Syrup to strengthen immunity in a pharmacy. Syrups for children to increase immunity. Syrups to increase immunity in children

Colds and viral diseases affect a child's body 4 times more often than an adult. The incidence is higher among children attending kindergarten, school.

To prevent infection, parents need to take care of increasing the immune status of the baby. To do this, it is enough to give him immunomodulating agents in the autumn-winter period, which will protect the body from pathogenic infections. It can be decoctions, syrups for immunity, prepared for children at home or bought at a pharmacy. The last of these funds, due to the liquid consistency, act faster, taste good, they can be taken from an early age.

Benefits of using syrups for immunity

Syrups that increase the immunity of children are easy to use. They can be taken for several months in a row without harm to the body. Natural components in combination with vegetable sucrose strengthen the immune system, support it during the season of exacerbation of infections. If the child is often sick, he can be given syrup in short courses, but often - alternate 30 days of admission with a month break.

In addition to the safe composition, syrups have the following advantages:

  • a week of taking immunomodulating agents can increase the body's resistance to viral, infectious and colds by 60%;
  • a pleasant sweet taste does not cause disgust, so the child does not need to be forced to take medicine;
  • the composition of homemade syrups can be adjusted if the baby is allergic to any product.

Popular syrups to increase immunity in children

The use of drugs and home remedies in the form of syrups strengthens the immune system, prevents infection of the body with viruses. Popular pharmacy solutions - Strengthening, Bioaron-S, VataMama, Pomogusha, Tsitovir, Pikovit.

Below is an overview of several popular remedies that can be given to babies to strengthen immunity from 6 months.

Rosehip is endowed with a large amount that heals the body and increases the immune status. A suspension of berries can be drunk for the prevention of diseases or as part of a complex treatment for colds (the reception is started when the first symptoms appear).


Vitamins to strengthen immunity for children 6 years old: which ones are better to give

Rosehip syrup for children for immunity can be bought at a pharmacy or prepared as a folk remedy according to the recipe:

  • Grind 1 kg of rose hips in a blender;
  • mix with 1.5 liters of water, put on fire, wait after boiling for 10 minutes;
  • Pour 1 kg of sugar into the boiling mixture, reduce heat and cook for 15 minutes.

The cooled product is filtered through gauze folded in 4-5 layers. Store the suspension in the refrigerator in a glass container.

The remedy is given to children three times a day according to the age dosage:

  • at 6-12 months - a quarter of a teaspoon;
  • 1-3 years - 0.5 small spoon;
  • up to 6 years - 1 teaspoon;
  • from 6 years - 1 tablespoon.

echinacea syrup

An alternative to the previous recipe for immunity is a syrup from. It can be taken with rosehip allergy or individual immunity - children can be given echinacea from 2 years old. The tool is prepared in the same proportions. Contraindicated in diathesis.

Regular use of the mixture:

  • increases mental activity, physical endurance;
  • suppresses signs of dermatitis;
  • prevents the development of colds, viral, inflammatory diseases.

Syrup Bioaron C

The drug is prescribed by pediatricians to raise the immunity of children over 3 years old. Up to 6 years of age, the remedy is given twice a day, after 6-3 times a day. Syrup should be taken half an hour before meals. The duration of the course is from 2 weeks (for the prevention and support of immunity), from a month (during and after the treatment of a cold).

Nature has given us a huge number of plants that have healing medicinal properties. Many of them have long been used for the treatment and prevention of various diseases. One of such useful representatives of the flora is the perennial of the aster family - echinacea, which came to us from the Atlantic coast of North America.

What is the benefit of echinacea?

Due to its beneficial properties, echinacea is now widely cultivated in European countries. This plant, which is an alternative to antibacterial agents, does not require special care, is photophilous, prefers light soil and abundant watering.

A distinctive feature of the perennial is the content of nutrients in all its parts, that is, the stem, flowering, leaves, roots and rhizomes of the plant can be used for medicinal purposes. The most sought-after properties of echinacea in medicine include:

  • Strengthening immunity. The plant helps to strengthen the protective properties of the body, increases resistance to viruses and infections.
  • Antiseptic effect. The plant provides disinfection and destruction of pathogenic microflora through phenolic acid in the composition.
  • cosmetic action. Plant components stimulate internal biological processes, which allows you to achieve a tangible effect.

Medicinal properties

Echinacea is rightly called a panacea for all diseases, because its medicinal properties include:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antirheumatic;
  • diuretic;
  • choleretic;
  • antifungal;
  • antiviral;
  • antiallergic.

Due to its huge medicinal potential and wide spectrum of action, the plant is often used:

  • for the treatment and prevention of acute and chronic respiratory diseases of viral etiology, influenza;
  • in the complex therapy of inflammatory and infectious diseases;
  • with prolonged antibiotic therapy;
  • to relieve mental and physical overwork, fight depression;
  • for the treatment of diseases caused by impaired metabolism;
  • to combat leukopenia provoked by radiation or the use of cytostatics;
  • in order to maintain the body in the postoperative period, with long-term therapeutic courses using antibiotics, during chemotherapy;
  • to relieve headache and joint pain;
  • in the complex therapy of skin pathologies.

Strengthening immunity

The main reason why echinacea is used in therapeutic practice and added to many preparations is to strengthen the immune system. This ability is determined by the chemical composition, rich in:

  • tannins;
  • essential oils;
  • fatty organic acids;
  • phytosterols;
  • alkaloids.

The use of echinacea is relevant at the initial stage of colds and flu. If you include a plant extract in the general treatment regimen, then the effectiveness of the latter increases by 20-40%. This perennial is an excellent prevention of acute respiratory infections and seasonal diseases, as it activates the immune system.

Age restrictions

Echinacea for children is most often used as a means of strengthening immunity, especially for those children who attend kindergarten and school. There are several opinions regarding the question of at what age echinacea can be given to a child. In folk medicine, it is believed that tinctures or tea with the addition of this plant can be given to children from the age of 1. In classical medical practice, doctors prefer to stick to other terms.

Children are also suitable options for drugs in the form of syrup, decoction or tea. Alcohol tincture up to 7 years of age can only be used externally to treat damaged skin.

Gummi King dietary supplement with echinacea, vitamin C and zinc for children from 2 years old

Instructions for use for children

There is a huge variety of drugs based on echinacea, available in different forms:

  • tincture;
  • syrup;
  • decoction;
  • drops;
  • tea (see also:);
  • chewable tablets;
  • lozenges.

Depending on the purpose and form of release, the duration of the course and dosage are determined. As with any medicine, take Echinacea as directed.

Alcohol tincture

Alcohol tinctures of this plant have a wide range of applications. They are used for:

  • increase immunity for colds and flu;
  • treatment of stomatitis;
  • in the complex therapy of gastric ulcer;
  • therapy for infectious diseases of the urinary tract.
  • combat obesity.

Since tinctures are prepared with alcohol, they are allowed to be taken orally from the age of 12 (some manufacturers indicate children under 18 years of age in the list of contraindications). The course lasts 10 days, during which you need to drink 5-10 drops of tincture up to 3 times a day.

Externally, the agent is used in a diluted form for compresses and the treatment of wounds, abscesses and other injuries. To do this, 10-30 drops of tincture are diluted in 50 ml of saline. Procedures are carried out several times a day.

Syrup with chokeberry juice

Despite the absence of alcohol in the composition of the syrup, it is recommended for use from the age of 14 (due to the lack of clinical data). The dietary supplement has a pleasant taste, so there should be no problems with the desire of the child to drink the medicine. The syrup can be used as an antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal property, and in order to strengthen the immune system.

According to the instructions, it should be given to the child for at least 2 weeks. 1 tsp syrup is diluted in 100 ml of water and taken 3 times a day with meals.


Another option for using echinacea is decoctions. They are prescribed for:

  • flu and colds;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • cough;
  • headache and joint pain;
  • edema.

In addition, the use of decoctions improves vision, increases appetite, normalizes blood pressure, and also tones and strengthens the body. When using a decoction, lotions are applied externally to places damaged as a result of psoriasis, a snake or insect bite, streptococcal infection.

Inside the prepared decoction is taken 1/3 cup three times a day. Reception is carried out before meals. The recipe for a decoction is very simple: you need to pour 1 teaspoon of dry or fresh leaves of the plant with 200 ml of water, heat for half an hour in a water bath, then insist and strain.

Chewable tablets

Dietary supplement Natural Dynamix with echinacea, vitamin C and zinc, allowed for children from 4 years old

Such preparations are a complex of vitamins and minerals, among which there is also echinacea extract. Such funds are produced in the form of chewing sweets, which have a sweet pleasant taste, which kids always like. The limitation for the use of such vitamin complexes is the age of up to 2-4 years (depending on the manufacturer).

Most often they are prescribed to children as preventive measures aimed at preventing infectious and viral diseases. To do this, they should be taken within 7 days, 2 pieces per day.


Tablets Natur Produkt

Echinacea in the form of lozenges is used for the treatment of children only on the prescription of a pediatrician. Usually the therapeutic course lasts about a week. The instructions for the drug indicate that the medicine is allowed only from the age of 12: take 1 tablet 3-4 times a day.

Contraindications to the use of the drug

Despite all the benefits of echinacea and its use in the treatment of various diseases of any etiology in both adults and children, there are a number of conditions and restrictions in which the use of this plant is contraindicated. Among these contraindications:

  • Children's age: up to 2-4 years for chewable tablets, up to 12 years - for other forms of the drug.
  • Individual intolerance. Grass very rarely causes allergic reactions, especially in severe form. However, echinacea allergies are more common among asthmatics and people who are hypersensitive to members of the Compositae family, such as chamomile or ragweed.
  • Autoimmune and systemic diseases. These include lupus erythematosus, multiple sclerosis, HIV infection, AIDS, tuberculosis, and leukemia. In these diseases, immune functions are impaired, and taking immunomodulators, such as echinacea, can only aggravate the symptoms.
  • Pregnancy and lactation period.

Also, drugs with this perennial are not recommended to be taken simultaneously with drugs that suppress the immune system, for example, corticosteroids, cyclosporine, cytokines. Long-term use longer than 10 days is also contraindicated. It is better to take a short break of 3-4 days and repeat the course.

Immunity is the body's ability to resist various infections. Immunity is the result of the immune system and is formed in the process of its interaction with various microbes or their fragments. In children, immunity has a number of features and disadvantages that make children more susceptible to many infections. An increase in immunity is necessary in all cases of immunodeficiency (decrease in the level of the immune system). In children, the causes of immunodeficiency can be: malnutrition, stress, hypovitaminosis, chronic diseases of internal organs. To stimulate immunity in children, nutrition correction, hardening, treatment with multivitamin and immunosupplements are carried out.


Any modern mother knows that a child's immunity is the ability of his body to resist various infections. In turn, immunodeficiency is a lack of immunity, as a result of which children become susceptible to a number of infections. Features of immunity in children The reasons why the activity of the child's immune system fails can be different: stress, poor living conditions, malnutrition, lack of vitamins, chronic diseases of internal organs. The immune system can be stimulated; to this end, pediatricians recommend that mothers harden their babies, balance their diet, give them multivitamins and immunostimulants in the autumn-winter period ...

A MAGAZINE for those who want to strengthen the immunity of children - those who are against drugs - those by!

I learned from a doctor who works with children in kindergarten! here are preparations for raising immunity, I am writing to those mothers who no longer know what to do, because the child often gets sick: 1. imunal, echinacea, eleotherococcus-course, some of them , marmalade, gel) - a course of one of them 3. Bronchomunal P, bronhovexon, anaferon - a course of one of them Take everything according to the schemes throughout the year

The realities of modern life are such that we have to think about immunity, immune disorders, etc. very often. This topic becomes even more disturbing when it comes to children's immunity and how it can be strengthened. Of course, there are reasons for such fears: environmental degradation, not very healthy nutrition, as well as violation of the regime.

If we also take into account that we and our children are constantly attacked by viruses, bacteria and fungal infections, then the conversation about immunity is very relevant. So, in this material we will talk about how you can improve the health of a child with a syrup for children for immunity.

Echinacea syrup to strengthen the child's immunity

What are the best ways to boost your immune system? The best protection in this case is to strengthen the susceptibility to foreign bacteria and viruses. Most parents are skeptical about chemicals used to boost immunity.

However, you can use natural remedies known to our grandmothers, they are effective and safe for children's health. Such proven medicines include echinacea syrup. This is one of the most effective drugs for strengthening the immune system of a child, featuring a rather impressive list of useful properties. Despite the fact that echinacea syrup practically does not cause allergies and is generally safe for the child's body, you should consult a doctor before using it.

Echinacea, a plant belonging to the Asteraceae family, has been used by both traditional doctors and folk healers since ancient times. The effect of taking this drug is expressed in an increase in immunity, an increase in the activity of macrophages (cells that are active against pathogenic bacteria).

In addition, echinacea syrup has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal effects, increases the body's defenses in the postoperative period and after a serious illness. Immunity syrup for children is very useful.

It increases resistance to infectious diseases, softens cough and improves the general condition in case of bronchitis, compensates for the lack of vitamin B, and removes heavy metal salts from the body.

Medicinal properties of echinacea

The drug has a pronounced antiviral effect, its action is to destroy the bonds between microbes and cells. In addition, the syrup potentiates an increase in the content of lymphocytes and neutrophils, the main function of which is to protect the body.

Echinacea also contains active substances that take part in the process of cell membrane repair and help in wound healing. In addition, the presence of certain components in the composition of the syrup enhances the production of interferon, which significantly increases the body's ability to resist infections.

Also, echinacea is a storehouse of essential oils that slow down the growth of certain pathogenic bacteria. Many experts believe that syrup for children for immunity also has a powerful antioxidant and anti-cancer effect.

Indications for use

This tool is indicated for use in:

  • chronic fatigue syndrome,
  • depression,
  • inflammatory diseases of the hearing and upper respiratory tract,
  • decreased immunity of the skin,
  • purulent infections,
  • ulcers
  • furunculosis,
  • old non-healing wounds,
  • burns.

In addition, the syrup is used for tonsillitis, pharyngitis and stomatitis.


Children are prescribed syrup, as a rule, from the age of two, in exceptional cases from one year. The syrup is contraindicated for use in babies who have allergies, because it contains a large amount of sugar.

The syrup is produced in bottles of 50 and 100 ml. In addition to echinacea extract, it contains some sugar, distilled water and preservatives.

Adolescents over the age of 12 take the drug one tablespoon twice a day. Children from 3 to 12 years old are prescribed one teaspoon twice a day. Babies under 3 years old receive 3-4 drops of syrup in a dessert spoon with water also twice a day.

In what cases should you not drink syrup to increase immunity in children?


Echinacea syrup is well tolerated by the child's body, but contraindications still exist. These include cases of individual intolerance to the drug, the presence of autoimmune diseases (AIDS, cancer, tuberculosis). In addition, this drug should not be used in combination with other immunostimulants.

Consider the most popular syrups for children for immunity.


The syrup is available in 100 ml dark glass bottles. This drug to strengthen the immune system is used in children from 3 years. The composition of this medicinal product includes sugar, an extract of a mixture of plant materials (sea buckthorn leaves, rose hips, nettle leaves, pharmacy calendula flowers, infusion of black currant fruits, propolis, citric acid).

How is this syrup useful for boosting immunity in children?

Medicinal properties of syrup "Help"

The drug has an immunostimulating effect, and also has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antiviral properties. Such a wide range of effects is due to the components of the drug, each of which has a very strong effect on the body.

Also, Pomogusha helps to improve metabolism, increase the body's resistance to infectious diseases. In addition, the drug helps to restore the body's strength, has a tonic and vascular strengthening effect, promotes tissue regeneration and replenishment of vitamins (C, A, E) in the body. Potentiates the absorption of vitamin A and D3.

This medicinal immunomodulatory drug is recommended by experts as a prophylactic agent for restoring immunity, as well as a supplier of vitamins and microelements. Contraindication for use may be individual intolerance to the components of the drug. The advantages of this syrup include the fact that it does not contain flavors, dyes and alcohol. That's why kids like him so much. Reviews of rosehip syrup for immunity abound.


Children from 3 to 11 years old can receive the drug at a dosage of 10 ml or 2 teaspoons per day. Adolescents from 11 to 14 years old are prescribed 15 ml or 3 teaspoons per day. The medicine can be taken with non-hot tea or mineral water. The duration of the course of treatment is two weeks. Reception is recommended to be repeated after 7 days to consolidate the effect.

Reviews of the syrup to strengthen the immune system for children

According to the reviews of mothers who gave these funds, they are good immunostimulating drugs. Both echinacea syrup and Pomogusha rosehip syrup cope with their task, helping to strengthen and restore immunity. If you have mild symptoms of a cold (sneezing, runny nose), taking these medicines helps to quickly deal with them. The effect of the course intake of immunomodulating agents persists for quite a long time, up to several months. The pleasant taste is also a plus, this is important when the child is small and does not want to take a tasteless drug. How to give rosehip syrup to children for immunity?

Many parents begin to give immunomodulating agents at the moment when the child begins to go to kindergarten and, accordingly, begins to get sick often. According to the results of taking these drugs, parents talk about a positive effect, children get sick much less, and if they get sick, the recovery process is much faster and easier.

Some mothers note the excessive sweetness of the Pomogusha syrup, perhaps this is the only drawback. As positive aspects, the low price of these medicines is noted, which is important for many parents.

Syrup for immunity for children from Siberian Health

Syrup "VitaMama" is designed to improve the health of the child. This is the living power of berries, fruits and medicinal plants, which are so necessary for every adult and child. The medicine is based on natural extracts and berry juice, it does not contain artificial preservatives and dyes.

A general tonic and a source of natural vitamins to increase the body's defenses. Thanks to it, the condition of the respiratory organs improves and the prevention and treatment of colds, as well as acute and chronic respiratory diseases in children from three to twelve years old, is carried out.

Ingredients: echinacea herb, rose hips, raspberry leaves, thyme herb, coltsfoot leaves, cherry concentrate, fructose.

In the life of each of us one day there are those events that greatly change our lives. And I am no exception. This is what I want to tell others. It was 2006 at the time. I was 27 years old. I have been married for 3 years, but we have not had children yet. I worked for a large company as an accountant. I calculated the salary for the entire company. And the moment came when I was charged with a very large amount of work.

My 16 year old brother got a girlfriend. And then I accidentally overheard their conversation. My brother gathered to visit his passion and my husband gives him instructions. Husband - “When you come to her house, immediately ask to go to the toilet, do not be shy. And look under the toilet lid. If you find out you know what, then safely get off the slut and erase her phone number.

First of all, the use of dietary supplements is the prevention, prevention of diseases and the elimination of the consequences of drug treatment. The essence of prevention is to raise a child strong, strong, hardy, so that he lives happily in his later life.

As a rule, our diet is not balanced in terms of the main food ingredients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates), vitamins and microelements, which is very critical for the child's body, especially during critical age periods - this is the first year of life and puberty (11-15 years ), due to intensive growth, rapid development, the formation of all organs and systems. During these periods, the use of dietary supplements not only provides a complete correction for vitamins and microelements, which occurs with the use of conventional vitamins, but, unlike them, contains essential amino acids that are not found in conventional products.

Dosage of dietary supplements for children.

The optimal dosage of dietary supplements depends on the age of the child, his weight and the severity of the disease.

Dosage depending on age and body weight.

In children, the dosage is prescribed at the rate of 0.1 g per 1 kg. body weight or 1 g per 10 kg. weight.

For example, the daily dosage of the Lymphosan phytosorption complex for a child aged 1 year and weighing 10 kg. will be 1 g (1 coffee spoon). For a 7 year old child weighing 30 kg. the daily dose will be 3 g (1 teaspoon).

Newborn babies(up to 1 month) the appointment of dietary supplements is made with great care. The best is to prescribe supplements to a nursing mother. Children of the first year of life are allowed a slight increase in daily normalization due to the fact that they have a larger amount of extracellular fluid 37% versus 17.5 in adults.

School children are in a growth stage. At this age, individual dosing of dietary supplements is necessary. In this case, the dosage is usually lower than in adults by 20-25%.

Dosage depending on the severity of the lesion.

In the acute period of the disease it is permissible to increase the dosage several times. For example, in acute respiratory disease (ARI) in a 5-year-old child, Epam-7 was used in the first two days of the disease at a dosage of 1 drop per year of life (5 drops) every 40 minutes. This gave an improvement in well-being, a decrease in temperature from 38.8 to 37 degrees C, decreased lacrimation, nasal congestion, and sore throat when swallowing.

For disease prevention increasing the dose above the prophylactic is impractical. Here, the duration of application is much more important: courses from 3-4 months.

Ways to use dietary supplements for children.

Children up to a year It is not recommended to give dietary supplements in the form of tablets, dry powder, capsules. They need to take liquid supplements. For example, the daily dosage of Epam is diluted with warm water and given throughout the day 30-40 minutes before feeding. The powder of the "Natural Inulin Complex" ("PIK") is given in the form of a suspension at the rate of 20 mg per 1 kg of the child's weight.

Preschool children it is convenient to give dietary supplements in the form of herbal tea, tablets, capsules. They willingly take the powder "Limfosan" in dry form, washing it down with water. They take honey-based supplements "Apivit", "Enterovit" very well. If necessary, it is permissible to use products such as Vitacalcium, NovoMin in young children, pouring out the contents of the capsules (with juice, water or milk drink).

Dietary supplement compatibility.

Much better results are given by the appointment of 2 dietary supplements at the same time. In this case, it is advisable to reduce the dosage of each additive by 2 times.

Various dietary supplements are taken at intervals of 1.5-2 hours. Optimal prescription schemes: "Limfosan" + "Epam", "Limfosan" + "Adaptovit".

It is not advisable to simultaneously prescribe 2 dietary supplements containing dietary fiber (“Lymphosans”) or 2 different adaptogens.

All dietary supplements are fully compatible with medicines and dosage forms. A particularly important property of dietary supplements is the removal of the toxic effect of drugs. Thanks to the use of dietary supplements, after the onset of a stable improvement, it is possible to reduce the dosage of drugs. This should be done only in accordance with the recommendations of the attending physician. It is important to remember that the need of a sick child to take any means is decided individually, it is better to consult a doctor. For some diseases, there are contraindications, individual reactions to some components are possible - we must not forget about this!

First year of life.
The intake of the necessary substances by the child occurs with mother's milk, therefore, first of all, a subsidy is needed for a nursing mother (the use of dietary supplements for food during breastfeeding)
Herbal teas: Kuril Sai, Aminay Em, Shadite Noir 20-50 ml. appointment
Various modifications of EPAM 1 drop per 10-20 ml. water, frequency depending on the situation, on average 3-4 times a day
PIK (Natural Inulin Concentrate) In the form of an infusion (1-2 g per 20-30 ml of water)
2-3 years VitaMama dragee and syrup 0.5 teaspoon
PEAK 1/3 teaspoon
herbal teas 50-100 ml.
Adaptovit 3-5 ml.
Epam 1 drop per year of life
4-7 years old NovoMin 2-3 capsules per day
Vitacalcium 1 capsule
VitaMagnesium 1-2 capsules
VitaMama syrup and dragee 1 teaspoon
VitaMama dragee "Mumiyoshka"
VitaMama dragee "Topivit" 2 to 6 tablets per day in the morning and evening 30 minutes before meals
Balms "Siberian propolis" 1 teaspoon
1-2 teaspoons
herbal teas 100-150 ml
7-12 years old NovoMin 4-6 capsules per day
Rhythms of Health according to the scheme
VitaMama dragee "Mumiyoshka" daily for 2-4 tsp. (10-20 g)
VitaMama dragee "Topivishka" 5-10 tablets per day in the morning and evening 30 minutes before meals
Healing honeys of the Medina series: Apivit, Hepatovit 1-2 teaspoons
Living cell-2.7 according to the scheme
Balms of the Siberian Propolis series 1 teaspoon
Vitacinc, Vitaselen, Vitaiod 1 capsule per day
Limfosan-M, Enriched Limfosan 1 teaspoon
Carnitrine 1-2 capsules per day

Disease prevention.

Tendency to food allergies, dysbacteriosis Trigelm, Sources of purity, Agate balm, Epam11, herbal teas Kuril Sai, Aminai Em, Clear Lake, Adaptovit, Mumiyoshka, PIK
Iron-deficiency anemia Trigelm, Sources of purity, VitaFerrum, Epam11, herbal teas Kuril Sai, Aminay em, Sagan Dalya, NovoMin, Adaptovit, PIK, Pantoral
Bronchial asthma, bronchitis Sources of purity, Omegard-3, Adaptovit, herbal tea Aminay em, Flexible onion, Pure Lake, PIK, NovoMin
Gastritis, biliary dyskinesia, duodinitis Sources of purity, Omega3, Karoferol, PIK, Epam4, herbal teas - Kuril sai, Aminay em, Pantoral, Live cell 4, VitaZinc, Lymphosan basic and "G"
Sleep disturbance, hyperactivity Rhythms of health, Living cell 4, Vitamagnesium, Epam1000, herbal tea Shedite noir, Grass of life, Lymphosan G
Frequent SARS Sources of Purity, Solo-3, Peak, Apivit, Epam7, Adaptovit, VitaMama Syrup, Zinc, Selenium, Silver Balm, NovoMin, Pantoral, Health Rhythms, Basic Lymphosan
Insufficient physical development VitaCalcium, VitaZinc, PIK, Adaptovit, Vitamama Dragee, NovoMin, Omega-3, Selenium, Pantoral
Speech delay, learning difficulties Living Cell-2, Epam1000, Adaptovit, Vitaiod, Health Rhythms, Zinc
Decreased vision EPAM-1000, Living cell-2, 7, Adaptovit, Limfosan G
Rapid fatigue, impaired attention EPAM-1000, Rhythms of health, VitaFerrum, Cedar lecithin, Adaptovit, Novomin, VitaGermanium
When playing sports Health Rhythms, Carnitrin, Omegard-3, Chromlipase, Adaptovit, NovoMin, VitaCalcium, VitaZinc, VitaMagnesium
Regular courses (4 times a year) Sources of purity, Peak or Lymphosan basic, Adaptovit, VitaMama Dragee or Health Rhythms
Before summer and after winter Trigelm - at least 2 times a year

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Added to the diet and used constantly Omega oils, periodically Epam-11 (GIT) and Epam-7 (immunity). If they saw manifestations of a cold, they used Epam-900. These products were our companions until our little one was one year old. The result is a very active healthy child. At five months she crawls, she started to walk with her legs at nine months (my mother was a year and two months old, and my father was a very sick and frail child), at the year she began to talk. Tanya always seemed older than her peers and sensible beyond her years. After the child turned one year old, we added Vitamama Immunity Syrup to the diet, we eat Omega-3 constantly, sometimes we give Omega-6 - they are very useful for mental development and in general for every cell of our body. Our oils are in capsules, but we love to chew them.

When I learned to chew, and not swallow, dragees, they began to alternately give Mumiyoshka, Topivishka, and now also Vitaminka - for the full introduction of all the necessary microelements into the body, since our modern diet is almost devoid of this. From the age of three, Tanya learned to swallow capsules, and now, during periods when there are sick people around, we give Formula-3 Antioxidants and Zinc. If you suddenly get sick, we eat Apivit, Silver Balm and, of course, Novomin (1 caps per year of life 3 times a day, with improvement in well-being 1 time per day). By the way, we do not get sick for long, and there have never been any complications. For the prevention of super-activity and excitability, we periodically use Magnesium. Outside, we use our entire Zhivinka series for care.

And if necessary, the child already knows when to anoint the Root, and does it herself - she smears all her bruises and bruises, and even her tummy, if it hurts. He likes to rinse his mouth and neck with the Magician (even undiluted when he is sick). We apply the Secret of the healer to the wounds. The child has never been allergic to any product. When a reaction to food occurs in the form of peeling and dryness on the tummy and buttocks, we use PIK, Epam-11, and our new super-product Elbifid helps very well (all manifestations disappear in 2-3 days). Outside, we use our baby creams, oils and Velvet mask.

Today our Tanya is a product of Siberian Health, an active, sociable, intelligent, healthy and physically developed child. Six hours of walking in the heat around the Zoo - nothing - it rushes up the stairs (who knows - in Krasnoyarsk from the exit to the road), as if she were not 4 years old, but 14, I can’t catch up with her. Or in the evening he flops in the country and under the fountain and in the water, freezes, his teeth are already chattering, I think he will get sick, no, nothing. Ice cream will gobble up smartly - if you don’t see it - the neck is rinsed with the Magician, and everything is fine. I am very glad that to help our family there are such wonderful funds from the Siberian Health Corporation for the health of the smallest member of our family.

Care products are safe. Products of internal action - tasty, useful and effective. This is our experience with the company's range and is by no means a recommendation. Everything is individual. And only everyone has the right to make a decision for the health of their own and their loved ones. And we made this decision. Thank you company! Be healthy with Siberian Health!

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  • Why Siberian Health?
  • Compositions and application of products of the Vitamama series from Siberian Health

Delicious home-made drinks will help to increase the body's resistance to colds and viral diseases without resorting to expensive dietary supplements and medicines. In order to charge large and small households with health and vigor, it is worth a little magic in the kitchen. After all, there are many recipes with the simplest and most affordable ingredients, not difficult to perform, but very tasty and containing all the necessary vitamins and substances.

Kvass and teas, compotes and jelly, infusions and potions, syrups and smoothies for immunity - from such a variety, everyone will choose what he likes. The only secret of healthy vitamin drinks is in proper preparation:

  • Kvass is prepared for a long time, because the basis of their recipes is the fermentation process.
  • Fruit drinks are easy to make and are made by diluting berry or fruit juice with water.
  • Compotes are cooked from fruits and berries, because of boiling they retain less useful properties.
  • According to the cooking technology, a decoction is very similar to compote. The only difference is that in the decoction, the roots and leaves of plants are most often used, and not the fruits and berries.
  • Syrups are concentrates. They are made by mixing fruit or berry juices with a strong sugar solution. Syrup for immunity is stored in the refrigerator for a long time, since sugar acts as a preservative.
  • If you squeeze the fruits, berries or roots of plants, you get juice to increase immunity. It is drunk both in its natural form and with the addition of sweeteners.
  • Tea, in addition to the usual black, green and red, can be herbal, fruit and berry. There are many more useful properties in such teas, which is why older people love them so much.
  • The role of kefir in maintaining the body's immune defenses cannot be underestimated. it favorably affects the intestinal microflora.
  • Infusions, like fruit drinks, are prepared without boiling, but in hot water. The infusion takes a long time to prepare. Some drinks stand from 3 hours to several days.
  • Nutritious and delicious cocktails. Even a child can cope with their preparation, because the process is very exciting and simple. Using the most ordinary products, fantasize - and your immunity cocktail will be appreciated by friends and relatives.

The benefits and harms of vitamin drinks

In order for all organs to work properly, a person is vigorous and energetic, he needs vitamins and nutrients in sufficient quantities. You can get them with proper nutrition or with the help of special supplements. Drinks to boost immunity replenish the missing vitamins in the body without damage to the wallet. Their presence in the diet allows:

  1. increase the body's resistance to viruses and colds;
  2. improve appetite;
  3. strengthen teeth, nails and hair;
  4. improve the appearance of the skin;
  5. fill the body with energy and increase efficiency.

These properties are especially important in late autumn, winter and spring, when there are few natural vitamins in food.

However, when making vitamin drinks, it is important not to overdo it so that natural medicines do not turn into harm. Some components, although they have many benefits, are contraindicated in certain diseases, therefore, you should not mindlessly get carried away with this or that product, not knowing its properties.

The main contraindications of drinks for immunity are:

  1. Allergy to a certain product. Symptoms such as stomach problems, itching, sneezing, watery eyes should alert. In this case, it is better to refuse the allergen and consult a doctor.
  2. An overdose of any vitamin. If the body has enough of a certain vitamin or substance, then its additional intake in large doses can lead to an overdose.
  3. In addition, substances tend to accumulate in the body, which can also adversely affect health over time. Therefore, when drinking vitamin drinks, it is advisable to alternate their components, and not get carried away with the same composition for a long time. Signs of hypervitaminosis are very different: headaches, nausea, drowsiness, peeling of the skin, rash, high blood pressure.
  4. Not all products are useful for pregnant women and young children. So, with caution you need to take ginseng, ginger, cranberries.
  5. Chronic diseases. Almost all useful products affect the functioning of various organs, so people with chronic diseases of the heart, blood vessels, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver should be careful about vitamin drinks and study in detail the properties of the main components.

How to prepare drinks for immunity?

There are a huge number of recipes for making a drink for immunity. Most of them do not require special skills, and are available to almost all people. Consider the most popular of them.

Turmeric with milk

Turmeric is an inexpensive and common spice. Its beneficial properties are known and widely used in traditional medicine. Turmeric is good for the immune system, joints and circulatory system. This spice is made from the tumeric plant, which has a strong anti-inflammatory effect and is used as an antioxidant.

The simplest and most delicious recipe is a turmeric drink for immunity in combination with milk.

First, prepare the mixture:

  1. a third cup of ground turmeric;
  2. two thirds of a glass of water.

We stir the turmeric in water, put the resulting mixture on medium heat and heat for about 10 minutes. In the process of stirring, the mixture will thicken and become like a paste, remove from heat, cool. The shelf life of this blank in the refrigerator is up to 30 days.

As needed, 1-2 teaspoons of the mixture are diluted in a glass of warm milk. If desired, you can add honey, but in this case the milk should not be too hot, otherwise the honey from a healthy product will turn into poison. The optimum temperature is 30-40°.

For those who do not like honey and milk, the mixture can simply be diluted with boiled water.

Take a drink in a glass once a day, immediately or divided into several doses.

Important! Turmeric removes fluid from the body, so drink more water or decoctions of linden, wild rose, chamomile while taking it. The beneficial properties of these plants will give an additional effect in the fight against colds.

Watch the video on how to make a turmeric drink with milk:

ginger teas

For those who love tea with milk:

  1. take the root of fresh ginger (medium, 50-60 grams);
  2. finely chopped;
  3. boil a glass of water;
  4. add ginger and cook for 10 minutes;
  5. add two cups of milk, cook for another 5 minutes.

If you don't like milk, use a fruit recipe. It includes:

  1. a large spoonful of freshly ground ginger;
  2. citrus peel (orange, lemon);
  3. dried apples (a handful);
  4. cinnamon (stick);
  5. star anise (asterisk);
  6. honey or orange juice to taste;
  7. tea (green or black).

Boil a liter of water, add ginger, zest, apples and spices. Warm on low heat for 5 minutes and remove. Pour in tea, let it brew and cool slightly under the lid, then add honey and orange juice (optional). Pour into cups through a strainer.

Carefully! Do not use ginger for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, high temperature and pressure, bleeding. It is better to refrain from this drink for pregnant women.

Lemon kvass and kissel

Many people know how to make traditional lemonade, but kvass and jelly are not so common.

To make kvass from lemon, you need 130 grams of sugar, the same amount of grated lemon, three liters of water, 30 grams of yeast and raisins.

  1. Sugar is diluted in water and boiled;
  2. let's cool down;
  3. add yeast, raisins and lemon;
  4. we stand in a cool place for three days;
  5. immune cocktail is ready!

Lemon jelly cooks much faster:

  1. grind on a grater two or three lemons;
  2. squeeze the juice, separate the zest;
  3. dilute half a glass of starch with the same amount of cold water;
  4. dissolve a glass of sugar in one and a half liters of water, bring to a boil;
  5. add citrus zest, cook for 10 minutes;
  6. we filter;
  7. pour lemon juice into the syrup and bring to a boil again;
  8. Pour in starch, stir until the jelly thickens, and remove from heat.

Cranberry juice

Cranberry well brings down the temperature, removes toxins after illness and, due to the high content of vitamins, strengthens the immune system.

Cranberry fruit drinks are useful for both adults and children over 3 years old.

Important! The benefits of this berry are lost when boiled, so before preparing a fruit drink, the berry must be squeezed out.

Classic morse:

  1. squeeze the juice from a glass of cranberries through gauze or a very fine sieve;
  2. boil a liter of water and cool to a warm state;
  3. add squeezed juice and sweetener (sugar, honey);
  4. wrap the container with a fruit drink with a towel and leave to cool and infuse for a couple of hours.

Cranberry juice for the lazy:

  1. kill a kilogram of cranberries with 700 grams of sugar in a blender or pass through a meat grinder;
  2. store the resulting semi-finished product in the refrigerator, if necessary, dilute the required amount with boiled water or tea.

Rosehip decoction

Rose hips are useful for immunity, first of all, vitamin C, which is 40 times more in these fruits than in lemons. Therefore, like cranberries, rose hips should not be boiled. This fragile vitamin cannot withstand temperatures above 80º and loses its benefits.

To prepare the decoction, it is necessary to carefully select the berries, they must be dry, but not overdried (do not crumble), without gray coating and excess debris.

Berries for decoction are stored in a well-ventilated dark place.

To prepare a decoction, you need:

  1. Take 4 large spoons of wild rose per liter of water.
  2. Boil water and cool slightly.
  3. Fall asleep wild rose.
  4. The container with the decoction should be well wrapped and set to cool and steam very slowly, at least 3 hours.
  5. Strain the resulting broth.

The decoction can be stored in the refrigerator for about three days.

Immune drinks for kids

From the moment babies are weaned from the breast or during artificial feeding, it is very important to increase the immunity of children, since mother's milk ceases to protect the children's body. At the same time, at this age, the likelihood of allergic reactions is high, so it is better to introduce even the most useful products in small quantities.

Also, you should not give pure squeezed juices, it is better to dilute them in the form of a fruit drink. Ginger, honey, lingonberries, cranberries, raspberries - you should not give them at an early age. Such products in the diet of children should appear after 3 years.

But viburnum berries, on the contrary, are very useful and have hypoallergenic properties. Children from six months can be given not strong drinks to increase immunity - compotes and fruit drinks, but after a year juices, mousses, kissels and the berries themselves diluted with water.

Nature gives man access to the natural reserves of all the necessary substances. The main thing is to be able to use them correctly and in moderation, then health, strength and beauty will be preserved for many years.

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