14 orthodontic dentistry at Spasskaya

13.09.18 15:13:38

-1.0 Bad

I had a chance to visit this "state" dentistry for a reason wrong growth wisdom tooth. I contacted acute pain. I examined and consulted a dentist-therapist-surgeon Nikitin, who suggested two ways to solve my problem: 1) cutting out the gums so that the tooth could erupt further (but it will grow crookedly and complications are possible later); 2) removal of the tooth itself. He insisted on the removal and suggested the earliest date for the procedure. I already agreed until he named the amount he wanted for his work - 5600 rubles. It was impossible to convey my indignation, since I was very surprised by the arrogance of the doctor, because in the state clinic they should be discussed first free services and paid if necessary. Later I learned that in this dentistry almost all services are paid, even anesthesia, when they should provide it for free (certain drugs for each procedure). Doctors in "state" dentistry No. 14 "shake" money out of patients, *** when treatment in such institutions should be provided free of charge! (If specialists want to have wages above, then let them go to work in private clinics or open their own.)

14.09.18 12:28:56

Good afternoon, dear patient!
I have read your feedback on the work of an employee of the institution and would like, first of all, to apologize for the difficulties you encountered in obtaining medical services. The priority task in our work is the quality of medical services provided to patients, the professionalism of doctors, the observance of ethics and deontology by employees.
On the merits of the question posed, I would like to inform you that, according to the territorial program of compulsory health insurance The patient is entitled to free medical dental care, however, it is possible to receive paid medical services, but only at the request of the patient, the imposition of paid provision medical care unacceptable. On the this moment I cannot give an objective assessment of the quality of medical care provided to you, as well as the level of professionalism of the employee, because I do not have enough information. I would like to communicate with you on an individual basis, which will allow me to provide you with substantive assistance if necessary, as well as to conduct an internal check on the facts set forth in your review. Unfortunately, your review does not contain contact information for feedback, so I will be grateful if you contact me by phone 8-926-768-39-55, 8-495-491-17-00 or e-mail [email protected]
Sincerely, Beketova Elena Nikolaevna, Head of the Department of Therapeutic Dentistry, GAUZ SP No. 14 DZM.

Basic Services

Dental Clinic No. 14 provides effective medical care persons over 15 years of age. The head doctor of the institution is a dentist the highest category Vintina Elena Arnoldovna Medical institution does not work on Sundays. Services provided to patients include: therapeutic dentistry, surgery, prosthetics and orthopedics. Emergency dental care is provided to any visitor on the day of contacting a medical institution. In the clinic practice only experienced professionals with considerable experience. Reception rooms are equipped with everything necessary equipment and instrumentation. In the course of treatment, both domestic materials and medicines, and foreign production. The institution maintains complete sterility and complete disinfection of equipment, as well as tools, after each visitor. It should be noted that the therapeutic department accepts patients only upon presentation of the CHI policy and passport. At the same time, treatment in the clinic is free of charge, but mainly with the use of domestic materials. Paid treatment is offered to those patients who want imported materials to be used in the treatment. Treatment preferential category citizens are always free. In order to get treatment in a timely and without problems, you must first make an appointment with the selected doctor at the reception.

Reviews about the clinic

She treated the tooth, the doctor Sadovskaya began to fill the canals for me and brought the filling material behind the tooth into the jaw, so it was 2 months severe pain Went for physiotherapy. 2 years have passed, and I still don’t feel half of my chin and jaw, and less than a year has passed since the filling fell out from above. And for such treatment I gave 5500r!

I was prosthetized by Vlada Viktorovna Ratnikova, infinitely surprised by the professionalism and attentiveness of this doctor. Despite the ubiquitous, today, rudeness and greed, there are still Doctors with a capital letter. I paid the money to the cashier and really wanted to thank the doctor financially and to my surprise, I this was refused. I had to run for flowers. Thanks

She was prosthetized by Evgenia Vyacheslavovna Ovechkina. I am a pensioner. Per free prosthetics this swindler tore off 22 thousand rubles from me, not counting the 5 thousand rubles that I officially paid to the cashier. As a result, I could never put on the prostheses that she put on me because of the ugly workmanship. To all my complaints about the inconvenience of the prosthesis, she smiled sweetly and said that I should get used to them. It was simply impossible to get used to them. She did not even offer to correct the prostheses. Prosthetics lasted more than six months. Ultimately, I had to turn to a paid clinic, where they made wonderful prostheses for me in 1 month. Due to her unskilled prosthetics, I lost 4 upper tooth, and because of the crown that she put on my left upper 7th tooth, I had to have an operation on left ear. Many people who were treated by her were very dissatisfied with her. She pulled money from almost everyone by any means. Really chief physician polyclinics are not aware of all her deeds? I don't think I'm the only patient she's shamelessly scammed. When I showed the prostheses to the doctor who prosthetics me after Ovechkina, she was horrified. All the doctors of the polyclinic came running. They asked where and who did it. When I called the 14th dental clinic, the answer was: "After prosthetics in this clinic, a lot of people come to us for new prosthetics. But unfortunately, after their dishonest work, it is very often difficult to correct their unprofessional work." I can’t speak for all the doctors at the polyclinic, but as for Ovechkina, God forbid someone gets to see her. It will mutilate, rob me to the maximum, and how it will make me practically an invalid.

She was treated by Lyudmila Egorovna Maslova a year ago. A courteous woman with a friendly manner of communication. She put me 3 fillings and made a build-up of a broken tooth. I took decently money (1.5 of my monthly salary). The clinic / doctor did not give any documents about the treatment, especially the guarantees. After 6 months, 2 teeth began to bother. I went to her, was accepted without enthusiasm at all (naturally, she is no longer interested in me - you won’t take money for reworking). She opened it, drilled almost to the brain, half of her face went away from anesthesia for 2 days, for some reason closed up 2 teeth with one filling (they are nearby). When the anesthesia went away, it turned out that the filling was somehow sideways and sharp, biting my cheek all the time, went again, “O” attention to me, said: “Baby, rinse with chamomile.” A month later, a filling fell out of another tooth (these are already 3 poorly cured teeth), and a year later it turned out that the tooth that Dr. Maslova had built up was also not in order - the filling did not fit snugly and he got completely sick under it. Here is the result, for my money, so to speak, any whim of the doctor. Do not go to this clinic, look for where they will officially give you honey. card and warranty.

I am your "friend" by misfortune. Only I had a prosthesis at Ovechkina. A swindler and a fool. You can read my review. It seems to me that this whole clinic is mired in corruption.

My wisdom tooth... grew ugly on the hillock in my mouth and bothered me enough. What to do? At the moment, there is no way to go for a fee, because. there is a problem with finances and in horror I decide to go for free. We all know perfectly well that free treatment in Moscow is terrible treatment. By registration I belong to the 14th dental clinic. Beforehand, just in case, I read all the reviews about the doctors of this medical institution and come across a lot positive feedback addressed to the surgeon POSIDELOV VLADIMIR VALERIEVICH. I do not hesitate to sign up for him in order to get rid of my unfortunate tooth as soon as possible. From the two words "FREE TREATMENT" it became terribly scary that even the chair was trembling with me, but the doctor saw the young patient and teased me. So, I want to express my deepest gratitude to the dental surgeon POSIDELOV V.V. An excellent doctor and the highest professional in his field, nice person and a big joker. Health to you and your loved ones! Low bow to you! I recommend to everyone!

V. V. Posidelov removed a complex wisdom tooth for me, in the dentistry clinic at Jan Rainis, the dentist-surgeon told me that the removal is extremely difficult and they will not do this. So Posidelov V.V. this is difficult removal I did it in two seconds, I didn’t even have time to get scared. And everything healed quickly, and without complications. Make an appointment with this doctor, do not be afraid. And that he likes to joke, it's also true.

For the sake of interest, I looked at the price in private dentistry in Moscow, I was horrified, I'm not ready to pay for the treatment of caries average price 5000 rubles and more. I’d better put the same material in a municipal clinic cheaper, since the high cost is not an indicator of quality, I’ve been convinced more than once. unnecessary treatment. So I vote for the 14th. They always did everything well for me there. but in general, people look at prices in private and think at least once with your head

I have a very good opinion about 14 dentists, I have been treated in her more than once, I have advised many friends. I am always satisfied with the quality of care. I trust doctors. Acquaintance with this clinic, for me, started unsuccessfully, only because my girlfriend first brought me to be treated at the Zhemchug polyclinic located there, while she was with one doctor. And I got to another. After the treatment, I began to experience severe pain in my tooth, especially at night. I had to go to the 14th dentistry, it’s good that I got a doctor who helped me fix the situation. From the second treated tooth, two months later, a filling flew out and the tooth broke, it was not possible to save it and had to be removed. Tanya, my girlfriend's fillings lasted about six months, in the end she had to redo everything. This is where my acquaintance with the "Pearl" ended. I hope forever. Now I go only to the 14th dentistry.

She was treated by Yartseva. Free cement filling. My tooth with a pin and a light-cured filling cost 3000. I would not say that it is cheap for a municipal clinic. And at the expense of quality, I'm not satisfied with everything.

It’s quite cheap for a municipal clinic, and if you don’t like it, you can always go to a private one and get treated for 15,000. And at the expense of quality, these are all fairy tales. If the tooth does not hurt, then the treatment is of high quality. Moreover, now everyone can choose a doctor for himself. :) I was treated by Elena and I liked it.

I give my passport to the reception, the woman asks, “What are you going with?” This case actually happened a long time ago, but it discouraged any desire to go to this dentistry, although I live in this area and also often walk there.

He was treated by Elena Viktorovna, my mother advised, I really liked it. I love young good specialists. :) And I don’t like rude women dressed in gold, with a greedy look that wants to rip you off more money. That's why I'm being treated in the district. Although there are such doctors in the district. People, think about when your doctor will forgive you 6000-8000 at one time. And you may need a lot of such appointments. so always look at the doctor, sometimes everything is visible at once. Thank you very much Yartseva Elena from me and my mother. :)

Ha, Andrew. In Moscow, prices have risen in price for a long time. my girlfriend in private clinic for 4000, only arsenic was delivered. I go to 14, they don’t come up with non-existent diagnoses, as in a private one. Where they tried to divorce me for the treatment of 7 teeth and asked 40,000 for it, and believe me, this is not the limit. And in our clinic, for 4000 I can put ceramics, and not like everywhere else, but taking into account the work. I, unlike the majority, most often you men, cannot walk without teeth, like an old woman. :) And I’m not treated under insurance, I’d rather pay once, but they’ll make a normal filling, than then I’ll give everything for prosthetics. I think to drag my husband, it's time to do this business. Thank you for advising Yartsev, I didn’t hear any rudeness, or rudeness, otherwise I often came across this, and in private, surprisingly, too. The doctor is very good, made me hard work, and then with a swollen cheek, she went for a week. Until they got fired from work. I wanted to extract a tooth, but the doctor saved it and for that I am very grateful.

The clinic has the most cheap prices in Moscow for paid services, he was convinced. And the level is higher than in any private. I was treated for a tooth that was ruined 2 years ago in a private clinic. The level is high. It feels like people who have been treated somewhere for 500 rubles leave reviews on the site. 1500-2000 is not the price. given that the prices for caries treatment in Moscow are 4000-8000. Of the doctors, I liked Maria Maslova, a good surgeon. And the therapist Elena Yartseva, for the first time, found a delicate and polite doctor who really loves his profession and knows how to work. She saved my bad tooth. Thank you very much, I am very grateful.

Dentistry number 14 on the street. Svoboda is part of the public health system of the capital. She serves adult population Northwestern administrative district, in particular the areas of Tushino and Mitino. The institution provides free dental care in the scope of compulsory health insurance programs. Citizens who have reached the age of 15 and have compulsory medical insurance policy and registration of the Russian Federation.

The dental clinic No. 14 in Moscow provides a full range of services for therapeutic, surgical and orthopedic care. Free treatment is carried out using mainly domestic filling and consumables.

Patients of the clinic can use the system of paid and partially paid services that use imported dental materials.

14th Moscow dentistry occupies the first floor of a multi-storey residential building. It can be reached by metro and ground transport. It is possible to park a private car.

The clinic is equipped with modern equipment and consumables. For diagnostic tests Here, a visiograph, an X-ray machine, an apparatus for ultrasound research and EDI are used.

Dentistry No. 14 in Moscow is visited by dentists from several areas of the industry - general practitioners, surgeons, anesthesiologists, physiotherapists, orthopedists. All doctors have specialized education, qualifications and many years of experience in practical dentistry.

To make an appointment with a doctor, you should call the reception or sign up at the terminal located in the lobby of the clinic.

The institution works on weekdays from 8 am to 8 pm, on Saturday from 9 am to 6 pm, the day off is Sunday.

14th Dental Polyclinic, Moscow

The clinic provides a full range of services for the diagnosis, treatment of diseases of the oral cavity, extraction of teeth and dentures. In the structure of the institution, there are two therapeutic departments, an orthopedic department, a department of paid medical services and dental laboratory.

Dentists-therapists city dental clinic No. 14 provide therapeutic and preventive care to the adult population. On the initial appointment specialist conducts primary diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the teeth and oral cavity. If necessary, the doctor directs the patient to additional types research and consultation of specialized specialists.

In the therapeutic departments of the dental clinic No. 14 on the street. Freedom carried out tooth extraction, carried out all types of outpatient surgical operations maxillofacial area. Physicians provide care to patients with periodontal disease. Depending on the course of the disease, doctors use conservative and operational methods treatments to reduce inflammation and strengthen the teeth in the gum tissue.

Experienced surgeons and anesthesiologists perform surgical interventions using proven sedatives for anesthesia.

into the structure orthopedic department includes three rooms and a dental laboratory for the manufacture of prosthetic structures. For the manufacture of prostheses are used expendable materials 3-4 generations. The department provides the following services to the population: manufacturing and installation metal-ceramic crowns, simple prosthetics with titanium coating, manufacturing of removable and clasp prostheses, plastic crowns and veneers.

City Dental Clinic No. 14 of Moscow: paid services

On the basis of the paid services department of the dental clinic No. 14 on the street. Freedoms are held:

· paid consultations specialists;
· professional cleaning and teeth whitening;
· artistic restoration treated teeth;
preparation of the oral cavity for prosthetics;
surgical care.

Dental Polyclinic No. 14 - a modern base and proven methods of providing assistance.

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