Young green garlic - calorie content and properties. The benefits of young garlic. Beneficial properties of young garlic and its feathers

Garlic is one of the most popular crops among countries all over the world, due to its pungent taste and specific smell. Garlic was first discovered in Central Asia. The closest “vegetable relative” is the onion, in fact, from a variety of one of which it originated. The main producer of garlic in the world is China. It is the domestic consumption of garlic in China, its use in traditional cuisine provides leadership to this country. On average, a Chinese person eats a head of garlic per day. In Russia, the share of garlic consumption is also quite large, but significantly lower than in China.

A garlic bulb has an average of 10 cloves with hard scales in the axils of its scales. The number of cloves (cloves) can vary significantly depending on the plant variety and can reach up to 50. The color of the bulbs is usually white with a purple tint. Before eating, the cloves are peeled.

The main purpose of garlic as a cultivated crop is to be used in food, mostly as a seasoning. At the same time, it is actively used in medicine, both folk and traditional. Few people know, but there is even a “garlic diet”, which really has a short-term focus and its adherence.

Chemical composition of garlic

Garlic consists of almost 60% water. It contains a large number of polysaccharides (30g carbohydrates). It is thanks to this fact that we see that the fingers stick to each other when garlic juice gets on them. Relatively high calorie content for such a product (~150kcal) is also due to carbohydrates. The pungent smell and pleasant taste are due to the essential oil present in the bulb. Oil is also present in the leaves of the plant, but in a much smaller percentage.

Garlic contains a whole storehouse of vitamins and other components, including: salicin, caffeic acid, phytic acid, phloroglucinol, geraniol and many others.

Useful properties of garlic

The benefits of garlic for the human body

Garlic and onions have always been recommended to be used as a preventive measure for influenza and colds. Even the smell of garlic has tangible benefits for the human body. Among all the vitamins, it is worth noting the significant presence of vitamin C, which is the main assistant in the fight against any disease against the background of weakened immunity.

New research by Chinese experts has shown that eating garlic at least several times a week can reduce the risk of lung cancer by 44%.

Allicin present in garlic helps lower blood cholesterol levels. But its use as a component that resolves atherosclerotic plaques is carried out only in the short term (the first couple of months, no more). Therefore, it is not used as the main means in cleansing blood vessels.

Special benefits of garlic for men and women

The benefits of garlic for male potency are well known. The main reason is considered to be dilation of blood vessels when using it, but this explanation is not the only one in this case. In addition, regular consumption of this vegetable has a positive effect on activity prostate gland, has a preventive effect on education malignant tumors. No other vegetable can boast a 50% reduction in the risk of prostate cancer when consumed regularly.

Another feature of garlic and its benefits for the male body is that it will help get rid of even bad habits. Cravings for alcohol and smoking are reduced if you eat garlic.

Garlic helps fight infertility. And the point here is not only about increasing potency in men. By normalizing blood circulation, the active components of garlic fight many infectious diseases, which quite often causes infertility.

Garlic is no less beneficial for women than for men. For the fair sex, this vegetable is known as one of the main natural rejuvenating agents. It is garlic that is included in the “elixirs of youth”. After all, garlic contains so-called “female minerals”, namely: selenium, zinc and germanium.

Garlic is used extremely widely in cosmetology. Garlic can be used to get rid of calluses and warts. It has a beneficial effect on hair roots, helps stimulate hair growth, and cope with baldness.

Young green garlic - benefits and harm

When considering a topic such as “the benefits and harms of garlic,” it is necessary to take into account that the quality of the product also depends on its state of maturity. There is an opinion that young garlic is less healthy. The amount of nutrients is directly proportional to the sharpness (bitterness) of the vegetable. This is wrong. Young green garlic- this is a treasure trove useful elements and vitamins. Garlic is known as a strong antioxidant and immune booster, thanks to vitamin C, which is abundant in the vegetable. So, it is precisely when the fruit is at the formation stage (the head is not yet divided into cloves) that garlic contains the most ascorbic acid.

Young green garlic is useful because it contains lysic acid in its composition. In terms of thiamine content, young garlic surpasses all other vegetables. And in terms of iodine and iron content it is comparable to green apples. Green garlic is highly bactericidal. Growing the plant next to other crops can even prevent diseases of the latter.

Harm from young garlic, perhaps, can only be felt when you overeat it. In these cases, diarrhea and flatulence occur, and in in rare cases Possible internal bleeding.

The benefits of pickled, boiled and dried garlic

Almost everyone knows that fresh garlic is healthy. What if the garlic is heat treated or pickled? Will all its beneficial properties be lost? Of course, if you buy pickled garlic in a store or even prepare it at home (boil or pickle) yourself, then it will contain less vitamins than fresh garlic. But even after heat treatment vegetables, its antioxidant properties remain unchanged. Ajoene and allicin, which promote the production of hydrogen sulfide in the human body, are preserved during cooking. Microelements remain in the vegetable also large quantities.

Certain positive property The best thing about pickled garlic is that it leaves virtually no odor in the mouth after eating it. You can eat pickled garlic in large quantities without worrying about freshness oral cavity.

Dried garlic does not lose its medicinal properties over time. You can be sure that all vitamins and minerals will remain in it even after long-term storage. The main thing is to comply with the necessary conditions for this.

The benefits of garlic husks and leaves (arrows)

In addition to the onion itself, garlic leaves and even the peel of the onion also have beneficial properties. Garlic shoots are no less useful than the root vegetable itself. They also contain vitamins and minerals present in the bulbs. They are not used mainly because they quickly turn yellow. And the green arrows of garlic are in a state ready for consumption or for use in medicinal purposes only 2 weeks. However, even in this short period of time, amateurs prepare a wide variety of dishes using garlic leaves: fried arrows, garlic arrows in tomatoes, etc.

Garlic peels are not used directly for food, but this is not a reason to throw them away. The very “elixir of youth” is made from the husk - a drink of longevity and health. All you have to do is add a handful of husks hot water and leave for 7 hours, until it has cooled completely - the valuable drink is ready.

Alcohol tinctures are also made from garlic peels, which save from many ailments, in particular, from frequent noises in the head.

Benefits of milk with garlic

Chopped garlic added to milk will help cope with insomnia. Add a tablespoon of honey to the drink and drink before bed. A similar recipe is used to get rid of cough.

Milk with garlic is also used in the fight against arthritis. You need to take 10 drops of garlic juice with milk. At the same time, in order to ease the pain and reduce swelling, a compress of garlic pulp was applied to the affected area. But you should treat this method with special attention, because... you can get burned.

What are the benefits of eating garlic in the morning on an empty stomach?

There is probably no doubt in anyone’s mind that garlic has an extremely beneficial effect on the human body. But what to do if you practically don’t use it in your dishes, and you don’t really like the taste of garlic? The solution is simple! You can simply take and eat a whole clove of garlic in the morning on an empty stomach, without chewing (it is also not necessary to wash it down). On an empty stomach, at first such methods may cause a slight burning sensation, but after just a few days of regular use this will go away. You guessed it: in this case there is also no need to be afraid of bad breath.

Harm of garlic. Contraindications

Despite all the benefits, this product It also has contraindications for use. And the point here is not bad breath. They should not be abused for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys. People with epilepsy try to avoid eating garlic, because... it can trigger an attack. It is not recommended for women to eat garlic during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

A separate point should be mentioned about the dangers of garlic for the brain. The sulfanyl hydroxyl ion contained in the composition has an inhibitory effect on brain function. Special attention This issue was addressed by Dr. Robert Beck, who in the 70s at Stanford discovered that garlic significantly disrupts the functions of thinking. For people who were frivolous about his research, he suggested that they experience the inhibition of reaction and thinking for themselves after heavy consumption of garlic dressings at lunch.

The benefits and harms of garlic: summary

The benefits of garlic in brief

  1. Extremely beneficial for the immune system, thanks to the protein that produces antibodies, as well as loading dose vitamin C.
  2. Has powerful antibacterial properties
  3. Reduces cholesterol levels, cleanses blood vessels
  4. Is wonderful prophylactic heart disease
  5. Helps prevent cancer thanks to allicin
  6. Improves male potency, helps with infertility
  7. Used in cosmetology to improve the condition of skin and hair, helps with baldness
  8. Helps get rid of bad habits
  9. Garlic - powerful tool against worms, in combination with milk
  10. Made from garlic peels medicinal decoctions and tinctures

The harm of garlic briefly

  1. Unpleasant smell
  2. Contraindicated for stomach ulcers, chronic gastritis, liver and kidney disease
  3. Contraindicated in epilepsy. May trigger an attack
  4. It is not recommended to consume garlic during pregnancy or breastfeeding.
  5. Not recommended for use for hemorrhoids
  6. Garlic has been proven to be particularly harmful to the brain. Sulfanyl hydroxyl ion has an inhibitory effect on brain function

With the onset of warm spring days, the first natural delicacies appear on our menu - thin arrows of green garlic. For us it is not a rare plant, but after a long cold winter with pickles, sauerkraut and other homemade marinades, the feathers of green garlic seem unusually tasty and somehow smell special in the quivering spring. Adding green garlic to any dishes - salads, boiled and fried potatoes, pizza, meat, cheese, yoghurt makes them aromatic, healthy and desirable.

By appearance shoots of young garlic are very similar to green onions, however, they differ greatly from each other in both their specific smell and taste. Even a quick breath is enough to determine their identity. The aroma of green garlic is spring-like, sharp and fresh, and the taste is much softer and more delicate than mature garlic and much stronger than green onions. Green garlic and onions are quite common in our country, although not everyone uses them. But since ancient times, green garlic was considered the best natural remedy, helping to overcome spring vitamin deficiency.

The Indians were the first to taste the taste of garlic green shoots. Then rumors about them healing power reached Greece, Rome, Egypt, where green garlic was often used as a component medicines traditional medicine. Scientists have discovered ancient manuscripts containing more than 800 medicinal prescriptions prepared with green garlic. Already in those days the unique taste and medicinal properties young shoots were appreciated and therefore incredibly in demand.

Why is green garlic so beneficial?

1. Like “adult” garlic, green garlic is unusually rich in vitamin C, the content of which is several times higher than the amount in green onion feathers.

2. Green garlic is rich in proteins plant origin in large quantities.

3. Green shoots have a fairly low calorie content; one hundred grams of the product contains only forty kcal. This is especially important for those who care about healthy eating And

4. The composition of green garlic includes vitamins and, which gives reason to consider it a dietary and therapeutic nutrition. Garlic is rich in iron, the amount of which exceeds the level found in apples. Includes: necessary for the body calcium, iodine and sulfur, which gives the sprouts a specific smell.

5. Essential oil green pods are rich in antibiotic substances that suppress the development of microbes and bacteria. Growing garlic shoots release phytoncides into the air that can suppress viruses and pathogens of many diseases. Therefore, not only the consumption, but also the close location of green garlic has positive effect to improve the environment.

Studies of the healing properties of green garlic have shown that, like ordinary “adult” garlic, it has wide range therapeutic effects on the body.

Beneficial properties of green garlic

1. Helps cleanse blood vessels from the formation of plaques on the walls, which impair vascular patency. As a result, blood circulation processes in the body, especially cerebral circulation, improve.

2. Improving blood circulation contributes to normalization blood pressure, causing it to decrease. – one of the best natural products, the use of which prevents the risks of heart attacks and strokes.

3. Suppresses the development in the body of the reproduction of worms, harmful viruses and pathogenic bacteria.

4. Helps improve organ function digestive system.

5. Prevents the development of malignant tumors in the body and oncological diseases.

6. Helps significantly improve the functioning of the respiratory system.

7. Has a beneficial effect on lowering blood sugar levels.

You can grow green garlic using: garden plot, and at home.

How to grow young green garlic at home?

To get the chance to enjoy delicious dishes with green garlic, just select a few heads of mature garlic with sprouted sprouts. Divide the head into individual cloves, which are then planted in a pre-prepared box with soil. Place it in a well-lit, warm place. Avoid excessive watering! After 7-8 days, the first sprouts of green garlic can be safely cut off and added to almost any savory dishes - with meat, mushrooms, cheese, potatoes, vegetables, cottage cheese, eggs, fish and various sauces. They will become even tastier with young green garlic.

Green garlic. Contraindications

1. Green garlic is not advisable for breastfeeding women, as it can worsen the taste and smell of breast milk.

2. Green garlic shoots should be consumed with caution by people who have been diagnosed with diseases of the kidneys, liver, and digestive system - stomach and intestines.

Scientists have proven that green garlic is much healthier for the body than green onions. It can be grown at home and consumed almost throughout the year. This is wonderful vitamin product, a wonderful spice and a wonderful medicine. You can add young garlic almost anywhere. Its pleasant pungent aroma will improve the taste of any dish, while helping to preserve it from spoilage longer.

Enjoy another delicacy from nature!

With warmth and respect, Tatyana

Have you ever drunk garlic tea? If not, be sure to watch the video about its benefits and definitely try it! You will provide the body an invaluable service!

Garlic belongs to the perennial vegetable crops of the bulbous family. Everyone knows that many men love the fragrant cloves. They happily consume garlic for prevention and for its taste. But how is this vegetable useful for the female half of the population? Does it have any contraindications, or is everything that simple? Let's figure it out together.

  1. Garlic, in addition great benefit, has a number of disadvantages. It is strictly forbidden to consume raw materials if you have gastritis or stomach ulcers.
  2. Contraindications also include hemorrhoids, epilepsy, unstable kidney and liver activity.
  3. Do not try to eat garlic in large quantities during pregnancy. Spicy product may negatively affect the course of pregnancy.
  4. Garlic should not be eaten if you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The composition strongly irritates the mucous membranes of internal organs.

Garlic to strengthen immunity

  1. To fully strengthen immune system, a person only needs to eat 1 clove of garlic per day. Raw materials can be added to vegetable salads. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to prepare an infusion. This remedy should be taken in the off-season.
  2. To prepare the composition, peel 5 cloves of garlic. Remove the zest from 1 lemon. Combine ingredients in a blender bowl. Turn into a homogeneous paste. Transfer the prepared composition into a glass container, pour in 600 ml. cold filtered water. Infuse the product for a day, then strain.
  3. It is enough to drink the finished infusion 50 ml. daily. Well preventive treatment lasts about 3 months. As a result, everyone disappears inflammatory processes. Immunity is significantly increased.

Garlic has been famous for its beneficial properties since ancient times. With the help of a vegetable you can prevent and cure serious pathologies And various stages diseases. When consuming garlic, consider a number of contraindications. Include garlic in your daily diet to always be healthy and beautiful. Also use raw materials in cosmetology.

This plant is known to almost every person on our planet. Its rich aroma is a stumbling block and divides people into two camps: some adore it, others dislike it for its pungent smell. But hardly anyone will have doubts about the beneficial properties of garlic.

Indeed, in the composition of this plant, scientists have discovered about 400 biologically active substances, which have a positive effect on the human body, fighting various changes and illnesses.

What does garlic contain?

As noted earlier, garlic is a real storehouse of nutrients. It contains vitamins B1, B3, C, D, magnesium, calcium, sodium, iodine and others mineral salts. The composition also contains sulfuric, phosphoric and silicic acids.

The cloves of this vegetable contain organic substances such as inulin, phytosterols, lysine, folic acid, phytoncides, allicin, ajoene. The benefits of garlic for the human body are characterized not only by the content of all listed components, but by their unique proportion and complementary action. Scientists have found that biological substances contained in natural sources, are much more effective and harmless to the human body than their synthetically produced analogues.

What diseases will garlic help with?

The benefits of garlic for humans were known to our ancestors. There are references to ancient Tibetan recipe based on this vegetable, which dates back to the 3rd century BC. Our grandparents knew that this plant is great for strengthening the body, fighting colds and scurvy, and saving from pain and other ailments.

Scientists have experimentally confirmed the effectiveness active ingredients garlic with the following diseases:

  • viral and bacterial infections;
  • heart and vascular diseases;
  • cancer and its prevention;
  • hypertension;
  • blockage of blood vessels and thrombosis;
  • helminthic infestations;
  • avitaminosis;
  • weakened immune system;
  • male sexual weakness;
  • liver diseases;
  • joint diseases.

This is an incomplete list of ailments for which garlic is effective. The benefits of garlic for the human body are simply invaluable, and this has been confirmed by the scientific world.

Garlic and the work of the heart

American research scientists have found amazing fact: Garlic has a beneficial effect on relieving tension in the system of arteries and veins. The subjects of the study were rats that were immersed in garlic juice.

As a result of this interaction, the wall stress level dropped by 70%. Scientists also noted that red blood cells react to allicin (the biologically active substance of garlic) by instantly releasing hydrogen sulfide. This gas, in turn, reduces vascular hypertonicity and improves blood flow activity. This effect helps lower blood pressure, relieves the heart and improves the supply of vital oxygen. important organs and fabrics. As a result, many life processes in the human body come into their own. physiological norm. It was noted that in countries national cuisines Those who actively use garlic have lower rates of heart disease.

Garlic and male hormones

A real sensation was the result of a study of the effect of garlic allicin on hormonal background person. An increase and decrease in the concentration of cortisol, which is a catabolic hormone, was revealed. The latter stands out as a stress response during training in gym and has a destructive effect on muscle mass. So, allicin can shift hormonal balance towards anabolism, accelerate growth muscle mass and achieve impressive results in more short time. The benefits of garlic for men in this case comes down to its natural anabolic properties. To do this, the athlete needs to eat 2 cloves of garlic twice a day no later than an hour before training.

Effects of garlic at the cellular level

Swedish and American scientists managed to uncover the mechanism of action of biologically active substances in garlic at the cellular level. These plant components are able to dilate blood vessels by activating the TRPA1 channel on sensor neurons. Thus, garlic is effective in solving the problem of hypertension. In turn, TRPA1 is a kind of portal on the surface structure of the cell, which, when open, allows ions to penetrate inside.

In order to find out whether allicin in garlic, which contains sulfur, is capable of opening this portal, scientists studied its effect on the body of rats. Researchers tend to believe that the human body is capable of responding to allicin in the same way.

The active components of garlic interact with protein receptors nerve endings oral cavity. After this, the TRPA1 portal opens and calcium and sodium ions, for example, freely penetrate into the nerve cell. At this time, the electrical impulse is sent to the spinal cord, and then to the brain, where it is processed. As a result painful sensations pass. The response of nervous matter is the release of substances that contribute to the dilation of blood vessels. A similar mechanism in the human body is also triggered by chili pepper and mustard. Thus, the benefits of garlic for the human body are manifested in its ability to reduce pain.

Garlic against viruses and bacteria

These properties of this plant have been known to mankind for thousands of years. The biologically active substances contained in garlic - phytoncides - are able to resist a wide group of microorganisms. This effect is sometimes not inferior to antibiotics, while the human intestinal microflora does not suffer large losses.

The active substances contained in garlic can significantly suppress the growth and reproduction of the causative agent of dysentery, diphtheria, as well as yeast-like fungi.

During the period of exacerbation respiratory diseases The benefits of garlic for the human body are simply invaluable. Together with antibacterial and antiviral properties, this plant has the ability to increase the body's resistance. Specific proteins in garlic normalize the body's immune response to the production of antibodies.

Garlic in the fight against cholesterol

It has been scientifically proven that regular consumption of garlic reduces the content of “bad” cholesterol in the human body by at least 12%. It is known that cholesterol contributes to the formation of peculiar growths of plaques on internal walls blood vessels. The lumen of the latter narrows, blood flow worsens, and a blockage forms. The benefit of garlic for the human body in this case is to cleanse the blood of bad cholesterol and improving blood flow. This helps maintain normal activities of cardio-vascular system.

In addition, ajoene contained in garlic helps reduce the rate and passivizes the activity of platelets. This significantly reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke.

What else is garlic good for?

Eating it quite often as food, we don’t even think about the benefits of garlic for the human body that are hidden inside it. But positive influence its impact on health is simply colossal.

Radicals contribute premature aging, disrupt the course normal functioning organs and systems, cause cancer. Thus, the benefit of garlic for humans lies in its anti-cancer properties. This vegetable not only prevents the development of cancer, but also inhibits the growth of an existing tumor.

Garlic is also known to have beneficial effects on the liver and joints. The sulfur contained in it leads to the formation of methionine. This amino acid is necessary for the normal functioning of articular cartilage and has a hepatoprotective effect. For people with arthritis and hepatitis, this plant simply must be included in the diet. The benefits of garlic for the liver are also manifested in stimulating the flow of bile.

Based on the property of this miraculous plant to expand blood vessels, scientists say that the benefits of garlic for men include solving problems of sexual dysfunction. If sexual weakness is caused by poor blood supply reproductive organ, then eating this aromatic plant can improve the situation.

Should you eat garlic on an empty stomach?

Some traditional medicine recipes advise using garlic on an empty stomach. This method is effective if there is inflammatory diseases in the oral cavity of a microbial nature, to cleanse blood and lymph, for anemia and pyelonephritis. If there are such indications, it is recommended to dissolve garlic on an empty stomach. The benefits of this procedure are enormous.

Without entering the stomach, the active substances penetrate directly into the blood and lymph and exert their therapeutic effect. For the purpose of delicate adaptation, you need to start with a thin slice of garlic and work your way up to a whole clove of garlic. Resorption should continue for about half an hour, spit out the cake, then have breakfast and brush your teeth. To get rid of the pungent odor, you can chew coffee, parsley or drink milk.

Is garlic harmful?

Like any substance that has a set of biologically active substances, this plant has a number of contraindications. Abuse of garlic is dangerous for the following diseases and conditions:

  • Exacerbation chronic diseases liver, kidneys and stomach. The pungent taste is irritating and can aggravate inflammatory processes.
  • Haemorrhoids.
  • Epilepsy. It is believed that this plant can trigger an attack.
  • Pregnancy and lactation. Garlic may be an allergen. The pungent taste and smell transfer into the milk and may not be liked by the child.
  • Presence of weakness and dizziness.
  • Availability overweight. Although many are inclined to believe that garlic promotes weight loss, nutritionists note an increase in appetite after eating it. This can lead to overeating and have a detrimental effect on your weight.

But all these contraindications are not so significant. The benefits of garlic for the human body are much more significant. Many people are aware of this, but do not eat this product due to the presence of a pungent odor. Such people can eat pickled garlic. The benefits and harms of this product remain virtually unchanged, but the taste becomes softer and more refined.

Is pickled garlic healthy?

This unique and unpretentious snack is appreciated by lovers of strong alcoholic drinks. And even those who do not drink alcohol at all appreciate the pleasant taste of this product.

During the harvesting process, the valuable qualities of the vegetable are not lost, so the benefits of pickled garlic are similar to those provided by its fresh counterpart.

Pickle garlic cloves and whole heads. To do this, the raw materials are prepared, cleaned, washed, placed in a sterile jar and poured with hot boiled marinade. To prepare the brine, you will need water, salt, sugar and vinegar in the proportion: per 1 liter of water, a tablespoon of all ingredients. Then the workpieces are pasteurized for 10 minutes and rolled up with lids. All the benefits of pickled garlic are preserved as a result of short heat treatment.

Such home preservation will come in handy in winter. You can eat this marinade as a snack or use it in cooking. Pickled garlic, especially young garlic, will serve as an excellent source of vitamins and other biologically active substances, of which there is a clear deficiency during the cold season.

By the way, those who are afraid of the pungent smell of this vegetable, including pregnant and lactating women, will like this idea. But you shouldn’t lean too hard on pickled fish, which do not undergo changes during the preparation process. Remember that there are contraindications to consuming this vegetable.

Why do we need garlic peels?

Turns out, healing properties possess not only the garlic cloves themselves, but also its peel. This component contains a large amount of pectin substances, which are removed from the human body heavy metals, cholesterol and radionuclides.

In addition, garlic peel, which has great benefits, protects the mucous structure digestive tract, acts as an anabolic and anti-inflammatory agent. You can make a powder from it and take a teaspoon three times a day. It is also recommended to take a water decoction of the husk, which will help with heart and kidney ailments, cleanse the body and restore youth to the skin. The decoction should be drunk cold. At the first symptoms of a cold, you can breathe over dry husks fried in a frying pan. The condition improves quite quickly.

Having full information about this miracle vegetable, we can safely say: it deserves to bear the title natural healer. The combination of numerous beneficial properties and the high availability of garlic makes it very popular in every family. You should not belittle the merits of this product and you should definitely include it in your daily diet. Of course, we must not forget about contraindications, so as not to cause irreparable harm to our body.

There is an ancient folk wisdom, which says that garlic ignites the hero's heart when it freezes. How wonderful garlic is, the beneficial properties of the plant were described back in the 1st century BC. Ancient Roman physician Dioscorides. An ancient scientist recommended using garlic to treat dyspepsia and exhaustion, take it when stomach colic. IN Ancient Greece garlic was generally considered magic potion and used against snake bites. The Slavs also called it " snake grass"and was used as an antidote for various poisonings, animal and insect bites. For many ancient peoples, garlic was almost the only remedy against cholera and plague. In Tibet the plant was considered good remedy to relieve fatigue during severe physical activity, for rickets and hypertension, it was often used as a remedy against cancer and a remedy for.

What are the benefits of garlic?

The benefits of garlic are described in books by herbalists and healers. Long before phytoncides were discovered, ancient Russian medicine used the volatile secretions of garlic to treat runny nose, whooping cough, purulent wounds and long-lasting ulcers. It is known that during the First World War, garlic was diluted in water and used as antiseptic for the treatment of wounds. Since ancient times, the benefits of garlic for immunity and recovery have been known vitality during and after long-term illnesses. Decoction of garlic with potatoes (1:1) – effective remedy for disorders gastrointestinal tract. Besides traditional healers Garlic infusions were often used as a good diuretic, anthelmintic, antimalarial and stomachic. Nowadays, to prevent colds, not only traditional healers, but also doctors advise eating several cloves of garlic a day (especially in the cold season).

Such high characteristics and widespread use of garlic are due to the richest chemical composition plants. Garlic bulbs contain phytosterols, polysaccharide inulin, carbohydrates, salts, iodine, phosphorus, magnesium, organic acids, rich in vitamins and microelements.

Medical scientists have repeatedly demonstrated the benefits of garlic for the human body. In the course of research, it was found that a plant with a pungent aroma and pungent taste increases the body's resistance to colds and infectious diseases, improves the functioning of the heart and digestive organs, dilates blood vessels, has a diuretic and mild diaphoretic properties, and has antiseptic and antiscorbutic properties. It's no secret that when eaten, garlic stimulates the appetite.

Allicin, which garlic cloves contain, has a strong bactericidal effect. Obviously, plants have known about this property for a long time, which is why many people today place peeled garlic in the house during flu epidemics and in the presence of infectious diseases in one of their households.

Statistical data indicate the benefits of garlic for the purpose of prevention against tumor and cancer diseases. What are the benefits of garlic? clinical researches, phytoncides significantly inhibit the activity of some enzymes of neoplasms. Some scientists recommend the use of garlic photocides in diets for tumor processes. Alifides, which are contained in garlic, according to researchers, can be included in the complex therapeutic agents in case of atherosclerosis complicated by hypertension. Many modern drugs based on garlic, inhibit the processes of rotting and fermentation in the intestines, stimulate secretion and intestinal motility, reduce blood pressure and have a detrimental effect on pinworms. Garlic juice is included in drugs against anemia, dysentery, colitis and intestinal atony. Many medicines that include garlic are useful and indispensable for hypertension and gastritis, atherosclerosis and even diabetes.

If we talk about the benefits and harms of garlic, then garlic is harmful for patients suffering from certain kidney diseases. Garlic is also contraindicated for epilepsy and can lead to epileptic seizures.

The benefits of garlic in cosmetology and cooking

Garlic has also found application in cosmetology and is used to strengthen hair. A remedy called “” has long been used in Tibet. Alcohol tincture garlic is useful for cleansing blood vessels and rejuvenating the body.

Garlic is also widely used in cooking. Most often, crushed garlic cloves are used as a seasoning for meat dishes, especially from lamb, game, goose. Garlic soups are very healthy. Using garlic in food fills dishes useful substances and significantly increases taste qualities, and the pungent smell stimulates the appetite. Garlic is an essential seasoning when canning and fermenting mushrooms and vegetables. The recipe for pickled garlic, which came from distant Siberia, is known today all over the world; pickled garlic as a seasoning for bread and butter, hard or fresh cheese is rightfully considered a delicacy.

Our great-grandmothers knew the benefits of young garlic. Young garlic appears in the garden much earlier than other vegetables and has long been an excellent remedy for vitamin deficiency. After a long winter, tender young leaves and snow-white teeth, which have not yet acquired the persistent pungent smell of mature garlic, go well with any spring salad, filling it with valuable vitamins and microelements.

In spring, green garlic arrows are healthy and nutritious; they are used not only as a seasoning, but also for preparing individual dishes. Juicy green arrows with a pungent smell are fried, stewed, and pickled for the winter. The spicy green vegetable contains many trace elements, valuable vitamins and nutrients, serves as an exclusive decoration festive table in any season. Green arrows of garlic are not recommended for use by people with stomach ulcers, if cholelithiasis, anemia, kidney disease.

Who is garlic good for?

Every mother knows how beneficial garlic is for children. This is the first remedy for various viral and colds, everyone also knows the benefits of garlic for immunity and improving appetite, as an anthelmintic and antibacterial agent.

For older people, the beneficial properties of garlic are also well known. In addition to the listed properties, it actively suppresses the destruction of neurons (brain cells), restores and stimulates the growth of new cells. When eaten, garlic reduces the intensity of heart attacks and helps people who have had a heart attack.

The question often arises that garlic is healthier or . The fact is that spicy vegetables that are completely different in taste have many similarities in terms of the components that are included in their composition, so they are often used for the prevention and treatment of similar diseases. Of course, eating a particular product to a greater or lesser extent depends on individual taste and perception, which is why different families use garlic and onions in food in different ways.

Today, new varieties of garlic are appearing on the shelves of vegetable stores; thanks to the painstaking work of breeders, in some types, instead of many small cloves, we find one whole bulb. The teeth have become larger and juicier, the composition of the substances that garlic contains has been supplemented with new elements, but garlic whose beneficial properties have been preserved is still used in various branches of medicine and cooking. This amazing vegetable still brings the aroma of health and vigor, beauty and “eternal youth” into our homes.

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