White and transparent braces. What are white braces? What is more beautiful - transparent braces or mouthguards

In fact, white arch braces are a combination of the two theories described above. This phrase usually hides one of the aesthetic orthodontic systems, that is, plastic, ceramic or sapphire. Their main purpose is to make the treatment process as imperceptible to others as possible, therefore, light arcs are most often included with them to help achieve this goal. Numerous websites claim that white arc on braces it looks much better than metal: it does not catch the eye and does not stand out against the background of light locks, but not all doctors and patients agree with this.

Braces with a white arc: myths and facts

There is misconception that white arcs are cast from light metal. In fact, they, like ordinary staples, are made of steel or an alloy of titanium, nickel and other metals, and light shade they are given a polymer of tetrafluoroethylene, that is, Teflon, - biocompatible with human body white substance. Teflon is considered a material resistant to many external stimuli, however, there are cases when it begins to fly around.

However, patients who are responsible for their health are unlikely to encounter the problem described above. The fact is that the arcs in the process of orthodontic treatment are changed about once a month and a half, so those people who regularly visit dentistry are not in danger of being left with "striped" brackets - they will be replaced even before the Teflon crumbles. In addition, it is very important to choose a quality orthodontic system. Proven manufacturers of braces use only resistant Teflon in the manufacture of structures, which does not fly off and does not spoil the impression of a smile.

You can also find information on dental forums that white arch braces are far from being as inconspicuous as they are said to be. Yes, they really stand out against the background of the teeth, but in combination with aesthetic locks they look very harmonious. However, there are many people who prefer metal arches to aesthetic arches. It seems to them that the metal looks more stylish on the teeth, but this, of course, is a matter of taste.

The main disadvantage of braces with a white arch is that the coating of the arch creates additional resistance when the teeth move, as a result of which the treatment time may increase. However, modern manufacturers of orthodontic systems have found a way out and invented aesthetic braces with a metal groove that reduces the friction force between it and the arc. Visually, they are no different from classical aesthetic systems and help to speed up the process of moving teeth. The most famous companies producing such designs include 3M and their Clarity braces, as well as Ormco systems.

What are white braces?

As mentioned earlier, there are three types of white braces: plastic, ceramic and sapphire. Some unverified online sources also claim that metal white braces also exist, but this is a myth. Even if the metal locks are connected to each other with a white arc, they will not become less noticeable from this, so there is simply no point in creating such an orthodontic construction. With lingual braces, white arches are also not worn - they are not visible to anyone without them.

Interesting fact!

White arcs can come with both ligature and self-ligating structures. At the same time, in ligature aesthetic systems, the locks are attached to the arc using a white wire or elastic band, which allows them to remain invisible.

White arch on plastic braces

For the first time, a white arch on braces appeared on plastic systems. This orthodontic design was the first alternative to bulky metal braces and was wildly popular at the time. However, despite the very aesthetic appearance, plastic braces had a number of significant drawbacks: they often chipped, stained and quickly lost their attractiveness, so they were soon supplanted by a more advanced ceramic counterpart.

Ceramic braces with white arch

To date ceramic braces with a white arc are considered the best option among all aesthetic systems. They, like plastic systems, are not striking, but at the same time they are made of a more durable material - polymer ceramics - and are within reason. Some experts even claim that ceramic braces with a white arc look much better than sapphire ones. Their matte, light-tight locks almost merge with the teeth, making them really invisible. However, ceramics also have their disadvantages - due to the porous structure of the material, plaque quickly settles on it, as a result of which ceramic braces can darken.

Photo of ceramic braces with white arc Clarity 3M

Sapphire braces with white arch

Despite the fact that sapphire brackets do not blend into the surface of the tooth, they are still considered the most aesthetic orthodontic construction, especially when combined with white wires. They are made of transparent and very durable artificial crystals, which, upon contact with saliva, become almost invisible, and shimmer beautifully in bright light. In addition, each stone undergoes special treatment before becoming a bracket. It is carefully polished, so that plaque and food debris do not linger on its surface, and then covered with a special solution that allows the lock to hold firmly on the tooth and not fall off. Thus, sapphire brackets with a white arch seem to be the most ideal orthodontic system, but they have one very significant drawback - their price. They are considered the most expensive of the aesthetic systems.

Photo of sapphire braces with white arc Inspire ICE from Ormco

Who likes white braces?

Despite the fact that manufacturers of white braces have figured out how to reduce the friction force between the arch and the groove, this type of system still slows down the process of bite correction somewhat. Therefore, white arcs on braces are best placed on final stages treatment, when the teeth are already aligned and it remains only to create the correct contacts between them.

In addition, white braces are not recommended for people who do not follow oral hygiene well and do not come for corrections. As practice shows, in such irresponsible patients, the braces quickly stain and turn yellow, the locks peel off and break, and the arcs fly around and become like old wire.

Interesting fact!

White braces can only be installed on one dentition, which is the most visible. For example, not upper teeth- they are most often exposed when smiling.

The price of white braces in Moscow

So how much do white braces cost in Moscow? The cost of plastic braces in Moscow will be approximately 40,000 rubles for both jaws, although today almost no one works with them. As for ceramic structures, their price for white ceramic braces starts from 45,000 rubles per jaw, without taking into account the cost of the treatment itself. Sapphire braces with a white arc are at least 10,000 rubles more expensive - see all prices. The white arches themselves, if you are going to order them separately, will cost you about 2,000 rubles for both jaws - a little more expensive than ordinary metal ones, so their presence will not greatly affect the cost of the structure. In addition, they can always be purchased in addition or, conversely, replaced with metal ones.

Good day, dear readers. Today the topic of our discussion will be ceramic braces. I will tell you not only about what they are, but also about the pros and cons, prices and other nuances. It is also worth studying the reviews of real people who used the installation service and can talk about their feelings and the effectiveness of the products.

Ceramics is becoming more and more popular. After all, few people want to "shine" pieces of iron in their mouths. People are willing to pay more for beauty. But how effective are these options? Are we being deceived? Many of us have similar thoughts. Still, a lot of money, and if there is a risk, is it worth it to think carefully before giving it to doctors?

What are ceramic braces?

What are ceramic braces and how effective are they? They perform exactly the same functions as their metal counterparts. The only difference is that instead of metal, translucent or matte ceramics are used. All of these products are made overseas. We only customize the system to fit your anatomy.

Almost all models are quite high quality. Even those that belong to the economy category. So, if the money was only enough for a budget option, that's all right.

Video - Ceramic braces

Types of ceramic braces

Such braces made of ceramics can be vestibular (external) and lingual (internal). Exist different types ceramic braces, which differ not only in appearance, but also in the principle of action.

  1. Ligature. Here the arc is attached with a ligature. The most common type of braces.
  2. Non-ligature. They are also called . Instead of ligatures, locks and other systems are used. Due to more complex mechanism the cost of non-ligature models is higher.

Ligatureless braces are good because they do not create additional friction. That is, the teeth move without undue resistance. Habituation happens much faster. You need to visit a doctor for correction, etc. a couple of times a month.

Currently, ceramic non-ligature braces are produced by several large companies. Here are the most popular models:


First of all, the doctor needs to find out what condition your teeth are in. And we are talking not only about the correct bite. Held complete sanitation, professional cleaning. After that, a cast is made. Modern clinics have equipment that allows you to create an accurate computer model of your teeth. Having studied it, the specialist sends instructions to dental laboratory where the production takes place. Each such product is customized individually.

The system is attached to the teeth with a special highly adhesive cementing material. At the end of the course, it is removed, and the surface of the enamel is cleaned of this substance and polished. The doctor talks about proper care for braces, recommends special means for brushing teeth, etc.

5 braces cleaners:

A photoMeansDescription
Problem areas between teeth with braces installed are cleaned with brushes. The bristles are arranged in a circle, penetrate into places where Toothbrush will not get. Minus one, fast wear
The Swiss company CURAPROX produces brushes and toothbrushes proven in practice and recommended by doctors. Ergonomically shaped soft bristles clean braces effectively and efficiently
Ideal care of the braces outside the home. Waxed dental floss with fluoride the optimal solution for brushing teeth with braces. Food residues are easily removed by flossing
The most forgiving, but not cheap option for cleaning teeth and stimulating blood circulation in the gums. Remains of food are literally “swept out” from under the braces and dental gaps due to a jet of water with pressure coming from the device

In the process of bite correction, you will have to visit the orthodontist regularly, who will adjust the system depending on what changes have occurred in the position of the teeth.

Ceramic braces - photo

After your braces are removed, it will be established special device called a retainer. It helps to consolidate your results. The duration of wearing this tool is a period that is set individually for each patient.

Video - Ceramic braces

About the pros and cons of ceramics

If we talk about the real advantages of ceramic models, they are obvious. It's aesthetics and convenience. Not metallic taste in the mouth. No one is allergic to this material, despite the fact that it happens even to high-quality surgical steel and (attention!) titanium.

Combination braces are another option

Such material is less traumatic for the gums. This is a significant advantage over metal counterparts. On the inner (tooth) surface, special grooves are applied. With their help, it is possible to achieve better adhesion.

How do ceramic braces look on teeth? White or transparent - very good. If a similar arc is used with them, then during a conversation your teeth will not attract the attention of strangers.

Of course, we can say that at close contact any correction systems are visible, except for . Whatever the case, white ceramic braces with a white arc will be almost invisible when you smile. However, it also depends on the natural color of your enamel. Your dentist will select a shade specifically for your teeth.

Let's move on to the traditional fly in the ointment. If you are told that there are no shortcomings in such a correction system, this is a lie. Even the most expensive models have them.

  1. Transparent ceramic is not a diamond. Because coarse food mechanical damage etc. are the main threats. If any bracket can peel off, then it is easier to break the “glass” than a metal part.
  2. The price is an obvious downside. Beauty does not just have to be paid for. The difference between metal and ceramics is obvious - one and a half times. Is it worth it is a difficult question.
  3. Another problem with transparent ceramics is staining. Berries, juices, coffee and tea are sources of future problems. For a year of wearing braces, they can significantly change their color. There are more modern materials, which, according to experts, are not stained. It is worth clarifying this point with experienced professionals.
  4. Some patients complaining of enamel demineralization are forced to treat their teeth after the procedure is completed.
  5. Many experts have come to the conclusion that ceramics can take a long time to effectively correct the bite.

It turns out that there are about the same number of pros and cons. Therefore, it is also impossible to say that this option is ideal. However, it is also necessary to take into account the fact that metal analogues are also far from perfect. At the same time, ceramics is several times more convenient and aesthetically pleasing.

Ceramic braces before and after

Ceramic braces - contraindications

The list of contraindications is exactly the same as for metal counterparts:

  • mental illness;
  • periodontal disease in advanced form, causing increased mobility teeth;
  • caries on the front teeth;
  • chronic diseases of the heart, immune, endocrine system.

Before choosing a bite correction tool, consult with an experienced orthodontist.

Ceramic braces for teeth

About prices

I will not go into technical details, but I will say that the cheapest, although not a bad option, are American Reflections ceramic braces. Made of very decent polycrystalline ceramic and aluminum oxide. Durable, highly resistant to staining.

Damon Clear is a high-quality and popular option that will cost much less than sapphire (single-crystal) ceramics.

Aspire is an expensive option. The price of this translucent ceramic model is due to the use of a gold-plated metal groove.

The average cost of installing ceramic braces in Moscow, which I came across, ranged from 45,000 rubles ($688) to 120,000 rubles ($1,800). The first amount is for the action, for both jaws. Usually found higher.

Kievans write prices “from 5,000 hryvnias”, which corresponds to 200 dollars. The amount is not huge. But this, as usually happens, without clarification. They do not write, for one or two jaws, they do not indicate whether only the design is included here, or the work is also taken into account. Some cunning people (both in the Russian Federation and in Ukrainian clinics) write separately the price of the system itself, and somewhere lower, in smaller print, separate work and services. As a result, a person comes and faces the “cruel reality”. This is what modern marketing in dentistry is like.

Opinions on ceramic bite correction systems

After looking around the Internet and spending a little time looking for reviews, I realized a few important things. First, the CIS has great amount dental clinics, which undertake the implementation complex work without really understanding them.

A beautiful smile is possible

Secondly, the population does not understand at all how braces differ. different types. People divide them into “beautiful” and “ugly”, “expensive” and “cheap”. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of victims of incompetence. All of them are now sure that nothing will help them.

At the same time, they come across on sites with reviews and quite real people with before and after photos that were satisfied. Ceramic braces helped them to put their teeth in order.

People note one big plus. When you stand in the cold, ceramic does not freeze in your mouth like metal does. Much less trauma.

Not everyone understands that if you don’t wear a retainer and mouthguards later, the problem will return and you will have to wear braces for another year. It's hard to go against physiology. There are many people who are adolescence wore metal braces, and after twenty they put ceramics on themselves. Here they, like no one else, understand how much the second option is more convenient and pleasant in the mouth. This is not to mention the fact that the appearance of a translucent ceramic part is many times more pleasant and natural than that of its "" counterpart.

Nothing scratches the cheeks and lips from the inside, does not cause allergies, etc. That is, if you have something to compare with, you will immediately understand why modern ceramics are noticeably more expensive.

However, the choice is still yours. I can only wish you good luck and healthy teeth. Write, tell about your experience. And don't forget to subscribe for updates!

Video - Ceramic braces

From the article you will learn:

When the patient agrees to, he already has an idea about possible ways treatment with various orthodontic structures. The choice of fixture is not limited to one or two models - in modern dentistry products from various materials and designs are being introduced.

The patient can choose between plastic, metal, ceramic braces. It is no coincidence that there is an increased demand for white products.

Elements of white braces

Not all patients are aware of the possibility of installing any other braces other than metal ones. Meanwhile, the attending physician may offer other options for products. In addition to the standard metal structures, the patient can install devices from:

  • plastic,
  • ceramics,
  • artificial sapphire.

Standard devices have not too attractive appearance which makes patients feel embarrassed about their appearance. Modern orthodontics has developed new designs that make it possible to give a person a more aesthetic appearance and make them invisible. almost invisible, which contributes to more rapid adaptation to the system and promotes psychological comfort.

Despite the absence of an official other name, patients call such designs white arcs, the main elements of the product. As in classic models, the purpose or devices of white color is the same - bite correction, smile improvement and teeth alignment. The remaining structural elements (locks, plates) are also made in white. Many patients find such products more visually appealing, since the systems are almost invisible against the background of the teeth.

However, such systems do have a drawback. The use of such structures requires regular visits to the doctor, since the arc applied to the surface paint can wear out and get dirty over time, and it will not work to paint and return the original color to the product.

White and metal arcs: what are the differences

When choosing a model, the installed arc and its characteristics are of great importance, because this element plays a leading role in the formation correct bite and getting rid of orthodontic defects.

With the help of an arc, the design exerts a mechanical effect and creates pressure that allows for correction.

The element needs regular monitoring of its condition and replacement during operation. Metal arcs and white arcs in their own way therapeutic effect little distinguishable. The main difference is in aesthetic perception and color. White color gives the arches a special enamel applied to the surface, but the efficiency of structures with both arcs will be the same.

Modern orthodontics offers a variety of options. Determine the most effective method alignment of teeth will be helped by an orthodontist, after a thorough examination oral cavity and study her condition. The attending physician will prescribe a treatment regimen that is optimal for each specific case, and will also control the course of the correction.

If we summarize the information about the devices, we can conclude that the priority choice of ceramic products, which have improved performance, have an excellent appearance and are inferior in price to sapphire models.

Today, there are a huge number of varieties of braces designed to correct an overbite. If earlier only those that immediately caught the eye were available, now you can correct the bite imperceptibly to others. Orthodontists have developed aesthetic systems- white braces, similar in color to natural enamel teeth. Such systems are made of ceramics, plastic or sapphire.

Ceramic braces

Most popular on this moment white braces are made of ceramic. They are monocrystalline and polycrystalline. They differ not only in the structure of the material, but also in appearance. Polycrystalline braces have a certain amount of transparency, have a color similar to enamel, so they are almost invisible on the teeth. Monocrystalline models are dull.

Ceramic braces are most often performed with a white archwire to make the treatment as comfortable as possible for the patient. AT aesthetic braces many advantages can be found. These include invisibility, minimal discomfort when wearing, sufficient strength. Ceramic braces are well fixed on the enamel and keep throughout the entire course of treatment. Definitely from an aesthetic point of view it is the best solution than metal counterparts.

But compared to metal, they have one drawback - white braces are much more expensive. How much ceramic systems will cost you, it is better to specify in a specific dental clinic, since the price for them can start from 50 thousand rubles. In the photo you can see what ceramic braces look like. I would especially like to note the magnificent appearance and maximum similarity with the natural color of the enamel.

Sapphire braces

Aesthetically, sapphire braces are considered one of the best. The presence of sapphire brackets with a white arc at a distance is almost impossible to distinguish on the teeth. They are made from specially grown transparent crystals. The crystal itself is very beautiful, so it looks more like a decoration than orthodontic system.

The duration of treatment, depending on the complexity of malocclusion, ranges on average from 1.5 to 3 years. Otherwise, the characteristics of sapphire models are similar to ceramic systems. But they cost significantly more - their price in different clinics can vary from 80 to 120 thousand rubles. In the photo below you can see how white sapphire braces look on teeth.

Plastic braces

Among the aesthetic designs of this type, they were the first to appear, becoming an excellent alternative to metal. In appearance, they can be compared with sapphire and ceramic models. The color of the plastic is easily matched to the natural shade of the teeth - it can be snow-white or yellowish. A white arc can further improve the appearance of the structure.

They are significantly cheaper than others modern materials. Their price in most cases does not exceed 40-50 thousand rubles. The advantages of such braces include the following.

  1. Their low price - they are much cheaper than all the systems listed above.
  2. Sufficiently high aesthetic qualities. Their shade is matched exactly to the color of the enamel, so they merge with it.

But it is important to understand that plastic braces have significant drawbacks, due to which the choice of patients is often in favor of ceramics and sapphire.

  1. They are fragile, so they break easily due to mechanical stress. It is possible to strengthen the structure with other materials, but this will also increase the cost of the system. Choosing plastic braces, you need to set yourself up for frequent visits dental office.
  2. Longer periods of correction, since the friction force is high, and the teeth move to the desired position more slowly.
  3. Plastic is prone to staining, which limits the list of products allowed for consumption. Any products containing strong pigments will quickly change the color of the braces, and their aesthetics will be lost. You will have to exclude berries, some fruits, juices, tea, coffee and sparkling water from the diet. For those who have nicotine addiction, recommend that you stop smoking during braces to avoid yellowing of the plastic.

Frequent orthodontic correction can lead to an increase in the total cost of treatment, so in most cases it is rational to opt for more resistant ceramic analogues. You can see what plastic braces look like in the photo below.

How do white arcs differ from metal ones?

When choosing a bracket system, attention is also paid to which arc will be installed. it obligatory part system, which plays a huge role in the formation of bite. It is she who creates the right degree of pressure. In the course of treatment, it is periodically changed.

According to its characteristics, the white arc does not differ at all from the metal one. The difference is only in color. It is made of metal in the same way, but is additionally covered with a special white enamel to make it less noticeable against the background of the teeth. The color of the arc does not affect the effectiveness of the treatment.

No matter how many different orthodontic designs exist for bite correction, the expediency of one of them must be agreed with the attending physician. Only an orthodontist can determine best option specifically in your case, designate the preliminary terms of treatment.

If you are still wondering which braces to give preference to - aesthetic or metal, then we invite you to watch a short video that provides a visual comparison between different systems. Looking through the photos, you can once again see how white braces are superior in terms of aesthetics to metal systems.

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