Why are pistachios so expensive. Why have nuts become so expensive in Russia? And how did the price affect their quality?

Pistachio is a genus of small evergreen shrubs or trees of the Sumac family, 3-10 meters high. Despite the relatively small growth, the roots of the plant differ in their length: they go 12-15 meters deep, and 30-40 meters to the sides.

Most common in Western, Eastern and Central Asia, Mediterranean and Northeast Africa, and some species of this plant can be found in Central America.

Pistachio grows on mountain-steppe brown soils and gray soil, cliffs, slopes. Drought-resistant, photophilous, loves soil very much, rich in calcium which she easily absorbs. Shrubs can withstand low temperatures(down to -25°C). The plant usually grows as a single specimen, rarely forming forests.

Pistachio blooms in April, less often in March, and the fruits are harvested in September-November. Nuts have been eaten for over two thousand years. In some countries they were especially valued. So, in Persia they were considered a symbol of wealth. Nuts can be brought to “condition” in different ways - someone simply dries them in the sun, while others soak them in saline solution and then fried. It is in this form that they are delivered to Russia.

Pistachio nuts have a high nutritional value, contain very a large number of vitamins, microelements, as well as proteins, fats, carbohydrates and antioxidants that prevent the aging of the body. Scientists have proven that the use of this product has a tonic effect on the body, helps fight stress, and also reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood. However, if we compare pistachios, say, with peanuts, then in terms of their properties, they are unlikely to greatly outperform the latter.

So what is so connected with high price for this nut? It turns out that only those trees that are at least 6-7 years old begin to bear fruit more or less normally. The maximum return from the plant is achieved only by the age of 20, and even that number of fruits is not amazing ( good harvest several tens of kilograms of collected nuts from one tree are considered). Farmers value their time and effort, which is why the price of the product is so high.

Pistachio is one of the most ancient nuts known in the history of mankind. The first mention of pistachios goes back centuries - they were known as early as 7000 BC. in what is now Turkey and the Middle East. The Romans brought pistachios to Europe in the first century AD. The word "pistachios" ("pistachio") itself comes from the Italian version of the word "pistah", which in Arabic means "nut". In the Old World, pistachios are grown mainly in Iran, Syria, Turkey, Spain and North Africa. Pistachios gained extraordinary popularity in America in the 1930s, with the result that pistachio trees were imported into California after World War II.

Pistachios are very tasty and completely safe, the main thing is that there should be few pistachios. But for ocean-going bulk carriers, large batches of pistachios pose a very definite danger. Pistachios can set fire to a ship and even poison its crew.

That's why it can happen...

Pistachios are high in vegetable fats, which at certain conditions begin to self-destruct, releasing a large amount of heat into the surrounding space. This reaction is accelerated high humidity air - it can go so violently that a load of pistachios catches fire. Therefore, the rules of cargo transportation prohibit storing pistachios (especially peeled ones) together with fibrous, oiled fabrics (for example, burlap). Such proximity is a guarantee of fire on board the dry cargo ship.

Pistachios are isolated during storage large quantities carbon dioxide. Therefore, the hold with a cargo of pistachios must be ventilated before entering it. service staff. Otherwise, people can simply suffocate.

Another danger associated with pistachios is aflatoxin. This toxin is secreted by mold fungi of the genus Aspergillus, which settle on pistachios. Aflatoxin is incredibly dangerous and can cause permanent liver damage. In addition, Aspergillus fungi themselves are dangerous - their spores cause a lung disease called aspergillosis.

Pistachio- This is a dioecious deciduous tree from the sumac family, often multi-stemmed or bushy, 4-6 m high, less often 10 m. The trunk is curved, usually inclined and ribbed. The crown is low, dense. The leaves are pinnately dissected, up to 20 cm long, with five, less often with seven leaflets. Male flowers in complex wide panicles up to 6 cm long, and female flowers in looser and longer inflorescences. The fruit is an almost spherical one-seeded drupe with a hard shell and a soft core. The skin is yellowish, purple or red. The kernel is greenish, edible, oily, tasty. Pistachios bloom in April, sometimes in March. The fruits ripen in September - November. Wild pistachio grows in Central Asia, less often in the Caucasus. In the semi-desert zone and at an altitude of 400 - 2000 m above sea level, it forms extensive light forests. Grows on rocky, rocky slopes. Very photophilous and drought-resistant due to the originality of the root system. The fact is that pistachios have two tiers of roots, and they “work” in shifts. The upper tier consumes moisture in winter and spring, and the lower tier in summer and autumn. In depth, the root system goes 10-12 m. to the sides - 20-25 m. Due to the fact that in natural conditions the plant does not close the crowns, but the roots, the pistachio does not form forests.

Pistachio trees grown in orchards need to reach the age of 7-10 years to begin to bear fruit perceptibly. Peak nut production is reached at about 20 years of tree age. The fruits appear on a tree that grows very slowly, but lives up to 400 years, and its roots go 15 meters deep. One male tree produces enough pollen for 8-12 walnut females. When the nut ripens, its shell partially opens. This produces a click.

The shell of the pistachio is beige, but is sometimes dyed red in commercial pistachios. Initially, red dye was applied by importers to hide spots on the shells that appear when the pistachios are harvested by hand. However, most pistachios are now harvested by machine and the casings remain unstained, making painting unnecessary (except when some consumers are used to and expect red pistachios). Roasted pistachios turn naturally red when marinated in a salty lemon marinade before frying.

In the XVIII century. the outstanding scientist P.S. Pallas planted 15 trees of wild Central Asian pistachio in the Crimea, near the ancient Sudak. The trees are doing well in their new location. The abundance of the sun, rocky soils, summer heat - all this is to the liking of the pistachio. In addition, pistachio is a calcephile, that is, it loves calcareous soils, therefore, in the Crimea and the Black Sea region, there are fertile places for it.

Main pistachio growing areas now located in Iran, Central and Middle Asia, Turkey, USA. It is found in the Caucasus and in the Crimea. Pistachio is a long-liver, you can find trees with an age of more than a thousand years. But the growth of a plant growing in harsh conditions remains small - the pistachio lives, blooms, bears fruit, but almost does not increase in size. Therefore, its wood becomes very dense and heavy. A stump of a pistachio tree, thrown into the water, sinks like iron. But Crimean pistachio little suitable for human consumption, especially since the area of ​​​​their distribution is very small. The main flow of pistachios comes to Russia from Iran.

Let's remember then how pistachios are useful:

Pistachios differ from other nuts in that they most rationally combine calorie content and the amount of amino acids, vitamins and minerals. For example, they contain significant amounts of copper, manganese and phosphorus. Pistachios have these important trace elements like magnesium and potassium.

As for vitamins, pistachios are rich in B vitamins, especially B6. In this, pistachio nuts can compete even with beef liver. If you eat 10 nuts a day, you can get a quarter of the amount of vitamin B6 for an adult. Other B vitamins are present in smaller amounts.

The phenolic compounds found in pistachios provide their antioxidant capacity - that is, they keep the body youthful without free radicals destroy cell walls. Moreover, these compounds promote cell growth and renewal. In addition, vitamin E also has antioxidant abilities, so pistachios can be called rejuvenating nuts. The same ancient Persians, by the way, called them magical. Is it because they helped them to keep their strength and vigor longer? Like it or not, but in the United States, for example, pistachios are included in the first of four groups of foods with antioxidant abilities.

Also, lutein and zeaxanthin, carotenoids that help maintain vision, are considered very important substances in pistachios. They also help strengthen bone tissue organism: skeleton, bones, teeth. It is the only nut that contains these carotenoids.

And finally, fiber. Pistachios have more of it than all other nuts. 30 grams of pistachios contains as much fiber as a serving of oatmeal. And as you know, everyone is very lacking in fiber. We conclude: pistachios - suitable product to replenish the body with fiber.

How pistachios are harvested or what is a pistachio harvester:

IN last years The popularity of pistachios has increased, and not only thanks to popular commercials starring Snoop Dogg or the character Ernie the Elephant. Five years ago, one person worldwide ate about 300 grams of nuts, but today this figure has increased by 60%.

Useful properties of nuts and collection features

Why do people love pistachios? One of the reasons is the excellent and unusual taste. In addition, pistachios have unique nutritional properties. Nuclei are rich unsaturated fats, fiber and antioxidants. Research shows that pistachios can help reduce high blood pressure and contribute to the development beneficial microflora intestines.

They are gaining credibility as a weight loss tool, in part because nuts make you feel fuller and fuller than their counterparts. Studies have shown that a person fills up much faster if he buys pistachios in the shell, because most of it takes time to clean them up. In 2011, an experiment was even conducted where participants were divided into two groups. The first was given the peeled kernels, and the second - nuts in the shell.

Interesting fact: to harvest pistachios, gardeners use a machine called a shaker. She shakes the trees, mature nuts fall into the equipment tank.

Why are pistachios sold raw?

But this leads to another question: Why are pistachios one of the few nuts that are commonly sold to consumers with shells attached to them?

To roast and salt nuts such as walnuts or cashews, manufacturers need to remove the protective shell. But why are pistachios an exception? In 70-90% of nuts, a natural split of the shell appears during full ripening. After the pistachios are harvested from the trees with harvesters, they can be salted and roasted, but with the shells on. The natural crack allows heat and spices to reach the core, eliminating the difficult cleaning process. All this saves both money and time during the processing of pistachios.

Is the shell a sign of maturity?

As a rule, a natural crack appears only in mature and more or less large nuts. Only a minority of pistachios do not crack open on their own - it is not uncommon to find them in a package. Some companies select whole-shell kernels to be cleaned and crushed in a special industrial machine.

Some experts believe that the absence of a natural crack indicates that the kernels did not have time to ripen. In fact, the difference in taste is barely noticeable compared to ripe pistachios. The raw kernel does not affect the health of consumers in any way, because it undergoes heat treatment after harvesting.

What is cheaper - peeled or in shell?

If nuts with a crack are sold in stores, then where do the already peeled pistachios go? Most of the shelled kernels are used in cooking and for making products such as pistachio ice cream. Experts point out that their use as a prescription ingredient is a growing trend in the industry.

It is unlikely that you are one of those who enjoy the process of cracking the shell and extracting the salted kernel. Therefore, another question arises: what is better to buy - with or without shells? A whole pistachio, including the shell, weighs about 0.57 grams, and the kernel or nut (that is, the part you eat) makes up about 53% of this weight.

You might think that the unshelled nut sells for much less, but that is not the case. Look at the prices charged by retailers - unshelled pistachios are typically more than double the price per kilo. Therefore, all you save is the time to extract the nuts from the shell.

In the Middle East, pistachios have been known for thousands of years. They came to other regions of the world much later. Nevertheless, to date, their benefits and harms to the body have been carefully studied. And now available to anyone interested in the rules healthy eating.

How do pistachios grow?

This is the fruit of the pistachio tree ( Pistacia vera).

How they grow on a tree is shown in the photo.

motherland Pistacia vera— Asia. Today, wild pistachios grow in countries such as Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Iran, and India. They can be found in the region of Southern Europe and North Africa. However, they are not all edible.


One serving of pistachios contains 49 nuts. That is, when you see that something like “the participants in the experiment ate two servings a day” is written, it means that they ate 98 pieces.

Where did such a strange non-circular number come from? Everything is simple. That's how many units fit in one ounce. And since most of the research was done by American scientists, they measure the weight of nuts in their usual units.

The calorie content of one serving of pistachios is 159 kcal.

This volume contains:

  • 7 g carbohydrates;
  • 7 g protein;
  • 9 g fat;
  • 3 g of vegetable fiber;
  • 5 mg vitamin B6 (25% of daily allowance);
  • 3 mg thiamine (20%);
  • 4 mg copper (20%);
  • 291 mg potassium (8.3%);
  • 34 mg magnesium (8.5%);
  • 1 mg iron (6.1%);
  • 6 mg zinc (4%).

Pistachios are useful because they are rich in antioxidants - gamma-tocopherol (vitamin E), vitamin K, phytosterions, xanthophylls, etc.

Ideal product for weight loss

If we compare weight loss people who practice pistachio snacks and those who lose weight, but do not eat these nuts, then it can be noted that those who eat nuts have a lower body mass index and a smaller waist circumference.

This happens for several reasons.

  1. When people snack on nuts, they usually refuse other unhealthy snacks - chips, cookies, sweets, etc.
  2. The benefits of pistachios for the body of losing weight men and women are that they perfectly saturate. And they not only delay the time of the subsequent more plentiful meal, but also beat off the appetite so much that in next move a person eats less food than usual.
  3. Nuts are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids needed to prevent accumulation excess fat in the abdominal area.

"The Pistachio Principle"

This phenomenon was discovered by Dr. James Paynter of Eastern Illinois University. And it consists in the following.

  1. The inclusion of nuts in shells in the diet reduces the number of calories consumed during the day by 41%. And all because it is not so easy to open a nut shell. It takes effort and time. They no longer remain for harmful snacks.
  2. If you leave the pistachio shells on the table in front of your eyes, and not throw them away immediately, the number of calories consumed per day can be reduced by 18%. A pile of shells on the table reminds the brain that it has already eaten. And not a few.

Reducing the severity of the metabolic syndrome

Excess body weight is always associated with the development of metabolic syndrome, which at any moment risks developing into more serious illnesses.

The beneficial properties of pistachios are manifested in the fact that they make less pronounced 4 main factors of the metabolic syndrome:

Other medicinal properties

Help for vision

They contain the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin, which penetrate the retina and help maintain vision. Necessary for the prevention of eye diseases leading to blindness, which are associated with natural aging: degeneration yellow spot and cataract.

Prevention of heart disease

  1. Pistachios are beneficial because they are rich in the amino acid L-arginine, a precursor to nitric oxide (NO). Nitric oxide has multiple positive influence for functioning of cardio-vascular system. And it is important for people who already have heart and vascular diseases, as well as for those who are at risk, for example, for diabetics.
  2. Improve lipid profile. They reduce the amount of oxidized low density lipoproteins, which are especially dangerous for blood vessels. Also, when eating nuts, the ratio of triglycerides to lipoproteins improves. high density. This indicator is one of those.
  3. Contribute to the normalization of high blood pressure.

Strengthening potency

Pistachios have special benefits for men suffering from erectile dysfunction. They are considered natural. medicine against impotence.

Nitric oxide, formed in the body after a nut meal, improves beds in the genital area. And it helps to make an erection more stable and longer.

Possible harm

Avoid white and discolored nuts

Pistachios are a perishable product. After removal from the tree within 24 hours, they must be cleaned of the outer shell. If this is not done, the tannins present in it will transfer to the nut shell, forming spots on it.

Stained copies cannot be sold. Therefore, manufacturers often hide their sluggishness. They paint nuts with different colors e.g. red or green. Or, on the contrary, discolor them.

The real color of the pistachio shell is light beige. However, you can often find white things that sell even better than the right ones, since the white color is associated in people with the concept of freshness. Such nuts are often offered by Chinese companies, calling them "premium".

Discolored pistachios are harmful to the body.

The chemicals used to bleach the shells can pass through to the edible part. And these are inedible compounds.

Bleaches destroy useful components, which are present in the thin skin that directly surrounds the nut kernel itself.

The danger of aflatoxin

Usually, these symptoms manifest themselves in those people who rarely eat fructans, for example, do not eat fruit at all. As the body becomes accustomed to these compounds, unpleasant symptoms their "overdoses" pass.

Those people who find it difficult to digest nuts due to increased gas formation, you can advise to take .

How to include in the diet?

  • It is necessary to refuse the use of salted pistachios. Especially those that have been salted in industrial environment. Despite the fact that there is so much industrially prepared salt that it completely eliminates all the benefits of nuts.
  • Do not buy fried ones and do not fry them yourself. During the roasting process, many useful compounds are destroyed.

  • To medicinal properties pistachios for the human body were maximum, you need to eat one serving a day - about 50 pieces. With regular use, half a serving is enough - 25.
  • You can eat during pregnancy. But no more than 15 pieces per day.
  • At breastfeeding You can also eat 15 pieces a day. However, in the event that the family has an allergy to nuts or peanuts, the use should be abandoned.

Should it be soaked?

Like any other nuts, pistachios contain phytic acid, as well as other antinutrients and protease inhibitors. These substances impair the absorption of certain trace elements and impede digestion.

To get rid of them, nuts must be soaked for 12 hours in cool water.

The soaking procedure is shown for most nuts, in case you want to extract all of them. possible benefit. However, pistachios are a little different.

To soak nuts, they must be peeled. The “pistachio principle” was described above, which helps people who have gained weight lose weight. excess weight due to overeating. If the nuts are peeled, the "principle" cannot work.

Therefore, to soak nuts or not, decide based on your main goal:

  • if the goal is to extract from pistachios maximum amount medicinal compounds, it is necessary to soak;
  • if you just want to indulge in nuts or cut down on calories, then peeling ahead of time to soak is not a good idea.

Why so expensive?

The question of why pistachios are so expensive torments people not only in our country, but also in many other parts of the world. For these nuts are expensive virtually everywhere. And it is not the speculative mood of traders that is to blame for this, but biological features pistachio tree.

  1. Pistacia vera grows only where there is enough Cold winter and long hot summers. Therefore, this tree is grown in limited quantity regions on our planet - in California, Iran, Morocco, Turkey.
  2. Trees begin to bear fruit only 15-20 years after their planting.
  3. The number of nuts on each tree is small. The maximum yield from one tree is 20 kg.
  4. Abundant fruiting in Pistacia vera happens once every two years. In a bad year, there are very few nuts.
  5. The nuts are peeled from the outer skin by hand. And this must be done very quickly - within a day. Of course, manual high-speed work makes the product more expensive.

Benefit and harm to the body. conclusions

  • Pistachios are rich useful compounds- vitamins, minerals, antioxidants.
  • Therefore, they help to lose weight, improve vision, help get rid of impotence and prevent the development cardiovascular disease.
  • For nuts to be truly healthy, they must be consumed raw and avoid purchasing specimens whose shells are colored or discolored.

What harm and benefit do pistachios bring to the body when they are consumed? Almost everyone has ever tried pistachios, some like their unusual taste, others are indifferent to it, but use it for recovery useful properties pistachios, you can anyway ...

But many do not even know that these nuts can grow both on trees and on shrubs. They can be either deciduous or evergreen. But in any case, they are one family - Sumac.

In China, they are called "nuts of happiness", growing on the "tree of life", apparently for such pretentious names in local residents there were grounds...

Where and how pistachios grow - photo

For the first time, these trees began to grow in the Middle East and Central Asia, these areas are the birthplace of pistachios. Such nuts love warmth, so they are grown in the subtropical and tropical zones.

Iran produces 50% of world exports, while receiving about 200 thousand tons of this product.
The pistachio tree usually does not grow more than 7 meters in height. It lives for about 300-400 years under favorable conditions.

If a tree grows in an arid semi-desert, then several more stems form inside the tree trunk, which makes it look like a bush. Pistachio trees begin to bloom in April and the fruits ripen in October.

Composition of pistachios

Pistachios contain a large amount of vitamin B6, so huge that these nuts can even compete with the liver. Just thirty nuts contain the daily requirement of vitamin B6.

Pistachios also contain vitamin E, which helps rejuvenate cells.

It should be emphasized that pistachios contain important minerals: potassium, magnesium, copper, phosphorus and manganese.

Pistachios stand out among other nuts in that they contain a lot of amino acids, of which 12 are essential and 8 are non-essential.

Useful properties of pistachios

  • Antioxidant;
  • regenerative;
  • choleretic;
  • improving brain activity;
  • raising the general tone and mood;
  • reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease;
  • reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood;
  • improve intestinal motility;
  • favorably affect the condition of the skin and hair structure.

Benefits of pistachios for the body

Due to the large amount of the harvest, the nuts are harvested only by machines, and they are dried naturally in the sun. Based on this, we can say that the product is environmentally friendly, without the use of any additives.

Salted pistachios are an exception, because they are soaked in salt water before drying.

These nuts contain such a large amount of vitamins that it can be assumed that they can not only satisfy hunger, but also help the human body cope with certain diseases.

  • People who are prone to heart disease should include pistachios in their diet. They will help strengthen the walls blood vessels and reduce.
  • They will also help prevent tuberculosis and other lung diseases.
  • With daily consumption of pistachios, liver diseases can be alleviated, its working capacity can be restored and bile ducts from blockages, will go away. In addition, they help fight jaundice and rubella.
  • As well as useful trace elements found in these nuts, they also have a positive effect on.
  • Pistachio nuts prolong the life of cells, thanks to certain substances, one of which are phenolic compounds. They strengthen cell walls and increase their regeneration. From which it follows that pistachios have the qualities of antioxidants.
  • Due to the fact that pistachios have a general strengthening property, experts recommend introducing them into your diet. That is, they will help you do better mental labor, and intensely.
  • Thanks to the content of proteins and carbohydrates, these nuts will help you gain strength after severe overwork.
  • In addition, they are full, just 30 nuts can replace a whole serving of oatmeal.

What are the benefits of pistachios for women

Pistachio oil has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair, strengthens them and heals. The use of oil will help remove freckles and age spots. dark spots woman's skin.

Pistachio oil protects the skin from aging and helps in the healing of wounds and abrasions. It is often added to base oil for massage - it perfectly relieves fatigue, excessive stress.

Pistachios relieve hunger for a long time, so they are suitable for losing weight women who know how to control themselves when eating 2-3 pieces a day.

Benefits of pistachios for men

Pistachios are recognized as a good aphrodisiac. This means they are, which is very important for the male sex.

The course of treatment for beginning impotence is 30 grams of pistachio nuts per day for a month. Pretty good according to reviews. effective remedy- the erection becomes more complete, and the spermatozoa are mobile.

Harm of pistachios or contraindications

These nuts are powerful allergen. If you are diagnosed with an allergy, then it is better to refrain from eating this delicacy so that there are no complications: redness or rashes on the skin, sneezing, digestive system disorders.

Sometimes sellers offer to buy salted pistachios. In this case, you should be on your guard (people with high blood pressure), because salt increases blood pressure.

How many pistachios can you eat per day

Even if healthy man will exceed daily allowance, having eaten more than 30 pieces of nuts, then the content in the human body will increase essential oils. This means that problems such as, or, in the worst case, loss of consciousness, cannot be avoided.

How many calories in pistachios

Daily consumption of pistachios above the norm can negatively affect the figure. Pistachio calories - 556 calories per 100 grams, which is considered quite a lot. So when losing weight, it is better to delete this product from your menu.

Salted pistachios calories 600 kcal per 100 g of the product, but the harm of salted pistachios is not so much in even greater calorie content, but in the fact that with regular use of this salty product, the risk of getting gastritis, liver and gallbladder dysfunction greatly increases.

In addition, they retain excess fluid in the body.

They will also negatively affect the health of hypertensive patients and patients with renal insufficiency.

Can pregnant women eat salted pistachios

In pregnant women, salted pistachios will cause additional swelling, and in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, the possibility of preeclampsia and a serious increase in pressure increases.

The use of pistachios

Pistachios are eaten fried, salted and raw. They are used:

  • In oriental cuisine, adding in sweets;
  • A good addition to beer or kvass;
  • They make seasonings for meat dishes from them;
  • Added to confectionery;
  • Pistachio ice cream is very popular.
  • Leaves containing essential oils are used in some medicines. And after they are pressed, they are used to feed livestock.
  • Also, the branches serve as a good decoration.

Pistachio oil benefits

Pistachio oil is in great demand in medicine and cosmetology. It is used in the treatment of many diseases. It also helps fight jaundice and tuberculosis.

It has a positive effect on the skin, relieving it and other spots, provides protection from ultraviolet rays and wind.

It is added to a cream or base oil and used in massage. The oil heals small wounds and amazingly strengthens the hair roots, adding shine to them.

How to choose pistachios

It is advisable not to eat the unripe fruits of the "tree of life", as they include a large amount of essential oils, therefore, they can be life-threatening.

To insure your life you need to know how to choose pistachios?

  • An indicator that the nut is ripe is the open shell and green color nucleolus.
  • When buying pistachios, it is important to know that the greener the kernels, the more pleasant they taste.

How and how much pistachios are stored

In ripe pistachios, the shell opens slightly, but at the same time it still does not lose its protective functions.

When storing nuts, it is best to take specimens with shells, because they have a much longer shelf life.

To extend the shelf life of pistachios, consider the following tips ...

  • Store in a cool place (refrigerator, freezer).
  • Nuts should not be exposed to sunlight.
  • It is necessary to prevent moisture from getting on the pistachios, for this it is recommended to put them in a tightly closed jar.

Now, more specifically, how long pistachios can retain their edibility ...

Separately, it should be said that salted pistachios cannot be stored for so long, because taste qualities product is badly damaged.


To benefit from the use of pistachios in food, you must follow some rules.

  • Pistachios can only be eaten by people who are not hypertensive and allergic.
  • Be able to recognize ripe nuts from unripe ones.
  • There are no more than 30 pistachios a day, this is the daily norm.
  • Put the remaining nuts in a vacuum container and put in the freezer.
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