How to measure basal temperature to determine pregnancy and ovulation with a regular thermometer? Correctly measuring basal temperature

This is the minimum temperature inside the female body. It must be measured after a long rest. The processes occurring in the body are displayed on the temperature measurement. Basal temperature must be measured repeatedly, based on these readings, a graph of fluctuations is drawn up. Thus, it is possible fix the day of ovulation in a girl. Such data are necessary for planning or preventing pregnancy.

How to measure basal temperature to determine pregnancy

Measurements must be done correctly, the accuracy of diagnosing ovulation depends on this. With the help of basal temperature, it is possible to determine the time when pregnancy occurs. Basal temperature should be measured immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed. An important condition for a correct measurement is the non-performing of any movements. You can not raise the body, it is not recommended to stand up.

This is because movement activates the flow of blood, thus increasing the degrees inside the body. BT cannot be measured in the evening, because it is higher at this time. Correct measurement is based on determining the minimum temperature, which is formed due to the work of internal organs, without muscles. That's why temperature measurement is carried out immediately after waking up. The following conditions must be met in order for the temperature to be measured correctly:

In order for the schedule to be correctly drawn up, BBT must be measured at the same time in the morning. Her must be measured from 7 to 9 minutes. The thermometer in the anus should be located at a depth of 4 cm. Measurements are influenced by the following factors:

All of the above situations can affect the correct measurement of BBT. Measurements must be taken while lying down. If the measurement takes place in a vertical position, then this causes blood flow to the pelvic organs, due to this, the internal temperature in the body rises. And then the thermometer readings are unreliable.

How to measure basal temperature

In order for BBT to be measured correctly, the thermometer must be inserted into the anus, vagina or mouth. In 1953, a special technique for measuring basal temperature was developed. Professor of Medicine Marshall offers to measure BBT in the rectum through the anus.

It is this method that measures the temperature in the baby. Measuring the temperature in the anus or vagina in a woman allows you to find out the results of fluctuations in tenths of a degree. It is the tenths that show the jump in the indicator during ovulation.

How to use the obtained indicators

Measurement of BBT is necessary to diagnose ovulation of the egg. - this is the release of the egg from the follicle, which occurs after maturation. The egg enters the tube and moves further to the uterus. Such changes are marked by an increase of a tenth of a degree. Before ovulation, the internal temperature decreases slightly, and then rises sharply.

When the egg is released, conception becomes possible during this period. If the measurement is performed daily, then you can set the date of ovulation. This can allow a woman to get rid of an unwanted pregnancy. Or these indicators can be used to determine the term of conception.

How to plot your basal body temperature correctly

The data is entered into a table, and a graph is built on the basis of this. When recording results, additional factors must be taken into account. Diagnostic accuracy is affected by:

  1. Cold.
  2. Headache.
  3. Infection.

The graph is a broken line. At the very beginning of the cycle, the temperature measurement indicator is in the region of 36.7 - 37 degrees. If BT fluctuates between 0.1 - 0.2 degrees, then this is acceptable. After the arrival of menstruation in a woman, BT drops to the lowest level, which is 36.7 - 36.9 degrees.

This BT is needed for egg maturation. The ripening period is 14 days, so the graph readings will be from 36.8 C - fluctuations of 0.1 or 0.2 degrees can occur from this indicator. In the middle of the cycle before ovulation in 24 hours, the degree drops by 0.2 or 0.3 C, after which a sharp rise up by 0.4 - 0.8 C is noticed. As a result, the basal temperature will be 37.1 C or higher.

Temperature measurement during ovulation

At the time of ovulation, there is a slight decrease in BBT before the jump to 37.1 degrees. During this period, the possibility of conception is 35%. If a woman is not planning a pregnancy, then it is necessary to limit sexual contacts. Other indicators of the schedule will depend on whether the woman became pregnant or her body is preparing for menstruation.

  1. If a woman is pregnant, then BT shows the highest level. Progesterone is formed in the body, it maintains the highest value of basal temperature.
  2. If the pregnancy does not take place, then the hormonal background returns to its normal level, and then the temperature drops. Such a jump occurs a week before menstruation. At this time, BT decreases by 0.5 - 0.7 degrees.
  3. These are the most likely parameters for measuring temperature during ovulation for a healthy woman.

If a failure occurs in the female body, then the schedule is a little off, the temperature jump is not so noticeable. Then BBT measurements are not effective. It must be borne in mind that pregnancy can occur even if there is no temperature jump.

How to diagnose pathologies by basal temperature

It is necessary to make a full cycle of measurements of jumps in BBT within 30 days, due to these data it is possible to diagnose infertility or other disorders of the functioning of the genital organs. Often infertility occurs due to lack of ovulation. Measuring BBT helps a woman find out if she has an egg release or not, and on which days of the cycle it is better to get pregnant.

BBT measurements help determine the presence of inflammation in other organs. This method of determining other diseases is completely suitable for use at home, it is available to all women. With the help of temperature measurement, hidden pathologies can be detected.

What days can conception occur

If measurements are taken over several months, this will help predict ovulation with great accuracy. According to the compiled parameters, you can determine when you can conceive a child. And you can also determine the period when it is impossible to get pregnant. Such information is used by a woman to prevent pregnancy or to conceive a child.

woman measuring BBT is called biological contraception. This is the safest way to control birth. Conception, most likely, within 2 days after the release of the egg from the follicle. And also three or four days before ovulation. During this period, the egg cannot be fertilized. Spermatozoa keep their activity for two days. When spermatozoa first enter the vagina, and then enter the uterus, they remain in it for several more days.

The egg is fertilized immediately after leaving the follicle. Therefore, 3 or 4 days before ovulation are added to the days of possible conception. The period of ovulation and the days before it are considered the most effective. If a woman does not plan pregnancy, then it is necessary to refrain from sex or protect herself with contraceptives. If a child is planned, then it is necessary to have sex the day before ovulation or on the day the egg is released.

  1. It is necessary to correctly determine the release of the egg, for this it is necessary to make a correct measurement of temperature measurements in the vagina.
  2. The day of ovulation is a slight decrease in the degree, and on the following day, the BBT indicator increases.
  3. It is these two days that are considered the most dangerous for opponents of pregnancy or favorable for those who are expecting a child.
  4. The life span of an egg after an ovary is 24 hours. If the egg is not fertilized, it is destroyed within 24 hours.
  5. Then the probability of pregnancy two days after ovulation is impossible.

Many studies have been done by experts, during which it turned out that Y-spermatozoa have the highest activity. They are responsible for the conception of the boy. Such spermatozoa move much faster and are the first to fertilize the egg. But X-spermatozoa, which are responsible for the conception of a girl, are more hardy.

Thus, if sexual intercourse occurred a few days before ovulation, then the spermatozoa that are responsible for conceiving a girl will live to meet the egg. Using such data, it is possible with a high degree of probability to plan the sex of the baby. All of the above methods for the period of impossible and possible conception are not suitable for all women. This protection system works only in case that, if a woman has stable periods. For all other women, this method is invalid.

Indicators of basal temperature during pregnancy

A change in the characteristics of BT is a consequence of hormonal changes. The most vital currents in a girl's body occur due to hormonal transformations. That is why the onset of pregnancy is formed by a change in BT. If the woman is pregnant, then her BT is at a high level, above 37.3 degrees.

The presence of high BBT is formed by the hormone progesterone. The woman's body intensively produces it in the first 3.5 months of gestation. That is why the temperature indicator at this time is too high. After that, the level of the hormone decreases, so there is a decrease in BT. After 20 weeks of pregnancy, it makes no sense to measure the temperature difference.

By changing the jump in temperature, one can judge the onset of pregnancy before the delay in menstruation. But this sign is ambiguous. A high temperature may be due to physical exertion, inflammatory diseases or medication. Therefore, in order to accurately determine the onset of pregnancy, you need to use a test. A high BBT is used as an indirect method for determining pregnancy.

How to correctly measure basal temperature to establish pregnancy

To do this, two main requirements must be met:

  1. BBT should be measured by a woman when she is in a horizontal position.
  2. You must not get out of bed before the measurement.
  3. Before going to bed, the thermometer should be placed next to the bed.
  4. It must be placed at that distance so that it can be easily reached by hand.
  5. In this case, the body cannot be turned over.

The temperature reading level must be measured same time in the morning. The measurement difference should not be more than 15 minutes. During the day, the temperature cannot be measured, because the daily measurement will not show the necessary changes inside the body. If the temperature is measured daily in the morning, then it will show a reflection of the reality of the state of hormones.

If a woman knows what her basal temperature is before menstruation, then she will be able to diagnose early pregnancy. If there was sex without contraceptives, then you can find out about the presence of pregnancy before the delay in menstruation. This is what BT measurements are for. If the level of basal temperature does not decrease, then the woman is pregnant.

Basal body temperature chart. Why is this needed?

Basal temperature measurement and charting is recommended in gynecology in the following cases:

    If you have been trying to get pregnant for a year without success

If you suspect that you or your partner infertility

If your gynecologist suspects you have hormonal disorders

In addition to the above cases, when scheduling is recommended by a gynecologist, you can measure basal temperature:

    If you want to increase your chances of pregnancy

If you are experimenting with the method of planning the sex of the child

If you want to observe your body and understand the processes taking place in it (this can help you in communicating with specialists)

A chart of basal temperature, compiled according to all the rules of measurement, can show the presence of ovulation in the cycle or its absence. Only a specialist can give an accurate assessment of your schedule. gynecologist. You must measure the temperature for at least 3 cycles, so that the information accumulated during this time allows you to make accurate predictions about the expected date ovulation and the most favorable time of conception, as well as conclusions about hormonal disorders.

How does this method work?

Right after ovulation(the most favorable time for conception) a hormone is released in the woman's body. This hormone contributes to a rise in body temperature by 0.4 - 0.6 degrees and occurs within two days after ovulation. Ovulation occurs approximately in the middle of the cycle and thus divides the cycle into two phases - the first and second. In the first phase, before ovulation, your body temperature is usually lower than in the second phase, when ovulation has already occurred. With sufficient production of the hormone progesterone, starting from the middle of the cycle, there is an increase in body temperature, which is a fairly reliable sign of ovulation. The second phase of the cycle normally lasts 13-14 days, and before the onset of menstruation, the temperature usually drops again by 0.3 degrees. If the basal temperature remains at the same level throughout the cycle, there are no ups and downs on the graph, then we can talk about the absence of ovulation, and as a result, female infertility.

Why are we talking about basal temperature and not just body temperature? The fact is that during the day the temperature of the human body changes all the time. You are hot - the temperature rises, cold - the temperature drops. It depends on physical activity, food or drinks taken, stress, clothing, etc. Thus, it is very difficult to “catch” the optimal time for measuring body temperature during the day. Therefore, basal temperature is measured - body temperature at rest and after at least 6 hours of sleep.

Rules for measuring basal temperature

When measuring basal temperature, you must observe the following rules:

    You can start measuring your basal temperature any day of your cycle, but it's best if you start measuring at the beginning of your cycle (on the first day of your period).

Measure the temperature always in the same place. You can choose the oral, vaginal or rectal method. Armpit measurement does not give accurate results. It doesn't matter which measuring method you choose: it is important not to change it during one cycle.

With the oral method, you put a thermometer under your tongue and, with your mouth closed, measure 5 minutes.

With the vaginal or rectal method, the measurement time is reduced to 3 minutes.

Take your temperature in the morning, immediately after waking up and before getting out of bed.

Uninterrupted sleep before measurement should last at least 6 hours.

The temperature is measured strictly at the same time. If the measurement time differs from the usual by more than 30 minutes, then such a temperature is considered not indicative.

You can use both digital and mercury thermometers to measure. It is important not to change the thermometer during one cycle.

If you use a mercury thermometer, shake it off before you go to sleep. The force you use to shake off the thermometer just before taking a measurement can affect the temperature.

Write down your basal temperature every day in a notepad or use our charting website.

Business trips, transfers and flights can significantly affect the basal temperature.

In diseases accompanied by elevated body temperature, your basal temperature will not be indicative and you can stop measuring for the duration of the illness.

Various medications, such as sleeping pills, sedatives, and hormonal medications, can affect basal body temperature.

Measurement of basal temperature and the simultaneous use of contraception does not make any sense.

After taking a large amount of alcohol, the temperature will not be indicative.

Recognition of the method in gynecology

The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes the measurement of basal temperature as one of the two main methods for tracking fertility (for details, see the WHO document "Medical eligibility criteria for the use of contraceptive methods" on page 117). Charting your basal temperature can help your doctor- gynecologist determine the deviations in the cycle and assume the absence of ovulation. At the same time, setting gynecologist Diagnosis only and exclusively by the type of graph without additional analyzes and examinations most often indicates medical unprofessionalism.

Video. basal temperature during ovulation

Among the methods that allow you to calculate the date necessary for conception, a worthy place is taken by measuring the temperature rectally. Let's consider the basic rules on how to measure basal temperature to determine ovulation and a video with recommendations from specialists on how to draw up a schedule and read it correctly.

Features of measuring basal temperature

Ovulation is a short interval in the menstrual cycle, located approximately in the middle between two phases. She plays an important role in the birth of a baby, so women try to calculate this day in advance in order to get the planned conception at the expected time.

The main advantage of the basal method is that the woman herself can use it at home. Of course, it does not give a 100% result, but supplemented by some other option, for example, strip tests, it helps to clarify this situation.

Solving the problem of how to measure basal temperature to determine ovulation and which thermometer to use, it is worth consulting with experts. Opinions differ here. Part of the opinion is that it is better to use an electronic thermometer, since it will more accurately show fractions of a degree when lowering or increasing values. The second group argues that mercury thermometers are more reliable, because measurements must be carried out with one device, and electronic ones sometimes fail or break.

Measurement Rules

Before you measure the basal temperature to determine ovulation, reviews also confirm this, you need to know the rules for taking measurements so as not to get a distorted result. In particular:

  • measurement is carried out after 5-6 hours of normal sleep;
  • this is the first thing to do in the morning, without even leaving the bed;
  • no sudden movements can be made;
  • use the same thermometer.

All these basic principles, how to correctly measure basal temperature to determine ovulation, and video advice from experts indicate the importance of complete calm of the body at this moment. Therefore, for example, even a thermometer is advised to be put on the bedside table in order to get it without getting up. And if it is mercury, then it’s even worth “shaking off” it in the evening.

Observing simple requirements, how to measure basal temperature to determine ovulation, the forum, as well as the advice of friends and acquaintances, may turn out to be less informative than your own calculation of the time favorable for fertilization.

All obtained measurements should be noted on the chart daily. At the end of the cycle, the points must be connected to form a curve. Having considered the received "peaks" and "bursts", the woman will be able to understand at what point the cell entered the genital tract.

What the basal temperature chart shows

Having learned the necessary rules on how to measure basal temperature to determine ovulation, and feedback on this method, you should proceed to deciphering the resulting curve.

In the first phase of the cycle, the temperature indicators do not change, they go smoothly and are approximately 36.8 ° C. Some decrease (by fractions of a degree) occurs 1-2 days before ovulation. This indicates the maximum concentration of estrogen in the blood of a woman. Again rising temperature says that the production of progesterone has begun. And this phenomenon occurs directly during the period of ovulation. The indicators gradually increase over 3 days and remain at such values ​​​​until the end of the second phase (37.0-37.5 ° C), since the corpus luteum at this time produces a sufficient amount of progesterone, which is necessary for normal conception and the development of pregnancy.

Based on our experience and knowledge on the issue of how to correctly measure the basal temperature to determine ovulation, and the opinions of experts on the relevance and reliability of this method, we note that any fact in the form of stress, alcohol consumption or any medications can cause an error in the readings. Therefore, when taking a measurement, a woman should lead a calm lifestyle and all deviations caused by reasons known to her must be marked on the graph in order to get an actual result later.

Following the tips presented in the article, any woman can figure out how to measure basal temperature to determine ovulation, how to make a chart and how to understand what it shows.

We reviewed the basic principles and rules on how to measure basal temperature to determine ovulation, videos and reviews from consumers and specialists. For completeness and reliability of the picture of the exit of the germ cell from the ovary, it is necessary to supplement this study with at least one more method. Perhaps a woman should listen to her feelings throughout the cycle or buy a test at a pharmacy so that the result is more convincing, observe the nature of the cervical mucus, listen to her feelings, or, finally, just do an ultrasound.

Based on the basal temperature, doctors can judge how the female reproductive system is working. The popularity of this method is also due to the fact that many women use it to plan pregnancy. But in order to correctly decipher its readings, you need to know what factors affect its fluctuations and how to correctly measure the basal temperature.

What does basal body temperature show?

Basal temperature (BT) is the temperature of a sleeping person . Its indicators are very closely interconnected with the level of hormones in the blood. Female hormones produced by a woman's ovaries act on thermoreceptors and create cyclical fluctuations in BBT.

At the time when progesterone reaches its maximum level, the basal temperature begins to rise in unison, and vice versa, the increase in estrogen reduces the rectal temperature. The peculiarity of the blood supply to the ovaries makes it possible to catch these fluctuations primarily in the rectum, therefore, in other places (in the armpit, in the mouth), these indicators may not be so accurate.

Throughout the entire monthly cycle, the hormonal background undergoes sharp changes, but in general it has a certain sequence. With the help of regular measurements of basal temperature, a woman, in fact, can find out how correctly and stably her reproductive system works. .

Why is basal temperature measured?

The process of measuring temperature is very painstaking, so many women wonder why they need to spend a lot of time on this activity.

Most often, the BBT measurement method is used as a home ovulation test. But you need to completely rely on this method only if the woman does not have any pathologies of the menstrual cycle. .

Thermometry technique

The rules for measuring basal temperature are quite strict, and failure to comply with them can significantly reduce the result.

Therefore, before starting to plot a rectal temperature, it is worth thoroughly studying all the subtleties of this procedure:

  1. BT is measured while lying down immediately after waking up. Three hours before this, the woman should not get out of bed. Only in this case the indicator will be accurate. The thermometer should be at hand, since, upon waking up, you do not need to make sudden movements and turns.
  2. Basal temperature is measured in the rectum. It is also allowed in the vagina, in the armpit or in the mouth. Every time you need to measure in the same place.
  3. The temperature is measured for 5 minutes, after which the exact data must be recorded in a special table.
  4. For measurements, it is better to use a mercury thermometer. Its indicators, unlike electronic ones, are always more accurate. You need to shake off the mercury thermometer immediately before measuring, this will affect the accuracy.
  5. The readings of a mercury and electronic thermometer may differ, so you should always use the same thermometer.
  6. Basal temperature must be measured at the same time of day - in the early morning from 6 to 8 hours.
  7. The procedure is carried out daily, even during menstruation.
  8. It is necessary to fix the readings without delay, as there is a risk that the data will be forgotten.

Factors affecting BT indicators

One of the most serious disadvantages of this method is the fact that the basal temperature is sensitive to certain changes in the body. In this case, the overall picture of the graph may be distorted.

So, what causes fluctuations in rectal temperature:

  • A few hours after intercourse, BBT may be higher than normal, especially if measured in the vagina.
  • Alcohol taken the day before.
  • Imbalance in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Great physical fatigue, exhaustion.
  • A cold or chronic illness, a general rise in temperature.
  • Medications - sedatives, sleeping pills, hormonal.
  • Sleep less than 6 hours.
  • Strong stress.
  • Intensive mental work.
  • Climate change, change of time zones.
  • Smoking.

In order to be able to track how one or another factor affected the temperature and not be misled by false indicators, you need to make appropriate notes on the graph itself on the side. In addition, doctors recommend entering data on discharges into the table: color, consistency, amount .

For those who are accustomed to using the Internet in all areas of life, there are special services for plotting online graphs that automatically make calculations and notify you of possible deviations.

Basal temperature norms

Measuring and recording the temperature is only half the battle. To understand these numbers and graphs, you need to know what a standard graph should look like, and based on this, draw conclusions about the state of your body.

There are five types of temperature curve in medicine. The very first type is characteristic of a normal cycle. The remaining four indicate the insufficiency of one or another hormone.

Provided that the woman's body works without deviations, the basal temperature during menstruation will be in the range of 36.4-36.7 degrees. After their completion, shortly before the onset of ovulation, it drops sharply to 36.3-36.2. Then the indicator grows rapidly and rises to the level of 36.6-36.7 in a day.

After ovulation, it stays at 37 degrees for another 10 days. And before menstruation, it drops again to 36.6.

When taking oral contraceptives, BBT will be approximately the same throughout the entire cycle.

This is what a normal curve should look like

If the graph shows strong deviations from the norm, it is imperative to see a doctor, but only if the woman is sure that she did everything right, and the BT measurements were carried out without violations.

Taking temperature to determine ovulation is one of the oldest and most time-tested methods.

Basal temperature (BT) is the indicators in the rectum. It must be measured regularly in the morning without getting up. Learn how to measure your basal temperature correctly

Basal (rectal) temperature

Tell me, please, how should the basal temperature change during the entire cycle? In the middle of the cycle at ovulation, it rises - but should it fall after a week, or stay around 37 until the start of menstruation? Can it rise by 19 days if the cycle is 29 days, or does this not indicate ovulation? Is it also possible that ovulation does not occur every month? What needs to be done to accurately determine whether ovulation occurs - are there any other methods?

Temperature measurement to determine ovulation

Measurement of basal temperature is a fairly accurate method for determining ovulation. on the eve of ovulation, the temperature drops (but this is not always possible to fix), and the next day it rises by 0.4-0.5 degrees and stays elevated until menstruation. This is called the second phase. It normally lasts 14 days. A shorter duration (10-12 days) is an insufficiency of the luteal phase, sometimes making it impossible to carry a pregnancy. A longer duration of the second phase may indicate the occurrence of a corpus luteum cyst (a gland that supports the second phase or a pregnancy). Ovulation does not occur in every cycle. Only a doctor can analyze the basal temperature data and make a diagnosis based on them, because. There are many subtleties and nuances that must be taken into account. evaluating the results.

Malyarskaya M.M.

Please tell me the difference between rectal temperature and basal temperature.
What does it show and what is the pattern of its change during the cycle.
Is it possible to determine pregnancy by it and how.
Do they measure the temperature in the vagina, and if so, why?

Rectal temperature and basal temperature are the same thing. It is measured only in the rectum. The measurement is carried out in the morning, without getting out of bed, at the same time (6-8 hours), every day. If something changes in the regime: on Sunday you measured not at 8, but at 12 o'clock, or your general body temperature rose, or there were nightly rises, or sexual intercourse the day before - in short, everything that could lead to an increase in rectal temperature , indicated in a separate column.

Measuring basal temperature is a matter of a couple of minutes, and the result of this method is very important. The doctor should evaluate the data of rectal temperature. Much matters: the temperature values ​​themselves, and the presence of two phases: at the beginning of the cycle, the temperature is lower, at the end it is higher, and the difference between the average value of the first and second phases, and the duration of the second phase, and the minimum value before lifting. You will not be able to evaluate your own schedule. Pregnancy cannot be determined, you can only see that menstruation has not come, the temperature continues to be high. But you will understand this by delaying menstruation. During pregnancy, the temperature does not rise higher than in the second phase.

It is impossible to calculate "dangerous" days, during which fertilization is allegedly impossible, according to the schedule. Determine pregnancy too.

This method is used to assess the hormonal state of the body. To do this, it is desirable to measure the temperature for several months, the more - the more reliable. From the graphs, you can find out if there is ovulation (whether the egg is maturing), if the second phase is complete (i.e., can pregnancy occur), if there are enough female sex hormones. Etc. The method is much cheaper and often more reliable than the determination of hormones in the blood.

Against the background of taking hormonal contraceptives, it makes no sense to measure rectal temperature, it will always be the same. Taking other medications, incl. hormones should be indicated on the graph.

The temperature in the vagina is not measured!

Malyarskaya M.M.

How to measure basal temperature correctly? Valid only until 8am(I measure at 9am)? Is it possible with an electronic thermometer? And how to explain that t rises to 37.2 at the beginning of the cycle for one day, and then t jumps from 36.2 to 36.9. What other examination can be done to determine whether the egg is maturing

basal temperature should be measured in the morning before getting out of bed for 5 minutes. The best time to measure it is in the morning (6-8 am), then every hour the temperature rises by 0.1 degrees. It is a pity that you did not give the whole graph, it is difficult to judge temperature changes from your message. The presence of ovulation can be judged by doing an ultrasound in the middle of the cycle.

Koroleva A.G.

Please tell me if the onset of ovulation is possible in the absence of a rise in basal temperature (specific discharge from the cervix is ​​present).

Still, the most reliable sign of ovulation is a decrease, and the next day a persistent rise in basal temperature. The remaining signs (except for ultrasound data of follicle maturation and laparoscopic signs) are not reliable at all.

Malyarskaya M.M.

I wanted to ask you a question, before that I wrote to you that I have problems with menstruation, etc., my monthly cycle was set using progesterone for 36 days, but in the last monthly cycle, BT did not exceed 37.0 degrees, and today I have 33 day of the cycle, starting from the 24th day of the cycle, I have an increase in BBT from 36.7 to even 37.5, today 37.0, does this mean ovulation ??? Is it possible that I will get pregnant these days? If so, how do I determine this within two weeks? And even under such conditions as medical treatment, the possibility of pregnancy, is it possible to drink natural tea for weight loss, which has a laxative, choleretic effect, cleanses the stomach-intestinal tract, respiratory organs, helps to reduce body weight, etc.? Because there on the box it was written to consult a doctor if I am being treated, pregnant.

Elevated levels of male sex hormones can cause infertility. It may not be. it is determined ex post facto. A single determination of elevated testosterone may not say anything. But during pregnancy (according to your last letter), an increased level of male hormones can lead to miscarriage, so the doctor prescribed you dexamethasone quite rightly, it blocks the production of male hormones. It is only better to control the level of hormones not by testosterone in the blood, but by 17-KS in the urine. This is the sum of all male hormones secreted per day. The data are more reliable than a single random determination of one hormone in the blood.
It is better not to drink tea, because it is never completely known what manufacturers are investing in dietary supplements for weight loss. Too often there are "natural" teas, including hormones and other agents. Because you can’t reduce body weight just like that, there must be a potent drug. Moreover, they themselves write that pregnant women at the discretion of the attending physician, i.e. disclaim responsibility. It is better not to risk it, especially since there are problems with conception.
Ovulation occurs in the middle of the cycle. An increase in temperature may indicate that ovulation has already occurred. If it increased from day 24, then it happened on day 23-24. And if you take progesterone from the middle of the cycle, then it doesn’t mean that the elevated temperature is given not by your internal progesterone, but by the one that you inject. Ovulation and the possibility of conception on the eve and on the first day of the rise in temperature. With a natural cycle (without taking hormones), if the rise occurs, then the day before is determined according to the schedule by some decrease in temperature: for example, day 14 36.6, day 15 36.5, day 16 36.3, day 17 37. Ovulation at 16 day, you can get pregnant in 16-18 days

Malyarskaya M.M.

what should be the basal temperature throughout pregnancy. This is my 4th pregnancy (first delivery), 13-14 weeks. Basal body temperature varied from 36.88 to 37.02. In the last 3 days it has been like this - 36.88, 36.88, 36.76. Should the basal temperature during the entire pregnancy be above 37 degrees?

Until 12-14 weeks of pregnancy, the basal temperature should be kept above 37 degrees Celsius. Its decrease indicates the threat of interruption. After a period of 14 weeks, the temperature decreases, and its measurement has no diagnostic value.

Koroleva A.G.

I have PCOS. A therapeutic laparoscopy was performed. I am currently ovulating. I measure my basal temperature. In 14 days I have a rise to 37.1 - 37.2, this temperature remains until the onset of menstruation. My cycle is 31 days, sometimes more. On the ultrasound performed on the 11th day of the cycle, I have many small follicles in the ovaries, the largest are 10 - 11 mm; endometrial thickness 5.6 mm. Can these follicles together give the same rise in temperature as during ovulation?

No, the rise in basal temperature is associated with ovulation. You may not have measured it correctly. The measurement is taken in the morning, before getting out of bed, for 5 minutes.

Please answer, what happens to the basal temperature during ovulation? How many days should she stay elevated? And most importantly, how can you determine the anovulation cycle or the presence of ovulation at home, because I did not find specific data on determining such data on the site.

I will give an explanation of what a normal basal temperature should be during an ovulatory cycle using the example of a 28-day menstrual cycle. In the first phase of the cycle, i.e. from the first day of menstruation to ovulation, the temperature should fluctuate between 36.4 - 36.8. On the day of ovulation, the temperature drops sharply down to 36.0 degrees and the next day rises above 37. degrees, but not higher than 37.3. At this level, it lasts 14 days (the duration of the second phase of the cycle is the same with different cycle lengths). On the day of ovulation, the temperature drops to 36.4 -36.8. If the temperature stays above 37.0 degrees for more than 16 days, pregnancy should be assumed. With an anovulatory cycle, the basal temperature does not rise above 37.0 degrees Celsius.

When measuring basal temperature, I got the following picture (cycle 29 days): In the first 12 days of the cycle, there were significant temperature fluctuations from 36.6C to 37C, on days 13-17 the temperature was 36.4C-36.6C, on the 18th day - 36 .9С, 19-28 days 37С-37.2С, 29th day 36.9 С.
I have the following questions:
1. Are such temperature rises in the 1st phase of the cycle a deviation from the norm and what can be associated with?
2. Am I ovulating? Is pregnancy possible?
3. Do I need to be examined for hormones, if so, what tests and for which hormones should I take?
I am currently measuring the temperature for the second month, now the 10th day of the cycle, the temperature again rises to 37C, then drops to 36.4C. I am 27 years old, the cycle is relatively regular 28-32 days, there are delays, but rarely and no more than a week.

It is a pity that you did not indicate the temperature values ​​​​for each day of the cycle, then the picture would be more complete. However, according to your data, ovulation occurs approximately on the 17th day of the cycle. The second phase of the cycle is quite complete, i.e., guided by the temperature measurements, the corpus luteum works well. Therefore, conception and pregnancy are possible. A high temperature in the first phase of the cycle is a deviation from the norm, there are several reasons for this. You need to do hormonal studies (from 8 to 10 days of the menstrual cycle: estradiol, testosterone, DHEA, prolactin; from 20 to 24: progesterone, T3, T4, TSH). It is advisable to perform an ultrasound examination, preferably with an intravaginal probe, 2-3 days before the onset of menstruation, in order to exclude endometriosis, the presence of which may be one of the causes of high temperature in the first phase of the cycle.

1) Often in other answers there is the concept of "rectal temperature", i.e. measured in the rectum. My wife measures the temperature in the vagina. Is this allowed?
2) My blood type is B(III)+, and my wife is A(II)+. What are the prognosis for conception and pregnancy?
3) Now the main question. Wife is 26 years old. In current of one and a half years there is a problem with conception. My spermogram is good. At first, my wife had very long cycles - 48-55 days. The rise in vaginal temperature during ovulation was only 0.2 - 0.3 degrees. Ultrasound revealed an increase in the ovaries 38x21 and 43x26. Areas of increased echogenicity in the chest were also found in the form of "clouds". X-ray with radiopaque substance of the uterus and fallopian tubes showed patency. The treatment was carried out with clostilbegid (5-9 days of the cycle, 0.5 tablets each) and microfollin (10, 12, 14 days, 0.5 tablets each). On the second cycle, the dose of clostilbegid was increased to 1 tablet, on the third cycle - up to 1.5 tablets from the 5th to the 9th day of the cycle. Microfollin was always taken at 0.5 tablets. The second cycle was reduced to 33 days, the third cycle - 34 days. The picture of the rise in temperature during ovulation has become smooth, there is no sharp jump. This segment is shown in the table. Is it normal or not? Or is it different for everyone here?
19 36,5
20 36,5
21 36,5
22 36,6
23 36,7
24 36,8
25 36,9
26 36,9
27 36,9
28 36,9
Can the cycle increase again if the drugs are discontinued? In the first cycle of treatment, PCT was performed. But it showed unexpressed results and it was decided to carry it out after the reduction of the cycle, which will probably be done on the beginning cycle. If PCT incompatibility is revealed, how can it be treated? How effective is it in modern conditions?

1. Basal (rectal temperature) must be measured in the rectum, in the morning, without getting out of bed, preferably at the same time and on the same side, for 3-5 minutes.
2. Given your group and Rh-affiliation, there should be no problems with pregnancy.
3. Judging by the data you described, your wife has an anovulatory cycle, i.e. the egg does not mature (although, given the incorrect measurement of basal temperature, inaccuracies are possible). The results of the postcoital test indirectly confirm this. You do not mention the presence or absence of genital infections and the degree of cleanliness of the vagina, which can also affect the result of PCT. We recommend that you undergo further examination: repeated spermogram with immune tests (acrosomal reaction and MAP test), analysis for genital infections.

1) Ultrasound showed that my myometrium structure was changed due to diffuse changes. What is myometrium? What threatens to change its structure?
2) What are the echo signs of polycystic ovaries?
3) Basal temperature within 15 days after menstruation - 37.1. This is fine?

1) - Myometrium - the muscular wall of the uterus. Diffuse changes in the myometrium can be associated with both inflammation and hormonal changes.
2) - Polycystic - a change in the ovaries associated with hormonal disorders
3) - This temperature is not normal.

Is it a deviation from the norm: basal temperature during 1-10 days of the cycle 36.8-36.7

No, if in the 2nd phase the temperature rises above 37.1-37.2 for 12 days

Please tell me what the basal temperature of 38.8 can mean. The previous day was 36.5. Could it be the flu? Body temperature 37.0; Day 9 of the cycle. Thank you.

Such a gap between basal temperature and body temperature is impossible. Apparently you are wrong.

Hello. If it's not difficult for you, please answer my questions. In June 1996 I was diagnosed with chlamydia. Together with her husband, they underwent a course of treatment. I took a second analysis in a specialized center in April 1997, that is, quite a lot of time passed after the completion of treatment. Analysis by PCR gave a negative result. Then just in case has handed over a blood on TsMV (a blood and a smear). The analysis was also negative. Could you suggest whether it is worth taking these tests again, given that I want to get pregnant? And one more question for you: what can the basal temperature in the second half of the cycle mean if it does not rise above 36.7-36.8 degrees? Is it possible to get pregnant with such a temperature? If this is a hormonal disorder, what tests should you do first?

Before pregnancy, it is better to do tests for herpes and cytomegalovirus (by blood). When measuring basal temperature, it is important to have a threshold - a temperature drop of 0.5-0.6 degrees in the middle of the cycle. If the initial temperature was low - 36.1-36.2 degrees, then the temperature in the second half of the cycle is unlikely to be higher than 36.8 degrees. The situation is considered unfavorable when the temperature is the same for the entire cycle - this is evidence of the absence of ovulation - the release of the egg from the ovary.

Mikushevich A.F.

There is quite a lot of information everywhere about the basal temperature, but I don’t really understand: before menstruation, it falls, and if pregnancy occurs, it stays at 37 and above. So? In the sense that it stays at this level until a certain period or something else?

The basal temperature above 37 degrees persists up to 16-20 weeks of pregnancy, sometimes longer, its fall to 16 weeks of pregnancy is a sign of a threatened abortion.

Mikushevich A.F.

I am 30 years old, I dream of a child, my periods are irregular (delays from 3 to 6 months, periods from 5 to 14 days), during an examination for infertility, an ultrasound scan showed the presence of polycystic ovaries, all hormones are normal, only prolactin is close to the maximum norm, microfollin preparations are prescribed forte and dufaston, besides, definin was prescribed. I have a question: can definin adversely affect the functioning of the brain (when taking it, sometimes mild dizziness occurs)? I measure rectal temperature, but I can’t find anywhere what it should be when pregnancy occurs?

Against the background of difenin, there really are dizziness. This is one of the most common side effects of the drug. When pregnancy occurs, the basal temperature remains at the level of 37.0 - 37.4 degrees until 16-18 weeks of pregnancy. A temperature drop below 37 degrees indicates the threat of interruption.

Hello. I would be glad and very grateful to you for some clarifications and the actual answer to the questions. I have polycystic ovaries. My husband and I want to have a child. My husband is 20 years older than me, i.e. he is 43 years old. For half a year, as prescribed by the doctor, I drank Diana-35, then there was a break of 4 months, vitamins from the Lady series, after ovulation was stimulated, I drank Clomid, I drank it for 5 cycles, while doing ultrasound, with a double dose I have ovulation, but I don't get pregnant. The husband gave a spermogram, there were minor deviations, the percentage of leukocytes was increased, he underwent treatment, the result of the spermogram is normal, as the doctors said. Now, after taking Clomid, the doctor said a break is needed. Please tell me what should be the break, and what is the next stage after using Clomid? Is it true that women with PCOS need to practically drink hormonal pills all the time to avoid cancer? What are the chances of women with PCOS having children? The doctor says that there are chances, but they write everywhere the diagnosis: infertility. And in general, I do not quite understand the basal temperature, please tell me what should be the temperature during ovulation? If the temperature stays mostly at 37 degrees or more, what does that mean? I am completely confused and, to be honest, tired, we have been fighting for more than a year.

Slightly confusing description:

1. Polycystic ovaries is not an independent disease, but a syndrome that occurs with many gynecological problems, usually of a dyshormonal nature. Depending on these violations, treatment is prescribed.

2. The risk of developing oncological processes in polycystic ovaries is not much higher than the risk among "ordinary" women.

3. The diagnosis of "barren marriage" is made if the spouses live without contraception for 1 year, and pregnancy does not occur. Infertility examination is staged, one of the important and first stages is the measurement of basal body temperature.

During a normal menstrual cycle, ovulation occurs - the release of an egg from the ovary. Immediately before ovulation, the basal temperature drops slightly (by 0.1-0.2 degrees C), immediately after it rises (by 0.6-0.7 degrees C), usually above 37 degrees, but in some absolutely normal women the temperature in the 2nd half of the cycle is 36.8-36.9 degrees C. “pores” form. If the temperature is the same throughout the cycle, this means that ovulation does not occur. It is stimulated with drugs such as Clomid (clostilbegit, clomiren). Since you had a response to Clomid - ovulation, then most likely, after a break, treatment with this drug will be continued until pregnancy (usually 3 cycles of treatment are performed). If pregnancy does not occur, then you will most likely be offered therapeutic laparoscopy with the reaction of the ovaries - a dense shell is “removed” from them, and ovulation occurs on its own, without drugs. After such an operation, up to 70% of patients become pregnant.

Alas, the treatment of infertility is often very lengthy and takes years. Nothing but patience is advised here.

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