Maksimov shock dynamic massage training. Shock-dynamic massage. First meeting…. What happens in the body

The main principle of this massage is a deep vibrational effect on tissues, blood vessels, ligaments, muscles, as well as deep heating. This activates blood circulation, lymph flow, the movement of all fluid in the body. Muscle spasm is removed, innervation is restored.

Shock-motor massage is mainly used in combination with vacuum therapy, hirudo- and apitherapy for chronic diseases of the peripheral nervous system, spinal osteochondrosis of any localization, injuries of peripheral nerves, bronchitis, joint diseases, neuroses, infertility, impotence.

There are contraindications: first of all, pregnancy, myocardial infarction, malignant neoplasms, epilepsy, acute inflammatory processes and infectious diseases, varicose veins.

Most diseases begin with repeated local vascular and metabolic disorders caused by extreme and repeated stimuli of stress-sensitive intercellular receptors.

Stress factors: heat, cold, fluctuations in atmospheric pressure, fluctuations in the geomagnetic field, injuries, microbes, fatigue, psycho-emotional stress.

Long-term muscle spasm causes ischemia (lack of arterial blood flow) to tissue sites. The resulting acidosis (acidification) in the tissues and the accumulation of intercellular metabolic products cause irritation of pain receptors with the formation of pain syndrome.

The resulting tissue hypoxia causes the development of interstitial edema, which is the cause of pain myofascial syndrome.

In addition, biologically active substances (BAS) accumulating in the tissues, in particular kinins, significantly increase the pain syndrome. In addition, accumulating over a long period of time, biologically active substances (BAS) can cause an inflammatory process in a particular area of ​​skeletal tissues. Tissues with impaired blood circulation become sources of cytokinins in their own right.

Congestive ischemic soft tissue disease includes the majority of diseases of the musculoskeletal system associated with hemo-lymphodinamics disorders, which lead to degenerative changes in the spine, joints of the upper and lower extremities. In the clinic, such diseases are considered as muscle pain syndromes, compression-ischemic neuropathies of the sciatic, tibial and peroneal nerves, tunnel syndrome of the tarsal region, Morton's metatarsalgia, stenosolia, obliterating endarteritis, arthrosis, post-traumatic changes in the joints, etc.

Blows (pats) + vacuum - loosening of coarse, dense conglomerates of tissue formations with a break in their macro- and micromolecular bonds, which occurs due to local metabolic microexplosions - an instant release of many mediators and hormones (histamine, serotonin, prostaglandins, brabikinin, kinins, etc. ), the synthesis of nitric oxide. Phagocytosis is activated. The interaction of cells of the inflammatory infiltrate (macrophage - lymphocyte) triggers the body's immune defense system.

There is a normalization of impaired hemodynamics, activation of tissue cellular elements - fibroblasts, macrophages - the main participants in the regenerative-reparative reaction in the area of ​​damage.

Shock-dynamic massage contributes to:

  • Normalization of the functions of the nervous system.
  • Improving blood flow and lymph flow.
  • Activation of local metabolism.
  • Excretion from the body of acid metabolites and other substances that cause pain.
  • Reduced spasm of local blood vessels and smooth muscles.
  • Elimination of symptoms of compression of peripheral nerves.
  • Normalization of high blood pressure.
  • Decreased arterial pH.
  • Activation of tissue oxygenation.
  • Restoration and increase of physical and mental performance.
  • Elimination of pain syndrome in radiculitis, myositis, osteochondrosis, etc.
  • Strengthening the urinary function of the kidneys and the output of various salts in the urine.
  • Analgesic effect due to the release of endogenous opiates and serotonin.
  • The emergence of extravasates (biologically active substances that stimulate the adaptive-trophic function).
  • Restoration of the work of internal organs: chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, gastritis, colitis, constipation, acute respiratory infections, influenza, etc.

So many years have passed since the seminar on percussive-dynamic massage (UDM), and we do not cease to be grateful to fate for UDM.

This technique is present in our practice regularly.

If you need to work out particularly tight areas of the body, in which the tension sits especially deep, and which are not amenable to any other techniques, then UDM does this quickly and efficiently.

But of course, it is very important to combine such a radical technique with other massage techniques, bodily practices, nutritional adjustments and psychological work.
We are for a holistic approach to health.

Here's how our learning process went :)

We went through a simply fantastic course with Georgy Nikolaevich Maksimov - a course that is called “Percussion-Dynamic Massage”.
Knowledge, as well as impressions and sensations - a lot! :)

The technique is as follows - it is spanking parts of the body with the palm of your hand with a special setting of the palm and different impact forces, as well as the active use of cupping effects, both dynamic and static.
By the way, the technique is quite radical, with a masculine character :)

At the beginning of the seminar, I was one girl among the brave fellows.
Even captured this moment :)

But then another charming lady appeared :)

I first learned about this technique from Lesha, he talked about it at the massage training and used it in integrative work with me.

I was very impressed then with the psychological action that the shock technique causes (I will write a separate post about the psychological action).
And no less impressed by the story about the author of this method.

Maksimov G.N. was a tank officer, served in the army and during the next exercise received a serious spinal injury, incompatible with a full life.
Maksimov was immobilized and he was predicted to have a wheelchair forever.
But the desire to recover, to walk again, was so great that everything began to line up in the desired way, he received a lot of information about various recovery techniques, healers.
One of these healers was an Uighur woman, and she restored it with the help of spanking, as if “piercing” the injured area. And subsequently, Georgy Nikolaevich began to spank himself using this technique. And put myself on my feet!

Gradually he began to put other people on their feet - first of all from among his former military colleagues, as well as from among the colleagues of his son, a paratrooper officer ...
In general, Georgy Nikolaevich is a man who has gone through the circles of hell and survived. And now he has great motivation, desire and energy to develop in this direction, to seek and help others.
Indeed, when you see Georgy Nikolaevich, you already know and feel that you will definitely be helped, boundless trust arises.

So, the main characters in the Maximov method are the spine and the capillary blood supply of the body.

A lot of information has already been written about capillary blood supply, about the role of a bruise, you can see it in Lesha's article.

But about the spine in a little more detail: spinal nerves depart from the spinal cord, which connect the internal organs, joints, muscles with the central nervous system.
This is the innervation of the body, i.e. each segment of the spinal cord innervates ("braid") a certain area of ​​the body.
For example, the segments of the cervical spinal cord innervate the neck and arms, the vertebrae of the thoracic region - the chest and abdomen, the vertebrae of the lumbar and sacral - the legs, perineum and pelvic organs. Clamped spinal nerves do not allow the spinal cord to maintain dynamic interaction with organs and tissues, the organs begin to function worse and fall ill.

If the pinched nerves are unblocked, capillary blood supply is restored with the help of shock and vacuum therapy, then the organs will begin to recover.
As Maksimov said, a vibration comes from the impact, which “pierces” the capillaries, returning normal blood supply to all tissues, and also restores space for fluid flow between 12 layers of the skin.

The first thing I noticed was how G.N. very carefully first examines the client’s body, visually assesses the tension, then palpates.
Indeed, if you just look closely at the position of a person in which it is convenient for him to lie or sit, you can see a lot of muscle clamps.
Another interesting moment with skin folds. For example, there may be horizontal folds on the back of the neck - it is assumed that there is insufficient blood supply in the cervical region.
Further, the neck is worked out with vacuum jars, which, by the way, is more convenient in a sitting position.

Before the start of the cotton technique, the zone is heated with cans.
It happens that the capillaries are so ossified that the pattern appears even after cupping massage.
In such cases, it does not even come to spanking. In addition to the fact that this is already a powerful release of toxins into the blood, it is also a very tangible procedure, not infrequently painful.

After careful work with the back, the pelvic area is also worked out.
Here are going to problems on the genitourinary system. And in the spine, 1, 2 lumbar vertebrae are responsible for this.
As Georgy Nikolaevich said, if you work out 1, 2 vertebrae, the sacral zone, as well as the hips, then reproductive functions return both in women and in men.
All the women who came to him with this problem got pregnant safely. Although before that they were treated for many years.

The study of the sternum - the zone of immunity.
This zone contains the thymus, which produces T-lymphocytes.
They provide recognition and destruction of foreign cells.

Static cupping on this zone of immunity.

Working with internal organs, visceral massage and static cupping.

It was very interesting to work with Lyosha, who was so imbued with the percussion technique at the hands of G. N. that he even asked for more and would have asked further if Georgy Nikolayevich had not stopped the session himself :)
The “additive”, of course, was influenced by the fact that Lyosha used self-regulation techniques through breathing during the session, and the technique of spontaneous yoga, i.e. worked with body movement.
This affected his stability. For in all the previous sessions, everyone went on volitional tension, endured and clamped down, therefore they could not withstand so many blows.

Following the example of my teacher, I also worked with breathing during work, and indeed, shifting attention to breathing, “pushing out”, “raising” the pain - the process is much easier (a kind of “breathing anesthesia” :)))
By the way, we can say that the work with the breath and the body goes like in rebirthing.

Bank work on Lesha's back.

And then the famous Maksimovsky “beating”! :)

After everyone experienced shock-dynamic massage, we proceeded to setting up our blows.
It turned out that this was not an easy task. The palm should be relaxed, like a whip.
G.N. started to beat, and we tried to copy the blow and enter into its rhythm, to remember this movement.
Ooooh, what joy I experienced when I could not distinguish Maximov's hands from Lesha's hand.
They caught up, which means that the technique has been mastered!

Then it was my turn to learn!
Wow, when you get into the rhythm, you feel right in your gut that you hit it right.

The method is amazing!
Very effective, fast way to recover! BUT requiring great will and desire, and for some, not just a way to restore, but a struggle for life.
But our time, with its speed, sometimes requires just such a radical approach!

The technique is as follows - it is spanking parts of the body with the palm of a different force of impact, as well as the active use of canning effects, both dynamic and static.
By the way, the technique is quite tough, with a masculine character :)

At the beginning of the seminar, I was alone among the brave fellows.
Even captured this moment :)

But then another charming lady appeared :)

I first learned about this technique from Lesha, he talked about it at the massage training and used it in integrative work with me.
I was very impressed then with the psychological action that the shock technique causes (I will write a separate post about the psychological action).
And no less impressed by the story about the author of this method.
Maksimov G.N. - was a tank officer, served in the army and during the next exercise received a serious spinal injury, incompatible with a full life.
Maximov was immobilized, and a wheelchair was predicted for him forever.
But the desire to recover, to walk again was so great that everything began to stand in the desired way, a lot of information came to him about various recovery techniques, healers.
One of these healers was an Uighur woman, and she restored it with the help of spanking, as if "piercing" the injured area. And subsequently, Georgy Nikolaevich began to spank himself using this technique. And put myself on my feet!
And gradually he began to put other people on their feet - first of all from among his former military colleagues, as well as from among the colleagues of his son, a paratrooper officer ...
In general, Georgy Nikolaevich is a man who has gone through the circles of hell and survived. And now he has great motivation, desire and energy to develop in this direction, to seek and help others.
And the truth is, when you see Georgy Nikolaevich - you already know and feel that you will definitely be helped, boundless trust arises.

So, the main characters in the Maximov method are the spine and the capillary blood supply of the body.

A lot of information has already been written about capillary blood supply, about the role of a bruise, you can see it in Lesha's article.

But about the spine in a little more detail: spinal nerves depart from the spinal cord, which connect the internal organs, joints, muscles with the central nervous system.
This is the innervation of the body, i.e. each segment of the spinal cord innervates (“wraps around”) a certain area of ​​the body.
For example, the segments of the cervical spinal cord innervate the neck and arms, the vertebrae of the thoracic region - the chest and abdomen, the vertebrae of the lumbar and sacral - the legs, perineum and organs of the small pelvis. Clamped spinal nerves do not allow the spinal cord to maintain dynamic interaction with organs and tissues, the organs begin to function worse and fall ill.

If the pinched nerves are unblocked, capillary blood supply is restored with the help of shock and vacuum therapy, then the organs will begin to recover.
As Maksimov said, the impact causes a vibration that “breaks through” the capillaries, restoring normal blood supply to all tissues, and also restores the space for fluid flow between the 12 layers of the skin.

The first thing she noted was how G.N. very carefully, first examines the body of the client, visually assesses the tension, then palpates.
Indeed, if you just look closely at the position of a person in which it is convenient for him to lie or sit, you can see a lot of muscle clamps.
Another interesting moment with skin folds. For example, there may be horizontal folds on the back of the neck - it is assumed that there is insufficient blood supply in the cervical region.
Further, the neck is worked out with vacuum jars, which, by the way, is more convenient in a sitting position.

Before starting punching, the zone is heated with cans.
It happens that the capillaries are so ossified that the pattern appears even after cupping massage.
In such cases, it does not even come to spanking. In addition to the fact that this is already a powerful release of toxins into the blood, it is also a very tangible procedure, not infrequently painful.

After careful work with the back, the pelvic area is also worked out.
Here are going to problems on the genitourinary system. And in the spine, 1.2 lumbar spine are responsible for this.
As told, G.N. having worked 1, 2 vertebrae, the sacral zone, as well as the hips, then reproductive functions return, both in women and in men.
All the women who came to him with this problem got pregnant safely. Although before that they were treated for many years.

Study of the sternum - the zone of immunity.
In this zone is the thymus, which produces T-lymphocytes.
They provide recognition and destruction of foreign cells.

Static cupping on this zone of immunity.

Working with internal organs, visceral massage and static cupping.

It was very interesting to work with Lyosha, who was so imbued with the percussion technique at the hands of G.N. that he even asked for supplements and would have asked further if Georgy Nikolayevich had not stopped the session himself :)
The “additive”, of course, was influenced by the fact that Lyosha used self-regulation techniques through breathing during the session, and the technique of spontaneous yoga, i.e. worked with body movement.
This affected his stability. For in all the previous sessions, everyone went on volitional tension, endured and clamped down, therefore they could not withstand so many blows.

Following the example of my teacher, I also worked with breathing during work, and really shifting my attention to breathing, "pushing", "raising" the pain - the process is much easier (a kind of "breathing anesthesia" :)))
By the way, we can say that the work with the breath and the body goes like in rebirthing.

Bank work on Lesha's back.

And then the famous Maksimovsky "beating"! :)

After everyone experienced shock-dynamic massage, we proceeded to setting our blows.
It turned out that this was not an easy task. The palm should be relaxed, like a whip.
G.N. started to beat, and we tried to copy the blow and enter into its rhythm and remember this movement.
Ooooh, what joy I experienced when I could not distinguish Maximov's hands from Lesha's hand.
They caught up, and that means the technique is mastered!

Then it was my turn to learn!
Wow, when you get into the rhythm, you feel right in your gut that you hit it right.

The method is amazing!
Very effective, fast way to recover! BUT requiring great will and desire, and for some, not just a way to restore, but a struggle for life.
BUT our time with its speeds requires just such a radical approach!

The author of the shock-dynamic massage technique is Georgy Nikolaevich Maksimov. Healer, eniologist, Master of Folk Medicine at the Institute of Manuology. Visceral therapist, member of the presidium of the professional association of visceral therapists, lecturer at the training centers of the association.

Date of birth 08/07/1954. Higher military education, secondary medical education, reserve officer. Lives and practices in Samara. Conducts sessions and seminars throughout Russia, in Europe and Asia. His action plan is scheduled for several years ahead.

The technique consists of a combination of the following approaches:

  • Vibration impact (slamming);
  • Vacuum impact (work with vacuum banks);
  • Visceral chiropractic;
  • Hirudotherapy (staging leeches);
  • Apitherapy (exposure to bee stings);
  • Herbal medicine.

Today, this technique has become widespread and is successfully used by many doctors and healers in Russia and abroad. Georgy Nikolaevich constantly introduces innovations into it, the improvement of the methodology continues even now.

Application of the UDM methodology

The technique allows to achieve excellent results in the treatment of arthritis, chondrosis, cardiovascular, severe chronic neuralgic diseases, extensive sclerosis, skin diseases, problems in the urogenital area, and even post-stroke conditions.

Briefly about the technique is described in this television report:


  • In 2005, by decision of the Committee for Expertise of the Russian Academy of Sciences, he was awarded the medal of I.I. Mechnikov "For Contribution to Strengthening the Health of the Nation".
  • In 2009, by the decision of the scientific society as part of the European Scientific Society and the Presidium of the European Academy of Natural Sciences, he was awarded the Robert Koch medal "For the effect produced in the field of medicine" and received the title of "Naturopath of Europe".
  • In 2015, the Open International University of Complementary Medicine, Colombo, Sri Lanka, awarded Maximov G. N. the honorary title of Doctor of Philosophy in Medicine (traditional medicine) (Ph.D.).


During military service, during exercises in mountainous regions, Maksimov G.N. received a serious back injury, which was incompatible with a full life. A series of serious operations, long-term treatment in hospitals throughout the country, unfortunately, did not bring improvement at that time. He lost a lot of mobility in his limbs. I had to learn to crawl again, overcoming the pain. The doctors sincerely tried to help him, seeing the craving for life, but their tools and methodology did not allow him to cope with such a serious injury. As he himself recalls, a wheelchair flocked nearby. If he had surrendered then, he would have remained an invalid until the end of his days. It was a powerful motivating factor to keep fighting for a fulfilling life and keep looking for the right way to regain mobility.

His desire was to start walking again. Fate gave him such a chance! He actively sought information about the various methods used by healers of the past. The Uyghur healer Aisha, who lives near Isyk-Kul, restored it with the help of a special clapping with her palm, “punching” the whole back in this way. Then he himself began to expel himself in a similar way. This old method brought a huge effect and helped Maximov get back on his feet.

But even this did not motivate Georgy Nikolaevich to engage in such a practice. Life forced, namely the situation with his own son, who was injured in hot spots. I had to quit everything and start restoring the health of my son and his colleagues. The accumulated experience allowed us to achieve mastery, improve the technique and increase the efficiency of procedures.

Who seeks - that is given!

Long years of practice and the search for the most effective approaches have led to the creation of the author's method of UDM. It includes the most effective ways to restore health. The surname Maximov became his life credo.

Work with the spine, with the autonomic nervous system, with the projection zones of the organs can radically improve the patient's condition and restore health.

Maksimov G.N. took an active part in the preparation of the Russian skiing team for two winter Olympics. Restorative procedures allowed to increase the performance of athletes and achieve high results. In addition, Georgy Nikolaevich leads the Samara hockey club Lada.

Most of Maksimova G. N.'s patients are disabled and those who have undergone various medical procedures, but have not experienced relief from their suffering. For many, this is the last hope!

He passes on his experience to his students, including myself, your humble servant.

I wish Georgy Nikolayevich long life and success in his good work!

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Shock-dynamic massage according to the method of Georgy Nikolaevich Maksimov.

Maksimov Georgy Nikolaevich developed this technique for the treatment of various diseases of the musculoskeletal system, internal organs, circulatory organs, nervous system, urogenital area, as well as getting rid of headaches, infertility, impotence. The method gives quick results in recovery after a stroke and paralysis. This technique is painful, but very effective.

In practice, we see that, often, this massage is the only effective method in many cases of advanced chronic diseases, when other methods of medical and physio-treatment are powerless. This shock-dynamic therapy is one of the alternative treatments for serious diseases without medications and operations.

Shock-dynamic massage includes diagnostics - determination of painful areas and adhesive areas on the body by deep pushing action with the hands. After identifying the problem area in the body, shock-dynamic massage is performed in the area of ​​​​the organ with functional disorders. Gradually increase the force of the slap and the area of ​​impact, and the strength and frequency of exposure are regulated depending on the individual pain threshold of the patient. Exposure is carried out until hematous redness appears on the entire surface of the exposure area, which indicates the presence of functional disorders of the organ of exposure.

The basic principle of shock-dynamic massage is a deep warming up and vibration impact on tissues, vessels, ligaments and muscles. This activates blood circulation, lymph flow, the movement of all fluids in the body. Muscle spasm is removed, innervation is restored.

The procedure of shock-dynamic massage is best done by a qualified specialist, in order to avoid injury.

The procedure lasts from 20-45 minutes, depending on the severity of the patient's condition, it is recommended to be carried out every other day with a course of 8 to 12 sessions. It is desirable to take 2 courses per year.

Impact-dynamic massage is mainly used in combination with vacuum therapy, preferably after interstitial nutrition.


  1. Relieve muscle spasm
  2. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  3. Infectious diseases and helminthiases
  4. Restoration of tissue innervation
  5. The mobility of tissues of organs and systems is restored.
  6. Chronic diseases of the peripheral nervous system
  7. Osteocondritis of the spine
  8. Pain of any localization
  9. Pulmonary diseases
  10. Joint diseases
  11. neuroses
  12. Infertility
  13. Impotence
  14. Pathology of the musculoskeletal system
    • Congestive-ischemic disease of soft tissues and the formation of fibrous-cicatricial changes associated with it (muscle seals, contractures, myofibrillosis, muscle infarction, myofascial pain syndrome of various localization);
    • spinal osteochondrosis and related neurological disorders
    • herniated discs:
    • scoliosis;
    • arthritis and arthrosis of the joints;
    • subacute and chronic diseases and consequences of injuries of the musculoskeletal system (bruises, damage to ligaments, muscles, fractures of limbs during and after immobilization, contractures);
    • sports injury;
    • posture defects.
  15. Neurological disorders and diseases
    • initial manifestations of cerebrovascular insufficiency and their consequences:
    • moderate atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels:
    • vertebrobasilar insufficiency;
    • Parkinson's disease;
    • cerebral palsy;
    • neuritis:
    • neuralgia;
    • plexite:
    • radiculitis:
    • sciatica;
    • ankylosing spondylitis;
    • solarite:
    • polyneuritis:
    • headache:
    • migraine.
  16. Diseases of the cardiovascular system
    • angina pectoris I-II FC;
    • postinfarction cardiosclerosis;
    • hypertension I-II stages;
    • hypotension;
    • myocardial dystrophy;
    • neurocirculatory dystonia of all types.
  17. Respiratory diseases
    • chronic obstructive bronchitis;
    • tracheobronchitis:
    • bronchial asthma without exacerbation;
    • consequences of the transferred pneumonia;
    • pneumosclerosis;
    • residual effects of SARS.
  18. Diseases of the digestive system
    • chronic gastritis:
    • biliary dyskinesia by hyperkinetic type:
    • chronic colitis without exacerbation;
    • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in remission;
    • obesity;
    • gout;
    • chronic constipation.
  19. Diseases of the genitourinary system
    • ischuria (urinary retention);
    • enuresis;
    • impotence;
    • frigidity;
    • pyelonephritis in remission;
    • adnexitis;
    • prostatitis.
  20. Skin diseases
    • neurodermatitis;
    • hives;
    • chronic furunculosis;
    • dermatoses;
    • herpes;
    • trophic ulcers.
  21. Dental diseases and diseases localized in the facial area
    • periodontal disease;
    • spasms of mimic and chewing muscles;
    • arthrosis of the temporomandibular joints;
    • neuralgia of the facial nerve.
  22. Cosmetic defects
    • deep functional skin folds;
    • wrinkles;
    • atony of the deep muscles of the face;
    • double chin;
    • cellulite;
    • premature wilting and aging of the skin;
    • scarring.

In addition, the use of vacuum therapy in the first half of pregnancy, during postoperative management of wounds, including purulent ones, with lactational mastitis, adhesive disease, menstrual irregularities, chronic fatigue, decreased mental and physical performance, hypovitaminosis, in menopause; in sports medicine - in preparation for competitions and in the recovery period.


  • acute inflammatory and fungal skin diseases;
  • acute infectious diseases and febrile conditions:
  • acute period of injury with hematoma;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the acute stage and with the threat of bleeding;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • acute adnexitis and colpitis;
  • severe vascular sclerosis with a tendency to thrombosis and bleeding;
  • mental illness and neurosis with affective states and convulsive seizures;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system: acute inflammatory processes in the myocardium, pericardium, endocardium, heart defects in the stage of decompensation, myocardial infarction in the acute period, frequent attacks of rest angina, acute cardiovascular insufficiency, stage III hypertension;
  • varicose veins II-III degree;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • reconstructive operations on vessels;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • sharp depletion of the body;
  • increased bleeding,
  • hemophilia.
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