Akita inu origin. Akita Inu dog breed: description and features. This amazing Japanese character

People have always been interested in animal breeds that have come down to us from time immemorial. And the Japanese Akite Inu is just such a dog - purebred, once sacred, a pet not of ordinary people, but of emperors. Today the breed is known thanks to the legendary Hachiko, the faithful dog of the Akita Inu dog breed. Naturally, interest in these dogs has not weakened so far, and the history of the breed attracts even more admirers.

According to evidence obtained by historians, the Japanese Akita Inu is one of the oldest dog breeds. In addition to genetic analysis, this is evidenced by the remains, which, according to archaeological data, are about 4 thousand years old. In addition, dogs similar to Akita Inu are depicted in drawings from antiquity.

If for our ears the name of the breed sounds somewhat exotic, then for the Japanese this is quite a common combination of words - “inu” from Japanese means a dog, and “Akita” is a province located on the island of Honshu. The breed in its modern form appeared here in the 17th century, and has not undergone any external changes since then.

Initially, Akita Inu were pets in peasant families, and later they were elevated in status, becoming pets of aristocrats and even in the imperial house. And for ordinary people, a pet of this breed has become completely inaccessible. There was even a law punishing offenders of the Akita Inu.

The rarity of this breed lies also in the fact that it is purebred, without crossing with representatives of other breeds.

At the beginning of the 20th century, a special society was created to preserve this breed. This helped to keep it original.

During World War II, Akita Inu breeding ceased, and most of the dogs were sent to the front. In Japan, there are only a few purebred representatives of the breed, but the cynologists still managed to preserve and restore it to its previous level.

Description of Akita Inu

Perhaps someone will find her appearance a little rustic, but the dog is not without charm, it has a special article, and its slanting eyes glow with intelligence.

If we talk in more detail about appearance, then thoroughbred pets have a strong, proportional physique, with heavy bones and fairly well-developed muscles.

External features include the following:

  • Head blunt, triangular in shape. The cranium is wide, between the eyes of the dog there is a barely noticeable notch, which also covers part of the forehead.
  • nose the Akita Itu is large and black. Only white representatives of the breed are allowed slight pigmentation.
  • Ears in dogs, small, especially when compared with the size of the head, open and in a standing position, have a slight rounding at the very tips.
  • Eyes have a normal fit, do not protrude, small size dark brown.
  • dog neck powerful enough, short, with minimal suspension.
  • Back straight, with a muscular lumbar region. The chest is wide and well developed.
  • Skin do not have a strong fit, the formation of small folds is possible.
  • Tail the Akita Inu is large in proportion to the body, is high, usually twisted into a ring and thrown over its back. Sometimes it lies along the back, wrapped around most of the ring, then the tip hangs to one side.
  • coat in dogs it is dense, coarse, the average length of which is about 5 cm. It has a dense undercoat, which is softer than the main coat.
  • Paws that the front, that the rear of the pets of this breed are characterized by power, the rear ones are slightly spaced to the sides. The paw pads are cat-like, straight with thick padding and protruding knuckles.

The color of a thoroughbred dog can be varied, there are white, fawn, red, brindle, piebald Akitas. There is one requirement for all - the color must be clean, the pattern is clear. Divorces and blurring of lines are not allowed. Sometimes the color of the undercoat is slightly different from the main one, but this is quite acceptable.

According to the requirements of the breed, the male must have a height at the withers within 66-71 cm, and the female - from 61 to 66 cm.

This amazing Japanese character

Being a native Japanese breed, the Akita-anu has absorbed the peculiarities of the oriental temperament. Restrained and calm in the presence of strangers, often shows wariness, becomes good-natured and sociable in his family.

Akitas are very active and cheerful, requiring long walks. Dogs are very playful and even being in old age will respond to the call of the owner to frolic.

They immediately become attached to the owner and become true friends and companions. But this is only on condition of full reciprocity.

In addition, representatives are independent and self-reliant. If there are no appropriate skills, then it will not be easy to train a pet. For good luck in this matter, the owner will have to be persistent, and in some places demanding, so that the dog obeys and recognizes the authority of the person. Physical strength does not play any role in this matter, only the strength of the spirit is important. With a serious approach, training will bring positive results.

Akita Inu is perfect for family life with small children. Of course, when a pet comes into contact with younger members of the family, it is necessary to observe it, because it is still an animal.

dog care

If there is a desire and an opportunity to get an Akita Inu, then you should not worry about its content - these pets are very unpretentious. They can live perfectly on the street (the thick undercoat is designed for this), and are quite adapted for staying in an apartment. If a dog is purchased for street life, then it is necessary to provide it with a warm booth for the winter.

Photo of dog breed - Akita Inu

It is worth considering the activity of dogs, since it is necessary to walk the Akita for a long time - twice a day for 2 hours, at least. Otherwise, the animal will find something more interesting for itself, and this does not bode well for the owner.

On the walk, dogs behave disciplined, rarely come into conflict. But they can frolic with their own kind.

It is worth taking care that the dog does not gain excess weight. And for this you need a balanced diet and proper physical activity.

The Akita's coat does not require much maintenance. It is enough to comb your pet 1-2 days a week, at the same time relieving him of tangles. But during the seasonal molts, the dog will need to be brushed almost every day. This will allow the hair to renew itself faster. During this period, you can give the animal complex.

Representatives of this breed should not be frequent, as frequent bathing can provoke the development of various diseases. It is enough to carry out the procedure every 4-6 months. It is necessary to use special detergents, and after washing the wool must be dried.

Feeding a pet should also not raise questions, since there are no particular difficulties. Like other pets, Akita Anu is not recommended to feed food from your table.

Modern dog breeders prefer to feed their pet dry food, sometimes supplementing the diet with fermented milk products, lean meat, vegetables and broth. The pet should be provided with free access to drinking water.

Photo of the Akita Inu breed

Videos akita

Where to buy and what is the cost of Akita Inu puppies

It is worth saying that not everyone can afford an Akita Inu puppy. Because they are not cheap.

In addition, problems may arise with the purchase, because the Akina Itu is not such a popular breed in the Russian Federation and not every city has nurseries. The largest Akita Inu kennel is located in the capital, so it is in Moscow that it is easiest to buy a puppy.

Nursery in Moscow: http://akita-shinatoinu.ru/nashishenki/28-stranica-schenkov.html

Nurseries of different cities can be found here: http://www.dressirovka.spb.ru/index.php/breeders?catid=32

The price of an Akita Inu may scare away potential buyers, so that this does not happen, you must familiarize yourself with the cost of young animals in advance. It can vary from 40,000 rubles to 70,000.

You can buy a four-legged friend in a specialized kennel (the price is set at around $ 3,000), or you can find the owners of dogs of this breed at a local fair - exhibition. This often requires attending several events. In the second case, a puppy from active show dogs can be much more expensive than in a kennel. If you persevere, you can find a suitable puppy.

Another more way to find a thoroughbred Akita is by using special sites on the Internet. Here you can get lucky with buying a puppy at a lower price.

The Akitu Inu dog is the dream of many. Kind, friendly and smart dog, a godsend for any family.

The Akita Inu is one of the oldest known dog breeds in the world. They are famous for their imperious appearance, high guard and security qualities. Having appeared several millennia ago, Akita has taken an honorable and priority place among dogs and is considered a noble breed. Her whole appearance and stateliness radiate wisdom and grandeur.

The Akita Inu is one of the 14 oldest breeds in the world. This fact was proved by scientists by conducting a genetic study and carefully studying the pedigree of the dog. Rock paintings and found remains dating back to the second millennium BC also speak of the antiquity of this breed.

Japan is the birthplace of Akita Inu dogs. The first individuals corresponding to today's standard appeared on Japanese lands back in the distant 17th century. These dogs were kept by the peasants, using them for hunting and protection. But by the 18th century, Akita dogs were recognized as "elite" and came under the protection of the authorities. Subsequently, this breed became available and allowed for establishment only to high-ranking aristocrats and representatives of the imperial family. Akita Inu dogs began to have a class affiliation and a high rank.

Representatives of the Akita Inu breed participated in the Second World War and, despite the large loss in numbers, the pedigree qualities of these dogs have invariably been preserved to this day.

Description of appearance and breed standards with photos

Akita Inu dogs are majestic representatives of the Japanese empire. Their external data does not leave indifferent many generations. A stately and strong physique, even posture and a peaceful look are the main advantages of Akita. A playfully curled tail and almond-shaped eyes add some charm to the majestic image. The classic physique and at the same time original appearance conquered the Europeans and Americans, who recognized the Akita Inu breed as a kind of beauty standard.

Breed standards:

  1. Head in proportion to the body, large and massive. The forehead is wide, with a deepening in the middle part, has a clear and pronounced transition to the nasal region. The muzzle is broad, elongated and tapers towards the nose, forming a blunt triangle.
  2. Teeth strong, white. They have a scissor bite. Lips tightly fit the jaw, have a black color.
  3. Nose with black and large lobe. Slight pigmentation is only acceptable for white-coated dogs.
  4. Eyes small, triangular in shape. Regardless of coat color, they are always dark brown. Eyelids black.
  5. Ears triangular with rounded ends, straight and upright. Small in relation to the head.
  6. Body large, proportionate and muscular, with heavy and developed bones. The back is straight with a wide and developed forearm, turning in a smooth curve into a powerful neck. The sternum is wide and strong.
  7. Paws strong and straight. The hind limbs are slightly apart.
  8. Tail high waist, long and twisted towards the back. Evenly covered with long and coarse hair.
  9. Wool dense, coarse and straight, with a soft undercoat. The average length of the integumentary hair is 5 cm.
  10. Dimensions and weight. Depending on the gender, the height at the withers can be from 61 to 71 cm. The average weight of a dog is 25-35 kg.

The height of Akita Inu dogs is 61-71 cm, the average weight is 25-35 kg.

Varieties of Akita Inu

In the last century, Akita Inu was crossed with different breeds of dogs, including with, wanting to achieve improvement and variety of the breed. As a result of such experiments appeared: fighting, shepherd and hunting Akita. Later, the cynologists decided to return the original image of the dog, and the experiments were carried out with an emphasis mainly on the color of the Akita Inu.

Today, the following varieties of Akita Inu are known:

  • Brindle(in the color there is white, red or black).
  • Red(red color, with white spots in the paws, abdomen or muzzle).
  • White(the coat is completely white, the nasal planum is black or with slight pigmentation).
  • American(distinguished by large size and stocky physique).

Among the well-known Japanese breeds there is a very similar to the Akita Inu. It can be noted that the external difference for an inexperienced person between these Japanese breeds is only in size. Despite the similarities, they were intended for different purposes.

The photo shows dogs of the Akita Inu breed of different colors.

The nature and intelligence of the breed

If we characterize the behavioral and mental qualities of the Akita Inu, then we can confidently call this breed unique and fully built. These dogs are distinguished by a reasonable mind and a good memory. They are not capable of rash and unreasonable actions.

The temperament of Akita is calm and balanced, without obvious and spontaneous signs of aggression. Although this breed is recognized as one of the best security and watchdogs, this does not mean its uncontrollable irascibility. This dog will go to any lengths to protect its home and owners, and will carefully consider all the moves of the offensive.

Akita Inu are independent and wayward. The character is represented, it seems, by incompatible qualities - sincerity and restraint. They feel the psychological state of the owner and show support. Thanks to these traits, the Akita Inu is an excellent companion and faithful, devoted friend. These dogs get along well with other pets and bond strongly with the family they live in.

Dogs of the Akita Inu breed are quite calm, but for their family they become wonderful companions.

Features of training

Dogs of this breed are trainable, but not as easy as it might seem. When raising a dog of the Akita Inu breed, it is important to take into account its peculiar and strong-willed character. Dressura should be measured and professional. Address and tone can only be in a calm and clear manner. It would not be superfluous to turn to an experienced dog handler, as this is a very responsible task that requires patience and endurance.

Akita is a very intelligent and loyal dog. Having taken up her upbringing from an early age, the owner will not be disappointed with the result and complaisant behavior of his pet.

Subtleties of dog care and maintenance

Akita Inu belongs to picky breeds of dogs and does not require special and time-consuming care. Such a dog can live both in an apartment and in the yard of a private house. She winters without problems on the street in the presence of a warm and reliable booth. If the dog is kept in an apartment, then it is important to ensure regular walks and exercise in the fresh air. The Akita Inu is very active and playful, especially during the first 2 years of its life. That is why this dog will be happy for long walks and joint games with the owner.

Akita Inu dogs enjoy going on long walks with their owners.

Bathing and grooming

This breed is characterized by increased shedding and requires careful combing at least once every 2 days during this period. The rest of the time, it will be enough to comb out 1-2 times a week, using a special brush with natural bristles.

Tooth and nail care and walking the dog

Walking - daily, morning and evening. The duration of each walk should be 2 hours.

Nutrition and diet

Even during the active breeding of these dogs in Japan, the so-called "Japanese" diet was formed. It consisted mainly of rice, fish and vegetables. Today's Akita Inu are not so picky eaters and have a more varied diet.

  • lean meats (veal, duck);
  • dairy products (low-fat cottage cheese, kefir or yogurt);
  • boiled sea fish;
  • cereals (oats, barley and rice);
  • vegetables and vegetable broths.

Akita Inu dogs can be fed both a balanced diet and natural food.
  • chicken, pork or turkey;
  • fatty dairy products;
  • wheat, corn and oatmeal.

Regardless of the season, it is important to monitor the constant availability of drinking and clean water.

The frequency of feeding depends on the age of the dog:

  • from 4 to 7 months it is recommended to carry out - 4 feedings per day;
  • from 8 to 12 months, reduce to 3 feedings per day;
  • after a year, 2 feedings a day will be enough.

Health and longevity

Dogs of the Akita Inu breed are distinguished by good health and good immunity, but they are also prone to certain diseases, among which are:

  • Skin diseases (, pemphigus);
  • Eversion of the eyelid (hereditary);
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland.

To avoid the above diseases, you need high-quality care and a complete balanced diet. Timely vaccination will protect against various deadly viral infections.

The average lifespan of an Akita Inu is 11-15 years.

Akita Inu dogs have good health.

Akita Inu puppy selection, kennels and prices

A puppy of this noble breed should not be purchased from random people or in unverified kennels. To buy an Akita Inu, it is recommended to contact the breed club. Before buying, it is important for yourself to decide the purpose of the purchased pet: for yourself or for professional breeding. If your option is the second, then you should invite an experienced dog handler who is versed in this breed to buy.

When choosing a puppy, you should pay attention to:

  1. Pedigree, awards and titles of parents.
  2. The number of puppies in the litter (better if it is not numerous).
  3. Possible genetic and hereditary diseases.
  4. External data and behavior (healthy appearance and activity - an indicator of the well-being of the animal).
  5. Conditions of detention.
  6. Conducted veterinary procedures and vaccinations.

Famous Akita Inu kennels and puppy prices

The price of a puppy depends on class affiliation and compliance with breed standards.

Before buying, it is important to decide for what purposes you need this dog:

  • Pet class puppies can cost $2,000-$3,000.
  • Brid class cost will be about $4,000.
  • Show class is considered the most expensive variety, the price of which in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus reaches $ 10,000.
  • Nurseries of the city of Moscow:

  1. "Ookami" Site address: http://ookami-kennel.ru
  2. "LavrDeDis" Website address: http://www.akita-inu.ru
  3. "Izumi Gai" Address: http://dog-akita.com/

Nurseries of St. Petersburg:

  1. "Indigo-Smile" Website address: http://www.indigo-smile.com
  2. "Rikoran" Website address: http://www.rikoran.com
  3. "SutekiInu" Site address: https://sites.google.com/site/sutekiinu/

Nurseries of the city of Kyiv:

  1. "From the city of light" Site address: http://am-akita.kiev.ua
  2. "Akita-Inu" Site address: http://www.akita-inu.kiev.ua

Nurseries in Minsk:

  1. "Lekdeiri" Group address: https://vk.com/lekdeiri
  2. Scarbpalessya Website address: scarbpalessya.jimdo.com

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed

The advantages of the Akita Inu include its attractive appearance, calmness, devotion and high companion qualities. But, like all living creatures, this breed also has disadvantages, these include: complex training, aggressive attitude towards other animals and hunting instincts.

Also, this breed requires time and quality care, which is why it is not recommended to start it inactive and passive people, with insufficient time for the dog.

Akita Inu are very attractive dogs, but they require a lot of attention from the owner.

According to information from ancient historical sources in Japan, the ancestor of modern representatives of the breed is Matagi Inu (Matagi is an ethnic group of hunters, Inu is “dog”). The region of origin of the Akita Inu is Akita Prefecture on the island of Honshu. Matagi-inu and its ancestors served as indispensable helpers in hunting, allowing them to get even very large or dexterous animals: Japanese macaques, bears, wild boars.

In the XII-XIII centuries, a new popular entertainment arose in Japan - dog fights. It has become a cruel selection for these dogs, leaving only the strongest, most vicious and enduring. In the 19th century, a wave of industrialization swept the country, many residents moved, and the number of crimes grew. Because of this, the Matagi Inu were retrained to guard property. At the same time, bullmastiffs and mastiffs, great danes were brought from Europe to Japan, reviving the tradition of dog fighting. Increasingly, the Akita was crossed with these dogs to produce more aggressive and larger dogs.

This caused concern among Japanese dog breeders, because the breed began to lose its features, so in 1931 the Akita Inu was transferred to the status of a natural monument at the state level. Breeders are actively engaged in the revival of the breed, selecting only its best representatives for breeding. In 1934, the first official standard was introduced, but over time it had to be adjusted. Around the same time, the breed received its modern name, and in 1967 a thematic museum was opened.

Serious damage to the Akita Inu suffered during the Second World War - these dogs almost disappeared. They suffered from hunger, became victims of barely surviving people, their skins were used for clothing. At the end of the war, a government decree was issued to exterminate all dogs unsuitable for military use, as a real rabies epidemic began in Japan. For this reason, breeders hid some representatives of the breed in remote settlements, breeding them with Matagi Inu. Also, hobbyists have bred hybrid generations of Akitas with German Shepherds to adapt them for military service.

After the war, a new round of restoration of the Akita Inu breed began, the greatest contribution to which was made by Morie Sawataishi - it was thanks to him that these unique dogs have survived to this day. Purebred individuals had to be collected throughout the country, but this paid off. The American military liked the charming and proud Akita, so the breed was brought to the United States.

Video: Akita Inu

Features of the American Akita

The American branch of this breed appeared precisely after the Second World War, when the US military began to take puppies to their homeland. Interestingly, they were mainly interested in large mestizos, somewhat similar to bears, and not purebred dogs. This was to the advantage of Japanese dog breeders, who did not want to share the hard-to-recreate breed.

Breeding experiments continued in the USA, where they managed to get more massive dogs with a menacing appearance - which is why we now have two varieties of the breed with significant differences. The Americans managed to get recognition from the AKC (American Kennel Club - an organization that registers purebred dogs and new breeds) only after they refused to import new dogs from Japan. This led to a strong limitation of the gene pool, and hence the development of the breed as such. The Japanese, on the other hand, continued to work on colors, since they had at their disposal a greater variability of genes. Today, Akita Inu is considered a good companion, a devoted protector of the owner and his property.

Appearance and special features of the breed

The Japanese variant is called the Akita Inu, a medium to large sized dog with a dense yet graceful build. The head with small ears resembles a fox. Only a few color variants are recognized. The coat must be short, on the muzzle - a white mask.

The US variant is called the large Japanese dog or the American Akita. They are exceptionally large dogs with a heavy, bear-like head. Recognize almost any color options, including black or with a dark mask.

general description

Akita Inu does well in temperate or cold climates. Among the characteristic features:

  • rather large head;
  • erect ears of a triangular shape;
  • strong physique;
  • twisted "donut" tail.

An adult male has a height of 66-71 cm at the withers, weight from 45 to 59 kg. Females have a height of 61-66 cm, weighing from 32 to 45 kg, while their body length is slightly longer than that of males. The Japanese version of the breed is slightly lighter and smaller. Eight-week-old puppies usually have the following parameters:

  • large Japanese - weight 8.16-9.97 kg;
  • Akita Inu - weight 7.25-9.07 kg.

The growth of dogs is slow, the final development of the animal ends only by 3 years. Puppies are quite actively gaining weight (up to 7 kg per month), after reaching 35-49 kg their development slows down greatly, but does not end until the age of three. Don't worry if your pet doesn't quite fit into the existing growth charts, this is very general information. In general, the dynamics are as follows:

  • 6 weeks - puppies are large and very charming, little like adult dogs;
  • 6 months - body proportions change, the dog becomes more toned, puppy roundness disappears, characteristic features are more clearly drawn;
  • 1 year - bitches begin estrus, but they cannot be considered adults;
  • 1-2 years - the growth process slows down greatly, but the transformation of the body continues, especially in the head area;
  • 2 years - the dog stops growing in height, it is slightly distributed in width, small changes will continue for another year.


The classic standard is a dense short coat (about 5 cm), which is somewhat longer on the neck and tail. The coat is erect, of coarse outer and needle hairs, the undercoat is very thick, downy. Akita Inu can only have this suit:

  • pure white;
  • redhead with white fragments and a mask (urajiro);
  • brindle, also with urazhiro;
  • red with black tips of hairs (sesame).

The American Akita comes in all colors. Long-haired dogs are often born - this is a consequence of the combination of recessive genes of the father and mother. By nature, they are the same, but do not fit into the standard, therefore they are considered culling.


In puppies, the ears are lowered, while in adult dogs they are erect, facing forward and slightly to the sides. They take this position not immediately, and this is influenced by two factors:

  • age - only as you grow older and strengthen the special muscles, the ears will rise. Chewing, gnawing toys allows you to speed up this process;
  • change of teeth - until permanent teeth appear in place of the milk teeth, the ears will not rise to the end.

It often happens that they fall back or only one ear turns out to be standing. This process takes from 10 weeks to 6 months, so you should not worry until six months - the position of the ears is leveled.


The eyes are brown (preferably as dark as possible), small, deep-set. They have a triangular "eastern" shape, which is noticeable from birth. In dogs of a light color, a black “eyeliner” is allowed, which only emphasizes a special cut.


In purebred dogs, it is fluffy, thick, rolled into a tight ring. Babies have a straight tail that curls in the first 2 months of life. If the dog is sleeping or just relaxed, it may unwind a little, but it never becomes straight. Visually and to the touch, this part of the body does not change even during the molting period. Fluffy tail "donut" as it balances the large head of the pet.


The description of the paws differs little for different standards: straight, arched, with thick pads, cat-like. Both varieties of Akita have tightly closed fingers, which makes them able to swim well. In this case, not only the front, but also the hind limbs are involved. However, most dogs of this breed do not like to swim, entering the water only when absolutely necessary.

Photo of an adult Akita


The life span of an Akita Inu is approximately 10-12 years. Females live a little longer than males, but statistically the difference is small - only about 2 months. This figure is the same for both varieties of dogs. Before World War II, life expectancy was much longer - 14-15 years, but the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki forever left its mark on genetics.

Akita inu character

Briefly describe the nature of this breed is difficult. Akitas are very versatile dogs. The American subspecies is distinguished by more serious habits, the Japanese ones are somewhat more playful and frivolous. At the same time, most representatives of the breed are not stupid sofa pets or overly sullen dogs. There are several main character traits.

  • Own independent thinking - it is often mistaken for stubbornness, but in fact it is enough to establish mutual understanding.
  • Hierarchical sense - developed very strongly, so they try to establish a rank in relation to other dogs of the owner. It is important to achieve recognition of a person as a leader already during the first weeks and months of a dog's life, otherwise he will dominate.
  • Learnability - Akita Inu dogs quickly grasp new knowledge and skills, so they get bored if they repeat the same thing for a long time. It is very important for them to understand why they perform certain tasks, so it is worth taking care of developing the right motivation.
  • Lack of fear of heights - it is worth blocking the balcony and other dangerous places, because puppies are very brave and not too smart. Adult dogs jump high, caring little about the landing site.
  • Craving for space - they like to run a lot, frolic in nature, visit new places. Physical activity is vital for them.
  • Tenderness - mentally, these dogs are very sensitive, they are easy to offend.
  • Loyalty to the owner - Akita will not bother and interfere in everyday affairs, rest, but these are very faithful creatures. They like to follow the owner everywhere quietly.
  • Patience - despite the dominance, a properly educated dog is incredibly patient. She will modestly wait for you from work or sit quietly by the bed, waiting for you to wake up.
  • Attitude towards other people - Akita gets along well with people of the older generation. Attitude towards children depends on their behavior, belonging to the family.
  • Attitude towards dogs - if the other dog is smaller and lives in the same family, friendship is likely to be. It is difficult to develop relationships with representatives of their own species and the same sex, completely alien dogs. Aggression (at least in the form of a growl) is especially active if the second pet is of the same or larger size.
  • Fear of tight spaces - dogs of the Akita Inu breed do not like too close enclosed spaces. They try to get a good view and control over the space.
  • Aggression - these dogs are very sensitive to the relationship between the guest and the owner. Wishful visitors should not worry. Such dogs do not like strangers, therefore they will closely observe the guest until they understand how appropriate his presence is in the house. Only proper training will help manage innate aggression.
  • Security - they are good guards, but they do not immediately rush to bite. For example, they will simply try not to let a thief out of the house, waiting for the help of the owner.
  • Barks are fairly quiet dogs, but they are very sensitive to new people, animals, and sounds, so they are able to use their voice to issue a warning to someone who is invading their territory.

Training and education

The foundation of education is the socialization of children. The most important period is from 3 weeks to 4 months - this completely determines whether the dog can get along with a person or not, whether it will grow aggressive, how it will react in the future to new people and animals. Akita Inu must understand that only the owner determines the boundaries of his world, having the rights of a leader. Introduce the dog to as many places, events, people as possible. That understanding of the world, which is laid down at this stage, takes root by the year and can no longer be corrected. Keep in mind that before "going out into the world" you should do all the vaccinations and wait a bit.

From the first day the puppy moves to a new home, a hierarchy should be identified. Some owners are touched by the kids, allowing them to behave inappropriately, but already at a tender age, the Akita understands everything and probes the boundaries of his leadership. The owner should be caring, loving and calm, but with a strong character. If the dog does not recognize him as an undeniable dominant, trouble will soon arise. It comes to the point that some people abandon or even euthanize the dog, unable to cope with his upbringing. A few other points are also important.

  • Try not to leave the puppy alone at first - introduce the dog to the apartment, things, but do not leave alone. If you need to leave, protect your baby from hazards and fragile items.
  • Start training as early as possible - these pets are very smart, so they understand the necessary minimum of commands by 8 weeks after birth. In a couple of months, you can expand the list of techniques and bring them to automatism.
  • The whole family, friends should communicate with the puppy - stroke it, hold it in your arms, play. This will help the dog adapt to the noise, children (if any), in the future it will be easier to tolerate combing and other hygiene procedures.
  • Teach your baby to the fact that the owner has the right to take any thing or food - this must be done at the age of 2 months at least up to six months. Take the toy away, but don't tease, pause and return it. Akita will get used to the fact that the owner will always return what he deserves, so he can be trusted. If this style of behavior is not developed, an adult dog will react extremely aggressively to attempts to take away a thing taken without permission or inappropriate food.
  • Despite the great temptation, do not take the puppy to sleep in bed - such a habit in itself is not terrible, but the dog must get used to the fact: the leader sleeps on the bed, the Akita sleeps on the floor (arrange a soft rug or a separate bed).
  • Give the “sit” command before giving your puppy a treat.
  • Show firmness of character, but do not scare or beat the animal - the Akita Inu should have respect for the owner, not fear.

Despite the dislike of confined spaces, the Akita Inu is well suited both for living in a city apartment and for keeping in a private house. In any case, it is extremely important to provide long walks during which the dog can realize his energy. Start learning about the world around you after passing all the vaccinations.

  • Walk around the area and not only, change routes every day.
  • Visit both quiet and noisy places so that the dog gets used to as many situations as possible (park, forest, shops, beach, market, pet store, square). In the future, when she enters a crowded place, she will not experience serious stress.
  • When walking, keep the Akita on a leash, showing control of the leader.
  • Although the representatives of this breed do not like other dogs, teach them to behave calmly. When meeting another pet on a leash, let them get to know each other, sniff each other. If everything is going well, don't interfere. In case of aggression and growling, separate the dogs.
  • Train your dog to travel in the car - start with 5-10 minutes of travel per day, gradually increasing this time to 35-45 minutes.

Features of care

Akita Inu sheds heavily twice a year: from January to February and from May to June. During this period, the dog must be combed every day or at least 3-4 times a week. The rest of the time, combing 4 times a month is enough. Permanent molting is possible in a house with very warm and dry air. Another reason is illness or an unhealthy diet. It is not necessary to cut and trim the “fur coat” of the pet. There are other care tips as well.

  • Bathe your dog no more than 1-2 times a year, so as not to wash off the special protective lubricant of the coat. These dogs are very clean themselves, they know how to lick themselves, and the rest of the dirt will be removed during combing.
  • Brush your pet's teeth 1-2 times a week. Use only a special tool.
  • Check your Akita's eyes and ears regularly for signs of inflammation, discharge, or an unpleasant odor - all of which indicate the need to visit the veterinarian urgently.
  • Trim your nails every month if they don't wear down naturally.

Teach your dog to any procedures as early as puppyhood. With an adult dog, you can simply not cope or cause stress and lose confidence.

Health and disease of the Akita Inu

This breed is distinguished by good health, provided that the puppy does not have serious birth defects. Sometimes they suffer from genetic diseases, are sensitive to certain drugs. Among congenital and acquired / age-related ailments there are:

  • entropy (inversion of the eyelid);
  • hip dysplasia;
  • bloating;
  • glaucoma;
  • cataract;
  • pseudoparalytic myasthenia gravis (weakness of all muscles of the body);
  • von Willebrand disease (blood pathology);
  • retinal atrophy.

How to choose a puppy

You can buy purebred puppies only from large reliable breeders. The main signs of a healthy Akita Inu baby:

  • mobile and cheerful;
  • puppy of average fatness;
  • beautiful shiny coat;
  • runs confidently, stands firmly on its paws;
  • not aggressive, not afraid of loud sounds.

Pay attention to the color and shape of the Akita Inu's eyes - if they are round and light, this is not a purebred pet. Features of the cut of the eyes are necessarily congenital, and the color changes with age only to a lighter one. The bite should be correct, the pigmentation of the nose and mouth should be uniform. If you buy a puppy older than six months, and his tail has not yet twisted, this is a bad sign. If you plan to participate in competitions, exhibitions, then it is better to choose a baby with an experienced dog handler. When purchasing an ordinary pet, it is enough to use the criteria indicated above.

Photo of Akita Inu puppies

How much does an Akita Inu cost?

The standard cost of a thoroughbred baby Akita Inu is from 30 to 80 thousand rubles. The price varies depending on

  • color, for example, sesame puppies are a real rarity;
  • pedigree - eminent parents will increase the total amount;
  • cattery - the cost is slightly different for different breeders;
  • meeting the standard - cheaper will be puppies that cannot take part in competitions, for example, with long hair.

shiba inu . Translated from Japanese, "shiba" (in many sources, the incorrect pronunciation of "shiba" has taken root) means: "a small dog from a forest overgrown with shrubs."
Shiba Inu, or small Japanese dog, is the smallest among the national Japanese breeds. Genetic studies confirm that it is one of the oldest Asian breeds. Dogs like the modern Shiba Inu were found in what is now Japan more than 3,000 years ago!
Scientists believe that the first dogs came to Japan with ancient settlers from the Asian continent, the ancestors of the Ainu people, and then arrived along with waves of other settlers, as evidenced by archaeological finds dating back to the VIII-VI millennium BC.

In the III century BC. Korean settlers arrived in Japan with dogs with pointed ears and a tail twisted into a ring. This is evidenced by ceramic figurines found by archaeologists. In the process of crossing local dogs with new arrivals, the modern look of the Shiba Inu was fixed. With such dogs they hunted a wide variety of game, from birds to deer, wild boars and bears.

After Japan was opened to foreigners in 1862, cross-breeding of native Japanese breeds with foreign ones began. In the years 1868-1912, many Western breeds of dogs were brought into the country, among them English setters and pointers. Japanese hunters actively mated Shiba with imported breeds, and purebred Shiba became a rarity.
By 1926, all indigenous breeds of the Land of the Rising Sun were threatened with extinction.

In 1928, Japanese breed specialist Dr. Hiroshiho Saito, with the support of the government and with the approval of Dr. Watanabe (a member of the Association for the Protection of Natural Monuments), founded the Society for the Preservation of Native Japanese Breeds - NIPPO (Nihon Ken Hozonkai). The Ministry of Education of Japan has classified native dogs as natural monuments.
Serious work began on the selection of purebred dogs of local origin. It is believed that the modern Shiba population was formed due to the use of different types of dogs from the provinces of Mikawa and Sanshu, which differed in size, color and physique. Dr. Saito selected a group of small individuals from among them, which was called the Shiba Inu. Breeding dogs belonged to three main types: shin-shu from Nagano prefecture, mino from Gifu prefecture and san-in from the northwest of the country. The San-in is a black and white spotted dog, larger than the Shiba. Xing-shu often had a red color, soft undercoat and a coarse needle-like awn. Minos were dark red in color. Work on the breed was carried out very successfully, which made it possible in 1934 to achieve the approval of the Siba breed standard.
Two years later, the Shiba Inu was declared a national treasure, which had a beneficial effect on its further development.
The Shiba Inu was recognized as a breed in 1936 along with the Akita Inu. The status of the breed was also awarded to kai, kishu and kosi (later this dog disappeared). After some time, two more breeds were legalized, which differ from Shiba, mainly in larger sizes - Hokkaido and Shikoku.

The Second World War practically nullified the efforts of Japanese enthusiastic cynologists. Only in 1948, Shiba lovers, with the support of the NIPPO, collected the remaining dogs and began to work with different lines. Fortunately, they managed to save the breed from extinction.

In Japan, the breeding of this breed is carried out by three main organizations that maintain their own stud books and issue pedigrees of various samples. These are NIPPO (organized in 1928), Japanese Kennel Club (organized in 1949) and Shibaho (organized in 1959). The standards adopted by these organizations recognize such colors as red, black and tan, sesame. The Sibaho also recognizes the white color of the Shiba. At Nippo exhibitions, the main attention is paid to the correct structure of the animal's head (the proportions and shape of the skull, the shape of the ears, the shape of the eyes), as well as the quality of the coat.
There are reports that in the homeland of the breed there are also dwarf Sibs, 19-30 cm tall, but the dwarf form has not been officially approved.

The Shiba Inu is one of the most popular breeds in Japan today.
Silent, clean little dog is the best suited for the role of a companion dog. At home, the Japanese annually register about 30 thousand dogs of the Shiba Inu breed. Up to 700 or more of them are collected at specialized national exhibitions.

In the US, the Shiba is one of the 60 most sought after breeds. Sibu is also loved in Australia and in European countries.
In Europe, a dog of this breed was first shown at an exhibition in Denmark in 1969. In the 70s, some European nurseries began to work with the breed. The FCI standard was approved in 1982. Shiba came to the UK in 1987, and in 1992 it was exhibited for the first time at the Kraft exhibition.
Dogs of this breed are now bred in kennels in Scandinavia, Belgium, the Netherlands, France, Italy, Spain, the Czech Republic, Germany, and Russia.
In Russia, the first representatives of the Shiba Inu appeared about ten years ago.
Breed recognized: CKC, FCI, AKC, KCGB, ANKC, NKC, NZKC, APRI, ACR.

Character of the Shiba Inu

This is an extremely cautious, incredibly swift and self-confident dog. Independent, but very affectionate and loving to her master. Good-natured, playful, smart, fearless, courageous and extremely clean.
Shiba is a quick learner and understands very quickly what is required of her, but if those requirements don't match her own views, she will do her best to have her own way. Unfortunately, punishing Shiba in most cases is still useless. If the shiba is sure that she is right, she will accept the punishment as her temporary defeat and, after some time, with firm determination, she will take up the education of the owner in her own way. But there is no need to be afraid of difficulties: a certain amount of patience and, of course, love, always give a positive result!

Shiba Inu is characterized by belligerent behavior towards other dogs and strangers. She is often called a wolfhound in a fragile dog body. The problem can be solved by early socialization of the puppy.
Dogs that are strong in character strive all their lives to be “the first dog in the house.” Shiba Inu males cannot stand the presence of other males, and even females of larger breeds require submission.
Aversion to physical contact with another creature persists in adult Shiba Inu. If the breeder does not teach the puppy to physical contact with a person from a very early age, then the innate aversion to touch will prevail in the character of the Shiba and then she will never get used to the person.
She is not afraid of a person, but does not allow herself to be stroked and is extremely disapproving of the collar and leash. Many dogs of this breed, born and raised in an aviary, can only be caught as a wild animal: driven into a corner from which the dog cannot escape. However, even a Shiba not accustomed to contact is never aggressive; when caught, it gives up and allows itself to be manipulated without resistance.
Like many other "native" breeds, the Siba has developed defensive instincts. Already from about 10 days of age, in response to an attempt to grab a puppy, he turns over on his back with lightning speed and begins to yell in an unexpectedly loud voice. Most likely, this is an attempt to confuse the enemy, at least for a short time, in order to give yourself a chance to escape.

Unfortunately, there are also lines of Shiba Inu with a cowardly character. In Japan, such dogs are strictly and consistently culled, because their offspring have a very unbalanced nervous system and can even bite the owner. In general, it must be said that the Shiba Inu is not a dog for beginners, but for experienced owners who love serious work with animals.

The Shiba Inu is naturally very alert and performs well as a watchdog. They are excellent observers, and their barking often indicates the approach of a person or other dog. This dog is curious and can sit on the window all day watching the street life. In addition to being incredibly mobile and tireless in her eternal desire to play, she reacts to every unusual event and seeks to participate in it.
An ideal companion for the owner who prefers an active lifestyle.

The presence of a dog in the house is always a great happiness for both children and adults. One of the most calm and devoted dogs is the Akita Inu breed. It combines all the harmony and tranquility of Japanese culture.

Origin story

This breed of dog originates from ancient times, and has existed for more than eight thousand years. It was bred in the Akita province on the Japanese island of Honshu. The ancestors of the Akita Inu are considered to be a Chinese spitz-shaped breed that crossed with mastiffs. The original vocation of the Akita Inu was hunting.
The breed standard was approved on July 17, 1982 in America.

Description of the Akita Inu breed

Akita Inu is far from a miniature dog breed, it is quite powerful, but at the same time very
She's beautiful, you just can't take your eyes off her. The coat is thick and dense, the tail is often thrown behind the back. The Akita Inu has an Asian-type muzzle, large with a long forehead and small erect ears.

Breed standards:

  1. The weight adult female from 32 to 45 kg, male from 40 to 45 kg.
  2. Growth at the withers females 58-64 cm, males 64-70 cm.
  3. Six double with a dense undercoat, the upper hair is longer and coarser. The undercoat is very soft and fluffy. The length of the coat is 5 cm, but on the belly and tail it can be longer.
  4. Forehead wide and has a hollow in the middle. Muzzle medium length with a thick base. Lips black, very thick.
  5. Eyes the Akita Inu is small, triangular in shape, with a brown stroke.
  6. Ears not very large, triangular in shape, erect, slightly inclined forward.
  7. Neck huge and muscular, the hair on it forms a kind of collar.
  8. Back straight, strong, broad chest.
  9. Tail twisted up.
  10. Lifespan Akita Inu from 10 to 12 years old.


The color of the Akita Inu can be very different, ranging from red to brindle. The coat color should be clear and bright. Spots are possible, but they should also stand out clearly.
The most popular coloration is:

  1. Brindle - available red, black and white.
  2. Red - the dog is completely red, only on the paws, belly, muzzle there are white spots.
  3. White - except for the tip of the nose.

Akita inu character

Akita Inu owners of the most beautiful character. Dogs of this breed will easily become your best friends. After all, they are quiet, calm, affectionate, barking only when necessary. This breed is very clean, always clean and without an unpleasant smell. Such dogs are very patient and get along well with children, have a tendency to protect the owner.

Since the Akita Inu has long been used for hunting and possesses possessive instincts, it must be taught to other animals at an early age. Without this, dogs may behave aggressively towards others, especially dogs of the same sex. But if they grow up, for example, with a cat, they will get along wonderfully with her.
They are also excellent guard dogs and very strong protectors. An extremely intelligent, balanced dog, but at the same time independent, stubborn and assertive, but this is the case if he does not receive enough work.

Training or how to raise an Akita Inu

This is not a mini dog that you can put on clothes and just play with, but the process of training an Akita Inu requires great patience and endurance. The upbringing of this small dog is slow, each representative of this breed requires a certain approach and attention. It is not recommended to be raised as a guard dog. The dog develops very slowly, finally maturing only by two years.
Her laziness can easily be replaced by a playful attitude. The character of each individual of this breed must be carefully studied and then it will bear fruit. Breeders start training at an early age.

Care and maintenance

  1. Akita Inu is not a finicky dog, it will not be difficult to keep at home. But if she lives in an apartment, she must be walked twice a day, because they are quite active. Every week you need to comb several times, and when molting occurs every other day.
  2. Oral care is also very important. At four months, the change of teeth begins. During this period, you need to make sure that the dairy does not linger for a long time in the dog's mouth. This leads to misalignment. You should also brush your teeth at least once a week.
  3. This is not the dog who will be delighted with water procedures. 2-3 baths a year are absolutely enough for him. In this case, you need to use detergents for dogs. After bathing, the coat must be combed and dried with a hairdryer.


Dogs of the Akita Inu breed usually have excellent health. However, they are not
exception and are prone to certain diseases:

  • hip dysplasia;
  • bloating;
  • von Wille Brand's disease;
  • cataract;
  • glaucoma;
  • retinal atrophy;
  • allergies.

IMPORTANT! Do not forget that after purchasing a dog, you need to contact the veterinary clinic to obtain a passport and a complete examination. Your doctor will schedule your vaccinations for all infectious diseases. After all, every vaccination is very important so that your puppy always feels good.

What to feed

Nutrition Akita Inu should be healthy and balanced. To the questions “what to feed a puppy?”, “what kind of food is better to use?” can be answered with ease, because they are unpretentious in food, but do not neglect vitamins for wool and constantly monitor weight. Akita Inu are prone to obesity. This breed also gets along well in an outdoor enclosure, but all vaccinations must be done.


Photo of Akita Inu

How much does a puppy cost

You can buy a litter of the Akata Inu breed with a pedigree from 30,000 thousand rubles. Dogs participating in various shows will be more expensive.
But if you are ready to buy a puppy just from your hands, inexpensively, its price will start from 8,000 thousand rubles.
It will be useful:


Akita Inu will always be a reliable friend and support for you always. And your children, he will give only joy and care. Do not hesitate and get this particular breed!

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