What kind of verb I can not. Imperfect verb: examples and how to distinguish from the perfect

37. Types of the verb. Modern theory of species value. Mechanism of speciation in OC. Species chains. Formation of correlative species pairs. Two-way verbs.

The category of species, which replaced the rich system of Russian times, was not clearly delimited from the category of time in the works of a number of scientists (N.I. Grech, A.Kh. Vostokova, etc.). OH. Vostokov in the "Russian Grammar" identified three types: non-final (imperfect), perfect and multiple. In addition to three types, he identified eight forms of time. He failed to distinguish between the categories of species and time.

G. Pavsky in "Philological Observations" puts forward the theory of three degrees of duration, which was later supported by K.S. Aksakov and N.P. Nekrasov. “In verbs, degrees mean a measure of duration and scope of action,” wrote G. Pavsky. Valuable in this theory was the interpretation of the category of species as a category expressing a qualitative difference in the nature of an action.

A.A. Potebnya, having adopted the theory of degrees of duration (he singles out four degrees of duration), goes further than his predecessors. Potebnya connects the degrees of duration with the perfection and imperfection of the action, but does not identify them.

In the works of G.K. Ulyanova, F.F. Fortunatova, A.A. Shakhmatova, A.M. Peshkovsky, V.V. Vinogradov and other scientists supported the theory of two types - perfect and imperfect. Much attention was paid to the study of the species formation system and the definition of the grammatical-semantic side of the aspect category. The category of a species began to be understood as a category that expresses not a quantitative, but a qualitative characteristic of an action. However, there is still no consensus on the issue of defining the category of a species and on the difference between a perfect and an imperfect species.

Some scientists considered the species as a category that denotes the distribution of action in time (A.Kh. Vostokov, F.I. Buslaev, A.A. Potebnya, A.M. Peshkovsky), others emphasized the way the action proceeds in defining the type (A. Boldyrev, .A. Shakhmatov, V.A. Bogoroditsky), others considered the species as a category expressing the action in relation to its limit, result (V.V. Vinogradov and many modern researchers).

The concept of the form. View is the CC, indicating the limited/unlimited action. The limit is the point after which the action does not develop (Maslov, Vinogradov). The aspect category is inherent in all forms of the verb. Verbs decided And decided denote the same action, but differ grammatically. Verb decided perfect form, it denotes an action that ended with the achievement of a result and is completed. In this verb, an indication of the limit, the boundary of the action is grammatically expressed, therefore the action decided conceived as limited in its course. Verb decided imperfect form, it does not contain an indication of the internal limit, the boundary of the action, its completeness. Therefore, the aspect category expresses the relation of the action denoted by the verb to the internal limit of the action. Imperfect species denotes the action in its course, without indicating the limit, the boundary of the action ( groaning, getting old and so on.). Perfect view denotes a bounded action at some point in its execution: made a noise(starts making noise) made some noise(noisy for a while); noisy(completion of the action).

Among the imperfective and perfective verbs, verbs are widely represented as their subspecies. multiple(imperfect form) and single(perfect form). Multiple verbs denote the duration, repetition or repetition of an action: shake, shake and so on.; single - one-time and instantaneous action: jump off, throw out and so on.

In the group of imperfective verbs, verbs denoting movement, movement in space and having two forms are distinguished: a) non-multiple verbs denoting a single movement that takes place in one specific direction: run, drag, lead, carry, drive, ride, go, roll, climb, fly, carry, swim, crawl, drag; b) multiple verbs denoting movement or continuous, but multidirectional, or unidirectional, but intermittent: run, wander, drive, carry, drive, ride, walk, roll, climb, fly, wear, swim.

The main grammatical differences of the species relate to the meanings and forms of time:

1) imperfective verbs have the forms of the present, past and future tenses; perfective verbs have no present tense;

2) for imperfective verbs, the future tense is complex ( I will do), and for perfective verbs - simple ( I will do);

3) imperfective verbs form real and passive present participles, perfective verbs do not have these participles;

4) the imperfective participle most often denotes an action simultaneous with the action of the verb-predicate, and the perfect participle is the previous action.

Speciation. When forming forms of a verb, the original form, with a few exceptions, is a verb with the meaning of an imperfect aspect. Speciation of verbs is carried out according to strict laws.

The process of forming the verb CB from the verb HB is perfectivation. On the contrary, it is an imperfection. In the process of speciation of verbs, the formation of specific chains (the sum of consecutive binary oppositions of the verbs HB and NE, formed from one original verb) occurs. The classical full VC consists of 4 links: HB - SV - NV - SV.

1st link - the initial form is the non-prefixed verb HB, if there is one in the language. Most non-prefixed verbs are HB (exception: give, child, lie down, sit down, stand up, buy).

2nd link - the verb SV, formed from the 1st link in one of the ways (prefix - paint - paint; suffix - push - push; changing the suffix a to and - decide - solve; pre6-suffixal or prefix-postfixal - drink - get drunk; some are formed suppletive - say - say). All verbs with a non-derivative stem (buy, lie down, sit down, give) also belong to the 2nd link.

3rd link - verbs of the secondary HB, formed from the verbs CB (by adding the suffixes yva / iva - rewrite - rewrite (besides yva with the meaning of the secondary HB there is a homonym with the meaning of a long past multiple action - sat - sat - no speciation); by adding the suffix a / ya - to captivate - to captivate; by transferring stress - to sleep off - to sleep off; with the help of the suffix Eva - to extend - to extend; in different ways from non-prefixed ones - to sit down - to sit down).

4th link - from the prefixed verbs HB of the 3rd link with the help of a secondary prefix. Prefixes are usually used for - completeness, excessive action; by - coverage by the action of many objects. The formation of a species pair between the 3rd and 4th link is impossible, because the prefix always introduces a derivational value (pull out - pull out).

A complete species chain consists of 4 links: color - color - color - colorize. However, all levels of this system in the RL are not always filled, they remain unfilled for various reasons, the main one being the lack of demand by the speakers. Verbs of the 4th link overly concretize the action, therefore, they are more often used in colloquial, dialectal speech and vernacular. Sometimes the VC starts from the 2nd link, because. 1st fell out (to oblige - to oblige). If in the first and second link the prefix has only a species value, then the 3rd link is not formed. In VC, speciation is intertwined with word formation (shout - shout - scream - VC is interrupted - pure word formation). Most of all correlative relations between pairs of the 2nd and 3rd links - suffixes are most of all grammaticalized, but there are cases when the LZ is complicated (wave - wave). The aspect category is distinguished by the almost complete absence of purely grammatical means.

Species pairs of verbs. When verbs of one kind are formed from another by means of prefixes, two results are possible: a) the addition of a prefix to an imperfective verb introduces the meaning of the prefix into the meaning of the verb, as a result of which the lexical meaning of the original verb changes and the formed perfective verb does not correspond in meaning to the non-prefixed verb (cf. : fly - fly over, take off and so on.); b) adding a prefix, creating the meaning of the perfect aspect of the original verb, does not change the lexical meaning of the verb, as a result of which the non-prefixed (original) and prefixed (derivative) verbs differ only in appearance and constitute correlative aspectual pairs (cf .: go blind - go blind, dine - dine and so on.). In the latter case, the prefix loses its lexical meaning and turns into a grammatical means of form formation. This phenomenon is observed especially often in relation to prefixes: o- (ob-, obo-), by; s- (co-): to blind, to please, to anger, to build, to make; less often - for; y; on the; vz-: strangle, drown, sharpen, sweat; and very rarely from; at; You; time-: frighten, prepare, grow up, stir up.

Most Russian verbs form correlative pairs of imperfective and perfective form. The most productive type of such formation is the aspect pair of perfective prefixed verbs and their corresponding imperfective prefixed verbs with the suffix -yva- (-iva-)(cf.: cut out - cut out). When correlative aspectual pairs of this type are formed, it is possible (as an additional aspect indicator) to alternate root vowels o//a if the verb of the perfect form has an accent not on the root vowel (cf .: build up - build up, accumulate - accumulate). alternation o//a is not stable if the perfective verb has an accent on the root sound [o], formations with [a] are possible in the literary language ( double, arrange, master, challenge, cajole, touch, honor etc.) and formations with [o] ( disturb, condition, preoccupy, disgrace, vulgarize, summarize, amuse, scatter, wrinkle, legitimize, empower, strengthen, hasten). Such parallel forms are characteristic of different styles of the literary language.

An equally productive type of aspect pairs of verbs is the ratio of non-prefixed imperfective verbs and non-prefixed perfective verbs with the suffix - well (th)(cf.: push - push) and the ratio of non-prefixed and prefixed verbs with prefixes of grammatical meaning (cf. to praise - to praise, to do - to do, to be shy - to be shy and so on.).

In the circle of unproductive formation of species pairs, the following groups are distinguished: 1) decide - decide, decorate - decorate and so on.; 2) bake - bake, get off - get off and so on.; 3) avoid - avoid, get used to - get used to and so on.; 4) to fill - to fill, to wash off - to wash off, to survey - to survey and so on.; 5) paired verbs that differ only in the place of stress (cf .: cut - cut) and 6) paired verbs expressed in words with different stems (suppletive forms): speak - say(others see above).

Verbs that do not have pairs of another form. Unpaired imperfective verbs include: a) non-prefixed verbs with a suffix -yva- (-iva-) with a multiplicity value. In the modern literary language, such verbs are used exclusively in the form of the past tense with the meaning of prescription of the action: he used to say, he sat, he saw, etc.; b) prefixed verbs (book character) with suffixes -yva- (-iva-), -a, -e, -i plead, regret By- and suffix -yva-(-iva-) cough, look and etc.; with prefixes under-, at- and suffixes -yva- (-iva-), -va- and etc.; with prefix re- and affix -sya and etc.

By- think, hold on behind- And By- re-, from-, to- -Well- gush, burst -and-: need, find yourself.

Unpaired imperfective verbs include: a) non-prefixed verbs with a suffix -yva- (-iva-) with a multiplicity value. In the modern literary language, such verbs are used exclusively in the form of the past tense with the meaning of prescription of the action: he used to say, he sat, he saw, etc.; b) prefixed verbs (book character) with suffixes -yva- (-iva-), -a, -e, -i with the meaning of the process, not limited to the achievement of the result: plead, regret and etc.; c) verbs with a prefix By- and suffix -yva-(-iva-) with the meaning of multiple, intermittent action: cough, look and etc.; with prefixes under-, at- and suffixes -yva- (-iva-), -va- with an accompanying action value: to whistle, to whistle, to speak and etc.; with prefix re- and affix -sya with the meaning of duration and reciprocity of action: to squabble, to shoot and etc.

Unpaired perfective verbs include: a) verbs with a prefix By-, denoting the limitation of action in time: lie down, sit down, dream etc., as well as with several prefixes think, hold on and others belonging to the colloquial style; b) verbs with prefixes behind- And By- with start value: walk, roar, run, pour and etc.; c) verbs with prefixes re-, from-, to- with the meaning of completeness, effectiveness of the action: to make noise, to interrogate, to spoil and etc.; d) verbs with a suffix -Well- with the meaning of intensive onset of action: gush, burst etc. and e) some verbs with the suffix -and-: need, find yourself.

Two-way verbs. Verbs that combine the meanings of the perfect and imperfect form are two-species, but in the conditions of the context they can act with a meaning characteristic of one form. These are verbs with suffixes -ova (t), -irova (t): organize, telephone and so on.; some verbs with suffixes -a(t), -i(t), -e(t): promise, marry, marry, execute, say, injure, command.

In some verbs, the difference in aspectual meaning is associated with a certain lexical meaning; compare: Naro d ... crowdfledbehind us(P.) (imperfect) - Somebodyfledfrom Moscow, and it was ordered to detain everyone(P.) (perfect form), and sometimes it is expressed only in separate forms (cf .: gave birthA - perfect look and genusAnd la- imperfect species).

Good afternoon, dear student! Today we will look at types of verbs. Very often my students wonder why there are so many different verbs in Russian, how to determine their tense and why some verbs are used with prefixes and some without. To understand all these issues, let's look at perfect and imperfective verbs.

You will find the form of imperfective verbs in the dictionary, the verb in this case denotes an action, and perfective verbs are formed from this form. It should be noted that there are a lot of these methods, here are some of them:

With help prefixes, compare:

Imperfect species Perfect view
To read Read Has Red
To write Has written
Prepare Has cooked
To buy Buy

Please note that we have an exception word that is formed in perfect form without a prefix - this is the verb "Buy". In its imperfect form, this verb is used with the prefix -po.

With the help of different suffixes:

So, if we want to say that the action happens regularly, we need an imperfective verb. If the action happened 1 time at some point or day / hour, etc. and we know about its result, then we are dealing with a perfective verb. These verbs answer the question what to do?"

If we are talking about repetitive actions, then we not only use imperfective verbs that answer the question " what to do?", but we also use various additional information in the form of adverbs, which just show this repetition. For example,

Anastasia can't cook what to do?), she cooks rarely. Anastasia cannot cook, she cooks rare.

I bought (what did?) beautiful dress, it is for me goes very well! (result visible) I bought a new dress, it suits me much.

In order to correctly determine the aspect of a verb, you can remember some adverbs that will help you correctly decide whether this or that verb belongs to a particular aspect:

Imperfect species
What are they doing? When? How often?

  1. Nikita watches a movie Every morning/evening/day, regularly, often, rarely, sometimes, usually.
  2. Vitaly buys newspapers
  3. We play volleyball
Perfect view
What did they do? When?
  1. Nikita watched the film "Titanic" Yesterday, in the evening, in the morning, today, once, on Friday, 2 days ago, already, not yet.
  2. Vitaly bought the newspaper "Izvestia"
  3. We played volleyball very well
From these examples it can be seen that adverb words can greatly facilitate the definition of one or another type of verb, the main thing is to learn questions and remember these words. To practice, correct these sentences by giving the verbs the correct verbs. The sentences are misspelled:

I finished my porridge and went for a walk.
Students stayed at the university, but still mastered the material.
She redid the report for a very long time.
Tanya cried a lot and did not calm down.
The children laughed a lot and the teacher decided to play with them some more.

Remember Please, that imperfective verbs have 3 forms: past, present and future:

Perfective verbs have only 2 tense forms: past and future

Watched and will watch

The form of the past tense changes by numbers:

Ran (singular) and fled (plural) He ran and they ran.

The form of the verb is one of the topics in the school curriculum that students forget or even “fly by”. Without a doubt, if you do not understand the easy rules of this section, you will not be able to understand the other, more complex ones. Students often confuse an imperfect verb with a perfect one, but they don’t even imagine, everything is so easy and simple, you just need to clearly sort out what is what.

View is such a unit, without which not a single verb in the Russian language can exist. It is worth remembering that it can always be determined! In some cases, the answer is on the surface, and in some you have to dig. In our language, there are two types of verbs: perfect (CB) and imperfect (NSV).

Perfect view

This is a form that denotes an already completed action, most often we use it in the past tense. If we draw a parallel with the English language, there the completed action can be indicated by such tenses as Past Simple and Present Perfect. It should be taken into account that the verbs CB direct us to the result, the end of the action or its beginning. For example: "He read a book." How can you know that this is not an imperfective verb? You just need to ask the question: “What did you do?”. Such a hint is given by teachers to children in almost all schools, explaining that if the predicate has the prefix “s” in the question, then this is a perfective verb.

This type can also be used in the future tense, questions to test: “what will (will) do?” etc.

You should take into account the fact that the present tense is completely absent from the NE, so if you saw the verb of this tense, know that it is NSV.

Imperfect species

The imperfective verb indicates the duration of the action, without emphasizing the result. The process can be regular, that is, someone does something every day. Or simply repetitive, in other words, someone does something infrequently. English also has process tenses, such as Present Continious. Adverbs in a sentence can also “give out” the imperfect form of the verb. Examples: constantly, often, always, regularly, usually, for a long time - they all indicate the absence of an end to the action.

To easily determine the imperfective verb, one has only to ask him the question: “What to do?” (the question does not contain the letter “s” indicating NE, therefore, this is NE). For example: Marina loves to sing (what to do?).

The verbs of this group can be both the present tense (what do (do)? Etc.), and the future (what will I do (will I do)? Etc.) and the past (what did (do)? Etc.). d.).

One-dimensional verbs and verbs with two forms

Many verbs in Russian have a pair of the opposite form (to give (SV) - to give (NSV)). They are formed by alternating vowels and consonants and syllables:

  • o / a - late / late (SV / NSV);
  • o / s - sigh / sigh (SV / NSV);
  • I / them - raised / will raise (SV / NSV);
  • at / them - took out / took out (SV / NSV);
  • d / w - escorted / escorted (SV / NSV);
  • t/h - answered / will answer (SV/NSV);
  • p / pl - strengthened / strengthened (SV / NSV);
  • st / u - treated / will treat (SV / NSV).

In addition to such verbs, there are also monospecies, which in no case can have a pair, they have only one form of the two: imperfect or perfect. Among them: to be, to be present, to be absent, to be inactive (only NE), and also: to scream, to be needed, to gush, to find oneself (only NE).

Examples of imperfective and perfective verbs

As it turned out, NE and NE are quite easy to find on the question, however, most often, students begin to understand the topic only after the teacher analyzes it with examples.

Imperfect appearance: boils, takes, takes care, will play, sheared, searched, sawed, interfered, I will sleep, etc.

Perfect view: pour, hammer, clean, bought, disappeared, displaced, opened, sit down, etc.

These are just some examples of perfective and imperfective verbs.

In Russian - its kind.

Imperfect verb

Most of the units of this have opposing forms. For example, create - create, sign - sign, etc. If we compare the members of these pairs, we can see that, despite the similarity of the lexical meaning, they have something different. This difference is the aspect of the verb. The first member of these pairs represents an imperfect second - has the form of a perfect variant.

The verb in the perfect version can answer such questions: what to do? What did you do? what will he do?

Perfective forms often have the meaning of the completeness of the action, they call limited processes, they indicate the result of the action that has already happened. For example: the boy recovered.

The imperfective verb names the action developing, lasting, not limited, and also indicates the repetition and duration of the process. For example: the boy is recovering.

The category of the species is in close relationship with the category of time. So, the imperfect form of the verb has the forms of all three tenses, and the perfect form has only forms in the future and the past. Since the present tense characterizes a process that lasts at the moment of speech, developing and continuing, and the perfect form represents an action limited in development.

Most often, the verbs of the Russian language form a pair according to the specific feature. That is, two forms have the same semantic meaning, but differ in grammatical form: teach - teach, curl - curl.

There are also single ones. Unpaired ones carry the meaning of an action limited in its development: to wake up, to run. The unpaired imperfect denote an action that is unlimited in its development: to sentence, to sympathize, to dwell. There are also two-species verbs that combine the meanings of the perfect and imperfect categories: to execute, examine, injure.

Imperfect participles

The verb form, which has the meaning of an additional action, which combines the features of a verb and an adverb, is a gerund. This part of speech is of two types: perfect and imperfect. In the second form, a process is almost always called, which occurs at the same time as the action of the verb-predicate. Rarely, such a participle denotes a preceding or subsequent action. For example: twice a year she visited the capital and, returning from there, spoke loudly about the miracle. And this part of speech of the perfect form usually means the previous action.

A unit of this part of speech of an imperfect form is formed using the suffix -а (-я) from the stem in the present tense. For example, follow - follow.

Not all groups of verbs have this form. Among them:

Verbs with a stem in the present tense, which consists of consonants (crumpled);

Verbs in -and (pour) with a monosyllabic stem;

Verbs with the suffix -nu (wither);

Verbs in -a (call) with a monosyllabic stem in the infinitive.

If the verb has the suffix -va-, then the participle is formed from the infinitive stem: create - create - creating.

Before you learn how to determine the perfect and imperfect form of a verb, you need to get to know this part of speech in more detail. To begin with, let's figure out what it is.

In Russian, the term verbs is usually understood as an independent part of speech, which denotes the action of an object. In order to determine that a word is a verb, it is necessary to ask a question to it. The verb is characterized by the following questions: what to do, what to do, what to do, what to do, what to do, what to do, what to do, what to do. It is worth noting that the infinitive is characteristic of all verbs. Simply put, this is the indefinite form of the verb. In order to put any word in an indefinite form, it is necessary to ask the question what to do or what to do? Here are examples of such verbs: read, run, jump, cook, stock up, and so on. This part of speech has its own specific morphological features.

Morphological features of verbs

  • Time. The verb has only three tenses. These include the present tense, the past tense and the future.
  • View. It is customary to include perfective and imperfective verbs here.
  • Transitivity is also one of the important characteristics. That is, it is necessary to determine the verb is transitive or intransitive.
  • Recurrence. Returnable or non-refundable.
  • Conjugation. Everyone knows that in Russian there are two conjugations, these are the first and second, which are quite easy to determine, for this you need to put the verb in an indefinite form and, looking at the ending, determine the conjugation. However, do not forget that there are also exclusion verbs.
  • Number. We determine whether the given verb is in the singular or plural.
  • Face. The person can be first, second and third.

In order to determine the verb of the perfect or imperfect form is a certain word, it is enough just to ask a question. Imperfective verbs answer the questions what to do, what he did, what he does, for example: runs, plays, draws. Perfective verbs answer questions about what he will do, what to do, what he did, for example: smiled, washed himself, wrote, and so on.

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