Treatment with bee stings. What happens during a bite. Where to put bee stings and how much

Treatment with bees or apitherapy is a field of medicine that includes treatment with the help of any bee product: honey, bee venom, perga, propolis, subpestilence, royal jelly.

Treatment with bee stings has its own name, however, most often this procedure is also called apitherapy. She is like any other medical procedure, has its indications and contraindications.

What are the benefits of apitherapy

Bee venom in moderation is a kind of medicine for humans. No wonder he found a use in production various medicines. Poison contains more than 50 useful substances, which are distributed in the blood after stinging. Bee venom increases hemoglobin levels, increases blood flow, lowers cholesterol.

Bee venom is called apitoxin - a substance beneficial to human health and necessary for bees for guard. it natural ingredient, therefore practically does not cause allergic reactions. In the venom of older bees useful components more than young people. Useful properties of apitoxin are expressed in the following:

The use of bees for treatment is common among beekeepers. They carry out the procedure for themselves or provide services for money. Some apiaries have built special houses for apitherapy. It is not recommended to trust even the most experienced beekeepers, because they may not know all the intricacies of medicine.

Sessions are also conducted by certified apitherapists. Wherein insects are applied not to a sore spot, but to biologically active points . This is how the maximum positive effect. Experienced apitherapists know where these points are located.

During the sting, the bee pierces the skin with its stinger and releases the venom. At the same time, the person feels severe burning at the site of the bite. The bee fails to remove the sting, it remains in the skin, and the insect quickly dies, since a small part of the body remains with the sting. The wound is always too large and does not give the insect a chance to survive.

Burning and pain after stinging do not disappear immediately, the duration depends on individual characteristics organism. Usually, discomfort subsides after half an hour or an hour after the bite. Swelling and redness may not go away for up to a day.

What diseases can be cured

Apitherapy covers a fairly wide range medical indications. Indications for the use of apitherapy:

  • joint diseases;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • varicose veins veins;
  • trophic ulcer;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • type 2 diabetes mellitus;
  • eye diseases;
  • prostatitis;
  • BPH;
  • sexual impotence in men.

And this is an incomplete list of diseases. It can be said that bee venom has beneficial effect almost everything in life important systems person.


Before you start bee treatment, you need to make sure that a person does not belong to the category of people who are contraindicated in apitherapy. Contraindications:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • heart diseases;
  • diseases of the blood, kidneys and liver;
  • tuberculosis;
  • cancerous tumors;
  • the stage of exacerbation of any chronic disease;
  • a state of high temperature;
  • intolerance to bee venom or allergies.

If a person has no contraindications, he is tested. For this, several stings are used as test ones and the affected area is checked the next day. If a rash has begun, and the edema is not within the normal range, then treatment is not recommended.

Treatment Methods

A disease like multiple sclerosis treated with apitherapy. Bee venom contains apitoxin, which blocks the development of the disease and has a beneficial effect on the entire nervous system. Multiple sclerosis is treated with many bee products, but bee venom is the best. From 2 to 6 insects are placed in the lumbar zone at a time. A day later, the procedure is repeated. If the redness and swelling disappear fairly quickly, you can repeat the next day. In general, the course should get from 50 to 60 stings. After that you need to take a break.

Multiple sclerosis requires constant medical supervision. Bee venom will help you recover, but it won't be enough. Simultaneously with the course of apitherapy, you can take mumijo, a tincture of propolis. Thanks to the poison, memory is restored gradually.

Treatment with bee stings is prescribed for varicose veins. Insects are planted on inflamed veins. Bee venom contains peptides that have analgesic properties. Substances, getting into the inflamed node, contribute to the resorption of blood clots, and the legs return to their previous state.

With the help of bee stings, they treat and osteochondrosis. Sting occurs in the back area, in sore spot. There is a point treatment. Bee venom penetrates to the nerve endings of the spinal cord and eliminates pain. The effect is visible after several sessions.

Gout also treated with bee stings. You can be treated at home, and the effect comes after a few sessions. Insects are applied to the following areas: hips, shoulders, spine. Apitherapy helps reduce pain and reduce inflammation.

A therapy is effective in prostatitis. Such a procedure can permanently save a man from this disease. To treat prostatitis, more poison will be needed, so the bees need to be angry before the procedure. The session is held during the flowering of honey plants, when insects are constantly on the move, and they have more than enough energy. To further annoy the bee, you can place it in a matchbox for a while. If you repeat the procedure several times, there will be no trace of prostatitis. The specialist knows the places where the bees should sting, it is better to trust him, and not to conduct sessions on your own.

When a bee bites you, this process is very unpleasant. Many people are wary of these insects.

Nevertheless, there are those, and there are many of them, who are happy to practice bee venom treatment.
This type of treatment is called apitherapy - when bee stings help a person recover from any disease.

Why do bee stings have a healing effect?
What diseases can be cured with striped insects? Who should not be treated with apitherapy and why?

natural syringe

The term "apitherapy" itself is translated as treatment with bees. Also bee stings.

In fact, apitherapy treats diseases not only with bee stings, but also royal jelly, honey, wax, pollen.

Biting is just one type of this therapy.
The Ministry of Health in 1959 recognized the method of treatment with bees as official. Pamphlets began to be published on how to use bee venom for treatment. Gradually, a specialization appeared - an apitherapist.
The method of bee stinging is also called apyreflexotherapy in a different way. This is due to the fact that during apitherapy, as in the procedure carried out with the help of needles, the action is directed to certain points on the body.

The apitherapist directs the bee to a point on your body to inject poison there.
That is, a bee is a real disposable natural syringe in which a miraculous medicine is stored.
A bee bites a person once. After being bitten, she dies.
How does it differ from a wasp, which bites more painfully and can bite many times.

Naturally, a bee stings a person not in order to cure. Her sting serves as a weapon with which she defends herself and with which she attacks if she is in danger.
Curiously, only those bees that are honey-bearing bite a person.
Drones have no poison or sting. Despite the fact that many people think that the bee attacks any people, this is not so. A bee bites a person only when it is provoked to display aggression or defends itself. For example, bees do not like strong smells, fast moving people.
When a person is calm, the bee does not pay attention to him. The bee is usually called to provocation strong smell perfume, cologne, sweat.

Bee weapon

A bee sting is like a dagger that is notched. Due to this, when a bee bites, its sting remains in the skin of the stung, it gets stuck. It comes out of the bee's belly, and the bee dies.
The wasp has a smooth sting. Therefore, she can sting as much as she wants.

The bee sting releases the venom for another ten to fifteen minutes as it exits the bee's body with a reservoir that stores the venom.

Bees also bite various natural aggressors, including insects and birds.

Few are aware that when an insect stings, the bee remains alive.
Insects are owners of a thinner cover, so the sting cannot get stuck in them.
If bee venom enters the human body in a small dose, it is not dangerous, unless you are allergic.

With a favorable outcome of events, the poison should simply scare away. The bite site burns, a tumor appears.
In the case of an allergy to bees, which 2% of the people on the planet have, the poison can kill - there will be a serious inflammatory reaction, after which Quincke's edema occurs.

If a bee bites a mouse or a small bird, the prey is likely to die.
Bees inject approximately 0.3 - 0.8 mg of poison into the victim's body. In summer, the concentration usually increases.
Toxic to humans is the amount - 50 bites.

In order for a person to die from a bee sting, 0.2 g of poison is needed. This is approximately 250 to 500 bee stings.
With bee stings, the body gradually gets used to them, the risk of allergies is reduced. Due to this property, homeopathy has come up with a method of apitherapy.

But the reaction of the human body to bee stings is unpredictable.
Sometimes beekeepers, who have worked for a long time and have been bitten by bees many times, die from the bite of one.
This means that if you are not allergic to bees, you are not insured that it can develop at any time.

There is a dependence of the body's reaction to a bite on age, lifestyle, weight, and the place of the bee sting.
Bees are extremely dangerous for children whose immune system is still vulnerable.
But do not consider them the worst enemies.

The appearance of the bee refers to the time 60,000 years before the appearance of Homo sapiens, and with his appearance, the bee began to heal him.

Poison medicine

Apitherapy is carried out by two types of exposure:
The first impact is reflex. The apitherapist, using tweezers, turns the sting on the points that need to be acted upon.

On the certain time the bee sting is left at the point of impact, after which the doctor removes it.
The second type of influence is biological.

Aptioxin, also known as bee venom, affects the human body.
There are only 240 names of substances in aptioxin. This is copper, magnesium, formic, hydrochloric acid, phosphorus and calcium, amino acids, stearins, carbohydrates, peptides.

    The most important peptides are:
  • cardiopeptide - has a stabilizing effect on the cardiovascular system.
  • adolapin. He anesthetizes. According to some reports, its analgesic effect is 80 times stronger than that of opium.
  • mellitin. Its action is anti-inflammatory. It kills unwanted bacteria in the body. The poison has a bactericidal effect on coli, staphylococci, streptococci and many others.
  • apamin, action - tonic nervous system. The impact is on nerve endings, which are located in humans in skin. Apamin stimulates blood circulation and metabolism, helps lower cholesterol levels, and helps to reduce blood clotting.

The acids in bee venom and histamine promote expansion blood vessels. Vessels become permeable, pressure decreases.
With the help of acetylcholine contained in bee venom, paralysis is treated.

Who do bees help?

    It is very effective in the treatment of apitherapy for such diseases as:
  • Diseases nervous system and musculoskeletal system:
    These include gout, arthrosis, neuritis, neuralgia, myalgia, polyarthritis, arthritis, sciatica, osteochondrosis, vertebral hernia, deforming osteoarthritis.

    Bee venom can remove sharp pains after the first session, return the joy of walking.
    Aptioxin is used as part of an ointment for sciatica.

    There is data from scientists saying that bee venom helps to form new structure cartilage. As a result, patients suffering from a herniated disc located between the vertebrae are favorably cured by apitherapy.

    The results will also be favorable with treatment multiple sclerosis and cerebral palsy. Bee venom can delay their development.

    It reduces the effect of autoimmune inflammation, favorably affects the coordination of movements. Bee venom therapy helps restore a person's ability to move.

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system
    Therapy with bee venom contributes to the achievement of good results during the treatment of patients after a stroke, paralysis.
    Apitherapy is suitable for patients with angina pectoris and arrhythmia, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins.
    Also, bee sting is applicable when bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis.
    Aptioxin dilates the bronchi and thins sputum, helps to expectorate it.

Also apitherapy treats female infertility and prostatitis.

It hurts?

In order to treat a person with bee venom, precautions must be taken. Therefore, a doctor with a diploma conducts treatment sessions with bee venom and bee products: acupuncturist or apitherapist.

You should not turn to amateurs who simply deal with bees and try to heal a person with bee venom in free time without a medical degree.

In the case of an allergy, this person may not have medical instruments for resuscitation. Contact clinics specializing in apitherapy. It is advisable to have a bee venom treatment session in a comfortable and well-equipped room.

The most important! Treatment with bee venom and bee products always begins with a human tolerance test for bee venom.

How is the testing process going? The doctor places a bee on the patient's lower back.
The bee bites the patient, the doctor removes it. The stinger bag must be held for 10 seconds. After six to eight hours, the effect of aptioxin will appear.

The doctor should look at the effect of the poison after six hours and the next day.
Let's say the result is normal. Now you need to take the next bioassay.
It is necessary to leave the sting under the skin for a longer period of time.

If the second test gave good result, the doctor conducts treatment.
How many bees to use simultaneously in one session, the duration of the course of treatment will be determined by the doctor.
Everything will depend on how serious the diagnosis is and what was the reaction of the body to the bee venom.
With the disease "osteochondrosis" the bee is planted along the spine. If you have arthritis, the site of the bite will be diseased joints.

With varicose veins - veins. If you have high blood pressure- a bee will be planted on cervical region spine.

Minimum total bees that need to be planted on the body - 56.
Maximum - 200 in summer, 250 in winter. In winter, the bee is not so active.
If the patient's body reacted positively to the first bite, this does not mean that more than 2 bees can be placed on him at a time. And some patients put 30 bees at once.
That is, the first patient will be treated longer, and the other will complete the course in 10 sessions.
Does this procedure hurt?

Yes. But some people just have to endure that pain because they have to. On the background pain with arthritis, osteochondrosis, a bee sting is the least evil.

After apitherapy sessions, a person gets on his feet and feels better.
The body gradually gets used to the stings of bees and it does not hurt so much anymore.

Pain lasts about 20 seconds, after which the bite becomes numb. Before the bite, the doctor may put an ice cube on the skin to reduce pain.
After a session of apitherapy, the patient may be weak, lethargic, with fever for some time.

Do not go to the session at the beginning of the day.
After treatment with poison, patients itch, swell. They are allowed homeopathic medicines so that the skin is not irritated.

Treatment with bee venom is cumulative. The effect lasts for six months.
Doctors recommend taking a course 2 times a year.


Getting ready for treatment

Do not drink alcoholic beverages while undergoing apitherapy, strong tea, do not eat citrus fruits, chocolate, strawberries. Do not go to the sauna and bath, do not undertake physical exercise.
Do not eat much before a bee sting.

Even children know about the benefits of bee products. However, in apitherapy, not only honey, pollen and propolis are used, but also bee venom, thanks to which you can get rid of many various diseases and improve overall health. Most importantly, the use of bee venom is absolutely safe, but, unfortunately, only a limited number of practitioners are familiar with its use and effectiveness.

Homeopathic bee venom therapy is a natural anti-inflammatory and pain reliever. It is widely used in Europe and Far East countries. According to apitherapists, the use of bee venom is much safer than most conventional medicines. It not only provides relief of symptoms, but in many cases can solve serious problems with health. The only condition is to know where to put the bees during apitherapy.

Features of bee venom and its effect on the body

Bee venom contains more than 40 active substances, many of which have physiological effects. The most common compound is an anti-inflammatory agent called melittin. This substance causes the body to produce cortisol, which promotes self-healing of tissues. As an anti-inflammatory agent, melittin is 100 times more effective than hydrocortisol. Experiments have shown that melittin can slow down inflammatory response organism. Other compounds that provide therapeutic effect on the body:

  • Apamin - to enhance nerve transmission;
  • Adolapine - has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects;
  • Other neurotransmitters, such as norepinephrine, dopamine and seratonin, normalize the activity of the nervous system.

The most common application of the bee sting technique is the treatment of disorders immune system and inflammatory diseases. Also this method apitherapy is used in the following cases:

  • Diseases of the joints and the musculoskeletal system;
  • Hypertension, arrhythmias, atherosclerosis and varicose veins;
  • Endocrine disorders: PMS, menstrual cramps, irregular cycles and lowering blood glucose levels;
  • Infectious diseases: warts, mastitis and laryngitis;
  • Psychological disorders: depression or mood swings;
  • Rheumatological disorders: rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, bursitis;
  • Skin diseases: eczema, psoriasis, calluses, warts and malignant ulcers.

For treatment, a bee is taken from a jar or bush with tweezers and held at certain points on the body until it stings.

The sting should be left for 10-15 minutes. The number of sessions and sting points depends on the patient's condition. For example, to treat tendinitis, a patient may need only two to five therapy sessions, consisting of two to three bites per session. Treatment for a more serious condition such as arthritis may consist of 5-6 bites per session two to three times a week for three months.

Experts recommend conducting apitherapy under the supervision of an apitherapist who will determine the treatment regimen and perform the treatment professionally, which will eliminate the risks. If you do not have such an opportunity, then before starting a session at home, you need to learn how to properly place bees in active points.

Segmental influence

In the middle of the last century, apitherapists began to actively apply the method of bee venom exposure to segmental zones. Physiology human body individual, but at the same time, each part of the body has a spinal innervation. That is, the body surface segments are associated with spinal nerves. As is known, spinal cord has a segmental structure and consists of 33 segments in men and 31 in women. The overall size is 45 centimeters for men, 42 centimeters for women. In addition, each segment of the brain is associated with a specific area of ​​the body. In turn, all segments are grouped into five departments:

  • Neck (C1-C8);
  • Thoracic (Th1-Th12);
  • Lumbar (L1-L5);
  • sacral (S1-S5);
  • Coccygeal (Co1-Co3)
Scheme segmental zones human

The structure of the tissues of the human body is such that innervation by segments is characteristic not only of the epidermis, but also of the muscle fibers and tissues that form the internal organs. This is due to the fact that the nervous system and skin come from the exoderm. That is why, at the dawn of the development of apitherapy, specialists saw an opportunity positive impact on the nervous system and internal organs through certain segmental areas of the skin.

Zones Zakharyin - Geda

In the 19th century, two scientific researchers Zakharyin (Russian) and Ged (English) independently identified segments human body with increased sensitivity, in which pain occurs in the corresponding diseases of human organs. These parts of the body were called the Zakharyin-Ged zones.

Scheme of the Zakharyin-Ged zones

In case of diseases of any internal organ in these areas, there may be:

  • Increased sensitivity of the body surface;
  • Muscles tense more than usual;
  • Painful sensations in the muscles.

bee sting schemes

The development of the sting point scheme in apitherapy began over a hundred years ago. To date, there are several methods that are actively practiced by specialists.

Many bee staging schemes are based on the Yoirish scheme. This is the original image of the Yoirish scheme from the journal "Science and Life" (No. 6, 1956, p. 47) from an article by N.P. Yoirisha "Friends of Health"

The most effective and popular apitherapy schemes:

Scheme N.P. Yoirisha

This is the most common and popular method of treatment with bee venom. It was developed in the 50s of the last century by Naim Petrovich Yoirish and published in the famous scientific journal. It is noteworthy that this apitherapy sting point scheme is suitable for use at home. It is aimed at complex impact and assumes the following effects:

  • Normalization of the activity of the central nervous system;
  • Pain suppression;
  • Increased blood circulation;
  • Stimulation of natural protective functions organism.

One of the most popular stinging schemes is Yoirisha.

The peculiarity of this technique lies in the scheme of sitting bees: right forearm-left forearm, then outside surface left thigh - outer surface of the right thigh. Treatment begins with sitting down one bee at each point, followed by an increase in the number of stings. That is, for the second session 2 stings, for the third - 3, for the fifth - 5 and so on. The number of sessions is determined individually and depends on the state of the patient's body. On average, by the end of the first part of the treatment (an average of 10 days), a person receives an amount of poison equal to 55 stings. Then a break is made for 4-5 days and the treatment is resumed. Apitherapy points remain the same, but the number of bee stings is already fixed - three per day. Sessions are held daily for a month and a half. During this time, the patient receives an amount of poison equal to the stings of 150 bees. For the entire course, the total number of stings will be about 200.

Scheme of Stoymir Mladenov

This technique and sting points in apitherapy are similar to the first scheme. The author, Stoymir Mladenov, considered that the Yoirish method could be slightly changed in order to get a faster positive effect. However, it is recommended to use it under the supervision of a physician, since the technique involves overdose single injection of bee venom. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the patient receives:

  • 2 bee stings in the first dose;
  • 4 bee stings for the second dose;
  • 6 bee stings for the third dose;
  • 8 bites for the fourth dose.
S. Mladenov's book "Honey and honey treatment", in which he describes the scheme of Joirish changed by him. You can read the book in the corresponding section of the site.

Then the number of stings is fixed - 5 bites for another 19 days. Thus, for the first course of the session, the patient receives about 200 bites (if the patient does not tolerate bee venom, the number of bites can be reduced to five per day). The second part of the course can already be carried out at home in accordance with the Yoirish method. Schemes of sting points in apitherapy must be observed!

Kuzmina's scheme

It should be noted that all methods and schemes of sting points in apitherapy were developed on the basis of the first technique, the authorship of which belongs to N.P. Joirish. The points of apitherapy and the sequence of bee stings according to Kuzmina's method correspond to the recommendations of Joirish, with the only difference that the patient receives in the first course of the session a small amount of bee venom (the first day - 1 bite, then 1 bite is added for 9 days). Then a break is made for about 4 days and the second course of treatment begins. Here, the patient already receives more bee venom: the first day -3, the second -6, the third - 9. That is, on the tenth day of the second course, the number of bites will already be 30.

Claudia Alekseevna Kuzmina in her book "Treatment bee honey and poison” described her bee stinging scheme. You can read the book in the corresponding section of the site.

Scheme of sting points for diseases

The scheme of sting points depending on the disease

General principles of treatment by sting points in apitherapy

Apitherapy at home is quite simple and safe procedure, provided that you tolerate the effects of bee venom well. If your body does not respond well to its introduction, it is better to undergo treatment with a professional apitherapist who knows all the apitherapy points on the human body perfectly. Based on the fact that there are several treatment methods that involve the impact of sting points in apitherapy according to certain schemes, the entire treatment procedure can be described as follows:

  1. Before starting the session, it is necessary to check the body's reaction to the introduction of bee venom. This is done in a medical setting. First, the therapist injects the venom of one bee into the lumbar region of the patient and waits for a few seconds. On the second day, the procedure is repeated, but the bee is left for 60 seconds. Next, a blood sample is taken for testing. If no pathologies were found in the patient's body, treatment can be started at the sting points in apitherapy.
  2. Next, the optimal scheme of sting points in apitherapy is selected. At the same time, the patient receives a certain dose of bee venom daily. Areas of influence are constantly changing.
  3. Each treatment regimen involves a gradual increase in the amount of bee venom administered once. That is, the course begins with a sting of 1-2 bees, ends with about 30 stings.
  4. Immediately before the procedure itself, the affected areas are thoroughly disinfected. To do this, it is enough to treat the surface of the skin soapy water(alcohol and lotions are not recommended). The bee is taken with long tweezers and applied to desired point. After a bite, the sting remains under the patient's skin for a short time, then it is carefully removed. The bite site is treated with petroleum jelly.
  5. During the procedure, blood flow at the site of exposure increases, stimulating the outflow of blood from the brain. For this reason, the patient should lie down for a while after the session in order to regain strength.
  6. Throughout the treatment period, adhere to a special therapeutic diet. Enter into your diet fresh vegetables, fruits and dairy products. Try not to exclude fatty and heavy foods. Use alcoholic beverages Absolutely forbidden!

Many apitherapists have posters in their office with diagrams of sting points.

If apitherapy at home is carried out without the participation of professionals, make sure that the possibility of development anaphylactic shock completely excluded. To do this, contact medical institution and take blood tests.

note: bee products can be strong allergen, therefore, before starting, it is imperative to conduct a poison tolerance test.

Severe anaphylactic allergic reactions can lead to respiratory problems, cardiac collapse and death. Some may develop nodular masses or sores at the bite site. Possible side effects from the introduction of bee venom: pain, itching and swelling at the injection site or bite.

Allergic reaction can be very dangerous - up to Quincke's edema

If you are not sure that you can correctly identify the sting points in apitherapy, play it safe and consult a professional apitherapist. This will allow you to eliminate risks and receive professional and effective treatment.

For some, a bee sting is associated with pain and unpleasant sensations, and for others - a procedure that helps get rid of the disease without surgical intervention and the use of numerous medications. This technique of stinging or apitherapy has been practiced for a long time and, if used correctly, gives amazing results.

What happens during a bite

An insect can sting only once, because after that it dies, unlike a wasp. The sting itself remains in the skin and through it, along with the poison, a number of other compounds enter the body, contributing to the passage various reactions that stimulate blood circulation. These are amino acids, peptides with a toxic effect, esters, minerals and some other elements. All of them in a complex, and there are more than 200 of them, begin to influence problem points and, if they are correctly identified, a positive effect can be observed.

For the penetration of the poison, 10 minutes of finding the sting is enough, after which it must be pulled out. How to do it right, you can find out by watching the video, which will be useful for ordinary situations when a bite occurs in nature.

How is the stinging procedure

Apitherapy session

The procedure must be carried out in a specialized office. Preliminarily, a thorough examination is carried out, the feasibility is analyzed and possible consequences from this event. It is important that the apitherapist has sufficient experience. It is strictly forbidden to apply to private individuals who do not have the appropriate permission, who are not responsible for the activities carried out. A video is now available on how to conduct apitherapy, but such independent experiments dangerous.

Visually, the treatment area looks a little intimidating, but after a while the swelling subsides. Massage helps to reduce the reaction, which must be done correctly and some points can be found by watching the training material on the video.

First of all, the points are determined, since the treatment is carried out precisely on them. The skin is disinfected and only then the bee is brought to a pre-selected place. The number of bites varies depending on the disease, age of the patient, general physical and psychological state, as well as the main method of healing. The course itself can last 10-15 days, or in some cases up to one and a half months. In some cases, treatment may include repeated procedure, but only after a break, the duration of which is determined by the doctor.

The application is preceded by an assessment of the psychological state of the patient, since a number of people have a special fear of stinging insects. The bite is accompanied pain syndrome, the average person is able to withstand this degree of discomfort, but for some, the symptoms of stinging become critical, especially several insects at once. In order to exclude backlash organism, nervous breakdowns the specialist conducts a conversation, analyzes the state of a person before apitherapy is carried out.

For those who want to fully understand how the process will go, you can watch the video.

Indications for the use of apitherapy

The need for use is determined by a specialist, since the use is preceded by diagnostics. More often these are diseases, getting rid of which occurs due to stimulation of blood supply and saturation of cells. useful compounds contained in bee venom. Most frequent readings include the following violations in the body:

  • Multiple sclerosis. The consequences of the disease are dysfunctions of some internal organs, and apitherapy can prevent such complications. The main thing is to correctly determine the points and conduct a course of sessions, and you can see how they will be treated on the video.
  • Phlebeurysm. Improvements are noticeable after several procedures, pain is reduced, vasoconstriction is noticeable.
  • Rehabilitation after a stroke, prevention of recurrent attacks.
  • cordially vascular disorders. At severe forms apitherapy must be applied very carefully, in particular, by determining the active points.
  • Prostatitis, inflammation genitourinary system in men. A proven fact is the positive effect of bee stings with already diagnosed prostatitis. Not every man can stand direct impact on the problem area, therefore, often a specialist determines acupuncture points and already undergoes treatment on them.
  • Disorders of the immune system, the treatment of which is based on the natural capabilities of the body.
  • Vascular deformities, arthritis, arthrosis. The effectiveness of therapy is quite high, there is even a video where after a few sessions positive changes in vascular tissues are observed.
  • Skin diseases, eczema, dermatological problems.
  • Infections. Indications for use regarding the types of infection are quite wide, which is associated with pronounced manifestation antibacterial properties.
  • Symptoms with pain syndrome of different locations and with a different nature of occurrence.
  • Neurosis, psychological disorders.

The indications are not limited to the above phenomena, since there are many violations in the body, which can be dealt with with the help of bee stings. The treatment cannot be called pleasant, but in some cases it gives better results than conventional medications.

Despite numerous beneficial features When a bee stings, it releases poison along with the sting. He can provoke severe allergies leading to suffocation and other unpleasant consequences. The effect of the instantaneous formation of a tumor, as well as other consequences, is widely presented in the video. Even if there are direct indications for the use of apitherapy, it is imperative to study the body's reactions to such contact with an insect. Contraindications include pregnancy, age up to 6 years, chronic serious illnesses, in particular, kidney, diabetes, oncological pathologies. Treatment is not recommended for low blood clotting.

In order for the treatment to be of high quality and effective, it is necessary to initially approach the search for an apitherapist with full responsibility, focusing on his experience, the status of the institution. You should not rely only on cost, since the professional procedure and even the use of young bees, which must be properly grown, requires certain costs, which is reflected in the price. The fact that the process really requires special skills can be seen in a special video.

In the past, doctors used wax and bee venom.

Today, scientists have proven that great effect gives bee sting treatment.

Apitherapy is general concept areas alternative medicine using bees and their product. Everyone can imagine what it is, everyone has been bitten by a bee worker at least once in their life.

What are the benefits of bee stings?

Naturally, bees die after a bite, but it's good for a person because these "flying syringes" let a needle filled with useful, medicinal substances into the skin.

It is worth noting that similar natural preparation not in nature.

The components that make up the healing poison:

  1. Variety of acids. For example, phosphoric, formic, hydrochloric acid;
  2. The content of trace elements and minerals, such as phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, copper and others;
  3. A number of proteins and rare amino acids;
  4. Elements of natural fats and stenin;
  5. The list of carbohydrates - glucose, fructose and others;
  6. Unique peptides such as melittin, cardiopeptide, apamin;
  7. Histamine, acetylcholine.

In total, apitoxin contains 240 names of different substances.

What is treated with bee stings

Bees really heal, not just remove pain.

But it is important to remember that not all diseases are cured by a bee sting, so it is important to know: what it heals and what it cannot cope with.

Apitherapy has many indications for the use of bee venom and copes well with diseases of the heart, bones, neurology and others.


  • Diseases of the nervous system and the musculoskeletal system, for example, neuritis, polyarthritis, sciatica, osteochondrosis, arthritis, vertebral and others. This treatment method removes severe pain even after the first session and cheer up. Apitoxin is also included in the composition of ointments from sciatica. Studies by scientists have proven that the poison can form a new structure of cartilage, which helps patients with herniated discs of the spine to heal;
  • The bite is able to reduce the process of autoimmune inflammation, and has a good effect on the coordination of movements. Therapy can delay the development and cerebral palsy. Such treatment can even restore a person's ability to move, which amazes even medical professionals;
  • Diverse neurological diseases amenable to such treatment, with remarkable results;
  • Good indications for treatment cardiovascular disease. Therapy gives excellent restorative results in the treatment of patients after paralysis. This method can be used by patients with angina pectoris, arrhythmia, with;
  • Including bee venom is used for chronic bronchitis, . It helps to expand the bronchi, thins phlegm and acts as an expectorant;
  • Stinging treats prostatitis, female infertility, menopause and sexual deviations. Many speak very favorably of this method in this area.
  • and leave the patient under the action of a small bee;
  • Helps fight with and.

How is the process of treatment with bees

You can not seek help from beekeepers who are trying to treat people with bee stings without a medical education.

It is necessary to contact a clinic specialized in apitherapy.

In which there are all medical instruments for resuscitation of the patient in case of allergy.

Stages of therapy

  1. The first thing to do is to test for bee venom tolerance. In this case, the doctor stings the bee in the lower back and then removes it. The stinger pouch lasts 10 seconds. Then, after 6-8 hours, when the action of apitoxin is visible, the doctor examines the patient. If everything is fine, the next day, a second bioassay is done, leaving the sting for more for a long time. At a positive result start the course. The number of use of bees in one session and the duration of the course is determined by the doctor;
  2. Carrying out special calculations, they establish points on the human body. Bees sting every day in different parts of the body. These indicators will depend on the diagnosis and age of the patient, as well as on the body's response to apitoxin;
  3. The first time is used only from two bees, even if the reaction of the body to the bite was excellent. Little by little the doctor increases the number of bites;
  4. Often, one more bee is added every day. After a couple of weeks, they take a break for a few days, and then the course is resumed with an increase in the number of bees;
  5. Before carrying out the procedure, the bite area must be cleaned with soap and water. Then the specialist, holding the bee with tweezers, turns his belly, stings and after a little time pulls out the sting. The place where they pricked is smeared with boron vaseline;
  6. When the procedure is over, it is necessary to lie down for half an hour, as there is an outflow of blood from the head to the bite site;
  7. It is forbidden to do active physical activity during the course of treatment. Do not drink alcohol to avoid reverse effect treatment;
  8. During the course of treatment, you need to adhere to a certain and enrich the body;
  9. Treatment with apyreflex therapy will be even more effective if the specialist follows a certain sequence of actions, and uses other bee products (honey, perga or royal jelly) along with bee venom.


The method of apitherapy is not suitable for everyone, this should not be forgotten.

Reasons why such treatment is prohibited:

  • Allergy to bee sting. You need to be no less careful if you are allergic to honey or propolis;
  • Sessions are contraindicated for pregnant women, nursing mothers and after abortions;
  • This method is unacceptable for patients;
  • When chronic diseases have an acute form;
  • Can't be treated like this diabetes 1st type;
  • Who has bad blood clotting;
  • In the presence of increased;
  • With severe infectious diseases;
  • Contraindicated for people with diseased kidneys, liver, hepatitis;
  • any stage.


Apitherapy is a unique and even universal method of treating various ailments. And this is evidenced by many positive feedback and research scientists.

But if you want to fight the disease in this way, you need to remember that the body of each person is individual, and only a specialist should carry out the procedures.

Video: Apitherapy

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