Breivik received the maximum possible sentence. Anders Breivik: biography and life in prison

Anders Breivik, who killed 77 people, is on trial in a building not far from where he carried out the biggest terrorist attack in Norwegian history last summer. The process was opened with unprecedented security measures and a huge crowd of journalists, in front of whom Breivik, it seems, from the first seconds began to play a real performance.

Anders Breivik entered the hall smiling. And as soon as the handcuffs were removed from him, he put his fist to his chest and threw out his hand in a Roman military salute, which the audience perceived as Nazi. The killer's trial is considered a comedy. He admits that he killed, but does not consider himself guilty. He says he acted in self-defense.

"I do not recognize the Norwegian court. You are working on instructions from political parties that promote multiculturalism," Breivik said.

Breivik insists: he, allegedly, a knight of the Knights Templar, saved Europe from Islam. And if he answers to anyone, then before a military tribunal. Including because of these words, he was first recognized as insane, which meant, perhaps, lifelong compulsory treatment. The re-examination of signs of insanity, however, did not find. Doctors wrote: in love with himself.

Indeed, when the prosecutor asked to put on a video that Breivik managed to put on the Internet before committing a crime, the killer burst into tears. Although earlier, not a single muscle flinched at the sight of the frames of what he had done. The accused enjoys the role of a TV star - the proceedings are broadcast live to the whole world.

Breivik is separated from the relatives of those killed by bulletproof glass. They try not to show the faces of witnesses for the prosecution in the broadcast. One of them, on the eve of the meeting, went to Utoya for the first time after the tragedy in order to relive that nightmare again before giving evidence. Hussein Kazemi faced Anders Breivik twice. The first time in the dining room - got three bullets. The second - when hiding in the rocks. A man with a rifle in a police uniform approached him and asked: "Did you see the shooter?" It was Breivik.

"There was blood everywhere. He looked at me, I looked at him. I don't know what happened, I can't swim, but I jumped into the water," Kazemi recalls.

For more than an hour, Breivik methodically shot defenseless teenagers trapped on a small island. Most of them were ethnic Norwegians. They rested in the youth camp of the workers' party, pursuing a policy of multiculturalism. When people were dying on Utoya, the police were pulled into the center of Oslo, where Breivik detonated a bomb.

Now the killer is in Ila prison near Oslo. Breivik is allowed to call friends and correspond with fans. And his cell resembles an apartment.

“He has three rooms at his disposal. He sleeps in one, he has an office in the other, he can work there on his personal computer, and in the third room there are simulators, where he can train,” said senior prison adviser Ila Helen Bjerke.

A film is already being made about Breivik. A small American film studio is promising to release a story about the massacre on Utoya in less than six months. Perhaps this will happen even before the judge issues a verdict.

According to Norwegian law, the maximum sentence under the terrorism article, under which Breivik is accused, is 21 years. This means that if he is still considered sane, he will be released from prison when he turns only 53, having served no more than three months for each of the murders committed. The trial of the murderer, who shocked the whole world, will last at least 10 weeks.

Breivik will be taken to court and back every day by different routes, at different times. The police fear that the convoy may be attacked, because too many wish him dead.

In Norway, on August 24, a sentence was announced for far-right terrorist Anders Breivik, who killed 77 people in a double attack. He was declared sane and received 21 years in prison.

Thus, the result of the most high-profile trial in the history of Norway has been summed up: over 2,500 people followed the ten-week trials in the Oslo District Court via video link in 18 local courts across the country. Breivik himself was guarded by more than a hundred armed policemen, and the total cost of the process exceeded 92 million Norwegian kroner, or 16 million dollars.

The question of the sanity of the terrorist Anders Breivik remained the main intrigue of the trial in the case of the terrorist attacks in Oslo and on the island of Utoya. Even a day before the end of the trial, it was not clear what the final indictment would be. Prosecutors had two completely opposite psychiatric reports about Breivik's condition. An examination conducted in 2011 by psychiatrists Sunne Sørheim and Torgeir Husby revealed that the defendant had paranoid schizophrenia. According to the results of the second examination, conducted by psychiatrists Agnar Aspos and Terje Törrissen this year, the "Norwegian shooter" was found to be generally healthy.

Both groups of psychiatrists closely followed the course of the process, but their positions did not change. As a result, the prosecution had to decide on its own which of the two psychiatric reports to give preference to, and formulate the indictment accordingly. It was not necessary to prove the crime itself - even the defendant himself did not dispute the facts. But the prosecutors demanded that Anders Breivik be recognized as mentally ill, appointing him compulsory psychiatric treatment.

- The conclusions of the psychiatrists did not completely convince the prosecution that Breivik was not responsible for his actions. However, we believe that it is better to send a mentally healthy person to a medical institution than a sick person to prison, the prosecutor said. Swain Holden.

The decision of the prosecutors clearly disappointed Anders Breivik. His lawyer, Geir Lippestad, has repeatedly said that the client is not afraid of either trial or capital punishment, but insists that he committed his crimes in his right mind. Those who sympathize with Breivik's ideas call him on the Internet "the first martyr of the conservative revolution" and "the white hero of Norway," and the massacre he committed is called a "feat." Now, if the terrorist is nevertheless sent to a psychiatric hospital, the number of his supporters will noticeably decrease: a paranoid cannot be a hero-crusader. The terrorist himself said in court that he would not appeal against the guilty verdict if he was recognized as sane. "There is no reason why I would file an appeal if I am declared criminally responsible for what I have done," Anders Breivik said.

However, the recognition of Breivik as mentally ill could become a serious public problem, according to the well-known Norwegian criminal lawyer Harald Stabell. In the event that the court sentenced the serial killer to compulsory treatment in a psychiatric clinic, then every three years he would have to undergo repeated examinations for mental health. And if during one of them the doctors recognized that Anders Breivik was cured, then new hearings were required in his case. One can only imagine what a painful blow this would be for the relatives of the victims of the double attack and the Norwegian society as a whole.

In fact, the Norwegian law enforcement system was not even theoretically prepared to deal with such crimes. The maximum prison term for terrorism in Norway is 21 years. However, Norwegian law provides for the possibility of early release after ten years of serving a sentence in the case of exemplary behavior of the convict - this rule applies even for extremely serious crimes. So, the previous holder of the title of the most mass murderer in Norway, the nurse of the nursing home Arnfinn Nesset, who was convicted in 1983 for poisoning 22 old people, was released after serving, in total, only 12 of the prescribed 21 years. And in 2000, Nesset was even enrolled as a volunteer to the Christian charitable organization "The Salvation Army".

However, at one of the press conferences after the court session, the prosecutor Inga Beyer Eng issued a statement that Anders Breivik would not be released in any case, even if he was sentenced to compulsory psychiatric treatment.

- There was a lot of talk that Breivik would allegedly be released almost tomorrow if he was recognized as mentally ill. However, there are criminals with mental disabilities who spend their whole lives behind bars, despite the fact that they killed one, maximum two people. And Breivik killed 77 people, prosecutor Eng said.

And one more thing. Shortly before the date of the verdict, a number of Norwegian politicians and local media leaders received threatening emails signed by a certain "deputy head of the Knights Templar". The sender of the letters threatened to kill his addressees if Anders Breivik was not cleared of all charges and released from custody. Breivik himself repeatedly declared his affiliation with the "Order of the Knights Templar" during the police investigation, but investigators did not find real evidence of the existence of this terrorist organization. However, the Norwegian authorities took the story of the letters extremely seriously and the incident is currently being investigated by the Norwegian special services.

To this it should be added that the "message of the Templars" was circulated shortly after the publication of the report of an independent commission of inquiry into the causes of the July 22 attack, whose work was initiated by Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg. The commission concluded that the Norwegian law enforcement agencies could have calculated and neutralized Breivik even before the explosion occurred in the government quarter in Oslo, and the police could have neutralized the terrorist earlier, who shot the participants of the youth camp on Utoya for an hour and a half. Three days after the publication of the results of the investigation, Norway's police chief, Øysten Maeland, resigned after admitting gross errors in the work of his subordinates during last year's terrorist attacks.

The openness of the trial of the far-right extremist caused a mixed reaction both in the country itself and abroad. Prime Minister of Norway Jens Stoltenberg warned his compatriots that in the course of the trial they would have to listen to Breivik's insulting and misanthropic remarks. Nevertheless, Stoltenberg considered it right that the terrorist received the right to speak in court:

Denying Breivik the opportunity to defend himself would be a violation of all fundamental legal principles. Such a position is part of our legal society - even the most cruel, provocative and painful points of view must be presented during the trial, the Norwegian Prime Minister said.

21 years in prison is the maximum term under Norwegian law. After its expiration, Breivik can be left in custody for an indefinite period of time - in fact, for life, if they consider that he is still a danger to society. The terrorist will serve his sentence in the Norwegian prison "Ila" for especially dangerous criminals, where a whole wing was specially converted for him.

Breivik's name evokes in most people the association with shootings in Norway. But shooting in countries has become a frequent occurrence. Open the news of any country in which a resident takes it into his head to fight migrants in this way...

Say a word about poor Breivik

The name Anders Breivik evokes in most people an association with obscure shootings in Norway. But shooting in any country of the world has become more common than rainfall: open the news and choose any corner of the world where a local resident decides to fight unemployment in this way, freeing up jobs for compatriots.

Nevertheless, there are a number of unusual moments in the Breivik case that make us look at this shooting case in a new way.

Breivik declared himself a fighter against the authorities. Within the framework of this statement, the explosion he arranged in front of the government building looks logical. But why then raise fire in the pioneer camp? Breivik is assigned the first forensic medical examination, which immediately declares him a schizophrenic, which threatens with a lifelong psychiatric hospital. He appeals and passes a second examination, which declares him sane. As a result, he receives a unique sentence: 21 years in prison with the possibility of extension after the end of the next term. Norway does not have capital punishment or life imprisonment laws. Therefore, the authorities have to get out in this way.

Who did Breivik shoot on July 22, 2011? None of the publications indicate the nationality of the children. However, there are 3 facts that indirectly shed light on this shooting.

What is the nationality of the child in the pink T-shirt?

1) Immediately after the shooting of Breivik in Jewish circles (the newspaper "Jerusalem Post" and the New York "Jewish Journal"), rumors begin to creep that all 917 Jewish families living in five million Norway urgently fled the country. Rumors are based on a note that flashed in the newspaper The Telegraph. After that, all the media in the world immediately begin to pour tubs of dirt on Norway: they are all drunks, pedophiles, bestialists and finally. In Russia, this wave was picked up by all kinds of Gus-language sites, after which it spread through social networks to quite adequate sources.

2) On the 17th day of Breivik's trial, one of the people present in the courtroom threw a shoe at him, yelling "You killed my brother!" The thrower was called the typical Norwegian name Mustafa Kuasim.

3) The media does not mention at all the fact that Breivik spared at least one person during the point-blank shooting, a young member of the ruling Workers' Party, Adrian Prakon, an obvious ethnic Norwegian, who was then dragged into court as a witness.

So, with what and against whom did Breivik fight? His main target was the Workers' Party of Norway, which has been in power in the country since 1927. Either as the government of Norway or as the official opposition. Regarding this party, it is curious to note 2 facts.

Founded in 1894, it split in 1921 under the influence of the October Revolution in Russia, giving rise to the Communist Party of Norway.

Until 2014, the party was ruled by Jens Stoltenberg, who replaced the chair, battered by fragments of the Breivik bomb, to the throne of NATO Secretary General. Stoltenberg's ancestors, by the way, moved to Norway from northern Germany, which explains his atypical surname for a Norwegian.

The party led by such people has been trying for half a century to break the mono-ethnicity of the Scandinavian country. What is the expression of this mono-ethnicity? Let me list a couple of facts.

Until the 20th century, the deportation of any foreigners who did not conform to Norwegian traditions and way of life was quite common. Naturally, the leaders of the deportation were always Jews. In the 20th century, specifically to combat the Semitic and Islamic settlers on Norwegian soil, a law was passed prohibiting the sacrificial offerings of animals. That is, the law is against one of the foundations of Judaism and Islam. As a result, in 2008, the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs officially declared Norway the most anti-Semitic country in Scandinavia. In response, in Oslo in 2009, a series of pogroms took place against Jews, a ban on kosher food was introduced, and the opportunity for Israelis to study in Norway was introduced. That is, sneaking into Norway on a study visa. And after the shooting of Breivik - in 2013 - the Supreme Imam of Norway Nekhmat Ali Shah and the leader of the Muslim community Ghulam Sarvar said that all the hatred of Christians towards Muslims in the country was caused solely by the influence of the Jewish media.

In addition, it is interesting to note one more fact related to the situation in Russia.

5 million Norwegians - this is the population of the country, which is concentrated along the coast, since fishing and oil production from offshore platforms is the main occupation of the Norwegians. The center of the country is empty. And in the 90s of the last century, a lot of brochures appeared in Norwegian embassies in European countries, inviting Europeans to go to Norway. Everyone is required: cooks, teachers, nurses, turners, and even lumberjacks. But there are 2 conditions. Firstly, a person must master spoken Norwegian in a year (tuition is paid by the state), and, secondly, a person must be ... white, that is, pale-faced. And because of this, the empty land settlement program fails miserably, as hundreds of millions of unemployed Europeans prefer to drink social beer on the couch than go to such a racist country.

Naturally, taking advantage of the failure of such a truly Norwegian program, once again coming to power in 2005, the Workers' Party of Norway began to fill empty jobs with all sorts of Muslims and Semites.

This is the social background in which Breivik was born. His background is frighteningly simple and typical of any white guy these days. A year after the birth, the father and mother separate. The child stays with the mother, who, naturally, is primarily occupied with arranging her own personal life. The city boy is left to himself and computer games. Like any boy, he needs achievement and recognition. And he quickly realizes that even after killing a million goblins in the game, he does not get any satisfaction with life as a result. And to achieve something in real life is all the more difficult, since the children's psyche is already broken by the habit of measuring everything with the next level of complexity of the game. At the same time, every day he sees more and more people on the street who do not look like Norwegians, who were brought into the country by the ruling Workers' Party. And the boy's logic is simple: they feel good, because I feel bad. And all his actions are dictated by the psychology of the Norwegian, multiplied by computer games: to shoot everyone who does not look like me. A murderer who sincerely weeps in court over the fate of his homeland, which is dying under the invasion of Semites and Muslims.

Tears of Breivik

It is difficult to say whether Breivik's act had an impact on Norwegian politics, but it should be noted that a year ago, circumcision of children under 21 was banned in Norway. And thus, in one fell swoop, they deprived the Semites and Muslims of the cornerstone of their self-identity.

In conclusion, two more points that are not related to Breivik, but are related to Russia because of the similarity.

After the specialists of the Dutch-British Shell discovered oil in Norway, until the 21st century, the Norwegians themselves took part in the extraction only as laborers. However, following the Norwegian traditions, all foreigners were forced out over time, and now the oil is not only produced by the Norwegians themselves, but they have become the world's leading specialists in the production of carbon in inhuman conditions, that is, not in the warm Arabian or Caspian sands, but in the Arctic, with offshore platforms larger than a good village. All oil revenues go exclusively to the National Welfare Fund, which has exceeded $1 trillion in 15 years and returned 13.7% in 2017. In Russia, however, the Reserve Welfare Fund has disappeared altogether, and the profitability of investing Russia's wealth has gone negative. Norwegians brag that in the next 70 years they will not have problems with pensions. Can we say this about our Motherland?

The second moment is the emptiness of the earth. Russia ranks 181st in terms of population density in the world. All attempts to return the Russians, abandoned to their fate abroad in 1991, failed. And even in the Crimea, the Russian Federation does not protect Russians, but first of all simply prevents NATO from appearing there. At the same time, an unsuccessful program with Far Eastern hectares is being launched inside the country. Since the settlement of the Far East is the eternal headache of Russia.

Behind the fence in the EU sit 150 million white Europeans of working age, hanging from the neck of the state. Not because the state or they themselves want it, but simply because they have nothing to do. There is nowhere to grow bread or livestock to feed them, and you won’t be full of writing the next software or improving the iPhone.

However, Russia nowhere offers white foreigners to settle in the Far East. Not a single Russian embassy has any standard instructions for this case, not to mention programs. As a result, they don’t want to or can’t, but they don’t let outsiders. But strangers are not Rothschild and Rockefeller, but first of all small employees by the name of Lermont, von Wesen, Tottleben or Barclay de Tolly. And if you do not lure and assimilate them today, then tomorrow they will come under the banner of another Napoleon or Hitler with demands for land and water.

There are already analogues of Breivik in Russia, for example, Far Eastern partisans, but if Russia continues to be stuffed with Asians, then this phenomenon will grow both in quantitative terms and in its scale.

Breivik trial video: 'Norway killer' claims self-defense, cries in court

Anatoly Wasserman: Far Eastern Partisans

More detailed and a variety of information about the events taking place in Russia, Ukraine and other countries of our beautiful planet, you can get on Internet conferences, constantly held on the website "Keys of Knowledge". All Conferences are open and completely free. We invite all waking up and interested ...

On Friday, August 24, the Oslo District Court announced the verdict in the high-profile case of "Norwegian shooter" Anders Breivik, accused of terrorism. On July 22, 2011, the accused in the government quarter of the Norwegian capital, which killed eight people, and then opened fire at the youth camp of the Workers' Party of Norway on the island of Utøya, where 69 people died. Court to 21 years in prison.

The main question that the court had to answer was who Breivik was - a person who requires special treatment, as one group of experts concluded, who killed 77 people - the second group of specialists who examined the terrorist are sure of this.

Reuters. Heiko Junge/NTB Scanpix/Pool

Breivik welcomes the court with his usual gesture

Breivik himself repeatedly claimed that he was mentally healthy. The "shooter" treats the verdict declaring him insane as a humiliation, and this is already such a court decision.

"No one asked the people of Norway if they want such an invasion from the outside, such an immigration policy that violates their rights, established ethnic groups, attacks on Christian values. I wanted to save Norway from an attack on its culture, traditions, values," the defendant said .

AFP. Daniel Sannum Lauten

Breivik has been preparing his 13-page appeal to the court for several months

"I would not want to be sentenced to death, but I would respect such a decision," the defendant said.

During his testimony, Breivik said that he comprehended the intricacies of terrorism - the most successful, in his opinion, organization in the world. In addition, the "Norwegian shooter" practiced various psychological preparation techniques, including Japanese bushi-do meditation, in order to easily decide on suicide.

He considered himself a suicide bomber. On the fateful day of July 22, Breivik, while the maximum plan included the explosion of three bombs with a total weight of 2.5 tons: the first - in the government quarter, the second - in the main office of the workers' party, the third - the royal palace or the editorial office of the newspaper Aftenposten.

After such an act of terror, Breivik estimated his own chances of survival at 5%.

Answering one of the main questions of the court - where did he get the weapon from and who helped him in acquiring it - the accused explained that in order to achieve his goal, he joined a shooting club, membership in which gave him the opportunity to buy weapons and train in shooting.

Each type of its weapons Breivik in accordance with the traditions of the Scandinavian Vikings. So, he named one of the guns Gungnir (Gungnir) - in honor of the spear of the Scandinavian god Odin, which was endowed with magical power to return to the owner.

AFP. Solum, Stian Lysberg / POOL

The “shooter” described the commission of the crime with such thoroughness that the judge allowed the relatives of the victims to leave the hall at any time

“I called the Glock Mjolner (Mjolner) - the hammer of the god Thor was called, and the car was named Sleipner, named after the eight-legged horse of the god Odin. The names were written in runes. I think that this is a wonderful European tradition that is still alive. Many Norwegian soldiers in Afghanistan they gave names to their weapons," the defendant said.

Breivik, in his own words, remembers little about the shooting at the youth camp of the Workers' Party of Norway on the island of Utøya: he was in a state of shock. However, he has his entire route. According to the accused, immediately before the execution he heard "hundreds of voices repeating in my head -" don't do this, don't do this.

AFP. Heiko Junge

During the whole process, Breivik was calm and cried only once - during the demonstration of a propaganda film he had edited.

"But I was already surrounded. There were people around me, I took out a gun and decided: now or never. In the tent camp, I was going to scare as many people as possible with shots in order to drive them into the water and drown them - that was the plan," - Beivik explained, adding that he killed everyone who met on his way, finishing off the wounded with a shot in the head.

"I understood that on this day I would lose everything. I lost my family and friends. Me," he said.

Psychiatric point of view

The first forensic examination, which ended at the end of November 2011, showed that Anders Breivik suffers from paranoid schizophrenia and cannot be prosecuted, but should be sent to compulsory treatment.

The Oslo District Court ruled. The conclusion of two experts Agnar Aspos and Terje Terrisen on April 10 became sensational: Breivik is sane and fully aware of his actions.

AFP. Daniel Sannum Lauten

The court decided three times to appoint an expert examination to Breivik

Thus, it was decided to involve another expert to assess the mental health of the accused.

Expert psychiatrist Eirik Johannesen, who spent a total of about 26 hours in conversations with Breivik, said that the accused is an absolutely sane person,

In light of his ideology, I don't think he can be treated with therapy or medication. He created an image to convince other right-wing extremists and fascists to follow suit, an image that does not match who he really is. But there are no mental deviations in this," the expert said.

Specialists at the Diekemark Psychiatric Clinic, who also did not reveal any mental illness in Breivik, said they could

In order to start treatment, clinic specialists must diagnose the patient and then decide what kind of treatment is required, and whether it is needed at all.

"We cannot treat a person just because the court decided so. We ourselves must establish a diagnosis and prescribe treatment," said Anne Kristine Bergem, a representative of the Dikemark hospital.

A cell in the Ila prison in Norway, where Anders Breivik is likely to be held.

In general, most of the psychiatrists who followed the development of the case agreed: the "shooter" should go to prison, not to a hospital. According to polls conducted by the publication "Werdensgang", 62.3% of the polled experts in the field of psychiatry considered Breivik sane, only 14.8% would send him for treatment, and 23% of specialists were not sure of the diagnosis.

Reaction to the verdict

One of the first to express his opinion on Breivik's sentence was the head of the Moscow Bar Association, Henry Reznik. According to the lawyer, the verdict is completely logical and appropriate. Moreover: the decision of the Oslo court

"What happened after the fanaticism itself, I assess as a victory of civilization and real democracy over the reaction to what happened," the lawyer said, stressing that Russia should "learn from Norway in this, and not break into proposals to take a moratorium on the death penalty."

Reuters. Stoyan Nenov

Ila Prison in Norway

On the whole, his colleagues also agreed with Reznik. At the same time, the lawyers noted that in Russia, of course, the sentence would have been more severe.

According to the head of the Interregional Chamber of Lawyers Nikolai Klen, Breivik certainly deserves the death penalty: 21 years is a completely inadequate punishment, given the fact that during this time the criminal will live at the expense of taxpayers.

And the well-known lawyer Yuri Schmidt expressed indignation at the fact that, in one of the reports from the trial, it was shown that "this well-fed, well-dressed man is approached by a prosecutor and shakes his hand, showing, they say, nothing personal, it's just justice."

"I myself have always advocated the democratization of the criminal process, for the observance of the rights of even those accused of a serious crime. But there are crimes that should permanently erase those who committed them from normal human society, for which any punishment, except for the death penalty, seems lenient," the lawyer said. Schmidt.

Reuters. Ila Prison/Glefs AS/NTB Scanpix

The conditions of Breivik's detention in prison were considered by many lawyers and human rights activists to be too comfortable.

Russian human rights activists, in turn, also expressed their solidarity with the decision of the Norwegian court. However, according to experts, the attitude towards the defendant could be tougher: in particular, the conditions of detention of the criminal cause criticism, more reminiscent of a comfortable hotel than a prison.

So, the head of the Commission of the Public Chamber (OP) of the Russian Federation on interethnic relations and freedom of conscience, Nikolai Svanidze, called Breivik "an unrepentant brute in his right mind and firm memory, who is ready to continue to kill." At the same time, Svanidze noted that a sentence of 21 years in prison would not scare anyone.

"Nothing will frighten such people with twisted brains. Especially since someone will consider that he has become famous anyway. And he wants to become famous as he is. It's just that in this case this is punishment from society to the worst criminal. And punishment in the absence worthy of the death penalty,

The same point of view is shared by human rights activist, director of the Moscow Bureau for Human Rights Alexander Brod, according to whom, the court

“He committed a misanthropic crime, guided, among other things, by racist motives. It is embarrassing that, as shown in the TV report, his cell resembles a good hotel. That is, he has a computer, and simulators, and all the conditions. Of course, serving a sentence even 21 years old, but in such a place with comfort - this is even the height of humanism.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti

* Of them 65 shot dead by Breivik on the spot, 1 drowned trying to escape, 1 died falling off a cliff, 1 died of wounds on the way from the island, 1 died in hospital.
** According to some sources - 66. The indictment refers to 32 campers wounded by Breivik. One of the reports on the events of July 22 says that more than 100 people suffered on Utoya, including various injuries (bruises, cuts, etc.) while escaping, and also suffered from hypothermia in the water, the temperature of which was about + 14 degrees.
Breivik fired 121 shots from a 9mm Glock 34 pistol and 171 shots from a Ruger Mini-14 rifle. At the time of his arrest, 374 pistol and 765 rifle cartridges remained in his arsenal.

Number of fatalities at Utoya*, by age

* Of these, M - 34, F - 35.
Of these, 8 were immigrants (not including a Georgian citizen who was visiting Norway).
The average age of those killed (not including three people over 30 years old) is 17.7 years.

All those killed and wounded on Utoya were, according to Breivik's classification, category B traitors(heads and board members of the regional branches of the AUF ("Workers' Youth League", the youth wing of the Workers' Party (WP), their deputies, activists of the organization) and traitors category C(ordinary members of the AUF and sympathizers).
Breivik failed to execute category A traitors former Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland, who was his main target (she left the island before Breivik arrived), and AUF leader Eskil Pedersen, who, along with several of his closest aides, fled the island by boat after hearing gunfire.

(in the order presented in the indictment -
it is probably chronological)




Additional Information

Circumstances of death

A policeman who in his spare time worked as a security guard on about. Utoya. Half-brother of the Norwegian Crown Princess (wife of Crown Prince Hakon) Mete-Marit. His 10-year-old son was not killed by Breivik because he was too young.

Killed first.

5 shots from a pistol, incl. 2 in the back of the head

Chief manager of the youth camp of the Workers' Party (RP) on about. Utoya for 19 years.

Second killed.

3 shots from a pistol and / or rifle, incl. 2 to the head

He worked as a security guard in a camp on about. Utoya for the past 10 years.

5 shots from a pistol and/or rifle, incl. 1 to the head

Hanne Anette Balch Fjalestad

Camp health worker.

3 shots from a rifle, incl. 2 to the head

Representative of the Norwegian United Federation of Trade Unions.

3 shots from a pistol and / or rifle, incl. 2 in the back of the head

Rolf Christopher Johansen Perreau

Board member of the AUF National Council. Responsible for international affairs and cooperation with related organizations in other countries. He was sixth in the electoral list of the RP in the municipal elections in Trondheim (the third largest city in Norway).

Head of the regional branch of AUF in the region (commune) Fredrikstad. Kosovo Albanian.

Member of the board of the AUF regional branch in the region (commune) Alta.

2 pistol and/or rifle shots: 1 to the head, 1 to the chest

Activist of the regional branch of the AUF in the region (commune) Tønsberg.

2 shots from a pistol and / or rifle: 1 in the shoulder, 1 in the knee. Died of a shoulder wound that caused lung damage and/or profuse bleeding.

Member of the board of the AUF regional branch in the province of Troms.

Deputy head of the AUF regional branch in the region (commune) Berum.

Former head of the regional branch of the AUF in the region (commune) Tinn.

Deputy head of the AUF regional branch in the province of Møre og Romsdal. Board member of the AUF branch in Erste (one of the administrative centers of the province). Fourth place in the electoral list of the Republic of Poland in the municipal elections in the city of Erste.

2 shots from a pistol, incl. 1 to the head

Secretary of the regional branch of the AUF in the region (commune) Vefsn.

3 shots from a pistol, incl. 2 to the head

Member of AUF. According to her obituary, she "was on Utoya as a committed young politician with a special interest in the topic of multiculturalism." Somali.

3 shots from a pistol and / or rifle, incl. to the head

Member of AUF.

5 shots from a pistol and/or rifle, incl. 1 to the head

Member of the regional branch of the AUF in the region (commune) Østfold. He did an internship at the Ministry of Justice, interrupted it in order to visit a camp on about. Utoye.

8 shots from a pistol and / or rifle, incl. 2 to the head

3 shots from a pistol and / or rifle, incl. 2 to the head

Member of the Board of AUF Aspiring journalist.

2 shots, 1 to the head, 1 to the neck

Member of the board of the AUF regional branch in the region (commune) Halden.

3 shots from a pistol and / or rifle, incl. 2 to the head

Head of the regional branch of the AUF in the region (commune) Porsanger. Ranked sixth on the electoral list of the RP branch in Porsanger in the municipal elections.

3 headshots with a pistol and/or rifle

2 headshots with a pistol and/or rifle

Head of the regional branch of the AUF in the region (commune) Sjordall.

6 shots from a pistol and / or rifle, incl. 1 to the head

Member of the board of the AUF regional branch in the region (commune) Sarpsborg.

2 shots from a pistol and / or rifle, incl. 1 in the neck/head

Head of the regional branch of AUF in the province of Hordaland.

1 headshot with a pistol or rifle

Deputy head of the AUF regional branch in the province of Hordaland. Deputy head of the AUF branch in Bergen (the second largest city in Norway).

5 shots from a pistol and/or rifle, incl. 2 to the head

Maria Maagero Johannesen

Was not a member of the AUF.

3 shots from a pistol and / or rifle, incl. 1 to the head

Member of AUF. An activist of the Refugee Norge (Norwegian Refugees) organization, one of the main tasks of which is the fight against xenophobia. Member of the active camp on about. Utoya.

2 shots from a pistol and / or rifle, incl. 1 to the head

3 shots from a pistol and / or rifle, incl. 1 in the back of the head

Head of the regional office of AUF in the province of Troms. Founder and head of the AUF branch in Bardu (one of the administrative centers of the province).

2 rifle shots, incl. 1 in the back of the head

Head of the AUF branch in the region (commune) Nesodden. She said that she would devote her life to the fight for democracy and the fight against racism. Parents are Kurds.

2 headshots with a pistol and/or rifle

Member of the board of the AUF regional branch in the region (commune) Sarpsborg. Ranked 33rd on the electoral list of the RP branch in Sarpsborg in the municipal elections.

3 pistol and/or rifle shots: 1 to the head, 2 to the neck

Activist of the regional branch of AUF in the region (commune) Askoy.

2 headshots with a pistol and/or rifle

Head of the regional branch of AUF in the region (commune) Haugesund.

5 shots from a pistol and/or rifle, incl. 2 in chest

Head of the AUF regional branch in the region (commune) Salangen.

2 shots from a pistol and / or rifle, incl. 1 in the back, damaging the right carotid artery

Member of AUF. Her mother is a member of the City Council of Drammen (the sixth largest city in Norway) from the Republic of Poland. Nigerian.

4 shots from a pistol and / or rifle, incl. 2 in the neck

Member of AUF. As they wrote in Norwegian obituaries, "despite her young age, she showed herself to be a very active member of the AUF". Originally a New Zealand Maori.

2 shots to the chest with a pistol and/or rifle.

Member of AUF.

1 shot from a rifle or pistol in the stomach, with damage to the inguinal artery

AUF board member in Trondheim (the third largest city in Norway). Turk.

2 shots from a pistol and / or rifle, incl. 1 to the head

Board member of the AUF regional branch on about. Svalbard.

3 pistol shots: 2 to the head, 1 to the neck

Member of AUF.

1 shot in the back of the head with a pistol and/or rifle.

Member of the board of the regional branch of the AUF region (commune) Mandal.

3 shots from a pistol and / or rifle, incl. 2 to the head

3 headshots with a pistol and/or rifle.

Torjus Jakobsen Blattmann

Deputy head of the AUF regional office in the region (commune) Kristiansand. The son of a former political adviser who worked for the RP and Jens Stoltenberg.

Member of AUF. She worked as a volunteer in the refugee reception center in Vinterbro.

3 shots from a pistol and / or rifle, incl. 1 to the head

Isabel Victoria Green Sogn

Head of the AUF Regional Office in Stovner.

3 shots from a pistol and / or rifle, incl. 1 to the head

Member of AUF. The family emigrated from Iraq in 2009.

4 shots from a pistol and / or rifle, incl. 2 in the back

Board member of the AUF regional branch in Oslo.

3 shots from a pistol and / or rifle, incl. 2 to the head

Head of the regional branch of AUF in the region (commune) Vadsø. Lapland.

1 headshot with rifle or pistol

Ruth Benedicte Vatndal Nielsen

1 shot to the stomach with a rifle or pistol

Member of the board of the AUF regional branch in the region (commune) Hadsel. Ranked 15th on the electoral list of the RP branch in Hadsel in the municipal elections.

3 shots from a pistol and / or rifle, incl. 1 to the head

Head of the regional branch of the AUF in the region (commune) of Bodø. Board member of the AUF regional office in Nordland.

3 shots from a pistol and / or rifle: in the left shoulder, lower back and left side. He died from multiple internal injuries in the chest and abdomen.

Member of AUF. It was my first time at the camp. Shortly before July 22, she wrote on Facebook: "I'm on the best island in the world - Utoya." Thai by origin.

3 shots from a pistol and / or rifle, incl. 1 to the head

Was not a member of the AUF. He lived in Groruddalen, one of Oslo's immigrant enclaves. On May 17, 2011, he gave a speech at his school about how great it is to grow up in such an area, in a multicultural environment, how he wants to join the AUF to fight against injustice and hatred, to fight for the integration of immigrants.

2 shots from a pistol and / or rifle, incl. 1 in the back of the head

Was not a member of the AUF. As written in the obituary from the leadership of the RP, "strongly opposed racism." Somali.

1 headshot with rifle or pistol

Activist of the regional branch of the AUF in the region (commune) Eidsvoll.

1 headshot with rifle or pistol

Head of the regional branch of AUF in the province of Sogn og Fjorane.

3 shots from a pistol and / or rifle, incl. 1 head, 1 chest

3 shots from a pistol and / or rifle, incl. 2 to the head

Head of the AUF branch in Oslo.

4 shots from a pistol and / or rifle, incl. 1 in the neck

3 shots from a pistol and / or rifle, incl. 1 in the neck

Sverre Flåte Bjørkavåg

Activist of the regional branch of the Republic of Poland in the region (commune) Sula.

2 headshots with a pistol and/or rifle

Deputy head of the AUF regional office in the region (commune) Nesodden.

1 headshot with rifle or pistol

Member of the Board of the International Committee of the organization "Young Socialists of Georgia". A Georgian woman, a citizen of Georgia, was visiting friends in Norway.

2 shots in the back with a pistol and/or rifle

Deputy head of the regional branch of AUF in the region (commune) Askoy.

3 shots from a pistol and / or rifle, incl. 1 head, 1 neck

One of the 9 members of the regional branch of AUF in the region (commune) Rana.

1 headshot with rifle or pistol

Deputy head of the AUF branch in Egersund. Parents are Iraqi.

1 shot from a rifle or pistol in the shoulder, damaging the neck and skull.

Died in the hospital.

Andrine Bakkene Espeland

Deputy head of the AUF regional office in the region (commune) Fredrikstad.

3 shots from a pistol, incl. 1 head, 1 chest

She died on the way to the hospital.

Member of AUF. Member of the Supervisory Board of the regional branch of the Republic of Poland in Trondheim (the third largest city in Norway).

He drowned trying to swim off the island.

Was not a member of the AUF. Came to Utoya with a friend.

Trying to escape, he fell off a cliff and died from numerous injuries in the fall.

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