular communication, tetralogy of Fallot, pulmonary artery stenosis, patent ductus arteriosus, atrial septal defect.

1. Transposition of the great vessels. This defect is characterized by an incorrect arrangement of the vessels leaving the heart: the aorta comes out of the right ventricle, and the pulmonary artery - out of the left. Because of this, the blood that nourishes all organs and systems is not saturated with oxygen, as it does not enter the lungs. Violations are detected in children right in the hospital. The severity of the condition is different and depends on the presence of messages between these two vessels. If there is a message and it is large enough, the two blood streams mix, and the blood, to some extent, is still enriched with oxygen. In this condition, there is a general cyanosis of the child's skin (that is, the whole child turns blue). Children lag behind in physical development, poorly gaining weight. Providing a child with medical care while still in the hospital is the key to the survival of the child. Early surgical intervention is very important to eliminate the anomaly in the location of the vessels.

2. common truncus arteriosus. This defect is characterized by the departure of a common vessel from the right and left ventricles at the same time. In this case, the blood in the bloodstream is mixed (arterial and venous at the same time). This means that there is a decrease in oxygen saturation of the blood and oxygen starvation of tissues and organs. Children are born completely normal, with normal weight and development. However, in the first weeks of life, a general bluish coloration of the skin appears, children stop gaining weight, shortness of breath appears. To eliminate the defect, a surgical intervention is performed. The operation is usually performed at 3-5 months, however, in extremely severe conditions, surgery can be performed in the neonatal period up to 3 months.

3. Atrioventricular communication. In this case, the communication between the two circles of blood circulation (small and large) occurs at the level of the cavities of the heart. Blood from the left side of the heart goes to the right side. In this case, there is an overload of the right parts of the heart and the pulmonary circulation. Because of this, there is stagnation of blood in the lungs and their edema. Children are born physically full, however, from the first months of life they begin to lag behind their peers in their development, there is fatigue when feeding, shortness of breath, blue extremities when crying and feeding. Since pulmonary edema occurs, children have wheezing in the lungs, moist, medium and large bubbles. The liver and spleen increase in size. Edema appears. For children with severe changes in the heart, surgical treatment is indicated in the first months of life. In case of minor violations, the operation to eliminate the defect is performed after a year.

4. Tetralogy of Fallot- This is the most common heart disease, characterized by the appearance of cyanosis. This congenital heart disease is characterized by the presence of 4 heart defects: pulmonary artery stenosis, ventricular septal defect, dextroposition (malposition) of the aorta, hypertrophy (increase in size) of the right ventricle. Due to a ventricular septal defect, blood is mixed and mixed blood enters the aorta, which is poorly oxygenated. Depending on the severity of the malformation of the heart, both the total cyanotic coloration of the child's skin and the so-called acyanotic forms, when the appearance of cyanotic skin coloration is not observed, can be observed. The appearance of cyanosis is an unfavorable sign; with total cyanosis, the death of a child at an early age is possible. This defect is characterized by the appearance of clinical signs at 2-3 months of a child's life. Children become restless, cyanosis of the extremities appears, loss of consciousness and seizures are possible. Crying, feeding, the act of defecation can cause deterioration in children. With minor circulatory disorders, children are given conservative medical treatment. If the condition worsens, surgical treatment is performed. According to vital indications, surgical intervention is performed in the early period of the newborn.

5. Stenosis of the pulmonary artery. With this defect, there is a narrowing of the lumen of the pulmonary artery, which carries blood from the heart to the lungs. Because of this, it is difficult to deliver blood to the lungs, where it is saturated with oxygen. The appearance of a cyanotic color is observed only in very severe conditions, when there is a complete closure of the lumen of the pulmonary artery. Surgical treatment is indicated only when the condition worsens or there is complete atresia (closure) of the pulmonary artery. Surgical treatment is carried out at the age of 3-4 years.

6. Open ductus arteriosus. This duct normally functions in children in the first 2-3 days after birth, after which it closes and completely overgrows in the first 2-8 weeks of a child's life. This duct connects the pulmonary artery and the aorta. If it remains open, then there is a discharge of blood from the aorta into the pulmonary artery, there is an overload of the pulmonary circulation. The appearance of clinical signs of this congenital heart disease is characterized by rather late manifestations - by 2-3 years of a child's life. With a large defect, the appearance of clinical signs can be observed in the first months of life. Since more blood enters the pulmonary circulation, all organs and systems suffer. With a cry, anxiety of the child, feeding, the appearance of cyanotic coloration of the limbs (arms, legs) of the child is observed. Children get tired quickly, the child cannot suckle for a long time, often interrupted to rest. Children do not gain weight well, lag behind in physical development. Treatment of this malformation is carried out both medically and surgically. In this case, surgical treatment is indicated only when drug therapy is ineffective. Children tolerate surgery very well. Mortality after surgery is almost zero.

7. Atrial septal defect. With this defect, there is no septum separating the two atria into right and left. Because of this, mixing of blood occurs in them, and mixed (arterial-venous) blood enters the systemic circulation. Children tolerate this defect quite well, and often it is detected only after a year of the child's life. Up to a year, the appearance of a cyanotic coloration of the child's skin is possible only with a cry, anxiety. This coloration is slight and fades quickly. After a year, the persistence of persistent pallor of the child's skin, a lag in physical development draws upon itself. Treatment of this defect is only surgical.

In addition to bluish coloration of the skin in children, there may be another color of the skin.

With excessive use of ventilation, especially 100% oxygen mixture, children may experience dark red coloration of the skin. Also, a similar condition can be observed when the child overheats.

Harlequin symptom. This condition is characterized by the appearance of redness of the skin of the child's body only on one side when the child is positioned on its side. This condition is associated with the immaturity of the nervous system of the child and is observed most often in children born in asphyxia. When the child overheats, the color takes on a brighter red color, when hypothermia - cyanotic. This condition is treated by a neurologist.

Marbling of the skin. This condition is also associated with the imperfection of the nervous system of the child and is manifested by the appearance of lacy red coloration of the child's skin. Most often appears when the child is hypothermic. This condition does not require treatment.

Appearance jaundice skin often indicates an increase in bilirubin in the blood, liver pathology.

The appearance of changes in skin color should always alert parents, especially if a similar condition appears in a small child. A change in skin color can hide very serious diseases, some of them can be fatal, so it is very important to consult a doctor in time.

Pediatrician Litashov M.V.

In the photo, blueing is caused by bronchiolitis - inflammation of the smallest bronchi, which is accompanied by respiratory failure. The disease itself usually disappears in 2-3 weeks, but you need to monitor the child's breathing.

Parents of newborns, as well as children of the first year of life, can often observe a blue nasolabial fold or nasolabial triangle in their baby. Both absolutely healthy children and those suffering from certain diseases of organs and systems can face a similar phenomenon.

Normal blood oxygen saturation should be at least 95%. The crying and screaming of a child is a stressful situation for the child's body, as a result of which this indicator may decrease to 90-92% (critical level). It is the drop in the oxygen saturation of the blood that causes the blue area of ​​the nasolabial triangle in children of different ages.

Below, the main causes of physiological and pathological blueness of the nasolabial region in children of different ages will be described in detail.

Physiological blue

From the moment of birth and in the first 2-3 weeks, a newborn baby may experience a blue nasolabial triangle, which occurs against the background of a failure of the respiratory system. This condition is especially pronounced during the screaming and crying of the child, when there is a drop in the oxygen saturation of the body. In the process of growing up, this phenomenon passes on its own.

If the blueness of the nasolabial triangle does not disappear on its own after 2-3 weeks from the moment the child is born, then this is a good reason to seek medical advice. It should be borne in mind that such a condition can threaten not only the health, but also the life of the child, so postponing a medical examination is unacceptable.

Long and complicated childbirth can also provoke a blue nasolabial triangle in a newborn. The reason for this may be short-term hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of the child's body in the process of passing through the birth canal.

Another reason for the physiological blueness of the nasolabial triangle in children may be the increased transparency of the skin in this area, especially in newborns. Through thin skin, vascular (venous) plexuses can be seen, giving a blue tint.

Pathological blue

One of the likely causes of this condition may be a disease of the respiratory system of the child. Examples include acute bronchitis and pneumonia (pneumonia). As additional symptoms in these diseases, pallor of the skin of the child, shortness of breath and shortness of breath, as well as coughing fits can be observed. The more pronounced such symptoms, the more intense the blueness of the nasolabial triangle in the baby. The appearance of this symptom in a child at the age of 3 can be observed both in case of untimely diagnosed cardiac pathology, and in diseases of the respiratory system.

A foreign body in the respiratory tract can also cause this condition.

Particular attention should also be paid to the temperature of the child's body, since hypothermia can provoke cyanosis (blue) in this area.

More serious causes of this symptom include congenital malformations of the heart and large vessels (pulmonary artery), as well as the phenomenon of heart failure. Accurate diagnosis of such conditions is feasible only with the use of special medical equipment, and with the participation of qualified medical specialists.

Many medical specialists have noted that the blueness of the nasolabial triangle in a child, associated with malformations of the cardiovascular system, is accompanied by the appearance of blue in the region of the orbital cavities, which is not observed in pulmonary pathology.

The reason for an urgent visit to the doctor is the presence of blue for 3 weeks from the moment of birth, and at the moments of complete rest of the child.


The main methods for determining heart malformations are ultrasound, electrocardiogram, and chest x-ray. Subject to the exclusion of pathologies from the cardiovascular system, the pediatrician may recommend an additional consultation of a pediatric neurologist. During this consultation and additional research methods, the child can be diagnosed with various disorders of the respiratory system.

Prevention of the formation of deviations from the cardiovascular system in a child begins even in the period of intrauterine development. A woman's compliance with the prescribed regimen during pregnancy (quitting smoking and drinking alcohol, good nutrition) is a guarantee of reducing the risk of developing undesirable consequences.

Treatment of cyanosis (blue) of the nasolabial triangle in children is permissible only after an accurate determination of the true cause. In case of exclusion of heart defects, only general strengthening massage, outdoor walks, and water procedures can be recommended to the child.

The most common congenital heart disease is the "open foramen ovale", a pathology in which arterial and venous blood mixes in the child's body. The result of this process is a persistent oxygen starvation of the whole organism. If the blueness of the nasolabial triangle has arisen against the background of this defect, then the child needs the following regimen:

  • daily long walks in the fresh air;
  • complete limitation of stressful situations;
  • complete and proper nutrition.

The appearance of cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle can be observed in children of 5 years old, when the defect was not diagnosed immediately after birth.
If this symptom is present in children 1-3 months of age, parents should adhere to the following tactics:

  1. Get advice from your pediatrician regarding the possible cause of blueness, and also get a referral for an examination.
  2. Get a consultation with a pediatric cardiologist in order to exclude congenital pathology of the heart and blood vessels.
  3. Get a consultation with a pediatric neurologist in case of exclusion of cardiac pathology.

Timely seeking medical help and carrying out the necessary therapeutic measures is the key to a positive outcome of this process.

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