At what age do the first vaccination of a puppy. Initial Vaccination: When Should I Give My Puppy the First Vaccination? Possible consequences of vaccination

Timely vaccination is the main condition for the proper care of domestic dogs. This medical procedure makes it possible to avoid serious infectious infections, as well as prevent their negative impact on the pet's body.

However, many dog ​​owners neglect vaccinations, which often leads to serious illnesses in their pets, as well as endangering the health of the owner and others.

That is why every self-respecting dog breeder must strictly observe the vaccination schedule for his pet, as well as all the subtleties and features of the procedure, which we will discuss later.

When do puppies get their first vaccinations?

A newborn puppy is subject to many dangers, since its fragile and delicate body is especially susceptible to many environmental challenges. One of the most serious of them is a variety of infectious lesions of organs and systems.

The most common among them are:

  • arvovirus enteritis;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • rabies;
  • plague.

Did you know?The first vaccine was made in 1796 by the English scientist Edward Jenner.

However, during the first two months of life, the puppy's body is completely protected from a variety of viruses and bacteria. This is due to the fact that during this period, maternal antibodies are contained and actively act in his body, therefore, until the baby reaches the age of 8 weeks, he has a strong and reliable immunity against any infections.

Puppies need to be vaccinated for the first time at 8-10 weeks, it is during this period that a sharp decrease in parental antibodies is observed in his body, which undoubtedly leads to a direct threat of contracting some kind of viral or bacterial disease.

In rare exceptions, the procedure is carried out at 6 weeks, but this is only necessary if the puppy was born by an unvaccinated mother.

Vaccinations for dogs by age: table

In most cases, a single vaccination of a puppy will not be enough, this process is periodic, so re-vaccination is the only way to protect the dog throughout his life.

Video: what and when to vaccinate puppies and dogs That is why every dog ​​owner should not hesitate and be sure to strictly adhere to the vaccination schedule developed by the attending veterinarian. The following table will best help you understand all the basics of the process:

Vaccination of dogs by age
Age Features of vaccination Note
6 weeks Against the causative agent of trichophytosis, microsporia. Complex vaccine of the PUPPY DP series against the causative agent of plague and parvovirus enteritis Conducted as needed
8-10 weeks Primary vaccination
11-13 weeks Against pathogens of leptospirosis, parainfluenza, plague, hepatitis, parvovirus and coronavirus enteritis Revaccination
11-13 weeks Primary vaccination
24-28 weeks Against causative agents of leptospirosis, parainfluenza, plague, hepatitis, parvovirus enteritis, coronavirus enteritis Revaccination
24-28 weeks Against the causative agent of rabies Revaccination, then the procedure is repeated after a year
1 year Against causative agents of leptospirosis, parainfluenza, plague, hepatitis, parvovirus and coronavirus enteritis, trichophytosis and microsporia Re-vaccination, then the procedure is repeated every year

After the dog reaches 1 year of age, it is recommended to vaccinate an adult animal annually. However, in the case of good health of the dog, the procedure is allowed to be carried out every 2-3 years. The exception is the plague vaccination, which requires an annual introduction.

Important! If the administered drugs cause an exacerbation of chronic diseases in the animal, vaccination is not recommended.

Features of the choice of vaccines for dogs

The choice of drugs for vaccination is a rather complicated process. Each owner needs to fully understand the main types of drugs, their component composition and other details. First of all, the effectiveness of this procedure, as well as its safety for the animal, depends on this.

Video: dog vaccination

From what diseases?

In modern veterinary practice, there are only two types of animal vaccines. These are the so-called compulsory and optional vaccinations. This gradation is based on a fairly simple principle.

Mandatory vaccinations are carried out in order to protect the dog from infection with deadly diseases, as well as infections transmitted from animals to humans. Optional vaccinations protect the dog's health from less dangerous infections, or are required depending on the region of residence and the dog's lifestyle.

Mandatory vaccinations are carried out against:

  • viral hepatitis;
  • rabies.

Optional vaccinations are vaccines against:

  • leptospirosis;
  • parainfluenza;
  • trichophytosis, microsporia and others.

Did you know?For the first time such a disease as rabies in dogs was described in the 5th century BC. by the ancient Greek philosopher Democritus.

Determining which type of vaccine is in front of you is quite simple. According to the modern international classification, each of the diseases has a special label, thanks to which in just a few seconds you can determine what this or that drug is intended for. Let's consider it in more detail.

Symbols found on vaccines:

  • Puppy DP - vaccine for the smallest;
  • D - plague;
  • H - hepatitis;
  • P - parvovirus enteritis;
  • C - coronavirus enteritis;
  • Pi - parainfluenza;
  • L, L4 - leptospirosis;
  • R - rabies;
  • F, TM - trichophytosis and microsporia.

Monovalent or complex?

Vaccines against various infectious diseases are of two types: monovalent and complex. Monovalent are highly specialized medical preparations that are introduced into the body in order to develop stable immunity to only one infectious disease. Complex preparations are aimed at the formation of effective immunity to several ailments at once.

According to general veterinary practice, monovalent preparations are the most effective. The introduction of a narrowly targeted vaccine causes the maximum return of the immune system, as a result of which the maximum resistance of the body to pathogenic viruses or bacteria is formed.

But, despite this, the most popular are complex vaccines. First of all, such drugs are administered in 1-2 procedures, while complex ones require at least 5-6 procedures.

In addition, monovalent vaccination is strongly discouraged for puppies or small breed dogs, as it can cause serious consequences for their body.

Video: proper dog vaccination

Domestic or foreign?

The opinion of most dog breeders regarding the quality of vaccines from a particular manufacturer diverge. Someone trusts exclusively imported drugs, but some do not see the point in overpaying for more expensive foreign vaccines.

It is worth noting that no manufacturer of medical products guarantees 100% effectiveness of their vaccine. Therefore, in this matter, it is necessary to rely solely on one's own preferences and capabilities, since the direct dependence of the quality of the administered drug on the country of origin is a controversial statement.

Important! To protect yourself from ineffective drugs, consult with your veterinarian, only a qualified physician will be able to more accurately select the most optimal options for each individual case.

Vaccines for dogs and their characteristics

In modern veterinary practice, many varieties of drugs for animals are used, including both domestic and foreign-made vaccines. However, few of them gained particular popularity. Therefore, we will further consider in detail the most effective and popular drugs found on the domestic market.

Modern domestic

The most effective domestic vaccines for dogs

Name of the vaccine Manufacturer Dosage form Against what diseases
"Geksakanivak" "Vetzverocenter" Two-component preparation consisting of a dry lyophilized mass and a liquid solution Adenovirus, plague, infectious hepatitis, parvovirus enteritis, leptospirosis
"Vetzverocenter" Substance for injection consisting of pathogenic fungi inactivated by formalin and injection liquid Trichophytosis and microsporia
"Polivak TM" "Narvak" Substance for injection consisting of pathogenic fungi and injection liquid Trichophytosis, microsporia and other dermatomycosis
"Narvak" Two-component preparation consisting of a base substance and a solvent (sterile water) Adenovirus infections, plague, parvovirus and coronavirus enteritis
"Narvak" Adenovirus infections, plague, leptospirosis, parvovirus and coronavirus enteritis
"Narvak" Two-component preparation consisting of a dry lyophilized mass and a solvent (sterile water) Adenovirus infections, plague, rabies, leptospirosis, parvovirus and coronavirus enteritis


The most effective foreign vaccines for dogs

Name of the vaccine Manufacturer Dosage form Against what diseases
"Nobivak DHPPI + L" Intervet (Holland) Two-component preparation consisting of lyophilized microorganisms and injection solution Plague, infectious hepatitis, parvovirus enteritis, parainfluenza
"Nobivak Rabies"

Intervet (Holland) Suspension of fixed rabies virus Rabies
"Hexadog" "Merial" (France) Two-component preparation consisting of a lyophilized dry mass and an injection solution Adenovirus, plague, rabies, parvovirus and leptospirosis
"Eurikan" "Merial" (France) Two-component preparation consisting of a lyophilized dry mass and a liquid solution Adenovirus, parvovirus enteritis, parainfluenza, leptospirosis, rabies
"Duramun Max" Pfizer (USA) Adenovirus infections, plague, infectious hepatitis, parainfluenza, parvovirus and coronavirus enteritis, leptospirosis
"Vanguard" Pfizer (USA) Two-component preparation consisting of a dry mass and a liquid solution Plague, infectious hepatitis, parainfluenza, leptospirosis, adenovirus infections, parvovirus enteritis

How to prepare a puppy for vaccination

Despite its simplicity, vaccination is a rather difficult process for general health. Inactivated strains of pathogens are introduced into the animal's body, which certainly affects the activity of the entire immune system.

Despite the fact that such microorganisms are not capable of infecting an animal, the introduction of a foreign strain causes serious biochemical processes in the animal's body. Therefore, in order for the pet to safely accept all vaccinations, it is imperative to prepare him for this procedure.

For this you should:

Dog vaccination can take place in two ways: at home or in a special medical facility. In most cases, this procedure is resorted to within the walls of highly qualified veterinary clinics, since only in a specialized institution does a medical worker have all the necessary conditions for this.

Video: how dogs are vaccinated

In addition, only within the walls of the clinic will the doctor be able to quickly and efficiently deal with possible anaphylactic shock in an animal and other consequences of vaccination.

But the procedure can be carried out at home. In this case, the drug is administered by the owner on his own, or by the forces of a veterinarian invited to the house. But, in most cases, this practice is an exception.

Vaccination consists of the following steps:

  • preliminary examination of the animal for the presence of any pathologies;
  • direct introduction of the drug into the body;
  • waiting for the reaction of the body (no more than 30 minutes), in case of complications - immediate hospitalization of the animal;
  • revaccination - repeated administration of the drug (often after 10-14 days) to consolidate the effect.

Important!If your pet has any allergies, then before vaccination, the animal must be injected« Tavegil» or« Suprastin» , this will help ease the burden of the vaccine on the body.

Reaction and possible complications

In most cases, regardless of breed, vaccination for dogs goes well. However, in some cases, especially during the first procedure, vaccination can cause a number of complications, so for some time the animal may experience:

  • lethargy;
  • general malaise;
  • apathy;
  • loss of appetite;
  • diarrhea;
  • increased salivation;
  • convulsions;
  • abscess at the injection site;
  • anaphylactic shock (as a result of a sharp allergic reaction).

These symptoms in most cases can be observed for no more than 2 days, after which they disappear without a trace. Such a reaction of the dog's body is a natural response to the introduction of foreign substances, so you should not be afraid of the deterioration of the pet's condition. However, if the fever and other symptoms persist for more than 5 days, the animal must be taken to the veterinarian.

Did you know? The basic principles of vaccination as a method of introducing inactivated infectious agents into the body were developed by the legendary French scientist and microbiologist Louis Pasteur in the second half of the 19th century.

Timely vaccination of pets is the main condition for their long and painless life. Therefore, this procedure must be approached with particular scrupulousness and care. Particular attention should be paid to the choice of vaccine and the preparation of the animal for vaccination, since only in this case this procedure will have an extremely positive effect on the body.

This article provides vaccination schedule used in our nursery. This is not a dogma, but this vaccination scheme has been tested on many litters. Vaccinations for puppies we do it in the kennel (except for rabies) and give the puppies to another territory only after the second vaccination.

Dog vaccination schedule:

Puppy's first vaccination.

Puppies first vaccination we usually do it at the age of one month, but there are peculiarities and different situations on which the time of the first vaccination depends.
So let's figure it out when to vaccinate puppies
If puppies at the age of one month still receive mother's milk in sufficient quantities and very little complementary foods, then they have a strong, strong immunity from mommy, in which case time vaccinations for puppies moves forward another week.
If a puppy at the age of one month is breastfed, but not very strong in health (there was a bad stool, injury, poor appetite, not cheerful or other reasons for ill health), then puppy's first vaccination shifted until his full recovery.
If the puppy is healthy, cheerful, develops well, has a good appetite, and already sucks his mother a little (in large litters, complementary foods begin from the second week), then we do the first vaccination of the puppy on the 27th day.

How to prepare a puppy for the first vaccination?
A week before the first vaccination, the puppy must be given an antihelminthic. There are a lot of anthelmintic drugs now, and any pet store will offer you good drugs. In our kennel there is already a certain scheme for deworming puppies.
So: before the first vaccination, we give the kids PIRANTEL for children, according to the scheme: 1 day - we collect 2 cubes of Pyrantel suspension with a syringe and pour the puppy into the mouth before morning feeding. After half an hour, we give the puppy in the same way vaseline oil (pharmacy), 2 cubes. The oil helps the rapid removal of dead worms, and they do not remain inside the intestines and do not poison the puppy's body when decomposed. After an hour, you can feed the puppy.
A day later, we repeat the procedure - we also give pyrantel and vaseline oil, in the same proportions.
A week later, we vaccinate NOBIVAK - PUPPY (Nobivac PUPPY DP).
Note to owners! Know in advance when to vaccinate puppies and the availability of such a vaccine from a veterinarian. Do not take a small puppy to a veterinary clinic for vaccination, because there are many sick animals, it is better to call a doctor at home or take the puppy to a breeder for vaccination.
This applies to puppies bought or acquired without vaccinations up to a month old or older.

Puppy's second vaccination.

Puppy's second vaccination usually done at the age of two months. The countdown for the second vaccination is the date of the first vaccination.
Exactly three weeks from the date of the first vaccination, we carry out deworming.
This time we choose a suspension - for puppies (in our case, it is a suspension for puppies of large breeds) and give, according to the instructions, a dose calculated by the weight of the puppy. We carry out the procedure before the morning feeding and also after the anthelmintic, after half an hour, we give 4 cubes of vaseline oil, and after an hour we feed the puppy.
A week later, we vaccinate the puppy - NOBIVAK DHPPI + LEPTO (Nobivac DHPPi + L).
And in this case, we do not take the puppy to the veterinary clinic, he is still prone to various diseases, he has a weak immune system - take care of the baby, do not walk with him in foreign territories, avoid contact with other dogs, cats - OBSERVE QUARANTINE!
We are waiting for another 2 weeks after vaccination, and then consider that the quarantine is over. But be careful, do not think that the puppy is protected from everything and everything. Protect him, because the circle is full of sick animals. Consider that up to a year you observe a sparing quarantine.

Puppy's third vaccination.

Usually put puppy's third vaccination at three months. If the vaccination period is shifted to a later date (due to the reasons described above), be careful - you cannot do the third vaccination during the change of teeth! Check the puppy, examine it, consult a doctor if there are any doubts about the timing of vaccinations.
According to our vaccination schedule, we give the third vaccination at exactly 3 months. This is also NOBIVAK DHPPI + LEPTO (Nobivac DHPPi + L). Before vaccination, we carry out deworming a week before vaccination in the same way as before the second vaccination.

Vaccination for a dog after a change of teeth.

This vaccination is usually given only after the change of all teeth, so carefully inspect the dog's mouth. Usually in 5-6 months the teeth completely change.
Before morning feeding, we give an antihelminthic to the puppy based on the weight of the puppy, choose tablets or suspension for puppies of large breeds in the pet store, and also after half an hour we give vaseline oil - a tablespoon, and after an hour we feed the puppy.
A week later, we vaccinate the puppy - NOBIVAK DHPPI + LEPTO (Nobivac DHPPi + L).

Vaccination for a dog a year.

The vaccination scheme is the same, only we choose an antihelminthic agent not for puppies, but for adult dogs, in our case - for dogs of large breeds.
Add a dose of vaseline oil 2 tablespoons. The vaccine is the same (Nobivac DHPPi + L).

Rabies vaccination for dogs.

Rabies vaccination we put at the age not earlier than 9 months. This applies to those puppies who live in a kennel and do not go anywhere.
After 9 months we take puppies to exhibitions in different cities, so you need to have a full set of vaccinations and be sure to have a rabies vaccination! We put such an inoculation only in the state veterinary clinic!
When to vaccinate puppies against rabies if a puppy is bought and taken to other regions and other countries? We vaccinate earlier - at 3 or 4 months.

A fluffy ball appeared in the house, which touches all the household with its spontaneity? You have made the right choice!

Over time, a clumsy puppy will turn into a stately handsome man, a playmate, a guard and a companion.

In the meantime, everything must be done so that the baby settles in a new home.

And you need quite a bit for this: love, patience, proper nutrition, and, of course, protection against infections.

Only a loving owner is able to protect his pet from disease. Vaccinations will help.

Preventive vaccination: what you need to know about vaccinations

Dogs, like people, are prone to various diseases.

Puppies are especially susceptible to them, and this applies to everyone, both small, like, and, and large, like, and.

During this period, the owners have to deal mainly with infectious and parasitic diseases.

The probability of infection of a domestic dog living in the city is close to 100%. This is not an exaggeration, but a consequence of an uncontrolled dog boom.

Stray dogs and unsanitary conditions increase the number of infected animals.

But with viral infections, not everything is so hopeless, they are easier to prevent than to treat.

Vaccination is an effective and efficient means.

Since the Canine Vaccination Policy Review by the American Association in 2006, an updated list of vaccines has emerged.

  1. basic (vital);
  2. minor;
  3. not recommended.

The first group includes vaccinations against rabies, canine distemper and parvovirus enteritis.

The second group is vaccinations against canine parainfluenza, leptospirosis, adenovirus, enteritis.

In addition to common vaccines, there are less popular ringworm injections. lichen(it is given from two months) and piroplasmosis.

Types of vaccinations

Developed immunity depends on the vaccine used and the way it is introduced into the body.

All existing vaccines can be divided into two types:

  • MLV, or "live" vaccines (with modified or attenuated live viruses);
  • KV, or "dead" vaccines (inactivated).

In the first case, live attenuated viruses are introduced into the body, which cannot harm the pet, but contribute to the development of stable protection in the animal's body.

Immunity in this case is developed quickly, and it lasts for several years.

This type of vaccine is produced, most often, lyophilized, that is, in a waxy form.

To "live" vaccines include drugs for the development of immunity against pathogens:

  • plague;
  • hepatitis A;
  • parvovirus enteritis.

The vaccination scheme should take into account the lifestyle of the hosts, travel habits, environment

Dead" vaccines work differently. If live viruses need to be injected very little, then more dead ones will be needed.

But they will not be able to multiply in the body. In this case, you will also need additional substances that are administered along with viruses.

Protective properties after using this type of vaccine are not developed immediately, but only after repeated vaccinations.

They are made with a break of several weeks.

"Dead" vaccines enter the trade network more often in liquid form. With their help, they fight against pathogens:

  • leptospirosis;
  • rabies;
  • parainfluenza.

The first vaccinations for dogs are done at 8 weeks, until this time the baby's body is protected by maternal immunity.

But every rule has an exception. The “dead” rabies vaccine has proven itself well.

It is effective and reliable: already after the second injection, most dogs receive lifelong immunity against this dangerous disease.

Important! Vaccination requires one dose of the vaccine. Weight, age and breed do not matter.

Depending on the number of types of viruses contained in vaccines, they are divided into monovaccines and complex (polyvalent) vaccines.

Monovaccines fight one disease, complex vaccines fight several. Vaccination is carried out both subcutaneously and intramuscularly.

It is impossible to combine the method of administration of different drugs.

Dog vaccination schedule

Maternal antibodies come to the baby with milk and have a wide spectrum of action.

They not only neutralize dangerous microbes, viruses and bacteria, but also block the components of the vaccine.

To the question: when to do the first vaccinations for puppies, veterinarians answer that this should not be rushed.

An experienced doctor will help determine exactly when and what time the puppy's first vaccination should be done. Usually, it is 8-10 weeks.

Maternal immunity by this time is weakening, and the effect of antibodies becomes minimal.

At 8-10 weeks of age, puppies are vaccinated against:

  • parvovirus enteritis;
  • plagues of carnivores;
  • infectious hepatitis;
  • parainfluenza;
  • leptospirosis.

For this, the Nobivak DHPPi vaccine is suitable together with Nobivak Lepto.

After 3-4 weeks, the vaccination is repeated with the addition of the rabies vaccine Nobivac Rabies.

Then, on the advice of a doctor, you can repeat the vaccination after a change of teeth.

The next revaccination is carried out at 12 months, then annually.

Vaccinations are not done at an early age, not because puppies can not get sick with infectious diseases, but because of the ineffectiveness of vaccination at this age.

If there is a need for early vaccination, then you need to know which first vaccination the puppy will benefit from.

This is the Dutch vaccine Nobivak PuppyDH. It is effective as early as 6 weeks of age.

It is advisable to vaccinate puppies up to 8 weeks only in some cases:

  • if the mother of the cubs has not been vaccinated;
  • if it is not possible to protect babies from contact with potential carriers of the infection;
  • if you plan to transport pets;
  • in case of unequal development of puppies in the litter.

Important! Rabies vaccination is required. It can be done in clinics that have permission for this. Otherwise, over time, problems may arise with the issuance of certificates for transporting the animal.

How to prepare your puppy for the first vaccination

The vaccine gently prepares the puppy's immune system to fight invading dangerous microorganisms.

Consequences of vaccination

Vaccinations are best left to professionals. The veterinarian will help you choose the vaccine, determine the schedule and tell you when to give the puppy the first vaccination.

But it cannot influence the formation of immunity in a puppy.

In order for everything to go without complications, the puppy after the first vaccination should not:

  • overeat;
  • walk on the street;
  • bathe.

After the first vaccination, immunity is formed within 12 days. Quarantine is required before the expiration date.

A puppy after vaccination may be lethargic, sometimes there is a fever, general weakness,.

High-quality nutrition is the minimum that a puppy requires at this time.

Persistent immunity is formed in a puppy 15 days after re-vaccination.

Then you can safely let the baby frolic to the fullest.

And after the first vaccination, you can walk with a puppy only taking it out in your arms for sunbathing.

They are useful for the prevention of rickets.

Plague vaccinations should not be given while changing teeth.

The vaccine adversely affects the enamel, and the puppy's teeth may acquire a yellowish tint, which will eventually turn into early caries.

The well-being of the puppy during vaccination should be monitored especially carefully.

And if he still gets sick at this time, you should immediately consult a doctor. This will increase the chances of the baby.

After all, infectious diseases in young animals develop very quickly, sometimes even rapidly.

If the clinic is contacted after two days of indisposition, then the result of treatment can be unpredictable.

Simple attention will save the health and life of the dog, and the owners - time, nerves and money.

The first vaccinations for puppies: how to protect your baby from dangerous infections

First vaccinations for puppies. In order to form a puppy's immunity against a viral infection, vaccination is necessary. The basic rules for vaccinations will help prepare the puppy and keep him healthy.

Immediately after the puppy has appeared at your home, we recommend that you contact a veterinary clinic to assess its health status. It does not matter whether the puppy was purchased from a breeder, taken from friends or from a shelter. Only a veterinarian will be able to see the hidden signs of the disease.

During a visit to the veterinary clinic, the doctor will learn more about your pet and select the most optimal vaccination schedule for your puppy.

Be careful if you adopt a puppy that has not completed its primary vaccination course (i.e. less than 3 months old). Remember that your puppy will not be fully protected until the primary vaccination is done correctly.

What you need to know about puppy vaccinations

For a comprehensive vaccination of a puppy, you need to schedule 2-3 visits to the veterinary clinic with an interval of 3-4 weeks.
If you miss or violate the vaccination schedule, you may need an additional vaccination in order to develop full immunity.

It is impossible to reduce the interval between vaccinations, this will lead to the formation of a shorter and more intense immunity.

At what age are puppies vaccinated?

Puppies can start their first vaccinations at 6 weeks old. At 7-8 weeks, at least one vaccination should have already been given.

First puppy vaccination (optional, in the kennel)

The first vaccination of a puppy is usually carried out at 6 weeks in the kennel. This vaccination is not mandatory, it is given in kennels to protect small puppies from parvovirus enteritis.

For primary vaccination of puppies at 6 weeks, vaccines Eurican Primo or Nobivak Pappi are used.

Second puppy vaccination (mandatory)

At 7-8 weeks, a second vaccination with a complex vaccine is carried out. This vaccination is aimed at protecting against parvovirus enteritis, plague, adenoviruses (infectious laryngotracheitis and infectious hepatitis), parainfluenza and leptospirosis.
This vaccination may be the first if the puppy was not vaccinated against parvovirus enteritis at 6 weeks in the kennel.

Third puppy vaccination (mandatory)

At 12 weeks, the third vaccination is carried out. A complex vaccine is used from the same manufacturer that was used during the second vaccination against the same diseases, but with the addition of an anti-rabies component.

Fourth puppy vaccination (optional)

In rare cases (less than 5% of puppies), if immunity has not developed after vaccinations at 2 and 3 months, an additional vaccination at 16 weeks (4 months) may be required. The vaccine of the same manufacturer is used as in 2-3 months.

What vaccines are used to protect puppies?

When can a puppy start walking after vaccination?

You have probably heard that a puppy should be kept at home in order not to form a post-vaccination effect. The main question is how many days after vaccination can you walk with a puppy? Different puppies for different vaccines develop immunity at different times. If everything is done correctly, then full protection against all diseases is formed 2 weeks after vaccination at 3 months (for components other than leptospirosis and rabies, even earlier - usually 1 week after vaccination at 3 months). But this does not mean that you can not walk a puppy before 14 weeks. Early socialization of a puppy is extremely important.

You can start walking puppies from 10 weeks, observing the maximum precautions:

  • DO NOT walk your puppy in areas where other dogs have marked their territory or defecated
  • DO NOT let your puppy play with unfamiliar dogs. And no matter how friendly they are
  • DO NOT let your friends play with dogs if their vaccinations are expired
  • CARRY the puppy over areas where dogs have defecated or marked territory (such as all front yards of multi-storey yards)

Can I let a puppy out into the courtyard of the house?

If you live in a private house, the yard is fenced and sufficiently illuminated by the sun, then the risk of infection is minimal and you can walk the puppy.

Why do puppies need quarantine for the first 2 weeks after vaccination at 3 months?

Despite the fact that immunity against most diseases develops faster, protection against leptospirosis and rabies, diseases dangerous for dogs and humans, does not appear until 14 weeks after the course of primary vaccination.

How is the vaccination schedule for Yorkies, German Shepherds, Labradors, Spitz and other dog breeds different?

There is no difference in the vaccination schedule, diseases for which vaccination is carried out and the doses of vaccines administered. Breed does not matter when choosing a vaccine.

An independent change in the vaccination schedule, the volume of the vaccine, the components of the vaccine can lead to low post-vaccination immunity! Remember, puppies are the most vulnerable to infectious diseases!

Do puppies of decorative breeds of dogs (Yorks, Toy, Spitz and others) need to be given half a dose of the vaccine?

No. The effectiveness and safety of vaccines has been tested on different breeds. The vaccine cannot be shared. A Yorkie or Spitz puppy does not need to be given half a dose, just as a Great Dane does not need to be given two doses at the same time, for example. Administering a half-dose of the vaccine can lead to insufficient immunity in the puppy!

Deworming puppies before vaccination

It is extremely important to regularly deworm puppies, as they are the most susceptible to helminth infections. Deworming should be done 2 weeks prior to vaccination if you have not followed the recommended deworming schedule for your puppy.

How much do puppy vaccinations cost?

The price of puppy vaccination consists of the cost of the vaccine and the cost of a doctor's appointment, which includes an examination of the animal and a consultation with the owner. Prices for vaccination of puppies.

Vaccination scheme for puppies up to a year (table)

Below is a classic vaccination schedule for puppies up to a year old. Vaccinations at 6 and 16 weeks are NOT mandatory and are required on a case-by-case basis. The scheme of primo vaccination of puppies is determined individually for each puppy!

After vaccination at 12 months, vaccinations for dogs should be done annually.

In addition to the above diseases, there are vaccines to protect against other diseases in puppies.

canine herpes virus

Eurikan Herpes is used to protect dogs from herpes virus. Vaccinate puppies every time twice every puppies

Canine coronavirus

Canine coronavirus, unlike parvovirus, is not a severe disease and is easily tolerated by dogs. The International Association of Veterinarians does not recommend vaccination of dogs against coronavirus infection, as there has been no strong evidence of the effectiveness of these vaccines.

Piroplasmosis / babesiosis in dogs

To protect against piroplasmosis, dogs are vaccinated with Eurikan Piro. The vaccination schedule for puppies consists of two vaccinations: at 5 and 6 months of age, then vaccination is carried out annually.

Canine Bordetelliosis

Bordetella is one of the causative agents of nursery cough. In addition to it, this symptom complex includes adenoviruses and parainfluenza of dogs. Dogs that are in a kennel are subject to vaccination. The vaccine Nobivak BB is used.

Can I buy a vaccine in a veterinary pharmacy and vaccinate a puppy on my own?

In Russia, you can buy vaccines for dogs and cats at a veterinary pharmacy. What threatens self-vaccination?

  • Only healthy animals should be vaccinated. In the veterinary clinic, before vaccination, an examination of the animal is carried out in order to exclude hidden diseases.
  • The vaccine requires special conditions for storage, transportation and use. If they are violated, vaccination will be ineffective and may lead to negative consequences.
  • Possible side effects after vaccination. Veterinarians know how to avoid them and how to deal with them.
  • Only in a veterinary clinic is the vaccination done officially. and a veterinary passport is officially issued, on the basis of which permits for the transportation of the animal are issued

Vaccines are designed to build immunity. It is important to understand what vaccinations a puppy needs to do so that the baby does not get sick with an ailment against which injections are given. The owner is fully responsible for the health of the pupil, and such a simple procedure can save the dog from a dangerous infection that is easy to pick up while walking.

Should puppies be vaccinated?

A threat to dog life is represented by contagious ailments - hepatitis,. Often they become the culprits of the death of animals, and you can catch the virus everywhere - on the grass, in the soil, from other animals, even on shoes, household members can bring danger to the home. When deciding whether a puppy needs vaccinations, owners should be aware that unprotected pets are at serious risk of sudden death. And such an illness as rabies is dangerous even for people. All dogs, regardless of their lifestyle, must be vaccinated.

The price of the drug does not matter, the owner must know what vaccinations the puppy needs to have and deliver them on time. As a result, the dog develops stable antibodies to deadly diseases artificially introduced during the procedure in small numbers. If the dog then catches the virus against which it was vaccinated, it will no longer harm it or it will pass in a mild form.

The kitten receives initial immunity from breastfeeding. As soon as he is torn from his mother, the body needs additional protection. Vaccination schedule for puppies:

  • ten days before the planned vaccination, the baby is treated for worms;
  • first vaccinations puppies (in the complex) are placed at eight weeks;
  • second- the same composition is duplicated three weeks after the first vaccination;
  • third- at 6-8 months (after the replacement of teeth), plus at this age, the kitten is entitled to the first injection of rabies;
  • farther annually the dog is vaccinated with a complex preparation against parvovirus, plague, adenovirus, parainfluenza, rabies, leptospirosis.

Vaccines come from different manufacturers. The choice of the drug should be entrusted to an experienced professional who knows what vaccinations a puppy needs to do. For each dog, the veterinarian develops an injection schedule. It is important not to move them without good reason. The price of the drug should not influence the choice. The main criterion is stable immunity after the injection and normal tolerability of the procedure by the dog.

This is a terrible disease for animals and humans, which causes inflammation of the brain. It is impossible to cure him, a sick dog is euthanized. Rabies vaccination for a puppy is mandatory when it is done: it can be given from the age of two months (depending on the vaccination schedule), but the first time is planned for six months after the change of all teeth, then after 12 months. In this case, complex means are used (protect against several ailments) or a monovaccine.

After the procedure, the animal is strictly protected from walking, bathing, overeating and other relatives for a couple of weeks. At this time, the pupil may look lethargic, there is fever, diarrhea, weakness. It is important to provide your pet with quarantine and good nutrition. Animals that have not been vaccinated against rabies are not allowed to be transported around the country and abroad; in state clinics, such an injection will be given free of charge.

There are many more dangerous diseases. By studying what vaccinations to give a small puppy, one can see protection against a well-known common ailment - distemper. This is a viral disease inherent only in dogs, which enters the body of a healthy animal by airborne droplets from contact with a sick four-legged animal or its things. With a particularly lightning-fast course, it leads to death or the treatment is delayed for a long time, leaving consequences in the nervous system, the musculoskeletal system of the pet. A distemper vaccination for a puppy is required - when to do:

  • at 3 months;
  • at 6 months;
  • then annually at regular intervals.

Mandatory vaccinations - how to prepare a puppy?

The vaccine gently adjusts the pet's immune system to fight the attacks of dangerous microorganisms. When asked at what age puppies are vaccinated, doctors answer that there is no need to rush into this. An experienced doctor will determine whether prophylaxis should be carried out, establish a scheme. Mandatory vaccines include:

  • from rabies (fixed by law);
  • from the plague of carnivores;
  • from viral hepatitis;
  • from adenovirus;
  • from parvovirus enteritis;
  • from leptospirosis.

Every breeder should know when to vaccinate a puppy for the first time. If the baby is already 8-10 weeks old, he is protected from distemper, parvovirus, hepatitis, adenovirus. After 21 days, an injection is made with the same drug - this is important. At six months, the dog is vaccinated against rabies, then a comprehensive vaccine against the above dangerous diseases is administered annually. Most of the time, the procedure goes without complications. In addition to knowing what vaccinations you need to give your puppy, the main thing is to properly prepare him for manipulation. The normal tolerability of the procedure by the dog depends on this.

Deworming puppies before vaccination

Before the procedure, it is important to monitor the condition of the pet - measure body temperature for 2-3 days, assess appetite, activity, absence of eating disorders, discharge from the nose and eyes. When vaccinations are given to puppies, for the formation of normal immunity, they are provided with full feeding, especially after the procedure. There are no special contraindications to eating before vaccination, but if the pet, for example, gets sick in transport, it is better to feed him after returning home in three hours.

Experienced veterinarians do not recommend washing pets before vaccination. To determine when a puppy can be vaccinated, it is necessary to assess its condition - the dog must be active and joyful, feel good and have excellent health. And after taking a bath, it is easy to catch a cold, the protective properties of the skin decrease, then it will be harder for the body to cope with a double infection.

Puppy care after vaccination

The body of any animal is unique. After the injection, the dog feels unwell - an increase in body temperature, lethargy, loss of appetite. She constantly sleeps, when walking she can drag her paw. Sometimes vomiting or diarrhea begins. Most of these symptoms go away on their own after a few days. If the pet's condition worsens, it should be taken to the doctor. Puppies are vaccinated by age after a certain period of time, you need to get an animal passport and keep a schedule in it. After vaccination, strict quarantine is observed for two weeks.

In order for the process to go without exacerbations, the pet after the procedure should not:

  • overeat;
  • walk the streets;
  • communicate with other animals and people;
  • bathe.

The first vaccinations for puppies are carried out at two months, their immunity is formed for 12 days - this is a very dangerous period. The pupil is not allowed to visit clusters of dogs. The pet needs to be intensively fed, the seal at the injection site should be lubricated with iodine. After the first vaccination, the animal is allowed to walk only after five weeks - only then will it develop strong immunity. Until this time, you can take it out on your hands - for sunbathing (shown to protect against rickets). After repeated prophylaxis, the dog is released into the street after 15 days.

When can I bathe a puppy after vaccination?

After treatment, the dog is not loaded with active walks, training. It is important to know when to bathe a puppy after vaccination. With this, it is better to wait two weeks and not to wet the injection site. During quarantine, the animal's body struggles with the administered medication. During this period, the baby is susceptible to various infections and must be protected - do not bathe, do not supercool, do not allow communication with strangers, do not enter the room in shoes and outerwear. A swelling may form at the injection site - it cannot be wetted. The bump goes away without treatment in 1-3 days.

Knowing what vaccinations a puppy needs to be given, it is important to vaccinate the animal on time. Modern drugs allow you to create a strong immunity from formidable canine diseases for a long time. It is important to keep a vaccination calendar and update the protection of the animal's body in time according to the doctor's recommendations. Then the dog can be safely taken outside without fear that the baby will pick up an infection from the grass, from another four-legged one, which can even lead to death. A vaccinated animal is protected from known severe diseases.

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