Contact zoos will be prescribed work standards. On approval of the Veterinary and Sanitary Rules for raising animals and conducting veterinary activities in zoos (animal nurseries)

Registered in the National Register of Legal ActsRepublic of Belarus March 13, 2012 N 8/25061



Based paragraph five of the second part of article 9 Law of the Republic of Belarus dated July 2, 2010 "On Veterinary Activities" and subparagraph 5.2 of paragraph 5 Regulations on the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus, approved by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated June 29, 2011 N 867 "On Certain Issues of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food", the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:

1. Approve the attached Veterinary and Sanitary Rules for raising animals and conducting veterinary activities in zoos (animal nurseries).

2. This Resolution shall enter into force fifteen working days after its signing.

Minister M.I. Rusy


Minister natural resources

and protection environment

The Republic of Belarus

V.G. Tsalko




Ministry of Agriculture

economy and food

The Republic of Belarus




1. Veterinary and sanitary rules for raising animals and conducting veterinary activities in zoos (animal nurseries) (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) are developed on the basis of the Law of the Republic of Belarus dated July 2, 2010 "On Veterinary Activities" (National Register of Legal Acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2010, No. 170, 2/1713).

2. These Rules establish mandatory requirements for the conditions for raising animals and for carrying out veterinary measures in zoos (animal nurseries).

3. The Rules use the main terms and their definitions in the meanings established by the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On Veterinary Activities", as well as the following terms and their definitions:

isolator - a specially equipped room for the temporary accommodation of sick animals;

quarantine - keeping animals in special premises for the duration of diagnostic, preventive and (or) therapeutic measures;

zoo (animal nursery) - a cultural and educational institution that carries out activities related to the maintenance and (or) breeding of animals in captivity for the purpose of exhibiting, studying and reproducing them.



4. The building (buildings) and structures in which the zoo (animal nursery) is located (hereinafter referred to as the building of the zoo (animal nursery) must comply with the requirements of these Rules, as well as the requirements of the technical code of established practice "Buildings and structures. Technical condition and maintenance of building structures and engineering systems and assessment of their suitability for operation. Basic requirements "(TKP 45-1.04-208-2010 (02250), approved by order of the Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus dated July 15, 2010 N 267.

5. The sanitary protection zone of the zoo (animal nursery) must be established in accordance with the requirements of the Sanitary norms, rules and hygiene standards"Hygienic requirements for the organization of sanitary protection zones of enterprises, structures and other objects that are objects of impact on human health and the environment", approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus dated February 10, 2011 N 11.

6. The following premises should be provided in the zoo (nursery) building:

premises for keeping animals (cages, aviaries);

a feed kitchen with rooms for preparing feed;

cold store for storing chilled perishable feed;

warehouses for the storage of feed;

storage facilities for auxiliary materials for animal care;

veterinary station;

storage facilities for detergents and disinfectants.

7. The list of the main production facilities of the veterinary station is determined in accordance with the appendix.

8. In the veterinary station, one or more rooms are allocated for the quarantine of newly arrived or preparing for shipment animals and for the isolation room.

9. Walls of the premises of the arena-reception and (or) office for outpatient therapeutic reception of sick animals, washing, operating room, premises for overexposure of animals after abdominal operations, quarantine and insulator up to the ceiling are lined with ceramic tiles or tiles made of polymer materials.

10. Floors, isolation room equipment and animal quarantine rooms shall be made of materials that can be easily washed and disinfected.

11. To store the cleaning equipment of the isolator and premises for quarantine of animals, separate pantries and cabinets are arranged.

12. It is not allowed to use feeders, drinkers and other equipment made of wood.

13. On the territory of the zoo (animal nursery), adjacent to the premises for keeping animals, yards for walking animals with fences are equipped.

Pet yards are cleaned of faeces daily and disinfected.

14. To collect waste, excrement and manure on the territory of the zoo (animal nursery) on an asphalt or concrete site, sealed labeled containers with tight-fitting lids are installed with appropriate markings (inscriptions), the dimensions of which must exceed the dimensions of the containers by at least 1 m in all directions .

15. Removal and removal of waste, excrement and manure from containers is carried out when they accumulate in no more than 2/3 of the container, but at least once a day, followed by disinfection of the containers and the site on which they are located.

16. The keeping of wild animals in zoos (zoos) is carried out in accordance with the requirements established by the Decree of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus dated February 27, 2007 N 16 “On the requirements for the transportation of wild animals, keeping and (or) breeding in captivity, as well as introduction, introduction, reintroduction, acclimatization, crossing” (National Register of Legal Acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2007, N 80, 8/16038).

17. The glazed surface of the light openings of the windows of the premises for keeping animals is cleaned from dust and other contaminants from the outside as necessary, but at least once a year.

The internal glazed surface of the windows is washed and wiped as necessary, but at least once a quarter.

18. Fluorescent lamps are used as lamps in the premises for keeping animals.

Luminaires with fluorescent lamps must be equipped with a protective grid (grid), diffuser or special lamp sockets that exclude the possibility of falling out of the lamps from the luminaires, and luminaires with incandescent lamps - with solid protective glass.

19. Equipment designs of heating systems in rooms for keeping animals should be accessible for cleaning. Their surface is made of easily cleanable materials and is sanitized at least once a quarter.

20. Ventilation ducts and air ducts must be disassembled and cleaned inner surface as it gets dirty, but at least once a year, as well as replace protective filters.

21. In premises for keeping animals, floors and foundations must be impervious to Wastewater, and the walls are smooth and convenient for wet cleaning and disinfection.

22. Preparation, processing and preparation of feed for animals shall be carried out in the premises of the feed kitchen.

23. Equipment, utensils and containers used in animal rearing must have smooth, easily cleanable inner surfaces.

24. Working surfaces (coverings) of feed processing tables must be smooth and made of stainless metal or polymeric materials approved for use in the Republic of Belarus.

25. Dishes and utensils must be separate for each type of feed and have appropriate markings (inscriptions).

26. Animal feed is stored in dry warehouses, excluding access to them by rodents and insects.

Warehouses must be equipped for the storage of a daily (weekly) supply of loose, granular, coarse and succulent feed.

Perishable feed (meat, meat products, milk, fruits, some vegetables, etc.) are stored in cold rooms ah, which must be provided with instrumentation to control temperature and humidity conditions.

27. Delivery of feed to animals is carried out in closed containers with appropriate markings (inscriptions).

28. To collect products unsuitable for animal feeding, use a separate container with lids, made of stainless steel or polymeric materials, having the appropriate marking (inscriptions). After each release, the container is subject to sanitization and stored in a specially designated place.

29. Work on the care and maintenance of animals is carried out in accordance with the daily routine approved by the head of the zoo (animal nursery).

The schedule includes time for sanitization premises for keeping animals, distributing feed and caring for animals, as well as the time of veterinary measures.

30. Feeding of animals is carried out after cleaning the premises for keeping animals (cages, aviaries), cleaning them and removing dirty equipment, trays with bedding and other materials to be disinfected or disposed of.



31. Animals entering the zoo (animal nursery) and (or) to be transported must:

be accompanied by veterinary documents issued in the manner prescribed by law;

be examined by specialists of the veterinary service of the zoo (animal nursery);

undergo quarantine.

32. Restrictive measures are carried out in accordance with the law, depending on the causative agent of a contagious animal disease.

33. Veterinary measures for the diagnosis of animal diseases and their treatment in zoos (animal nurseries) are carried out at the veterinary station.

34. During the quarantine period, animals are kept daily clinical observation and thermometry is taken. Information about general condition animal health and thermometry by a specialist of the veterinary service are entered in a special journal.

35. In case of detection of contagious animal diseases in animals, in which quarantine is established, they are placed in an isolation room and the state veterinary service at the location of the zoo (animal nursery) is immediately notified of the detected case of the disease.

If a sick animal cannot be kept in an isolation ward in unconstrained conditions, it is left in a cage, aviary, ensuring the isolation of the sick animal from healthy animals.

36. Unauthorized persons are prohibited from entering the isolation ward.

37. When performing work on servicing animals placed in an isolation room, the possibility of spreading an infection dangerous to humans must be excluded.

38. In front of the entrance to the animal quarantine room and the isolation room, mats measuring the width of the doorway, at least 1 m long, moistened with a disinfectant solution, are placed.

39. Washing of floors, walls, equipment in the quarantine room and isolation room is carried out as necessary during the shift, and disinfection at the end of the shift.

40. Washing and disinfection of refrigerating chambers for storing perishable feed are carried out as they are contaminated with complete release, but at least 1 time per quarter, with means permitted for use in the Republic of Belarus.

41. It is forbidden to take out food, overalls and equipment from the isolation ward and premises for quarantine of animals to other premises.

42. In a zoo (animal nursery), one sanitary day per month is established for general cleaning of premises for keeping animals (cages, enclosures), equipment, inventory.

On a sanitary day, the walls, floors, equipment, as well as windows in the premises for keeping animals are subjected to thorough mechanical cleaning, washing and disinfection with agents permitted for use in the Republic of Belarus.

43. Disinfection in the premises specified in paragraph 6 of these Rules is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Veterinary Sanitary Rules for veterinary disinfection, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus of October 4, 2007 N 68.

44. For the storage of products used for disinfection, disinsection and deratization, special rooms are provided with a temperature not lower than 5 ° C and not higher than 30 ° C, air humidity not more than 75 - 80%.

These rooms must be locked and appropriately marked (have inscriptions).

All means used for disinfection, disinfestation and deratization must have labels with legible inscriptions and documents confirming their quality.

A record of the disinfection work is recorded in a special log.

45. Works on washing and disinfection of equipment, tools, inventory, premises for keeping animals are carried out on time according to the schedule approved by the head of the zoo (animal nursery).

46. ​​Disposal of disinfectants is carried out in compliance with the requirements of the Veterinary and Sanitary Rules for washing and disinfection of technological equipment and production facilities for organizations engaged in the slaughter of farm animals and meat processing, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus of November 8, 2007 N 77 .



47. On the territory of the zoo (animal nursery) and in the building of the zoo (animal nursery) the presence of rodents is not allowed. The presence of insects is not allowed in the building of the zoo (animal nursery).

48. In the territory of the zoo (animal nursery) and in the building of the zoo (animal nursery), it is planned to carry out a set of measures (works) aimed at preventing the penetration, spread and reproduction of rodents and insects.

49. Work on disinsection, deratization and disinfection in a zoo (animal nursery) is carried out by persons who meet the relevant qualification requirements and do not have medical contraindications to carry out these types of work.

50. Deratization in the building of the zoo (nursery) is carried out in compliance with the requirements of the Veterinary and Sanitary Rules for the Control of Rodent, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus of February 15, 2006 N 15.

51. Disinsection in the building of the zoo (animal nursery) is carried out in compliance with the requirements of the Veterinary and Sanitary Rules for dairy farms of organizations engaged in milk production, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus dated March 17, 2005 N 16.


to the Veterinary and Sanitary

rules for raising animals

and conducting veterinary

activities in zoos

(animal nurseries)



Room name

Sanitary block (sanitary inspection room with shower, toilet)

Changing room for veterinary staff

Office of a veterinarian

Arena-reception and / or office for outpatient therapeutic reception of sick animals

Cabinet for luminescent diagnostics, electrocardiogram and other special studies with the use of equipment

Storage room for auxiliary materials

Storage room veterinary drugs

operating room

Room for overexposure of animals after abdominal operations


Quarantine room

On the basis of paragraph five of part two of article 9 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of July 2, 2010 "On veterinary activities" and subparagraph 5.2 of paragraph 5 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus, approved by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of June 29, 2011 N 867 "On some issues of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food", Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:

1. To approve the attached Veterinary and Sanitary Rules for raising animals and conducting veterinary measures in zoos (animal nurseries).

2. This Resolution shall enter into force fifteen working days after its signing.

AGREED Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus V.G.Tsalko 12.03.2012
APPROVED Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus 12.03.2012 N 17



1. Veterinary and sanitary rules for raising animals and conducting veterinary activities in zoos (animal nurseries) (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) are developed on the basis of the Law of the Republic of Belarus dated July 2, 2010 "On Veterinary Activities" (National Register of Legal Acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2010, No. 170, 2/1713).

2. These Rules establish mandatory requirements for the conditions for raising animals and for carrying out veterinary measures in zoos (animal nurseries).

3. The Rules use the main terms and their definitions in the meanings established by the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On Veterinary Activities", as well as the following terms and their definitions:

isolation ward - a specially equipped room for the temporary accommodation of sick animals;

quarantine - keeping animals in special premises for the duration of diagnostic, preventive and (or) therapeutic measures;

zoo (animal nursery) - a cultural and educational institution that carries out activities related to the maintenance and (or) breeding of animals in captivity for the purpose of exhibiting, studying and reproducing them.


4. The building (buildings) and structures in which the zoo (animal nursery) is located (hereinafter referred to as the building of the zoo (animal nursery) must comply with the requirements of these Rules, as well as the requirements of the technical code of established practice "Buildings and structures. Technical condition and maintenance of building structures and engineering systems and assessment of their suitability for operation. Basic requirements" (TKP 45-1.04-208-2010 (02250), approved by order of the Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus dated July 15, 2010 N 267.

5. The sanitary protection zone of a zoo (animal nursery) must be established in accordance with the requirements of the Sanitary Norms, Rules and Hygienic Standards "Hygienic requirements for the organization of sanitary protection zones of enterprises, structures and other objects that are objects of impact on human health and the environment" , approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus dated February 10, 2011 N 11.

6. The following premises should be provided in the zoo (nursery) building:

premises for keeping animals (cages, aviaries);

a feed kitchen with rooms for preparing feed;

cold store for storing chilled perishable feed;

warehouses for the storage of feed;

storage facilities for auxiliary materials for animal care;

veterinary station;

storage facilities for detergents and disinfectants.

7. The list of the main production facilities of the veterinary station is determined in accordance with the appendix.

8. In the veterinary station, one or more rooms are allocated for the quarantine of newly arrived or preparing for shipment animals and for the isolation room.

9. The walls of the premises of the arena-reception room and (or) the office for outpatient therapeutic reception of sick animals, the washing room, the operating room, the premises for keeping animals after abdominal operations, quarantine and isolation room up to the ceiling are lined with ceramic tiles or tiles made of polymeric materials.

10. Floors, isolation room equipment and animal quarantine rooms shall be made of materials that can be easily washed and disinfected.

11. To store the cleaning equipment of the isolator and premises for quarantine of animals, separate pantries and cabinets are arranged.

12. It is not allowed to use feeders, drinkers and other equipment made of wood.

13. On the territory of the zoo (animal nursery), adjacent to the premises for keeping animals, yards for walking animals with fences are equipped.

Pet yards are cleaned of faeces daily and disinfected.

14. To collect waste, excrement and manure on the territory of the zoo (animal nursery) on an asphalt or concrete site, sealed labeled containers with tight-fitting lids are installed with appropriate markings (inscriptions), the dimensions of which must exceed the dimensions of the containers by at least 1 m in all directions .

15. Removal and removal of waste, excrement and manure from containers is carried out when they accumulate in no more than 2/3 of the container, but at least once a day, followed by disinfection of the containers and the site on which they are located.

16. The keeping of wild animals in zoos (animal nurseries) is carried out in accordance with the requirements established by the Decree of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus dated February 27, 2007 N 16 "On the requirements for the transportation of wild animals, keeping and (or) breeding in captivity, as well as introduction, introduction, reintroduction, acclimatization, crossing" (National Register of Legal Acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2007, N 80, 8/16038).

17. The glazed surface of the light openings of the windows of the premises for keeping animals is cleaned from dust and other contaminants from the outside as necessary, but at least once a year.

The internal glazed surface of the windows is washed and wiped as necessary, but at least once a quarter.

18. Fluorescent lamps are used as lamps in the premises for keeping animals.

Luminaires with fluorescent lamps must be equipped with a protective grid (grid), diffuser or special lamp sockets that exclude the possibility of falling out of lamps from luminaires, and luminaires with incandescent lamps - with solid protective glass.

19. Equipment designs of heating systems in rooms for keeping animals should be accessible for cleaning. Their surface is made of easily cleanable materials and is sanitized at least once a quarter.

20. Ventilation ducts and air ducts must be disassembled and their inner surface cleaned as they get dirty, but at least once a year, and protective filters should be replaced.

21. In premises for keeping animals, the floors and foundations must be impervious to sewage, and the walls must be smooth and convenient for wet cleaning and disinfection.

22. Preparation, processing and preparation of feed for animals shall be carried out in the premises of the feed kitchen.

23. Equipment, utensils and containers used in animal rearing must have smooth, easily cleanable inner surfaces.

24. Working surfaces (coverings) of feed processing tables must be smooth and made of stainless metal or polymeric materials approved for use in the Republic of Belarus.

25. Dishes and utensils must be separate for each type of feed and have appropriate markings (inscriptions).

26. Animal feed is stored in dry warehouses that exclude access to them by rodents and insects.

Warehouses must be equipped for the storage of a daily (weekly) supply of loose, granular, coarse and succulent feed.

Perishable feed (meat, meat products, milk, fruits, some vegetables, etc.) are stored in refrigerators, which must be provided with instrumentation to control temperature and humidity conditions.

27. Delivery of feed to animals is carried out in closed containers with appropriate markings (inscriptions).

28. To collect products unsuitable for animal feeding, use a separate container with lids, made of stainless steel or polymeric materials, having the appropriate marking (inscriptions). After each release, the container is subject to sanitization and stored in a specially designated place.

29. Work on the care and maintenance of animals is carried out in accordance with the daily routine approved by the head of the zoo (animal nursery).

The daily routine provides for the time for sanitizing the premises for keeping animals, distributing feed and caring for animals, as well as the time for veterinary measures.

30. Feeding of animals is carried out after cleaning the premises for keeping animals (cages, aviaries), cleaning them and removing dirty equipment, trays with bedding and other materials to be disinfected or disposed of.


31. Animals entering the zoo (animal nursery) and (or) to be transported must:

be accompanied by veterinary documents issued in the manner prescribed by law;

be examined by specialists of the veterinary service of the zoo (animal nursery);

undergo quarantine.

32. Restrictive measures are carried out in accordance with the law, depending on the causative agent of a contagious animal disease.

33. Veterinary measures for the diagnosis of animal diseases and their treatment in zoos (animal nurseries) are carried out at the veterinary station.

34. During the quarantine period, animals are subject to daily clinical observation and thermometry. Information about the general state of health of the animal and thermometry is entered in a special journal by a specialist of the veterinary service.

35. In case of detection of contagious animal diseases in animals, in which quarantine is established, they are placed in an isolation room and the state veterinary service at the location of the zoo (animal nursery) is immediately notified of the detected case of the disease.

If a sick animal cannot be kept in an isolation ward in unconstrained conditions, it is left in a cage, aviary, ensuring the isolation of the sick animal from healthy animals.

36. Unauthorized persons are prohibited from entering the isolation ward.

37. When performing work on servicing animals placed in an isolation room, the possibility of spreading an infection dangerous to humans must be excluded.

38. In front of the entrance to the animal quarantine room and the isolation room, mats measuring the width of the doorway, at least 1 m long, moistened with a disinfectant solution, are placed.

39. Washing of floors, walls, equipment in the quarantine room and isolation room is carried out as necessary during the shift, and disinfection at the end of the shift.

40. Washing and disinfection of refrigerating chambers for storing perishable feed are carried out as they are contaminated with complete release, but at least 1 time per quarter, with means permitted for use in the Republic of Belarus.

41. It is forbidden to take out food, overalls and equipment from the isolation ward and premises for quarantine of animals to other premises.

42. In a zoo (animal nursery), one sanitary day per month is established for general cleaning of premises for keeping animals (cages, enclosures), equipment, inventory.

On a sanitary day, the walls, floors, equipment, as well as windows in the premises for keeping animals are subjected to thorough mechanical cleaning, washing and disinfection with agents permitted for use in the Republic of Belarus.

43. Disinfection in the premises specified in paragraph 6 of these Rules is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Veterinary Sanitary Rules for veterinary disinfection, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus of October 4, 2007 N 68.

44. For the storage of products used for disinfection, disinfestation and deratization, special rooms are provided with a temperature not lower than 5 ° C and not higher than 30 ° C, air humidity not more than 75 - 80%.

These rooms must be locked and appropriately marked (have inscriptions).

All means used for disinfection, disinfestation and deratization must have labels with legible inscriptions and documents confirming their quality.

A record of the disinfection work is recorded in a special log.

45. Works on washing and disinfection of equipment, tools, inventory, premises for keeping animals are carried out on time according to the schedule approved by the head of the zoo (animal nursery).

46. ​​Disposal of disinfectants is carried out in compliance with the requirements of the Veterinary and Sanitary Rules for washing and disinfection of technological equipment and production facilities for organizations engaged in the slaughter of farm animals and meat processing, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus of November 8, 2007 N 77 .


47. On the territory of the zoo (animal nursery) and in the building of the zoo (animal nursery) the presence of rodents is not allowed. The presence of insects is not allowed in the building of the zoo (animal nursery).

48. In the territory of the zoo (animal nursery) and in the building of the zoo (animal nursery), it is planned to carry out a set of measures (works) aimed at preventing the penetration, spread and reproduction of rodents and insects.

49. Work on disinfestation, deratization and disinfection in a zoo (animal nursery) is carried out by persons who meet the relevant qualification requirements and do not have medical contraindications for such types of work.

50. Deratization in the building of the zoo (nursery) is carried out in compliance with the requirements of the Veterinary and Sanitary Rules for the Control of Rodent, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus of February 15, 2006 N 15.

51. Disinsection in the building of the zoo (animal nursery) is carried out in compliance with the requirements of the Veterinary and Sanitary Rules for dairy farms of organizations engaged in milk production, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus dated March 17, 2005 N 16.

Appendix to the Veterinary and Sanitary Rules for raising animals and conducting veterinary activities in zoos (animal nurseries)


┌───────────────────────────────────────────────── ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ ────────────────────────────────────────────────── ───┤ │Sanitary block (sanitary inspection room with shower, toilet) │ ├─────────────────────────────────── ───────────────────────────────────────┤ │Changing room for veterinary staff │ ├─── ────────────────────────────────────────────────── ─────────────────────┤ ────────────────────────────────────────────────── ┤ │Manezh-reception and / or office for outpatient therapeutic reception │ │sick animals │ ├───────────────────────────────── ──────────────────────────────────────────┤ │Cabinet for luminescent diagnostics, electrocardiograms and │ │ other special studies using equipment ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ ───────────────────────────────────────────────── ────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │Washing │ ├─ ────────────────────────────────────────────────── ────────────────────────┤ ────────────────────────────────────────────────── ────┤ │Operating room │ ├──────────────────────────────────────── ─────────────────────────────────┤ ────────────────────────────────────────────────── ──────────────────┤ │Insulator │ ─────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │Quarantine room │ └─────────────────────────────────────────────── ──────────────────────────┘

The State Duma at the beginning of 2017 will develop regulatory framework for petting zoos. Kirill Cherkasov, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Ecology and Environmental Protection, announced this to the site.

"It is necessary to develop a regulation that will determine which animals can be kept in petting zoos and which ones are not. Now these standards are not spelled out. We are discussing this issue with veterinarians and experts. Such zoos should be guided by uniform standards," Cherkasov said.

According to him, when developing the regulation, it is necessary to take into account the climatic features of the regions: for example, in Yakutia it will not be possible to keep lizards and parrots, and in southern regions- Animals with dense hair. This requirement will not only protect animals, but also teach children right attitude to them.

"In petting zoos, animals tamed by humans should be kept: cats, dogs, kids, rabbits and bunnies. Animals dangerous to children should not be placed there," Cherkasov said.

The regulation may also prescribe that zoo employees will have to be near the animals and monitor what is happening. "It often happens that there is no one on the territory of the petting zoo next to the animals. As a rule, this is explained as follows: we work for free, we cannot afford the allocation of an individual employee. But free of charge should not affect safety ..

On the this moment experts prepare their proposals, after which the State Duma committee will discuss them and amend the legislation. Then the Ministry of Natural Resources will have to issue a regulation.

"I hope that immediately after the New Year we will already have a working document, which we will already submit for discussion in the committee," Cherkasov concluded.

Petting zoos, unlike conventional zoos, do not restrict human-animal communication. This is an area in which animals walk without cages or with minor fences. You can approach the animals, stroke and feed them. One of the goals of creating such zoos is to introduce children to the world of animals. The activity of contact zoos is currently not regulated by law. Sometimes they meet exotic animals that can attack visitors. In addition, animals are periodically kept in cruel conditions.

Today in Russia there is no uniform legislation on animals. In Moscow and a number of other large cities, there are temporary rules for keeping pets. For cruelty to animals in the country, a fine of up to eighty thousand rubles is provided, and the maximum punishment under this article is six months of arrest.

Trade in exotic animals is regulated by the provisions of the "Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora" (CITES). The Convention prohibits the sale of animals listed in the Red Book. The document is intended only for the protection rare species from extinction to wild nature, the convention does not apply to animals born in captivity. However, the owner of an exotic animal must have documents on importation or purchase in the country, a certificate from a veterinarian and a registration certificate.

Kirill Goryachev, vice-president of the Moscow Society for the Protection of Animals, believes that petting zoos injure animals. According to him, it is necessary to contact with domestic animals at home, and contact with wild animals should be limited.

"Wild animals require appropriate care, and their nature does not imply human contact. It is unnatural for them. First you need to adjust common law about the treatment of animals, and then engage in petting zoos,” the expert noted. In such zoos, only farm animals that are closer to humans, such as goats or sheep, can be kept.

Director of the Moscow contact zoo "Forest Embassy" Maria Stromnova supported the regulation of zoos in federal law.

“There have been talks about such a law for a long time. At the same time, we at the Forest Embassy comply with even stricter internal corporate standards than what deputies and the public propose. All regions have different requirements of regulatory authorities. It would be much more convenient for contact zoos if the rules were the same across the country," she said.

The position should be written so that the management of petting zoos monitors the characters and behavior of animals, Stromnova added. “There are, for example, very aggressive monkeys. There are many cute-looking animals that are unpredictable in behavior. The same squirrels: one communicates with you, climbs on your hands and asks for nuts, the second shies away from you,” the director noted.

The bill regulating the activities of contact zoos was also planned to be developed in the Moscow City Duma. The deputies proposed to ban the work of petting zoos. The draft law will also include fines for violating the rules for keeping animals in such zoos and causing harm to them.

In addition, the Moscow City Council is preparing a bill on wild animals in the apartments of Muscovites. All exotic animals will be divided into groups. Some will be allowed to be kept at home, while the rest will be required to be returned to their natural environment or transported to a petting zoo.

Modern animal husbandry is characterized by an increase in the concentration of livestock in complexes and farms, the rhythm and flow of production, the use of modern mechanisms and equipment, the introduction of more advanced technologies for keeping animals.

Capital investments in the construction and equipment of farms are justified if high level animal productivity. Such indicators can be achieved under proper conditions for keeping and feeding animals, as well as with strict observance veterinary and sanitary requirements and zoohygienic standards. Failure to comply with these norms and requirements in the conditions of industrial animal husbandry can lead to the introduction of infection, animal diseases, and a decrease in sanitary quality produced products, ultimately cause great economic damage to the economy.

In this regard, the role and responsibility of veterinary specialists, who are obliged to organize production in accordance with the requirements of zoohygienic and veterinary and sanitary science, is significantly increasing. This circumstance obliges livestock specialists and veterinarians of farms, RAPO to take a direct part in the development project documentation, as well as in determining the location for the construction site. According to the Veterinary Charter of the USSR veterinarian has the right “... to suspend, in case of deviation from the project or violation of zoohygienic norms and veterinary and sanitary rules, the construction and reconstruction of industrial buildings, the commissioning of newly built facilities on livestock farms (Veterinary Regulations of the USSR. §§ 3 and 11). The constructed livestock facilities are accepted for operation by the State admission committee provided that testing, comprehensive testing and acceptance by the working commission of all equipment installed at these facilities have been carried out, and the facility has been prepared for operation.

Veterinary professionals should not serve animals and birds that are on other farms or in the private sector.

When entering the production area of ​​the complex in the sanitary checkpoint, everyone is required to take off their personal clothes and shoes, take a shower at the request of a doctor and put on special clothes and shoes.

Specialized farms and complexes for the production of milk, beef, pork, mutton, poultry meat, eggs, etc. are classified as closed enterprises, where free access to unauthorized persons and vehicles is prohibited.

The entire territory of the complex is fenced with a dense or mesh fence at least 1.8 m high, which prevents the penetration of domestic and wild animals into the farms, which are often carriers of pathogens of viral and microbial diseases.

At any industrial livestock enterprise, veterinary and treatment-and-prophylactic stations, quarantine, inhalation, stationary veterinary clinic, slaughter and sanitary station, isolation room, de-installations, as well as backwater and split for preventive treatment of animals must be built.

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Veterinary and sanitary rules for keeping pets in St. Petersburg

Text of the document as of July 2016

The document is no longer valid

I APPROVE Chief Veterinary Inspector for St. Petersburg ___________ N.I. Batsanov January 15, 1998


1. "Rules for keeping pets on the territory of St. Petersburg" (hereinafter - the Rules) are developed in accordance with the Law Russian Federation"On veterinary medicine", sanitary and veterinary regulations In Russian federation.

2. In order to provide information support for the sanitary and epidemiological and veterinary epizootic welfare of the population and wildlife in St. Petersburg, Gosvetnadzor bodies maintain a unified register of objects of the animal world of St. Petersburg by species and breeds with simultaneous registration in the surveillance network and laboratory control. Data on all animals in St. Petersburg older than 3 months are entered into the specified register, indicating the address of the place of their keeping or habitat - for neglected animals.

Registration in the network of observation and laboratory control is carried out by the Gosvetnadzor bodies simultaneously with the registration of animals.

3. Animal owners are obliged to submit animals for registration to the authorities authorized by the Chief State Veterinary Inspector for St. Petersburg, and pay for the entry into the register and the issuance of documents. When changing the place of residence, the owner of the animal is obliged to report this in order to make appropriate changes to the register.

4. All registered animals are assigned an identification number, which is retained throughout their lives.

5. Simultaneously with registration, animals are vaccinated against rabies and other epizootic indications.

6. Registered dogs, cats and horses are also issued a veterinary passport.

7. Dogs and horses, large cattle(as well as cats, at the request of their owners) are subject to annual re-registration.

8. Persons engaged in keeping and breeding domestic animals or who have adopted abandoned animals for keeping are obliged to provide them with conditions in accordance with the zootechnical requirements for species and breeds and comply with the requirements of veterinary and public safety.

9. Premises used for keeping animals must comply with veterinary and sanitary requirements.

10. It is not allowed to keep and stay animals in the common areas of communal apartments if any of the persons living in this apartment have medical contraindications.

11. It is prohibited to keep agricultural productive livestock in residential premises, as well as to organize shelters and nurseries for any kind of animals in them.

12. Owners are required to provide their animals required amount food and water, walk in accordance with the needs of the species and breed, observe zoohygienic rules of keeping.

13. In case of illness or suspected infection of an animal with an infectious disease, the owner of the animal must immediately contact a veterinarian and strictly follow the recommendations of a specialist based on the results of the examination.

14. Animal owners are obliged to ensure that the behavior of the animal does not cause disturbance and does not pose a danger to others.

15. With the written permission of the authorized body of Gosvetnadzor, the keeping of zoo animals is allowed.

16. Dog owners who own or use a land plot may keep dogs free-range only in a well-fenced area or on a leash. A warning notice must be posted at the entrance to the site about the presence of a dog.

17. The purchaser of an animal on the territory of St. Petersburg has the right to demand from the seller of an animal a veterinary certificate and other veterinary documents established by these rules.

18. Trade in animals is allowed only in places specially designated by the authorized body of the Administration of St. Petersburg. An authorized body of the Administration of St. Petersburg notifies the Gosvetnadzor authorities about each case of providing a place for the trade in animals on the territory of St. Petersburg.

19. Events involving a large number animals (exhibitions, shows, competitions) are made with the written permission of the Gosvetnadzor.

20. Moving, walking and transporting pets on all types of land transport in St. Petersburg is allowed if there is an accompanying person over 14 years old and veterinary passport this animal.

It is possible to transport small animals in bags or other containers in the subway.

21. In in public places, in transport, dogs accompanied by the owner can be on a leash. Unleashed dogs can only be in permitted free-range areas.

For guard, large, fighting and aggressive animals, a muzzle is also required at the time of free range. The list of dogs by breeds and other features that are large, watchdog, fighting and aggressive is approved by the Chief Veterinary Inspector of St. Petersburg.

22. Dogs guard, fighting, large and aggressive breeds can move or walk only in a muzzle and in the presence of a separate escort for one or two individuals.

23. Movement and transportation of animals by persons in a state of intoxication is not allowed.

24. The movement of animals outside of St. Petersburg and to St. Petersburg is allowed only if there are permits from the State Veterinary Supervision Service with a mark on the vaccination of the animal no more than 12 months and no less than 30 days before entry or exit and no more 2 adults with one accompanying person.

Zoohygienic requirements for premises for keeping farm animals.

It is forbidden to walk animals in places with prohibitory signs of the State Veterinary Supervision Service, as well as on playgrounds, territories of preschool and educational institutions, hospitals.

28. In case of defecation of animals in the entrances, on all paved and paved surfaces, playgrounds, on railway platforms and subways, during the transportation of the animal by transport, the accompanying person shall evacuate the animal's excrement to the nearest lawn or a container installed for this purpose.

29. During all movements of the animal, the owner is obliged to comply with safety rules, sanitary standards and veterinary requirements.

30. All stray animals in St. Petersburg are subject to capture and transfer under the supervision of Gosvetnadzor specialists in compliance with the requirements of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation on the treatment of stray animals.

31. In the event of the death of an animal, the owner is obliged to report this to the bodies of the State Veterinary Supervision for exclusion of the animal from the unified register, as well as the removal and cremation of the animal, which are carried out at the expense of the owner of the animal.

32. Kill an animal by vital indications Only a licensed veterinarian can. An exception to this rule are actions in emergency situations provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

33. Persons guilty of violating these Rules are held liable in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Veterinary Medicine".

34. These Rules come into force from the day of their official publication.

On approval of the Rules for keeping farm animals

Decision of the Council of Deputies of the Municipal Formation Bogradsky District dated July 7, 2004 N 177

Document as of January 2016

Attention! The document has expired.

Having considered the draft Rules for keeping farm animals, guided by Article 11 of the Law of the Republic of Khakassia "On administrative offenses"of March 15, 2004 N 17 and in order to improve legal regulation in matters of keeping farm animals on the territory of the municipality of Bogradsky district, in accordance with paragraph 1.1 of Article 26 of the Charter of the municipality of Bogradsky district, the Council of Deputies decided:

1. Approve the Rules for keeping farm animals.

2. This decision comes into force from the day of its official publication.

Appendix to the decision of the Council of Deputies of 07.07.2004 N 177


Article 1. General provisions

1. These Rules for keeping farm animals and birds on the territory of the municipality of Bogradsky District have been developed and adopted on the basis of federal laws N 154-FZ "On general principles organizations of local self-government in the Russian Federation", N 52-FZ "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population", N 7-FZ "On environmental protection natural environment", N 196-ФЗ "Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses", N 2300-1 "On Protection of Consumer Rights", Law of the Republic of Khakassia N 17 of 03/15/2004 "On Administrative Offenses", Veterinary Rules for the Collection and Recycling and Destruction of Biological Waste dated 05.01.1996 N 1005.

2. The rules provide for a set of organizational, public, economic and special measures to address veterinary and sanitary issues, environmental protection, ensuring epizootic and epidemiological well-being in the municipality of Bogradsky district.

3. The Rules are binding on all legal and individuals, regardless of their departmental affiliation and form of ownership, engaged in the maintenance, exploitation, catching of animals and birds, as well as the production, procurement, processing, transportation, storage and sale of products and raw materials of animal origin.

Article 2. Scope of legal regulation

1. Farm animals and birds include all kinds of animals and birds, regardless of breed and age, kept by physical and legal entities on the territory of the municipality of Bogradsky district to meet their own needs, to carry out trade, procurement and other business activities.

2. In accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, farm animals are subject to general rules on property, unless otherwise provided by law or other legal acts. When exercising the rights, cruelty to animals, which is contrary to the principles of humanity, is not allowed. Harm caused to the health of citizens or damage caused to property by animals, birds, is compensated in accordance with the procedure established by law.

Article 3. Registration of farm animals

1. Farm animals are subject to mandatory registration and re-registration at the regional station for the control of animal diseases, veterinary stations, as well as in the household books of the administration departments for the territories of the municipality Bogradsky district (hereinafter referred to as the administration department for the territories). Keeping unregistered animals is prohibited. Registration of animals is carried out when the animals reach vaccination age.

2. Registration of farm animals is carried out only after their clinical examination. After registration, the owner of farm animals is issued a veterinary and sanitary passport of the farm (farm). Reimbursement of expenses for registration and re-registration of farm animals is made at the expense of the owners of animals.

3. Buying, selling, grazing, placing on a pasture (with organized summer grazing of livestock of an individual sector) is allowed only after agreement with the state veterinary service of the region.

Article 4. Rights and obligations of owners of farm animals

2. Owners of farm animals have the right

— make any types of transactions related to the acquisition and sale, subject to these Rules;

— carry out insurance of farm animals;

- conduct grazing of farm animals in places established by local governments;

— receive information from local governments on the content of these Rules, on the conditions for registration and re-registration of farm animals, addresses and telephone numbers of institutions of the state veterinary service that carry out registration and re-registration of animals.

3. Owners of farm animals are obliged:

- register and re-register animals in a timely manner, annually during January verify data on the ownership of farm animals in the administration departments;

- periodically repair and whitewash the walls in the premises for keeping farm animals, clean the premises from manure and litter, ensure the removal of manure to the landfill at least once a week;

- treat animals humanely, do not leave them unattended and fed;

- in case of illness of animals, contact the veterinarian in a timely manner medical institution, provide animals for veterinary treatment at the time and place established by the state veterinary service;

- subject animals to mandatory annual vaccinations and other types of research, the conditions of which are determined by the state veterinary service;

- prevent unorganized grazing of farm animals;

- follow the rules for burying dead animals;

- it is forbidden to throw away (or) bury the animal's corpse, burial should be carried out in cattle burial grounds or biothermal pits after examination for the causes of death by the veterinary service;

- to carry out the delivery and burial of dead animals, biowaste (cleaning and burial of depersonalized orphan animals and biowaste is assigned to the administration departments for the territories).

Article 5. Organization of grazing of farm animals

1. Grazing of farm animals is carried out by persons who have entered into an agreement with livestock owners on a voluntary basis. In the absence of a shepherd, grazing can be carried out by the owners of animals in the order of priority, which is established by the headman elected or appointed by the administration department for the territory from among the owners.

2. Persons grazing animals are obliged to demand from the owners to submit veterinary certificate the established form certifying the absence infectious diseases and passing by the animals of the necessary veterinary and sanitary treatments.

3. The administrative departments for the territories annually determine for each herd the place of gathering, the route of the run and the places of grazing.

- the presence of farm animals outside pastures, on cultural plantings, crops and the associated damage to crops, haystacks, damage or destruction harvested crop, damage to plantings;

- grazing of farm animals and birds in inappropriate places for this;

- finding animals outside the herd in daytime and unattended after the evening run, the owners are obliged to accompany and meet the farm animals at the gathering place;

- watering and bathing at standpipes, in lakes and other public places.

5. Animals that are on the streets and in public places without the supervision of the owners are recognized as neglected and are subject to capture, driving into specially designated places. The return of such animals to their owners is carried out after payment of the cost of maintenance, determined by the administration of the territory.

Article 6. Responsibility for violation of these Rules

In case of violation of these Rules, administrative liability arises in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Khakassia "On Administrative Offenses".

Article 7. Control over compliance with the Rules

Control over compliance with these Rules, within its competence, is carried out by a local government body, a state veterinary supervision and sanitary and epidemiological service.

Chairman of the Council of Deputies of the Municipal Formation Bogradsky District M.S.TARTACHAKOV

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Russians for a ban on "contact" zoos

While many people in the world today are concerned about preserving the planet and educating the younger generation in the spirit of careful attitude to nature and animals, commercial entertainment, monstrous in its cruelty, is gaining momentum in Russia - the so-called "contact", "feeling" or "touching" zoos, where tens (hundreds) of people for a fee can feel animals that do not have the opportunity to hide from them.

Establishments of this kind absolutely illegal, their activities are a gross violation of the veterinary and sanitary standards for keeping animals and the legal framework for the activities of zoos in the country (Safety and industrial sanitation rules for zoos (zoos): (approved by the USSR Ministry of Culture on 07/25/1973). This criminal and dangerous for The health of people business has received due to two reasons:
1. non-fulfillment by officials of the profile structures of their official duties and
2. ignorance and / or indifference of the civilian population of Russia.

The greed of the devoid of conscience and moral principles merchants, with the support of corrupt officials, made it possible to turn living, sentient beings into inanimate toys, which, against their will, can be squeezed all day long, picked up, chased around the cage, constantly awakened during sleep, and even carried by order of wealthy clients to noisy holidays and festivities. One of the large networks of "contact" zoos is called - "Small animals like toys".

It would seem that in a progressive society of the 21st century, such a low-grade phenomenon should be considered absolute savagery: the Chinese execution with depriving a person of sleep causes shock in modern man, pedagogical schools teach parents to severely suppress the child's attempts to disturb animals just because they wanted to play, explaining to children that a consumerist, soulless attitude towards living beings is unacceptable. Nevertheless, the animal rights business continues to thrive and introduce into circulation even rare, endangered animals on the planet. Yes, in mall "Key" among the "exhibits" of the "palpable" zoo was a fur seal, listed in the International Red Book and the Red Book of Russia. According to the law, for improper use of the Red Book species, merchants must receive 7 years in prison under Art. 258.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, but so far - no matter how insane it may seem - they are presenting the media with the results of an inspection carried out a month ago by the relevant departments, which considered this state of affairs to be normal (!).

Meanwhile, the flow of complaints to animal protection organizations about "contact" zoos is increasing day by day as they grow nationwide. The facts indicated in the statements testify to the blatant immorality of this phenomenon, dooming thousands of animals across the country to daily torment. Animals given to be torn to pieces by the crowd are crushed with their feet, dropped repeatedly, beating internal organs, suffocate, break wings, throw them into neighboring enclosures. Tiny cages in which animals are located are usually located in shopping centers. Lack of exercise, concrete / linoleum floor, stuffiness, bright artificial light, terrible noise from the flow of visitors during the 11 hours of the institution's operation makes the animals under constant stress. There are no exceptions for anyone: you can feel snowy owls, hedgehogs, and thick-tailed galagos all day long - animals that are nocturnal and hide in shelters during the day. Particularly deplorable is the fate of newborn chickens, ducklings and goslings, which are regularly brought up to be squeezed by children as disposable objects. There are frequent cases of aggression on the part of animals distraught from the onslaught of visitors: they can bite, hit with horns, like ungulates, or with a powerful beak, like ostriches. Visitors also run the risk of receiving accidental bites while feeding animals - an additional paid service provided in all institutions of this kind.

Visitors to "contact" zoos enter the animal enclosures with unwashed hands, feed and stroke them in outerwear bringing and taking away myriads pathogenic organisms, which after dozens of hands remain in the mouth and on the animal's fur, in the litter. The immune system an animal deprived of exercise and normal life functions, and so it malfunctions; and with such a colossal load on it, the animal is constantly sick and becomes a "hotbed" of diseases for children.

Animals from different climatic zones become prisoners of petting zoos, requiring completely different temperature conditions, lighting, humidity and other conditions that simply cannot be satisfied in the halls of shopping centers.

Hiding behind the idea social project”, the owners of “palpable” zoos, meanwhile, have very decent incomes: for example, the annual turnover of one of the companies is 28 million rubles a year, a newly opened outlet in a shopping center pays off in 3 months.

The argument that in the "contact" zoo children join nature in urban conditions does not stand up to scrutiny. Initiation to nature is an interaction with it in vivo. For example, feeding birds or watching insects, which is available even in an urban environment. A child will truly fall in love with nature if he is imbued with the beauty, originality and inner value of our fellow planets around us in everyday life.

Would any of the people want to spend their whole lives in captivity, being squeezed from morning to night by creatures foreign to him? Not? We don't want that either! And we do not want this to be done with other living beings who, like us, have the right to life and protection from suffering.

We ask you to stop the activities of illegal, anti-pedagogical, dangerous for people and cruel to animals establishments throughout the country - "contact" zoos.

We also ask to dismiss from their posts officials of profile structures who committed lawlessness and thereby dealt a powerful blow to the principles of moral education of an entire generation.

The list of regulations that violate "contact" zoos:

1. Rules for safety and industrial sanitation for zoos (zoos): (approved by the USSR Ministry of Culture on July 25, 1973) (together with the "Typical summary nomenclature of labor protection measures", approved by the Decree of the Presidium of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of May 30, 1969 (minutes N 10, 8)) - points 156.7 and 236 (prohibition of contact with visitors); p.173 and 180 - prohibition of placing zoos in shopping centers;

2. Order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation No. 473 "On approval of the model regulation on state zoological parks" dated July 16, 1993 (clause 5.1 on the prohibition of outside activities not related to the conservation of species);

3. Sanitary regulations. SP 3.1.086-96. clause 4.1.; Veterinary rules VP 13.4.1318-96 “Prevention and control of infectious diseases common to humans and animals. Salmonellosis”, approved on June 18, 1996 by the Chief State Veterinary Inspector of the Russian Federation and on May 31, 1996 by the Deputy Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation (on the joint keeping of animals different types in enclosures - this is the case in almost all "contact" zoos);

4. Instructions for conducting veterinary disinfection of livestock facilities, approved by order of the State Agro-Industrial Committee of the USSR on August 25, 1988 - paragraphs 6.1., 6.3., 6.10 (Lack of a disinfection barrier at the entrance to the territory where animals are kept, intended for processing the wheels of vehicles, transporting animals, animal feed and vehicles transporting manure);

5. Rules for the veterinary treatment of animals during their selection and sale to collective farms, state farms and other enterprises and organizations and during the inter-farm exchange of animals for breeding and production purposes, approved by the Main Veterinary Directorate of the USSR Ministry of Agriculture dated April 23, 1979 - clause 11 (failure to conduct preventive quarantine within the established premises for this purpose);

6. Rules for the organization of work on the issuance of veterinary accompanying documents, approved by order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation dated November 16, 2006 No. 422 - clause 1.2 (lack of veterinary accompanying documents for feed);

7. Instructions for conducting veterinary disinfection of livestock facilities, approved by order of the State Agro-Industrial Committee of the USSR on August 25, 1988 - p.p. 9.2.5.and 9.2.6 (The removal of manure with bedding from under animals together with household waste is a violation);

8. Instructions for conducting veterinary disinfection of livestock facilities, approved by order of the State Agro-Industrial Committee of the USSR on August 25, 1988 - p.p. 9.1.6 and 9.1.7 (Lack of a specially equipped manure storage facility);

In the case of using species listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation in the "contact" zoo:

9. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 156 of February 19, 1996 (prohibition of trapping and use for commercial and recreational purposes);

10. Art. 258.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (illegal harvesting and trafficking of especially valuable wild animals and aquatic biological resources belonging to species listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation).

In case of death or injury to animals:

11. Art. 245 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "On Cruelty to Animals".

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