Peculiarities of breeding dogs. Breeding purebred dogs as a business. Is it profitable? Financial aspects of breeding

Few breeders can boast of super profits in breeding dogs. But the ranks of dog enthusiasts are regularly replenished with recruits who plan to earn income from the sale of puppies of elite breeds. To do this, it is planned to purchase a thoroughbred female dog and regularly mate her with a breeding male. But the roads of business are never smooth. As in any business, a novice breeder will have to consider many factors that make a dog breeding business profitable or unprofitable. Among the primary risks are competition, market attractiveness, illness, and so on.

Breeding dogs: pros and cons

The dog is man's friend. This idea encourages tens of thousands of people to return to the issue of acquiring a dog, and a greater percentage of them still decide to buy a four-legged friend. In terms of doing business, you should focus on this target group of potential dog owners. But the result will not be visible immediately - a constant stream of buyers and the fame of a reliable breeder will come to you in a few years. One purchased thoroughbred female will not lead to wealth - the cost of maintaining her will nullify the income from the sale of young animals. For a stable income, you should work with 10-12 breeding females and keep two or three active males that provide an influx of puppies. The breeder's time will be dedicated to the care of the dogs, their maintenance and nutrition.

When choosing a breed of dog for breeding, consumer demand should be taken into account. The "fashion" for a particular breed changes frequently, so unless you're a fanatic of Labradors or Dalmatians, it's best to go for breeds that are consistently popular in your area. The size of dogs should also be taken into account - the size and weight of the animal directly affect their "adulthood". Large dogs give offspring, starting from a year and a half, animals of medium and small breeds can be bred from 15 months. The size of the litter can vary as well as the size and average market value of the puppies. In addition, dogs are not rabbits, and they cannot give offspring four times a year. The average for all dog breeds should be taken into account - three litters every two years. In order for puppies to have market value, a breeder must learn the professions of a veterinarian, groomer, acquire practical skills in caring for animals and, in the end, just love their job.

Choosing a nursery

Much attention should be paid to a comfortable and warm separate room for keeping dogs. No apartments in the city are suitable here - the best option would be a private house in the suburbs with a special extension. Large dogs need a lot of personal space and good zoning. The total area of ​​the nursery can be calculated based on the number of adult animals: two individuals of the same sex will need a separate box of 2 square meters. m, equipped with an aviary (according to sanitary standards - up to 8 sq.m). Separate boxes are needed for keeping pregnant and whelping females. Do not forget to take into account the costs of heating, sewerage, ventilation, lighting.

Registration of commercial activities

The first obligations to the state budget arise not from the moment of the start of commercial activity, but from the first profit received. Therefore, the registration of your own business can be postponed until the first litter of puppies. In most cases, Russian breeders choose to register their own IP with a simplified taxation system at a rate of 15% of deductions. In this case, there is no need to keep tax records, there is no paperwork, and deductions to the budget are made from each successful sale.

Optimal Breed

The cost rating of dogs can be studied on the Internet. But you should not rely on it - the final profit of the breeder directly depends on demand. The supply factors are influenced by the region of the country, its population, climatic conditions, national preferences, and much more. In megacities, large dogs are not popular - there is no place for their breeding and walking. In small towns and district centers, on the contrary, dogs of large breeds are in demand. Hunting dogs are a separate story. They are needed in all regions, but you can start selling puppies only if you yourself are an avid hunter and are members of hunting clubs.

The most popular breeds in our country are:

  • labradors. The average cost of puppies is 15-40 thousand rubles. There can be up to 12 puppies in one litter;
  • Central Asian Shepherds. The cost of one dog is up to 30 thousand rubles. The number of cubs in a litter is unpredictable: from 1 to 15 puppies at a time;
  • Yorkshire terriers. Ideal for breeding in large cities: they are quite popular, small in size, require less time for walking. One puppy will cost 15-20 thousand rubles;
  • chihuahua. Another popular breed of urban decorative dog "pocket" size. There are 1-4 puppies in the litter, the cost of which varies from 10 to 50 thousand rubles;
  • husky is a foreign analogue of the domestic husky. Large blue-eyed dogs with a balanced character. These dogs feel great in the northern and middle latitudes of our country, but they definitely need fresh air and space. Up to 12 puppies can be born at one time, the market price of each of them is up to 50 thousand rubles.

A large range of the final cost of a dog directly depends on the "quality" of the breed. Dog breeders divide all offspring into three classes:

  • the pet class includes weak or rejected puppies that do not meet the standards of this breed: wrong weight, color, size, etc.;
  • the breed class includes individuals that generally meet the breed standards and are suitable for further breeding, this also includes breeding dogs suitable for commercial breeding;
  • show class are the most expensive dogs. Males and females that fully comply with the standards of a particular breed in terms of appearance, health, skills and character. Dogs of this class take part in exhibitions.

When buying an animal for breeding purposes, you should pay attention at the moment: the most prestigious show class dog will cost you a lot. Pet-class animals will cost you the least or will cost you nothing at all. They are ideal as friends and protectors, but for breeders they are of no interest.

You can buy a dog from a private breeder, at an exhibition, in a kennel. It is important to analyze the pedigree, study the veterinary passport, and it would not hurt to look at the parents of the breeding dog live. To reduce the waiting time for puppies, you can buy a bitch from the age of 18 months - then you will not have to wait for the second estrus. The period of pregnancy in dogs of all breeds does not exceed 2-2.5 months.

Planned and unplanned costs

Breeding dogs is a costly business. Feeding a breeding dog from the table or transferring it to dry food will not work - an insufficient diet will quickly affect the appearance of the animal, its health, and ultimately affect the offspring. To get the expected income from the sale of puppies, you should plan the following types of costs:

  • cynological courses. Without specialized education, no one will register either the dogs or the kennel itself. The cost of the course is 5-7 thousand rubles. If you are a veterinarian by training, you can skip this paragraph;
  • pedigreed female. It will cost an average of 25 thousand rubles;
  • construction and arrangement of a nursery - depending on the cost of land, materials and the size of the building - from 100 thousand to 1 million rubles. We repeat that the apartment is not a place for breeding dogs;
  • vitamins, accessories, special nutrition, medicines. A large part of the cost budget. In addition to specialized food, one puppy dog ​​should eat up to 1.5 kg of meat per day. According to the most approximate calculations, up to 50 thousand rubles will be spent on one dog under this item of expenditure;
  • veterinary consultations, preventive examinations, treatment costs. Regular medical supervision costs money, but without the opinion of a veterinarian, a puppy is unlikely to be sold at market value;
  • registration in international and all-Russian "dog" associations FCI, RKF, etc. Annual membership fees will cost 40 thousand rubles and more. For this you get the official status of your dogs. Metrics, pedigrees, expert assessments, etc. are paid additionally;
  • dog shows. Regular participation in exhibitions will help maintain a good reputation of the breeder and allow you to demonstrate healthy thoroughbred puppies. To participate, you will need to make an organizational fee - about 1 thousand rubles per dog, spend money on the services of a groomer, carrying, and stands. If the dog did not take part in the exhibition, it cannot receive a pedigree - which means that its puppies will not be considered purebred.

Cost optimization is possible in several directions at once. Direct supplies of feed from farms will significantly reduce the cost of feeding animals. Building a nursery outside the city - where it will cost less, will reduce the cost of the building. Own veterinary education will significantly reduce the cost of consulting third-party canine doctors. You can save on assistants by doing everything yourself, or hire teenagers and schoolchildren to walk dogs. Paying for mating with a puppy will allow you not to make additional expenses for attracting a male for mating from outside - but in this case, the owner of the male has the right to choose the first puppy he likes.


If you still decide to go into the "dog" business, and have chosen your preferred breed for breeding, prepare a small business plan, which must include the following points.

  1. Advance construction and preparation of the nursery. This item should go first on your list - the dog should come to a place already equipped and specially designed for her.
  2. Selection of a female male and direct mating. If the breeder owns breeding males - breeding will occur regularly, you can also receive income from the owners of females. Dog owners who brought their animals for mating will create a good additional source of income.
  3. Caring for a pregnant bitch and puppies that have appeared. Numerous vitamins, the cost of food for mothers and babies - a bulk part of the costs. During childbirth, the presence of a veterinarian is mandatory, so it is advisable to already have a specialized education.
  4. Sale of offspring. It is necessary to offer puppies only after registration in existing cynological systems. From birth, a metric is issued for a puppy, and after the dog reaches reproductive age, this primary document changes to a pedigree. You can place ads anywhere: on social networks, on specialized sites, through acquaintances in cynological societies, and so on.

Offspring that meet all breed standards are recommended to be left in the nursery for further reproduction. Substandard puppies can be sold at a significant discount.

So we can say that success in this difficult business is achieved by those who really “sick” with their work and have the appropriate education.

In order for any business to be crowned with success, it is necessary that it be dealt with not just “for show”. You need to give it your whole soul, only in this case, the business, according to the assurances of the most successful entrepreneurs, will become not just a way to make money, but also help you get real pleasure from what you decided to devote your life to. One of the clearest proofs of this statement is the breeding of dogs at home. Today, this business is developing quite rapidly and is gaining momentum not only due to its high profitability. One of the main advantages of this way of earning is the opportunity for dog lovers to finally start getting a lot of profit from their favorite business, to which many of them devote most of their time.

Breeding dogs is not new. However, if earlier only professional dog breeders who were passionate about their work were engaged in this, now, inspired by the high profitability of such a business, novice amateur breeders rushed into business.

The choice of breed for breeding

In order to draw up a business plan, equip a room for keeping and breeding dogs, acquire the equipment and household items necessary for their life support, you need to decide which breed will develop a business with dogs.

From the initial data that the future breeder has, such as:

  • the area of ​​​​the premises for keeping and walking animals;
  • start-up capital;
  • market segment - potential consumer;

depends on the choice of breed for breeding.

There are a number of indicators, the totality of which makes the dog breed the most profitable for the breeder and the most in demand for a potential buyer:

  • consumption of "simple" food in small volumes;
  • good character and good relations with children;
  • simple training;
  • resistance to adverse weather conditions and diseases;
  • rapid reproduction;
  • high cost of puppies.

Putting these criteria together, you can make a kind of rating of the most popular and profitable breeds in breeding in Russia and the CIS countries:

  1. The first place was shared between two breeds - indoor dogs dachshund and pug. Their popularity is explained by their "compact" size, kind, cheerful disposition and the desire to constantly play with the owner and his children. It is because of their high activity that they need frequent walks, which should not be forgotten if the choice fell on one of these breeds. The price of a thoroughbred dachshund puppy ranges from 15,000 to 25,000 rubles. A pug puppy costs about 20,000 - 25,000 rubles.

    Left - pug, right - dachshund

  2. Venerable German Shepherds are on the second step of the "hit parade". This breed is considered to be the most highly developed intellectually. Dogs are easy to train, they are used to guard houses, for the work of special services and just as faithful and reliable friends. A puppy of a thoroughbred "German" costs from 15,000 rubles.

    German Shepherd

  3. No less popular both in Russia and abroad are the beloved Labradors, since they managed to take third place in the ranking of the most popular breeds. The unique ability of these dogs to be a guide dog makes them unique in their kind. For a puppy of a thoroughbred Labrador, the buyer is ready to pay from 20,000 rubles.


  4. In fourth place were two Englishmen - a bulldog and a cocker spaniel. Usually these breeds are sent to families with small children, because they get along well with each other. Small in size, they are easy to keep in city apartments. Such puppies cost new owners a lot - from 20,000 rubles.

    English Cocker Spaniel

  5. "Pocket dogs" - they are distinguished by their miniature size, for which they fell in love with the female sex, because the dog easily fits in a lady's purse and can accompany her owner everywhere, touching with her appearance everyone who meets her path. Spitz, Pekingese, Yorkshire Terriers and Chihuahuas are all “in trend” today. For such a puppy, it’s not a pity to lay out up to 30,000 rubles.


  6. A separate line is the breed that closes the list. Husky is a very mobile dog, it requires constant attention, breeding it in an apartment is unacceptable. Here you only need a country house, with a place for constant walking. The cost of a husky puppy is from 15,000 rubles.

Dog breeding business plan

The documents

Deciding on a breed is just the first step in starting dog breeding as a business. The next important stage preceding the beginning of any entrepreneurial business is the paperwork. If a decision is made to run a highly profitable business, and this is possible only when breeding purebred dogs, then they will need a pedigree, because the client will look at the pedigree first of all when contacting the kennel.

Permissive documentation for this type of activity is the Breeding Permission Certificate. It is issued by the RKF - Russian Cynological Federation. To obtain such a certificate, the future breeder will have to confirm the profile education and submit to the Federation a document that confirms the ownership or lease of the premises (kennel) appropriate for breeding dogs.


The breed for breeding has been chosen and now the breeder is faced with the question of where the dogs will live. After all, the premises and the territory adjacent to it for breeding animals should be chosen taking into account all their needs and requirements - maintenance and walking. With the expectation of the maximum number of individuals, which is likely to be simultaneously placed in it. When choosing a breeding site, it should be borne in mind that with the expansion of the business, there will be a need to build additional facilities for keeping dogs. Therefore, it is more rational to breed purebred dogs as a business in the private sector, and ideally outside the city, where the animals have a place to “disperse” when walking. Indeed, when conducting such a business in a high-rise apartment, one cannot avoid complaints from neighbors about noise and the perceived danger from a large crowd, even small dogs.

Conclusion: for conducting such a business, a country individual house or specially equipped outbuildings (not cages!) are most acceptable. Enclosures should be of sufficient area so that the dogs are not crowded in them, and the territory of the kennel must have a fence, and the base of the fence must be concrete, because dogs like to dig. For newcomers, it is better to provide a separate quarantine enclosure, for the birth of puppies - a “maternity hospital”, and for those who suddenly get sick, a kind of insulator.

What kind of dogs and how many to buy?

Don't skimp on buying dogs. This is the main investment in business development. It is they who will bring considerable income to the business in the future. The number of females must exceed the number of males by several times. So, if resources allow - area, working capital for feeding, vaccinations and other current maintenance costs, if you purchase one male, then there should be three females, and then increase the number of individuals proportionally. On average, one female brings 3-4 puppies per litter, calves once a year, so it is cost-effective to keep at least four bitches. It is important that the first dogs have a good pedigree, then the business will bring maximum profit, it is important not to be stingy here, these investments will pay off with the very first litter.


If the future breeder thinks that he will be able to do this kind of activity on his own, then he is very mistaken. Here the minimum number of employees is two. One must control the bitches, the other the males. Plus, you will have to establish contact with a nearby veterinary clinic, so that, if necessary, by calling, or for preventive examinations and vaccinations, a qualified veterinarian can help the pets.

Expendable materials

A permanent consumable component in raising parents and healthy dog ​​offspring is food, drink and a set of minerals and vitamins. Vaccinations, the calendar of which will be compiled by a veterinarian, will help prevent diseases. Specialized shampoos and sprays will make the coat silky and smooth. Dogs must have muzzles and leashes for walking outside the kennel.

How to sell puppies more expensive?

Regular participation in exhibitions, in which puppies from the age of 3 months are allowed to participate and, as a result of which qualification certificates are issued, becomes the basis for many buyers to buy not just a puppy with a pedigree, but also a participant, and sometimes the winner of the exhibition. So, it’s not a pity to pay a much higher price for it than for a similar one, but without such “quality marks”! With the pedigree of the puppies, of course, everything should also be in order, like their parents.

Be sure to make a room where you can place all the achievements of dogs on the walls - diplomas, cups, awards, medals, certificates and just beautiful photos on the walls and receive potential buyers there. This will positively affect the image of the nursery and its reputation.

The most difficult is the answer to the main question: how much can you earn from breeding dogs? This type of entrepreneurship can hardly be called overly profitable in a small business. It often happens that the income received from the sale of puppies only compensates for the costs of food, vaccinations and maintenance of dogs. Also, due to the fact that all its profitability directly depends on the livelihoods of animals, it is subject to great risks. Such as genetic diseases of animals, epidemics and so on. But the one who decides to do this business, after quite a lot of time, will be able not only to make a profit, but also to enjoy what he loves, because only true lovers of these shaggy friends of man undertake this.

In contact with

Some decide to make money by breeding dogs.

They paint a beautiful picture for themselves: they will have several dogs - females and males - and after the animals begin to breed, the dog kennel will quickly become profitable.

But, perhaps, no one has yet thought about why such a business has not yet been formed on the market and has not become its separate industry.

Who is destined to become a breeder?

Breeding dogs as a business is not just about breeding and selling them. Animals need care, they need to be fed, washed, combed, taken to a veterinary clinic in order to get one or another injection. And such care for dogs should be constant. That is why only those people who love dogs, understand what they need, can play with them and enjoy the hours spent together should be engaged in this business.

Where to begin? First steps as a breeder

Breeding dogs as a business involves a gradual increase in buyers and demand. And don't forget the competition.

For those who love four-legged friends of a person, want to take care of them and earn money on them, we advise you to purchase thoroughbred dogs, and also find out in advance what approximate amount you can ask for them when selling them.

In addition, it is important to consider the paper side of the issue. Here is a list of documents that will need to be issued if you decide to start this business:

  1. For a breeding female or male: pedigree and certificate of admission to breeding, issued by the RKF;
  2. For the breeder: a document confirming the specialized education; confirmation of the lease of the factory attachment, which allows you to open a nursery; registration of a breeding farm in the RKF registry.

But do not forget to first study some literature about dogs, find out what they eat, how to properly raise them, how to educate them, what vaccinations animals need to do, how to teach them basic commands.

Next, you will need to choose the breed of dog. Of course, you can get several bitches and several males, but they must be of the same breed - this is a guarantee of the purity of the lines. The most important thing is to know how to properly care for a particular breed of dog.

You should not stop your choice at first on the animal that is more expensive. It is best to choose the kind that you are well aware of. Each of them has its pros and cons. Carefully and very well study them all, so that later there are no incidents. Choose a puppy that will be the leader among other dogs.

Choice of territory and premises

Before you get your first pair of dogs, you must decide where they will live and what kind of living conditions they will have. Also decide in advance which breed of pets you will breed: these can be individuals of the same species or, conversely, animals of different breeds.

The most ideal solution for keeping dogs is a house that is located outside the city. There you will find it most convenient to walk your pets. And if something is missing, then you can easily complete the area and expand dog breeding as a business on a grand scale.

If the apartment is two-room, then only two or three dogs can live there with all the amenities. Of course, more is possible, but on the condition that no one else lives in the apartment. Also, before starting your own business, read specialized literature about this type of activity so that you don’t go broke later.

Who will help?

The breeder from whom you will purchase the first pair can be found even among the neighbors. He will also be able to help you during the purchase or sale of puppies. Best of all, of course, if this person is a professional cynologist or expert, one who can answer all questions and advise on any topic related to four-legged pets.

You must understand for what purpose you are acquiring a particular breed of dog and why you need it. And also find out if the breeder helps in making a profit. This is a very important point. If you choose the right breeder, you can save on feed and vaccinations.

Such services will cost you much less than in a veterinary clinic. Also, the owner of the puppies' parents will be able to suggest how to properly care for the dog's coat, help with advice during mating, pregnancy and childbirth.

Breeding dogs as a business: calculating the first profit

The female brings offspring once a year. And if you choose the right female dog, then she will be able to bring you four or five healthy puppies.

If you mate her to a purebred male, then the puppies can end up costing between twenty and thirty thousand rubles (the average cost of a puppy with a pedigree, regardless of breed). Now let's calculate the annual sales revenue if you have not one, but at least five stud bitches.

To do this, we multiply the cost of one puppy (20 thousand rubles) by the size of the litter (for example, your dog gave birth to five cubs), as a result, it turns out that in a year you can get about a hundred thousand rubles! Of course, this is not much, but for additional earnings, quite a decent amount.

The needs of our smaller brothers

And now let's calculate what exactly your dog needs in order for her to be happy, healthy and able to regularly whelp, that is, to be childbearing. First, she needs to buy quality food.

Breeding dogs is a challenging but rewarding endeavor, however any breeder must understand the responsibilities and risks involved in breeding. Of course, everyone loves little puppies that run around the house, but puppies also require a lot of time and attention. If you would like to breed dogs, you should consider whether you are ready for this.


How to make a decision

    Study the information. To make an informed decision about breeding dogs, you need to study all the information available. You must understand what the process consists of and what you will need to do. Read books by reputable veterinarians and breeders. Talk to your veterinarian about the pros and cons. Ask other breeders about the difficulties they face.

    • Look for books written by veterinarians. Reliable sources of information are Dog Breeding by Phyllis Holst and Dogs and Breeding by Hillery Harmar.
  1. Analyze the reasons why you want to breed dogs. The only reason to breed dogs is to improve the breed. If you have been caring for and training your dog for the past two years or more, you may make a good breeder. In order for the puppies to turn out healthy and fit for the breed, you will need to devote a lot of time to breeding and learn a lot of information.

    • Do not breed dogs to be sold as pets. This is an unethical and unprofitable way to breed dogs. Such breeding forms a corresponding market, due to which low-quality nurseries appear throughout the country. Breed responsibly - do not contribute to the deterioration of the situation with the appearance of a huge number of pets.
    • Conscious breeding is a responsible occupation that requires money and time.
  2. Analyze the current situation. Make sure your dog has all the best qualities of the breed. This can be done with the help of experts. If you want to improve the breed, it is important to make sure that your dog is in the top 10% of dogs with all the best characteristics of the breed. Your dog should contribute positively to the breed's genetic pool.

    Find out which dogs are the best to breed. There are several types of dogs that are most suitable for breeding. There are also characteristics that can be passed on to puppies. You can breed service dogs that can bring prey and control the behavior of herd animals. You can also breed show dogs, which are judged on both external characteristics and temperament.

How to choose a dog for breeding

    Choose a dog. You need to decide which of your dogs will be mated. You need to choose a female as well as a male. Both dogs must have the characteristics discussed above.

    • You can get a male from another breeder if you don't have your own. It usually costs money. By agreement, the owner of the bitch can choose the puppies that he will keep for himself. All agreements must be written down and signed so that each party has the rights to the puppies.
  1. Assess the genetics of dogs. Study the genetic information of dogs. Check out what good qualities the dog relatives had. To do this, you will need a pedigree and related documents. The male and female should not be relatives - this will preserve the purity of the breed and prevent genetic defects in the offspring.

    Watch the behavior of the dogs. Analyze the character of both dogs. They should behave well both with each other and with other dogs. If friendly and calm dogs are involved in breeding, this increases the likelihood of offspring with a similar character. Aggressive and cowardly dogs should not be involved in breeding work as they are dangerous.

    Check the age of the dogs. Both dogs must be of an age suitable for breeding. Most often, the dog should be about two years old. Many genetic problems appear after 24 months, which can be determined with the help of special studies. For example, some veterinary clinics do not screen for dysplasia until two years of age. The dog must have a microchip or a tattoo with the data necessary for the study. This will avoid falsification of the survey results.

    • In females, estrus begins at the age of 6 to 9 months. After the first cycle, estrus occurs every 5–11 months. Usually, females begin to participate in breeding after two years and 3-4 estrus cycles. By this time, the dog has reached full sexual maturity and is physically able to bear and give birth to puppies.

Dog inspection

How to start

  1. Wait until the female is in heat. Knitting is possible only during estrus. Estrus can start at different intervals, so keep an eye on your dog. The genital area will begin to swell. There may be bleeding. If there is a male nearby, he will show a special interest in the female.

    Consider artificial insemination. This will allow you to get offspring if you do not have a male. Frozen semen in liquid nitrogen can be shipped worldwide. It should be thawed in a special way, and then a female should be fertilized with it. Consider this option if you are unable to tie in the usual way.

  2. Monitor the health of the female. If you are sure that fertilization has occurred, separate the dogs. Give your dog a balanced diet. You can also give vitamins (eg calcium). Vitamins should be prescribed by a veterinarian.

    • Feed your dog nutritious food and give her vitamins throughout her pregnancy. As a rule, dogs carry puppies for 58-68 days.
    • Keep fleas out of the dog house and bed. Clean the place, cover it with a clean cloth, offer the dog clean water.
  3. Be aware that during pregnancy, the appearance of the nipples and mammary glands changes. Toward the end of pregnancy, the mammary glands fill with milk. In the last three weeks, the dog needs to be given more food. Discuss nutrition with your veterinarian.

    • Typically, pregnant dogs are given puppy food during the last three weeks of pregnancy. It is more nutritious and provides the dog and puppies with all the necessary substances. Such food also helps the dog prepare for lactation.

How to take birth

  1. Prepare the birthing box. The dog will give birth in this box. The box must be 15 centimeters longer than the dog in the prone position and at least 30 centimeters wider. The box should have a rail to prevent the dog from lying on the puppies when they are born.

    • Line the bottom of the box with several layers of plastic bags and newspapers alternately. This will keep the box clean. You can simply pull out the layer of newspaper and plastic without changing the entire bedding. Place clean towels or a washable cloth inside.
  2. Be alert. You will need to notice when labor is approaching. Find out how dogs give birth. When your dog starts giving birth, make sure that strong contractions do not last longer than 30-45 minutes. If the puppy is not born after 45 minutes of strong contractions, this may indicate complications.

    • An x-ray at day 45 of pregnancy will allow the veterinarian to determine the number of puppies. The doctor will also see large puppies, which can create problems during childbirth. This information will prepare you and your veterinarian for the possible need for a caesarean section, and you will know how many puppies are due.

Very often, having learned how much a Chihuahua or Russian Toy puppy costs, people immediately start counting the income of its breeder: “Wow! What is it, sold five puppies and you can go to Turkey! Or buy a car. Cool!" . Many sincerely believe that breeding purebred dogs is a great business. And it is his profitability that makes dog lovers go to shows and buy a second, third and tenth dog. “But how! Champion puppies are even more expensive and eat the same amount!”

Some decide to breed on their own and buy an expensive puppy of a fashionable breed. And only having plunged headlong into this difficult task, the newly minted entrepreneur realizes how cruelly he was mistaken. And the "surplus profits" from the sale of puppies, in fact, are not always higher than the average salary in the country. Why? Let's figure this out together.

Cost calculation

Where does every business start? - Of course, from the business plan. And here, first of all, it is important to take into account all costs in full. Calculate starting capital. In our case, the first thing we need is a dog. Namely, a female, with a pedigree, quite promising in terms of future breeding, healthy. And of course the sought-after breed. We will need to somehow sell puppies! You can buy such a manufacturer for at least 25,000 rubles.

Further, she will have to be fed and watered for up to one and a half years (the officially allowed age of the first mating). And this is also an expense, even for such a small dog as a Spitz. Add here the cost of a veterinarian (vaccinations, etc.), cosmetics, ammunition, care items. As well as force majeure in the form of “eaten” imported shoes or a gnawed leg of an antique table.

If you want to increase the value of future puppies due to the titles of his mother, be prepared to shell out a tidy sum for participation in exhibitions. And also travel with a pet several cities, and even countries. Those. plus travel and hotel expenses.

Breeding purebred dogs involves their mating. And you also have to pay for it. Puppy or money. How to negotiate with the owner of the dog. “And if you buy a male and a female? Then you don't have to pay! - the first idea that comes to mind of a new breeder. Logically. Just multiply all previously agreed expenses by two. Now think about what is cheaper - the maintenance of a dog or a mating fee.

Another item of expenditure is the maintenance of puppies. This includes:
- the cost of additional nutrition and vitamins for a pregnant and lactating bitch;
- medical support for childbirth and the postpartum period;
- veterinarian's fee (if necessary);
- feeding puppies;
- vaccinations;
- registration of documents for litter.

In the case of expensive puppies of a popular breed, all the costs of maintaining them are approximately equal to the price of one baby. For everyone else, it's much higher.

But what about income?

If your activity is exclusively breeding purebred dogs, then there is only one source of income - the sale of puppies. And it's like playing the lottery. First, no one knows how many of them will be born. Yes, pugs can give birth to nine babies, but they can also give birth to two. And three puppies for the crumbs of that terrier are already a lot.

Secondly, the cost of puppies depends on their quality and the presence of famous ancestors in the pedigree. And if you can influence the second moment, then no one knows what puppies will be born. The most beautiful dog often becomes the mother of very average children. And a large Chihuahua can please you with expensive mini-babies.

Third, market conditions. Bought a year ago, incredibly popular and expensive Spitz, at the time of the sale of puppies can easily go out of fashion. Or the price of puppies will fall because the market is saturated with them.

We are sure that in the end you will sell all the puppies at an affordable price. And you will have quite a decent amount on hand. But even it is unlikely to cover all the above items of expenditure. That's what it is, dog business!

And how do others get it?

And, nevertheless, people manage to earn on dogs. But how? “First and foremost, cutting costs. They buy cheaper producers, lower quality feed. They master the basics of veterinary medicine and grooming, looking for wholesale suppliers of pet products. Unfortunately, such savings often cost dogs their health.

An increase in income is more often in most cases achieved through frequent births. The dog is knitted in every estrus, as long as her age, strength and health allow. Agree, this is not the most humane method of enrichment.

Breeding purebred dogs can also become profitable by increasing their number. A kennel of 15-20 heads, with its own breeding male, is undoubtedly more profitable. However, in this case, you will need enough space to accommodate and walk your pets. You will not become like unfortunate breeders who keep dogs exclusively in cages.

In addition, dog breeders often master the specialties of a trainer, handler, groomer, and mating instructor. Open pet stores and dog hairdressers. And, thus, organize a good source of permanent income.

If, in spite of everything, you still decide to become a breeder, then remember that breeding purebred dogs is hard work. Requiring from you special knowledge and experience, as well as significant material costs. The latter, alas, do not always pay off with the sale of puppies alone.

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