Alternative medicine versus traditional. Comparison of approaches. Alternative

Various diseases are knowledge passed down from generation to generation for many centuries. Some folk remedies have no alternative in traditional medicine. Since ancient times, people have observed the flora and fauna and have accumulated vast experience in the treatment of many diseases with natural remedies. Since different plants grow in different climatic zones, each nation used the same diseases in the treatment of the same diseases. various ways and techniques. Experts point out that medicinal plants There are a great many (more than three thousand species) that help fight many ailments.
Traditional medicine is still popular, and traditional medicine cannot supplant them. scientific medicine. ethnoscience this is not only herbal treatment, but also various conspiracies, and others wellness systems(yoga, esotericism, etc.). It is impossible to determine exactly when ethnoscience, but it is known for certain that in ancient times, even in ancient civilizations, healers used natural remedies for the treatment of the soul and body of a person. And now many people trust recipes traditional medicine . Folk remedies, of course, help with many diseases, and doctors do not deny this either. Traditional medicine methods include hirudotherapy, thalassotherapy, aromatherapy, lithotherapy, cryotherapy and other methods that are successfully used in official medicine. Many doctors along with synthetic medicines advise their patients and recipes of traditional medicine.
In some countries, such as African countries most of the population uses folk methods treatment of diseases. Traditional medicine is very popular in Asia and Latin America. Of course, the traditional Russian ethnoscience fundamentally different from traditional medicine in China. Now in our country you can buy the most different drugs Japanese, Thai, Chinese medicine. But often these drugs are outright fakes and can cause significant harm to health. After all, any herb or substance can be not only a medicine, but also a poison at the same time. In treatment folk remedies it is very important to observe the dosage and other conditions for taking the drugs. You can not constantly use herbs. After all, some herbs with prolonged use can only harm, cause allergies and others. adverse effects. Therefore, even seemingly harmless traditional medicine should be used under the supervision of a specialist.
One of the most effective and beneficial human body drinks that have been used for centuries in China, India, Japan is green tea. Scientists have found that their medicinal properties it is obliged to the alkaloids contained in it. Green tea is recommended for hypertensive patients. Also green tea It has a tonic effect and is indicated in moderation for people suffering from low blood pressure (hypotension). Green tea has been proven to have anti-cancer effects. But this drink should not be consumed with stomach ulcers and duodenum, as well as in some forms of gastritis. Also, do not drink it before bedtime, because it, like black tea, has a stimulating effect. Strongly brewed green tea should also not be consumed by people with diseases. thyroid gland. Moderate consumption of green tea will bring tangible benefits to the body, but only in moderation! Similarly, other traditional medicines can help, or they can harm. And you need to use them very carefully.

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I think that I won’t reveal a secret to anyone that there are doctors who are distrustful and prejudiced about alternative medicine, preferring traditional methods treatment. And of course, there are patients who prefer to replace harmful traditional medicines useful herbs. Let's try to figure out how justified the negative attitude towards alternative species medicine!

Often the behavior of people cannot but surprise. When their computer crashes, what do they do? Grab the book "Self-tutorial on computer repair"? Or leave him alone, hoping that he will miraculously fix himself and start working? No, of course, these people turn to qualified specialists to repair the computer, don't they? A natural question arises: why do people treat the most precious thing in the life of any person, their life and health, so irresponsibly?

Why do they look for healing methods in books like "100 grandmother's advice”or do they generally go to the neighbor healers, or leave everything to their own devices, with the thoughts that someday you will need to go to the doctor? Why are they sure that a computer can only be fixed technically qualified specialist and at the same time self-confidently believe that they are quite well versed in medical matters. Why do they come to the doctors when the disease is in an advanced form, when it is difficult or almost impossible to restore health?

Every year the number of people who prefer sorcerers, healers, psychics and other homegrown doctors is increasing, while ignoring traditional views treatment. Many collect various unconventional recipes and in the future boldly recommend to friends, relatives and relatives, without thinking about the fact that their recommendations can harm health.

First, let's understand what is alternative medicine. Not traditional medicine- this is a complex of knowledge that was carefully selected by our ancestors, about the dangers and benefits various plants, minerals, and many factors that, one way or another, affect human health in general. This knowledge was collected bit by bit by error and trial over a long period of time. As mankind developed, this knowledge improved. At its core, this knowledge, this experience is very valuable for humanity.

Then why does traditional medicine reject non-traditional therapies? Maybe still folk ways treatment are more effective than current methods? Perhaps this is a banal unwillingness to recognize such methods of treatment? But they are introduced in parallel modern methods treatment with the help of apparatuses, oriental medical methods such as acupuncture, iridology and many others, including healing with natural moments ...

In fact, people often misuse recipes. alternative medicine. modern medicine in his arsenal uses enough effective methods treatment of many diseases, progressive methods are introduced, quite often many inventions are based on methods and methods of alternative medicine. Alternative medicine is an echo of the past, when there were no such opportunities that are available today. Is it really possible to forget about all the knowledge that we received from our ancestors? No way!

Today's methods of treatment are simply necessary during periods acute manifestations illness when the patient needs emergency assistance. Only a qualified, experienced doctor can identify this. Non-traditional methods can help when the disease is sluggish, chronic, when you need to support the body, prevent the development of the disease, in order to avoid complications or exacerbations, when there is no danger to human life. Herbal infusions, cold douches, various gymnastics (yoga, wushu and others) are renewable sources of energy, relieve stress, increase the body's endurance and rejuvenate it!

That's why traditional medicine without non-traditional treatments is not so strong at all. Quite often, it is necessary to stop swallowing handfuls of pills and all kinds of pharmacy delicacies and start drinking herbal decoctions, increase physical activity go on a diet, part with bad habits, and sometimes just take a walk in the forest, park, along the seashore. It is worth paying attention to the surrounding beauty of nature, the singing of birds, to admire the unusual sunsets and the beauty of flowers. You don't have enough free time? Do you need a computer?

Medical specialists have long noticed that a fairly large number of long-term and seriously ill patients, having changed their habitual lifestyle, using competent herbal recipes, using gymnastics and other useful exercises, embarked on the path of recovery, although there were no prerequisites for recovery. Based on this, we can safely conclude that by changing the way of life, way of thinking, starting to treat your health with more responsibility and intelligence, using effective advice competent specialists, we will definitely get positive results from non-traditional methods of treatment.

It must be remembered that in moments of exacerbation, alternative medicine methods cannot be used! Before you start trying alternative medicine methods on yourself, you need to consult with knowledgeable specialists, only they can help you understand what will be useful and what can only bring harm. Many mistakenly believe that, by definition, herbs cannot be harmful. It may be quite difficult to harm the body with herbs, and then in a small amount However, it is often sick people who turn to herbal treatment. Herbs in their own way affect the body, and when various diseases The impact will also be different, it can be both negative and positive.

Friends, the main thing to remember is that you can always improve a computer, but this can not always be done with the human body. Each of us programs our own health and old age! Now!

Here will be discussed about attitude official medicine and science to available alternative cancer treatments. You will find out which non-traditional types therapies are really effective and which ones are not.

From conspiracy theories to reality

Adherents of alternative medicine are very fond of talking about various conspiracy theories that supposedly there are cures for all types of cancer, but pharmacological companies hide this fact.

This statement does not stand up to scrutiny, since the employees themselves and the owners of pharmaceutical companies also suffer from cancer. It is noteworthy that the famous scientist Ralph Steinman, who participated in the development of a cure for cancer, did not live to see the award Nobel Prize because of pancreatic cancer.

It should be borne in mind that all cancers are very different from each other. For example, even one has several subtypes, and by definition there cannot be a single cure for these diseases. By the way, we have prepared an article about. Be sure to read.

What science says about cancer treatment with non-traditional methods

We note right away that official science and medicine by no means reject all non-traditional methods cancer treatment. There is no need to think that scientists and physicians are so categorical in this matter. It should be understood that a scientist can only refer to evidence. Many alternative cancer treatments have been researched in the lab, and some of them have actually proven to be true.

Questions from readers

My girlfriend's mom had breast cancer and she has elder sister 20 year old who also had chest pains, what are the chances that my girlfriend could have the same situation? And does it always show up after sex? October 18, 2013, 17:25 My girlfriend's mother had breast cancer, and she has an older sister of 20 years old who also had chest pain, what are the chances that my girlfriend may have the same situation? And obyazatelno whether this manifests itself after sex?

Which cancer treatments lack evidence

The effectiveness of some alternative methods cancer treatment has not yet been proven. These methods include:

  • Application shark cartilage. It's a common myth that sharks don't get cancer.
  • Gerson therapy.
  • macrobiotic diet.
  • Green tea.
  • Coenzyme Q10.
  • The use of thymus extracts.
  • Large doses vitamin C.
  • Homeopathic preparations.
  • Low-carb diet (we wrote about)
  • The use of antioxidants in the treatment of cancer.

Which cancer treatments have conflicting evidence

These treatments oncological diseases have conflicting data regarding their effectiveness:

  • Mistletoe extract. Many studies show that the extract of this plant actually works against cancer cell cultures. But, as for its effectiveness in relation to people, scientists have doubts here. There is evidence indicating that mistletoe extract has a toxic effect on the liver and may cause a severe allergic reaction.
  • Hypericum extract. There is evidence that St. John's wort extract is effective when injected directly into a tumor and then photoactivated. Perhaps this treatment is effective against cancer Bladder, pancreas and prostate.
  • Astragalus herb. Some studies show that taking astragalus improves the effectiveness of chemotherapy.
Alternative Cancer Therapies That Really Help Manage Symptoms
  • with the use a large number vegetables and fruits. As practice shows, the well-being of patients after such a diet improves.
  • Acupuncture is a treatment method that helps to cope with the many symptoms that accompany cancer(nausea, pain, dizziness).
  • Melatonin is a substance that helps to cope with painful condition patient.
  • Meditation, massage and yoga. These methods help to cope in some cases, but the result may be unstable.
  • Sport. Moderate physical activity improves the effectiveness of the treatment of breast cancer, prostate cancer and colorectal cancer.

If you decide to resort to alternative medicine, then do not be afraid to tell your doctor about it. Of course, the doctor may not support your decision, but it is important that he knew all the information about certain methods that you will undertake. It is possible that some alternative medicine methods will interfere with chemotherapy, and it would be better to wait with them.

Arkady Galanin

Someone believes in pills, someone - in herbs, someone - in the golden hands of a surgeon. Some people don't believe in anything at all. Patients who have lost faith "drift" from official medicine to unofficial medicine and vice versa. The choice of a possible alternative is determined life experience and information. Therefore, we will give the floor to the healer. Whether his arguments will convince you or not, remember one thing: only we ourselves are responsible for our own health. Although sometimes I really want to shift this responsibility to the doctor.

Or a healer...

There are many healers, and at the same time there are many charlatans who understand absolutely nothing in medicine, in the structure of the human body, but undertake to treat. Therefore, it is understandable that people do not trust alternative medicine. I'll try to give my arguments "for" and "against".

What are we suffering for?

Remember the series about Dr. House? Remember how he sent doctors to investigate what was poisoning a man in his house? Now many household items are very toxic - varnishes, paints, etc. It has been proven, for example, that tumors form when a person breathes for a split time. toxic substances. Our medicine does not investigate this, does not pay attention to the risk factors that are in people's homes. Modern official medicine has moved away from human health problems and treats only the symptoms of diseases - it treats the consequences. And no one is looking for a reason. How can a person be cured if the cause of the disease, for example, is living in a geopathic zone? Or, let's say a person keeps animals - rats, hamsters, other rodents, reptiles in cages, cats, dogs, turtles. Does he know that in the organisms of these animals there is a colossal amount of pathogenic organisms that reduce the lifespan of a person, if there is no culture of keeping animals, cleaning up after them? Unsanitary conditions affect not only the owners of these animals, but also all those around them. In our country, violence against animals is, pardon the definition, hysterical in nature, hiding behind love. Someone said that animals should be loved, and not pity, and, moreover, not to break their lives, making them dependent on their whims. And we make a toy out of a living creature, distort its biorhythms and needs, and our diseases are very expensive price for all these things.

Laboratory secrets of alternative medicine

Alternative medicine and massage

Traditional medicine uses massage as a complementary technology. healing process. In any sanatorium, in any clinic, you will be prescribed a massage. Masseurs work on a stream, one can have 50 people at the reception. Often the massage therapist will massage the back hard to show that he is doing something, it hurts the patient, but therapeutic effect almost none, because it is impossible to massage 50 people a day on a stream in a quality manner.

Alternative medicine famous for the science of osteopathy. This science is about 100 years old, it developed in the West and came to us quite recently. When a person experiences some kind of depression, it creates certain areas of tension in the body. The vascular tissue shrinks the fastest, in particular from dysfunctions different kind the aorta suffers greatly. It tends to shrink from stress. When its lumen decreases sharply, it becomes difficult for the heart to pump blood. Osteopathy “discharges” dysfunction, the aortic lumen becomes normal, blood flow is restored. No other method can achieve this so quickly. Osteopathy - non-violent painless method"internal contemplation" and discharge of dysfunctions, today it is a "hit" of massage technologies. With this technology, you can deal with huge amount problems in the human body. Visceral chiropractic (hand massage of the abdominal organs) was developed by Russian professor Alexander Ogulov based on Old Slavonic massage. He recreated his technique, substantiated with scientific point of vision and developed precise practical methods, collecting bit by bit knowledge from non-traditional masseurs, whispering grandmothers, who “rolled out” people’s bellies with their hands, put them in order. Through technology visceral chiropractic By massaging, regulating the organs of the abdomen, you can bring the whole body back to normal. The peristalsis of the intestine improves, the kidneys rise, the navel rises, the sphincters that were blocked by stress open. But medicine is not adopting this powerful healing technology. Vibration massages are also a very interesting technology; it is based on Slavic rose therapy, when people inflicted powerful biting blows on themselves with a bunch of rods, thus causing increased blood circulation. Blood flow is restored, serotonin is produced, a person receives a powerful influx of energy. AT Japanese tradition there is a similar massage, it was used by ancient samurai to treat warriors.

The samurai, who could no longer fight because of his age or some kind of injury, knowing how to kill, also knew how to heal. In Japan, such people were called "tuna". Warriors who were wounded were brought to this samurai, and he began to treat them with herbs and, in parallel, with split bamboo sticks. At first he hit softly, and then harder and harder, and the dysfunctions disappeared, as in osteopathy, plus a colossal set of energy was also going on. Massage with bamboo sticks is called "Kirikobu", it was revived and adapted for Europeans by the doctor and massage therapist Sergey Diordichuk. This massage uses many instruments, the main ones being hollow bamboo sticks. This massage works at the cellular level, restores the cell membrane, energizes the structure bone tissue, restores the production of red blood cells and stem cells, rejuvenates the body. Is there some more Chinese massage with bamboo sticks, which is called neigong, it is also a technique for rejuvenating the body and gaining energy.

There are a lot of types of massages, and they are very different from classical medical ones. By the way, a bath with a broom is also a kind of vibrational massage, besides, the effect of the broom rejuvenates the skin, begins to breathe. But if it is recommended to go to the bathhouse once a week, then vibration massages can be done every day. You can even give yourself a massage to gain energy at home. You need to take two bamboo sticks, fasten them with electrical tape and lightly “stuff” your body. We inhaled - held our breath - and at this time we “stuff” the surface of the arm, or back, or leg (from top to bottom) with a stick - then exhale. Breath holding should be done at the very moment when you tap the body. This develops the lung system, more oxygen is absorbed, the body gains more energy. Every morning, you can gain energy with rattan sticks on different parts of the body for 10-15 minutes. You can give each other a massage.

Pain in alternative medicine


Alternative medicine becomes more popular, despite the disapproval of mainstream medicine, expressing skeptical attitudes of scientists and doctors seeking scientific evidence. Naturally, many patients are not satisfied with the results. official treatment, because we often suffer from it and reap unkind fruits.

I see here three main problems of official medicine (my personal opinion):

  1. Lack of education of doctors, lack of desire to improve knowledge;
  2. Unconditional faith in the power of medicines, distrust of non-traditional methods;
  3. A corrupt structure that is only interested in selling medicines and profiting from our ailments. It is not profitable for such a structure to cure us, because the sources of its profit will be reduced, pharmacies will not be so popular.

In making today's comparison, I distinguish between two camps - ancient Eastern and modern Western medicine.

What is the difference anyway?

Of course, traditional medicine has achieved a lot in surgery, neurology, orthopedics, plastics and other complex areas associated with the use of new technologies. However, in most cases it uses chemical methods effects on our body, which not only do not have a targeted effect on the cause of the disease, but contribute to its further progression and the development of new ones. Just look at the side effects of pharmacy medicines, the listed lists are terrifying.

Modern man has trained himself to reach for the first aid kit in search of a cure for any symptom, and often for no particular reason, and all because he has not been taught the methods of disease prevention, which Western medicine does not focus on at all. As a result, the most common negative consequences for health are: allergies, dysbacteriosis, dysfunction of the kidneys and liver, disorders brain activity, chemical dependence.

The paradox also lies in the fact that there are research centers and institutions in the world that have proven effective recipes, for example, Chinese traditional medicine, which has existed for about four thousand years, but they are not perceived by most Russian doctors. The West has taken a step further here, in the USA there are even projects of state funding for alternative medicine research. Although there are difficulties, some scientific publications declare ineffective indicators of the conducted clinical trials non-traditional methods treatment serious illnesses. I think that in their approaches there is no complex treatment.

The main difference between traditional and alternative medicine is the difference in views on the model of health and the functioning of the body. Orthodox medicine divided us into links, trying to influence a separate component (an organ), not taking into account the integrity of a complex structure. Alternative medicine considers the functioning of the body as the interconnection of all its physical systems, taking into account also the psychological and social aspects of a person, thereby striving for balance and harmony.

Alternative medicine is known to be effective in diseases such as cancer, arthritis, bronchial asthma, diabetes, allergies, gastrointestinal disorders. Some of them relate to diseases that traditional medicine is unable to cure and can only offer symptomatic therapy.

Recently, however, some experts have begun to evaluate the benefits of alternative medicine in the fight against certain ailments.

What is the reason for the growing interest in ancient Eastern practice?

Firstly, dissatisfaction with the results of the use of drugs of chemical synthesis, which have many unfavorable side effects. Secondly, many diseases are not fully understood, and, accordingly, traditional medicine is unable to offer anything.

Oriental alternative medicine comes to the rescue. according to such a system includes not only physical training and proper nutrition, but also seasonal health prevention with the help of biologically active additives(BAA). The latter are safe natural preparations based on medicinal plants that can regulate the functions of all systems of the human body, carry out intracellular cleansing of toxins, and influence the immune system.

I have only considered general points without detailed analysis. In reality, alternative medicine is multifaceted and includes dozens of methods, although I have a negative attitude towards most of them, namely those associated with the spiritual aspects of the East or paganism that contradict Christianity.

How often do you take medications unnecessarily?

Please leave your opinion in the comments about alternative and traditional ways treatment.

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