Can there be yellow discharge during pregnancy. Yellow mucus during pregnancy

Vaginal discharge accompanies the daily life of every woman. Normally, they regularly change their consistency, which depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle. In its first half, the vaginal secret is usually scarce or absent, during the period of ovulation, its amount increases markedly, it liquefies (to facilitate the passage of spermatozoa and the fertilized egg through the fallopian tubes), and thickens at the end of the cycle (to protect the potential fetal egg from penetration of pathogenic microorganisms ).

Vaginal discharge, also called whites, perform a number of other functions. That is, their presence is not only quite normal, but also extremely necessary.

Beli change their character and with the onset of pregnancy. Probably, every woman knows that transparent or whitish vaginal discharge is the norm, and with blood impurities (pink, red, brown discharge during pregnancy) indicate a threat and require immediate medical attention.

And what to do if yellow discharge appears during pregnancy?

With yellow discharge during pregnancy, not everything is so simple. Firstly, their color, color intensity can vary greatly, and this greatly affects the preliminary medical conclusions. Secondly, it plays a big role whether they are accompanied by any discomfort or pain. Thirdly, in different cases, yellow discharge during pregnancy can be both a variant of the norm and a sign of the development of an infection in the genital tract.

And therefore, it is best not to guess on the color, but immediately contact the gynecologist: already during the examination of the woman on the chair, he will be able to guess the cause of the appearance of yellow discharge. And after taking a smear from the vagina and receiving the results of this analysis, make an accurate diagnosis.

Most often, in the early stages of pregnancy, women observe abundant clear watery discharge from the vagina: they become so under the influence of the hormone progesterone, which is now produced in increased quantities.

These are normal whites, but they can also be not only colorless, but also slightly white and even yellow. Light yellow transparent discharge that does not cause irritation in the perineum, is odorless and not accompanied by signs of infection, should not cause any concern in the expectant mother.

All that is required of you during this period is to simply observe the hygiene of intimate areas, change your underwear to clean and dry as needed and minimize the risk of an allergic reaction in the genital area, that is, give up synthetic cosmetics and washing powders. It is also better not to use panty liners during pregnancy, as they very often lead to the development of thrush. As for underwear, it should be natural and comfortable (now it is better to refuse thongs).

Dangerous yellow discharge during pregnancy: dark yellow, yellow-green, with a smell and itching

Despite the fact that yellow discharge during pregnancy can be a variant of the norm, nevertheless, more often they indicate the course of pathological processes in the organs of the genitourinary system. That is why the doctor should determine the nature of such whites.

Yellow discharge and itching, burning, an unpleasant or pungent odor, impurities of pus, pain in the lower abdomen, painful urination or fever should be the reason for an urgent appeal to a gynecologist. Also, the development of the pathological process is evidenced by dark yellow and yellow-green discharge. As a rule, such vaginal mucus, in combination with one or more of the listed symptoms, indicates inflammation or infection, which must be treated. Among them may be:

  • Thrush (candidiasis) - a frequent companion of pregnancy. Usually during this period it worsens, but it can also occur for the first time, and often due to an allergic reaction to linen, powder, toilet paper, pads or soap. Vaginal mucus in thrush is usually white, cheesy, with a sour smell, but can also be yellowish. Often it causes severe burning and itching, swelling of the genital organs.
  • Bacterial vaginosis (vaginal dysbacteriosis) develops as a result of a violation of the normal microflora in the vagina and is accompanied by abundant white-gray discharge with the smell of fish, which, as the disease progresses, can change its color to yellow-green, becomes sticky, viscous, thick.
  • Colpitis (or vaginitis) - inflammation of the vaginal mucosa, accompanied by irritation and itching in the perineum and pain during sexual intercourse.
  • cervicitis - inflammation of the cervix. Very often it is asymptomatic, but as the disease progresses, pain and burning sensation during urination, increased urges join. Vaginal secretion in cervicitis may have a different color (yellow, green, gray, white) and consistency depending on the pathogen.
  • Salpingitis - inflammation of the fallopian tubes. In this case, the discharge has a bright yellow color and is usually accompanied by fever and pain in the lower abdomen.
  • STD (sexually transmitted diseases). Dark yellow discharge often contains impurities of pus with a characteristic odor, has a green or brown tint, bubbles, is accompanied by fever and other unpleasant signs.

Detected diseases do not necessarily occur during pregnancy. It is likely that the microorganisms that caused their development were simply “dozing”, and now, against the background of a weakened immune defense, they woke up and began to act.

Yellow discharge in late pregnancy

All of the above reasons for the appearance of yellow whites during early pregnancy remain relevant in the third trimester. However, shortly before childbirth, when restructuring and preparation for the upcoming birth of the baby begins in the body of the expectant mother, yellow discharge of a different nature may appear. We are talking about a mucous plug that closes the entrance to the cervix throughout the entire period of bearing a child. 2-3 weeks before the expected date of birth, this mucus will begin to thin, the cervix will shorten and soften, pushing the mucous plug out. It can depart in parts, small fragments, or all at once in the form of a large clot resembling jelly or silicone - this is what a mucous plug looks like. Cervical mucus has a beige, transparent or yellowish tint, sometimes contains streaks of blood. You should not be afraid of such secretions: they only indicate that childbirth is just around the corner. It is impossible to say exactly when the mucous plug leaves before childbirth: in some women this happens 2 weeks before the onset of labor, in others - a few hours.

Sometimes liquid yellow discharge in late pregnancy that resembles urine but does not have a characteristic odor for it can be a sign of amniotic fluid leakage. You can check your suspicions with the help of a special test bought at a pharmacy. However, often pregnant women also experience urinary incontinence: in this case, liquid yellow discharge may smell like urine.

The most important thing that a woman who has this problem should understand is that you must definitely see a gynecologist. If the doctor decides that such a phenomenon is a variant of the norm, and if a vaginal smear confirms the absence of pathogenic microflora, then there is nothing to worry about. Otherwise, the expectant mother will be prescribed treatment in accordance with the diagnosis and gestational age. It is impossible to use any means without the knowledge of a doctor, since during pregnancy the list of drugs and traditional medicine allowed for treatment is very limited.

Especially for - Ekaterina Vlasenko

A pregnant woman needs to carefully monitor her health, because we are talking not only about her, but also about the unborn baby. However, you should not be scared every time when one or another symptom unfamiliar to you appears. In particular, yellow discharge during pregnancy is considered to be such.

It must be remembered that after conception, the nature of the so-called leucorrhea changes depending on the trimester, the presence of gynecological diseases, etc. To understand the nature of their appearance, you need to familiarize yourself with all the possible reasons.

Causes of yellow discharge

It is impossible to correctly diagnose a particular disease in oneself without appropriate tests, but one can notice uncharacteristic symptoms in time and seek advice. It is better at this moment to be prepared and know the probable causes of the phenomenon in question.

As a rule, white-yellow discharge during pregnancy, which is not disturbing in any other way, is considered normal. But if, in addition to them, pain, burning, irritation of the mucous membrane or skin, weakness, dizziness, temperature and other negative signs are observed, then one can begin to suspect some kind of pathology. There are a number of possible factors for this to occur:

  • decreased immune defense functions;
  • non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;
  • unprotected intercourse;
  • existing diseases, the progression of which often begins during pregnancy.

At the very beginning and in the later stages, the causes of the appearance of yellowish discharge may differ. This topic causes heated discussions on women's forums, so we will try to answer the most exciting questions from network users.

In the first trimester

"Hello everybody. I wanted to know if yellowish or beige spotting is normal for pregnancy? I'm only 7 weeks old and haven't been to the doctor. There are no diseases.”

The appearance of a yellow tint of the sexual secretion at this time can be associated with both normal and pathological conditions.

Yellow talk about the production of progesterone. This hormone activates the production of secretions, which can cause epithelial particles or mucous plugs that have begun to form into the mucus. The combination of these components gives a yellow or beige color.

As inflammatory processes that can cause yellow thick discharge, one can name thrush, colpitis, bacterial vaginosis, cervicitis and genital infections. The greatest complexity of treatment at this time is caused by the restriction in the list of acceptable medications. Many are allowed only by 12 weeks.

In the second trimester

“Some have appeared. The next day, it began to smear with brown. Slightly sips in the lower abdomen. What could it be?"

"Girls, help. I am now 14 weeks. The discharge went some kind of liquid, there are not very many of them, but I have to lay down daily. Does anyone know where they might have come from?

Allocations in the second trimester of pregnancy acquire a more liquid consistency and become, as a rule, more abundant. This phenomenon is also associated with hormonal changes in the body, only now it occurs due to estrogen. In this case, any change in the nature of the whites should alert. The pathological conditions are the same diseases that are characteristic of the first trimester.

Brownish secretion in this period of pregnancy is considered completely unacceptable! If you notice a similar symptom, you need to seek advice.

Thus, liquid yellow discharge during pregnancy in the second trimester, without itching, inflammation, pain and other negative signs, is not a cause for alarm.

In the third trimester

“Tell me, what kind of discharge at 33 weeks of gestation is considered normal?”

"Hi all. Maybe someone had yellowish discharge at 36 weeks pregnant? Could this be a mucus plug coming off?

Yellows are considered natural if they have become a little more abundant. They should be odorless, incomprehensible clots and inclusions. There is no cause for concern unless there are other signs. However, you still need to tell the gynecologist about this, since some diseases at the initial stage are almost asymptomatic.

Along with the pathologies listed in other paragraphs, yellow discharge in the third trimester may appear due to:

  • Leakage of amniotic fluid is a phenomenon in which the integrity of the fetal membrane is violated. It is considered dangerous until 37 weeks, when the baby is not yet full-term;
  • Chorioamnionitis - infection of the internal membranes of the fetus or infection of the amniotic fluid. A similar condition is immediately determined by the results of a smear, since an increased number of leukocytes is found in it. Among other things, there is a high temperature.

Immediately by the end of the term, the yellowish color of the mucus most often indicates that the mucous plug is moving away, and this is considered an early harbinger of childbirth.

Yellowish discharge of different shades

A correctly defined color and character of mucus can help in the diagnosis of a particular pathological process. Transparent or colored, liquid or - signs of completely different diseases or, conversely, the normal course of pregnancy.

Light yellow discharge, odorless

It is light yellow discharge during pregnancy, which does not cause discomfort in a woman, is considered the norm. As mentioned above, they appear naturally due to the processes observed after conception. In particular, this is the production of progesterone and the formation of a mucous plug.

If the mucus acquires a white-yellow hue and becomes abundant, this is often the result of an allergic reaction. A similar phenomenon is almost always accompanied by irritation of the skin or mucous membrane of the external genital organs. In this case, it is necessary to quickly identify the allergen and eliminate its contact with the skin. Most often, allergies appear on scented panty liners, intimate hygiene gels or other skin care products. At the same time, during the bearing of a child, it can appear even on those things that were previously used without hindrance.

Dangerous shades of yellow discharge during pregnancy

Often, in addition to the yellow tint, the sexual secret also has some additional, or after the yellow color gradually switched to a completely different one. In such cases, more often we have to talk about some kind of inflammatory or infectious process.

Let's figure out what else the nature of the sexual secret is and what it may indicate.

  • Bright yellow or orange discharge during pregnancy is one of the most obvious symptoms of inflammation of the ovaries or fallopian tubes. Bacterial infection is also possible.
  • A yellow-green hue appears as a result of some genitourinary diseases. If at the same time there is a characteristic smell of fish, then an urgent examination for infections, especially trichomoniasis and gonorrhea, is necessary. These diseases also cause foaming or purulent discharge during pregnancy. In this case, you can not postpone the visit to the clinic.
  • In some cases, the same shade can speak of different phenomena, both normal and pathological. The difference is only in the period at which it appeared. So, for example, they are perceived by specialists as normal, since they most often talk about the implantation of the fetal egg or minor injuries on the mucous membrane due to increased sensitivity. Later, such a symptom may even indicate a threat of miscarriage, but this should be discussed when it does not go away for a long time or is accompanied by other negative symptoms.
  • Dark yellow discharge during pregnancy should also be paid special attention. They can be the result of exposure to the body of bacterial infections (staphylococcus, streptococcus, gonococcus, E. coli). It often happens that these bacteria were already in the body before pregnancy, but they showed activity after conception.
  • are often a sign of Candida activity. This microorganism is the causative agent of such a common disease as thrush. Pregnant women are quite susceptible to it due to weakened immunity, dysbacteriosis, metabolic disorders, etc.

Each uncharacteristic shade characteristic of any gynecological disease has a number of additional symptoms. When contacting a doctor, you should tell in detail about your condition - this will facilitate the diagnostic process.

Prevention of the appearance of pathological secretions

Increased attention to one's own health has not hurt a single person. In an interesting position, a woman should pay attention to this aspect with even greater willingness. Of course, before conception, it is better to undergo a complete examination, which will exclude the presence of any hidden diseases of the genital area. In the future, it remains only to observe quite ordinary preventive measures:

  1. Observe the rules of personal hygiene. In this case, you need to know the measure. Sometimes too frequent washing with the use of special hygiene products causes vaginal dysbacteriosis, and this, in turn, can trigger another pathological process (for example, thrush).
  2. Carefully select hygiene products. It is advisable during this period to give preference to hypoallergenic items (daily products without fragrances and dyes, unscented gels for intimate hygiene, etc.).
  3. Wear underwear made from natural fabrics. Synthetic products do not allow the skin to breathe, which creates a favorable environment for the reproduction of microorganisms.
  4. Eat right and balanced. Pregnancy is the time when most of the nutrients are used for the normal development of the fetus. The lack of vitamins and minerals can seriously undermine the health of the expectant mother.
  5. Do not overdo it with physical activity and take time to rest. Good rest and sleep not only give strength, but also strengthen the immune system to a person.

From the foregoing, it follows that during pregnancy, yellow discharge can be in both normal and pathological conditions. Correct diagnosis is made up of such aspects as color, consistency of discharge and accompanying symptoms. In any case, it is better to immediately consult a gynecologist about the appearance of uncharacteristic mucus.

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