Erectile dysfunction treatment. Give up bad habits. Erectile dysfunction of endocrine origin

If there are problems with potency, improvement erectile function men can be achieved by medication, massage, or exercise. These methods help restore the normal functioning of the reproductive system, stimulate sex drive and extend the act. It is important to know how to increase potency and restore normal erectile function at home.

What is erectile function

AT medical terminology Erectile function refers to the ability of a man to have sexual intercourse. An erection occurs after intense blood filling of the cavernous bodies of the penis, which occurs when sexual contact. If erectile function is weakened, there are problems with blood flow. FROM psychological point vision, a stable erection guarantees success in women, prolonged sexual intercourse, the ability to satisfy a partner and conceive a child.

Reasons for the weakening of erectile function

Causes of erection problems may include:

  • sex education;
  • severe depression, stress;
  • inappropriate partner behavior;
  • cordially- vascular diseases;
  • violation of blood circulation in the pelvic organs;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • thrombus formation;
  • endocrine system disorders;
  • failures of the pituitary gland, pancreas, adrenal glands;
  • hormonal disorder;
  • overweight;
  • problems with self-control;
  • urethritis, prostatitis, others urinary diseases;
  • taking antidepressants, antihistamines, treatment with anticoagulants of various diseases;
  • abuse of alcohol, smoking, drugs;
  • decreased testosterone production.

All these reasons entail a weakening of the erection, which needs treatment and prevention. It is a mistake to believe that a decrease in potency comes with age - even in older men, it can be normal in the absence of pathologies. The increase in male erectile function occurs in several ways: from improving nutrition and switching to healthy lifestyle life before taking special drugs.

How to improve

Strengthening erection should be complex. The main factors that are useful to pay attention to when normalizing potency are:

  1. A healthy lifestyle allows not only to activate sexual desire, but also to improve overall health. This includes control excess weight causing diabetes and poor erectile function. Watch your sleep (7-8 hours a day), rest, avoid stress, give up bad habits. It is useful for men to take contrast showers and walk barefoot to improve erectile function.
  2. Proper nutrition- the diet should be varied, enriched with minerals and vitamins. The food should consist of a third of animal fats containing lipids for the synthesis of testosterone. Give up strong coffee, accept more products with vitamin E, zinc and selenium to improve erectile function.
  3. Regular sex life - you should not have too much sex, but a moderate amount of acts only brings benefits. Change partners less often, do not engage in promiscuity, take short breaks in sex to increase libido and erectile function.
  4. Physical exercises - loads on the body will strengthen the health of the patient, will help prevent excess weight gain, which affects erectile function.

Means for improving erection

If you are interested in how to improve erectile function at home, pay attention to the following methods:

  • drug therapy- the use of tablets, creams, ointments;
  • folk remedies;
  • review of nutrition;
  • exercises to stimulate the prostate;
  • massage for activity and elimination of blood stasis.


If erection problems rarely bother a man, and doctors do not see contraindications in taking medications, improvements can be achieved with the help of pills. They act for a short time, increase blood circulation in the penis, but have contraindications: for example, high blood pressure, renal or liver failure. Pills that are popular for improving potency include:

  • Viagra (Sildenafil) - promotes blood supply to the vessels of the penis, is taken half an hour to an hour before sex, lasts about four hours;
  • Levitra (Vardenafil) - taken one piece a day, after half an hour it provides an improvement in erection, it works for eight hours due to the expansion of the vessels of the penis;
  • Cialis (Tadalafil) - begins to act after 15 minutes, the result lasts up to 36 hours, can be used in complex or monotherapy;
  • Vimax is an analogue of Viagra, new drug With plant composition based on ginseng, eurycoma, lemongrass and ginkgo, capsules increase potency without side effects(except in cases of individual intolerance to the components);
  • Avanafil - acts in 20 minutes for six hours, reduces the recovery time after ejaculation, provides an extension of sexual intercourse in time by a third of the usual, is allowed for hypertensive patients.


Among the preparations of the tablet form, Impaza stands out. She answers the question of how to increase erectile function quickly, because it acts for short period and suitable for men of all ages. Tablets are used as a restorative agent for single sex or as an element of systematic therapy. Impaza eliminates insufficient synthesis of nitric oxide inside the vessels of the penis, works to improve erectile function.

Already after 1.5 months of daily intake of the drug, 80% of men notice an improvement in libido. For 12 weeks, the drug restores erectile function, and in ¾ of cases it retains it for six months. The drug is sold without a prescription in a pharmacy, does not require drinking water, is used in the morning, afternoon or evening, is compatible with other drugs based on organic nitrates. There are few contraindications for Impaza tablets, so improving erection with them is popular.


Creams to improve erection for men differ in faster action compared to tablets. Popular are:

  • Persian Shah - domestic drug containing extract of ginseng and ginkgo;
  • Viagrin's Penis Power - gives an instant effect due to the presence of wheat oil, vitamins A, E;
  • Himcolin - Indian cream with herbal extracts, used before sex or for the prevention of erectile dysfunction treatment;
  • Maxoderm - contains green tea, grapefruit, vitamins C, E.

Folk remedies

For those who are interested in how to improve erectile function in old age, traditional medicine comes to the rescue. Popular are fees and herbs with aphrodisiac properties. Herbal medicine uses seeds, plants to improve performance endocrine glands and increase testosterone levels. Here are some recipes:

  1. Mix in equal proportions the seeds of onions, blackberries, carrots, nettles, pour hot oil, leave for a month and drink a tablespoon a day.
  2. Take honey daily royal jelly, for prevention - propolis.
  3. Use pumpkin seed oil, parsley, ginger, pepper, cinnamon.
  4. Drink a decoction of St. John's wort or parsnip root.
  5. Mix equal proportions of honey and walnuts, eat three times a day for a teaspoon, washed down with green tea.


If a man is interested in how to prolong an erection, they will help him physical exercises aimed at stimulating the prostate and eliminating blood stasis in the genitals:

  1. Parade step - walk in place, raising your knees high until you feel warm.
  2. Tighten and relax the muscles of the anus and perineum.
  3. Imagine that you hold the jet during urination, hold out as long as possible.
  4. Squats - a hundred times a day will increase blood circulation in the pelvis and become the prevention of hemorrhoids.
  5. Raising the pelvis - lying on the floor, you need to raise your half-bent legs and buttocks. Repeat 30 times and seven full cycles.


Improvement in male erectile function can be achieved special massage for stimulation venous circulation. It can be done independently or with the help of specialists. Massage is aimed at increasing potency, affecting bioactive points that affect sexual function. The basic principles of the procedure to improve potency, which is best done in the evening:

  • light rubbing massaging actions in the lumbar and sacrum;
  • press on the sacrum for three seconds 10 times;
  • massaging the epigastric region with three fingers for five seconds;
  • press on paired bioactive points on the feet.


To increase potency, you need to take following products diets that affect men's health:

  • walnuts, pistachios, olive oil;
  • fruits: citrus fruits, figs, pomegranates;
  • vegetables: onions, herbs, turnips, garlic;
  • proteins: lean beef, fish, eggs, game, seafood;
  • spices: thyme, mint, anise, cumin, pumpkin seeds;
  • mushrooms, Rye bread, dairy products;
  • mackerel, flounder;
  • a mixture of honey with milk, eggs and brewer's yeast;
  • mass of prunes, raisins, figs, walnuts;
  • sesame, chestnuts, beans, carrot seeds.


Essential oils can also help stimulate erectile function. In the absence of allergies to volatile substances, the use of aromatherapy will help normalize potency. To improve erection, it is better to use:

  • sandalwood;
  • patchouli;
  • ylang-ylang;
  • juniper oil.

You need to use oils carefully: apply a drop to the wrist or the place where the pulse is felt. Little by little, you can add ethers to the water when cleaning the room, aroma lamp, air humidifier, bath. Oils are rich in volatile substances that enter the body and enhance the work of the endocrine glands. Most esters are considered natural hormones that improve male erectile function. From their use there are no negative consequences.

How to quickly restore erectile function after an act

If it is necessary to improve erectile function after sexual intercourse, men should use following advice:

  • vacuum effect - special device put on the penis, pumps a vacuum and improves blood flow to the cavernous bodies;
  • pills from the group fast action- Impaza, Viagra, Cialis;
  • squats or several exercises to tone the muscles of the perineum (running in place, tension in the area between the anus and testicles);
  • take a contrast shower;
  • eat a mixture of honey, walnuts, dried apricots and prunes, which must first be crushed.

Video: How can a man prolong erectile function

The fact that an erection has disappeared may be "guilty" of taking some medicines and problems related to stress (psychological).

To better understand possible reasons such a state, it is useful to know how an erection occurs.

When a man becomes sexually aroused, his brain sends signals to the nerves in his penis.

Nerves give a signal to increase blood flow to the penis, as a result of which it fills the cavities of the cavernous bodies. The penis hardens and increases in volume.

So everything that gets in the way normal functioning nervous system or circulation can lead to loss of erection. Moreover, initially the penis may be in a state of erection, but becomes soft before or after insertion.

Anything that affects libido (level of sexual desire) can also lead to negative consequences for potency. Decreased libido prevents the brain from producing an erection. This is treated with drugs to increase potency, but they should be taken after consulting a specialist.

Psychological conditions such as depression can decrease libido due to changes in hormone levels ( chemical substances produced by the body).

WE ADVISE! weak potency, flaccid dick, the absence of a prolonged erection is not a sentence for a man's sexual life, but a signal that the body needs help and male strength is weakening. There are a large number of drugs that help to find a man persistent erection for sex, but everyone has their own cons and contraindications, especially if a man is already 30-40 years old. help not only to get an erection HERE AND NOW, but act as prevention and accumulation male power, allowing a man to remain sexually active for many years!

Weak erectile dysfunction: physical and medical causes

There are four main types of conditions that can cause severe or mild erectile dysfunction. Simply put, a man will not be able to achieve or maintain an erection for successful intercourse.

Type 1. Vascular, which affect blood flow to the penis.

Type 2. Neurogenic, affecting the nervous system, consisting of the brain, nerves and spinal cord.

Type 3. Hormonal, which affect the level of hormones.

Type 4. Anatomical conditions affecting physical structure penis.

Examples of vasculogenic (vascular) conditions that can cause mild erectile dysfunction include:

  • cardiovascular disease is a disease of the heart or blood vessels such as atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries);
  • high blood pressure (hypertension);
  • diabetes mellitus is a condition caused by too much sugar (glucose) in the blood. This can affect both blood supply and nerve endings in the penis.

Examples of neurogenic conditions that cause erectile dysfunction include:

  • multiple sclerosis- a disease in which the myelin sheath is damaged nerve fibers in the brain and spinal cord;
  • Parkinson's disease - an illness that impairs the coordination of body movements by the brain, including walking, the ability to speak and write;
  • spinal injury;
  • paralysis - serious illness that occurs when the blood supply to the brain is interrupted.

Examples hormonal factors that can lead to the development of mild erectile dysfunction include:

  • hypogonadism- a disease that affects the production of the male sex hormone testosterone, as a result of which its level becomes abnormally low;
  • hyperactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) - too much hormone thyroid gland produced in the body
  • underactive thyroid gland(hypothyroidism) - the body does not have enough thyroid hormones;
  • Cushing's syndrome- an ailment in which the production of the hormone cortisol is disrupted;
  • Peyronie's disease, which affects the tissues of the penis.

Some men may have individual reaction for some medicines. Drugs that can weaken potency include:

  • diuretics - medicines, which increase urine production and are often used to treat high blood pressure(hypertension), heart failure and kidney disease;
  • antihypertensive drugs- medicines, such as beta-blockers, which are used to treat high blood pressure;
  • fibrates- medications to lower cholesterol levels;
  • antipsychotics- drugs used to treat certain mental illness in particular schizophrenia;
  • antidepressants- drugs to treat depression and certain types of pain;
  • corticosteroids- preparations containing steroids (one of the types of hormones);
  • H2 antagonists- medicines for the treatment of stomach ulcers;
  • anticonvulsants- medicines for the treatment of epilepsy;
  • antihistamines- medicines used to treat allergic diseases such as hay fever;
  • antiandrogens- drugs that suppress androgens (male sex hormones);
  • cytotoxic drugs used in chemotherapy to prevent the division and spread of cancer cells.

If a man is concerned that a prescribed medication may cause erectile dysfunction, he should check with his doctor. There is not always an alternative to a particular drug.

Weakening of erectile function: psychological causes

Weakening of erectile function can occur for one of the following reasons:

Reason 1. Depression is a feeling of extreme sadness that lasts for a long time.

Reason 2. Anxiety is a feeling of unease or fear.

The weakening of erectile function can often have not only physical, but also psychological causes. For example, if a person has diabetes, it is difficult for him to achieve an erection, which may cause a subconscious fear of "I will not succeed." The combination of diabetes and anxiety can lead to occasional potency problems.

There are many emotional issues that can also affect your physical ability to get or maintain an erection.

These include:

  • relationship problems, such as the inability to speak openly about any problems that have arisen in the intimate sphere;
  • lack of sexual knowledge;
  • sexual problems that were in the past;
  • experienced episodes of sexual violence;
  • entry into a new relationship.

Other possible causes of weakened erectile function include:

  • excessive consumption of alcohol;
  • fatigue;
  • use of intoxicating substances such as cannabis, heroin or cocaine.

Sexual health flourishes in healthy relationships. If there is a sudden weakening of erectile function, you should talk about it with your partner. A trusting and honest conversation with a loved one will allow you to work together to find a solution to the problem.

AT modern world a person experiences a lot of stress, uses nutritional supplements of artificial origin, abuses alcohol and has nicotine addiction. From all this, men suffer from a condition of the body when a man has difficulty with sexual intercourse. The development of functional disorders associated with contributes to sedentary image life, excess weight, bad habits, malnutrition.

The cause of erectile dysfunction may be disorders of the systems of the human body.

Often they are associated with neuropsychiatric diseases, hormonal disorders, somatic diseases. Traumatic brain injuries, brain damage can also cause sexual dysfunction in men. ethnoscience has many recipes that stimulate the functions of the genital organs of men. Often used to treat sexual dysfunction folk remedies.

When should an erection be improved?

With normal erectile function, a man goes through all the stages during sexual intercourse. It includes:

  1. Libido, or sex drive.
  2. Love caresses.
  3. Erection.
  4. Insertion of the penis.
  5. Making tricks.
  6. Ejaculation, or ejaculation.
  7. Feeling of orgasm.

In the absence of any component, there is a feeling of inferior sexual intercourse, which greatly affects the self-esteem of a man and gives rise to an inferiority complex. When violations appear at any stage of sexual intercourse, various exercises and folk remedies are used that improve erectile function.

Basic Rules for Improving Erections in Young Men

Erectile dysfunction can occur at any age. In young men, this is often associated with a psychological factor; in men after 35, erection can be affected various diseases acquired during life.

To improve erectile function for a man experiencing neuropsychiatric disorders recommended to lead a healthy lifestyle, give up alcohol and smoking. proper nutrition, linseed oil how food supplement, doing some kind of sport increases in the male body.

To improve erectile function, it is required to conduct regular sexual life. The penis is a muscle that needs to be trained. It is not necessary to reboot the male sexual organ with sexual excesses, but also prolonged abstinence with the suppression of desire will not lead to anything good.

How to increase an erection psychologically?

No animal breeds if it is at the time prolonged stress or depressed. Since man is a highly organized animal, he experiences the same difficulties. With daily stress, erectile function in men weakens. Need to train your nervous system special exercises which strengthen the strength of mind and willpower. Along with exercises to strengthen the nervous system, there is an improvement in erectile function. For this, psychological attitudes to a feeling of calmness in any situation, meditation are suitable. Men need exercise to produce testosterone. They are encouraged to walk at a brisk pace of at least 3 km a day. Such walking improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs. Morning sex with a beloved woman from 8 to 9, when there is an increased production of male sex hormones in the body, leads to an improvement in erection. You just need to relax and enjoy.

Citizens need to learn how to take off their socks and walk barefoot on the grass. The human foot has many biologically active points, and among them there are those that are associated with sexual arousal. Among the caresses that precede sexual intercourse, there is also an erotic massage of the feet and toes.

Traditional medicine knows many recipes when they use folk remedies to improve erective function. Often, various aphrodisiacs are used to stimulate an erection. Best of all, seeds and herbs help, which improve the functioning of the endocrine glands and increase testosterone. Phytotherapy aimed at cleansing blood vessels from cholesterol plaques, improves blood circulation of the pelvic organs and increases erection, making it stable during the entire sexual intercourse.

All biologically necessary active substances found in seeds from which cold-pressed oil is made. Pumpkin, linseed, amaranth, hemp oils have in large numbers vitamin E and omega acids, which have the property of increasing testosterone, the main male hormone. You can also prepare oil from the seeds of plants such as onions, nigella, carrots, nettles and eat it. To do this, they are taken in equal proportions, ground in a mortar and poured with any overheated oil, hot, having a temperature of about 40 degrees 2 cm above the volume of the seeds. insist remedy in a dark place for a month and then begin to eat it a tablespoon a day. The resulting oil contains a lot useful substances which will improve general state the whole body, increase immunity and increase erection.

Favorite folk remedies that increase erection and lengthen sexual intercourse include spices that are added to teas, first and second courses. They are referred to male aphrodisiacs. These include parsley, ginger, pepper, cinnamon. Ginger is a very powerful folk remedy. It opens a second wind during intercourse, gives strength, confidence.

Beekeeping products, honey and royal jelly, which contain amino acids and trace elements, heal the body in men of all ages.

A common folk remedy for improving sexual function is pumpkin. Its juice restores liver cells and removes toxins from the body. Pumpkin dishes neutralize the effect of alcohol, against which there is a decrease in libido and erection.

How aromatherapy works to increase potency

The smell has always attracted men to women. Essential oils are often used to stimulate sexual functions in men. If there is no allergy to volatile substances, then the use of aromatherapy can help in eliminating annoying interference during intercourse. Smell sandalwood, often used in the perfume industry, is capable of and. Patchouli oil is very popular female lung behavior in France. Its silver scent has a wonderful effect on endocrine system men and activates an erection. A man becomes very active during sexual pleasures. juniper oil promotes .

In order not to cause bronchospasm with oils, they are used carefully. 1 drop of any oil is applied to the wrist or to any place where the pulse beats. A few drops of any of the oils can be added to water and used as an air freshener or added to a bath. When cleaning the room, you can add 2-3 drops to the water that will wash the floors.

Essential oils have volatile substances that, when they enter the body of a man, enhance the work of the endocrine glands. Most of them belong to phytohormones that work to improve sexual function.

Vitamins and minerals and their effect on reproductive system men

Vitamin E and the mineral zinc and phosphorus are three components that improve sexual function male body. They are involved in various chemical compounds necessary for the synthesis of sex hormones. Anyone will help vitamin complex containing these substances. Chocolate, caviar of any fish, seafood and bananas will replenish the body's reserves with these substances and give an excellent result.

Any products and folk remedies that are used to improve sexual functions will not fully help if you do not eliminate bad habits and increase physical exercise with a passive lifestyle. Only a healthy lifestyle improves erection for a long time.

Health exercises to improve erection

To improve the sexual functions of the male body, specific exercises related to the work of the muscles responsible for the movement of the penis help.

Imitation of the front step, tension and relaxation of the anus, buttocks help to strengthen the muscles that work during intercourse. They are located between the anus and the testicles in the place where, with the help of palpation, you can determine the continuation of the penis. To work out these muscles, you need to remember what kind of tension allows a man to hold back urination. The repetition of this movement will strengthen the muscles of sexual intercourse and.

Improving erection in chronic diseases

Weakened immunity, chronic diseases, disruption of the endocrine glands lead to dysfunction of the genital organs. Erectile dysfunction is caused by diseases such as:

  1. Diabetes.
  2. Diseases of the prostate.
  3. Spinal or brain injury.
  4. Damage to the nerves that are responsible for the processes of excitation.
  5. Cardiovascular diseases.

With such diseases, you need to consult a sexologist (andrologist) and follow his recommendations. If at chronic disease erectile dysfunction develops, then both the disease and the resulting dysfunction are treated.

If you are undergoing treatment with a therapist or other specialist, and at the same time you find erectile dysfunction, then in without fail consult a sexologist (andrologist).

erectile dysfunction(ED) is a violation of the work of the male genital organ, in which its combat readiness and rigidity are not sufficient to make full-fledged love intimacy with a woman.

In the future, we will write abbreviated ED.

Which specialists help in matters of this disease:

  • urologists;
  • sexopathologists;
  • psychotherapist (if the ailment is psychological in nature).

Main symptoms

  1. too fast completion of intimacy;
  2. the attraction to the beloved woman disappears;
  3. combat readiness male organ it can disappear, then appear, there is no constancy;
  4. insufficient hardness and lethargy of the penis;
  5. the man does not show himself the initiative for intercourse;
  6. dulling of past sensations;
  7. a decrease in the frequency of morning and night erections is also a symptom of erectile dysfunction of a weak or already advanced nature;
  8. a man avoids love intimacy and finds all sorts of excuses.


There are 3 types of ED depending on the occurrence:

  • organic. It comes on gradually against the background of any disease. Attraction to women does not disappear, but during intercourse, the rigidity of the organ may suddenly disappear.
  • Psychogenic. It comes quite unexpectedly. But at the same time, combat readiness during proximity is maintained.
  • mixed. ED originates from organic and psychological factors In total.

Causes of the disorder

1. Organic

Problems of the cardiovascular system and blood vessels

  • hypertension;
  • failures of arterial and venous blood flow;
  • thrombosis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • vasculitis can also cause erectile dysfunction.

Decreased testosterone levels, disruption of the endocrine system

  • diabetes;
  • violation of the thyroid gland;
  • prostate surgery;
  • menopause ( low testosterone is one of );
  • prostate adenoma;
  • excess weight.

Drug abuse

  • drug use;
  • reception harmful drugs that change the hormonal background;
  • taking steroids and anabolics.

Disorders of the nervous system and the spine

  • lower back or spine injuries;
  • spinal cord injury;
  • hernia in the lower back;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • epilepsy.

Violations of the male reproductive system and the work of its organs

  • circumcision or other surgical interventions;
  • venereal diseases;
  • bruises and burns of the penis.

2. Psychological

  • an uncomfortable location for intimacy is also a reason and one of the main causes of psychological erectile dysfunction, the treatment of which is done by choosing a quieter place;
  • strong psychological stress, depression or stress;
  • lack of sleep;
  • conflict with a girl;
  • psychological childhood trauma;
  • fear of failing;
  • low self-esteem;
  • first night with a new partner;
  • limiting beliefs.

3. Mixed and others

  • irregular sex life;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • adverse environmental factors.

Statistics on the appearance of ED depending on age

With age, the risk of developing the disease only increases.

  • under 21 - 5%;
  • 21-30 years old - between 10 and 30%;
  • 30-40 years - between 30 and 40%;
  • 40-50 years - between 40 and 50%;
  • 50-60 years - between 50 and 60%;
  • from 60 years - between 60 and 80%.

20 ways to fix the problem

Let's analyze in detail 20 methods of treating erectile dysfunction at home.

1. Choose the position where your body is upright

  • Lying on your back during intimacy with your beloved - worst position for men suffering from a problem on the topic that their boyfriend is naughty and soft.
  • This is so because outflow of blood from the body comes stronger according to the law of attraction.
  • If you lie on top and already get on your stomach, then there is big risk quickly come to the finish line and lose the hardness of manhood.
  • Better use positions where you don't lie at all. You are either on your knees or on your feet, the main thing is body located vertically and blood flow to the organ will be much better.

2. Method for replacing the tourniquet by grabbing at the base

  1. The essence of the method in the fact that when you get an erection, you wrap your fingers around your friend at the base. This especially helps those whose friend is lethargic and combat readiness is quickly lost.
  2. In this way, blood will not leave your dignity, will remain his firmness. Introduce and use this technique to reduce questions about what it is - erectile dysfunction in men.
  3. embrace usually large, index and middle finger with medium strength. Many have seen how tourniquets are applied when bleeding, so as not to lose a lot of blood. It's pretty much the same pattern here. Use it wisely.

3. Do the Kidney Energy Strengthening Technique

  • The technique is performed in the toilet when you go there in a small way. It consists in the fact that you emit a jet of liquid, standing on tiptoe while straightening your back and not slouching.
  • Also, it is necessary strain your buttocks and press, deliberately releasing the liquid more strongly on exhalation.
  • According to what jet force, you will evaluate the level of your skills in bed. If everything ends with his lethargy and dripping, then the male potential in bed is not in the best condition.
  • Doing the technique frequently strengthens your kidneys and helps you avoid a quick finish. Why sometimes there is no stamina in bed, we wrote in another.

4. Do special physical exercises

What areas of the body should be trained

The main focus of training should be to strengthen the following areas of the body:

  • pelvic muscles;
  • buttocks;
  • abdominal muscles;
  • press;
  • lower back;
  • waist.


The strength and tone of these muscles will help you stay in bed longer, improve blood circulation in main body and increase male power.

Exercise examples

Let us analyze in detail the question of which exercises for erectile dysfunction and the treatment of this disease are used most often.

  1. Press exercise. Sitting on the floor, we fix our legs and begin to raise and lower the body. Repeat the movements until pleasant fatigue occurs. It pumps the abdominal muscles. Strong abs speaks volumes about your ability in bed.
  2. Leg bends 45 degrees. You need to lie on your back with your legs up 90 degrees. Now we begin to lower both legs, first to the left by 45 degrees, and then also to the right, without hurrying anywhere. Repeat the procedure about 10 times.
  3. boat. A well-known exercise, the essence of which is that while lying on your stomach, we begin to simultaneously raise and pull our arms forward and legs back so that only your stomach touches the floor. Hold on as long as we can and return to the starting position.
  4. Bike. It is especially useful to do in the morning. Lying on the bed, we begin to turn the air pedals of an invisible bicycle. There should be a pleasant feeling of fatigue in the press area.
  5. Raising and lowering the pelvis. We find support in the elbows on the edge of the sofa, the body is forward, the legs are bent at the knees, we lean on the soles of our feet. Starting with open mouth raise and lower the pelvis, simulating reciprocating movements. There will be a slight tension in the inguinal muscles - a sign correct execution exercises.
  6. Leggings on the buttocks. We sit on the back point, arms, bent at the elbows, can be extended in front of us, legs forward. Now, alternately step each buttock with maximum amplitude and length. Good sign if it gets hot from doing.
  7. Squats. Everyone knows squats with a straightened back, which everyone did and knows how to do.

5. Apply the "Special Muscle Contraction" method from behind

The next technique for men on how to treat erectile dysfunction at home is the daily training of the pubococcygeus muscle.

  1. Breathe in through your nose air and start taking in anus and the muscles around it, do not exhale the air.
  2. You compress all these muscles as well as in the case when you are trying to restrain the urge to bowel.
  3. Perform compressions with greatest with the strength that you can, to obtain effective results. On a leisurely exhalation, you remove tension in the muscles and completely relax.
  4. After a pleasant heat behind and in the crotch area. It means that everything is done correctly. We talked about the pubococcygeal muscle in detail in.

Benefits of exercising frequently:

  • wakes up libido and energy in the pelvic area;
  • the psyche relaxes;
  • prostate massage;
  • the ability to delay a premature finish appears (techniques for postponing the finish are described);
  • the male sexual organ becomes stronger.

6. Know the Secret to Morning Testosterone

Use This 6th Secret early morning to worry less about what to do with mild erectile dysfunction in young or adult men.

  • Research shows that testosterone levels in men are highest in the morning, after waking up. By evening, testosterone levels drop. This rule applies to 80% of men.
  • Build your day so as to get up in the morning, have breakfast and again go back to your beloved in bed. Be aware that in the morning your results will be better.

Breakfast number 1

  • Porridge, milk.
  • Fresh fruits.
  • Bread.
  • Boiled eggs.
  • Curd.
  • It will be useful to give up coffee and drink herbal tea.

Breakfast number 2

  • Yogurt or tomato juice.
  • Lentil soup with bread.
  • Salad containing vegetables
  • Lean meat or fish.
  • Curd.
  • Fresh juice.
  • Nuts.


  • Vegetable salad.
  • Fish meat or chicken without fat.
  • Baked potatoes or brown rice.
  • Boiled corn.

For dinner

  • Milk with the lowest fat content.
  • Varenets.
  • Yogurt.
  • Fruit.

Let us examine the issue of the treatment of erectile dysfunction in men with drugs. What helps?

8. Medicines

  1. Products of partners of our site;
  2. Kapikachu;
  3. Viagra;
  4. Cialis.

9. Vacuum pumps

There are special vacuum pumps that are applied to the genitals. Air is pumped out in it with a small pump, and the pressure created there makes get on alert for your friend.

Simply put, vacuum created there reinforces blood flow into dignity, and due to this it swells. This method also gives its positive effect.

10. Food of the goddess of love Aphrodite

Food is called that because it contains special substances - aphrodisiacs.

Aphrodisiacs are substances that increase sexual desire and ability in bed.

At home, the treatment of erectile dysfunction and the causes of its occurrence is feasible and due to some special products, dishes.

These foods include

  • banana desserts;
  • wild honey;
  • garlic in dishes;
  • goat milk;
  • shrimps, crabs and other seafood;
  • olive oil;
  • parsley;
  • artichokes;
  • cinnamon;
  • mussels;
  • cod;
  • dried fruits;
  • walnuts;
  • camel milk.

11. Take Hot and Cold Baths

  • Start off need with hot bath. Then go cold. Each bath should be about two minutes.
  • About temperature cold water- it should be moderately cold, then gradually after getting used to it, you can lower the temperature.
  • For the process to be successful, change hot to cold baths 6 times, that is, a total of 12 alternations.
  • The plus is that it improves blood circulation and also increases the production of hormones in the body. Application contrast shower or baths will be one of yours effective solutions to the question of how to cure erectile dysfunction at home. We give similar advice on the topic in another.

12. Raisin decoction with milk

  1. Black raisins are thoroughly washed and allowed to boil in milk in a ratio of 30 grams per 300 ml, respectively.
  2. Remove from heat after boiling and let cool.
  3. Such a mixture can be consumed once a day, eating raisins boiled in milk and drinking it with milk.

13. Mix with walnuts

They take a handful of walnuts, peel them and eat them either together with honey, pre-chopped and chopped, or eat whole, while drinking the nuts themselves with goat's milk.

14. Buckwheat porridge according to a special recipe

  1. They take buckwheat, clean it and very well washed by changing the water several times. Cleaned and washed pot with buckwheat poured already boiled water.
  2. The mixture is allowed to stand overnight. The next morning they get rid of the water. Then pour buckwheat kefir with the lowest fat content.
  3. Refuse from adding various spices to the dish in the form of salt and other seasonings.
  4. You can eat porridge as many times a day as you like.
  5. Many do not pay due attention to their diet and eat everything: fatty, fried. It must be understood that this erectile dysfunction in men thus acquires only more power.

15. Pumpkin or melon seeds

  • Pumpkin seeds and also melon seeds are useful. You can choose any of the seeds and well clear. For example, in a coffee grinder.
  • Powdered seeds can be eaten with honey or just drink water one teaspoon in the morning, afternoon and after dinner.

16. Decoction of carrots

Pass the peeled carrots through a fine grater. Take already boiled milk and mashed carrots in the ratio of two tablespoons per glass, respectively, and mix.

The resulting mixture is kept on low fire about 15 minutes. Then you can let it cool and drink three times a day.

17. Garlic and onions

The next way to treat erectile dysfunction folk remedies for men, it consists in cooking and eating various dishes along with garlic or onions.

  • Garlic and onions help increase male power. They can also be added to salads as ingredients, eat a few onions a day when you eat soups or other heavy meals.
  • Onions can be cut into rings, and garlic is usually finely chopped, and this can be added to various meat dishes.
  • If you have thoughts about smell after eating garlic, you can remove it parsley, which is also useful in male disorders.

18. Don't forget to run

From the usual run, the benefits are very great. At least if you give it 30-40 minutes per day, the result will not keep you waiting.

You can also run on a treadmill at your own pace.

Improves with running circulation in the pelvis, the blood fills better manhood and improve its hardness.

19. Give up bad habits

For the treatment of mild erectile dysfunction, when your male libido weakens by half, it is recommended to give up old bad habits.

What should be abandoned:

  • smoking;
  • alcohol;
  • fatty or fried foods;
  • caffeine (it is better to drink freshly squeezed juices instead).

20. Preventive measures

  1. Get physical as often as possible activity. This will prevent the occurrence of stagnation of blood in the pelvis. Don't give up hiking do gymnastics.
  2. During intimacy with beloved elderly Not recommended often lose seed. Older men are advised to come to the finish line less often. You will see how many advantages this will give you in terms of energy, well-being and potential for the next caresses in bed.
  3. Help solve the problem faster monogamous relationship with a beloved woman. The constancy of relationships and feelings will greatly help you.
  4. Be with your woman in one team, not in different ones. Talk to each other, listen, ask questions and let's feedback each other. A beloved girl can both help speed up the restoration of male strength, and suppress because of her condemnation and reproach.
  5. Loads both for the psyche and for the body must be moderate, do not forget to take time to just take a break from the routine and unload your head from work.
  6. Don't let obesity and make sure that you are not overweight. And for this, in addition to playing sports, you need to monitor your diet.

That's all. Now you know a lot about drugs for the treatment of erectile dysfunction in men and about effective techniques to eliminate this disorder and raise libido.

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