Duphaston is a hormonal drug for women's health. Is it possible to overdose with Duphaston during pregnancy? Terms and conditions of storage

An artificial analogue of the hormone progesterone is Duphaston. The instructions for use show how to take 10 mg tablets for the treatment of endometriosis, infertility and other cases of progesterone deficiency in women, including during pregnancy. What helps Duphaston, price information, analogues and patient reviews will also be presented in the article.

Dufaston is made in the dosage form of a tablet for oral (inside) administration. They are white, rounded biconvex shape and beveled edges. On one side there is a dividing risk.

The main active ingredient is dydrogesterone, its content in 1 tablet is 10 mg. It also includes auxiliary components, which include:

  • Hypromellose.
  • lactose monohydrate.
  • Silicon dioxide is colloidal.
  • Corn starch.
  • magnesium stearate.
  • Titanium dioxide.
  • Polyethylene glycol.

Duphaston tablets are packaged in a blister of 20 pieces. A cardboard pack contains one blister and instructions for using the drug.

Pharmacological characteristics

Dydrogesterone, which is the active substance of dufaston, is a progestogen, an analogue of natural progesterone. It has no estrogenic, androgenic, corticoid effect. It does not change thermogenesis, so the presence of ovulation can be determined by monitoring basal body temperature.

Does not affect metabolism. There are no side effects associated with the use of synthetic progestins. Effective when taken orally.

Selectively affects the progestin receptors of the uterine mucosa. Causes normal secretory transformations in the endometrium in case of sufficient estrogen saturation. Does not affect the ovulation of the follicle. It does not have a virilizing and / or masculinizing effect (including on the fetus).

Why is Duphaston prescribed?

The drug Duphaston is prescribed to compensate for the lack of progesterone in the treatment of:

  • endometriosis.
  • Threats of premature termination of pregnancy (with progesterone deficiency).
  • Infertility caused by insufficiency of the luteal phase.
  • Dysmenorrhea and menstrual disorders.
  • Secondary amenorrhea (treatment in conjunction with estrogen-containing drugs).
  • Uterine bleeding caused by hormonal disorders.

Duphaston hormonal tablets are used for replacement therapy in order to stop the proliferative effects of the estrogen hormone on the endometrial layer of the uterus during menopause or with an intact uterus.

Instructions for use

Duphaston tablets are taken orally as a whole, without chewing, and washed down with clean water.

  • Endometriosis - 1 tablet (10 mg) \ 2 to 3 times a day, from the 5th to the 25th day of the menstrual cycle or continuously, the duration of administration is determined by the doctor.
  • Infertility due to luteal insufficiency - 1 time per day from the 14th to the 25th day of the cycle, continuous intake lasts at least 6 following cycles. During the first months of pregnancy, Duphaston continues to be taken according to the scheme recommended for habitual abortion;
  • Threatened abortion - once 40 mg, then take 10 mg every 8 hours until the condition stabilizes;
  • Habitual miscarriage - 2 times a day until the 20th week of pregnancy, then the dose should be gradually reduced;
  • Infertility due to insufficiency of the corpus luteum of the ovary - 1 tablet of Duphaston \ 1 time per day from the 14th to the 25th day of the menstrual cycle, it is recommended to carry out at least 6 such courses of therapy.
  • Premenstrual syndrome or irregular menstruation - 1 tablet \ 2 times a day from 11 to 25 days of the menstrual cycle.
  • Dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation) - 1 tablet \ 2 times a day, from the 5th to the 25th day of the menstrual cycle.
  • Dysfunctional uterine bleeding - 1 tablet 10 mg 2 times a day, course of therapy - 5-7 days;
  • Prevention of dysfunctional uterine bleeding: 1 tablet \ 2 times a day from the 11th to the 25th day of the cycle;
  • Hormone replacement therapy: with continuous use of estrogens, the drug is prescribed at 10 mg \ 1 time per day for 14 days (with a menstrual cycle of 28 days), and with a cyclic estrogen therapy regimen, during the last 12-14 days of estrogen use.

In case of an inadequate response to progestogen therapy, confirmed by ultrasound or biopsy, it is recommended to increase the daily dose of Duphaston to 20 mg.

Contraindications to the use of Duphaston

Do not use this drug if you have contraindications:

  • Lactase deficiency, galactose and glucose intolerance, malabsorption syndrome;
  • The period of breastfeeding;
  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

The use of Duphaston should be prescribed with caution if the patient has a history of pruritus during a previous pregnancy.

Side effects

During the reception, some side effects of Duphaston may be noted:

  • immune system: hypersensitivity (very rare);
  • hematopoietic system: hemolytic anemia (isolated cases);
  • nervous system: migraine, headache;
  • hepatobiliary system: minor violations of liver function, in which weakness, jaundice, abdominal pain may occur;
  • reproductive system: breakthrough bleeding when taken (rare), prevented by increasing the dosage of the drug; may increase the sensitivity of the mammary glands;
  • subcutaneous tissue, skin: itching, urticaria (rarely), Quincke's edema (very rarely);
  • general disorders: peripheral edema (very rare).

If any of these symptoms appear, you should tell your doctor that such a side effect is taking place.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

It is possible to use Duphaston during pregnancy according to indications. Dydrogesterone is excreted in breast milk. Breastfeeding while taking the drug is not recommended.

How to take children?

Children are not assigned. It can be practiced to prescribe the drug to adolescent girls with violations of the monthly cycle. How to take these pills in violation of the cycle in girls, the doctor individually determines. After consultation, he determines whether it is possible to drink during menstruation, and whether it is advisable to do so.


  1. Iprozhin;
  2. Crinon;
  3. Prajisan;
  4. Progesterone;
  5. Progestogel;
  6. Utrozhestan.

Which is better: Duphaston or Norkolut?

Norkolut is also used in gynecology. However, it has a different active ingredient - norethisterone. This is a cheaper drug, but you can prefer one or another drug only after consulting a doctor.

Prajisan or Duphaston - which is better?

Prajisan is a hormonal drug, an analogue of Duphaston. It has similar indications, but its cost is lower. But still, doctors do not recommend making a decision on replacing funds on their own.

Utrozhestan or Duphaston - which is better?

Comparison of these drugs indicates that both drugs have similar indications for use. But it is not difficult to determine what the difference is: Utrozhestan, unlike Duphaston, contains natural progesterone from plant raw materials.

Which is better - Duphaston or Utrozhestan - during pregnancy, can only be determined individually. But Utrozhestan also has a sedative effect on the body. Sometimes both drugs are prescribed at the same time during pregnancy.

Terms and conditions of storage

The shelf life of Duphaston tablets is 5 years from the date of their manufacture. The drug must be stored in a dark, dry place at an air temperature not exceeding +30 ° C. Keep away from children.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

In the pharmacy network, the drug is dispensed by prescription. Do not take Duphaston tablets on your own or on the recommendation of third parties.

The cost of the drug Duphaston

Price in pharmacies in Moscow and Russia: Duphaston 10 mg 20 tablets - from 559 to 656 rubles, the cost of a pack of 28 tablets - from 759 to 865 rubles, according to 725 pharmacies.

special instructions

Before you start taking Duphaston tablets, it is important to read the instructions for use of the drug well. There are a number of special guidelines, which include:

  • In some cases, after the start of taking the drug, diffuse (breakthrough) uterine bleeding may develop, which is stopped by increasing the dosage of Duphaston tablets. If bleeding does not stop after increasing the dose of the drug, further gynecological examination is necessary to determine its causes.
  • When combined with drugs containing estrogens, it is imperative to take into account their contraindications and side effects.
  • Before starting hormone replacement therapy with the inclusion of Duphaston tablets, a comprehensive medical examination is carried out to determine possible adverse reactions, features of the functional activity of the organs of the reproductive system and past pathological processes.
  • For medical reasons, it is possible to use the drug during pregnancy under the supervision of a physician.
  • If it is necessary to take Duphaston tablets during breastfeeding, the child is fed with an artificially adapted milk formula.
  • In the presence of any progesterone-dependent tumor (benign or malignant), it is important to conduct a clinical study of its response to the intake of the active substance of Duphaston tablets into the body.
  • It is not recommended to use the drug for patients with congenital, genetically determined deficiency of lactase (an enzyme in the digestive system that breaks down the carbohydrate lactose in the intestine).

Duphaston tablets do not affect the speed of psychomotor reactions and concentration.

drug interaction

With the simultaneous use of inducers of microsomal liver enzymes (Rifampicin, Phenobarbital), it is possible to accelerate the metabolism of dydrogesterone and reduce the effect.

Duphaston and Proginova can be administered in parallel, most often when planning a pregnancy. Proginova is an estrogen drug.

Duphaston and Clostilbegit are prescribed in combination for the treatment of infertility. Clostilbegit is a non-steroidal antiestrogen that stimulates ovulation.

Borovaya uterus and Duphaston - the compatibility of these drugs is controversial. There is evidence that the phytopreparation boron uterus in combination with Duphaston can provoke bleeding.

Duphaston is a fairly well-known hormonal drug. Unfortunately, in recent years, some inexplicable craving of gynecologists for this drug has appeared. It is prescribed for maintaining pregnancy, and when planning a pregnancy, and with uterine bleeding, and in the absence of menstruation. And this is not the whole list! At the same time, they are convinced that side effects can not be afraid. I also had to take this drug, I will tell about this experience in the review.


The box is pleasant to look at, all so girly, in white and pink shades

duphaston packaging

side of the package

reverse side of the package

The package indicates the main component of dufaston, dydrogesterone, an analogue of natural progesterone.
The tablets are packed in a blister. There are 20 of them in a blister. Tablets are white, small in size.

Instructions for the drug in the photo

instruction start

instruction continued

The instructions contain the composition, indications for use, methods of administration, contraindications and other information.

My experience with duphaston

I was prescribed these pills for the threat of miscarriage in the early stages. They told me to take 4 tablets a day. Each case is individual, and it is up to the doctor to select the dosage. The only thing worth paying attention to is that duphaston must be taken strictly at regular intervals! This is necessary in order to maintain the same concentration of the hormone progesterone, jumps in this hormone during pregnancy can adversely affect its course. It should be phased out gradually. The doctor has to write the drug withdrawal scheme himself, but for some reason they sometimes omit this point. Abrupt withdrawal of duphaston during pregnancy can be dangerous and lead to a threatened miscarriage or even miscarriage. Usually the dose is reduced by half a tablet every 3-4 days.

This hormonal drug is often prescribed without tests, especially for pregnant women, as if just in case. But this is an analogue of the hormone progesterone, and it will help maintain pregnancy if the body produces little of its own progesterone. Therefore, in order not to stuff yourself with extra pills, especially hormonal ones, before you start taking duphaston and its analogues, you need to take an analysis for progesterone, and based on its results, see if there is a progesterone deficiency and whether synthetic progesterone is really necessary.
Dufaston helped me to keep my pregnancy early (alas, it all ended badly anyway - a late miscarriage.)

Side effects

Side effects of duphaston

In my case, no side effects were observed when taking duphaston, except for an increase in toxicosis. Fortunately, I did not have weight gain, edema, or skin rashes from it. There were also no side effects after the abolition of duphaston.

Can duphaston be harmful?

I read the opinion of some doctors that taking duphaston during pregnancy can increase the risk of a miscarriage, as it “clogs” the work of its corpus luteum, which not only produces progesterone, but also maintains an increased basal body temperature for the normal development of pregnancy. To be honest, I cannot refute or confirm this theory, the real doctors (gynecologists and endocrinologists) with whom I had to communicate do not support this point of view.

It is also necessary to remember that this drug is allowed to be taken only up to the 20th week of pregnancy, and then, if indicated, they switch to its analogues.

And another point of contention. When prescribing dufaston to establish a cycle, gynecologists usually prescribe it from the 16th day of the cycle. Those. with an average cycle of 28 days, it turns out that it is prescribed just after ovulation has occurred to maintain the luteal phase of the cycle. But! How often have you met women who have a cycle of exactly 28 days? Do you belong to this category of lucky ones? If not, then you should start drinking any synthetic progesterone after confirmed ovulation, preferably with an ultrasound (this is the only reliable way), as a last resort, with the help of ovulation tests. Otherwise, you can slow down and extinguish your ovulation from cycle to cycle. Although, again, the opinions of doctors on this topic differ, some convince that duphaston does not suppress their own ovulation.

An interesting fact is that such drugs are not as popular abroad as we are. In some countries they are not used at all, in others only in the case of a proven low level of progesterone itself.
Duphaston is not such a harmless drug as it seems at first glance. These are not vitamins at all, so I can recommend this drug only on the prescription of a doctor and a preliminary blood test for progesterone!

The active substance of the drug is dydrogesterone. This substance is synthesized artificially, but in terms of its chemical and physical properties, molecular structure is close to natural progesterone.

But dydrogesterone cannot be the beginning of the testosterone synthesis chain; in the body, its metabolism proceeds along a different path. Therefore, the hormone does not have the following effects:

  • androgenic;
  • estrogenic;
  • anabolic;
  • glucocorticoid;
  • thermogenic.

Even at high doses, Duphaston cannot lead to fluid retention and edema. It does not increase blood coagulability, therefore it is safe with a tendency to thrombosis. There is no effect on carbohydrate metabolism, so Duphaston can be used in women with diabetes without fear of hyperglycemia.

In the instructions for the drug, the manufacturer indicates that no cases of overdose have been reported. A deliberately pregnant woman will not increase the dose of a hormonal drug. And accidentally taking an additional pill will not bring serious complications.

Overdose of Duphaston in the first trimester

Hormonal treatment is prescribed in the first trimester when there are signs of a threatened abortion. It can be pulling pains in the lower abdomen, from the genital tract. According to the results of the ultrasound, the fetal egg should be preserved, the heart contractions are noticeable in the embryo.

A woman is prescribed a single dose of 40 mg. Then every 8 hours give 10 mg. Treatment continues until the symptoms disappear, then the dosage is gradually reduced.

An excess of Duphaston during a short pregnancy is not as dangerous as its abrupt cancellation. This can provoke new signs of a threatened interruption or cause a miscarriage. With persistent symptoms of a threatened miscarriage, Duphaston is taken until the 16th week, and in severe cases, until the 20th week of gestation or until the end of the 2nd trimester.

Appointment of Duphaston without analysis for hormones

The correct tactic is to pre-do a blood test for hormones to make sure that the cause of the threatened miscarriage is a lack of progesterone. But most often, Duphaston is prescribed without tests, focusing on the clinical manifestations of a threatened miscarriage. This is a condition that requires a quick response, and it takes time to get test results.

Dufaston at normal values ​​of progesterone in the blood will not cause harm. It will not lead to an increase in your own progesterone, because. differs from it in structure and metabolism. But the drug will help maintain pregnancy with a sudden drop in progesterone and help form the placenta.

In some conditions, Duphaston is prescribed to women without tests from the first pregnancy. This is necessary when:

  • habitual miscarriage;
  • women with a history of ovarian surgery;
  • pregnancy after IVF.

But it is impossible to prescribe the drug on your own, this should be done by the gynecologist who leads the pregnancy.

Dufaston simultaneously with Utrozhestan

Utrozhestan is a complete analogue of natural progesterone in structure, therefore, it is characterized by adverse reactions associated with the metabolism of this hormone. But a useful property of Utrozhestan is its ability to reduce the tone of the uterus. A combination of two drugs is prescribed in the following situations:

  • there is a pronounced lack of progesterone;
  • a transition from synthetic to natural progestogen is required;
  • reinforcement of the action of one drug by another is required.

But if a situation arises that a pregnant woman should drink Duphaston until the moment of delivery, they try to replace it with small doses of Utrozhestan.

Consequences of an overdose of Duphaston

The appointment of Duphaston with normal endometrium when planning conception is justified in women who suffered from infertility due to insufficiency of the luteal phase of the cycle, in in vitro fertilization programs.

Taking a few extra pills at once is safe. After 72 hours, the excess of the drug will completely bind with glucuronic acid and be excreted by the kidneys. Even in women with impaired renal function, there is no delay in the body of Duphaston metabolites and deterioration in its excretion.

The bad consequences of an overdose will appear with individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. The composition as an auxiliary agent includes lactose. Allergic-prone women may have a reaction to it. Exceeding the recommended dose increases the chance of hives or anaphylaxis.

Symptoms of an overdose of Duphaston

Signs of an overdose may appear as an increase in adverse reactions. They are:

  • headache, development of migraine;
  • increased risk of hemolytic anemia;
  • pain in the liver, rarely - jaundice;
  • peripheral edema;
  • abdominal pain;
  • skin rash, urticaria.

The effect of using Duphaston is reduced in pregnant women who are forced to take drugs based on phenobarbital or rifampicin.

Duphaston is one of the drugs allowed during pregnancy. But it should be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the state of health of the woman and the available indications. Extra medicines will not be of benefit and may cause adverse reactions.

Yulia Shevchenko, obstetrician-gynecologist, specially for the site

Useful video

Today, quite often, women are prescribed hormonal drugs for the treatment or prevention of the reproductive sphere, but few people know what side effects they can cause. In our article, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the part of the instructions for using the Duphaston drug, which deals with side effects, and also tell you whether it is worth taking the medicine with.

Feature and description

"Dufaston" is a synthetic analogue - one of the most important female genitalia. Its peculiarity is that it does not affect in any way, therefore, when taking it, it is quite possible to become pregnant.

The medicine is released in the form of tablets, around which there is a shell. It has a large number of indications, therefore it is used to combat many diseases.

Consider why Duphaston is prescribed:

  1. Luteal insufficiency, as a result -.
  2. Availability .
  3. The presence of a pronounced
  4. Under threat, after him.
  5. With dysfunctional uterine bleeding.
  6. If there is a secondary
  7. Recovery .
Also, the drug is used as HRT to neutralize the proliferative effect on the uterine mucosa.

Side effects when applied

Unfortunately, in addition to a positive result in treatment, Duphaston also has side effects. Let us consider in more detail what effect it has on the body.

Headaches and migraines

The adoption of "Duphaston" leads to an increase in concentration. Hormonal surges affect the central nervous system and can cause headaches or migraine attacks.

If you notice such symptoms while taking Duphaston, you should immediately inform your doctor about them and stop the medicine.

Hemolytic anemia

One of the serious side effects when taking Duphaston is the development of hemolytic anemia - a deviation in the functioning of the circulatory system. With it, the destruction of red blood cells is observed.


Unfortunately, prolonged use of the drug can also affect the psyche of a woman. An unpleasant side effect in this case is depression. At the same time, there are symptoms such as fatigue, apathy, lethargy, lack of mood and desire to do something.

Getting into the human blood, progesterone also affects the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, often women complain of a feeling of nausea, but vomiting is observed in isolated cases.

Liver dysfunction

When taking Duphaston, there may be side effects in the liver. At the same time, women note the appearance of weakness, abdominal pain, jaundice may begin. If you have liver problems, taking the medicine is strictly prohibited.

Uterine bleeding

Unfortunately, if it turns out that the pills are not suitable for you or they were prescribed incorrectly, this can lead to breakthrough bleeding from the uterus, which can occur as a result of underdosing. In addition, women note increased breast sensitivity.

Itching and allergic reactions

Hormones can also affect the skin, subcutaneous tissue. Often they state an allergy to "Duphaston", which is manifested by itching, raw materials, urticaria, sometimes - Quincke's edema.

One of the main purposes of "Duphaston" is the normalization of the menstrual cycle, but sometimes there may be failures in the first months of admission.

This is due to the restructuring of the body, as it begins to receive an additional dose of hormones. Within 3 months, the cycle should stabilize, but if this does not happen, you should consult your doctor.

Some women note that while taking the drug, body weight increases. However, there are no clear reasons to associate this with Duphaston.

The only thing worth paying attention to is that the drug can contribute to fluid retention in the body, which in turn can affect weight. However, if you adhere to proper nutrition, engage in moderate physical activity, taking the drug will not affect body weight.

Special instructions and contraindications

If taking pills is part of HRT, a detailed history should be taken. In addition, the attending physician should warn the patient about what changes in the breast require increased attention.

If breakthrough bleeding from the uterus continues after the completion of the therapeutic course, it is worth sending a part of the endometrium for biopsy in order to exclude the presence of malignant changes.

The main contraindications for taking "Duphaston" include:

There are many analogues of the drug, but you should not decide on your own which medicine to take. Only an experienced specialist will be able to choose the drug based on your situation.

After reviewing our article, you learned how dangerous "Dufaston" can be, in what cases it is prescribed. Any treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor - only in this case you can achieve a positive result and not harm your health.

In case of deficiency in the body of natural progesterone, one of the medications is usually prescribed to compensate for the deficiency of this vital hormone. Duphaston and utrogestan during pregnancy have become the most popular. Let's analyze the mentioned medicines separately.

Duphaston is a remedy for internal use, has progestogenic activity in relation to the mucous membrane of the uterus. It is perfectly perceived by the body, does not affect the health of the liver, normalizes the state of the endometrioid tissue, does not disturb the onset of the menstrual and ovulatory period, increases the chances of successful conception, reduces the risk of miscarriage and miscarriage.

It differs from utrogestan in that duphaston does not have a tranquilizing effect on the nervous system, it is not a tocolytic. Does not cause estrogenic, corticosteroid and anabolic effects on the body.

Unlike duphaston, which has dydrogesterone in its composition, the drug utrogestan consists of the active substance progesterone. It is a hormone produced in the corpus luteum, placenta and adrenal glands. Progesterone and dydrogesterone have a different chemical structure due to only one methyl group, so there are no significant differences in the action of the drugs.

Utrozhestan has an advantage in the release form: capsules can be taken orally or, in case of toxicosis and problems with the digestive system, instead of suppositories intravaginally.

Duphaston increases the resistance of brain tissue to damaging factors. It actually does not cause adverse reactions and has no androgenic effect.

Duphaston and metipred during pregnancy

Metipred is a drug of the adrenal cortex hormone methylprednisolone. This is an active glucocorticosteroid used in the process of pregnancy planning, mainly as an inhibitor of male sex hormones, or as an immunosuppressant.

The immunosuppressive properties of metipred make it possible to use the drug even during the bearing of a child, with the threat of the likelihood of rejection of the fetus by overly active defenses of the body. Methylprednisolone artificially suppresses the immune system, thereby contributing to the preservation of pregnancy.

Also, an important property of metipred in the event of a proposed conception is considered to be a decrease in the likelihood of the formation of adhesive disease in various inflammations. Metipred also has an anti-inflammatory effect, in addition, it ensures a balance of all types of metabolism - water, mineral, fat, protein and carbohydrate.

Duphaston and metipred complement each other during pregnancy, creating a favorable background for the development and course of pregnancy, increasing a woman's chances of safely bearing a child.

Divigel and duphaston during pregnancy

Divigel and duphaston during pregnancy is a fairly common combination of drugs, since the necessary balance of progesterone and estrogens is extremely important for successful conception. The lack of progesterone is compensated by the appointment of duphaston, and the deficiency of estradiol is compensated by divigel.

Divigel is a preparation of estradiol, produced in the form of a dosed gel, which is applied in a thin layer directly to the skin. When the substance is applied, the alcohol evaporates quickly, and the hormone is absorbed into the skin, penetrating into the bloodstream. This use of the drug allows you to eliminate the effect of enzymes on the drug during passage through the gastrointestinal tract, as well as to avoid the initial stage of hepatic metabolism.

In the process of joint use of divigel and duphaston, it is recommended to conduct a periodic blood test for the content of estrogens and progestogens.

Should I drink duphaston during pregnancy?

Whether to drink duphaston during pregnancy is decided solely by the gynecologist. In most cases, dydrogesterone, which is part of the drug, in the right doses contributes to the preservation and successful course of pregnancy, leading to the normal content of progesterone in the blood.

Duphaston can be prescribed for the threat of abortion, for the prevention of miscarriage during artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization, especially if such cases have already occurred in a woman.

If duphaston is prescribed and taken under the supervision of a specialist, it can and should be used during pregnancy.

The effect of duphaston on pregnancy

Repeatedly conducted scientific studies once again confirm that the effect of duphaston on pregnancy is mostly favorable. This drug, as it were, "prepares the ground" for the successful conception, attachment and bearing of an unborn child.

The use of dufaston significantly reduced the percentage of spontaneous abortions in the first trimester, and also reduced the risk of morphological and functional disorders of the fetus and maternal placenta due to various pathological processes.

The intake of additional doses of progesterone (dydrogesterone) into the body helps the placental membrane to create hormonal, oxygen and nutritional balance for the developing fetus in a timely manner. Due to this, babies born while taking the drug have normal weight, physiological and mental development at birth.

Frozen pregnancy when using duphaston

The main functional purpose of duphaston is to prevent the threat of spontaneous abortion and, at any opportunity, to keep it.

If signs of a missed pregnancy are found, duphaston is canceled to naturally rid the body of traces of a failed process. By itself, this drug cannot provoke fetal fading, rather, on the contrary, it creates the prerequisites for the normal course of pregnancy and the full development of the unborn child. Duphaston is considered the No. 1 drug in case of a threat of pregnancy, and this has been proven more than once by leading world experts.

Duphaston for abortion

Duphaston is a preparation of the hormone of the corpus luteum of the ovaries, adrenal glands and placenta of progesterone, which is in no way a contraceptive or a means for terminating a pregnancy. Dydrogesterone is designed to preserve the pregnancy and help to cope with any threats of its termination.

Duphaston with ectopic pregnancy

During an ectopic pregnancy, the fertilized egg begins its development outside the uterus. With the progressive growth of the process, there is a danger of rupture of the organ in which the development of pregnancy occurs.

When diagnosing an ectopic pregnancy, all drugs, including duphaston, are stopped, and the amount of necessary surgical intervention is determined.

Duphaston, as a medical drug, does not have a provocative effect on the development of an ectopic pregnancy. Its development is determined by completely different factors, for example, obstruction of the fallopian tubes, the presence of inflammatory processes in the reproductive organs, adhesions, or anomalies in the structure of the genital organs.

Duphaston during pregnancy with a smear

With the onset of pregnancy, women may notice the appearance of a brownish discharge. At 1-2 weeks of pregnancy, this can be explained by the body's attempt to rebuild itself into a new state, when a cardinal change in the hormonal background occurs.

But do not forget that spotting can be a formidable symptom of an impending miscarriage or a sharp drop in the level of hormones in the blood. At the slightest opportunity to maintain a pregnancy, a woman will be prescribed duphaston, or another progestogen drug to stop the threat of spontaneous abortion.

Duphaston with myoma during pregnancy

How does dufaston affect a benign tumor, in particular, myoma? This problem has not yet been sufficiently studied. However, experts tend to assume that progesterone taken in excess of therapeutic dosage favors the increase in pre-existing uterine fibroids. At the same time, progesterone preparations in small dosages, on the contrary, inhibit its growth and development.

It should be noted that dyufaston with myoma during pregnancy should be prescribed only strictly individually, according to the data and indications, commensurate the risk of complications and the possible benefits for the normal course of pregnancy.

Is duphaston harmful during pregnancy?

Despite some isolated negative comments about duphaston treatment, which can be found mainly on social networks, experts still consider the drug to be absolutely safe and harmless during pregnancy. Scientific statistics, for many years of using duphaston in gynecology and reproduction, does not describe a single case of a negative effect of the drug on the process of conception and gestation. Dufaston is absolutely not harmful during pregnancy, and sometimes it is simply necessary for the normal development of the baby. Naturally, when taking it, it is indispensable to control the hormonal level in the blood of a pregnant woman.

Instructions for duphaston during pregnancy

Duphaston, when used internally, has a selective effect on the endometrium, while at the same time preventing the existing danger of excessive growth of the endometrium or malignancy of healthy cells due to excess estrogens.

Duphaston does not have contraceptive abilities, does not inhibit the process of ovulation and does not disrupt the menstrual process.

The drug is easily absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, the highest concentration is observed within two hours after taking the tablet. Metabolism occurs in the liver, excreted from the body mainly through the kidneys, the elimination period is up to three days.

Dosing regimen for duphaston during pregnancy:

  • with endometrial-like tissue growth, take 1 tablet 2 to 3 times a day, from the last day of menstruation to the 25th day of the cycle, or constantly;
  • in case of insufficiency of the luteal phase, 1 tablet per day from the moment of ovulation to the 25th day of the cycle. It is recommended to take from 6 months in a row, and also, with a successful conception, during the first trimester of pregnancy;
  • with the threat of spontaneous abortion, take 4 tablets at once, then 1 tablet 3 times a day until the threat ends;
  • in the treatment and prevention of uterine bleeding, take 1 tablet 2 times a day for a week.

The dose of duphaston during pregnancy is determined solely by a gynecologist based on the diagnosis, clinical symptoms and a mandatory blood test for the content of estrogen and progestogenic hormones.

How to take duphaston during pregnancy?

If duphaston was prescribed before the onset of pregnancy, then it is mandatory to continue taking it until the 16th week. The dose taken is calculated by the doctor, based on the level of progesterone in the patient's blood.

If the expectant mother did not use progesterone preparations before pregnancy, and then it turned out that the level of the hormone had decreased due to any reason, then in this situation duphaston is also prescribed in accordance with its content in the blood, up to 24-25 weeks of pregnancy.

How much to drink duphaston during pregnancy?

Your attending physician will definitely tell you about the duration of the use of duphaston during pregnancy, based on the results of the tests and the condition of the pregnant woman. Usually, the drug is prescribed in the first trimester of pregnancy for the successful attachment of the fetus and the formation of the placenta. Further, according to the indications, it is possible to use duphaston in the second trimester for the prevention and treatment of the threat of miscarriage. After 36 weeks of pregnancy, the use of the drug is stopped.

What should I do if I missed taking duphaston during pregnancy?

If during the period of treatment with duphaston you accidentally missed one dose (forgotten, failed, or for another reason), it is recommended to drink the dose of the drug taken in the next 6 hours. If more than 6 hours have already passed since the required intake, then you do not need to take an additional tablet, just continue to follow the usual prescribed regimen for taking the drug. And try not to forget about the need to take medicines in the future!

How to cancel duphaston during pregnancy?

Cancellation of duphaston during pregnancy is carried out gradually, with a slow decrease in the dose of the drug. For example, if a pregnant woman took 2 tablets per day, then this dosage is reduced to 1.5 tablets, and a week later to 1 tablet. So the medication is gently reduced to zero.

Cancellation of the use of the drug is possible only with the recommendation of the attending physician, with normal indicators of the hormonal level in the patient's blood. The discontinuation scheme may last several weeks.

It should be remembered that the abrupt cancellation of any hormonal drugs can lead to irreversible consequences.

Side effects of duphaston during pregnancy

Side effects of duphaston during pregnancy are quite rare and, as a rule, are eliminated by adjusting the dosage of the drug. When used in small doses, diffuse bleeding from the uterus is possible, which disappear after increasing the dosage. Perhaps an increase and soreness of the mammary glands, spastic headaches, pain in the epigastric region. Less often - skin rashes as a result of allergies, or accumulation of fluid in the tissues, swelling of the legs and arms. There may be an increase or decrease in sexual desire.

Duphaston overdose during pregnancy

At the moment, cases of overdose with duphaston during pregnancy have not been recorded. In case of a single accidental use of the drug in a significant dosage, it is necessary to wash the stomach with plenty of water, to provide the victim with peace until the unpleasant symptoms disappear. It is possible to additionally prescribe medications that act on the current clinical symptoms of poisoning. There are no special drugs that neutralize duphaston that has entered the body.

Contraindications to taking duphaston during pregnancy

The main contraindication to taking duphaston during pregnancy is the tendency to allergic reactions to any of the components of the drug. You should be careful with increased individual sensitivity of the body.

Do not prescribe progesterone preparations to patients with rare diseases of Rotor and Dubin-Jones, with severe diseases and impaired liver function, with malignant neoplasms of the mammary glands and genital organs. Patients with active vascular thromboembolism, as well as with severe thrombophlebitis and a tendency to thrombosis, are treated with caution.

Usually stop taking duphaston from the 36th week of pregnancy, or with a frozen and ectopic pregnancy, as well as with the appearance of bleeding of an unexplained origin.

Dufaston when planning pregnancy

Duphaston is widely used when planning pregnancy. After all, it is progesterone that prepares the endometrium for egg implantation, accelerates its development, improves tissue nutrition, and reduces uterine tone. It has also been proven to have a positive effect on the immune interaction between the expectant mother and the embryo. The drug is prescribed for infertility against the background of a lack of progesterone produced in the body. This condition is called insufficiency of the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle.

The usual course of taking the drug during planning is at least six months.

Take, as a rule, 1 tablet per day from the moment of ovulation until the 25th day of the menstrual cycle.

With a favorable onset of pregnancy, the drug is continued to avoid possible problems: miscarriage or fetal fading.

Duphaston in early pregnancy

The synthetic progesterone contained in the drug duphaston plays one of the most important roles in early pregnancy. First of all, he helps a pregnant woman in carrying a child. The drug relaxes the uterine muscles and reduces the strength and frequency of its contractions, which many times reduces the risk of premature spontaneous abortion.

In addition, dufaston blocks the immune response of the woman's body, which avoids the destruction of the developing fetus by immune agents.

During the period of bearing a child, the use of the drug should be carried out under the mandatory control of the hormonal balance in the body and indicators of basal temperature.

Duphaston in late pregnancy

The duration of use of duphaston directly depends on the course of pregnancy. As a rule, it is used until 16-20 weeks. During this period, the formation of the placental layer ends, which independently begins the synthesis of progesterone. Sometimes, according to indications, taking the drug is delayed, but after 36 weeks, the appointment is canceled in any case.

Dufaston in late pregnancy does not have a teratogenic effect on the fetus.

Does duphaston help maintain a pregnancy? Certainly yes. No wonder progesterone, the synthetic analogue of which is part of dufaston, is called the "female hormone of pregnancy." It not only contributes to the preservation of the fetus, but also supports its nutrition and development.

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