Warts on labia. Papillomas on the labia: manifestations and methods of treatment. Education in the anus

Condylomas are the result of a sexually transmitted infection. The causative agent of genital warts is the human papillomavirus. Cauterization of genital warts is one of the most common methods of dealing with them. For a long time, condyloma can be asymptomatic, but when the immune system is weakened, they immediately make themselves felt. In men, a characteristic manifestation of the condyloma virus is either single flesh-colored growths or formations in the form of "cauliflower" on the penis or inguinal region. Women have the same warts in the groin, labia, vagina, urethra, or cervix. For both men and women, it can be accompanied by burning and itching. It can also make it difficult to urinate when formed on the relevant organs.

Removal and treatment of genital warts

Human papillomavirus is treatable. There are the following types of treatment for genital warts:

Thermocoagulation of genital warts - from the Greek. therme - warmth. Treatment of warts under the influence of high temperatures.

Radiosurgical removal of genital warts. One of the ways to treat HPV and genital warts is with a special radio wave surgery device that generates a beam of high-frequency radio waves.

Chemical destruction of genital warts is a method of treating genital warts with special preparations containing concentrated nitric acid.

Laser destruction is the treatment of genital warts using a special laser.

Cryodestruction of genital warts - One of the types of treatment is cauterization of genital warts with liquid nitrogen. When exposed to liquid nitrogen, warts are cauterized and destroyed under the influence of low temperatures. It is believed that this method of cauterization of genital warts is very effective and low cost. However, it is worth treating genital warts only with a professional doctor in specialized institutions. After all, cauterization of genital warts with liquid nitrogen requires care and professionalism. Otherwise, the patient risks getting a burn of the genital organs.

Treatment of condyloma in women

The exophytic form of genital warts, which means that they are located externally, affecting the genital area, but sometimes localized in other places, causing discomfort and anxiety. It is very important to treat warts in time in women, which can cause bleeding and other complications that are harmful to health.

Symptoms of genital warts in women

Several condylomas are symptomatic at once in women at the same time, they are located in a group, in places where maceration of the skin is increased. This means they can be found in women on the clitoris, vagina, labia, and even the cervix. The anal region is often affected by warts. The penetration of the condyloma virus is facilitated by microtrauma of the skin and mucous membranes during sexual contact, therefore genital warts are classified as genital infections that require treatment.

Genital warts in women treatment

The most radical and most commonly used method of treating genital warts is surgical intervention. Laser coagulation of genital warts is a fairly effective method and the treatment of warts in women is quite successful. You can also use liquid nitrogen for cryotherapy to eliminate genital warts in women, as well as electrocoagulation, as one of the methods.

What greatly complicates the timely diagnosis of the disease in women is its prolonged latent period, sometimes it can take several years from infection to obvious symptoms. And at some point, most often when the immune system is weakened by any unfavorable factors, an acute outbreak of genital warts in women can be observed. Basically, pinkish growths are suddenly noticed on the genitals, resembling cauliflower in appearance. The development and resolution of the disease is directly related to the state of the immune system. Genital warts in women can appear unexpectedly or disappear imperceptibly, but in some cases, medical intervention is still required to exclude and avoid complications.

Warts in women: common complications

What complications threaten the appearance of genital warts in women? The main inconvenience is that during sexual intercourse, condylomas are injured and cause bleeding, and besides, sexual intercourse itself is difficult. Yes, and the psychological discomfort caused by the presence of genital warts is clearly not in favor of health, both mental and physical. For women, the presence of these growths during pregnancy is especially dangerous, since childbirth can be complicated. If left untreated, condylomas, in some cases, they can provoke the development of a disease such as cervical dysplasia, and are also a provoking factor for the development of oncological processes. Timely treatment of a woman for medical help with condylomas will help maintain both health and spiritual comfort.

Prevention of the treatment of genital warts

HPV carriers should remember that modern science is not able to remove all traces of the condyloma virus from the human body, whether it be cauterization of genital warts, laser removal or other methods of treatment. And with a decrease in immunity, the condyloma virus can make itself felt with renewed vigor. Therefore, good health and the presence of high immunity are the first things to take care of who have had condylomas. In specialized institutions, you can receive instructions and undergo a course of treatment aimed at increasing the human immune system.

Condyloma on the labia often occurs in women who are of childbearing age.

Removal of warts on the labia

Warts on the labia are genital papillary formations on the genitals and around the anus. The condylomas themselves on the labia are characterized as inflammation. There are several types of warts:

Mushroom formations or warts on the labia that are attached to the skin on a dense broad base, which is a sign of secondary syphilis.

Genital warts on the labia, which are formed subsequently by an active human populoma virus.

Infection with condylomas occurs from an already carrier of the human populoma virus, both from direct and from sexual contact with it. Usually the incubation period of infection and the manifestation of the condyloma virus occurs from three weeks to ten months. The manifestation of genital warts on the labia begins with small pink papillary formations, which, as the immune system weakens, begin to grow throughout the entire genital area and resemble cauliflower. Often, genital warts on the labia are formed at the site of skin damage during intercourse, and usually these are small and large labia. Warts can grow rapidly and affect not only the labia, but also the clitoris, near the entrance to the vagina, around the opening of the urethra and on the cervix.

If suspicious formations and condylomas appear, contact immediately specialists such as: urologist, gynecologist and venereologist.

Self-treatment of warts on the labia at home is not worth doing, as you can only worsen your situation or make a mistake in the accuracy of the disease and be treated for the wrong thing.

Removal of warts on the labia:

Cryotherapy - removal of genital warts with liquid nitrogen.

Removal of warts on the labia with chemicals such as concentrated acids.

Dethermocoagulation - removal of genital warts with an electric knife.

Laser therapy - removal of warts on the labia with a laser beam beam.

Prevention against HPV infection and genital warts

It is necessary not only for women, but also for men to treat sexual intercourse more hygienically, but everyone knows that inexpensive condoms cannot completely protect against infection, and more expensive ones that have been tested for bacteria impermeability should help. But remember that a condom is not a way to save on your health.

More confidence from contracting genital warts will give not a condom, but the reduction of sexual partners to one that you trust. Or to exclude sexual contact with random people altogether.

condyloma genital wart

Genital warts are a fairly common occurrence in people who have sexual intercourse with people who have the human sawdust virus. The HPV virus contributes to the appearance of such benign neoplasms as genital warts. Genital warts are formed on the head of the male penis, in the vagina and cervix in women, the urethra, vulva, and also in the anus.

More than 70 types of HPV have been identified in medicine. Most of these species belong to the genital warts. The rest are associated with neoplasms that can appear in different areas of the skin.

Genital warts in women

Warts in the genital area multiply very quickly, as it is a humid environment. Genital warts are easily detected if they are located outside the genitals. Condylomas of the genital type are light pink papillary formations that form one by one or in families. If genital warts are not removed in time, they begin to grow over the entire area of ​​​​the genitals, increasing in size, becoming in the form of a cauliflower.

In women, condylomas most often appear on the cervix, which makes it impossible to immediately detect them. Such genital warts are called flat. Flat genital warts lead to the transformation of warts into cancerous growths, and treatment will be quite complicated and long. In order to avoid the occurrence of genital warts, it is necessary to visit specialists every year to identify a particular disease.

Genital warts treatment

There are many options for treating genital warts, and many options depend on the size of the warts themselves, the number of tumors, the age of the patient, and whether there is a real pregnancy.

Cryo-; Radio-; Laser-; and Electrocoagulation.

Argon plasma ablation

Cauterization of the affected area with genital warts with chemicals.

All of these treatments for genital warts cause discomfort and skin reactions, such as:

  • burning,
  • pain,
  • erosion,
  • side reactions,
  • repeated procedures.

Prevention of genital warts

You should avoid not only sexual, but also direct contact with a person who has warts on the skin.

Permanent support of your immunity.

Visit specialists to avoid or timely treatment (removal) of genital warts.

Take care of your health from a young age and do not forget that the treatment of not only genital warts, but also other diseases with folk remedies can worsen your condition.

Removal of cervical warts

Condyloma of the uterus is another type of human papillomavirus. At the moment, types of HPV have been studied that can cause benign and malignant neoplasms and oncological diseases. Condyloma of the uterus is just the case that most often causes cancerous tumors. If warts have formed in the genital area, then they do not pose a risk of developing cancer, they only cause discomfort and leave cosmetic scars.

Types of warts:

Exophytic warts are a type of cervical warts that are similar to warts that form around the anus and are also called genital warts on the genitals. Exophytic warts are also formed due to the human papillomavirus, as are flat warts. Such condylomas are not formed on the cervix in many ways, but sometimes they sprout at the ends, which become condylomas, similar to cauliflower. In many cases, such warts do not degenerate into cancerous tumors, but simply become malignant. Condyloma is often confused with micropapillomatosis, which is not a disease.

Endophytic condylomas of the uterus are also flat warts that develop under a deep layer of mucous membranes and are practically undetectable when viewed with a gynecological mirror. But such condylomas of the cervix can be detected using colposcopy.

Symptoms of condyloma of the cervix

After the research, specialists summed up: cervical condylomas are formed in almost a third of all women of childbearing age, who passed routine tests in specialized institutions. HPV or condylomas are increasingly manifested on the cervix, especially if a woman has received the infection through sexual contact.

Condylomas of the cervix, unlike genital warts, in that it is flat. The appearance of flat condyloma indicates a progressive infection of human papilloma in a woman whose infection has been for a long time, which contributed to the manifestation of changes in the cervix itself. HPV can exist in the body for many years and not make itself felt - this is typical for people with high immunity, which prevents uterine warts from progressing.

Women who are already infected with HPV should have regular cervical smear tests to look for and change uterine dysplasia and genital warts. It is necessary to take complex drugs that increase the level of the immune system so that the virus subsides and the uterine condylomas go away.

Removal of warts in the vagina

In our time, vulvar warts are the most common organ disease in women. This disease belongs to a sexually transmitted disease and is transmitted sexually. Several types of warts of the vulva are known: flat warts and genital warts.

Condylomas in the vagina are referred to as genital warts, which form in one or large groups, merging with each other, becoming similar to cauliflower, having a color from pink to flesh-colored. Condylomas in the vagina are accompanied by uncomfortable sensations that can cause: pain, burning, bleeding, and the most dangerous thing is to provoke the formation of cancer.

Vulvar warts appear with infection of the human populoma virus, which is transmitted sexually or by direct contact.

If you have acquired condylomas in the vagina, then you should not self-medicate and go and take certain tests and take a course of research. Only after all these procedures, the attending gynecologist will select for you a method for removing genital warts. Warts on the vulva grow quickly due to the humid environment, which can deprive you of a normal sex life.

Ways to remove warts of the vulva:

Solcoderm, Kondilin, Trichloroacetic acid;

Cryocoagulation of warts;

Electrocoagulation of warts;

Laser therapy for condylomas of the vulva;

Surgical removal of genital warts with an electric knife.

Treatment and removal of condyloma in the vagina are also carried out by more local methods. Not only it is necessary to carry out this for the treatment of warts on the vulva, but also to combine immuno-enhancing complex drugs with therapy that will help stop the progression of popillomovirus.

Treatment of condyloma in the vagina

Vulvar warts are the focus of infection, and during pregnancy it is necessary to treat early. Such methods of treating vulvar condyloma as: laser therapy, Solcoderm, trichloroacetic acid will help pregnant women stop the occurrence of warts and warts on the genitals, since during pregnancy they quickly increase not only in size, but also in number. All this happens due to changes in the hormonal background in pregnant women and can lead to a caesarean section, rather than natural childbirth, in order to avoid infecting the newborn. Also, during pregnancy after therapy, it is necessary to use immunostimulants such as rectal suppositories Viferon-2. After carrying out all the methods of treating genital warts, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist every six months and take a smear for flora, blood tests for RW.

Papules and outgrowths of the epithelium in the form of a thread, cauliflower are almost invisible at first. Large warts on the labia cause significant discomfort and make sexual contacts difficult. Sometimes the growths clustered together look like cauliflower. Such genital warts are genital warts that can grow on the internal and external genital organs, in the anal area, on the pubis. Certain varieties are precancerous lesions of the cervical mucosa.

Causes and ways of infection

The human papillomavirus can be contracted while still in the womb. The appearance of warts on the skin is caused by HPV genotypes from 1 to 5, from 7 to 10, and about a dozen more strains. Approximately 90% of genital warts on the genital mucosa cause HPV-6, 11. Transmission of the pathogen occurs through any skin-to-skin contact and during sexual intercourse with a human carrier of the papillomavirus.

Infection with warts is possible during joint bathing, when using a common towel. However, transmission of HPV through all types of sexual contact is the most common route. Often, after the penetration of infection and the appearance of a growth in one area of ​​​​the skin, self-infection occurs during intimate shaving. This circumstance, as well as cuts, cracks, and abrasions contribute to the spread of warts and significantly complicate treatment.

Risk factors

From the moment the pathogen enters the skin to the appearance of a wart, it takes from several weeks to 6 months. Signs of HPV infection do not appear in all infected people. The immune system suppresses the virus in most cases.

Pregnancy, menopause, stress, poor diet are some of the many reasons that negatively affect protection against infection.

Conditions that contribute to the appearance of warts on the genitals of a woman:

  • microtrauma of the skin and mucosa;
  • changes in hormonal balance;
  • violation of the microflora of the vagina;
  • intestinal candidiasis, dysbacteriosis;
  • weak local and general immunity;
  • promiscuous sexual contacts;
  • non-compliance with intimate and general hygiene;
  • hypovitaminosis, deficiency of mineral elements;
  • infections and chronic diseases of the internal organs.

The penetration of HPV into the skin and mucous membranes of the organs of the intimate sphere is facilitated in the presence of other diseases that are sexually transmitted (herpes, thrush, chlamydia and other STIs). Warts in the vagina may appear for the first time or increase in size during pregnancy.

Endocrine changes during this period lead to a decrease in the capabilities of the immune system. Protection against HPV becomes less effective, so pregnant women may develop warts, papillomas, condylomas. Localization of growths depends on the properties of the skin, the place of introduction of the virus. Favorable conditions for the development of infection are created under the mammary glands, in the groin, where there is high temperature and humidity.

Signs and symptoms

Viral DNA causes increased multiplication of skin cells in a certain area of ​​the epidermis and the appearance of a wart. The skin tumor looks like a small dome or several fused plaques, as in the photo. Or warts on the pubis and labia look like a bunch of threads.

Description of warts on the genitals of a woman:

  1. formation diameter from 1.5 to 10 mm;
  2. the surface is smooth, soft or keratinized, uneven;
  3. the form is flat, papular, in the form of a chicken comb, cauliflower;
  4. skin color, pearl, pink, yellow-brown.

Actually genital warts are one of the names of genital warts. They are also a manifestation of papillomavirus infection, usually appear on the genitals, in the anal area, on the walls of the natural openings of the body. This type of formations is characterized by a wide variety of growth types, shapes, and sizes. Flat warts look like pink or pearly plaques on the mucous membrane. For example, endophytic papules are located inside the wall of the cervix, exophytic - grow in its cavity.

Folk remedies for warts in the intimate area

Such treatment is carried out at home: vegetable juices, fruits, and some products are used. Folk remedies are used for small warts. Tea drinks with herbs, honey complement the antiviral therapy prescribed by the doctor. Sitting baths with yarrow infusion, cuffs soothe pain and relieve irritation that occurs when inflammation of the growths in the vagina, on the labia.

Signs of an inflammatory process during HPV activation in the genital mucosa:

  • redness, swelling;
  • bloody issues;
  • size increase;
  • itching, burning, pain.

Vaginal warts are not treated with celandine or dandelion juice. An infusion is prepared from these plants, added to the gel for intimate hygiene, and used for a sitz bath. Warts on the skin of the labia can be treated with propolis tincture if there is no allergy to bee products. Suitable for topical application, aloe vera gel is an anti-inflammatory agent. If there is no positive effect of using folk remedies within 2-4 weeks, then you should consult a doctor.


Women usually try to remove a wart or papilloma on the labia on their own. Often, the formations grow, are damaged during epilation. If a bacterial infection joins, then inflammation, suppuration occurs. Unsuccessful self-treatment, the persistent nature of warts are the reasons why women go to the doctor. The gynecologist determines by the characteristic appearance that this is a neoplasm of viral origin.

Treatment of genital warts is necessary because some types of HPV cause precancerous changes and cancer.

A viral infection reduces activity when removing warts, taking immunostimulants and antiviral drugs. You can buy over-the-counter products at the pharmacy and apply them to the affected area yourself. This group of drugs includes ointments with imichimod, podophyllin, sicatechin and other active substances.

List of ointments for the treatment of warts in the intimate area:

  1. Panavir, solution for intravenous administration, gel, spray.
  2. Epigen Intim, gel and spray.
  3. Aldara (or Ziklara), cream.
  4. Cyclferon, liniment.
  5. Malavit, cream-gel.
  6. Kondilin, solution.
  7. Veregen, ointment.

Immediately before applying the therapeutic ointment, it is necessary to wash the affected area, dry the skin and gently rub the product into the growth. The use of gentle external preparations for the treatment of warts is allowed during pregnancy, but you still need to consult a gynecologist.

Dermatologists-surgeons professionally remove formations on the genitals in clinics, medical centers. Specialists use liquid nitrogen, radio waves, electric current. The attending physician, if necessary, will prescribe immunostimulating and antiviral therapy.

HPV and pregnancy

Gynecologists in most cases recommend expectant mothers to refrain from treating warts during pregnancy. This can be done after childbirth. Genital warts in the birth canal must be removed if the bearing of the child has led to the activation of HPV and the appearance of many growths. This procedure is allowed to be carried out after the 28th week of pregnancy.

Laser removal is preferable, since its efficiency is high, the beam acts locally, does not affect the body of the mother and the unborn child. The disadvantages are the relatively high cost and the lack of opportunities for anesthesia (local anesthesia).

It is allowed to remove warts during pregnancy with viburnum or mountain ash juice, propolis tincture. Expectant mothers need to take vitamins, strengthen the immune system in accessible ways. You can use Viferon ointment.

New warts may appear weeks or months later even after successful removal. This is because the viral infection is not suppressed by the immune system. It happens that repeated infections from an infected partner constantly occur. Comprehensive treatment is needed, including strengthening the immune system, improving the organs of the reproductive system.

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Questions and answers on: warts on the labia minora

2015-09-19 11:35:17

Anastasia asks:

Girl, 25 years old, cervical erosion. The gynecologist at the examination said that I have a lot of genital warts on the labia minora, but the fact is that all my life I was sure that this was just my individual structure of the small lips, they looked exactly like that as far as I can remember (even before the onset of sexual activity), nothing became inflamed, no new processes appeared, a couple of years ago I was tested for HPV 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 52, 58, 59, 67 (all negative). The previous gynecologist, whom I saw for 3 years, never told me about condylomas during any examination, although my genitals looked the same. Tell me, is it possible to confuse warts and papillomas with a special structure of the epithelium in this area? Maybe there is some way to determine whether it is condylomas or not before repeated tests (I am going to take tests again for all types of HPV with typing)?

Responsible Bosyak Yulia Vasilievna:

Hello Anastasia! Virtually, without inspection, I can’t draw conclusions, understand correctly. See another gynecologist for an examination.

2012-03-12 12:09:27

Elena asks:

Good afternoon! I have a question. I was found to have HPV of a highly oncogenic type (which one was not identified), I also had small warts on the labia minora at the entrance to the vagina. I was liquified for a long time by an immunologist, but to no avail. I got pregnant, I didn’t give any more tests, the warts during pregnancy became larger and increased in size. Before giving birth, the gynecologist prescribed Genferon suppositories. I gave birth to a child naturally. My condylomas did not disappear during childbirth, but on the contrary, they became even larger and increased in size. The child is already 4.5 months old, I do not see any manifestations of condylomatosis of the larynx or other manifestations of papillomas. What is the probability of infection of the child with papillomavirus.

Responsible Wild Nadezhda Ivanovna:

Good afternoon. It must be remembered that HPV is a chronic disease. Exacerbations are replaced by the disappearance of symptoms. More often, viruses are infected through direct sexual contact, but not everyone. Predisposing factors are needed for transmission. That is, most likely, you will not get infected if you are absolutely healthy and your immunity works as expected. But at the same time, you need to remember that no remedy can guarantee you 100% protection against infection. There are 4 types of papillomaviruses that cause most of the diseases associated with HPV. Types 6 and 11 cause about 90% of genital warts in men and women. Types 16 and 18 cause about 75% of cervical cancers and about 70% of vaginal and vulvar cancers. Therefore, you should immediately contact the gynecologist of the antenatal clinic, preferably in the office of pathology of the cervix and uterine body for examination, treatment and possible vaccination against HPV. Now there are vaccines that not only protect, but also have a therapeutic effect. You can also get used to the child, but a little later.

2012-01-29 12:00:18

Elena asks:

Hello! Yesterday I removed condylomata on the labia minora with surgitron. In the morning before removal, I had indigestion and weakness, then the temperature rose during the day, it rose to 38.3 in the evening! Today the temperature still holds, there are no other signs of poisoning, only my stomach hurts periodically! Can the temperature rise due to removal and what can it turn into? And yellow discharge has also begun, is this normal?

Responsible Kolotilkina Tatyana Olegovna:

Hello, Elena. In the Astrum Medical Center, genital warts are removed by laser, and the temperature does not rise after this procedure. I think that the increase in body temperature in you is caused by poisoning, but you should see a doctor.

2011-04-27 11:42:16

Linda asks:

Responsible Tovstolytkina Natalia Petrovna:

Hello Linda. The test results are not dangerous, diseases that are caused by various viruses and bacteria can be dangerous. In addition to human papillomavirus infection, all your other problems respond well to treatment. The presence of the human papillomavirus does not mean that the patient will necessarily develop cancer caused by this virus. Such a patient simply needs regular gynecological examinations and careful implementation of doctor's prescriptions. The human papillomavirus is not a contraindication to sexual activity. It happens that warts disappear on their own with an increase in immunity, so you can postpone its removal for a short time. Erosion of the cervix must be treated, especially in the presence of papillomavirus infection.

2011-04-26 22:16:47

ELENA asks:

Hello! Has handed over the analysis on PTSR. Results: Mycoplasma hominis (quantitatively) positive. Ureaplasma urealiticum (quantitatively) will put. Chlamydia trachomatis PCR negative Mycoplasma genitalium PCR positive. Herpes virus 1.2 PCR negative HPV HRC screening PCR HPV 16 negative HPV 18,33,45,52,58,67 positive HPV 31,35,39,59 negative BAC sowing on microflora: the place of taking the biomaterial is the vagina. The isolated microflora of Gardnerella vaginalis The growth rate is 10 * 8 Conclusion: Bacteriological signs of bacterial vaginosis were revealed. Gardnerella vaginalis has good sensitivity to metronidazole and other anti-anaerobic drugs. Oncocytology: Place of sampling: cervix + cervical canal Quality of material: adequate Clinical diagnosis: cervical ectopia Cervix: unchanged squamous epithelium cells in the preparation. Cervical canal: In the preparation, cells of squamous and cylindrical epithelium are within the normal range. Cytological conclusion: No cells with signs of malignancy were found in the studied material. The doctor prescribed me treatment: Isoprinosine 2 tab 3 times a day - 10 days, then 1 month break (and so 3 times). Control for the HPV virus at the end of the medication after 6 months. Then take Fromilid uno 1 tab. 1 time per day - 7 days and with it fluconazole 1 caps 1 time per day - 7 days. Then, 4-6 weeks after taking the drugs, take a PCR test for mycoplasma and ureaplasma. A genital condyloma was also found on the labia minora. I have never been tested for human papillomavirus before. Now I'm very scared, I just think about it. Tell me, are the results like mine very dangerous? I know that this type of virus is a type of high degree of oncology. Will the prescribed treatment help? I know that until the age of 30 the body itself can cope with this virus, and I am 27. I gave birth to a child a year and a half ago. Maybe immunity decreased due to hormonal failure after childbirth and led to such indicators of tests. How to have a sexual life and is it possible at all now? I read that even a condom does not protect against this virus ....... Some kind of horror ... And when to remove this condyloma - after treatment or immediately? And whether it is necessary to cauterize the erosion of the cervix?

Responsible Vengarenko Victoria Anatolievna:

Elena, it is NECESSARY to treat necessarily, in addition to examine and treat the sexual partner. In addition to drugs, it is necessary to treat with radio waves or cryotherapy.

2010-12-18 00:17:08

Elena asks:

Hello! In my analyzes, HPV of high carcinogenic risk, DNA without type identification (positive ++++) and ureaplasma parvum (positive +++), as well as genital warts on the labia minora, were found in the analyzes. I took wilprofen 500000, viferon 2, lactogin, terzhinan and hofitol, the doctor advised me to get vaccinated against HPV, but does it make sense if I am 26 years old and the type of HPV is not defined?
Please answer another question: can I have genital warts with HPV HRC and what should I do about them? Thank you.

Responsible Medical laboratory consultant "Synevo Ukraine":

good day, Elena! Yes, you have warts and they are caused by the presence of HPV. You can and should do only one thing with them - delete them. Which way to do this can only be determined by your doctor. And there are many possibilities: to excise, that is, to remove by operation (surgical intervention), to use a preparation containing a mixture of acids (for example, Solkovagin), to carry out cryodestruction (exposure to low temperatures), diathermocoagulation (exposure to electric current), laser therapy, etc. After removal, the place where there were warts will need to be treated with ointments with an antiviral component. Vaccination is not necessary because vaccination prevents HPV infection and you are already infected. Be healthy!

2010-09-03 07:49:44

Natalia asks:

A year and a half ago, condyloma appeared on the labia minora. Recently I signed up for removal, but after menstruation, she began to get sick, and then she disappeared. Why could this happen? She did not treat anything, only, as prescribed by the doctor, she drank 1 tablet of Mycosyst.

Responsible Medical consultant of the portal "site":

Hello, Natalia! Your situation is an illustration of the fact that the body itself can cope with papillomavirus infection and the skin changes caused by it (warts and papillomas). Apparently you have strong immunity, which is not afraid of such infectious agents as papillomavirus. Nevertheless, we advise you to donate blood for the detection of papillomaviruses - for safety net. Take care of your health!

2016-05-28 09:59:07

Catherine asks:

Hello. 2 years ago have found out kandiloma. After the diagnosis, allokin-alpha treatment was prescribed (3 days for 1 amp, 3 days we skip and so 3 times, if I remember exactly) and removal of condylomas in the area of ​​the labia minora, the entrance to the vagina and around the anus. The treatment passed. Nothing bothered my boyfriend, but in some places there are single warts and papillomas. Allokin was also pierced for him (according to the same scheme). After a short time, single ones reappeared and were removed again. Now, after 2 years, pah-pah, I'm afraid to jinx it, everything is fine. True, sometimes small, pimple-like, some things come out on the inside of the thigh, closer to the hairline, I mechanically remove them. Please tell me what needs to be done so that they do not appear again. What tests should be taken periodically and how often. Can the virus be eliminated? Does a guy need to delete items? And are there any remedies that can be applied topically for prevention? Thanks

Responsible Hovhannisyan Karine Eduardovna:

Hello Ekaterina! Genital warts are caused by HPV viruses of various types, most often it is 6 or 11. According to the literature, the HPV virus disappears on its own in 90% of cases, without treatment within 8-10 months. What is the danger? If there is a high oncogenicity HPV virus (which can also disappear on its own), then there is a risk of developing cervical cancer in 10% of cases. Therefore, in this case (the risk of developing cancer), when donating blood for the E7 oncoprotein, the analysis will show the presence of this protein in the blood. Those. if there is a high-risk oncogenic papillomavirus (type 16 and 18) and an E7 oncoprotein, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist every 3 months for cytology and observation. As for genital warts. It is better to remove them. Reduces the risk of partner infection. To prevent recurrence, before the removal of genital warts, tests for STIs are taken, especially Trichomonas by the method of "sowing on Trichomonas" and blood for immunology.

» Condylomas in women on small lips photo

Is it necessary to remove warts in the vagina

Warts are a fairly common skin disease, the symptoms of which can be found almost anywhere on the body.

Usually these neoplasms are benign and, with the right approach to treatment, allow you to forget about their existence.

But if warts have formed in the vagina in women, then the prognosis may not be so favorable.

What are the features of these growths and what danger do they pose?

What is it

Warts are growths on the skin or mucous membranes.

On the skin, they often appear in the form of coarse bumps, nodules, raised spots.

  • On the mucous epithelium, these are elastic, elastic neoplasms with pointed apexes. Therefore, such outgrowths are called genital warts. They can be located singly or grouped in separate areas.
  • Growing, warts resemble cauliflower inflorescences. A small amount of a clear liquid can be released from their base, which irritates the surrounding cover, causing burning, itching, and then inflammation. But usually this happens in the later stages of the existence of genital warts.

The appearance of new growths can be completely asymptomatic and not detect itself for a long time.

A photo

How does papillomavirus infection manifest itself?

Outgrowths on the external genital organs of a woman are usually found quite quickly, during daily hygiene procedures.

With warts in the vagina, the situation is more complicated.

  • Vaginal warts in women can manifest themselves as discomfort during intercourse and when a hygienic tampon is inserted into the vagina.
  • Sometimes you can notice a slight bleeding that occurs when mechanical damage to genital warts.

But very often, vaginal warts are discovered by a doctor during a medical examination of a woman.

That is why you should not neglect preventive visits to the gynecologist.

In men, genital warts are formed much less frequently than in women.

At the same time, acting as a carrier of the virus, a man can transmit it to his sexual partners, who will not even guess about it.

Why do they appear

Photo: infection with genital papillomas occurs through sexual contact

Warts are transmitted in three ways:

  • during sexual intercourse;
  • from an infected mother to an infant during childbirth;
  • household contact.

Neoplasms that appear in the genital area can only be transmitted sexually.

The virus begins to show its activity against the background of other factors that weaken the body. It could be:

  • any disease of an inflammatory or infectious nature;
  • diseases of the reproductive organs (endometritis, inflammation of the ovaries);
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • violations of the vaginal microflora;
  • overwork or stress;
  • abuse of bad habits.

Often the appearance of genital warts accompanies other diseases that are also transmitted through unprotected sexual intercourse.

When diagnosing, this factor is taken into account and often it is necessary to treat several diseases at once.

What is the danger

The main danger posed by genital warts is the risk of their malignancy.

Condylomas can degenerate into malignant tumors in a natural way, without additional external influences.

  • This happens especially often if neoplasms are caused by 6, 11, 16 and 18 subtypes of the virus - strains with high and medium oncogenicity.

Photo: degeneration into cervical cancer

  • The transformation occurs gradually, starting with erosion and inflammation of adjacent tissues. If this process is not stopped in time, it develops into an oncological one.

Other, less dangerous, but no less unpleasant features of genital warts are that over time they can not only increase in size, but also grow significantly, occupying a fairly large area.

As a result, there may be discomfort during intercourse for both partners, as well as a state of psychological self-doubt.

If warts grow in the vagina of a pregnant woman, then this is fraught not only with the risk of infection of the baby, but can also become an obstacle to the normal course of natural childbirth.

Video: "Oncogenic HPV"

Locations of genital warts

Genital warts can affect the external and internal genital organs:

  • vagina, its vestibule and cervix;
  • large and small labia;
  • the area near and inside the urethra (both in men and women);
  • anus, the area around the anus and inside it;
  • head of the penis.

Genital warts can also form inside the anus.

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Such a lesion occurs as a result of anal intercourse, and is often found in people of non-traditional sexual orientation.

Growths on the vulva can cause discomfort or damage even from contact with linen, so they should be treated as soon as possible.

How infection occurs

All warts are caused by the human papillomavirus.

  • The pathogen penetrates into the upper layers of the skin or mucous membranes through any damage to them. He needs some time to master and consolidate in a new environment.
  • If a person has fairly good health, then the HPV incubation period can even stretch for several years. But he will not miss the right moment to declare himself.
  • Taking advantage of the weakness of the immune system, the DNA of the virus penetrates the nucleus of the skin cell captured by it, the cell begins to actively divide and manifests itself as an outgrowth.

Oncogenic strains of the virus (those that cause transformations of surrounding tissues and can lead to malignant transformations) are highly active and manifest themselves regardless of concomitant factors.


The outgrowths themselves become a symptom of infection with papillomavirus infection.

  • If they are in the vagina, then their appearance may go unnoticed by the woman.
  • In rare cases, itching, burning, and other unpleasant sensations appear.
  • Most often, a woman begins to suspect some deviations in health when, during intercourse, she experiences some kind of discomfort that was not there before. After intercourse, spotting may appear.
  • The formation of genital warts on the outer zones of the intimate area may be accompanied by slight swelling and redness.

Even if the growths themselves have not yet appeared, but the discomfort is already disturbing, you should consult a gynecologist.

The diagnostic methods prescribed by him will make it possible to recognize the infection in the early stages.


When contacting a doctor, the patient can already count on the initial diagnosis.

For this, the simplest diagnostic methods are used:

  • visual examination - sometimes outgrowths are visible to the naked eye, the doctor can assess the extent of their spread;
  • colposcopy - the use of magnification for a more accurate examination of the vagina;
  • in the absence of visible outgrowths, the vaginal mucosa can be treated with a 3% solution of acetic acid or Lugol's aqueous solution, which cause it to stain, as a result, pathological areas become clearly visible.

But to confirm the diagnosis and determine the strain of the pathogen, as well as the prognosis of the disease, these data are supported by additional studies:

  • pap test- allows you to determine malignant changes in the tissues of the vagina and cervix, since genital warts can be caused by HPV strains with a high oncological risk;
  • PCR- a method for determining the DNA of the virus and its oncogenic variety;
  • histological examination- serves as a confirmation of the good quality of tissues or an indicator of the degree of their malignancy;
  • HPV Digene test- screening, which allows to determine the subtype of the virus that caused changes in tissues, the study helps to determine the tactics of treatment and the prognosis of the disease.

For a more accurate result, diagnosis is usually carried out in several ways.


Sometimes there is a spontaneous cure of genital warts, this is especially true for a young organism.

  • But, given the high risks of degeneration of these formations, it is not recommended to let the disease take its course.
  • The doctor, taking into account the specific situation, can always choose the most gentle, but effective methods of treatment.

Photo: the doctor should choose the method of treating genital warts

Treatment of genital warts goes in several directions at once.

  • Surgical or destructive methods are often used to remove outgrowths.
  • Sometimes they are replaced with drug therapy, which also allows you to get rid of growths.
  • It is mandatory to take antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs. Without their use, the likelihood of relapse increases.

How to treat condylomas, a doctor prescribes.

Treatment is individual, so you will need a personal consultation with a specialist and the passage of the necessary studies.

Self-medication (for example, cauterization with iodine) in this case can be not only ineffective, but also dangerous.


To remove genital warts, the doctor may prescribe drugs with a cauterizing and mummifying effect.

  • These are Podophyllotoxin, Kondilin, Vartek, Kondiline-Nycomed. They disrupt the process of cell division of the neoplasm and lead to its necrosis.
  • Ferezol, Solcoderm have necrotic properties. These drugs can be used in combination with the removal of genital warts or as an independent agent for conservative treatment.

To maintain or restore immunity, the doctor prescribes immunostimulating drugs - Cycloferon, Immunofan, Anaferon, Imiquimod, Immunal, Amiksin.

Photo: drug treatment


Antiviral drugs are prescribed to prevent relapses, and also if there are multiple outgrowths.

They can also be used as independent remedies or combined with the removal of outgrowths.

Some antiviral drugs are supplemented with an immunostimulating effect for a more effective effect.

These are, for example, Isoprinosine (in tablets), Panavir (suppositories, gel, injection solution). Their action is based on a violation of the process of cell division of the virus, due to which its activity stops.


With extensive growths or when infected with oncogenic strains of the papillomavirus, removal of genital warts is recommended.

It is carried out by the following methods:

  • liquid nitrogen, or cryodestruction- destruction of the wart by freezing;
  • electrocoagulation- cauterization of outgrowths with electric current;
  • radio wave removal– safe excision of condylomas by a non-contact method;
  • laser- evaporation of wart cells;
  • surgically- cutting with a scalpel.

Vaginal warts are practically not removed with liquid nitrogen. In this case, this is a less reliable method compared to the others.

Preference is given to laser, radio wave method and electrocoagulation.

Photo: removal of neoplasms with a radio wave

Features of treatment in pregnant women

Pregnancy is a period when a woman should be especially careful when taking medications.

  • But it is during this period that warts often recur, actively grow and increase in size, taking advantage of a general decrease in immunity. Treatment is necessary, because the presence of genital warts is a focus of infection, which is dangerous for the risk of infection of the baby.
  • Therefore, if the treatment of vaginal warts must be carried out with an existing pregnancy, then it is better to do this in the 1st trimester. If this time period has already passed, all methods are postponed until the postpartum period.

For the treatment of genital warts in pregnant women, sparing methods of exposure are used.

  • This is a combination of Solcoderm ointment with an immunostimulating drug, for example, Interferon.
  • With extensive growths, it is possible to remove condylomas by radio wave method.

Treatment should be under the supervision of a physician and carried out in strict accordance with his recommendations.


To prevent infection with especially dangerous strains of HPV, a special vaccine has been developed.

It helps prevent the development of cervical cancer or penile cancer - the main dangers of oncogenic strains.

But other measures are also important:

  • having a permanent sexual partner;
  • the use of condoms in case of doubts about the partner's health;
  • annual visit to the gynecologist for preventive examination;
  • taking care of your own health and immunity.


The papilloma virus, once in the body, remains in it forever. It will not be possible to completely overcome it.

But it is quite possible to achieve a stable remission when the virus is in an inactive phase.

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To do this, remove existing growths, undergo a course of complex treatment (antiviral and immunostimulating) and try to avoid secondary infection.

Genital warts are one of the most dangerous types of papillomavirus.

Therefore, their self-treatment is unacceptable. It is better to trust a specialist and carry out all his appointments.

This is the only way to be sure that the virus will not manifest itself with the most adverse consequences.

Video: "Papilloma genital warts, condylomas"

How to get rid of genital warts

Some skin diseases located in piquant places are not treated recklessly by people. One of these diseases includes perianal warts - growths similar to warts and mainly located in the genital area. Such a neoplasm requires mandatory treatment!

Reasons for education

The cause of genital warts is the papillomavirus, they are infected through sexual contact, and pathogens are transmitted in 75% of cases from a virus-carrying partner. Once inside the body, the virus may not manifest itself for a long time, and with a decrease in immunity, general and local, condylomas begin to form in intimate places. Approximately 100 different subspecies of the virus have been identified, approximately 15 of them cause growths in the form of warts, others, less common, can cause cancer cell growth.

The risk of infection with the virus reaches 80% with age, the risk of a disordered intimate life, trauma to the external and internal genital organs during intercourse, and the presence of a sexually transmitted infection increase the likelihood of the disease. The incubation period for the development of the disease on average reaches 8 months, usually genital warts begin to appear in the folds of the skin, the male genital organ, and the labia 60-90 days after penetration. Papillomavirus infection can live in the body until the end of life, manifesting itself with a decrease in protective forces, in women this sometimes happens during menstrual irregularities, pregnancy, menopause.

Clinic of the disease

Genital warts choose the areas most prone to injury during sexual intercourse as the place of their localization. In women, the growth of the virus is observed on the small and large labia. With anal and oral contact, condylomas can form in the anus, oral mucosa. The exit site of the urethra may also be involved in the process.

Men are more likely to pay attention to genital warts. Growths are localized on the head, extreme raft, near the urethra, and sometimes on its inner walls. In the anus, skin growths usually occur in representatives of non-traditional orientation.

The appearance of genital warts varies: when diagnosing the disease, you can see four types of manifestations of the virus on the genitals. These are pointed, flat, papular and keratinizing forms. In most cases, genital warts do not occur singly: they are several formations that gradually combine into tumor-like growths, similar to cauliflower inflorescences on a narrow stalk. Blood vessels pass through the leg to the formation, through which the genital neoplasms feed and, accordingly, grow.

Genital warts of the female genital organs look like a whitish outgrowth with an uneven surface that rises above the surface of the skin. Anal warts, located in the rectum, have a pinkish tint. Perianal condylomas are in the folds of the skin, undergoing constant maceration, their surface becomes bright red, unbearable itching and soreness appear.

Neoplasms of the genital organs can interfere with a full sexual life, cause pain, bleed. They also cause psychological problems - the sick do not immediately decide to see a doctor, refuse sexual intercourse, depression appears. Condylomas on the labia and in general on the female genital organ can interfere with the normal course of childbirth and lead to the infection of the baby with the virus.

Particularly rapidly grow and become infected skin growths on the genitals in patients with diabetes mellitus, with immunodeficiency states. Neoplasms on the genitals can move into the region of the inguinal folds, in rare cases, to the stomach.

Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis is usually straightforward, and special blood tests are used to identify the type of virus. There is no treatment that completely removes the papilloma virus. Doctors can only remove skin growths, treat concomitant diseases, including boosting immunity. With any method of treatment, there is a risk of recurrence of the disease and this manifests itself in 30% of cases.

The main methods of treatment:

  1. Cryodestruction with nitrogen. The method consists in the effect of liquid nitrogen on condylomas. Under its influence, the leg dies, the nutrition of the tumor-like growth stops. Nitrogen treatment is painless and does not cause scarring.
  2. Laser treatment. A beam of rays acts, under its influence the tumor disappears, a wound is formed that heals for about 10 days. The method is quite painful, especially when warts are formed on the female and male genital organs, so this method is offered if there are contraindications to others.
  3. Use of concentrated acids. The growths are treated with a solution with a high concentration of acid, as a result of which they disappear, the application of the liquid requires great precision, and should only be carried out by a doctor.

Treatment of the virus will be more successful if the sick person seeks medical help at the onset of the disease. The decision on the method of treatment is made by the doctor, based on the location of the formation, its area, and the presence of chronic diseases.

How to treat warts in women - features of the location of growths

Genital warts are growths on the epithelium that have arisen as a result of infection of the body with the human papillomavirus. Most often, such formations appear in the genital area. There may be several of them, and more than 10 warts may grow. They are small in size, and, perhaps, will not even cause inconvenience, but they require timely treatment and prevention in the future, because there is a danger of their malignancy.

Treatment of genital warts in women

In women, the treatment of growths may differ slightly due to the location of their localization. Education can be placed:

  • On large and small labia;
  • In the vagina and on the cervix;
  • In the perineum and anus;
  • On the inguinal folds;
  • In the area of ​​the neck, décolleté and chest.

The last two points do not imply any special precautions. Another thing is when warts cover the mucous membrane of the vagina or cervix.

To diagnose such genital warts in women, only a doctor can prescribe treatment and further therapy. Even about the use of folk remedies, it is worth consulting so as not to harm the body.

Treatment should be combined. In addition to the removal of external growths, it is necessary to carry out further immunostimulating therapy and regularly take tests to determine the viral load in order to avoid a relapse of the disease.

Condylomas on the pubic part - treatment

The disease cannot be cured - you can only remove the growths with instrumental or medical methods.

Instrumental include:

  • Laser removal;
  • Radiosurgery;
  • Electrocoagulation;
  • Cryodestruction.

In order to remove condylomas from women on the pubic part (see photo), treatment is also carried out with the help of external medicines.

These include:

  • Podophyllotoxin preparations - Kondilin;
  • Combined remedy - Solcoderm;
  • Antiviral ointments - Viferon, Panavir, Oksolin;
  • Salicylic ointment, salicylic acid solution.

First, medicines are used, but if they do not give a result, the doctor will be forced to refer the patient to the procedure for excising the growth.

Treatment of condyloma on the labia minora practically does not differ from that described above, but in this case it is better not to show initiative. For example, salicylic acid cannot be used on mucous membranes - other methods must be chosen.

Condylomas in the vagina - treatment, photo

In the vagina, the growths are attached with a leg and have sharp ends. They can be single, also stray into bunches. For this zone, both conservative methods (taking oral, external medicines) and more radical ones (removal of growths by destruction methods) can be used.

Vaginal suppositories with antiviral, antibacterial and local immunostimulatory effects are also used. Betadine is often used in the form of suppositories (local antiseptic).

For intravaginal use, Epigen Intim spray is prescribed. It is necessary to follow certain rules of admission - 2 injections 3 times a day. This drug is perfect for getting rid of condyloma of the vulva, the treatment of which also involves knowing some of the nuances.

The course of application of Epigen Intim is from 5 to 7 days. Together with him, Epigen gel is used for everyday intimate hygiene. If there is no effect from the drug, you need to consult with a specialist about further actions.

Condylomas on the cervix - treatment

Localization of growths on the cervix is ​​one of the most dangerous manifestations of the human papillomavirus. Without productive therapy, formations can lead to cancerous tumors of a malignant nature.

Usually there is a flat condyloma of the cervix (see photo). The localization of growths in this area may mean a rather long-standing appearance of papillomavirus in a woman's body.

  • Therapy should be aimed at increasing the body's defenses through the use of immunocorrectors, a healthy lifestyle, and the rejection of bad habits.
  • The growths must be removed by one of the destruction methods.
  • Take a course of antiviral therapy: Cidofovir, Panavir, Alpyrazine.

Removal and treatment of flat condyloma of the cervix, unfortunately, cannot guarantee a full recovery, since a drug has not yet been created that would destroy the structure of the virus. It is very important to take preventive measures to protect yourself from this disease.

Symptoms of micropapillomatosis in women, methods of treatment. Is this disease dangerous?

Micropapillomatosis is a set of small rashes of light pink or flesh color on the labia minora. The shape of the elements resembles papules. Rarely, the rash appears on the labia majora. The photo below shows micropapillomatosis of the labia minora, located on their inner surface.

What does micropapillomatosis look like? The photo shows a clear example of flesh-colored rashes on the midline of the vulva. Usually, the elements appear symmetrically on the labia, most often they are localized along two parallel lines. When touched, a soft texture is felt. Education is painless. The development of elements occurs during puberty, but the specific causes of the rash have not yet been identified. Possible factors in the development of the disease, according to medical scientists, include:

  • strong hormonal changes in the body, especially during the maturation of a teenage girl;
  • systematic irritation of the genitals when wearing uncomfortable underwear;
  • chronic inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system in the fair sex.

Micropapillomatosis of the labia is a fairly rare occurrence, occurring in only 4% of patients. The origin of the pathology is explained by the anatomical features of the woman. Treatment of micropapillomatosis in women does not require the use of special medications.

According to studies, women's micropapillomatosis has nothing to do with human papillomavirus infection. Although some institutes of medicine are still looking for a connection between these pathological processes. The affinity of the disease with the HPV virus is determined during histological and cytological studies for the diagnosis of koicelotosis. This phenomenon is characteristic of the presence of HPV in the body.

Micropapillomatosis: norm or pathology?

According to medical research, the following clinical characteristics of rashes have been identified:

  • such a lesion of any area of ​​the female reproductive system does not harm her health;
  • symptoms of vaginal micropapillomatosis refer to normal variants of the anatomical development of the female body;
  • the rash is not sexually transmitted;
  • the development of complications provoked by papules has not been established.

In some cases, self-elimination of this disease occurs without the use of any therapeutic measures. Various methods of removing rashes by medicine are not prohibited. In most women, papules cause shame, moral discomfort, although they do not provoke physical ailments, they are often removed. Further in the photo - micropapillomatosis in women.

Micropapillomatosis: photos, symptoms and signs

A high probability of the appearance of this disease exists with hormonal changes in a young organism. The process is marked by the appearance of rashes on the labia or vulva, similar in appearance to papules, light pink or flesh-colored nodules.

These elements are soft to the touch, do not bring any physical discomfort and pain. The nodules are arranged symmetrically, their localization in rows is often noted. The same symptomatology can be present in adult women suffering from hormonal imbalance against the background of pathology of the endocrine system or under similar physiological conditions, for example, during pregnancy.

Micropapillomatosis of the vulva: photo

If pain, itching in the area of ​​​​rashes and an increase in the size of papules appear, you should consult a doctor, since other pathologies may appear against the background of the course of this disease.

In medical practice, it is important to correctly distinguish such an ailment from the development of HPV in the body. Condylomas are formations resulting from the ingestion of pathogens of a viral nature. They are characterized by asymmetric localization in the genital area. The color of warts is often similar to the rashes in this disease, but a denser structure is felt on palpation. For genital warts, a group manifestation in the form of multiple growths is characteristic.

Treatment of micropapillomatosis

This process does not require specific treatment. However, if the rash brings a woman a feeling of embarrassment, it is possible to remove the papules using the following modern methods:

  • exposure to cold nitrogen - cryodestruction;
  • destruction of formations by electric current - electrocoagulation;
  • laser burning.

The most popular is laser exposure - a painless method that promotes rapid tissue regeneration. It does not leave visible scars in place of the fallen elements. The recovery process takes up to two weeks. to determine the desired method, you should consult with your doctor.

How to treat micropapillomatosis at home?

Treatment of micropapillomatosis at home consists in the use of decoctions of medicinal herbs when washing. Herbal decoctions contribute to the normalization of the vaginal microflora and prevent the appearance of infection in the intimate area. For the treatment of micropapillomatosis with folk remedies, infusions of oak bark and chamomile are most often used. A concentrated decoction is added to the water before bathing.

This ailment is able to be eliminated on its own, therapeutic treatment is not required, except when a woman wants to remove pathological elements from the genitals due to aesthetic discomfort.

Warts on the labia are one of the manifestations of the human papillomavirus. Usually they are papillary growths. They can be mushroom-shaped or pointed, single or multiple, occupy a small or large area. They do not appear immediately after HPV infection, but after a few months and against the background of a decrease in immunity, with menstrual irregularities, during pregnancy and during the onset of menopause.

Ways of infection

Ways of transmission of HPV:

  • unprotected intimate contact;
  • household - the use of linen, towels, personal hygiene products that another person also used.

In 75% of cases, the causes of infection are sexual contact with partners who are carriers of the virus. That is why you should be careful and use barrier contraceptives, or it is better not to have intimate relationships with people you do not know well.

The risk of infection is especially high in those who lead a promiscuous intimate life, often injure the genitals during intercourse, who have sexually transmitted diseases. All this forms a favorable environment for the virus to firmly settle in the body and after a while make itself felt with symptoms.

The sharp growth of epithelial cells occurs against the background of:

  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • pregnancy, as during this period the woman's immunity decreases;
  • surgical operations on the genitals.

The rapid growth of genital warts occurs in women who have diabetes and suffer from various immunodeficiency conditions. In such patients, it is important to treat them comprehensively, given that not all drugs can be used.

Symptoms and development of genital warts

Genital warts in women begin to occur gradually. First, white bubbles are visible on the surface of the mucosa. If they are, then this means that HPV is in its active phase. This is dangerous because the virus will be transmitted to others quite actively if at this time there are sexual intercourse or even cases of using towels, sleeping on the same bed linen without panties and pajamas.

Then the bubbles are on the mucous epithelium for some time, their growth may even stop. The most interesting thing is that the person does not experience pain, as well as itching, burning. But when pressed, a clear liquid can come out of the bubbles. It is absolutely impossible to do this, so as not to violate the integrity of the growths and not provoke their rebirth.

Sometimes they are injured spontaneously during hygiene procedures, intimate contact, wearing tight underwear or tight jeans. Damaged growths can bleed, which will cause pain. During sexual intercourse, a woman may experience discomfort, pain,.

Then the risk of injury is also associated with the fact that a bacterial fungal infection joins HPV. In this case, fistulas appear on the neoplasms, a clear liquid can ooze from them, often of a curdled consistency, with impurities of pus. An unpleasant odor arises from the genitals. It is important to urgently enroll in the hospital and pass all the tests. According to their results, start the treatment that the specialist will recommend.

Sometimes white blistering formations go away without treatment. But if there are no external signs of the human papillomavirus, this does not mean that he is defeated. The woman remains a carrier and must now be careful not to infect her sexual partners and unborn children.

It happens that warts do not go away. They grow on the mucous membrane of the small lips, begin to resemble cauliflower. If a person tried to remove the growth on his own with aggressive methods, then it can only be worse, since damage provokes growth, and at a fairly high pace.

After that, they are already not only on the labia minora, but also reach the entrance to the vagina, the clitoris, they can grow near the opening of the urethra and “rise” to the cervix, which is fraught with serious complications in the future. Condylomas also pass to the inguinal folds, to the stomach. If, in this case, you continue to remove growths using folk methods or simply try to pick them up, the consequences can be extremely unfavorable.

That is why, if any growths are found in intimate places, in no case should you try to eliminate them using folk methods. After all, there is a risk of only aggravating the situation. In addition, it is not always immediately clear that these are condylomas. Often, such growths can be confused with manifestations of other diseases. Without laboratory tests, even a doctor is not always able to identify the disease.

For differential diagnosis, you need to make an appointment with a gynecologist, urologist, venereologist.

Differential Diagnosis

Despite the fact that genital warts in women have a rather characteristic appearance, only a visual examination is not enough to make a final diagnosis and prescribe treatment. The doctor needs to exclude other similar diseases and conditions:

  • lichen;
  • cysts;
  • sexually transmitted diseases, the symptoms of which are rashes and swelling on the genitals.

Treatment of neoplasms

There are several methods to get rid of genital warts.

Cryotherapy - elimination of formations with the help of liquid nitrogen. Usually this method is suitable for those who have a small build-up. The surface of the mucosa is treated with a certain substance. But sometimes one session is not enough. The doctor prescribes the time and frequency of repeated procedures. Between them, you must strictly follow all the instructions of a specialist in order to achieve a successful result.

The use of various medicines locally. The impact is on damaged tissues. Necrosis, tissue death occurs. It is also important to strictly follow the medical instructions here, because when the medicines are applied, the affected cells are destroyed, and sterility must be observed so as not to cause an infection.

Impact on the neoplasm with a composition of acids, copper nitrate. In this case, the growth acquires a yellow tint. With each subsequent treatment, it decreases. How many and how often to conduct such sessions, the doctor determines individually. Getting rid of genital warts in this way is painful, and a burning sensation may occur. If the drug gets on healthy tissues or if it is used on large neoplasms, scars and scars may occur. That is why it is strictly not recommended to apply such solutions to growths on your own.

Diathermocoagulation - impact on warts with an electric knife. Increasingly, instead of this method, a modern one is chosen, namely.

It is used to eliminate single growths that form on large or small lips. After exposure to a laser, a crust grows in this place. It should come off on its own in 5-7 days. It must not be touched or torn off. In addition, the growth should not be wetted, injured or exposed to ultraviolet radiation, for example, sunbathing in a solarium or in the sun without a swimsuit.

Removal of condylomas surgically. This method is chosen for large growths, when they rise above the mucous or skin integuments more than half a centimeter. After such an operation, the doctor puts stitches. Complete healing should occur in 3-4 weeks.

Danger of genital growths

As studies show, with self-elimination of genital warts, a complete cure does not occur. On the contrary, just such unprofessional manipulations are the causes of the development of inflammation, suppuration, and secondary recurrence.

If left untreated, neoplasms can spread to healthy tissues throughout the body, grow, block the entrance to the vagina and close the rectum. For women, the danger of the virus lies in pathological changes in the reproductive system, the risk of developing cervical cancer. If you plan to become a mother in the future and give birth to healthy offspring, you need to monitor your health and consult a doctor at the slightest deviation from the norm.

In addition, neoplasms on the genitals are dangerous during pregnancy because during the passage through the genital tract, the child can become infected with the virus. In this case, a caesarean section is indicated to protect the fetus from infection during childbirth. Otherwise, warts can then affect the mouth, mucous membranes of the eyes.

With condylomas, a woman can develop depression against the background of an inferiority complex, because usually sick people do not immediately go to the doctor, try to eliminate the growths, but nothing comes of it. They only grow, which leads to a deterioration in intimate life up to a complete rejection of it. Another unfavorable scenario is the infection of his partner, since when growths appear, he can blame the woman, and this will be fair.

The most successful cure is observed in those who turned to doctors for help at an early stage of the disease. The doctor assesses how difficult the treatment will be, taking into account the localization of the growth, its area, appearance, and the presence of concomitant and chronic diseases.

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