Gamma butyric acid preparations analogues. Gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA)! Powerful fat burning supplement. Gamma and the blood-brain barrier

Gamma- aminobutyric acid(abbreviated GABA) is a biogenic substance contained in the brain that performs neurotransmitter and metabolic function. Its useful property is invaluable for the human body, and especially for those involved in sports and heavy training. This inhibitory neurotransmitter central- nervous system stimulates energy processes brain, improves the quality respiratory function tissues, stimulates blood circulation, improves the process of glucose utilization.

Gaba performs and others important features. This amino acid relieves nervous tension, has a good tonic and calming effect, often acts as a tranquilizer, but without addiction. For medical purposes, and not for sports purposes, the biogenic substance is used in the treatment of sexual dysfunction, since it has a strong relaxing effect.

Among pharmaceutical products, the most popular drug is Amilon, the action of which is to stimulate the metabolic processes of the brain. This drug has a high concentration of GABA and is quickly absorbed in the body, and then forms strong bonds with plasma, entering the blood.

Falling apart pharmaceutical drug in the liver and kidneys. It is excreted from the body along with urine. The agent is non-toxic, it is not the only one containing a biogenic substance. Among the others medicines Picamilon, Gamibetal, and Gammalon are also in demand. They contain a slightly lower concentration of GABA, but are considered highly effective.

How to Take GABA Properly

The daily dosage ranges from 3.5 to 3.75 g. The recommended rate can be divided into two doses. It all depends on personal wishes. There are no strict restrictions regarding this substance. Since GABA is characterized by a rapid degree of absorption, it is possible to take the substance both before and after the end of the session. The main thing is that the reception falls on the time before the meal, and not after.

It has value due to the stimulation of the anterior pituitary gland, that is, the ability to activate the synthesis of growth hormone. They take GABA to achieve a good fat burning effect, and also because the substance has anabolic properties. These are not the only reasons for the amino acid's popularity in bodybuilding.

Substance intake has a multifaceted effect positive impact for an athlete:

  • helps to improve concentration;
  • improves the quality of sleep;
  • has a direct impact on the formation of the relief of the body;
  • has a calming effect, but stimulates muscle activity;
  • does not have toxicity.

Side effects

Drugs containing GABA have practically no negative impact on the body, including as a result of taking increased dosage. The most common side effects are concern, panic anxiety, sweating, nausea, in rare cases, vomiting.

Sometimes after taking an amino acid, unstable arterial pressure or an increase in body temperature. People who have chronic problems sleep disorders, and kidney failure, taking the substance is contraindicated. In some, the active substance causes allergies. If an overdose occurs, the stomach is washed and rested.

GABA Performance Evaluation

Studies conducted since 2003 in various countries of the world have shown that the substance really brings results. It has been confirmed that due to gamma-aminobutyric acid in physical activity more growth hormone is produced.

And if the early experiments covered a wide audience, then since 2008, studies have been conducted exclusively with those involved in bodybuilding. They fully confirmed the previous results. Growth hormone is synthesized faster if GABA is taken. On average, the concentration increases by 6 times.

GABA Reviews

Almost everyone speaks positively about the biogenic substance. Negative comments are often due to a violation of the intake or the training process itself, since the growth hormone is produced more actively during classes.

Both European and American athletes unanimously give GABA an extremely positive assessment. This is the best evidence of the effectiveness of this amino acid.

A person is able to control his own body, think and make decisions. All this is the merit of the central nervous system. All tissues and organs are connected with it. Even those body functions that do not require conscious control depend on the adequate functioning of the central nervous system. The brain sends signals and, thanks to this, we breathe, our heart beats, we are able to see the world around us. Gamma-aminobutyric acid plays an important role in the functioning of the central nervous system. It is about her that will be discussed.

What happens when there is a malfunction in the brain? The consequences can be unpredictable and rather sad: from various physical ailments before the loss of identity. Sometimes at the first sign nervous disorders or to treat more serious illnesses doctors prescribe a drug containing GABA. Another name for the acid is GABA. Let's find out what this substance is and why it is so significant.

An amino acid is a biologically active chemical involved in brain metabolism. It is an inhibitory neurotransmitter, that is, an intermediary between the gray matter and the cells of the body. The formation of GABA occurs from glutamic acid with the participation of the enzyme (glutamate decarboxylase).

Under the influence of gamma aminobutyric acid occurs:

  1. activation of energy processes;
  2. improvement of blood circulation;
  3. utilization of glucose;
  4. elimination of toxins;
  5. stabilization of blood pressure;
  6. prevention of muscle cramps;
  7. saturation of tissues with oxygen;
  8. normalization of nervous processes;
  9. calming the nervous system.

The deficiency of this substance can be compensated with the help of the gaba supplement. However, you should first consult with your doctor. For excess in the body leads to a restless state, causes shortness of breath and trembling in the limbs. So in what situations does a person need medicine?

Indications for the use of a nootropic agent

Typically, GABA is taken in combination with other drugs to relieve symptoms in such diseases:

  • epilepsy;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • endogenous depression;
  • cerebrovascular insufficiency;
  • stroke;
  • cerebral palsy.

The use of food supplements is not limited to:

  1. With the help of gamma aminobutyric acid, they fight the consequences of traumatic brain injuries;
  2. It helps reduce the manifestations of alcoholic encephalopathy;
  3. it indispensable assistant with a symptom complex of motion sickness;
  4. Indications for use are frequent headaches and sudden dizziness;
  5. Effective in reducing concentration;
  6. Allows you to adjust the memorization mechanism;
  7. Recommended by doctors in case of problems with speech;
  8. It is appropriate to take derivatives of gamma-aminobutyric acid for children who are lagging behind in development, as well as for babies with severe dementia;
  9. In addition, this is a real find for people suffering from insomnia. After all, such drugs have a relaxing effect;
  10. And gamk comes to the rescue with violations of sexual function, as it relaxes the body as a whole.

weight loss

An important point, dietary supplements with GABA help to lose weight. This is due to the fact that one of the properties of GABA is the acceleration of the set muscle mass. In an effort to drop excess weight many resort to sports. The primary task is to get rid of adipose tissue.

Pumped up muscles increase, and fat disappears due to this. Obesity is also a problem for people who do not sleep well. Lack of sleep - extra centimeters at the waist. Metabolism slows down, the body is in a state of stress, which provokes a feeling of hunger. Nobody promises fast weight loss thanks to the food supplement. But on at least, fully getting enough sleep, you will stop gaining kilograms.

How to avoid deficiency of "brake" substance?

A person suffering from a lack of GABA cannot fully work during the day and relax at night. The thing is that an overexcited nervous system does not have the opportunity to return to normal. Therefore, there is a state of eternal anxiety, depression, aggression. It is difficult to properly organize your own schedule. You do not have time to cope with the planned and annoyed even more. And at night, when you need to plunge into a deep restorative sleep, you suffer from insomnia and scroll through the past in your head. unpleasant moments. You become like a wound up doll that is unable to stop on its own. But the sense of chaotic walking is also zero.

Is there a way to avoid such a fate? There are several ways to increase the level of gab:

  1. Introducing certain foods into the diet;
  2. Relaxing physical exercises (for example, yoga);
  3. The use of special nutritional supplements.

When compiling a diet, include oranges, kiwi, bananas in it. Eat oatmeal and bread from whole grain. Don't forget by-products. Benefits will bring broccoli, lentils, spinach. Sometimes nuts should appear on the menu. Drink better herbal decoctions and green tea. It is appropriate to add lemon balm to the drink.

However, it is not always possible to achieve the desired result with the help of proper nutrition. And carving out an hour and a half to relieve stress by physical education is problematic. In addition, the complex special exercises must be done correctly, under the supervision of an instructor. And this is additional expenses and, again, precious time.

Come to the rescue bioactive supplements containing gamma aminobutyric acid. To date, buying dietary supplements is not a problem. There are analogues from different manufacturers. You will be able to choose a product with an acceptable combination of price and quality for you. Let's study the question right choice in more detail.

Acquisition of GABA

You can purchase gaba supplements from a pharmacy or order from the iHerb online store. To know what to look for, take a look at the list of trade names:

  • GABA or GABA;
  • Nicotinyl gamma;
  • Aminalon;
  • Gammalon;
  • Ganevrin;
  • Gaballon;
  • Apogamma;
  • Encephalon;
  • Gammar;
  • Gammaneuron;
  • Myelomad.

This is an incomplete list. On sale you have a large number of nootropics, in which the active ingredient is gamma-aminobutyric acid.

Here are some analogues:

  1. Nicotinyl gamma. crystalline powder white color odorless. Quickly absorbed, practically non-toxic. In case of circulatory disorders in the brain, doctors prescribe nicotinoyl gamma as the main drug for treatment;
  2. Aminalon. Available in tablets. It is prescribed to influence the central nervous system in order to eliminate the manifestations of overexcitation. Well tolerated by patients. Aminalon is purchased by prescription;
  3. Gammalon. Release form - tablets. Nootropic pharmacological effects. Normalizes the dynamics of nervous processes. Accepted by medical prescription.

It is convenient to buy dietary supplements in online stores. You can even order gaba delivery. Couriers deliver the goods to the address you specified.

Purchase option on iHerb

Attention should be paid to iherb. There is a wide range of nutritional supplements. You can choose the option that suits both the price and the composition. Consider some suggestions:

  1. Gaba solgar. food supplement for plant-based. One capsule of Solgar contains 500 mg of the active substance. The package contains 100 capsules. Relaxes and soothes;
  2. Now Foods, GABA. Capsules of 100 pieces in one package. The price varies depending on the site (about 1000 rubles). Used to relieve nervous tension;
  3. Gaba plus. A drug from Twinlab. This is a vitamin and mineral complex. The price for 100 capsules is 1350 rubles. Recommended for maintenance physical form suitable for people leading an active lifestyle;
  4. gamma-aminobutyric acid. Manufacturer NORTHEAST PHARMACEUTICAL GROUP. Available in powder. It is important to accurately observe the dosage regimen in grams.

Deciding whether you need nicotinoyl gamma, solgar or gaba plus is difficult to make on your own. A reasonable decision to consult a doctor and undergo necessary examinations. Only a competent approach will allow you to get the expected therapeutic effect.

Instructions for use

The drug is taken orally. Preferably before meals. Before starting the course, gamma-aminobutyric acid instructions are carefully studied. It indicates the right dosages, as well as possible side effects. Sometimes the body reacts to active substance specifically. One can expect such side effects like vomiting and nausea. In some cases, there is a disorder of the digestive system. Sometimes there are pressure surges. Sometimes a person feels hot. All this passes with time.

Contraindications for use:

  1. individual intolerance;
  2. first trimester of pregnancy;
  3. acute renal failure.

Use for children is allowed after a year. It is possible to give any medicine or nutritional supplement to a child only after consultation with a specialist.

It is worth considering one more thing. Gaba receptors are sensitive to alcohol. It is strictly forbidden to combine bioactive additives and alcohol. Since alcoholic beverages act on the body in a similar way to GABA, their simultaneous use leads to an excessive inhibitory response. Perhaps a state of depression and indifference to the outside world. Characterized by depression, slowness of movement, buzzing in the ears.

Gamma-aminobutyric acid is a substance that the body is able to synthesize on its own, but certain factors can deprive this ability. These include stress, alcohol abuse, excessive brain activity, low-protein diet, which also lead to sustainable bad mood, dissatisfaction with the life situation, lack of motivation. It turns out that possible reason of these problems is the lack of GABA.

Thus, Gaba is the most important mediator of the brain. It has a depressing effect on the central nervous system. Therefore, this amino acid can be called a tranquilizer. It is present in every element of the central nervous system, but the concentration may vary.

In connection with the importance of this amino acid for the proper functioning of the human body, they learned to synthesize it by artificial means. On its basis, food additives and teas are made. GABA is also used as excipients in pharmaceutical formulations.

In general, externally supplied GABA has a low ability to enter the brain. Therefore, it is advisable to take special means, which easily overcome the blood-brain barrier and are further converted into GABA under the influence of enzymes.

Useful properties of GABA substance

GABA is a nootropic drug designed to regulate nervous excitement it has a calming effect. Its use in medicine is justified by a number of useful properties. Let's describe them in more detail.

The use of a dietary supplement with the amino acid Gaba, for example, in bodybuilding is justified by the fact that this substance is capable of exerting positive influence on the endocrine system. It is known that GABA is found in high concentration in the hypothalamus, therefore it plays important role in the regulation of the activity of this part of the brain, which is responsible for regulating the sleep cycle, body temperature and pituitary gland activity. And the pituitary gland, in turn, regulates hormonal processes, controls the functions of the endocrine glands.

The consequence of this mechanism is the presence of such indirect beneficial properties of GABA:

  • Increasing the speed of metabolic processes;
  • Stimulation of production more growth hormone;
  • Stimulation of the pancreas to produce insulin;
  • Decreased blood sugar levels.
For people involved in bodybuilding, the end results of the processes described above are most valuable. With the intake of GABA, they burn more efficiently body fat, muscle relief is achieved faster, the rate of mass gain increases and strength indicators increase.

Useful for of cardio-vascular system Gaba properties:

  1. Lowering and normalizing blood pressure;
  2. Relief of symptoms associated with atherosclerosis;
  3. Reducing the intensity of dizziness and sleep disturbances caused by hypertension;
  4. Prevention of a heart attack;
  5. Slight decrease in heart rate.

Effects of GABA on the nervous system

The pharmacological action of the amino acid Gaba is based on the fact that GABA is the main neurotransmitter that takes part in the processes of central inhibition. It contributes to the rapid implementation of communications between nerve cells, as well as between nerve cells and muscles.

This substance activates the energy processes in the brain, under its influence the respiratory activity of tissues increases, the glucose utilization by the brain is accelerated, and blood supply improves.

The beneficial effect of the Gaba amino acid can be described as follows:

  • Decreased intracranial pressure;
  • Increase mental and motor activity patients who have had a stroke, head trauma;
  • Memory improvement;
  • Removal of spasms in the vessels of the brain, due to which the intensity of tinnitus and headaches decreases;
  • Relief of symptoms of depression and bipolar disorder;
  • Increasing mental clarity;
  • Relief of manifestations of alcohol intoxication;
  • Normalization of the mechanisms of wakefulness and sleep;
  • Reduced susceptibility to seasickness;
  • Reduced anxiety.
  • Increasing self-control.

Indications for the use of the amino acid Gaba

Indications for the use of food supplements with amino acid Gaba are as follows:
  1. Atherosclerosis, hypertension and other diseases associated with damage to the vessels of the brain;
  2. Cerebrovascular insufficiency;
  3. Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's;
  4. Epilepsy;
  5. sleep disorders;
  6. Violation of memory, speech, attention;
  7. Encephalopathy;
  8. headache, dizziness;
  9. Alcoholic polyneuritis;
  10. mental retardation in children;
  11. Alcoholic encephalopathy;
  12. Cerebral palsy;
  13. Dementia;
  14. Consequences of a stroke or traumatic brain injury;
  15. Symptom complex of motion sickness (seasickness);
  16. Endogenous depression accompanied by difficulty mental activity.

Contraindications and side effects of GABA

Contraindications for GABA are few and far between. this amino acid is an essential element in the functioning of the central nervous system.

So, taking products containing gamma-aminobutyric acid is contraindicated in the following cases: the first trimester of pregnancy, childhood up to 1 year, hypersensitivity, acute liver failure, hypotension, period of exacerbation of diabetes mellitus and kidney disease.

Side effects occur with an overdose, the presence of individual intolerance, as well as in the first days of taking the substance.

They manifest themselves in insomnia or, conversely, in increased sleepiness, large fluctuations in blood pressure, changes in heart rate, respiration. Some patients report a tingling sensation in the neck and face. Perhaps the appearance of nausea and vomiting, dyspepsia, hyperthermia, sensations of heat.

An excess of GABA can lead to increased anxiety, shortness of breath and shaking of the limbs.

Instructions for use of the amino acid GABA

For the substance Gaba, the instructions for use contain the following recommendations:
  • It is taken orally, before meals.
  • For adults, the daily dose is up to 3.5 g. To achieve the effect minimum dose is 1.5 g per day.
  • For children from 1 to 3 years: the minimum dosage is 0.5 g, the maximum is 2 g per day.
  • For children from 4 to 6 years old: the minimum daily dose is 2 grams, the maximum is 3 g.
  • For children over 7 years old, the dosage is 3 g per day.
  • The daily dose is usually divided into 3 doses.
  • The minimum course of treatment is 2 weeks, the maximum is 4 months.
  • To eliminate the motion sickness syndrome, adults take 0.5 g, and children 0.25 g three times a day for 3 days.
  • In the fight against insomnia, the drug is taken exclusively at bedtime. In the first week, the dosage is 2 g, in the second - 3 g, in the third - 4 g, in the fifth and subsequent - 5 g.
  • How to take Gaba in bodybuilding - immediately after training at a dosage of 3 g. This ensures the secretion of growth hormone.

What is Gaba tea

GABA tea is a raw material processed in a special way to saturate tea leaves with gamma-aminobutyric acid. It is noteworthy that even ordinary tea contains GABA, but in a smaller amount, and at the same time, the usual method of brewing does not allow isolating this substance into the infusion.

Gaba tea is made in several ways:

  1. The first. After the fermentation of the tea leaf, it is placed in containers made of metal, hermetically sealed and the air is pumped out of them, then filled with nitrogen. This processing takes about 10 hours. In its process, GABA is synthesized naturally in the leaves. And then comes the roasting process.
  2. Second. The standard tea production technology includes an additional stage - spraying the tea leaf with GABA. This option allows you to increase the content of this substance hundreds and even thousands of times. Notably, replacing the airless stage with spraying eliminates oxidation processes, resulting in more nutrient retention.
These processing options make it possible to make a GABA extract with conventional home brewing.

Taste qualities of Gaba tea: pleasant aroma, sweetish or sour taste, the presence of a refreshing aftertaste.

We will describe how to brew Gaba tea:

  • To brew 3 grams of tea, use about 300 ml of pure water.
  • Boil water and cool it to 80 degrees.
  • Use clay containers (teapot, cups) of small volume.
  • Pour over the tea and leave to brew for 5 minutes.

The price of Gaba tea depends on the manufacturer, manufacturing technology, the presence of additives. In general, the cost of 50 g of tea starts at 450 rubles.

Overview of drugs with the active substance GABA

Here is an example of several common drugs, the action of which is aimed at replenishing the amino acid Gaba in the body:
  1. Aminalon. Sold in the form of capsules or tablets at a dosage of 0.25 g. The drug is able to enhance the effect of anticonvulsants, sleeping pills. The cost of one package (100 tablets of 0.25 g), depending on the manufacturer, varies from 240 to 450 rubles.
  2. Pantogam. The active substance is the calcium salt of hopantenic acid. The formula also includes vitamin B5. The action of the drug is aimed at improving the metabolism of GABA. Produced in the form of syrup (100 ml, 10%), tablets (50 pcs., 250 mg). The cost is 430-450 rubles.
  3. Picamilon. A widely used remedy. The active substance is nicotinoyl gamma-butyric acid. Once in the brain, it breaks down into GABA and niacin, so the main properties of GABA are added to improve blood flow and vasodilation. The cost of packaging the drug in the form of tablets (30 pieces of 50 mg) - 90 rubles, in ampoules (10 pieces, 2 ml, 10%) - 130 rubles.
What is Gaba - look at the video:

Preparations to increase the level of amino acid Gaba in the body can be bought at pharmacies. There are a lot of offers on the Internet for the sale of Gaba tea, many of the options contain additives, for example, lavender. Therefore, everyone will be able to find exactly the product that, in addition to health benefits, will also bring taste pleasure.

Gamma-aminobutyric acid has a psychostimulating and nootropic effect. It is the only active component of the drug "Aminalon" (in a tablet of 0.5 or 0.25 grams). There are also excipients, such as anhydrous colloidal silicon dioxide, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate, etc. Gamma-aminobutyric acid stimulates metabolic processes in the brain, neutralizes and removes toxic substances, due to which the work of memory and thinking improves, the recovery of motor and speech functions is accelerated after a violation cerebral circulation. In addition, the drug lowers blood pressure and has a beneficial effect on the condition of patients with diabetes.

Composition and form of the drug

"Aminalon" is produced in tablet form. These tablets are white in color with a grayish yellow tinge. Packed in packs of twelve or six pieces in blisters, and in polymer containers - 30, 50 and 100 pieces. Each tablet includes 0.5 or 0.25 grams of the active ingredient.


The drug with gamma-aminobutyric acid is rapidly absorbed from the digestive tract and reaches its highest concentration in blood plasma in about an hour. The drug breaks down in the kidneys and liver, after which it is excreted from the patient's body with exhaled carbon dioxide and urine.

Indications for use

The instructions for use for the preparation of gamma-aminobutyric acid "Aminalon" list the following indications for use: arterial hypertension; atherosclerosis of the cerebral arteries, which is accompanied by softening of the brain; consequences of craniocerebral injuries, circulatory defects in the brain; vascular diseases brain, especially accompanied by dizziness and headaches; speech, memory, attention disorders due to cerebrovascular insufficiency chronic nature; encephalopathy and alcoholic polyneuritis; seasickness (motion sickness).

The use of gamma-aminobutyric acid "Aminalon" for children is advisable in the treatment of: mental activity, mental retardation, consequences of craniocerebral and birth injury; symptom complex of motion sickness and cerebral palsy.

Contraindications of the drug

"Aminalon" is a fairly safe remedy and has almost no contraindications. This drug not prescribed to patients with excessive sensitivity to the active substance of the drug. In addition, "Aminalon" is prohibited in acute liver and kidney failure.

Features of functioning

It has already been noted above that when entering the human body active component drug - gamma-aminobutyric acid - the processes of material metabolism in the brain are restored. This happens due to the mutual action of the active component with certain brain receptors. As a result, the blood supply to the brain returns to normal, tissue respiratory activity increases, and energy processes also become more active.

harmful metabolic products and toxic substances excreted faster, glucose utilization becomes more efficient. All this restores normal dynamics processes of the nervous system, the patient improves the work of thinking, memory, the functions of movement and speech, impaired due to disruptions in the blood circulation of the brain, are restored faster. In addition, the active substance of the drug stabilizes the pressure, eliminating such unpleasant symptoms like convulsions, dizziness and sleep disturbances. Patients with diabetes talk about a decrease in sugar levels after using the drug.

Dosage and method of application of the drug

The instructions for gamma-aminobutyric acid say that it is advisable to take the tablets half an hour to an hour before a meal, washing them down a small amount water. The daily dosage is usually divided into two doses. The therapy begins with a small dosage of Aminalon, which gradually increases during the course. The duration of treatment is set by a specialist, taking into account the patient's condition and the desired effect, it can vary from two weeks to several months. If necessary, a second course is prescribed after six months.

Features of the treatment of adult patients. In the first 3-5 days, the dosage of the drug per day is 0.5 grams, then it increases to one or two grams.

Features of the treatment of children. The drug is prescribed to children depending on age. Children under three years of age are usually recommended to drink one gram per day; from four to six years - one and a half grams; after seven years - two grams. The medicine can be used to treat motion sickness. In this case, children are prescribed 0.25 grams twice a day, and 0.5 grams for adults.

Overdose and its consequences

The drug "Aminalon" is characterized by low toxicity, and therefore an overdose becomes possible only when used very large doses the drug at once (from 10 to 20 grams). Overdose symptoms are as follows: vomiting, headaches, nausea, stomach pains. Also, the patient may have a fever, a person feels drowsiness, a state of lethargy. special treatment in this case is not required. The patient needs to wash the stomach, take activated charcoal and enveloping drugs (diosmectite, starch mucus). Further measures depend on the condition of the person.

Side effects

According to reviews, the gamma-aminobutyric acid in Aminalon is generally well tolerated by patients. However, in some cases, side effects such as fever, fever may appear; upset stomach and intestines, vomiting and nausea; lability of arterial pressure; sleep disorders. If the patient has such signs after using the drug, a decrease in the dosage of Aminalon is required, and after that the person's condition returns to normal.

Special instructions and precautions for use

There are currently no significant research the effect of gamma-aminobutyric acid on the body of a woman during pregnancy and the fetus, and therefore the drug can only be prescribed by a doctor if the intended beneficial effect for the patient above possible danger baby. The same applies to the use of "Aminalon" during breastfeeding.

On the initial stage treatment, it is desirable to control blood pressure indicators, since there may be violations. The drug is not recommended to be taken at bedtime, as disturbances may occur. During treatment, especially initial stage, it is necessary to refuse to perform work that requires high concentration, and driving vehicle. Must be abandoned alcoholic beverages at the time of treatment. The drug is usually not prescribed to children under the age of six. The drug is dispensed without a medical prescription.

Interaction with other drugs

What else does the instructions for use for gamma-aminobutyric acid tell us? The drug "Aminalon" is able to provide bad influence on the human body when interacting with other means. With caution, you need to use the drug simultaneously with benzodiazepine derivatives, sedative-hypnotic and anticonvulsants, since such a compound has a depressing effect on the central nervous system. When used during the treatment of antihypertensive drugs, their effect on the body is enhanced. In the treatment of elderly patients, blood circulation in the brain may be disturbed, and hypotension may also develop with the simultaneous use of Aminalon with Nicergoline, Vinpocetine and Nimodipine.


In the pharmaceutical industry, there are a number of medicines that replace Aminalon. These include the following drugs: "Encephalon"; "Gammazol"; "Gammalon"; "Myelogen"; "Apogamma"; "Gammaneuron"; "GABA"; "Gammar"; "Ganevrin"; "Gamarex"; "Myelomad"; "Gaballon".

Also on sale you can find gamma-aminobutyric acid "Nicotinoyl".

The drug is nootropic dilating the blood vessels of the brain. It has a tranquilizing, psychostimulating, antiplatelet and antioxidant effect. On the background of its reception improves functional state brain, since tissue metabolism and the effect on cerebral circulation are normalized (the volume and linear velocity of blood flow increases, resistance decreases cerebral vessels, platelet aggregation is suppressed, microcirculation improves).

With a course intake, physical and mental performance increases, decreases headache improves memory, normalizes sleep; anxiety, tension, fear decrease or disappear; the condition of patients with motor and speech disorders improves.

Natural tranquilizer without side effects. Natural calming "agent" of the brain. Pharmaceutical quality GMP.

Manufacturer GABA / GABA / GABA: NOW Foods, USA.
Release form GABA / GABA / GABA: Gelatin capsules, 100 pcs. packaged.

Composition of 1 capsule GABA / GABA / GABA:
Vitamin B-6 (from pyridoxine hydrochloride) 2 mg
GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) 500 mg

Other Ingredients: rice flour, gelatin (capsules), magnesium stearate ( vegetable source) and silica.
Does not contain: sugar, salt, yeast, wheat, gluten, corn, soy, milk, eggs, shellfish or preservatives.

During the day, our brain is exposed to all sorts of external influences: noise, bright colors of the world around us, stress in the workplace, personal problems, family worries, bad news, etc. Under the influence of all these factors, relaxation and concentration is a difficult task.

According to the FDA (Committee for the control of medicines and food additives) more than 60 million people each year receive a prescription for a tranquilizer for anxiety, anxiety and depression. These are drugs such as Valium, Relanium, Seduxen and other drugs from the benzodiazepine family. They bring about the same changes in brain chemistry that nature intended GABA to perform. Tranquilizers actively affect the GABAergic systems, enhancing the central inhibitory effect of gamma-aminobutyric acid. The only difference is that GABA is non-addictive and does not cause any harm. GABA is a natural relaxant and tranquilizer that does not intoxicate a person, and therefore it is completely safe to use during the daytime hours.

. GABA / GABA / GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) - an amino acid found in the central nervous system, is main inhibitory neurotransmitter of the central nervous system . When GABA is released, inhibition occurs nerve impulse. The main physiological role of GABA is to create a stable balance between excitatory and inhibitory systems.
. GABA prevents overexcitation nerve cells , relieves arousal and has a calming effect, it can also be taken as a tranquilizer, but without the risk of addiction.
. GABA - notropic agent , restores energy and metabolic processes in the brain, improves the dynamics of nervous processes, improves blood supply to the brain, promotes the utilization of glucose by the brain and the removal of toxic metabolic products from it.
. GABA / GABA increases the productivity of thinking , maintains clarity of mind, improves memory, favorably affects the recovery of movements and speech after a violation of cerebral circulation.
. GABA has a light hypotensive action, reduces initially high blood pressure and the severity of symptoms caused by hypertension (dizziness, insomnia).
. It has a moderate antihypoxic and anticonvulsant action.
. In patients with diabetes mellitus, it reduces the content of glucose, with a low content of glucose in the blood, it has the opposite effect.
. GABA normalizes the sleep cycle, allowing you to sleep well at night.
. GABA in the body is formed from another amino acid - glutamine and vitamin B6.
. It is anti-stress, anti-anxiety, soothing and relaxing. nutrient. GABA has been called the brain's natural calming "agent".

. vascular diseases of the brain (impaired cerebral circulation, atherosclerosis and hypertension);
. impaired memory, speech, attention deficit disorder;
. anxiety, depression, irritability
. mental difficulties, low intellectual functions;
. headaches and dizziness;
. after a stroke and brain injuries to increase the motor and mental activity of patients;
. sleep disorders;
. chronic cerebrovascular encephalopathy and insufficiency with impaired memory, attention, speech, dizziness and headache;
. endogenous depressions with a predominance of asthenohippochondriacal phenomena;
. alcoholic encephalopathy and polyneuritis;
. lag in growth and mental development in children;
. premenstrual syndrome;
. convulsive syndrome and etc.

Adults, depending on the condition, 1-2 capsules 2-3 times daily with juice or water on an empty stomach. Daily dose usually is 1.5-3 g. Children 1-3 years old - 0.5-1 g / day, 4-6 years old - 1-1.5 g / day, over 7 years old - up to 2 g / day.
The effect of GABA is usually noticeable after 2-3 weeks of use, however, the full effect of the drug begins to work at 6-8 weeks. The course of treatment lasts from 2-3 weeks to 2-6 months. If necessary, the course of treatment is repeated.

Contraindications: Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
Side effects: transient dyspepsia, fluctuations in blood pressure (during the first days of treatment). When the dose is reduced, these phenomena quickly disappear.


GABA is amazing at stimulating fat loss, because. stimulates the production of growth hormone (STG), which facilitates fat metabolism in the body. STG is also known for its powerful anabolic effect. Increasing muscle mass is definitely a good thing, especially for those who are into bodybuilding or fitness.
GH production tends to naturally decrease with age, so the older you get, the harder it is for you to lose fat. This is one of the reasons why GABA is becoming so popular.
Needless to say, losing fat and stimulating muscle growth also leads to increased energy. More strong feeling burst of energy - common additional effect from GABA!
GABA is without a doubt the most underrated supplement you can find. GABA, no question, should be on the "must have" list due to its amazing properties.
AST introduced GABA to athletes in 1990. This amino acid was discovered while researching ways natural increase growth hormone levels. Studies have shown an increase in growth hormone levels by 550% after 90 minutes. after taking 5 g of GABA. This is significant and very effective increase. In fact, there is no other supplement that has such an impact on growth hormone levels.
Growth hormone is considered the most powerful hormone in the human body that affects muscle growth. Many factors influence the release of growth hormone. Exercise and sleep increase the secretion of growth hormone.
GABA has a unique relaxing effect . This improves sleep, which means muscle growth and recovery. The increase in growth hormone levels, along with the relaxation that GABA gives, improves the body's ability to recover, significantly increases growth. muscle tissue and also gives you a constant feeling of well-being.
High levels of growth hormone also promote the use subcutaneous fat as energy. This means for you that along with muscle growth, you will simultaneously get rid of excess fat.

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