The ear flows but does not hurt than to treat. Comparative characteristics of diseases according to the fluid secreted from the ear

Otitis media is an acute or chronic, predominantly infectious disease characterized by inflammation of the external, middle or internal parts of the hearing organ. With this pathology, purulent discharge is often observed. The condition when otitis media flows from the ear is called otorrhea. In the absence of proper medical treatment, otitis media can cause a violation of the integrity of the tympanic membrane and dangerous complications (damage to the process of the temporal bone, damage to the auditory ossicles, meningitis).

Causes of discharge

The cause of this pathology is an infection. Inflammation of the ear can be provoked by bacteria (cocci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa), fungi and viruses. Microbes penetrate the ear canal and eardrum. The spread of bacteria occurs tubogenic (through the Eustachian tube) or tympanogenic (through the auditory membrane) methods. Otorrhea is observed in the presence of exudate. It is purulent and serous.

The triggering factors for the development of the disease are:

  • foreign objects (parts of toys, insects) getting into the ear cavity;
  • exacerbation of rhinitis, sinusitis or inflammation of the tonsils;
  • hypothermia;
  • ear injury;
  • decreased immunity;
  • taking ototoxic drugs (aminoglycosides);
  • flu;
  • SARS.

The cause of liquid discharge in a child and an adult can be water entering the ear during water procedures (bathing, showering or washing). Less often, otitis media flows against the background of an acute infectious pathology (measles, diphtheria, tonsillitis). A common cause of inflammation and otorrhea is trauma to the eardrum against the background of a strong sound or a sharp jump in pressure.

Discharge from the middle ear of an allergic origin is possible. The irritants are drugs, dust, pollen and chemicals. Pus can be released in adults and children when the ears are not properly cleaned (with matches or a finger).

Features of the treatment of children

With discharge from the ear in children against the background of otitis externa, conservative treatment is sufficient. Consultation with an otolaryngologist is required. In a serious condition of the patient against the background of damage to the middle part of the organ of hearing and otorrhea, hospitalization is required.

Immediately before treatment, otoscopy (visual examination of the ear), bacteriological culture of secretions, radiography and general clinical tests are performed. If necessary, a tomography is performed. During treatment, it is necessary to avoid listening to loud music and hypothermia. With purulent secretions, warming up is inappropriate.

Treatment Methods

If you are concerned about ear pain and discharge, then the following therapies are possible:

  • the use of local remedies in the form of drops and systemic drugs;
  • physiotherapy (infrared and ultraviolet irradiation, electrophoresis, ultraphonophoresis);
  • blowing through Politzer;
  • pneumatic massage;
  • surgical intervention.

For what not to do, see the video:

Antibacterial therapy

The antibiotic can be instilled into the ear or taken by mouth. Most often, with the pathology of the outer, middle and inner ear, local therapy is sufficient. In an acute inflammatory process, the following antibiotics are effective:

  • Normax;
  • Norfloxacin;
  • Otofa;
  • Sofradex;
  • Dioxidine;
  • Augmentin;
  • Ceftriaxone Kabi;
  • Lysolin.

The drug is selected taking into account the causative agent of the infection. With the fungal nature of otitis and discharge, antibiotics will be ineffective. In this case, antifungal agents are indicated.

Paracentesis or tympanotomy

Sometimes the help of a specialist surgeon is required. If fluid flows from the ear, but the pus does not flow out completely and accumulates in the cavity of the middle part of the hearing organ, then paracentesis is performed (puncture of the eardrum). It may be required for prolonged high body temperature, severe pain and severe protrusion of the tympanic membrane. This procedure is otherwise known as tympanotomy.

Medical treatment

If there is fluid behind the eardrum, then mucolytics (Acetylcysteine) may be prescribed. They are shown with the accumulation of a thick secret to liquefy it. In case of difficulty in nasal breathing, adrenomimetics are used (Tizin Xylo, Xylometazoline, Rinostop). They dig into the nose. In severe otitis with discharge, corticosteroids are indicated. Many drugs have age restrictions and are contraindicated in young children.

Ear drops

In the presence of temperature, ear pain and discharge, NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) are used in the form of Otinum drops. They are transparent in color with a slight yellowish tint. This remedy reduces pain and inflammation. Otinum is indicated for acute otitis media and external otitis media. Anti-inflammatory ear drops include Otipax, Anauran and Otirelax.

Not all ear drops have a combined effect (pain reliever, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial). Combined drugs include Dexon and Polydex with phenylephrine. Drops, sprays are medicines that are used only locally and practically do not have a systemic effect.


If pus or serous fluid flows from the ear, the following folk remedies can be used:

  1. Propolis tincture.
  2. A decoction based on elderberry flowers.
  3. Plantain juice.
  4. Walnut leaf juice.
  5. A mixture based on pomegranate juice and honey.

Excellent remedies are propolis, aloe and garlic juice. After they are instilled into the auditory tube, it is cleared of the secret. Many products are diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1.

Possible Complications

The following complications of the disease are possible:

  • the spread of pus to the internal structures of the organ with the development of labyrinthitis;
  • inflammation of the mastoid process in the region of the temporal bone;
  • penetration of pus under the meninges with the development of meningitis;
  • violation of the outflow of venous blood with the development of thrombosis;
  • hearing loss (persistent decrease in hearing acuity);
  • abscess formation in the area of ​​the dura mater;
  • disturbance of consciousness;
  • violation of the mobility of the auditory ossicles (hammer, anvil and stirrup);
  • damage to the auditory nerve;
  • cicatricial changes in the tympanic membrane.

Not everyone knows the duration of the course of the disease (how many days the ear flows). With proper and timely treatment, otorrhea bothers no more than a week.


To prevent otitis and discharge, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • do not clean the ears with sharp, thin and long objects;
  • exclude the ingress of foreign bodies;
  • wash your ears regularly;
  • do not allow dirty water to enter the ear canal;
  • Do not listen to music with headphones for hours;
  • timely treat rhinitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis and other infectious pathology;
  • drink vitamins;
  • avoid contact with allergens;
  • use only those drugs that do not have an ototoxic effect;
  • wear a hat in the winter season.

If you follow all these rules, then pus will not flow from the ear.

Sometimes an adult or a child develops pus in the ear. Such discharge from the ear canal is yellowish-brown in color and is characterized by an extremely unpleasant odor. Often this phenomenon is accompanied by severe pain. What diseases can pus in the ears indicate? And how to deal with an unpleasant state?

Main reasons

Why does pus form in the ear? The main reason leading to suppuration is the effect of bacteria and viruses. Such microorganisms are initially found in the larynx. Through the Eustachian tube, they move freely into the cavity located behind the eardrum.

If a person suffers from allergies, has a cold, then such a pipe is clogged. As a result, a normal outflow of mucus is simply impossible. A similar picture is observed in children suffering from the growth of adenoids. Since the mucus is not excreted naturally, pathogens begin to accumulate. And this inevitably leads to the fact that the patient has pus in the ears.

Most often, such a problem is faced by people whose immunity is very weakened. from the ear cavity are often observed in children. This is due to age characteristics. Babies have a wider and shorter auditory tube. That is why it is much easier for pathogens to penetrate it.

So, if from pus, what diseases can we talk about?

Purulent otitis media

This is the most common reason. Purulent otitis media is an unpleasant pathology in which the mucous membrane of the middle ear becomes inflamed.

Most often, the disease is provoked by the following sources:

  1. Various viruses, infections. Often, pus in the ear is a complication of tonsillitis, flu.
  2. Certain pathologies of the nasopharynx, nose. The basis of the formation of pus may be rhinitis, curvature of the septum, proliferation of adenoids.
  3. The ingress of milk in an infant into the ear canal. This situation can lead to infection.
  4. Hypothermia. The development of purulent otitis media most often occurs in the summer, after swimming in ponds. The inflammatory process provoked by hypothermia leads to the development of the disease.
  5. Injury. This reason is mainly characteristic of children. An unsuccessful cleaning of the ears, as a result of which the septum is damaged, or an object inserted into the ear by a small discoverer, leads to the formation of pus.
  6. Surgical interventions. Of course, patients who have undergone operations in the nasopharynx and nose are at risk.

The symptoms of this disease are as follows:

  • pain appears in the ear, most intensely making itself felt at night;
  • the patient's health is seriously deteriorating;
  • pus appears, initially at night;
  • dried discharge is observed in the sink;
  • with the development of inflammation, pus begins to simply flow out of the ear;
  • swelling is observed;
  • the temperature rises;
  • headache occurs;
  • hearing is reduced.

Sometimes the pathology proceeds in a chronic form. With such a disease, there may be no discomfort, including pain.

Treatment Methods

Of course, the question arises: if pus is found in the ears - what to do? It is absolutely not recommended to attempt self-treatment if a person has purulent otitis media in the acute stage. This pathology can lead to meningitis. Therefore, it is extremely important to contact Laura in a timely manner.

The doctor will prescribe the patient a course of antibiotic therapy. The most commonly used drug is Amoxicillin. It is strictly forbidden in the presence of pus to apply warm compresses to the sore ear. Do not use any drops on your own.

In the case of chronic otitis, the doctor will initially cleanse the cavity of pus. The patient will be recommended special antibacterial drops. And further methods of treatment depend on the size of the hole in the membrane. For small sizes, a film of artificial fabric is used. Under it, the wound of the week for 2-3 is completely tightened. If the hole is large enough, then tympanoplasty (surgical repair of the membrane) is performed.

Development of furunculosis

Pus in the ears in an adult can result from a variety of reasons. Sometimes the appearance of boils leads to its appearance. This disease is most often caused by staphylococci.

Furunculosis develops, as a rule, as a result of the following factors:

  • penetration into the ear canal of water;
  • shell combing;
  • poor hygiene.

The disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • severe pain in the ear cavity;
  • discomfort increases during chewing or talking;
  • itching in the sink
  • the presence of discharge from the ear cavity, green or yellow (indicate the opening of the boil).

Furunculosis therapy

How to treat pus in the ear in this case? It should be said that without consulting a doctor it is extremely dangerous to take any methods of dealing with the disease. Therefore, without delaying the visit, contact a specialist.

Most often, the doctor prescribes such therapy:

  • thermal procedures (it is recommended to apply a heating pad to the affected ear);
  • analgesics;
  • local remedies (on a tampon, ichthyol ointment is placed in the sink for 12 hours);
  • antibiotics, with a deterioration in general well-being (drugs: "Flucloxacillin", "Amoxicillin").

The appearance of otomycosis

The fungus can also provoke pus in the ears in an adult. It is this pathology that is called otomycosis in medicine. The disease is characterized by the penetration of the fungus into the outer region of the ear, as well as the walls of the ear canal. This pathology tends to spread over time. In this case, deeper tissues are affected.

Otomycosis leads to violations of metabolic processes, weakening of the whole organism, the occurrence of vitamin deficiency (hypovitaminosis).

Symptoms of the disease appear as the disease progresses. At the initial stage, the pathology practically does not manifest itself. The symptoms are almost invisible. As soon as otomycosis becomes acute, the patient has such complaints:

  • strong pain;
  • the ear swells;
  • cheesy white discharge from the ear can be observed;
  • hearing is reduced;
  • brown purulent discharge flows from the sink.

Treatment of otomycosis

Everyone understands: if it was the fungus that provoked pus in the ear, what to do in this case. Of course, pathology should be treated with special antifungal agents.

But do not rush to undertake therapy on your own. It is very important to correctly identify the causative agent of the disease and choose adequate therapy. For these purposes, the doctor will take a swab from the ear cavity. According to the results of the study, competent treatment will be selected.

Also, remember: otomycosis is an extremely insidious pathology. If the necessary treatment is not taken in a timely manner, the disease can become chronic. In this case, it will become very difficult to completely cure it.

Development of cholesteatoma

This is an extremely severe pathology. Cholesteatoma is characterized by the appearance of a tumor in the ear, which has a layered structure. In the center of such a formation is a core containing a yellowish-white liquid, with a putrid unpleasant odor.

This pathology is most often characterized by congenital origin. Its development is based on various disorders in the temporal zone.

Pathology is characterized by:

  • the presence of pain in the ear area;
  • hearing loss.

Methods of dealing with the disease

Self-treatment is out of the question. If pus in the ears is provoked by cholesteatoma, treatment is prescribed exclusively by professional doctors.

With this disease, surgical intervention is undertaken. The operation is aimed at removing all the affected or infected bone tissue. To save the ear, doctors perform one of the interventions, depending on the spread of the disease: mastoidectomy, atticoanthrotomy, atticotomy.

If during the operation it is possible to connect the external auditory canal with the postoperative cavity, then the discharge from the shell will continue. Such a clinic is observed until the cavity is covered with skin.

Other reasons

Most often, it is the above diseases that become the source of pus in the ear cavity. However, these are not the only reasons that can provoke such an unpleasant phenomenon.

Sometimes the patient has pus from the ear as a result of such pathologies:

  1. Various injuries. Very often they lead to the development of an inflammatory process in the sink, against which pus is formed in the cavity.
  2. Polyps. This pathology is evidenced by the discharge of a purulent-bloody nature.
  3. infectious meningitis. In some cases, pus flowing from the ear cavity is a symptom of an extremely serious illness.
  4. Various pathologies of the ears and eyes.

Diagnostic methods

As you already understood, regardless of whether there is pus from the ear in a child or in an adult, the first thing to do is to consult a doctor. Only a specialist can correctly identify the nature of such a phenomenon.

The doctor may suspect a pathology for the following signs:

  1. Pain in the ear, accompanied by purulent discharge, most often indicates the development of otitis media in the patient, in an acute form.
  2. In a patient who is fond of swimming, or affected by seborrheic eczema, otitis externa is most often diagnosed.
  3. A previous operation in the temple area or a head injury may indicate liquorrhea.
  4. With perforation of the membrane or chronic dysfunction of the auditory tube, an assumption arises about the presence of cholesteatoma.

To make a diagnosis, of course, a physical examination will be performed. Otoscopy allows you to determine the perforation of the membrane, identify symptoms, notice a foreign body in the cavity. If necessary, the patient will be assigned additional methods of research.


The appearance of pus in the ear cavity is an extremely negative symptom that can indicate a variety of diseases. But remember: it signals a problem in the body. So be sure to pay attention to it. And to avoid serious consequences, contact your doctor immediately and start adequate treatment.

If fluid flows from the ear, this is a reason to see a doctor, since this process is called otorrhea. As a rule, otorrhea is not an independent disease, but only an integral part of any disorder, that is, a symptom.

Depending on the nature of the discharge from the ear, as well as on the basis of laboratory tests, a diagnosis is made, after which treatment is already prescribed.

So, the nature of the discharge indicates a particular problem:

  1. If the liquid from the ear has a yellow color and a specific smell, then most likely it is otitis media. It is caused by a fungal infection.
  2. If the liquid is cloudy and there is pus in it, then the inflammatory focus is in the inner ear.
  3. If the liquid is purulent with an admixture of blood, then most likely there are problems with polyps in the ear.
  4. If a clear liquid flows, then the cause is an allergy.
  5. Discharge from the ear in the form of flakes signal seborrheic dermatitis.

Inflammatory diseases of the ears are accompanied by an increase in body temperature, as well as the occurrence of throbbing pain.

Methods for eliminating otorrhea in adults

    • First of all, you should consult a specialist for an accurate diagnosis.
    • In no case should you prevent discharge from the ear. That is, the use of tampons for a long time is strictly prohibited. It is necessary to give an outflow of fluid. To do this, you can use loose cotton balls. Cotton will help collect secretions. Depending on the amount of fluid that is released from the ear, cotton balls should be changed. The more and more abundant the liquid flows, the more often it is necessary to replace the cotton balls.
    • To clean the ear, use soft swabs moistened with a solution of a non-aggressive antiseptic (hydrogen peroxide 2% diluted with water 1: 1, chlorhexidine bigluconate).
    • If there is no purulent discharge from the ear, then an alcohol compress applied for a couple of hours, or warming drops (albucid, sofradex, heated to 37 degrees) will help eliminate the fluid that flows from the ear. Ears instill 4-5 drops 2 times a day. Drops should not be heated in a common vial, they are heated directly in a pipette.

  • If the liquid contains an admixture of pus, then heating is strictly prohibited. In this case, you should use such drugs as boric acid (the solution is dripped into the cleaned ear 3-4 drops 2 times a day), alcohol tincture of calendula (4-5 drops are instilled into the ear previously cleaned with a swab), dioxidine (2-3 drops for 10 minutes, after which the ear is washed with warm boiled water).
  • Antibiotics are usually included in the mandatory treatment. The course of antibiotic therapy is from 5 to 7 days. Relief should occur within the first 48 hours after antibiotics are started. The most commonly used drugs are ammoxicillin, ampicillin, ciprofloxacin, and netilmicin. Antibiotics are taken 1 tablet or capsule 2 times a day. Remember that the use of antibiotics should be combined with the use of probiotics, so that dysbacteriosis does not occur. Probiotics such as bifiform, lactobacterin (taken along with antibiotics) will help maintain the bacterial environment in the intestines.
  • Vasoconstrictor drops, such as naphthyzine, farmazolin, should be used if ear diseases are accompanied by a runny nose and inflammation in the nasopharynx. Drops are instilled 3-4 times a day, 2-3 drops in each nasal passage.
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures, such as UHF therapy, UVI, laser, are used as additional therapy. They normalize the condition, and are also a preventive measure for the occurrence of relapse.

Methods for eliminating otorrhea in children

Discharge from the ear is a fluid that flows from the external auditory canal and has a different color, consistency and origin. In medicine, this phenomenon is called otorrhea.

By the appearance and duration of the discharge, one can judge the cause of their occurrence. The most common source of the problem is infectious and allergic diseases of the ears, injuries and infections of the respiratory tract. Depending on the amount of discharge from the ears, there are: abundant, moderate, scanty, detected by chance - on a pillow or a cotton swab.

Allocations by nature, color and consistency:

  • Brownish, sulfur-like;
  • White, curdled;
  • Black;
  • Purulent - yellow, green, gray;
  • Colorless;
  • Bloody, bloody or bloody.


Dark brown discharge from the ear is often perceived by people as pathological. In fact, this is ear wax of a liquid consistency, which is a variant of the norm. Its condition changes, and the amount increases with an increase in body temperature and in the hot season.

Sulfur is produced by special glands, which begin to work intensively with increased physical activity, for example, during sports. Sweating increases, and with it the formation of sulfur. This is a normal physiological process that does not cause any particular inconvenience to a person.

Pathological causes of otorrhea:

  • When the base of the skull is fractured, cerebrospinal fluid leaks from the ears. The cause of the appearance of secretions of a watery consistency is also allergic otitis media.
  • are the result of an ear injury and. A tumor of the outer or middle ear is another reason for the appearance bloody discharge from the ears.
  • Yellowish-green purulent discharge indicate bacterial inflammation and occur with purulent external or middle with perforation of the eardrum, furunculosis of the external auditory canal, bacterial dermatitis. With epitympanitis, yellow-green discharge with a pronounced unpleasant odor appears.
  • The reason for the appearance bloody purulent discharge from the ears are .
  • Serous-hemorrhagic otorrhea occurs with acute infectious myringitis. Blisters with hemorrhagic contents appear on the surface of the membrane, which eventually burst.
  • The pathology of the respiratory organs and eyes often becomes the cause of otorrhea, which is associated with the spread of infection to nearby organs - the ears.
  • Seborrheic dermatitis appears white secretions, containing large, fatty flakes.
  • - the cause of the appearance of curdled discharge white or gray with black dots.
  • With bullous otitis media of viral etiology, excretion bloody pinkish color.


Depending on the etiological factors discharge from the ears is accompanied by a number of clinical signs: , itching, ringing and, hearing loss, a feeling of warmth and discomfort in the ear, redness of the ear canal, dizziness, runny nose, nasal congestion and symptoms of intoxication, regional lymphadenitis.

At spinal cord injury in patients, the body temperature rises, a white liquid is discharged from the ears, a throbbing and tingling pain appears in the temples. This condition requires immediate medical attention.

Acute otitis media manifested by pain in the ears, fever and copious purulent discharge. In children, the disease is a complication. Pain and intoxication syndromes are accompanied by a deterioration in the general condition: the child is naughty and cries, touching the sore ear. When pus flows out of the ear, pain and intoxication decrease, the patient's condition returns to normal. Chronic ear infections are usually painless and go unnoticed for a long time.

mastoiditis characterized by the appearance of purulent discharge, pain, hyperemia of the skin behind the ear, headache, fever. If untreated, mastoiditis gives complications to the brain.

At inflammation of the hair follicle there is pain, aggravated by chewing and pressing on the tragus, yellow discharge with a specific odor appears.

Bacterial dermatitis manifested by purulent otorrhea, hyperemia and the formation of crusts in the ear canal.

Symptoms- fungal otitis media are white curdled discharge, itching and pain in the ear.

Transparent discharge, combined with a runny nose and lacrimation, indicate allergic attack.


In order for the discharge from the ears to stop, it is necessary to determine the cause of their occurrence and correctly prescribe the treatment. Diagnosis of pathologies manifested by this unpleasant symptom is carried out by an ENT doctor.

The doctor talks with the patient, clarifies complaints, examines the ENT organs, performs otoscopy and otomicroscopy. The specialist directs the patient to a microbiological laboratory for bacteriological examination of discharge from the ear, during which the genus and type of the causative agent of the pathology are determined, as well as its sensitivity to antibiotics. Additional diagnostic methods - audiometry, magnetic resonance imaging of the head and computed tomography of the temporal bone, histological examination of the removed granulation tissue.


If the discharge from the ear is green-yellow, purulent, with a characteristic odor, antibiotic therapy is required, which is carried out after receiving the results of a microbiological study. Patients are prescribed - "Otofa", "Normax". Before using them, it is necessary to wash the ear. To do this, the doctor, using suction and instruments, removes pus and infected material from the external auditory canal. Drops in the ear should be selected by a specialist after an otoscopy.

Treatment of acute suppurative otitis media
supplement with oral antibiotics - "Supraks", "Amoxicillin". If pus flows from the ear unhindered, then conservative therapy is continued. Otherwise, they resort to surgical intervention in order to remove the infected bone tissue and restore the integrity of the eardrum. To reduce pain and other symptoms of inflammation, patients are prescribed painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Treatment of allergic otitis media is the use of antihistamines.

Furuncles open, the wound is treated and antibiotics are prescribed.

If the cause of discharge from the ear is traumatic brain injury, consultation with a neurosurgeon is required.

Treatment of otomycosis consists in the use of local remedies - ear drops "Candibiotic" and oral antifungal drugs "Fluconazole", "Ketoconazole".


If there is discharge from the ear, you should immediately consult a doctor. Self-treatment of the ears is unacceptable. Any therapeutic measures performed at home - warming up and instillation can harm, lead to the development of complications and complete hearing loss. If doctors do not have time to provide timely assistance, a fatal outcome is possible.

The following measures will help prevent the appearance of discharge from the ear:

  • Timely detect and treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • Minimize contact with SARS patients;
  • Blow your nose correctly;
  • Protect ears from water, hairspray and other irritants;
  • Dry ears after bathing;
  • Timely remove in the doctor's office;
  • Increase immunity;
  • Wash your ears daily.

Video: otitis media in the Health program

If a person has purulent discharge from the ear, then you should seriously think about the state of health of the body, since this symptom is a messenger of a dangerous disease. Otorrhea or discharge in the form of pus is not an independent disease, but is part of any inflammation in the area of ​​​​the organ of hearing or nasopharynx.

If pus is discharged from the ear in a child or an adult, contact an otolaryngologist for examination and prescribing a course of treatment.

Most often, discharge from the ears appears with inflammatory processes or after colds th. So, if you have ear and headaches, a feeling of congestion and heaviness, as well as shooting sensations, most likely you have started the outer, middle or inner ear.

This disease often appears after an ordinary cold or flu.

However, it occurs as a complication against the background of respiratory diseases only in case of weakened immunity.

Therefore, children are most often affected by this disease.

Due to the anatomical features of the Eustachian tube, viruses and infections pass into the baby's body with little or no difficulty.

More than eighty percent of children suffer from various ear discharges around the age of three. This is due to the frequent crying of the baby. In the process of nasal discharge or in the case of colds, a large amount of mucus accumulates in the sinuses of the child.

Instead of blowing the accumulated secret, the baby sniffs. This leads to the entry of a large number of microbes into the auditory tube.. As a result of the appearance of edema and inflammation in the middle part of the organ of hearing, shooting pain and the appearance of pus are provoked.

Pay attention to the consistency of the discharge:

  1. Blood discharge indicate trauma to the outer part of the ear or eardrum. In more severe cases, the appearance of tumors is recorded.
  2. With clear discharge you should pay attention to allergic reactions, as well as check the condition of the middle ear. Perhaps the patient is diagnosed with otitis media.
  3. With purulent discharge different colors in the human ear is bacterial development of infections. In addition, the integrity of the tympanic membrane may be broken. And also pus can appear as a result of a boil in the outer ear.

In some cases, ear infections do not cause pain or discharge. But pus in the ear of an adult or a child can appear with many inflammations.

If this disease is not treated, then the patient will begin serious complications, up to hearing loss or complete loss of hearing.

If the patient has pus from the ear, pay attention to the color of the discharge, its smell and density. These indications can greatly facilitate the work of the ENT doctor.

It is important to understand that the discharge from the organ of hearing is only symptom. Pus may appear when the eardrum is perforated or in situations such as:

  1. Viral diseases of the outer, middle or inner ear.
  2. Eustachian tube dysfunction.
  3. With traumatization of the ear.
  4. In case of hypothermia.
  5. Entry of large amounts of water.
  6. Lack of hygiene or injury to the ear canal with cotton swabs.
  7. Frequent use of hearing aids, headphones or ear plugs.

Pay attention to the photo of pus from the ear:

First aid

In the case of the formation of pus from the ear of a child, what should I do first? This is the question that plagues many young parents.

It is important to understand that the treatment of pus from the ear in adults and children fundamentally do not differ.

Therefore, with discharge from the ears, as well as ear pain, congestion and a feeling of heaviness, see a qualified doctor for diagnosing inflammation and drawing up an individual course of treatment.

Remember an important rule: do not obstruct the discharge from the ear canal and do not cover the ear with turundas. This can only lead to aggravation of the situation and serious complications.

On the contrary, you should produce an outflow. It is best to use cotton pads for these purposes.

Roll up a small flagellum and place it near the outer ear. This will help to collect purulent secretions. Replace balls every fifteen minutes.

Before visiting the doctor, it is necessary to clean the ear.

To do this, use 2% hydrogen peroxide diluted with water in a ratio of one to one.

If you are intolerant to this medicine, use chlorhexidine.

These components will relieve pain and temporarily alleviate the patient's condition. However, it is important to understand that these medicines do not act as curative.

Remember that not all physiotherapy procedures are allowed for purulent discharge. For example, if you want to use or , then remember - this is absolutely impossible!

Heat will only provoke the development of bacteria and aggravate the situation. In this case, it is best to use medications and antibiotics that your doctor will prescribe.

Pus in the ear in an adult - treatment

Many are interested in the question of how to treat if the ear is festering inside. Usually, the course of treatment consists of the following drugs.

After establishing the root cause of the inflammation, the specialist prescribes antibiotics. As a rule, the course of treatment lasts for seven days. Together with antibiotics, the patient is prescribed antibiotic therapy.

The list of drugs includes Ammoxicillin, Ampicillin, Ciprofloxacin and Netilmicin.

It could be Suprax, Cefuroxime Axetil, Levofloxacin.

The patient should feel relief within two days after application.

The dosage of drugs in each case is individual. The patient is usually prescribed one tablet twice a day.

In order for the patient not to develop dysbacteriosis, the patient is prescribed various probiotics.

In addition, in the case of colds, the patient must use vasoconstrictor drops. Naphthyzin or Farmazolin.

Enter them three drops a day.

To enhance the effect, use boric acid or alcohol tincture of calendula.

Before using these drugs, the ear must be cleaned. After that, drive four drops of boric alcohol or two drops of calendula tincture.

In some cases, patients are prescribed the use of the drug "". Read the instructions carefully before using this medicine.

It is important to know that after using the medication, the dose of which should not be more than three drops in each ear the ear should be rinsed with warm water.

For additional therapy, the doctor may prescribe physiotherapy procedures. It is known that laser therapy and ultraviolet irradiation help to restore the affected cells and improve the general condition of the patient.

In addition, they are an effective preventive method and exclude the possibility of relapse.

Treatment of children

In the case of a child’s illness, more gentle treatment methods are prescribed.

In case of discharge from the ear of a child, instead of alcohol tinctures, it is recommended to use ear drops containing antiseptics.

It could be " Otofa" or " ".

Before administration it is necessary clear ear. To do this, put the patient on one side and gently drip into the ear five drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide.

The patient should then maintain the posture for five to ten minutes. The solution at this time will soften the sulfur and the skin of the organ of hearing. After the time has elapsed, turn the patient over to the other side, and lay a towel under his head. All liquid will flow naturally.

Thereafter inject ear drops, strictly following the dosage.In the case of purulent discharge, the administration of three drops of the agent is usually prescribed. The duration of treatment should not be more than one week.

In addition, the child needs non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

They include Nurofen or Paracetamol.

Dosages of the drug are strictly individual and prescribed depending on the age of the child.

For prevention, and in order to avoid relapse, use. Daily treatment for ten minutes will help relieve pain and raise the tone of the organ of hearing.

To consolidate the effect, the baby should take vasoconstrictor baby drops "Nazivin". They help to normalize breathing and eliminate mucous secretions.

Bury two drops four times a day. In addition, vasoconstrictor medications can prevent infections from entering the second ear and nasopharynx.

At the end of treatment, a small patient is prescribed physiotherapy procedures:

  1. Ultrahigh frequency therapy.
  2. Ultraviolet irradiation.
  3. laser treatment.

In the event that the treatment is unsuccessful, and the patient's condition worsens every day, the patient is prescribed antibiotics "Clavulanate" or "Ceftriaxone".

Another reason why a child has pus behind the ear may be a violation of the immune system, an allergic reaction to long-term use of antibiotics, or improper cleaning of the ears.

Injured mucosa is a common cause. This is usually due to too rough clearing of the auditory transition and use of cotton swabs.

Their use is not prohibited, but most people do not clean the outer ear with them as expected, but the passage itself. Thus, microcracks are applied to delicate skin, which provoke the appearance of pus.

In the case of long-term use of various antibiotics or hormones, itching and burning may appear in the ear canal, and in some cases - purulent discharge.

In this case, a complication such as is common.

It destroys the integrity of the skin and causes severe itching.

A white rash is subject to urgent treatment, since, in combination with purulent discharge, it can cause serious complications in the form of loss of hearing acuity or hearing loss.

Besides, make sure there are no sulfur plugs. Stagnant sulfur can only aggravate the situation. If the plugs have already acquired a solid state, you should consult a doctor to remove them.


With the advent of the baby in the family, it is important to examine the ears daily. Make sure that diaper rash and various accumulations do not form in the outer area and behind the ears.

Wash your ears every day, not only for yourself, but also for your child.

Do not forget to visit the ENT doctor twice a year.

With the onset of cold weather, eat more solid vegetables and fruits, as well as various supplements and vitamins. In case of illness, immediately consult a doctor for an individual treatment decision.

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