How is artificial insemination done. What you need to know about home insemination? basal body temperature chart

One of the oldest common methods of reproductive technologies is the method of artificial insemination (AI). With this method, conception is close to natural. This is an auxiliary artificial method in which the partner's seed (husband or) is introduced into the woman's uterus. Insemination at home is especially convenient. This is the simplest and most affordable method of assisted reproductive technologies. We offer you to understand all the intricacies of insemination at home in more detail.

Modern life is full of factors that are not only harmful to our health, but can also disrupt the reproductive function of the body. Such negative factors for reproductive health are unfavorable environmental conditions, stress, unbalanced nutrition, physical inactivity. The reproductive system of both sexes is very sensitive and reacts to such violations with serious failures. It is often possible to solve many problems of female and male infertility using artificial insemination at home.

Artificial insemination is in many ways similar to sexual intercourse. In this case, the processed sperm is introduced into the uterine cavity in a medical way (outside of sexual intercourse). Perhaps that is why the effectiveness of this method is quite high in people who have difficulty with natural conception. This, close to the physiological method of obtaining offspring for infertile couples, has been known since 1770.

Who might be interested in such a method of infertility treatment? It turns out that there are many such people. Here are the most common reasons for insemination at home:

  1. for couples whose tests are normal, but pregnancy does not occur;
  2. with a positive HIV status of a woman, so as not to infect a partner;
  3. in women who do not have a permanent partner;
  4. if the woman's partner does not want to have children;
  5. with problems with sperm in a man (, subfertile sperm) and access to donor sperm;
  6. after diseases or injuries in a partner (mumps, gonorrhea, syphilis, tuberculosis, hepatitis, overheating, radiation);
  7. with ejaculatory-sexual disorders in men;
  8. with vaginismus in women (contraction of the vaginal muscles and perineum with the impossibility of a hollow act);
  9. for couples with immunological infertility;
  10. for women who want to conceive a child on their own (including lesbian couples, etc.)


What are the advantages of this method, if it is used with great success in the practice of foreign and domestic clinics? The advantages of the artificial insemination method are:

  • the method does not require large financial investments;
  • occurs very quickly, as in natural conditions;
  • the procedure is painless;
  • can be made at home;
  • allows you to control ovulation and the moment of fusion of the egg with the sperm at the most favorable moment for conception;
  • can be used for couples who have problems with independent natural conception (disability, injuries, impotence);
  • allows you to improve the quality of sperm and make the most of even the smallest chance of getting pregnant;
  • with biological incompatibility of the partner's sperm with the mucous secretion of the partner's cervical canal.

Cons of artificial insemination

Although the home insemination method has many advantages and is considered quite effective, this procedure also has some disadvantages. These include:

  • no more than 2-4 times of using this method is recommended: artificial insemination becomes ineffective when it is used repeatedly;
  • low efficiency of the method in women over 35;
  • this method is much less effective (15-30% success rate) than traditional IVF (40-60% success rate).

Conditions for successful insemination

The method of artificial insemination, as an auxiliary method of artificial insemination, can not be used in all cases of problems with conception. In order to introduce sperm from a partner into the uterine cavity of a woman, certain conditions must be met:

  1. the normal structure of the uterus and the absence of anomalies (except);
  2. good patency of the fallopian tubes;
  3. ovulation status;
  4. preovulatory follicle;
  5. absence of general and gynecological infectious diseases.

There is also a condition for the possibility of using this method for a partner: it should be with indicators close to normal or normal.

To whom is insemination contraindicated?

However, for all the seeming simplicity of the procedure, it is far from being shown to everyone. There are cases when insemination at home is contraindicated. These situations are:

  • malignant tumors of any organ;
  • tumor-like diseases of the ovaries (cyst) and their neoplasms;
  • the impossibility of pregnancy for medical reasons (diseases of a mental or therapeutic profile).

Preparing for insemination at home

Seemingly simple (at first glance) insemination procedure requires careful preparation.

Both partners must first undergo a medical examination. If the sperm is donor, then only the woman is examined.

It is also important for a woman to do an ultrasound of the pelvis. In addition to data on the state of general and reproductive health, a potential mother must be tested to exclude:

  • genital infections;
  • hepatitis;
  • syphilis.

It is also important for a woman to determine the date of the last menstruation and determine the date of the upcoming ovulation. Sometimes a woman is advised to use hormone therapy to stimulate the production of eggs.

In addition, for the procedure you must purchase:

  • a special set (which includes a syringe, catheter, pipette, mirror;
  • gynecological gloves;
  • cotton swabs;
  • disinfectant solution;
  • sterile towel.

Hands and genitals before insemination will need to be thoroughly washed.

Sometimes this method of fertilization requires 2-3 attempts. Insemination more than 4 times is considered ineffective.

How is the procedure done at home?

Usually, experts rarely recommend insemination at home. Many compare this procedure at home with self-filling teeth or removing appendicitis.

Doctors usually insist on professional participation and the presence of specialists in any process of intervention in the process of artificial insemination. However, many use this technique on their own, saving money on contacting specialists.

Currently, a special kit for intravaginal insemination at home is commercially available. At the time of the artificial introduction of sperm and half an hour after it, the woman should lie on her back for at least half an hour (with a raised pelvis). This procedure should be carried out at the time of ovulation.

Procedure sequence

  1. First, you need to prepare fresh donor sperm, placed in a special container. The partner or husband should wash their hands and penis before masturbating. Sperm is the most viable for the first 2-3 hours after it is received.
  2. Wait about 15-20 minutes for the semen to liquefy.
  3. With this procedure, the woman herself very smoothly injects the sperm with a sterile syringe with a special tip into the vagina. However, it is more convenient for a husband or other assistant to do this.

The main thing is to press the piston gently, otherwise a quick insertion can cause a spasm of the cervix and contribute to the flow of sperm.

  1. Air is removed from the syringe first. Self-administration of sperm is not very convenient: you have to insert a special mirror into the vagina to control the process.
  2. Before the introduction of sperm into the vagina, a mirror is inserted (to a depth of 2-3 cm). After that, the tip is carefully inserted there, without bringing it close to the uterine neck. Self-introduction of spermatozoa into the uterus is dangerous with injuries and infection.
  3. Then you need to press the plunger of the syringe and release the sperm at the very base of the cervix.
  4. Lie down with a raised pelvis for 30-40 minutes. In this case, the chance for sperm to reach the goal will be higher, and this will also keep the sperm from flowing out.

Some believe that the chance of getting pregnant in this way is higher if a woman brings herself to orgasm.

Pregnancy tests will show how effective the process of insemination at home was.

A person can assist at the time of insemination, who will not make the woman tense and nervous, otherwise it will reduce the chance of getting pregnant.

Sometimes women resort to using a vaginal dilator for IS. Let's see how this happens:

  1. The dilator is inserted slightly inclined, at an angle of 45 degrees.
  2. It is necessary to move apart the legs of the dilator by 2-3 cm so that the cervix is ​​in the opening.
  3. In this position, the expander is fixed (a lock is made in the model).
  4. Do not move the dilator in the extended position so that the vagina is not injured.
  5. An extension cord is attached to the syringe, while you need to make sure that the fixation is strong and secure.
  6. Only after that, a syringe is inserted into the vagina to inject sperm.
  7. After the introduction of sperm, the dilator is carefully loosened without changing the angle of inclination of 45 degrees.
  8. When the expander has returned to its original position, it is removed from the vagina.

Possible complications after insemination

Although the process of insemination is maximally developed and does not differ much from natural sexual intercourse, nevertheless, with AI, there is a risk of developing some complications. Complications of this procedure may include:

  • the appearance of symptoms of acute inflammation of the genital organs of a woman or an exacerbation of chronic processes that she already has;
  • allergy to drugs that stimulate ovulation;
  • shock-like reaction to the introduction of sperm into the vagina;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • increase the chances of multiple pregnancies.

What not to do during insemination at home

Since insemination at home is performed by a woman without medical patronage, she needs to be aware of some of the limitations of using this procedure. These prohibitions are:

  1. The use of saliva and lubricants can harm the sperm.
  2. You cannot use the same set of tools twice.
  3. It is forbidden to inject semen into the cervix, as this can lead to a woman's shock.


Nadezhda, 37 years old

I did AI twice and both were ineffective. I don't think you can do such a complicated operation at home normally.

Svetlana, 34 years old

My husband and I did not have children. We decided to try AI at home - a doctor advised us. At first, nothing worked, but after two unsuccessful attempts, we are preparing for the birth of our daughter.

Valentina, 41 years old

I highly doubt the efficacy of insemination at home. With my problems in gynecology, I got pregnant with the IVF method in the clinic only from 2 times. What there insemination in my case?

Violetta, 32 years old

And for me and my girlfriend, insemination is the only acceptable way to have a baby. I profess lesbian culture and do not accept sex by a man. But we want a baby as a friend. Let's try AI. We hope for success.

Having studied the reviews about insemination at home, one can note their inconsistency. In some cases, insemination at home is ineffective. However, many couples thanks to this method managed to become happy parents. In any case, the method of insemination at home does not require large financial investments. And whether there will be a positive result from this procedure will be seen after its use. Do not neglect the rules of preparation for the use of artificial insemination. After all, at stake is the opportunity to become parents, while maintaining the health of the child and their own health.

Before artificial insemination, both women and men (his sperm) are specially prepared.

The woman is examined for various diseases, including infections of the genitourinary system, determine the patency of the fallopian tubes, examine the hormonal background. If necessary, she is given drugs that stimulate the functions of the ovaries and follicles, and against the background of this stimulation, insemination is carried out.

A man is examined for various sexually transmitted diseases. Treat them if necessary. Then a spermogram is taken from him (or from a sperm donor) and sperm activity is checked. It is processed in such a way that the number of viable spermatozoa in it is maximized.

How does artificial insemination work?

After this preparation, the sperm is placed in a special syringe that is connected to a catheter. This catheter is inserted into the uterine cavity on a certain day of the woman's menstrual cycle and sperm is injected through it. The process then proceeds naturally. The spermatozoa meet with the egg, which is fertilized and forms an embryo.

Not all women who have done artificial insemination manage to get pregnant the first time. Then this procedure is performed several times.

Artificial insemination with husband's sperm

Artificial insemination with the husband's sperm is carried out in cases where:

  • there are minor deviations in the spermogram of the husband, which do not allow the woman to become pregnant naturally;
  • for some reason, sexual intercourse in a married couple is disturbed, for example, ejaculatory-sexual disorders in a husband or vaginismus in a woman;
  • cervical infertility factor, in which spermatozoa cannot penetrate into the uterine cavity and further into the fallopian tubes due to excessive spermicidal activity of the woman's vaginal secretion.

Artificial insemination with donor sperm

In the absence of a husband or with significant pathological changes in his sperm, insemination with donor sperm is indicated.

Indications for artificial insemination:

  • violation of ovulation;
  • violation of sexual intercourse, such as dyspareunia (painful sexual intercourse);
  • if it is impossible for a man's sperm to pass through an overly aggressive vaginal environment in a woman;
  • infertility in young people, caused by unclear causes.

Contraindications for artificial insemination:

  • various diseases of a somatic and mental nature, in which pregnancy is contraindicated;
  • gynecological diseases that will not be able to endure pregnancy;
  • malignant oncological pathology of any localization;
  • tumors and tumor-like formations of the ovary;
  • acute inflammatory diseases of a woman;
  • violation of the patency of the fallopian tubes.

Results of artificial insemination

Pregnancy in a woman after artificial insemination occurs less frequently than in healthy people under normal conditions. The average statistics of successful fertilization by this method is 17%. Therefore, this procedure is repeated several times (3-5 or more), and then its efficiency rises to 50%. For comparison, with in vitro fertilization (IVF), the efficiency is 40%.

A number of factors influence the positive outcome of artificial insemination, such as:

  • woman, under the age of 30;
  • normal indicators of a man's spermogram;
  • drug stimulation of a woman's follicles before the procedure;
  • the experience and qualifications of the medical staff performing the procedure.

This procedure is carried out both by doctors and specialists in specialized clinics, and at home on their own or with the help of a loved one.

Artificial insemination at home

Artificial insemination can be done at home on your own and with the help of an assistant (for example, a husband). To do this, you need to purchase a special kit for this procedure.

First of all, it is necessary to determine the day of ovulation in a woman in order to determine the time of the procedure. On other days the effect will be negative.

There are many ways to determine the day of ovulation.. The kit for artificial insemination contains special hormonal or ovulatory tests, which can also be purchased at a pharmacy. In addition, you can determine ovulation using a microscope, measuring basal temperature, and more.

After determining the day of ovulation, you can proceed to the procedure itself. Sperm received from a husband or a donor should be sold within the first hour, and preferably immediately after receiving it. At home, its properties can only last for two hours, so do not delay it.

The resulting sperm is drawn into a syringe (without a needle!) and injected into the vagina. After that, the woman lies down on the bed with the leg end raised so that the sperm flows from the vagina towards the uterus.

Artificial insemination in the clinic

Where is artificial insemination done?

Artificial insemination clinics are present both abroad and in Russia. In foreign countries such as the USA, Israel, Germany, Canada and many other reproductive clinics can provide you with quality services for pregnancy problems.

Artificial insemination in Moscow is carried out no less qualitatively. In the capital there are such clinics as:

  • ART-ECO (Reproductive Health Clinic);
  • Health Clinic;
  • SWITCHILD group of companies;
  • IVF clinic "AltraVita";
  • and other clinics.

The cost of artificial insemination

The price of artificial insemination is determined by the clinic itself, its authority, qualified personnel, the amount of money spent on this procedure, the cost of tests and examinations. The total cost of this service is approximately equal to from 15 to 30 thousand rubles.

Artificial insemination - reviews

Veronica, 25 years old: Today we were discharged from the family home! The son Maxim was born, 48 cm tall and weighing 2900! Born naturally, healthy!
And just 3 years ago, I couldn’t believe it myself. I had an obstruction of the fallopian tubes and another operation to remove one of them. And now, thanks to artificial insemination, I have a baby! I am grateful to the doctors and the whole clinic for this!

Nastya, 27 years old: I want to express my gratitude to the doctors who helped me get pregnant and give birth to my daughter Katya. Before artificial insemination, I could not get pregnant for 2 years, my husband and I visited many different doctors and clinics. And now we have a daughter and we are starting to think about the next child))
Having visited the reproductive clinic, I saw a lot of women who were helped by artificial insemination and now I recommend this procedure to everyone who has such problems.

Video: Artificial insemination

The achievements of modern medicine make it possible to make dreams of children a reality. Nowadays, no one is surprised to hear about IVF.

What do you need to know?

If you want to use artificial insemination, then you need to familiarize yourself with its basic principles. Feedback from people who have gone through this procedure is always a good help.

According to statistics, most infertile couples prefer artificial insemination. This procedure is affordable. It is done in many Russian clinics.

average price for artificial insemination (artificial insemination) fluctuates between 15,000 rubles.

The advantage of this procedure- it does not require separation from the usual life. That is, immediately after the session, a woman can start her work.

Reviews about this procedure usually positive. Here we must understand that success depends not only on the skills of doctors. The health status of spouses is the most important factor A that specifies the outcome of the session.

Concerning in vitro fertilization, then sometimes this procedure is the only way out. Judging by the reviews, women who have gone through IVF recommend a thorough approach to choosing a clinic.

It is important to determine what medical equipment the center is equipped with. It is equally important to find out the skill level of embryologists.

If the embryology of the clinic is at a low level, the procedures may fail. In this version, the treatment turns into a banal pumping of money from an infertile couple.

But IVF performed by professionals works wonders. There are excellent specialists in Russia who have helped many people become happy parents. Therefore, choose a medical center need for recommendations rather than the cost of services.

Methods and types of artificial insemination

under artificial insemination understand a whole range of special methods of infertility treatment.

This includes in vitro fertilization with transplantation into the uterus of crushing embryos and fertilization by artificial insemination.

What is artificial insemination?

This method is also called insemination. In this variant, sperm is injected into the lumen of the fallopian tubes or into the uterine cavity.

Artificial insemination is used in the following cases:

  • with some diseases of a man (impotence, hypospadias, lack of ejaculation, etc.);
  • anatomical changes in the cervix;
  • vaginismus that does not respond to treatment;
  • if antisperm antibodies are found in the cervical mucus of a woman.

Before the procedure experts examine the sperm of a man. They find out the cause of infertility.

Insemination is carried out 2-3 times during one cycle. The procedure is repeated for at least 3 cycles.

If the examination reveals that the husband's sperm has pathological changes (a decrease in the number of spermatozoa or none at all), then we are talking about donor sperm.

Sometimes the reason for using donor sperm becomes, which is not treatable, as well as genetic diseases in the next of kin of the husband.

Thus, the seed of a man is introduced into the female genital tract, bypassing the barriers that are detrimental to him. The mechanism of the procedure is as follows: spermatozoa are placed in the genital tract or in the uterine cavity.

Further one of them fertilizes a mature egg (artificial insemination). After that, it is implanted to the wall of the uterus, and the embryo continues to develop. With this fertilization there is no problem of "extra" embryos.

The positive result of the procedure largely depends on the diseases that the couple has. Sometimes a woman may not have a period, although the pregnancy has not occurred. Therefore, you can only know for sure about conception with the help of.

If ovarian stimulation is not performed, then insemination can be performed several times.

Usually, after insemination with donor sperm, pregnancy occurs in 80% of cases. Women who have gone through artificial insemination are under the supervision of a specialist from the antenatal clinic.

Usually pregnancy and childbirth proceed without complications. Anomalies in the development of the fetus in such cases occur no more often than in other pregnant women.

What is in vitro fertilization (IVF)?

This method involves fertilization carried out outside the body. Simply put, it is performed in the laboratory (in vitro).

First test tube baby was born back in 1978. Today, in vitro fertilization is the most important method of infertility treatment.

The world is born every year more than 200 thousand children conceived with IVF.

This procedure is used in the following cases:

  • if a woman has infertility due to the removal of the fallopian tubes;
  • with obstruction and low patency of the fallopian tubes;
  • in the absence of the effect of long-term conservative treatment (more than 5 years);
  • surgical treatment did not bring positive results;
  • cases of unexplained infertility.

To do IVF, the uterus should fully retain its functions. That is, it is important that there are conditions for the implantation of the embryo and for the bearing of the fetus.

Besides, the patient should not have contraindications for pregnancy and childbirth(here we mean chronic diseases of a woman).

The ovaries must also retain the ability to respond to the stimulation of the ovulation process. An important aspect is the absence of neoplasms, inflammation and anatomical changes in the reproductive organs. Women over 40 IVF is contraindicated.

The procedure (process) of artificial insemination includes next steps:

  • receiving eggs from the patient;
  • fertilization of eggs with the sperm of the spouse;
  • observation of developing embryos in the laboratory;
  • transfer of embryos into the uterine cavity.

You can get tested for hormones or buy.

If you want to carry out insemination on your own, then keep in mind that sperm retains its activity for no more than 2 hours. It cannot be properly frozen and stored at home.

That is, it will not work to completely imitate the conditions of the clinic. Therefore, semen should be used immediately after ejaculation.

Procedure in progress using a syringe without a needle. To collect the semen, you will need a sterile and dry container. You can use a vaginal dilator.

After receiving sperm from a donor, wait for it to liquefy (no more than 20 minutes). Thereafter semen is collected in a syringe and squirt it into the vagina.

Wherein strictly prohibited inject sperm into the uterine cavity. Independent manipulations should not affect the sterile cavity. This can lead to infection or injury.

If home insemination is successful, pregnancy will be the result.

Despite the fact that artificial insemination does not always end in conception, do not despair. Persistent attempts, patience and professional approach of specialists are important success factors.

The reward for your work will be the long-awaited baby.

ECO. School of Dr. Komarovsky.

In recent years, unfortunately, there has been an increase in the percentage of women who cannot become pregnant naturally. The reason for this is the deteriorating environmental situation, various inflammations of the female genital organs and many other factors. The union of a man and a woman is considered to be fruitless in the case when the partners have an active sexual life without the use of contraceptives for 1-2 years, but the long-awaited pregnancy does not occur. This problem is diagnosed in about one in five married couples. In such situations, methods of artificial insemination of the female egg come to the rescue.

Methods of artificial insemination

In modern medicine, today there are several methods of artificial insemination, which have been successfully used for many years. Every couple who decides to resort to one of the artificial insemination methods should know how artificial insemination is done and what to expect during this procedure. In this article we will try to answer the most interesting questions regarding such a difficult topic. In our time, it is possible to become a full-fledged family, conceive and give birth to a healthy baby using methods such as:

  • In vitro fertilization (IVF) - the fusion of male and female cells is performed in a laboratory in a sterile test tube, after which the developing embryo is transferred to the uterus of an infertile woman.
  • Intracytoplasmic sperm injection into the egg (ICSI) - the technique of this procedure is almost identical to the previous one, however, in the case of ICSI, fertilization occurs using purified prepared male sperm (the patient's spouse or a donor).
  • Artificial insemination (AI) - this type of artificial insemination is resorted to in cases where reproductive problems have been identified in a man (insufficient sperm activity, abnormalities in the functioning of sexual functions, the presence of any other diseases).
  • Donation of male genetic material.
  • Conception using an egg from a professional or individual donor.

Important! If you have been unsuccessfully trying to become parents for many years and have already used all the methods of conception available for this, you should not despair - every couple has the opportunity to resort to the services of a surrogate mother. However, if you are unable or unwilling to use this method, you can always adopt a child who is left without parents.

Understanding the Mystery of Conception

Fertilization itself represents the initial stage of the birth of a new life. Its beginning is considered the moment of connection of the female and male germ cells. From that moment on, the sex of the child is already randomly determined in advance. We know that a sperm cell and an egg contain 23 chromosomes each, one of which is responsible for the sex of the unborn baby. When an egg meets a male sperm with an X chromosome, the couple has a girl, if with a Y chromosome, you can soon be congratulated on the birth of a boy.

As a rule, 12-14 days after the onset of menstruation, almost every representative of the weaker sex begins ovulation - the release of an egg from the follicle, which is ready for fertilization. Through the fallopian tubes, she gradually moves inward, where she will languish for some time from waiting for a meeting with a spermatozoon. The egg remains fertile for approximately 24 hours from the moment it leaves the follicle. Thousands of sperm enter the woman's vagina along with seminal fluid and begin their long and difficult journey.

It takes 3-4 hours for the spermatozoa to cover this short distance. On their way there are a lot of obstacles, and most of them die. Only the most high-quality and mobile of them reach the cherished goal. In order for conception to occur, about 10 million male cells are required, but only one of them can merge with the egg, which will be able to penetrate the dense protective shell. The moment of their merging is considered the moment of fertilization.

Two merged cells eventually turn into a zygote, and then into an embryo - a prototype of the future little man. Pregnancy occurs when the fertilized egg reaches the uterus and attaches to the inner lining of the uterus, the endometrium. This happens around 7-10 days. After that, a special hormone responsible for pregnancy (hCG) begins to be produced in the woman's body, which allows you to diagnose pregnancy at home - you just need to purchase a special test at the pharmacy. After nine months, a new person is born.

Artificial conception and its types

If a woman or her partner has been diagnosed with infertility, then in this case they resort to the procedure of artificial insemination. But one should not be afraid of the word "artificial", because babies conceived in this way are absolutely no different from children who were born naturally.

The most accessible and simple method of artificial insemination is considered to be artificial insemination. During this manipulation, the male sperm is placed directly into the uterine cavity through a special catheter, where the spermatozoa independently find the egg and merge with it. Of course, the sperm is pre-cleaned and prepared, only the highest quality and most mobile spermatozoa are selected.

On the eve of the manipulation, the couple must undergo a complete examination of the body, pass the necessary tests. The woman is checked for patency of the fallopian tubes, the man takes a spermogram analysis, both partners pass tests for the presence of genital infections. Often, if necessary, ovulation in a woman is stimulated with the help of special hormonal injections.

This type of artificial insemination is used in cases where:

  • a woman does not ovulate;
  • fallopian tubes are impassable or absent altogether;
  • a woman experiences spasms and muscle contractions during intercourse;
  • the woman's body produces antisperm bodies that deprive sperm of the viability;
  • a man is diagnosed with impotence or other disorders in the genital area;
  • age factor;
  • a woman has endometriosis or other diseases in the genital area;
  • spermogram analysis has an unsatisfactory result.

With primary infertility (infertility of the 1st degree), married couples prefer this particular method of artificial insemination.

Important! The effectiveness of this type of artificial insemination is approximately 25%. However, the degree of effectiveness is also determined by a number of factors: the age of the partners, the degree and duration of infertility, the quality of the ejaculate, and some others.

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a more expensive, complicated and time-consuming procedure. It is resorted to in situations where there are many unsuccessful attempts to conceive naturally and artificially, but the long-awaited pregnancy did not happen. The couple together must pass a series of tests, the woman is given an ultrasound diagnosis, the fallopian tubes are checked for patency, and the man takes a spermogram. After a long preparatory stage, they go directly to the process of artificial conception.

Male biomaterial is pre-processed and cleaned, after which it is placed in a favorable nutrient medium in an incubator. In a sterile test tube, the most active and high-quality spermatozoa are mixed with female cells. After about a day, it can be ascertained whether fertilization has occurred. And after 2-3 days, the developing embryos are transferred to the uterus of an infertile patient for further development.

During IVF, several embryos are usually placed in the uterus at once, in order to increase the effectiveness of the procedure. If desired, the couple can freeze the remaining embryos so that they do not go through all the previous stages of IVF in the future. The chance of pregnancy when using this method is approximately 20-30%.

Itroplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is usually used in cases of male infertility. In most cases, the reason for this is insufficient sperm motility, or their complete absence in the ejaculate. The procedure is quite simple - the selected spermatozoon is delivered directly into the egg using a very thin needle. This happens not in the body of a woman, but in a laboratory using a pre-extracted and processed egg. The course of manipulation is controlled by a microscope.

Preparation for ICSI is about the same as for IVF. The only difference is that during IVF, spermatozoa are given the opportunity to independently reach the egg, and with ICSI, this task is taken on by an experienced specialist. The chance of pregnancy with this artificial insemination technique is approximately 30%. To be more precise and turn to statistics, the probability also depends on the age of the woman:

  • the chance of getting pregnant with IVF in women under 35 is approximately 40%;
  • at the age of 35 to 37 - 30%;
  • at the age of 38-40 years - 20%;
  • women over 40 years old are given about 10%, and at 45 years old - about 1%.
Alternative methods of conception

It should be noted that in especially severe cases, there are also ways for childless couples to become happy parents:

  • using the services of a surrogate mother (your unborn child is being carried and given birth by another woman);
  • in vitro fertilization using donor biomaterials;
  • use of frozen embryos;
  • adoption of a child without real parents.
Curious facts

There is an opinion that artificially conceived children develop several times more actively than their peers, but at the same time they are more susceptible to various diseases. However, these are just assumptions, and in fact, test-tube babies are no different from naturally conceived babies. Perhaps such opinions are based on the fact that usually a child conceived with the help of IVF is born to elderly parents, thereby becoming even more desirable, long-awaited and loved. In addition, the opportunity to carry out this procedure is mainly available to people whose financial component is quite reliable and stable, and such parents in the future are able to give their child a decent education and excellent living conditions.

Difficulties of choice

In the vast majority of cases, almost any form of both female and male infertility can be successfully treated, and the couple manages to finally know the joy of having a child. However, sometimes it happens that the cause of infertility has been established, but it is not possible to eliminate it either with the help of medications or by surgery.

What is the method of artificial insemination to choose? There is no definite answer to this question. Each of them has its own merits and demerits. For example, the artificial insemination procedure is financially accessible to almost everyone and easy to perform. But you can not vouch for its very high efficiency. While in vitro fertilization has a rather high price, and its implementation can take more than one year, but the probability of obtaining the desired result is quite high.

For couples with similar difficulties, artificial insemination techniques come to the rescue, which have been successfully carried out for several years by Dr. Alexander Pavlovich Lazarev, PhD, author of more than 30 scientific papers in the field of various forms of infertility. Remember that without exception, all couples who managed to get pregnant and give birth to a long-awaited baby with the help of modern advances in the field of reproduction experience great parental happiness. The same cannot be said about infertile men and women who still have doubts and have not yet been able to make this decision. However, it should be borne in mind that after thirty years, it is much more difficult for any woman to become a mother, even with the help of artificial insemination. Weigh all the pros and cons, make the right decision and experience the joy of having a baby!

Artificial insemination is one of the methods of assisted reproductive technologies that has been known to mankind for several hundred years. The procedure consists in introducing the husband's or donor's sperm into the woman's body by various methods.

Insemination is an effective method only if the woman's body is capable of fertilization. In the absence of the fallopian tubes or with their complete occlusion, the procedure does not make any sense, since fertilization must occur in the fallopian tubes, and this becomes impossible. Therefore, before carrying out insemination at home, you need to make sure that this method is appropriate.

First of all, it is worth noting that there are several types of artificial insemination:

  • vaginal;
  • uterine;
  • cervical;
  • pipe;
  • follicular.

At home, only vaginal insemination can be carried out, since it does not require special preparation of sperm and women. But you need to understand that the procedure is no different from sexual intercourse, and it makes no sense to carry it out for the treatment of infertility. Artificial insemination at home is relevant if a woman wants to get pregnant from donor sperm, and she does not suffer from infertility.

For the treatment of infertility, with a cervical factor or with weak sperm of the husband, insemination is carried out under special conditions in the clinic. The most commonly used method is intrauterine insemination, less often intrafollicular and tubal.

For this procedure, the sperm must be prepared. In a centrifuge, the spermatozoa are separated from the rest of the ejaculate. Then, using a catheter, the spermatozoa are placed into the uterus, or by the method of function directly into the follicle or fallopian tubes. Often, doctors combine two methods at once to increase the chance of pregnancy.

It is impossible to carry out intrauterine insemination at home, it is very dangerous. First, unprepared sperm can provoke an anaphylactic reaction and serious uterine disorders. There is also a risk of infection. The procedure must be carried out under sterile conditions, using a sterile catheter and under the supervision of an experienced specialist.


Intravaginal insemination at home without additional examination is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • in the presence of inflammatory diseases of the ovaries, appendages, uterus;
  • in the absence of fallopian tubes;
  • with occlusion;
  • without the consent of the donor to conduct insemination;
  • in the absence of the consent of the husband to conduct insemination with donor sperm;
  • in the absence of fallopian tubes;
  • with oncology of the small pelvis;
  • during an exacerbation of any infectious diseases, including SARS;
  • in the presence of STDs;
  • in the absence of ovulation;
  • with endocrine disorders;
  • with concomitant pathologies that do not allow to carry a child;
  • if the woman is incapacitated;
  • with severe mental pathologies in a woman;
  • with severe genetic pathologies in a woman or a donor.

In all the cases described above, a woman must necessarily consult a doctor and undergo examination and treatment. Carrying out insemination at home in the presence of contraindications can be at least pointless or even dangerous to the life of a woman and a child.

In the following cases, problems with the law may arise:

  • in the absence of the consent of the donor to conduct insemination;
  • in the absence of the husband's consent to insemination with donor sperm.

It is possible to carry out insemination at home only if the donor gives his consent to the procedure. If a woman purchases material from a sperm bank, a contract will be concluded with her.


It is not difficult to carry out intravaginal insemination at home. For the procedure to be effective, it is necessary to choose the right day for artificial insemination, it must be the day of ovulation. In order to find out whether ovulation has occurred or not, you can conduct a pharmacy test for ovulation or take a hormonal analysis in the clinic.

A woman can also track the onset of ovulation according to the basal temperature chart. To do this, within 3-4 cycles, it is necessary to measure the body temperature in the rectum every day in the morning, without getting out of bed, for 7 minutes. At the beginning of the menstrual cycle, the temperature can range from 36 to 36.5 degrees, but before ovulation, it rises to 37-37.5.

But it is worth noting that the basal temperature chart will not be accurate if the woman only leads it for the first or second cycle. And the increase in temperature can be influenced by sexual intercourse, alcohol drunk in the evening and even stress. These points must be taken into account.

It is necessary to carry out artificial insemination with donor sperm as soon as possible, preferably immediately after receiving it in a sperm bank. After defrosting, the seminal fluid quickly deteriorates, and it cannot be frozen in the refrigerator, otherwise the spermatozoa will die. If a woman carries out fertilization with fresh sperm, then this must be done within 2 hours after ejaculation.

For the procedure, you will need a sterile disposable syringe with a volume of 10 ml, without a needle. For the delivery of fresh ejaculate, it is necessary to use a disposable sterile container.

Carrying out insemination at home in stages:

  • When using fresh semen, you must wait 15 minutes after ejaculation before proceeding with the procedure.
  • It is necessary to wash your hands and conduct hygiene of the genital organs.
  • Sperm must be drawn into a syringe.
  • The syringe is inserted deep into the vagina, in the prone position, but it should not be inserted into the cervix.
  • It is necessary to slowly introduce sperm into the vagina.
  • The empty syringe is carefully removed from the vagina and disposed of.
  • It is necessary to lie down for another 30 minutes, it will not be superfluous to put a pillow under the hips and raise the legs so that the sperm does not flow out of the vagina ahead of time.

In no case should you try to inject sperm directly into the uterus - this is dangerous.


You can find out if pregnancy has occurred after vaginal insemination after 2 weeks. To do this, you need to visit the clinic and donate blood for hCG. Or, on the 3-5th day of a delay in menstruation, a woman can take a home pregnancy test.

If pregnancy does not occur after vaginal insemination, a woman is advised to visit a gynecologist and undergo an examination. If there is an indication, intrauterine insemination can be performed or IVF treatment can be prescribed.

Artificial insemination (Video)

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