What you need to know during the operation. How to prepare for anesthesia and surgery. Complications of early menopause

Any operation is a great stress for the body. In many ways, its result depends on the patient himself. That is why you should prepare for surgery. Everyone should know how to do it correctly, because even people with good health. What can not be done before the operation, and what doctors strongly recommend, read in our Question-Answer section.

Can I have surgery if I have a cold?

Before any planned operation a thorough medical examination is carried out. The doctor must be informed of all his serious illnesses. Do not hide anything, because the outcome of the operation largely depends on this.

The patient's health condition is assessed by the surgeon and anesthesiologist, tests and ECG are prescribed. Based on all procedures, the doctor assesses the patient's readiness for anesthesia. The operation is postponed if the patient has ARVI, heat exacerbation of concomitant disease. You do not need to hide from the doctor if you feel that you are sick.

Should I shave before surgery?

Few people know that before the operation you can not shave, including the legs, notes The Daily Mail. A person can cause microscopic cuts. Any violation of the integrity of the cover increases the risk of infection. If you want to get rid of body hair, you need to do this in a week, microbiologists from London explain. But there are operations, preparation for which still involves shaving. In particular, this is the removal of the appendix and a caesarean section.

Do I need to go on a diet?

Causes risk and sudden weight loss before surgery. Although some fat people and recommend shedding a few pounds to avoid possible problems with anesthesia, thrombosis and infections. Ideally, you should stop restricting your calorie intake about a week before your surgery.

Can I take medication?

Another issue is drugs. Blood-thinning drugs such as warfarin should not be taken before surgery, otherwise the blood simply will not clot. The problem is with drugs that regulate blood pressure. On the contrary, they must be taken to the last. After all, pressure surges threaten either a stroke or uncontrolled bleeding. By the way, herbal remedies also needs to be taken into account. Garlic, ginseng and ginger are believed to increase the risk of bleeding.

Is it possible to drink and eat?

It is known that they lie down on the operating table with an empty stomach. It is forbidden to eat and drink six hours before anesthesia. By agreement with the doctor, you can take sedatives at night and in the morning to sleep and not worry too much. It is also necessary to exclude the use of alcohol.

Some patients deceive themselves by chewing chewing gum- it helps them cope with hunger. But this is not very good, because the stomach begins to produce additional acid. If this acid leaves the stomach in a state of complete relaxation during the operation, there will be big problems.

Is it true that you can not go to the operation with a manicure?

This is the absolute truth. Nail polish must be completely removed, as it can interfere with the analysis of a person's breath. Nails should be cut short. This will also reduce the risk of spreading bacteria and allow you to attach a sensor to your finger that reads the level of oxygen. Doctors also advise taking a shower on the day of surgery. Since microbes from the surface of the body can get inside during the operation.

Can I smoke before the operation?

Smokers should stop cigarettes a few days before surgery. In fact, even daily abstinence will help. Lungs damaged by tobacco are more susceptible to infections. Postoperative infections are quite common among smokers. In addition, smoking makes the blood more viscous. In turn, stress and anxiety cause no less damage to the body. It is known that anxious people are more difficult to put to sleep, they have reduced pain threshold and they are more likely to have side effects.





Topic: I "Preparing the patient for surgery"

Artist: Kozhanova Zh.V.

listener FPC "operating sister"



Preparing the patient for surgery

2.1. Preoperative period

2.2. General inspection

2.3. Collection of anamnesis

2.4. Laboratory research

2.5. Clinical observation

2.6. Psychological preparation of the patient

2.7. Preparation is vital important organs patient for surgery

2.8. Preparation for anesthesia, premedication

2.10. Bibliography

I. Preparing the patient for surgery

1.1. Preoperative period

The preoperative period is the time from the moment the patient arrives at the surgical hospital until the start of the procedure. surgical treatment. At the stage of immediate preoperative preparation, therapeutic measures are carried out in order to identify the underlying disease and a favorable phase for surgical intervention, treatment of existing other diseases and preparation of vital systems and organs.

Complex medical measures carried out before surgery to transfer the underlying disease to the most favorable phase, treatment concomitant diseases and preparation of vital organs and systems for prevention postoperative complications called preparing patients for surgery.

The main task of preoperative preparation is to reduce operational risk and create optimal conditions for a favorable outcome.

Preoperative preparation is carried out for all patients. AT minimum volume performed only on patients operated on for emergency and urgent indications.

On the eve of the planned surgical operation general preoperative preparation. Her goal:

1. Eliminate contraindications to surgery by examining the vital organs and systems of the patient.

2. Preparation of the patient psychologically.

3. Prepare as much as possible the systems of the patient's body, on which the intervention will have the greatest load during the operation and during postoperative period.

4. Prepare the operating field.

1.2. General inspection

Each patient entering the surgical hospital for surgical treatment must be undressed and examined the skin of all parts of the body. In the presence of weeping eczema, pustular rashes, boils or fresh traces of these diseases, the operation is temporarily postponed and the patient is sent for outpatient aftercare. The operation for such a patient is performed one month after complete cure, because the infection can manifest itself at the site of surgical intervention in a weakened operating injury sick.

1.3. Collection of anamnesis

The collection of anamnesis provides an opportunity to find out and clarify past illnesses, identify whether the patient suffers from hemophilia, syphilis, etc. In women, it is necessary to clarify the period last menstrual period, as it renders big influence on the life of the organism.

1.4. Laboratory research

Planned patients are admitted to the surgical hospital after laboratory examination at a local clinic. They are held general analysis blood and urine, urinalysis for sugar, biochemical composition blood and necessary x-ray studies breast organs and abdominal cavity.

1.5. Clinical observation

Important are the acquaintances of the patient with the attending physician and the establishment of relationships between them. For the final exclusion of contraindications to the operation, the choice of the method of anesthesia and the implementation of measures that prevent subsequent complications, it is necessary that the patient fully opens up to the doctor. If special preparation of the patient for the operation is not required, then the preoperative period of the patient in the hospital is usually 1-2 days.

1.6. Psychological preparation of the patient

Injury to the psyche of surgical patients begins with the clinic, when the doctor recommends surgical treatment, and continues in the hospital with the direct appointment of the operation, preparation for it, etc. Therefore, it is very important to be sensitive, Attentive attitude to the patient by the attending physician and service personnel. The authority of the doctor contributes to the establishment of close contact with the patient.

It is important to ensure that during the conversation with the patient and in the documents available for examination of the patient (referrals, tests, etc.), there are no such words that frighten him as cancer, sarcoma, malignant tumor, etc.

It is unacceptable, as already noted, in the presence of the patient to make comments to the staff about the incorrect fulfillment of appointments.

When deciding on an operation, the doctor must convincingly explain to the patient the expediency of its implementation. With skillful conversation, the doctor strengthens his authority and the patient trusts him with his health.

The choice of method of anesthesia depends on the competence of the doctor. In an intelligible form, the doctor convinces the patient of the need for the type of anesthesia that should be applied.

On the day of the operation, the surgeon should pay maximum attention to the patient, encourage him, ask about his well-being, examine how the surgical field is prepared, listen to the heart and lungs, examine the pharynx, and calm him down.

If the patient is taken to the operating room ahead of time, order and silence should be established in the operating room.

The surgeon is fully prepared to wait for the patient, and not vice versa. When operating under local anesthesia, the conversation should be between the surgeon and the patient. With his calmness and encouraging words, the surgeon has a beneficial effect on the patient's psyche. Harsh remarks to the patient are unacceptable.

AT difficult situation, when local anesthesia insufficient, it is necessary to switch to general anesthesia in a timely manner so as not to cause suffering to the operated person and he did not witness the difficulties experienced by the surgeon.

After the operation is completed, the surgeon must examine the patient, feel the pulse and encourage him. In this, the patient will see care for him.

Everything in the ward must be ready to receive the patient. The main thing in this case is the elimination of pain with the use of painkillers, the implementation of measures aimed at improving breathing and cardiovascular activity, which prevents a number of complications. The surgeon must repeatedly go to the patient operated on by him.

In conclusion, it should be emphasized that the surgeon must be able to understand the personality of the patient, gain authority and trust. All personnel of the surgical department are obliged to spare the psyche of the patient. Samo surgery department their appearance and mode of operation should favorably affect the patient.

Sick people are always depressed, they are afraid of the operation and physical pain. The surgeon is obliged to dispel these doubts. However, the doctor should not claim that the operation will not cause any concern. Every operation is associated with risks and complications.

The doctor in a conversation with the patient should explain to him the essence of the disease. If the patient with malignant tumor continues to doubt and stubbornly refuses surgical treatment, it is permissible to say that his disease after a while can turn into cancer. Finally, in case of a categorical refusal, it is advisable to tell the patient that he has initial stage tumors and delay in the operation will lead to the neglect of the disease and an unfavorable outcome. The patient must understand that in this situation, surgery is the only type of treatment. In some cases, the surgeon must explain to the patient the true essence of the operation, its consequences and prognosis.

The main role in the normalization of the patient's psyche is played by the patient's trust in the doctor of the department and all the attending staff, the authority and competence of the surgeon.

1.7. Preparing the vital organs of the patient for surgery

Respiratory preparation

Up to 10% of postoperative complications fall on the respiratory organs. Poet on respiratory system the patient the surgeon should pay special attention.

In the presence of bronchitis, emphysema, the risk of complications increases several times. Acute bronchitis is a contraindication to elective surgery. Sick chronic bronchitis are subject to preoperative rehabilitation: they are prescribed expectorant drugs and physiotherapy procedures.

Cardio preparation vascular system

With normal heart sounds and no changes on the electrocardiogram special training not required.

Training oral cavity

In all cases, before the operation, patients require sanitation of the oral cavity with the involvement of a dentist.

Training gastrointestinal tract

Before a planned operation on the abdominal organs, the patient is given cleansing enema the evening before the operation. When preparing patients for surgery on the large intestine, it must be cleaned. In these cases, 2 days before the operation, a laxative is given 1-2 times, the day before the operation, the patient takes liquid food and is prescribed 2 enemas, in addition, one more enema is given on the morning of the operation.

Liver preparation

Before the operation, such liver functions as protein-synthetic, bilirubin excretory, urea-forming, enzymatic, etc. are examined.

Determination of kidney function

During the preparation of patients for surgery and in the postoperative period, the condition of the kidneys is usually assessed by urine tests, functional tests, isotope renography, etc.

Increasing the general resistance of the patient's body before surgery.

Increased body resistance contributes to better tissue regeneration and other reparative processes. Drip administration of glucose before surgery must be supplemented with the introduction of nicotinic and ascorbic acid, vitamins B1, B6. It is advisable to prescribe anabolic hormones, gamma globulin, transfusion of plasma, albumin, and blood to the most severe patients.

Any surgical intervention is a strong shock to the body. How successful it will be, how quickly you recover after the operation - not least depends on the correct preparation for surgery.

How to prepare for the operation to the patient - the site "Beautiful and Successful" will tell.

How to properly prepare for the operation in advance?

If you have a planned operation, then the doctor must prescribe a mandatory examination of the body. There are several goals. Of course, the surgeon needs to know everything about the problem for which the operation is needed, and you can be prescribed different kinds examinations depending on the diagnosis.

But besides this, it is very important to know if there are any other health problems - even in other organs or parts of the body!

Firstly, any inflammation or infection can complicate the healing of the operated area. Secondly, there are many factors that can affect the tolerability of anesthesia (especially if we are talking how to prepare for surgery general anesthesia!). Before any surgical intervention, the patient will be prescribed to undergo the following examinations:

  • Cardiogram. It is important to know how the heart works (evenness heart rate), whether there are problems with blood circulation.
  • Fluorography. Lung work is also very important point.
  • Complete blood count, general urinalysis. The goal is to identify subtle problems, asymptomatic changes in the body, etc.
  • Sometimes it can be assigned biochemical analysis blood.
  • Blood clotting time test. It is vital to know that blood is clotting normally!
  • Tests for certain allergens (to make sure that a person is not allergic to certain drugs administered during or after surgery). It happens, for example, an allergy to antibiotics, etc.
  • Sometimes, mainly during abdominal operations, an ultrasound of the abdominal organs is prescribed - to see the current state of the operated area and adjacent areas, and make sure that there are no additional problems: neoplasms, metastases, stones, polyps, etc.
  • In some cases, an x-ray of the operated part of the body is prescribed.

But even in addition to these examinations and their results, it is advisable to treat all third-party inflammatory processes: for example, SARS, carious teeth, "problem" gums, stomatitis, on the lips, etc. Pay special attention to foci of infection in the oral cavity.

Also, 1-2 weeks before the operation, you need to bring your lifestyle as close as possible to a healthy one (excluding sports and physical activity, if doctors do not recommend them for your diagnosis): less spicy, salty, smoked and fried foods in the diet, more time spent on fresh air, healthy sleep at least 7 hours a day, etc.

Highly recommended before surgery! If this is really problematic, then at least do not smoke the day before surgical intervention! Whatever type of anesthesia you have, prepare for surgery by general health does not interfere - then the body will tolerate the intervention easier!

A few weeks before the operation, it is advisable to start losing weight. excess weight, as much as possible. Of course, without fanaticism and speed weight loss records! It is not necessary to bring your figure to the ideal of a photo model, but it is worth looking objectively at those extra pounds - after all, the higher the body weight, the harder it is for the heart to work!

How to prepare before the operation the day before?

If you are to general anesthesia, you need to prepare for the operation in about a day.

A very important point is eating. On the day before the operation, you can eat your usual way, but only until 6 pm. Starve or follow any diet (if not special instructions doctor) on this day is not necessary. After 18.00 and before midnight eat solid food it is no longer recommended, but you can drink, and not only water, but also juice, broth, weak tea, and other drinks (for the body it is still food, because it has a certain calorie content). After midnight and until the operation itself, you can’t eat or even drink anything.

How to prepare for surgery under general anesthesia if you regularly take any medication? You must report them to your doctor, surgeon and anesthesiologist - you may be advised to stop taking them on the day of surgery. In the case when you still need to drink a pill, it is recommended to swallow it without water, and if it is very difficult, then drink it down with just one sip.

the day before abdominal operations patients are usually prescribed a cleansing enema - during surgery, the gastrointestinal tract must be emptied.

In the evening or in the morning before the operation, you need to take a shower. If surgery affects areas that have hairline- then it must be completely shaved off. Sometimes the waxing is done by nurses in the hospital, but sometimes the patient is asked to take care of it.

Another point on how to prepare for the operation is to wash off the manicure polish and / or artificial (extended) nails. There is a special device that is connected to the patient's hands (fingertips) to constantly monitor breathing during the operation, and varnish can distort the readings. You also need to remove all Jewelry, piercing jewelry, hearing aid, lenses, prostheses (dental or otherwise), glasses, etc.

It is also worth knowing how to mentally prepare for the operation.

Firstly, consult with the surgeon and anesthesiologist in advance, ask all the questions that concern you. It is advisable to get enough sleep the night before the operation. Sometimes patients are even prescribed sleeping pills to cope with understandable anxiety and insomnia (but you should not drink sleeping pills without the advice of a doctor!). Take a book, a magazine or a player with your favorite music with you - in order to occupy the waiting time before the operation with something.

But, of course, you cannot completely decide on your own how to prepare for the operation - be sure to consult your doctor, because various diagnoses and types of interventions have their own preparation characteristics!

(General principles for preparing patients for surgical treatment at the Center)

Any intervention in the human body is perceived as severe stress. Preparation for surgery is one of the stages of treatment, the nature of which largely determines the restoration of lost body functions and the improvement of the patient's quality of life. Preparation includes a complex of therapeutic and diagnostic measures, taking into account clinical and individual characteristics patient and the nature of the subsequent surgical intervention.

Why you need to prepare for surgery
To minimize risk, you need:

  • exclude infection from entering the body, including prevention of chronic diseases and dental treatment as potential sources, there should be no signs of infection or irritation on the skin,
  • ensure a good state of immunity, which may require taking additional drugs reinforcing it,
  • prepare the body for future rehabilitation with the help of physical activity,
  • reduce the potential load, which requires the normalization of weight and correct execution exercises.

Note! It is important! The optimal body mass index (BMI) is less than 35 kg/m2. BMI can be calculated using the following formula:

BMI =Weight, kg)
height(m) * height(m)

Depending on the patient's condition and the degree of his activity in fulfilling the doctor's recommendations, preparation for the operation can take from several days to 5-6 months.

Surgical interventions in our Center are carried out in planned Therefore, there is always the opportunity to prepare for a surgical operation in a timely manner.

How to prepare for surgery

  • change necessary analyzes, conducting research and consulting specialist doctors who will help prepare for the intervention,
  • determination of individual factors affecting the course of the operation: allergy to drugs, individual intolerance to some medicines etc.,

After all, the excellent condition of the patient and his emotional mood guarantee the success of the whole case.

Social Support Planning

Although soon after the operation the patient begins to move with the help of a walker or crutches, within a few weeks he will need help with household chores: bathing, cooking, washing, shopping. If the patient lives alone, then help in this can be provided Social worker or medical staff at the place of residence.

Home planning

The following are activities that need to be carried out at home to facilitate the recovery period:

  • install carefully fixed handrails in the shower or bath,
  • install carefully fixed handrails on all stairs,
  • purchase a stable chair with a firm seat that keeps the knees below the line hip joints, with a firm back and two armrests,
  • raised toilet seat
  • a stable bench or a special chair for bathing in the shower,
  • choose a washcloth for bathing long handle and a comfortable shower head,
  • purchase a special cane-handle for dressing and undressing, devices for dressing socks and stockings, a shoe horn with a long handle, which allow you to perform familiar actions without excessive bending in the joint,
  • dense seats for chairs, armchairs, sofas (in the car), which ensures the position of the knees below the line of the hip joints,
  • place items of regular use at arm level,
  • remove all slippery rugs and electrical cords from the home that are in the way of the patient's usual routes.

Actions of the doctor and the patient a month before the operation

Approximately 2-4 weeks before the operation, undergo laboratory and instrumental research get advice from medical specialists. Their purpose is to determine the factors that will require correction before surgery. In particular, they are appointed:

1. Laboratory research:

General blood test with platelet count (shelf life 10 days),

Coagulogram (shelf life 10 days),

Biochemical blood test (transaminases, bilirubin, sugar, total protein, urea, creatinine) (shelf life 1 month),

Analysis for blood type and Rh factor,

Blood test for markers of hepatitis B (HbSAg) and hepatitis C (HCV) (shelf life 3 months),

Blood test for syphilis (shelf life 1 month),

Blood test for HIV infection (validity 3 months) (for non-residents certified by the seal of the institution),

Urinalysis (shelf life 10 days), - analysis for specific infections(PCR) (according to indications) (shelf life 30 days);

The results of a three-time puncture of the joint with seeding for microflora and sensitivity to antibiotics (in the presence of a metal structure in the surgical area) (shelf life - 30 days);

Analysis of feces for worm eggs (shelf life 10 days).

2. Fluorographic examination(shelf life 12 months) .

3. Electrocardiogram (ECG) with interpretation and conclusion (shelf life 14 days).

4. Daily monitoring ECG, echocardiography, cardiologist consultation for people with diseases of cardio-vascular system and over 65 years old.

5. USDG of veins lower extremities and consultation with an angiosurgeon(in case of deviation from the norm of the results of UZDG) (shelf life 30 days).

6.Ultrasound of the brachiocephalic arteries and consultation with a neurologist for people who have undergone stroke.

7. Fibrogastroduodenoscopy(shelf life 30 days) (in case of changes, it is necessary to undergo treatment; the presence of erosions or ulcers is a contraindication for surgical intervention).

8. X-rays.

9. Conclusion of medical specialists(shelf life 1 month):


Gynecologist (for women),

Urologist (for men),

Dentist (about sanitation of the oral cavity),

Specialists (in the presence of concomitant diseases).

If deviations from the norm are detected, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment. For the remaining period, you can eliminate the reasons that will be contraindications for the operation.

Patient activities one week before surgery

1. Three days before hospitalization, follow a sparing diet: broth, boiled meat, fish, chicken, cheese, milk. Observe the water and drinking regimen (fluid intake of at least 1.5 liters per day) If available chronic constipation for 2-3 days, take laxatives (senade, dufalac, bisacodyl, etc.) or combine with cleansing enemas.

2. On the eve of hospitalization, take a bath or shower, make foot bath, short cut toenails and hands, nails should be without varnish coatings.

4. If you are taking anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents:

7 days before surgery - stop taking clopidogrel and acetylsalicylic acid(aspirin at a dose of not more than 100 mg / day can be continued),

5 days before surgery - stop taking warfarin,

3 days before the operation - those who stopped taking warfarin are prescribed enoxaparin sodium in a prophylactic dose (0.4 ml 1 time per day subcutaneously),

1 day before surgery - stop taking (if taken before) non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Basic cardiotropic, antihypertensive, antiarrhythmic therapy should not be canceled!!!

Hospitalization is possible in the presence of all the above examination results, in the absence of pronounced changes in analyzes and the absence of contraindications from medical specialists, with a body mass index of not more than 40.

Over the years of operation of our Center, more than 48,000 operations have been performed on residents of 70 regions Russian Federation, including about 4000 operations in childhood.

In the structure of surgical interventions, joint replacements account for 71.5%, reconstructive plastic surgery - 20%, spinal surgery - 8.5%. (of which 1/10 part is the correction of scoliotic deformity of the spine).

All patients admitted for hospitalization are subject to a joint examination by an orthopedic traumatologist and a therapist at the stage of the admission department. Assigned if necessary additional research, consultations of narrow specialists, in difficult cases, medical consultations are held.

An integrated approach and a thorough examination at the level of the admission department allows you to timely identify pathological changes in the body, requiring correction and postponing the date of surgery for more late deadline or reject it.

According to the Federal State Budgetary Institution “FTsTOE” of the Ministry of Health of Russia (Cheboksary), refusals on the day of hospitalization average 20%.

Root Cause Analysis

  • severe obesity (body mass index over 40 kg/m2) - 11.5%,
  • diseases of the skin and subcutaneous fat, incl. fungal infection, bedsores II-III st., erysipelas - 29%,
  • pathology of the cardiovascular system ( decompensation of CHF, uncorrected blood pressure and arrhythmias and conduction of the heart, as well as such emergency conditions, how acute infarction myocardial infarction, unstable progressive angina pectoris, arrhythmia according to the type of newly diagnosed atrial fibrillation) - 18.3%,
  • pathology venous system(acute phlebothrombosis) - 4.9%, (detected mainly in patients with a fracture of the femoral neck at the time of the preoperative period - from 5 to 30 days, with inadequate antithrombotic therapy or its absence),
  • sharp ulcerative lesions gastrointestinal tract - 3.2%,
  • high activity rheumatoid arthritis 9,7%,
  • intra-articular injection of glucocorticoids 2 months before hospitalization - 1.2%,
  • severe anemia - 2.1%,
  • sharp and chronic diseases in the acute stage - 15.4%,
  • lack of indications for surgical treatment was found in 1.9% of patients,
  • refusal of the patient to undergo surgical treatment - 2.8%.

Good and timely preparation will reduce anxiety, mentally tune in to surgery and quickly begin recovery. motor activity. It depends only on the desire of the person how quickly the day of the operation comes. After all, violating the recommendations of the doctor, you can delay the operation.

So, you are going to have surgery. You have already come to terms with the thought of this difficult test and now you want to prepare as best as possible for it. And rightly so, because the right approach to the operation, as well as the subsequent compliance with the rules and regulations of the postoperative regime, plays a very important role in the recovery of the patient and maintaining his health. In fact, preparation for a planned surgical intervention begins long before the planned hospitalization of the patient.

If you have a planned operation...

It includes not only a whole list of important activities aimed at improving health, preparing personal hygiene products, necessary clothing and items to fill free time. You also need to take care of developing a certain psychological attitude that allows you to calmly, correctly, soberly and balancedly relate to the upcoming medical manipulations.

To your health

Before a planned operation, you need to achieve the maximum possible health of your body. If there are any chronic ailments care should be taken to achieve their stable remission. Your therapist will help you with this.

Stop smoking approximately one and a half months before the proposed intervention. So you can significantly reduce the likelihood of developing some respiratory complications after coming out of anesthesia. If you still can't quit smoking, don't try to grab a cigarette even on the day of your surgery.

If you have overweight body, do everything possible to get rid of at least a couple extra pounds. This will avoid many different complications and problems after surgery.

If you have loose teeth or crowns, take the time to visit your dentist and get the appropriate treatment. During the operation there is a significant risk of losing such teeth during installation by the anesthesiologist special equipment to ensure patency respiratory tract.

In addition, you should prepare all the medicines you need in advance and take them with you to the hospital.

Remove all jewelery and jewelry from yourself. If you cannot do this for some reason, wrap them with duct tape before the operation. This will help prevent damage to them and also prevent them from accidentally injuring your skin.

Remember that the clothes that you take to the hospital can get very dirty, so give preference to those things that you do not mind throwing away. Most medical institutions the patient before the operation is recommended to change into a special hospital gown.

Fasting mode

Unless you have received any special advice from your surgeon or anesthesiologist, remember that on the day before surgery you are allowed to drink and eat normally until midnight. However, in the morning, on the day of the operation, you can not consume anything. Your stomach should not contain any the slightest amount water and food, as otherwise the safety of anesthesia may be significantly reduced, creating real threat life and health.

For children age group slightly different rules apply. So until the age of six months, the last meal should be taken no later than four to six hours before anesthesia. For children aged six to thirty-six months, this period is at least six hours. Drinking is not recommended for at least two to three hours before surgery. All of these instructions remain in effect unless otherwise advised by the anesthesiologist.

Hygiene measures

In the evening, on the day before the operation, take a shower or a bath, unless you have been told to do so by your doctor. Similar procedure will cleanse your body of small invisible contaminants, which will significantly reduce the risk of infection during surgery.

In the morning, be sure to brush your tooth or at least rinse your mouth thoroughly.

Before the operation

Remove existing foreign objects from the oral cavity: piercings, dentures, sweets and chewing gum. All of these items can cause breathing problems after you are put under anesthesia.
You should also remove your hearing aid and contact lenses.

Nails should be kept short and free of nail polish. The applied varnish will prevent you from assessing your condition by the color of the nail plate, and may also prevent you from working normally. special device, which reads information about the rhythm of breathing and is attached to one of the fingers.

Taking medication

If you need to take some more medication the morning before your surgery and your anesthesiologist doesn't mind, try swallowing the pills without water. If this is not possible, the amount of liquid should be minimal, in addition, it is recommended to shift the intake of drugs to the maximum possible early morning time.

To especially dangerous drugs before the operation, Viagra is attributed, since in combination with anesthesia it causes hard fall blood pressure leading to damage to the kidneys, brain and heart. Do not take Viagra at least a day before surgery.

As mentioned above, proper preparation to the operation also includes mental attitude. Trust your doctor, trust that the intervention will be easy and successful, and it will actually be so.

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