How to quickly remove swelling from the face after a blow. How to remove swelling from the eyes after drinking alcohol. Treatment of injury in different areas

The compress relieves swelling on the leg well.
Puffiness occurs at stages that have gone far in their development.

During starvation, the legs may swell due to a lack of protein and other trace elements.

Orthopedist-traumatologist: Azaliya Solntseva ✓ Article checked by Dr.

The reasons

Swelling is common with inadequate functioning of the thyroid gland.

Often the problem occurs in people with coronary artery bypass surgery. During the operation, veins from one leg or two are used for new vessels. The procedure is carried out so that the blood does not clog the vessels of the heart.

The legs swell due to the fact that the vein is removed for a long time. There are no serious reasons for concern. After a couple of months, the veins will adapt to the new conditions, and the swelling will go away.

Certain medications may be the cause of leg swelling.

Often their cause may be the use of:

  • testosterone;
  • estrogen;
  • birth control pills;
  • steroids.

With pericardial disease, the veins in the neck begin to swell first, then the abdomen, and finally the lower limbs. Edema on one leg excludes a general disease.

With a tumor on the abdomen and lower extremities, they speak of liver diseases.

In men, with liver damage, the legs swell and turn yellow, the chest enlarges and breathing quickens.


If a limb is broken

And if the tumor is after a fracture? In this case, traditional medicine will help, for example, ointments with a warming effect.

These include ichthyol and ketoprofenic. They should be applied to the affected areas of the skin twice a day with rubbing movements. Ointments help to improve the blood flow of lymph and blood.

Hydromassage, massage will help to remove the swelling. You can do it yourself according to the doctor's instructions.

Electrical muscle stimulation and ultraviolet irradiation of the swollen area are effective. Doctors prescribe electrophoresis, phonoresis to improve the patient's condition.

With a tumor, cedar and fir oil is used. They additionally regenerate damaged tissues. To prevent allergies from the oil, before use, you should be tested and consult a doctor.


Consequences of a strong blow

Applying cold to the damaged area will help relieve swelling after a leg injury.

As the pain syndrome has decreased slightly, you should consult a doctor.

In such situations, gels and ointments with an anti-inflammatory effect are prescribed. They help relieve pain, disperse blood, prevent the formation of a hematoma. Ointments such as ibuprofen and heparin quickly relieve puffiness.

After injury to the lower limb, physiotherapy is done:

  • Electrophoresis.

After injury:

  1. Plantain can be attributed to folk remedies. It should be applied to the injured area. Before applying the plant, it should be thoroughly rinsed under cold water.
  2. Cabbage leaves are often used for medicinal purposes, tightly fixing them on the bruised place. They help to remove the hematoma, if it has already formed.
  3. It is useful to do salt baths. One liter of water is added to one hundred grams of sea salt. The bruised limb is placed in such a solution for about an hour. You can repeat the procedure until the time when the pain completely stops.

If a leg is bruised and a hematoma appears on the damaged site, it is forbidden to rub the limb. Such an action can lead to the formation of thrombophlebitis.

Removal of edema

With gout, the swollen area should be cooled. To do this, ice is wrapped in a dry cloth, applied to the limb.

Additionally, drink plenty of water. It removes excess uric acid from the body. It is useful to drink alkaline mineral water, milk, jelly.

The minimum amount of liquid consumed per day should be three liters. Fresh fruits will help reduce the inflammatory process. With this disease, the use of blueberries and cherries is effective.

The patient should not be disturbed. His limb is placed on an elevated place, they provide her with peace.

The injured limb is kept elevated with a roller or pillow.

Among the anti-inflammatory drugs, they have proven themselves well:

  • Ibuprofen.
  • Nimesulide.
  • Indomethacin.
  • Diclofenac.

You can reduce the tumor by rubbing it with ointments such as Fulfex. Preparations based on dimexide and Vishnevsky's liniment are quite effective.

It is important to stick to a diet, to exclude the use of hot sauces, legumes, alcoholic beverages. A serious problem on the road to recovery can be overweight, which must be dealt with.

After plaster

Doctors identify a number of reasons that can either speed up or slow down the healing process.

To determine the time required to restore the leg after removal of the cast, one should take into account the place where the fracture occurred, its features.

For example, closed, open, with displacement and with fragments, fractures heal at different times. Accordingly, the period of full recovery after removal of the plaster will also be different.

Plays a significant role and the state of the body's immune system. The time when the limb will finally recover depends on how the immune system can fight the disease.

The lifestyle that a person leads will also affect the recovery processes.

With an active life position, regular exercise, observing the rules of a healthy diet, there is a sufficient amount of calcium in the bones. Its content affects the condition of the bones, which determines how quickly they recover after a fracture of the bones of the lower extremities.

It will not be news that the age of a person who breaks a leg matters how quickly it heals and how soon it recovers after the cast is removed. Naturally, bones in young people heal much faster.

Elderly people are much more likely to experience bone fractures. They grow together much longer than in young people. Older people will need much more time to recover than children and adolescents.

For a speedy recovery, doctors advise taking calcium D-3 Nycomed. The diet should be reviewed. Food must be properly balanced.

The menu is enriched with:

  • cheese;
  • milk;
  • cottage cheese;
  • kefir.

After a fracture, the leg is smeared with ointments and gels; to restore the mobility of the limb, it is recommended to gradually develop the leg. Pain after a fracture will remain for the rest of your life. They will most sharply remind themselves of themselves when the weather changes. Pain can also occur when the feet get wet.

Treatment with folk methods

Taking measures to eliminate the consequences of leg bruises continues after first aid is provided. Typically, treatment until complete recovery can continue at home for about a week and a half. Traditional medicine is rich in recipes and recommendations on how to eliminate leg swelling after a bruise, get rid of a bruise.

Cold during the treatment period changes to warming up. And we are not talking about overheating, but about a temperature slightly higher than the temperature of the human body - about 38 degrees. In accordance with home healing recipes, compresses, lotions, baths are used.

To relieve swelling after a leg injury, compresses with warm diluted vinegar, medicinal herbs (infusions and decoctions of plantain, yarrow, St. John's wort, sage, chamomile) help to reduce pain. Porridge from baked onions, a mixture of honey with vodka, honey with iodine, apple cider vinegar are considered proven means.

The compress is applied to the sore spot and, wrapped with a bandage, left overnight. Anti-inflammatory, absorbable ointments are also suitable as compresses. For bruises with skin damage, compresses are not suitable, as they interfere with tissue regeneration.

Lotions are useful from a bruise: a plantain leaf, aloe or birch buds applied immediately after an injury, a circle of fresh cucumber, a scalded cabbage leaf with honey, an egg yolk with salt.

An unusual, but simple option is lotions from tea leaves. Traditional medicine recommends applying used tea bags to the site of damage.

The most effective baths that help relieve swelling, dissolve the hematoma, and restore the normal state of the limb in case of a leg injury are coniferous or herbal. Hot and cold water baths are used.

The injured leg is alternately lowered into containers with a contrast liquid - first into a warm one, then into a cool one. In both containers, the same decoction is used (from needles, birch leaves, currants, raspberries). The effect is reduced to opening the pores, removing excess fluid through the skin.

At the site of a soft tissue injury, a tumor usually occurs, which causes pain and anxiety to the victim due to a deterioration in appearance. It takes at least 3-4 days for the swelling of damaged tissues to disappear. But sometimes the question of how to quickly remove the tumor does not require delay.

The situation can be improved using various proven recipes. An exception is the case when the tumor exceeds all expected sizes. To clarify the diagnosis, it is better to go to a specialist, and without delay. If this is not your situation, open a piggy bank of folk recipes.

Best Methods:

  • How to quickly remove a tumor with a cold compress, everyone has known since the time of nickels applied to bruises in childhood. Cold is the most famous opponent of the tumor. Cloth soaked in cold water will reduce pain and inflammation. Ice wrapped in a cloth is even more effective. 15 minutes - and the edema will not only not progress, but will also try to disappear completely.
  • Plantain leaves can have a healing effect on bruised tissue. The main thing is not to forget to make small cuts on it so that the juice of the plant penetrates the skin. Of course, the procedure will have to be repeated several times. It is advisable to take a new sheet every 15 minutes. Similarly, you can use cabbage leaves, changing them after 30 minutes. For ease of wearing, the bandage can be fixed with a plaster or bandage.
  • A mixture of a tablespoon of vinegar (6%) and vodka with a pinch of salt is also suitable for a bandage applied to a tumor. For sealing from above, the bandage is covered with polyethylene. When you remove the bandage after 3 hours, the tumor is as if it never happened.
  • Lotions of strong cold tea dissolve the tumor in a short time. A few hours - and no swelling. Both liquid tea and tea bags are suitable for use as a compress.
  • The properties of wormwood will be extremely useful for those who have a bruise. Mashed fresh wormwood grass is applied to the tumor, replacing it with a new one after drying. You can prepare a wormwood ointment in which the juice of the plant is mixed equally with strong alcohol. One part of this liquid mixture is then supplemented with 4 parts butter. The drug is stored in the refrigerator. An ointment with the same therapeutic effect can be made on the basis of fresh St. John's wort juice.
  • Onions, crushed to the consistency of gruel, are used as a compress to eliminate tumors.
  • The properties of bodyaga to treat bruises and bruises are known to a wide range of patients. 2 parts of this natural remedy is diluted in 1 part of water or 2 parts of vegetable oil and used to soak the dressing. The lotion should be changed twice a day.
  • Fresh parsley juice mixed with butter, or simply mashed parsley grass is applied to reduce swelling.
  • Dried grass and yarrow flowers, crushed in a mortar, are mixed with any fat or butter. With this ointment, bruised places are lubricated several times a day.
  • How to quickly remove the tumor, pharmacists will advise you, offering calendula tincture or arnica ointment.

Tumor soft tissues, which arose after an injury, not only causes pain, but also spoils the appearance of a person. Without treatment, the swelling subsides, usually within three to four days. But you can speed up the process using both traditional and folk methods.

You will need

  • - ice;
  • - cotton wool;
  • - plantain or cabbage leaf;
  • - vodka, 6% vinegar, salt;
  • - tea.


  • Soft tissue swelling can result from a bruise, fracture, or other injury. If the tumor has an impressive size, it is better, of course, to immediately consult a doctor. But if it is not possible to get to the emergency room as soon as possible, you can try to eliminate the swelling with what is in almost every home.
  • As soon as possible, apply a cloth soaked in cold water to the tumor. This will soothe the pain and reduce inflammation, causing the swelling, if not to subside, then at least not to increase in size. If there is ice in the freezer, it is better to use it. Wrap ice in a gauze or towel and press against the tumor for 10-15 minutes.
  • If a bruise is received in the summer in nature, attach a large plantain leaf to the tumor, after making notches on it. The juice of the plant has a healing property, so the swelling will subside within a few hours. True, one sheet is not enough, ideally you need to change it every 15-20 minutes. Cabbage is no less effective. It is even more convenient to use than plantain. Also make notches on the cabbage leaf and attach it to the sore spot. You can fix the sheet with a bandage. Change the bandage every half hour.
  • Mix a tablespoon of vodka and 6% vinegar, add a pinch of salt. Soak cotton wool in the resulting liquid and apply it to the tumor. To prevent the medicine from evaporating, cover everything with polyethylene on top and fix it with a bandage. Keep the bandage on for 2-3 hours. After this time, there will most likely be no trace of the tumor left.
  • Make lotions from chilled strong tea. Tumor dissolves in just a few hours. You can apply cotton soaked in tea to the swelling, or you can make a compress from tea bags.
  • If you do not like folk remedies, use pharmaceutical preparations. Lubricate the swelling with marigold tincture or arnica ointment/cream.

A bruise is a consequence of a blow blunt object or the result of an unfortunate fall. Trauma is accompanied by the appearance of a hematoma, and is always accompanied by painful sensations. Another obligatory sign - swelling of the damaged area moreover, the more swelling, the stronger the pain. At home, swelling can be removed with the help of medications, as well as traditional medicine recipes that have been proven for centuries.

Photo 1. Edema adds soreness to the bruise. Source: Flickr (jehs_enfraloca).

Signs of a bruise

Sufficiently strong mechanical impact leads to traumatization of soft tissues. Only minor abrasions may appear on the skin, the bones remain intact, but the blood, lymphatic vessels and muscle fibers are torn.

You can identify a bruise by its characteristic features:

  • It's a dull pain varying degrees of intensity. The smaller the area of ​​damage, the less pronounced pain.
  • Skin redness and an increase in its temperature at the site of impact.
  • The appearance of hematomas and bruises due to subcutaneous hemorrhage.
  • Edema- a consequence of tissue infiltration with lymph and blood from ruptured vessels.

Note! If the swelling is massive, then the pain will be quite intense, and the movements of the injured limb will be limited. There may be numbness of the bruised part of the body.

Causes of bruising and swelling

The reason for the injury is swipe as a result of a fall or impact with a blunt object.

You can get such an injury in an accident, playing sports, falling, fighting or hitting something. In this case, soft tissues and vessels - lymphatic and blood vessels - are damaged. It is from the gap that leads to the development of edema.

Lymph and blood pour into the tissues, accumulating under the skin and causing a characteristic swelling.

The larger and deeper the damage, the more massive and painful the swelling. Pain is the result of swollen tissues pressing on nerve endings, so increasing swelling is accompanied by increased pain.

Elimination of this phenomenon is one of the main tasks of subsequent treatment.

Ways to relieve swelling from a bruise

You can also reduce puffiness and prevent its intensification:

  • The victim must first provide peace, since movement accelerates bleeding and the release of lymph from torn vessels.
  • Then be sure attach anything cold to the area of ​​injury. The best option is an ice pack, but a heating pad with cold water or just a wet towel will also work. Cold contributes to the contraction of blood vessels and, accordingly, a decrease in the volume of fluid leaving them.
  • For the same purpose it is imposed tight bandage. Thus, the tissues are compressed, closing the lumen of the vessels.

Medical treatment at home

If the injury does not require surgical intervention, there are no fractures and dislocations, then.

Be sure to observe peace and the first day keep applying cold, and only after three days to warm the limb with baths and compresses (this way the infiltrate in the tissues dissolves faster).

To relieve swelling, various pharmaceutical preparations are prescribed for topical application or oral administration:

  • NSAIDs for oral administration - tablets Indomethacin or Diclofenac, one three times a day. They help reduce inflammation and swelling, while providing an analgesic effect.
  • The same non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, but already in the form of ointments and gels. Apply them to the damaged area 3 or 4 times a day.
  • They also help relieve swelling. external agents with heparin-, Lyoton, Venolife.
  • Improve microcirculation and reduce swelling creams and gels with troxerutin-, Troxegel, Troxerutin. As well as preparations with heparin, they are applied daily 3-4 times.

It is important! You can use medicines only according to the recommendations of the doctor. Means have contraindications, can cause allergies, so self-medication is unacceptable.

Folk remedies to relieve swelling

A good result is also given by time-tested folk remedies. You should not take any home-made drugs inside, but the following effective and safe methods for relieving edema are recommended topically:

  • Applying for several hours fresh cabbage leaf. You need to fix it with a bandage and regularly change it to a new one, as it dries.
  • Grated raw potatoes also gives great results. It is used as a compress for the night: the mass is placed in gauze, applied, isolated from above with cellophane or cling film, then closed with a bandage.
  • Salt or vinegar compresses they are done almost the same way, only instead of gauze with potatoes, a cloth soaked in a solution (a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar or salt per liter of water) is applied for half an hour.
  • If you are not allergic to bee products, you can make a two-hour honey-beet compress daily. Grate a small raw beetroot, add a spoonful of honey, apply in the same way as potatoes.
  • Aloe, burdock or plantain crushed fresh, and the squeezed juice is rubbed into the bruised area several times a day.
  • Can be brewed dry herbs(St. John's wort, chamomile, calendula, coltsfoot) and make lotions. The broth is prepared for 10 minutes over low heat from a tablespoon of raw materials and a glass of water, used after cooling and straining.

Note! If compresses and lotions do not help get rid of swelling within a few days, you should contact a traumatologist. Most likely, not only soft tissues are damaged, but also bones or ligaments.

Swelling on the face looks terrible and creates an unpleasant impression. Often they are a sign of internal disorders in the body, but they can also occur simply due to lack of sleep. What to do in this case, how to get rid of swelling on the face in order to look fresh and rested in the morning?

Puffy eyelids and a slight puffiness of the face in the morning may be evidence of the accumulation of fluid in the tissues against the background of the consumption of large amounts of fluid at night, as well as salty and smoked foods in the late afternoon. Against the background of problems with the kidneys, edema will only intensify.

Swelling under the eyes can also be the result of constant lack of sleep. Normally, an adult needs eight hours of healthy sleep. Insomnia, uncomfortable position during sleep, late going to bed and early awakening, nightly gatherings with the use of alcoholic beverages, etc. often interfere with adherence to the regimen.

Sometimes swelling on the face can be triggered by high air temperature and appear against the background of fluid stagnation in the tissues, because in the heat we consume a huge amount of fluid.

According to some experts, the appearance of puffiness of the face may be associated with the approaching onset of the menstrual cycle. Such a phenomenon is absolutely normal, does not occur in everyone, is not dangerous to health, and therefore does not require treatment or elimination.

During pregnancy, edema accompanies almost every woman, which is due to the accumulation of fluid in the tissues due to hormonal changes in the body. In the heat of pregnancy, swelling is considered normal, especially if it goes away in the morning. Usually it is enough to lie down with your legs raised to the top or apply a cool compress on the face and body, as they quickly disappear. If in the morning the problem does not disappear, you should consult a doctor, since there is a high risk of developing preeclampsia - a condition dangerous for a woman and a child. In this situation, treatment is carried out in a hospital.

Any kind of injury leads to the appearance of edema. In this case, it is important to consult a doctor who will prescribe special ointments, advise lotions, etc. If other unpleasant symptoms join the edema (the temperature rises, pain occurs, the state of health worsens), then there is an infectious inflammation. In this case, the only way is to see a doctor.

Sometimes an allergen can be the cause of a swollen face, in this case we are talking about Quincke's edema, which requires urgent medical attention. Allergic edema can also occur on low-quality cosmetics, so be more careful when choosing cosmetics for the face.

The face may swell with impaired metabolism, due to an increase in the body's need for vitamins and nutrients.

Edema on the face can be a manifestation of one of the serious diseases (diabetes mellitus, obesity, hypertension, kidney disease, cardiovascular disease).

Video: How to beat swelling in the program "Morning with the Province"

Ways to remove swelling from the face

Before removing swelling from the face, it is necessary to eliminate the cause that provoked its appearance. To do this, it is important to undergo an examination for the presence of internal diseases and disorders. If they are absent, it is important to normalize your sleep, exclude alcohol consumption, eat right and drink at least a liter of clean drinking water per day. Sometimes these measures are enough so that the puffiness no longer bothers you.

How to remove swelling from the face if it is caused by alcohol or a large amount of liquid? In this case, a few simple tips will help that will eliminate puffiness within 1.5-2 hours:

  1. Alternate rinsing of the face with hot and cold water.
  2. A cool compress on the eyes (put cooled green tea bags, ice cubes in a bag and wrap with a towel, apply to the swelling for 15 minutes) or rubbing the swollen area with ice cubes from a decoction of herbs (St. John's wort, mint, sage, green tea, chamomile) stimulates lymphatic and blood circulation, removing swelling from the face.
  3. Light self-massage of the face and eyelid area with fingertips.

If swelling from the face needs to be removed quickly, you can use a single dose of a diuretic. You should not get involved in diuretics, as this is fraught with violations of the heart. Regular green tea has the same effect (a little longer wait), stimulating the work of the kidneys. Therefore, a freshly brewed cup of green tea will not only invigorate you in the morning, but also quickly get rid of unwanted puffiness on your face. The diuretic effect is also noted in decoctions of rowan berries, lingonberry leaves, horsetail (a glass of boiling water per tablespoon of raw materials, leave for twenty minutes), and just watermelon, cucumbers and cranberries.

Swelling caused by hot weather is well removed with cold compresses and baths.

If swelling often bothers you, try including ginger root, hot chili peppers, and nuts in your diet.

A mixture of vegetable oil and juniper oil (2 drops per tablespoon) will help relieve swelling of the face. Apply the composition to the skin with light massaging movements.

If the swelling is of an age-related, allergic or inflammatory nature, ice cubes from a decoction of chamomile or mint will help. Only in the presence of rosacea, the procedure is contraindicated.

A compress with soda will also quickly cope with swelling on the face. To do this, add a tablespoon of soda to a glass of cold tea, moisten a napkin in the solution and apply it to the swelling area for ten minutes.

A compress of calendula infusion also gives an excellent decongestant effect. Brew a tablespoon of herbs with a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour and strain. Moisten a gauze cloth in the resulting infusion and apply to the face for a minute. Then moisten the napkin again and apply again for a minute. Do this seven times.

If you have puffiness of the lower eyelids of the eyes, circles of fresh cucumbers applied to this area for about twenty minutes will correct the situation. The effect will be noticeable immediately.

We remove the edema in case of a bruise in several stages: we apply cold to the site of injury, and then we apply a resolving, decongestant and venotonic agent (for example, based on badyagi).

How to remove swelling from the face, recipes for masks

Mask for swelling after sunburn.

Egg white - 1 pc.

Beat the protein into foam and grease the face. Keep the mask until dry, rinse with cool water, and apply a highly moisturizing agent to the skin.

Mask for bags under the eyes.

Parsley greens - 1 bunch.

Grind a bunch of fresh parsley so that a little liquid stands out. Place the mass on two small single-layer gauze pads, which are then applied under the eyes for twenty minutes.

Potato mask for edema.

Raw potatoes - 1 pc.

Grind potatoes with a fine grater, apply the mass on the face and lower eyelids. After twenty minutes, remove the mask, washing with cool water. You can simply squeeze the juice from the potato mass, moisten the napkins and apply to the swelling area.

Apple mask.

Chopped apple mass without peel - 1 tbsp. l.
Oatmeal - 1 tbsp. l.

Mix the ingredients and apply the resulting mass on the face, hold until it dries, and then rinse with cool water.

Mask with aloe juice and cucumber.

Aloe juice - 1 tbsp. l.
Potato starch - 1 pinch.
Cucumber juice - 1 tbsp. l.
Olive oil - 3 drops.

Combine the components into a homogeneous composition, which is applied to the face and left for ten minutes. Remove the mask with cool water. After the procedure, moisturize the skin with cream.

Clay mask with sauerkraut and potatoes.

Chopped sauerkraut - 1 tbsp. l.
Grated potato mass (fresh) - 1 tbsp. l.
White clay.

Mix potatoes with cabbage, add enough clay to make a mass, viscous in appearance. Apply the composition for five minutes on the face, then rinse with boiled water at room temperature.

Pumpkin mask.

Boiled pumpkin - 3 tbsp. l.
Honey - 1 tsp

Turn the pumpkin into a puree mass, mix with honey and apply to the skin. After ten minutes, wash off the composition with cool water.

Creative mask.

Chopped parsley - 1 tbsp. l.
Fat-free cottage cheese - 1 tbsp. l.

Combine the components and apply on the face, covering the top with a moistened gauze pad. After half an hour, wash with cool water.

Mask with honey and papaya.

Liquid honey - 1 tsp.
Ripe papaya pulp - 3 tbsp. l.

Combine the ingredients and apply on the face, after fifteen minutes, wash off the mask with cool water. The result is noticeable immediately, puffiness is reduced.

Prevention of edema on the face

  1. Restore normal sleep and rest patterns.
  2. Normalize the diet and balance the diet by limiting the intake of salty foods.
  3. Go in for sports (swimming, running, walking in the fresh air for at least an hour daily).
  4. Properly organize a sleeping place (use high pillows, or raise the headboard by 10-15 cm).

These simple tips will help get rid of swelling on the face and prevent their appearance at the most inopportune time.

Video: We remove swelling from the eyes with parsley, potatoes and celery in the program "Everything will be kind"

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