The upbringing and training of dogs are general principles. Highlights on How to Raise a Puppy Training Raising a Puppy Dog

Dear editors! My dream is to have a purebred dog. But I don't know how to properly educate her. Please post the basic commands to teach the puppy.

Science and life // Illustrations

Practicing the command "Come to me!"

Practicing the command "Sit!".

Practicing the "Down!" command.

A. Nikonov (Kazan).

Many people, when getting a purebred dog, are sure that obedient behavior is “attached” to its pedigree and that in any situation a four-legged friend will behave “smartly”. Meanwhile, raising a dog should be done no less than raising a child.

As a pack animal (and there is no pack without a leader), the dog tends to insist on its own. Usually this behavior is more characteristic of males. Compliance, gentleness of the owner, the dog interprets as weakness and gradually occupies a dominant position in the family. To prevent this from happening, become an authority for your pet from the very first days (even if it is a tiny toy terrier). He must obey you, but not be afraid.

There is a certain distance between the average inclinations of a dog and the ideal, which can only be overcome with the help of training.

Start by giving the puppy a nickname and giving him a permanent place in the apartment, otherwise he will always settle down where he is not supposed to. To accustom the dog to a place, you need to repeatedly take him there and repeat the command "Place!". On the street, this command means that the dog must remain in a certain place even in the absence of the owner.

True contact between man and animal is based on subtle psychological moments, on a reasonable combination of power and kindness. If a four-legged friend has been mischievous, guilty, talk to him concisely and sternly.

Reward good behavior with kind words. The key concepts in rewarding or punishing should always be the same.

Never set your puppy on other dogs, let alone people. Do not anger him during the game or in the process of eating, by doing this you provoke the aggressive behavior of the pet.

Teach your puppy to follow the commands: "Next!", "Sit!", "Lie down!", "Stand!", "Come to me!", "Walk", "Fetch!", "Give!", "Fu!". Correction of the behavior of an adult animal is much more difficult, but possible.

Train your dog to walk with a short leash. If she walks fast or lags behind, restrain or pull her on the leash while giving the command "Close!".

The dog must walk on a leash so that its chest is in line with the owner's legs.

To train your dog to sit, pull the leash back and up, while simultaneously pressing your hand on the dog's croup, give the command "Sit!".

Practicing the "Down!" command: pull the leash to the ground, press the withers of the sitting dog and give the command "Down!".

Practicing the “Stop!” command: put your hand under the belly of the sitting dog, lift the dog while repeating the “Stop!” command.

When teaching the command "Come to me!", take a treat (a piece of cracker or sausage) in your right hand, show it to the dog, and then transfer it behind your back to your left hand. The dog, following the treat, will go around behind you and end up at your left foot. Give her the command "Sit!", reward her with a treat.

Every time you need a dog, call her name and say the command "Come!". Run up - caress. It is important that the command "Come to me!" was not associated in the dog with the end of the walk, but caused only pleasant sensations. It is forbidden to punish a dog that came up to you on command, even if it was guilty of something. Otherwise, the next time she hears "Come!", she will run away from you.

Team "Aport!" means giving the dog an object thrown by the owner. It is usually accompanied by a guiding movement of the hand towards the thrown object. Bringing it in his teeth, the dog should run around you from behind and sit on the left side.

To get the object to be fetched, you need to work out the command "Give!". Accompany it by stretching your hand palm up to the dog's face.

Any undesirable action of your pet is interrupted by the command "Fu!".

After the dog has completed one or another order, be sure to praise it, pet it, and give it a treat.

Domestic dogs need to interact with people. They perceive isolation as a punishment and yearn. Usually, in order to pass the day before the arrival of the owner, some dogs howl and bark out of boredom, others gnaw on doors and furniture, and others chew on shoes and clothes left unattended. Evening thrashings and poking your nose into the created disgrace do not help.

The conditions for inappropriate behavior of pets were created by people themselves, depriving dogs of their historical legal "work". Here is what the French magazine for dog breeders "Vos Chiens" wrote about this: "Losing its inherent role since ancient times, the dog nevertheless retains all its instincts in its original form, and they, of course, tend to break out through the first vent that comes across ... Therefore, it is completely it is wrong to believe that a dog's happiness is sweet idleness. Just like a person, she suffers when she is forced to "sit" without work, and life loses all meaning for her.

But there is still a way out of this situation. Organize dog leisure so that the animal does not want to smoke. During the morning walk, try to tire the dog as much as possible. Play with her, throw balls and sticks to her. Feed at home. A well-fed and well-fed pet will behave calmly alone.

Toys and quiet music on the radio will help brighten up a lonely existence for your pet.

Dog toys are designed to be chewed on or pushed around by the dog. They are made of food-grade plastic coated with food coloring, and made of natural veins. Balls and artificial bones are especially popular with dogs. There are also special vitamin bones. The dog plays with these toys all day long.

If you went with your pet into the forest and he, being free, does not come to you on command, do not run after him with loud screams, provoking the game. When he returns, in no case punish them, on the contrary - caress and give a treat.

Never use a leash to punish your dog or let him play with it.

Feed the dog is supposed to be at the same time, in the same place and from the same bowl. Feed rations are available at pet stores.

Do not allow the dog to persistently beg from the table. Just take him out of the kitchen and take him to his place.

Teach your dog from puppyhood to sit quietly when brushing or doing routine checkups. Then, at the doctor's appointment, she will behave calmly. Reward your pet with treats for good behavior.

Sparing no time and effort on raising a puppy, you will grow a reliable and faithful friend out of him. A well-bred dog is a compliment to the owner. Neither the owner nor those around him will suffer from it.

And finally. Choosing a pet, we choose his fate - happy or unhappy. The meaning of the union of man and animal is in their harmony. The animal must be confident in its owner. And a person should be responsible for the one he tamed. The world's oldest association of dog breeders - the English Kennel Club - acts very wisely, offering everyone who decides to get a dog to answer a special questionnaire. Here are some questions from this survey. Do you have someone at home who can look after the dog? Is your home large enough to keep a dog? Are you ready to walk your dog for a long time? Can you afford the possible costs of a veterinarian? Are you aware that dogs, like people, age and may require special expenses?

I would like to believe that someday we will learn how to responsibly decide the fate of our smaller brothers. And there will be no abandoned and destitute animals on our streets.


Woolhard D., Bartlett M. What all good dogs should know (training through understanding) / Per. from English. - M.: OKO, 1996.

Mazover A. Puppy. Choice. Care. Upbringing. Education. - 1968, Nos. 2, 5, 9; 1969, no. 1.

Mazover A. Training of service dogs. - 1971, No. 5.

Our educational complex is designed for puppies aged from one to three months.

The upbringing and adaptation of a puppy begins at the age of one month, and it is better to take a puppy up to three months.
At this age, all phobias (obsessive fears), all wrong behaviors are laid. And also laid all the right skills.

What can we teach a puppy at the age of one to three months. A lot:

Don't jump on the owner
sleep well at night
run on the street for the master's feet
sit quietly and wait for food to be served
do not bite people's limbs and clothes
get acquainted with the commands "to me", "fu", "sit"

How can you teach your child all this?
Your readiness and patience is required.

Many people ask: “What can and cannot be punished for at such a young age?” It is better at this age to do without punishment. Take care of your and puppy's nervous system.
I especially want to draw your attention to this enumeration.

Puppies under three months of age should not be punished for:

  • heaps and puddles on the floor or carpet
  • for all property damage. If at this age the puppy took out one of the valuable things and gnawed it, it means that you did not remove it in time in a place inaccessible to the baby. If you have electrical and similar wires in an accessible place, remove them immediately. This is a favorite treat for many puppies.
  • running around, jumping on furniture
  • biting off pieces from the walls. If the puppy does this, see a doctor, he may be lacking in minerals and vitamins, or he may have worms.
  • grabbing and ruffling your clothes as you pass by.
  • biting the master's hands and feet. These are typical puppy games and usually disappear on their own after changing teeth. Sometimes I even tell my clients: “If your puppy under the age of 4 months does not run after your legs and does not gnaw them, but lies quietly in the corner. He is sick. Take your puppy's temperature

Maintaining a positive emotional state in dogs is essential. But in puppies from 1 month to 3 months, it is necessary to evoke such emotions that strengthen the nervous system and in the future will lead the dog to balance and restraint. The dog will choose the right situation where you can throw out your emotions, and where you need to remain completely calm.

Puppies, starting from 1 month to 3 months, are brought up in methods that cause them only joy and satisfaction and instill in them the hope that everything will be fine. Therefore, the methods of working with a small puppy are based only on positive reinforcement (petting, treats, play). Or purposeful exercises based on the right to choose.

In order to start practicing with your baby, learn how to cook a treat, give it correctly and, most importantly, learn the correct intonation of your voice. This will be the preparatory stage for you. Until you learn these exercises yourself, you should not start exercising with your baby.

Learning how to cook a treat.

Starting today, you are introducing a new form of home clothing. It's called "The owner of the big pocket of cheese." Carry a treat with you all the time, and for every correct action of the puppy, reward him with a treat and affection.

It can be tiny pieces of hard cheese. Cheese can become hard if it lies a little without packaging.

The size of the treat is important. If the pieces are large, then the puppy eats up quickly, and he will no longer be interested in further training. If the pieces are very small, then they will fall out of the baby's mouth.

Therefore, we take the best option with a pea. It is not necessary to round them, the main thing is not the shape, but the size. I foresee the question: if my dog ​​is on dry food, can he be given cheese? I answer as a veterinarian: You can. But only during class. Another question: why cheese, and not the dry food we feed? Because dry food is given strictly according to the norm - this is the first time, and secondly, the puppy can choke on dry pieces and will cough as well as from dry cookies. How about sausages? You can, of course, but your hands and clothes will be greasy, which is just unpleasant. So cheese. Learn to give treats. It always lies in the right-hander's pocket, and in the left-hander's pocket. We do not use cellophane bags. Otherwise, the dog will react to the rustling of cellophane. And we don't need it. Therefore, appropriate clothing is selected. We do not mind getting it a little dirty, and there are pockets on these clothes.

No more than 5 seconds should elapse between the actions of the dog and their encouragement. Otherwise, the promotion is not effective at all.

Treats are given in two ways. On the open palm and in a pinch (between the thumb and forefinger). Both ways are in place. And in the classroom we will use both.

So, the owner of the "big pocket of cheese" walks around the house and begins to teach the dog the right behavior. You can train a puppy in parallel with several methods of correct behavior.

We teach the puppy to his nickname.

The name of the dog must be short and sonorous. It may not match the pedigree name. There are many names for dogs on the site, take a look and take one of them into service. Example: Siegfried is a good name, but too long to get the puppy's attention, Sigi or Reed is better.

And when the baby grows up, you can use the full name. And he will respond to it. I like to teach the puppy to the name in the process of feeding. Take a bowl and call the baby in an affectionate voice: "Zigi, Zigi, Zigi", repeating the nickname often and several times. At the same time, show a bowl of food. From the second day, the kid will understand that it is his name and that he needs to run faster, as they will give him delicious food. So fun and on a pleasant note, you will teach the puppy to respond to the name.

We teach the dog to respond to the word "Good."

The question is, why do we need it so that the puppy reacts to the word "Good." Everything is very simple. Not always you will be able to give a treat to the dog for a job well done. For example, working from a distance means that your dog is 10 meters away from you. And how can you let him know that you are happy with him? But like this. Say the word "good" and the dog will know your mood. And so we teach a puppy. We stretch out a delicacy to him and, saying in an affectionate voice, always affectionate, the word "good", we feed him delicious cheese from our hands. You have already read about the delicacy in the previous post.

You can stroke and caress the baby at this time. Learn how to pet your dog properly. Pat her lightly on the chest. Slow down. But make sure the puppy enjoys it. Don't stroke your head or back. Why I will explain to those who will be engaged in our virtual group.

Practice the skill only when the puppy is not doing anything illegal at that moment. For example, he just lies still or has come up to you and has not yet put his paws on your knees. Praise and give a treat.

The internet is full of dog training tips. And many owners who do not have time to think about the pet's psychology take everything at face value and diligently follow the recommendations that cannot be attributed otherwise than to "bad advice", because the consequences are often sad.

So, how do you train a dog to destroy relationships and instill in your pet an aversion to being with you? Easily!

  1. Learn and Apply outdated theories– for example, the theory of dominance! Well, so what, that scientists have already proved its inconsistency, since it is valid only for animals that find themselves in unnatural conditions with extremely limited resources? How else can you try on the role of a warden in a maximum security prison without leaving your home?
  2. Bite the dog to get your point across to her, or dump her on her back! It does not matter that the dog does not perceive you as another dog and that your behavior will look in his eyes, to put it mildly, dangerous. Let it be ready for surprises at any moment! True, for starters, I highly recommend learning how to dodge: what if the dog still believes that you are another dog and decides to bite you back? And the reaction of the dogs is great! But if your face survives, you can be proud of your reaction too.
  3. Stick to the rules that “experienced” dog handlers give you, not those that are convenient for you. And let scientists prove that the main thing is consistency, and it doesn’t matter who eats first or goes through the door. Even if you want the dog to share the couch with you or it is more convenient to feed him before you sit down to dinner yourself, by no means do this! After all, “experienced cynologists who trained 28 Alabaevs to work at customs” know for sure that your Labrador is sleeping and sees how to move you to the mat and take your seat at the dinner table!
  4. Take the dog's bowl of food. Is always. And be sure to pretend that you started eating from there. Pick up toys too. It doesn't matter that your dog guards favorite things. All these modern techniques are complete nonsense. Taking away the bowl or favorite toy is the best way to solve the problem! Do you have a couple extra hands? In addition, now, they say, they make good prostheses ...
  5. If you are going for a walk and your dog starts expressing joy, be sure to sit him down for at least 15 minutes from the first day, and preferably an hour! And not a step out the door until the dog sits all this time as if he is passing the OKD test! Perhaps the next walk under such conditions will take place only in a couple of months, if it takes place at all - so what? The small steps technique is for the weak, and you are not one of them, are you? You need everything at once!
  6. In no case do not let the puppy communicate with relatives! So what if he grows up cowardly-aggressive? But it will be a pet that does not need other dogs!
  7. Don't play with the dog! Otherwise, she will think that you can fool around and take liberties. You're in a maximum security prison, remember?
  8. If the dog did something wrong - pull on the leash! And as strong as possible! The dog will survive, she's a dog. Well, so what, that from this she will become nervous and aggressive and / or damage the trachea? But you will prove that you are the leader and you should not joke in your society! Oh yes, I almost forgot. Have you already been told that the best ammunition is a "stricter" or a noose? And have you already bought a stun collar?
  9. Another way to prove that you are an “alpha individual” is do not let the pet in the place. Let all humanists at least prove that the dog's place is its refuge, where it should feel comfortable and safe. For you, authority is “an experienced dog handler who has trained 28 Alabaevs”! And let the dog suffer, it is useful for her once again to realize his position.
  10. Give your dog an old phone book or magazine as a toy.. But then be sure to punish her if she tears up the right books and magazines! In the end, let him learn to read and distinguish the useful from the unnecessary!

The first and basic rule of raising a dog. If you hit a puppy on a soft spot, there will be little sense (not to mention the fact that it is inhuman). The dog will not understand such actions of yours, because animals in a pack do not beat each other.

2. "Bite" to explain something

The leader (and before meeting you, the puppy had a leader - his mother) acts rudely, but in a different way: he bites the “subordinate” in the neck or simply fills him up on his back. It is in these two ways that dogs show their displeasure.

To fake a bite, tighten your fingers and just hit the tips on the neck (on top, where the skin is roughest). If the dog’s behavior doesn’t fit into any gate at all, go further: after the “bite”, do not remove your hand and bring the dog down on its back. Most likely, the first few times will be difficult - the dog may resist. Then you need to hold him by the neck until he calms down. From the outside it looks creepy, but believe me, the dog does not hurt.

3. Don't let your dog on the bed

From the first minutes in the house, the puppy is forbidden to be on your bed / sofa / chair. Simply because in the pack the leaders sleep on a hill, and everyone else sleeps below.

In a human dwelling, a hill is a bed, so for a dog this is forbidden territory.

Drive away "bites" in the neck.

4. First you eat, only then - the dog

We return to the pack again: first the leader eats, after him - all the rest. So first you have breakfast / lunch / dinner, and only then does the dog eat. However, do not forget about: education by education, but the dog should not be hungry. Another important rule: while you are eating, the dog should not sit near you and beg for food. Of course, you should not give anything from the table either.

5. Take away the food bowl

When it's time to feed the dog, first make him calm down (if he knows the commands, let him do it). When the dog eats, take the bowl from him, hold it with you, pretend that you are eating from there. It sounds strange, but it reminds the dog who is in charge here (all food is on demand at the leader). Another such exercise will teach the dog to calmly give you everything and not growl.

6. Calm your dog before walks.

The walk starts at home. If the dog happily jumps at the sight of a leash and keys, then we are waiting for it to calm down. Understand that dog joy is bad for education: the dog does not hear you, does not see you, he is overexcited. If you have to wait an hour, wait an hour. Never go out while the dog is excited. Soon she will realize that the streets cannot be seen if she jumps or whines.

7. Lead the dog strictly behind you.

Walk on a short leash. First you come out the door, only then the dog. If he tries to climb forward, that is, he considers himself the leader, we repeat again and again until he follows you strictly.

On the street, you should lead the dog near the leg, his body slightly behind yours.

You need to walk your dog for at least 40 minutes a day. Of course, the dog, the longer the walk.

8. Don't let your dog reach for other animals.

If the dog is desperately reaching forward, tug on the leash or bend down and "bite" him. In case a dog/cat/bird is walking by and the dog is reaching for them, make him sit down and calm down. Of course, this does not mean that she cannot communicate with anyone at all. Quite the opposite - you need to, but only after you completely calm down. Remember that eye to eye contact is a sign that a fight is about to take place: this is a challenge.

9. Don't let your dog fight you.

For dogs, play is not the same as it is for us. In the animal world, all games are training. Jumping on each other and biting, puppies learn to fight. Keep this in mind when your dog jumps on you and tries to bite you and stop. Better throw him toys and teach him to bring and give. At first, the dog will most likely happily run away from you with prey in its mouth. Take away toys: the leader does not ask, he always takes his own.

10. Don't let us pick up food

First, one thing must be understood by the owner himself: it is very harmful for a dog to pick up food from the ground on the street. There may be poison, and then the dog may simply die. As soon as the dog begins to actively sniff the ground, know that he has smelled food. If he tries to pick her up, tug on the leash and say "fu". Of course, like any exercise, you will have to repeat this many times, but sooner or later the dog will understand everything and stop “vacuuming”.

11. Do not allow jumping on people

As a rule, the owners are not satisfied with the two extremes of dog behavior towards other people: excessive joy and aggression. If you're a little more fortunate and your dog just loves everyone around him so much and is willing to jump in and kiss, then just don't let him do that.

The tactic is simple: tug on the leash every time the dog reaches for the person. If joy crosses all boundaries, force them to sit down and calm down. If necessary, "bite" on the neck. The secret is that the tactics of behavior with an aggressive dog are the same.

12. Be confident, but do not calm the dog

You must be calm, no matter how difficult it may be. Dogs feel everything, including excitement and anger.

The leader cannot be nervous and afraid, keep that in mind.

The dog shouldn't be nervous either. If she is afraid, in no case do not touch her, do not stroke, do not calm her down. She does not understand what exactly you are saying, she only catches a good intonation and understands it as "well done." This is how you tell your dog that being afraid and shaking (or growling and barking) is the right thing to do. In all such situations, she will behave that way.

13. Help her relax

When the dog calms down itself, forgets about what happened, you can give her a massage. It's simple: simulate a mouth with your fingers and lightly “bite” the dog on the back. Do this slowly, rubbing your entire back with your “mouth”. Another secret: massage near the withers soothes, and near the tail, on the contrary, excites.

14. Build relationships with other family members

If you have other dogs, cats, or people in your home, be sure to build a newbie relationship with them as well. The dog must understand the entire family hierarchy (she is the very last link). Hug and caress all family members and all animals. The dog must look from afar. So he will understand that the leader is supportive of these members of the pack and it is better not to touch them.

If this approach does not help, roll the dog on its back, and put the other four-legged on top - this is a subordinate position. Family members should also put the dog in its place: “bite” or fill up on its back, do not feed or let it go to its place.

15. Create fun activities for your dog.

If you are busy with something and there is no time to play with your dog, build quick toys for him that will keep your pet busy for a long time. The best way is to give him an old magazine or telephone directory. The puppy will be very busy for a good couple of hours, and then fall asleep.

You can make many boxes out of cardboard. Hide treats in some of them and give the boxes to the dog - let him sniff and look for food. You can also turn on the fan: it buzzes and blows, and the dog will definitely be busy.

Puppies are small bundles of happiness that require close attention to themselves and proper care. Your puppy is only a month old - does it need to be raised at such an early age, and how to do it right?

Despite the rather young age of the pet, right now you should start actively working with him in order to grow a healthy, intelligent and devoted friend for you and your family in the near future.

Education and health of a monthly puppy

First of all, if you have set yourself the goal of properly raising your puppy, you need to take him to the veterinarian. The doctor assesses the health of the baby and weighs him. After evaluation by the veterinarian, your puppy may receive his first vaccine, but his immune system is still fragile.

It is necessary to monitor his weight daily, especially during the weaning process, in order to understand how complete and well absorbed solid food is in his body. At the age of 1 month there should not be an instant weaning from mother's milk, the transition to other foods should be done gradually, in order to avoid health problems. Seek immediate medical attention if the puppy appears anemic, has stopped eating, and/or has persistent diarrhea or vomiting.

An important part of caring for a puppy is protection against worms and fleas. It is necessary to follow a certain schedule in carrying out both procedures. So, about a week before deworming, you need to rid your pet of fleas. It is worth mentioning the preparation for vaccinations: one and a half to two weeks before vaccination, it is necessary to deworm the puppy. The procedure must be carried out so that the baby's body is not weakened by worms and is ready to fight the infection. The timing of deworming is set by the veterinarian. Usually the first preventive procedure takes place at the age of 2-3 weeks, then it is repeated at 4, 8, 12 weeks. Your veterinarian will advise you on the next prophylaxis schedule.

Wholesome nutrition is the basis of proper puppy upbringing

When a puppy is only one month old, the wrong and cruel decision in raising a baby will be to abruptly wean him from his mother's breast. At the fourth week, the puppies begin to develop milk teeth, and the mother gradually begins to wean them herself.

If the pet cannot get enough milk from its mother or is orphaned, it is necessary to introduce complementary foods with a special mixture from a bottle or very thin porridge from dry puppy food soaked in milk. When introducing food, carefully follow the instructions on the label to correctly calculate the amount of food your pet needs. Gradually, over several weeks, milk should be replaced with water, and then the amount of water in the porridge should be reduced so that by 2 months the puppy will switch to dry food. Babies up to a year are fed 4-6 times a day, but closer to a year the number of feedings is brought up to 1-2 times a day.

During the next bottle feeding, you can try to interest the puppy in solid food by diluting a piece of food with water until soft. Have your puppy lick the food off your finger. Let him play with food more than eat at first, make sure he actually eats the food. As soon as he begins to fully eat solid food, bottle feeding should be stopped.

Environmental conditions when raising and caring for a monthly puppy

If your puppy is only a month old and already weaned from his mother, but you want to raise your pet in love and care, you need to provide him with his own place. Buy a sleep and rest crate that can accommodate an adult dog. Place rolled towels along all its walls so that the baby has enough space to lie down and turn around. Place this box in a place where the puppy will be near you or other members of your family, put a soft blanket and some chew toys in it. Keep your puppy in a crate at night and during times when you can't control him.

Try to keep your baby clean by wiping it with warm, wet wipes or brushing it gently. Regular baths can be started as long as the room is warm and you dry the puppy completely after bathing.

Socialization as the most important part of raising a puppy at 1 month

It is worth mentioning once again that one month is still too early for any puppy to be weaned from its mother, brothers and sisters. If he is weaned this early, he is likely to face further health and behavioral problems. Health problems, as mentioned above, may arise due to the lack of mother's milk, which provided the necessary set of vitamins and minerals for the development of a young organism. Behavioral problems arise from the lack of basic social skills that come with dealing with other dogs, as well as the lack of a basic sense of security, like a child who did not grow up with parents in a stable family environment.

The first question many veterinarians ask when seeing a dog with strange behavioral problems is, "When was the dog weaned from its mother?" And most often they hear the answer: "Too early." In many European countries it is against the law to sell a puppy under 8 weeks old, and many responsible breeders keep puppies even longer, especially if they go to a new home without other dogs.

By week 4, and over the next 10 weeks, your puppy's experience of interacting with the outside world will play a big role in his future development. Puppies that don't live with their siblings and mother until they are 8 weeks old can face some pretty big problems in the future. One of these problems, for example, is the habit of biting, common among abandoned pets, even during games.

How to help a puppy to socialize and survive weaning from the family in the least painful way? Try to find an adult lactating dog who will allow the puppy to be with her between feedings. Many bitches who have a puppy will be happy to play with someone else's puppy, they will lick him, raise him and teach him basic skills, as his own mother would do. In addition, it is worth finding other puppies with whom your pet can spend enough time. After all, it is when interacting with other dogs that he will receive the maximum number of communication skills that are so necessary for his successful socialization. In no other way can you replace or make up for the lack of communication, and in the future, you and your dog will live with the negative consequences of this all your life.

Since at the age of 1 month the puppy has not yet been vaccinated with all the necessary vaccines, in the process of socialization and education, keep the puppy away from sick or strange-looking dogs. At the same time, try not to stop his communication with people, including children. The puppy should associate the image of a person with affection and play. He is still too small to walk on a leash, so keep him in your arms while walking, giving you the opportunity to get acquainted with new sounds of cars, sirens, barking dogs and other loud sounds.

How to properly develop and educate a puppy

A healthy 1-month-old puppy should be able to dispose of waste on its own and attempt to clean itself. He can already drink water from a stable shallow bowl and is ready to begin the transition to solid foods. By a month old, puppies have fully developed vision and become more energetic and curious. Your puppy is eager to explore his immediate environment, which means he will walk, dig, roll and play. He can safely remain alone for short periods of time, limited by the security of his box.

You should start training a puppy with the rules and habits necessary in everyday life:

Where are his dishes for food and water located;

What time of day will he eat?

Where is his place to sleep and rest;

What time does he go to bed;

What time does he get up?

Where is the bathroom located?

Where are his toys kept?

When training, a positive emotional attitude is important, which strengthens the nervous system of the dog. And here an important role is played by correctly chosen gentle and calm intonations of the owner's voice.

With a patient and consistent approach to raising a puppy from 1 to 3 months old, he can be taught the following skills:

Do not jump on people;

Follow the owner's feet while outside;

To sit patiently and wait for the food to be served;

Do not bite people's hands, feet and clothes;

Know the commands "fu", "sit", "come to me".

Puppies between the ages of 1 and 3 months need to be brought up in exclusively positive ways, based on affection, games and treats. It is important to know how and when to use treats or treats when training your pet. Veterinarians advise when teaching the correct behavior of a pet to encourage them to carry a treat, such as pieces of hard cheese or sausages. And the size of one piece should be about the size of a pea. It is convenient to use such a delicacy when teaching a puppy various tricks. But don't use treats as a method of teaching any team. Situations may arise when you suddenly find yourself in trouble or want to stop the pet while it is performing some action. By consistently using this method with a treat, your puppy will decide that he can only follow your commands when he is hungry enough to do so.

Why is it so important to choose the right method of training and raising a pet? When using the wrong training method, the puppy will decide for himself what role you play in his life. This will lead to conflicts and behavior problems in the future. If you use the right training method, your puppy will be happy to let you set the rules for what he can and cannot do in your family.

It is important to teach your puppy to respect you as the leader in your home. Without respect, your puppy will be able to learn words and commands, but he won't follow them. You probably know dog owners who say that the dog "understands" but does not do what they say. But this is not intelligence - this is disrespect. And this behavior may be due to the wrong educational position from the very moment when the puppy was first brought home. Respect for you cannot be shown in the behavior of the dog "almost" correctly. You must receive it completely, consistently, in the way that dogs understand it.

Dogs are capable of learning a lot of words, and there is no better way to get your dog to understand your desires than by teaching him carefully chosen vocabulary words. First of all, the puppy should be taught to his nickname. This process works best during feeding, when you take out a bowl of food and affectionately call your pet, repeating his name repeatedly. In addition, for example, you can teach a puppy the word "good." This simple word will be an excellent substitute for a treat in the future when teaching a puppy new commands.

Tactile contact with the puppy is also important, learn how to stroke the baby correctly so that your caress is pleasant to him.

You also need to know what you can or cannot punish a pet at the age of 1 month in the process of raising it. Most veterinarians believe that punishment should be avoided at this age. Whatever your puppy does, try to remain calm and patient, treat this still small and defenseless creature with understanding. After all, now he is completely dependent on you, and it is in your power to devote enough time and effort to your pet to raise a wonderful assistant and companion.

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