The hormone insulin is produced by the adrenal glands. Hormones of the fascicular zone of the adrenal cortex. Role in the body

In structure endocrine system secrete a pair of glandular organs that produce hormones indispensable for the functioning of the human body. The gonads, pancreas, thyroid gland also belong to this area.

Adrenal hormones regulate metabolic mechanisms, are responsible for the formation of secondary sexual characteristics, and have other functions when they enter the bloodstream or intercellular space. A change in their level is fraught with organ dysfunctions and serious pathologies.

The adrenal glands are located at the tops of the kidneys, in the retroperitoneal region. Glands are responsible for the formation of several dozen hormones.

The right gland is pyramidal, the left one resembles a crescent moon. They are up to 5 cm long, not thicker than a centimeter, yellowish, uneven, weighing less than ten grams.

The adrenal glands are formed from morphologically and functionally different cells, which determines the type of endocrine secretion in each zone. Let us consider in more detail the areas of influence and the importance of adrenal hormones.

Main functions of the adrenal glands

The functional significance of the adrenal glands is manifested, among other things, in the regulation of the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and the synthesis of other substances.

The state and behavior of the individual in different life situations directly depend on the coordinated activity of the adrenal glands, on how much and what hormones are released into the blood. Miscellaneous biological action, provided by hormones, is due to the fact that:

  • they have different biochemical composition;
  • they are connected with other glands and organs;
  • The adrenal glands are formed from morphologically heterogeneous cells.

These essential hormones are responsible for the balance of all metabolic processes in the body. They control metabolism, blood pressure, immune response to stimuli and allergic reactions, and determine the development of sexual characteristics.

If the cells of the gland do not cope or the organs themselves are removed, their deficiency can be replenished with the help of hormone replacement therapy.

Table of adrenal hormones and their functionality:

Where is synthesizedHormoneEffect
Glomerular area of ​​the cortexAldosterone, corticosterone, deoxycortoneRetention of sodium and water, increased excretion of potassium, increased blood pressure
Beam region of the cortexCortisol, cortisone, 11-deoxycortisol, corticosterone, dehydrocorticosteroneFormation of resistance to stress and stress, participation in the breakdown of fats into fatty acid, synthesis of glucose from non-carbohydrate compounds, activation or suppression of immunity, suppression of inflammatory processes and allergic responses, regulation of calcium content in bones
Reticular zone of the cortexAdrenosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, estrogen, pregnenolone, testosterone, 17-hydroxyprogesteroneCorrect formation of sexual characteristics and functions, set muscle mass
medullanorepinephrine, epinephrineReadiness of the body for stress, collection and accumulation of energy, support for gluconeogenesis, lipolysis, thermogenesis

For the synthesis of hormones of the adrenal cortex, cholesterol is needed, which we get with food. The boundaries of different zones of the glands are distinguishable only under a microscope. But they are made up of different cells.

The hormones they secrete act as regulators of the physical and chemical mechanisms in the body at all levels.

Cells in the zona glomeruli produce mineralocorticosteroids. Glucocorticosteroids are produced in the middle cortical layer. Androgens are produced in the zona reticularis.

Stressful situations and malnutrition can affect the synthesis of physiologically active substances in the cortex.

The action of the hormones of the adrenal cortex is manifested in the reaction of the body to the influence of factors environment. They help to physically cope with shock in case of injuries, injuries, are responsible for allergic reactions, stress tolerance.

The products of the glomerular zone are mineralocorticoids, the most important role at aldosterone. Less significant roles are given to corticosterone, deoxycorticosterone. They control vascular tone and pressure.

Their hypersecretion provokes arterial hypertension, suppression - low blood pressure. Aldosterone prevents the loss of sodium and water. At the same time, it removes potassium along with urine. This is especially important for the regulation of water-salt metabolism during increased sweating, diarrhea, vomiting, bleeding, to increase pressure during the development of shock.

The substance regulates the volume of blood circulating in the body, affects the functioning of the myocardium, muscle performance.

The bundle zone of the cortical layer is responsible for the formation of such glucocorticosteroids as deoxycortisol, corticosterone, dehydrocorticosterone, the most active ones are cortisone and cortisol. The name of the class of hormones comes from their ability to increase blood glucose levels.

Her normal level supports insulin, for the secretion of which the pancreas is responsible. The most noticeable effect on behavior stress hormone cortisol. The activity of this glucocorticoid results in many mechanisms.

Cortisol peaks at 8 a.m. It helps to adapt to strong physical and emotional stress maintaining muscle tone, regulating metabolic processes, work immune system.

The substance reduces inflammation, affects tissue regeneration, and is responsible for allergic responses. Corticosteroids affect the functioning of the nervous system.

They affect the coordinated and correct processing of incoming external impulses, the susceptibility of taste, olfactory receptors.

Androgens are male sex hormones produced by the gonads and cells of the reticular zone of the adrenal glands with the participation of corticotropin.

This group is supplemented by adrenosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, estrogen, which is also produced in female hormonal glands, testosterone, also produced in the male testes, pregnenolone, 17-hydroxyprogesterone.

These hormones are involved in timely puberty, the distribution of fat and muscle mass in the body, the appearance hairline, the structure of the figure. They enter the bloodstream most intensively during puberty, but continue to be released after menopause, maintaining muscle tone and libido.

The median adrenal region is reserved for the medulla, consisting of chromaffin cells.

Hormonal synthesis is controlled by the sympathetic nervous system. So this layer can be considered as a specialized sympathetic plexus.

But the local hormones of the adrenal glands enter the bloodstream not through synapses, but directly, disintegrating after only half a minute.

Their impact is manifested in conditions of increased stress. A person will either be afraid, numb, freeze from indecision, or else get angry, attack, defend violently.

Catecholamines are produced in the cells of the adrenal medulla. The dark cells of the medulla secrete norepinephrine.

This is a neurotransmitter, and it is produced five times less than adrenaline. Adrenaline is produced in the light cells of the layer.

This is a derivative of tyrosine, it is also called epinephrine. It is intensively synthesized during stimulation of pain receptors, glucose deficiency in bloodstream. Stress and bleeding contribute increased excretion norepinephrine.

Adrenaline affects the work of the heart muscle (an excess of the substance causes the growth of myocardial fibers), the mechanisms of adaptation to non-standard, dangerous circumstances, participates in the breakdown of glycogen in the muscles and liver, activates nerve impulses, relieves spasm of smooth muscles.

Insufficient production of the substance leads to a decrease in blood glucose levels, a drop in blood pressure, a deterioration in memory and attention, and rapid fatigue.

Norepinephrine causes vasoconstriction, increased pressure. An excess of the hormone contributes to the appearance of anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, a lack of depressive states.

Types of disruption

Excess or deficiency of adrenal hormones causes functional disorders.

A variety of symptoms can indicate a hormonal imbalance: from hypertension and excess weight to thinning skin, muscular dystrophy and decrease in bone density. Signs of adrenal disease and metabolic disorders may also become:

  • irregular periods;
  • intense premenstrual syndrome;
  • infertility;
  • gastric pathologies;
  • imbalance, bouts of irritability;
  • sleep problems;
  • erectile dysfunction;
  • alopecia;
  • fluid retention in the body;
  • frequent weight gain and loss;
  • dermatological problems.

Adrenal hormones in the medulla are usually produced in normal doses. Their deficiency is rarely observed due to the replacement work of aortic pheochromocytes, sympathetic system, carotid artery.

And with hypersecretion of these substances, hypertension, accelerated heartbeat, increased glucose levels, and cephalalgia are observed. Insufficiency of cortical hormones can cause the development of serious systemic disorders, and the removal of the cortical layer threatens with a rapid death.

An example of disorders is chronic hypocorticism, which gives a bronze tint to the epidermis of the hands, neck, face, affecting the muscle tissue of the heart, causing asthenic syndrome. A person is less able to tolerate cold, pain, infectious diseases, rapidly losing weight.

Excessive influence of aldosterone is manifested in violation acid-base balance, edema, abnormal increase in blood volume, hypertension.

It leads to a supersaturation of small vessels with sodium, swelling, and a decrease in their diameter. This is one of the main causes of persistent high blood pressure.

The condition is aggravated by pain in the chest, head, convulsive muscle contractions due to a lack of potassium. Aldosterone deficiency in the body of an adult is not expressed in any special way.

It can make itself felt by dehydration, low blood pressure. A sharp decrease in the amount of the hormone causes a state of shock and requires urgent intervention and treatment.

Excess and deficiency

An excess of glucocorticoids causes an increase in blood sugar levels, leaching of minerals from bones, deterioration of adsorption through the intestines, immunosuppression, dysfunction of neutrophilic and other leukocytes, the appearance of fatty subcutaneous deposits, inflammation, poor tissue regeneration, all manifestations of cushingoid, muscle weakness, heart failure, increased acidity of the gastric environment.

And the lack of glucocorticosteroids increases susceptibility to insulin, reduces the content of glucose and sodium, leads to edema, metabolic disorders.

An increase in cortisol synthesis helps to quickly navigate, make choices in difficult and stressful situations.

If it is not produced enough, it can lead to disorientation and panic attack. With a deficiency of the substance, the amount of serotonin and dopamine decreases at the same time. This leads to a depressed state and the development of depression.

Corticosterone is responsible for metabolism, the normal change in the phases of activity and sleep. If it is not enough, the person is quick-tempered, irritable, does not sleep well.

Hair may fall out, the skin is covered with blackheads. Men have reduced potency, women cannot get pregnant, they lose their monthly cycle.

An increase in the level of this hormone leads to false hermaphroditism in children, painful induration mammary glands at young men. A stomach ulcer develops, the immune system malfunctions, blood pressure rises, fat deposits appear in the abdomen.

The increased content of male sex hormones of the adrenal glands provokes masculinization of appearance.

For women it may look like increased hairiness in atypical areas, cessation of menstruation, underdevelopment reproductive system, voice breaking, muscle development by male type, loss of hair on the head.

An excess of testosterone in a male fetus may cause a delayed activation of speech function in the future. In addition, androgens process cholesterol and prevent sclerotic changes, reduce the inhibitory effect of cortisol on the immune system, and act as antioxidants.

Other organs of the endocrine system also affect the ratio of hormones. For example, a change in the production of the pituitary gland growth hormone, which, among other tropins, triggers hormonal secretion in the adrenal glands, provokes serious systemic pathologies in both children and adults.


If a person has signs of a disease, his blood is analyzed for the ratio of various adrenal hormones.

The study of the level of androgens is resorted to in situations of early or late puberty, with problems with conception, gestation. An imbalance of glucocorticoids is sought if the monthly cycle goes astray, diseases of the bone apparatus, muscle atrophy, skin manifestations are observed, sharp set weight.

Mineralocorticosteroids are checked at unstable pressure, glandular hyperplasia. Diagnosis and treatment will be more successful if no medication is taken the day before the sample is taken.

The adrenal glands are not just a vital organ in the human body, it is the center hormonal system affecting other endocrine organs.

The well-being and performance of a person depends on how organically these glands, located on the upper points of the kidneys, work.

From this article, the reader will learn about what the adrenal glands are, what hormones they produce, their names and functions.

general information

The adrenal glands are a paired endocrine gland. Each adrenal gland is located at the top of each kidney, as if put on top of the kidney. Hence the name of these organs of the endocrine system.

The right adrenal gland is similar to the cocked hat of a French warrior from the time of Napoleon, the left one has a semicircular shape, similar to a crescent. Outside, the glands are protected fibrous tissue forming a capsule. Bottom part The capsule is connected to the kidneys by trabeculae.

The outer layer of the capsule is dense and performs protective function. The inner layer is softer and looser. Branches from the capsular tissue to the cortex

  • thin trabeculae, consisting of plates, strands and partitions, forming a kind of skeleton, and giving the appropriate shape to the organ;
  • blood vessels that donate oxygen and nutrients, and in return receive an appropriate portion of stimulants;
  • nerves.

Epithelial trabeculae line up from cortical cells of endocrinocytes located vertically relative to the plane of the gland.

The space between the partitions is filled with porous connective tissue, permeated nerve fibers and small blood vessels- capillaries.

The adrenal parenchyma consists of:

  1. The cortical substance that occupies the main part of the organ (adrenal cortex) that produces corticosteroids.
  2. The medulla, located inside the gland in the middle and surrounded on all sides by the bark. The medulla produces catecholamines that affect the rhythm of heart contractions, contractility of muscle fibers, and carbohydrate metabolism.

Organ bark

The cortical substance, in turn, is divided into three zones:

  • glomerular;
  • beam;
  • mesh.

The functioning of the gland is controlled by the pituitary gland of the brain, which produces adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system associated with the kidneys, and also produces hormonal substances.

Under the capsule is traced thin layer epithelium - which, in the process of reproduction, regenerates the cortex. Thanks to epithelial cells, interrenal bodies are formed on the surface of the gland, which can cause tumors, including those prone to metastasis.

Between the two zones - fascicular and glomerular lies an intermediate layer of insignificant cells, which, according to experts, are responsible for self-healing of the fascicular and reticular zones, replenishes them with new endocrinocytes.

The beam zone is located in the middle of the strands separated by sinusoidal capillaries. The hormone-producing cells of the cortex are larger than the rest. They belong to oxyphilic cells, that is, stained with acidic dyes, have a cubic or prismatic shape. Lipid inclusions are found in the cytoplasm of endocrinocytes.

The endoplasmic reticulum is well developed; mitochondria have typical tubular folds (cristae). Epithelial strands form a porous tissue structure.

brain part

The medulla is formed by relatively enlarged chromaffinocytes or pheochromocytes. Between them lie blood vessels - sinusoids. Cells are divided:

The intracellular plasma of epinephrocytes and norepinephrocytes is filled with a granular secret, the core is filled with a protein that accumulates catecholamines. Chromaffinocytes are highlighted when they are treated with salts of chromium, silver and other heavy metals.

This property is reflected in the name of the cells. Electronically compacted chromaffin granules contain chromogranin proteins and enkephalin neuropeptides, which indicates that cells belong to neurohormonal formations of an interconnected neuroendocrine system.

Adrenal hormones

The adrenal glands are vital endocrine organ without which the organism cannot exist. Two of its departments - cerebral and cortical produce a complex of endocrine enzymes that affect the cardiovascular, nervous, immune, reproductive systems of the body.

brain department

The medulla is separated from the cortex by a small layer connective tissue. The medulla produces “stress resistance” hormones – catecholamines. This is the well-known adrenaline, which immediately enters the bloodstream, and norepinephrine, which serves as a kind of depot for adrenaline.

Catecholamines are formed and enter the blood when irritated by a different hypersensitivity, parts of the autonomic nervous system.


Three parts of the adrenal cortex continuously produce corticoids, which are not immediately released into the bloodstream. It:

  • mineralocorticoids - in the glomerular zone;
  • glucocorticoids - in the bundle zone;
  • sex steroids - in the reticular zone.

The starting material for their production is cholesterol, obtained from the blood.
Aldosterone is the main mineralocorticoid. It regulates and maintains the amount of electrolytes in the body through the secondary absorption of sodium, chlorine, bicarbonate ions, and enhances the excretion of potassium and hydrogen ions from the body.

Several factors influence the formation of aldosterone and its release from cells:

  • adrenoglomerulotropin, produced by the pineal gland, stimulates the formation of aldosterone;
  • the renin-angiotensin system also serves as a stimulator of this steroid;
  • prostaglandins activate and inhibit the process of synthesis and release of aldosterone;
  • natriuretic factors inhibit the formation of aldosterone.

At increased production steroid sodium accumulates in tissues and organs, which leads to hypertension, potassium consumption and muscle weakness.

With a lack of aldosterone, sodium excretion occurs, accompanied by a fall blood pressure. Potassium, on the contrary, accumulates, and this leads to heart rhythm failures.

Glucocorticoids are produced in the zona fasciculata. It:

  • corticosterone;
  • cortisone;
  • hydrocortisone (cortisol).

This group of corticoids intensifies phosphorylation during glucogenesis, thereby affecting carbohydrate metabolism. Glucocorticoids activate the formation of carbohydrates at the expense of proteins and the accumulation of glycogen in the liver, and are involved in lipid metabolism.

Increased doses of corticoids destroy blood lymphocytes and eosinophils, suppress inflammatory processes in the body.

Sex steroids are formed in the reticular zone, affect the secondary male signs even in women.
Functions of adrenal hormones.

Carrying out analyzes

Tests for steroid and adrenal hormones are prescribed to determine functional state parts of the endocrine system, including the adrenal glands-pituitary-hypothalamus in the presence of hypo-or symptoms. The indications for testing for steroid hormones are the following pathologies:

Separate blood test for sex steroid hormone dehydroepiandrosterone is prescribed for the following problems:

  • during pregnancy, when there are complications with the bearing of the fetus;
  • increased content hormones belonging to the pituitary-adrenal system of a pregnant woman;
  • insufficient production of corticosteroids;
  • lag in the sexual development of a teenager.

For complex analysis The content of steroid hormones in the blood is taken from venous blood.
A comprehensive blood test is carried out by high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS).

It determines the content of steroid corticoids and androgens in the blood.
The patient must prepare in advance, 10 days in advance, for the delivery of this analysis.

  • he will have to use in the diet the amount of salt that he usually uses;
  • it is desirable to reduce the consumption of carbohydrate foods;
  • it is undesirable during this period to take hormone-containing drugs, as well as drugs that change blood pressure;
  • should be avoided physical activity and psycho-emotional stresses, conflicts;
  • you can not eat within 12 hours before the test;
  • within 3 hours before blood sampling for analysis, you can not smoke;
  • the analysis is not carried out in the presence of viral or infectious diseases.

Considering the fact that steroid hormones can be in bound state with other active compounds, the analysis will show the total content of hormones in the blood serum, but will not give information about their bioactivity in the body.

Thus, steroid hormones produced from cholesterol are not just vital for the body. This group of secretory substances has a primary influence on a person, his character. Education can only muffle or, on the contrary, show some character traits.

But the predisposition to nervousness, aggression, or infantility, and apathy is determined by the concentration of epinephrine. The ratio of sex hormones affects temperament, attitude to opposite sex, a person's appearance.

Conclusions and conclusion

The concentration of substances produced by the organs of the endocrine system builds the human body. For example, one can afford to eat everything in a row and, as they say, is not a horse's food. And another, in order to maintain optimal weight, has to deny himself everything in order not to gain weight.

The thoughtless use of steroids to achieve some athletic heights, especially by women, turns her into a masculine creature by the middle of her life. Men become impotent early.

Parents should pay close attention to the development of their child. Do not attack him with reproaches for being too well-fed and at the same time infantile, or, on the contrary, hysterical or aggressive in comparison with his peers, but show the baby to the endocrinologist, consult with him.

timely hormonal correction in early childhood to avoid serious consequences in the future, and possibly early death in the prime of life from oncology, diabetes.

In the endocrine system, all organs are important for the life of the body. They are closely interrelated and influence each other. But the determining organ in this system is the adrenal glands.

Unfortunately, in the post-Soviet space, endocrinology is not given due attention, and it is remembered only when a patient comes to the doctor with a tumor. thyroid gland, high sugar or serious pathologies of the adrenal glands. When destructive process started, it can be difficult to change anything.

adrenal glands- this is paired organ, which is located at the level of 11-12 thoracic and 1 lumbar vertebrae. They are located above the upper poles of the kidneys, hence the name - adrenal glands.

Each adrenal gland weighs approximately 4 grams, is 40 mm long, 20 mm wide, and 30 mm thick. The adrenal glands are located behind the peritoneum, like the kidneys, and are surrounded by a capsule. The adrenal glands are well supplied with blood, there are 3 different sources. Therefore, a heart attack of this gland never occurs, because if this happens, then a severe state of adrenal insufficiency can be expected. You can read about this in the article.

Anatomically, the adrenal gland is divided into:

  • Adrenal cortex
  • Adrenal medulla

The adrenal cortex accounts for 90% of the entire gland. The remaining 10% is in the adrenal medulla.

Adrenal glands and adrenal hormones

The adrenal glands are endocrine gland completely, i.e., in contrast to the pancreas, which also has an exocrine part that produces digestive juices. Ready-made hormones do not accumulate in these glands, as is the case with, and the synthesized ones are immediately released into the blood.

Adrenal cortex

More than 50 different adrenal steroid hormones are produced in the adrenal cortex. The adrenal cortex is the only source in the body of:

  • Glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids
  • Androgens in women

The adrenal cortex is divided into 3 zones:

  1. Glomerular zone: located directly under the capsule and synthesizes the mineralocorticoid - aldosterone.
  2. Bundle zone: adjacent to the glomerular zone and synthesizes glucocorticoids, the main of them is cortisol.
  3. Reticular zone: the innermost zone that synthesizes mainly androgens.

All three zones synthesize different groups of hormones that have different effects. Adrenal steroid hormones are synthesized from cholesterol. This is their main substrate. Through various enzymes, the same cholesterol is converted into both aldosterone and cortisol and androgens.

The synthesis of glucocorticoids and androgens is regulated by the level of ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone). ACTH is a hormone from the anterior pituitary gland. The secretion of aldosterone does not depend on the level of ACTH, but depends on the functioning of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. Therefore, with a decrease in ACTH secretion by the pituitary gland, atrophy of this zone does not occur.

And adrenal insufficiency caused by disease of the pituitary gland proceeds in a milder form than adrenal insufficiency caused by damage to the entire adrenal cortex.

The adrenal cortex is vital important body. The function of the adrenal glands is determined by the effects of their hormones.

Glucocorticoid adrenal hormones

Adrenal glucocorticoid hormones got their name from their ability to regulate carbohydrate metabolism, but this is not the only function of these hormones.

Adrenal glucocorticoid hormones are very important for maintaining many vital important functions in features ensuring the adaptation of the body to the stresses of the external environment, ranging from infections and injuries to emotional stress.

The main glucocorticoid hormone of the adrenal gland is cortisol. Cortisol is produced irregularly. He has circadian rhythm secretion, i.e., the maximum secretion is observed in the morning hours (about 6 am), and the minimum secretion is noted in evening time(at 20-24 hours).

But this rhythm can be disturbed under the influence of some factors, such as:

  • Physical activity and stress.
  • Reduced blood sugar.
  • Reduced blood pressure.
  • Heat.

Biological effects of glucocorticoids:

  • The effect on carbohydrate metabolism is opposite to that of inslin. With an excess of the hormone, it can increase blood sugar levels and cause steroid diabetes mellitus. With a deficiency, on the contrary, glucose production decreases and insulin sensitivity increases, which can lead to hypoglycemia.
  • The effect on fat metabolism is characterized by the breakdown of fats with an excess of these hormones. A feature is the fact that the breakdown of fats is enhanced in the limbs, in the area of ​​​​the trunk, shoulder girdle and face, on the contrary, there is an accumulation of excess fat. Appearance the patient acquires a characteristic "buffalo-shaped" appearance - a full body and thin limbs.
  • Glucocorticoid hormones of the adrenal glands, acting on protein metabolism, cause the breakdown of proteins. This is manifested by the appearance of striae (stretch marks), which have a characteristic purple-cyanotic color, muscle weakness, thinning of the limbs.
  • Impact on water-salt exchange characterized by fluid retention in the body and loss of potassium, which is manifested by an increase in blood pressure, muscle weakness and myocardial dystrophy.
  • In the blood, glucocorticoids increase the number of neutrophils, erythrocytes and platelets, but reduce eosinophils and lymphocytes.
  • In high doses, they reduce immunity, but have an anti-inflammatory effect, but do not contribute to the wound healing process.
  • It causes the development of osteoporosis by reducing the absorption of calcium, increasing the excretion of calcium in the urine and suppressing the formation of new bone tissue.
  • Enhances secretion of hydrochloric acid, thus increasing the acidity of the stomach, which can cause ulceration.
  • When exposed to glucocorticoids on the central nervous system, there is an increase in brain activity and causes euphoria, but with prolonged exposure causes depression and reactive psychosis.

Mineralocorticoid adrenal hormones

Mineralocorticoids are adrenal hormones that are able to regulate mineral metabolism, i.e., the exchange of salts. The main representative of these hormones is aldosterone. The main function of aldosterone is fluid retention in the body and maintaining a normal osmolarity of the internal environment.

With an excess of this hormone, an increase in arterial hormone occurs, due to excess water in the body. Kidney damage also occurs.

Mineralocorticoid levels are regulated by the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. The system is closely related to the work of the kidneys, since angiotensin, which in itself is a powerful hormone that constricts blood vessels and is synthesized in the kidneys, affects the synthesis of aldosterone.

Androgens of the adrenal cortex

The main representatives of androgens are dehydroepiandrosterone (DEA) and androstenedione. By their nature, they are weak androgens. Testosterone surpasses them in its activity by 20 and 10 times, respectively. These are the main androgens in the body of a woman.

In women, 2/3 of circulating testosterone is made from these hormones. At normal amount affect:

  • On hair growth, as a manifestation of secondary sexual characteristics.
  • Maintaining the work of the sebaceous glands.
  • Participate in the formation of libido.

The level of DEA and its sulfate form increases during puberty (from 7-8 to 13-15 years of age), which corresponds to the period of adrenarche. Testosterone and estrogen are normally not synthesized in the adrenal glands.

Adrenal medulla

The adrenal medulla synthesizes catecholamines: adrenaline, norepinephrine and dopamine. These substances are not steroids. The main substrate for their synthesis is the amino acid tyrosine. Tyrosine comes from food, but can also be synthesized in the liver.

Non-permanent substances. The half-life is 10-30 seconds. Norepinephrine and epinephrine are neurotransmitters involved in the transmission nerve impulses in the sympathetic nervous system, by acting on alpha and beta adrenoreceptors.

Catecholamines are not vital hormones, unlike corticosteroids. These adrenal hormones help the body adapt to acute stress. Adrenaline stimulates the breakdown of fats, increases blood glucose levels and inhibits the action of insulin.

The biological effects of catecholamines affect:

  • On the cardiovascular system: increases heart rate, conduction and contractility in the heart, contraction of arteries, increased pressure.
  • On the respiratory system: bronchial dilatation.
  • On the digestive system: decreased motility of the intestines and stomach, contraction of sphincters, decreased secretion of the pancreas.
  • On the genitourinary system: contraction of the sphincter, relaxation of the expelling muscle.
  • Male reproductive organs: ejaculation.
  • Eyes: Pupil dilation.
  • Skin: increased perspiration.

Congenital disease of the adrenal glands.

A disease in which the level of adrenaline increases.

A disease in which there is a phenomenon of hypercortisolism.

A disease characterized by an increase in aldosterone, an adrenal hormone.

Adrenal hormones are biologically active substances, which provide big influence for the work of the whole organism. When their content deviates from the norm, numerous violations of the functioning of organs and systems develop.

Let's find out the names of adrenal hormones and the tests that need to be taken to determine the level of these important substances in our body.

What hormones are secreted by the adrenal glands?

The adrenal glands consist of two layers - the outer cortex and the inner medulla. Produced in the cortex corticosteroid and sex hormones. The first ones include:

  • cortisol;
  • cortisone;
  • aldosterone;
  • corticosterone;
  • deoxycorticosterone.

in number sex hormones produced by the adrenal cortex include:

  • dehydroepiandrosterone;
  • dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate;
  • testosterone;
  • estradiol;
  • estrone;
  • estriol;
  • pregnenolone;
  • 17-hydroxyprogesterone.

The medulla is responsible for the synthesis of catecholamine hormones, which include epinephrine and norepinephrine.

Their effect on the body

cortisol supports the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. It also provides normal functioning cardiovascular and nervous systems and is involved in the regulation of immunity.

The production of this hormone increases during stress, which leads to improved heart function and increased concentration.

Cortisone, which is also called hydrocortisone, is responsible for the processing of proteins into carbohydrates, and also inhibits the work of the lymphoid organs, that is, the organs of the immune system. Their suppression allows you to control the inflammatory process.

Aldosterone responsible for maintaining water balance in the body and regulates the content of certain metals. It provides an optimal concentration in the blood of the most important electrolytes - potassium and sodium.

Corticosterone and deoxycorticosterone take part in the regulation of mineral metabolism, and, among other things, ensure the retention of sodium ions by the kidneys. Of these two hormones, deoxycorticosterone has a stronger effect on salt metabolism.

Corticosterone takes an active part in the regulation of protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism, metabolic rate and wake-sleep cycle.

Adrenalin responsible for the mobilization of the body in the event of an external threat. Its production increases dramatically when there is a sense of danger, anxiety and fear, after injuries and burns. severe stress and shock conditions also cause an increase in its secretion.

Thanks to the action of adrenaline, the work of the heart muscle is activated, all vessels are narrowed, with the exception of the vessels of the brain, blood pressure rises, metabolism in tissues accelerates and the tone of skeletal muscles increases.

Norepinephrine is the precursor to adrenaline. Its level also increases with stress, fear and anxiety, the emergence of an external threat, trauma, burns and shock conditions.

Unlike adrenaline, it has little effect on the functioning of the heart muscle and tissue metabolism, but has a stronger vasoconstrictor effect.

Pregnenolone is a steroid hormone that is involved in the regulation of the nervous system. It also ensures the production of other steroids in the body. Pregnenolone, which was synthesized in the adrenal glands, is converted into dehydroepiandrosterone or cortisol.

Dehydroepiandrosterone is a male steroid hormone. In the body of a representative of the stronger sex, he is responsible for the formation of sexual characteristics, the growth of muscle mass and sexual activity. In relatively small quantities it must also be contained in .

Based on dehydroepiandrosterone, 27 other hormones are synthesized, including estrogen, progesterone and testosterone.

Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate- another male sex hormone, which in the fairer sex is responsible for the regulation sexual life, sexual desire and menstrual pauses. It also ensures the normal course of the gestation process.

Testosterone- This is the main male sex hormone, which in women is involved in the regulation of muscle and fat mass and sexual desire. It is responsible for breast formation, normal flow, muscle tone and emotional stability.

Estrone- this is a substance from the group of estrogens - female sex hormones, which also includes estradiol and estriol. They are responsible for the development of the uterus, vagina and mammary glands, as well as secondary female sexual characteristics, which include features of appearance and character.

Estriol is the least active female sex hormone. Its concentration increases during pregnancy. This substance is involved in the processes of growth and development of the uterus, improves blood flow through its vessels, and also contributes to the development of the ducts of the mammary glands.

17-hydroxyprogesterone is a hormone that transforms in the body into androstenedione, which, in turn, turns into testosterone and estrogen.

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Deviation of content from the norm

Excess cortisol leads to the destruction of muscle tissue. Also, an increased content of this hormone leads to obesity, excess weight at the same time it is deposited mainly on the face and in the abdomen.

At an increase in aldosterone there is an increase in the level of sodium in the blood, while the concentration of potassium decreases. An increase in the level of this hormone leads to an increase in blood pressure, headaches and increased fatigue.

Excess corticosterone causes an increase in blood pressure, a decrease in immunity and the appearance of fatty deposits, especially in the waist area. At increased concentration This hormone increases the risk of developing stomach ulcers and diabetes.

At an increase in deoxycorticosterone Conn's syndrome develops. This condition is characterized by increased production of aldosterone, resulting in an excess of this hormone.

In Conn's syndrome, blood pressure rises, blood sodium rises, and potassium levels fall.

Deviation from the norm of the level of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate leads to disruption vitality, mood and intimate life.

Increasing testosterone levels causes in women whole complex adverse effects. These include:

  • menstrual disorders;
  • inability to conceive a child;
  • violation of the course of pregnancy;
  • the development of secondary male sexual characteristics - coarsening of the voice, the appearance of vegetation on the face and body, changes in the figure;
  • increased risk of developing diabetes;
  • male pattern baldness;
  • skin problems;
  • increased sweating;
  • aggressiveness;
  • sleep disorders;
  • depression.

Pathological increase in estrogen levels(see the rate in the table below) in women also causes a large number of abnormalities in the body. This state manifests itself:

  • nausea and dizziness;
  • increased fatigue;
  • irritability;
  • sleep disorders;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • menstrual disorders;
  • disorders of the digestive system;
  • increased hair loss and skin problems.

If a elevated level estrogen persists for a long time, more serious problems can develop - thyroid disease, osteoporosis, convulsions, pathologies of the nervous system, mental disorders, inability to conceive a child, breast cancer.

Increasing the concentration of 17-hydroxyprogesterone leads to skin problems overgrowth hair thinning, high blood sugar and menstrual irregularities.

If a high level this hormone persists for a long time, diabetes mellitus may develop, hypertonic disease and heart disease.

How to check the level?

If you suspect a deviation from the norm of the content of adrenal hormones, you need to donate blood, saliva or urine. They do not take much time and allow you to accurately determine the presence of problems.

Disorders of the hormonal background lead to numerous disturbances in the functioning of the body and increase the risk of developing diseases, so the importance of such examinations can hardly be overestimated.

Before taking a blood test for dehydroepiandrosterone, it is recommended to get a good night's sleep and avoid overwork. The study should be done in the morning on an empty stomach or after 4 hours after eating.

To obtain reliable data after an aldosterone test, it is recommended For two weeks before the study, reduce carbohydrate intake, and the day before the procedure - avoid physical and emotional overload.

The results are influenced by drugs that lower blood pressure and hormonal agents.

Before donating blood to determine the level of total cortisol, you must stop taking hormonal drugs, exercise and smoking.

Also used to measure cortisol levels. 24 hour saliva analysis. In this study, the material for the study is taken four times during the day. This allows you to more fully determine the picture of the work of the adrenal glands.

To determine the level of norepinephrine and adrenaline, you can take a blood or urine test.

Your doctor will help you decide which tests to take. Assign a study on the level of adrenal hormones can:

  • therapist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • urologist;
  • gynecologist;
  • cardiologist;
  • oncologist.

From normal operation adrenal glands depends on the state of the whole organism. Therefore, if there is a suspicion of a deviation in the content of hormones that produce these glands, it is necessary to be examined from the norm.

After establishing violations, you can choose the appropriate one to avoid the adverse consequences of hormonal disorders.

A psychologist will tell you more about the hormone cortisol in our body in the video:

June 15, 2017 Vrach

The adrenal glands are a component of the human endocrine system, that is, organs responsible for the production of hormones. This is a steam gland, without which life is impossible. More than 40 hormones synthesized here regulate great amount critical processes in the body. Adrenal hormones can be produced incorrectly, and then a person develops a number of serious diseases.

Adrenal glands and their structure

The adrenal glands are located in the retroperitoneal space, located just above the kidneys. They are small in size (up to 5 cm in length, 1 cm in thickness), and weigh only 7-10 g. The shape of the glands is not the same - the left one is in the form of a crescent, the right one resembles a pyramid. From above, the adrenal glands are surrounded by a fibrous capsule, on which the fatty layer is located. The capsule of the glands is connected to the shell of the kidneys.

In the structure of the organs, the outer cortical substance (approximately 80% of the volume of the adrenal glands) and the inner medulla are isolated. The cortex is divided into 3 zones:

  1. Glomerular, or thin superficial.
  2. Beam, or intermediate layer.
  3. Mesh, or the inner layer adjacent to the medulla.

Both cortical and brain tissue are responsible for the production of various hormones. Each adrenal gland has a deep groove (gate) through which blood and lymphatic vessels and extend to all layers of the glands.

cortical hormones

The hormones of the adrenal cortex are a huge group of special substances that are produced outer layer these glands. All of them are called corticosteroids, but in different zones cortical substance produces hormones that are different in function and effect on the body. Required for the production of corticosteroids fatty substance- cholesterol that a person receives with food.

Hormonal substances of the glomerular zone

Mineralocorticosteroids are created here. They are responsible for the following functions in the body:

  • regulation of water-salt metabolism;
  • increased tone of smooth muscles;
  • control of the exchange of potassium, sodium and osmotic pressure;
  • regulation of the amount of blood in the body;
  • ensuring the work of the myocardium;
  • increased muscle endurance.

The main hormones of this group are corticosterone, aldosterone, deoxycorticosterone. Since they are responsible for the state of blood vessels and normalization blood pressure, then with an increase in the level of hormones, hypertension occurs, with a decrease - hypotension. The most active is aldosterone, the rest are considered minor.

Bundle zone of the adrenal glands

In this layer of glands, glucocorticosteroids are produced, the most important of which are cortisol, cortisone. Their functions are very diverse. One of its main functions is to control glucose levels. After the release of hormones into the blood, the amount of glycogen in the liver increases, and this increases the amount of glucose. It is processed by insulin secreted by the pancreas. If the amount of glucocorticosteroids increases, then this leads to hyperglycemia, when it decreases, hypersensitivity to insulin appears.

Other important functions of this group of substances:

  • increased muscle tone;
  • maintaining the work of the brain in terms of the ability to feel tastes, aromas, the ability to comprehend information;
  • control of the immune system, lymphatic system, thymus gland;
  • participation in the breakdown of fats.

If a person has an excess of glucocorticosteroids in the body, this leads to a deterioration defensive forces body, the accumulation of fats under the skin, on internal organs and even increased inflammation. Because of them, for example, in patients with diabetes, the skin does not regenerate well. But with a lack of hormones, the consequences are also unpleasant. Water accumulates in the body, many types of metabolism are disturbed.

Substances of the mesh layer

This is where sex hormones, or androgens, are produced. They are very important for a person, while they have a particularly great effect on the female body. In women, androgens are converted to testosterone, which female body is also needed, albeit in a small amount. In men, their growth, on the contrary, contributes to the processing into estrogens, which causes the appearance of female-type obesity.

In menopause, when the function of the ovaries slows down greatly, the work of the reticular layer of the adrenal glands allows you to receive the bulk of the sex hormones. Androgens also help muscle tissue grow and grow stronger. They help maintain libido, activate hair growth in certain areas of the body, and participate in the formation of secondary sexual characteristics. The highest concentration of androgens is observed in a person aged 9-15 years.

adrenal medulla

The adrenal medulla hormones are catecholamines. Since this layer of glands is literally permeated with small blood vessels, when hormones are released into the blood, they quickly spread throughout the body. Here are the main types of substances produced here:

  1. Adrenaline - is responsible for the activity of the heart, adapting the body to critical situations. With a long increase in the substance, myocardial growth is observed, and the muscles, on the contrary, atrophy. Lack of adrenaline leads to a drop in glucose, impaired memory and attention, hypotension, and fatigue.
  2. Norepinephrine - constricts blood vessels, regulates pressure. Excess leads to anxiety, sleep disturbances, panic, lack - to depression.

Symptoms of hormonal imbalance

With violations of the production of hormonal substances of the adrenal glands, a variety of disorders develop in the body. A person may have high blood pressure, obesity occurs, the skin becomes thinner, the muscles become weak. Osteoporosis is very characteristic of this condition - increased bone fragility, because excess corticosteroids wash out calcium from bone tissue.

Other possible signs hormonal disruptions:

  • menstrual irregularities;
  • severe PMS in women;
  • inability to conceive;
  • diseases of the stomach - gastritis, ulcers;
  • nervousness, irritability;
  • insomnia;
  • erectile dysfunction in men;
  • baldness;
  • weight fluctuations;
  • inflammation on the skin, acne.

Diagnosis of hormonal balance in the body

A blood test from a vein to study the hormonal level is recommended in the presence of the above symptoms. Most often, an analysis is performed to study sex hormones for such indications as delayed sexual development, infertility, habitual miscarriage of a child. The main hormone is dehydroepiandrosterone (the norm for women is 810-8991 nmol / l, for men - 3591-11907 nmol / l). This wide variation in numbers is due to different concentration hormone according to age.

An analysis for the concentration of glucocorticosteroids is prescribed for menstrual disorders, osteoporosis, muscle atrophy, skin hyperpigmentation, and obesity. Be sure to refuse to take all drugs before donating blood, otherwise the analysis may give an incorrect result. Studies of the level of aldosterone and other mineralocorticosteroids are indicated for failures in blood pressure, hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex, tumors of these glands.

Stories from our readers

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How to influence the levels of hormones?

It has been established that hunger, stressful conditions and overeating lead to disruption of the adrenal glands. Since the production of corticosteroids is produced with a certain rhythm, you need to eat in accordance with this rhythm. In the morning you need to eat tightly, because it helps to enhance the production of substances. In the evening, meals should be light - this will reduce the production of hormonal substances that are not required in large volumes at night.

Physical activity also contributes to the normalization of corticosteroid levels. It is useful to play sports until 15 o'clock in the afternoon, and in the evening only light loads can be applied. To keep the adrenal glands healthy, you need to eat more berries, vegetables, fruits, take vitamins and preparations of magnesium, calcium, zinc, iodine.

In case of violations of the level of these substances, treatment with drugs is prescribed, including insulin, vitamin D and calcium, replacement hormones adrenal glands and their antagonists, vitamins C, group B, diuretics, antihypertensive agents. Lifelong therapy with hormonal drugs is often required, without which severe disorders develop.

Tired of dealing with kidney disease?

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If you care about your health, then read the opinion of a urologist with 24 years of experience. In his article, he talks about capsules RENON DUO.

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