Bruise under the eye: how to cure quickly. How to quickly and easily get rid of a bruise under the eye from a blow

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It so happened that no one is safe from bruises in our lives. Especially often women suffer from them, since they naturally have thin skin and fragile blood vessels.

At its core, a bruise is a hemorrhage. Under the influence of a blow or other mechanical impact, the capillaries under the skin burst, and blood flows out of them.

Gradually, it impregnates the surrounding tissues and forms a hematoma.

At first, it has a red-purple color, but with time it becomes purple, then yellow-green, and then disappears.

Such a successive color change is called "bruising bloom" and is due to the transformation of hemoglobin.

Worst of all, if a bruise appears under the eye, as it is serious cosmetic defect. How to quickly remove a bruise under the eye at home, and will be discussed in this article.

What to do first with a bruise

The sooner you take action to eliminate the bruise, the Great chance that he will disappear without a trace. Straightaway cold should be applied to the site of injury or blow to constrict blood vessels and limit hemorrhage.

In addition, the cold will reduce the severity of edema and pain syndrome. Perfect option- Apply an ice pack.

If there is no ice you can use frozen food. There is an opinion that it is enough to attach a metal spoon to the hematoma - and everything will pass. This tool very rarely justifies itself, since the spoon heats up quickly and stops cooling the skin.

Contact of ice with skin should not exceed 20 minutes.

Remember that ice contact with the skin should not exceed twenty minutes, otherwise it is fraught with frostbite.

Considering that the skin under the eyes is very thin and delicate, the ice should be wrapped in gauze or a bandage so as not to further injure the tissues.

How to quickly cure a bruise under the eye

To quickly reduce the bruise under the eye, you need to act quickly. To do this, you can use pharmacy or folk remedies, Although A complex approach gives the best result.

Most effective methods how to remove bruises under the eyes:

How to remove bruises under the eyes is up to you, we will consider some methods in more detail.

Is it possible to warm a bruise under the eye

A day or two after the injury, when the swelling subsided, the hematoma can be warmed up to increase local blood circulation. This will speed up the healing of tissues and help the bruise disappear.

Use cloth bags with heated cereals, salt or sand, as well as wet warm compresses. The frequency of procedures is three times a day for 10-15 minutes.

Ointments that promote the disappearance of hematomas

The modern pharmacological industry offers several drugs that can both remove a bruise under the eye for several days and reduce swelling. These are the means for local application in the form of creams for bruising under the eyes, gels or ointments. Consider in more detail than to treat bruises under the eyes.

  • Heparin ointment

Reduces the severity of the inflammatory process and has antithrombotic activity. It contains local anesthetic- benzocaine, which reduces the severity of pain. It is necessary to apply ointment to the hematoma area two or three times a day.

  • Troxevasin(analogues: troxerutin, troxevenol)

It is an excellent remedy for chronic venous insufficiency. However, due to its properties to relieve swelling and reduce capillary fragility and permeability, it can be used in complex treatment bruises and bruises on the face.

  • Bruise-off

As you can see, the name of the drug speaks for itself. The gel contains pentoxifylline, extract medicinal leech(hirudin), as well as ethoxydiglycol, which ensures the rapid penetration of the first two components under the skin. The drug has a tonic effect on blood vessels , accelerates the resorption of hematomas due to the activation of lymphatic drainage and microcirculation. Bruise-off perfectly eliminates swelling and swelling of the skin under the eyes. It must be applied five times a day.

  • Lyoton 1000(analogues: trombless gel, lavenum)

It is a drug with antithrombotic activity. Moderately reduces inflammatory process and fights well with edema. Apply 2-3 times a day.

  • Balm "Rescuer"

Designed for ambulance with hematomas and other traumatic injuries skin, promotes quick recovery fabrics.

Due natural ingredients(sea buckthorn oil, active ingredients beeswax, essential oils etc.) the balm perfectly fights the main manifestations of bruising.

In the fight against bruises under the eye, other ointments containing heparin, arnica, extract will be effective. horse chestnut and hirudin (this is a substance secreted by medicinal leeches).

Additionally, you can take tablets containing vitamin P, vitamin K and rutin because they reinforce vascular wall and accelerate the processes of microcirculation. On sale there are so-called multivitamins containing several active substances. You can read more about vitamins in food.

Folk methods

Folk remedies in combination with ointments accelerate the process of disappearance of bruises. Masks from bruises under the eyes and compresses from medicinal plants. The recipes described below have been proving their effectiveness for many decades.

Bodyagi mask

Bodyaga is deservedly considered the most effective means to eliminate bruising under the eyes. It is a dried and crushed sponge algae, which can now be purchased at every pharmacy kiosk. Bodyaga improves local blood circulation and perfectly dissolves the hematoma.

When using it, care must be taken so that it does not get into the eyes. Combine a tablespoon of powder with a couple of teaspoons of warm boiled water mix thoroughly so that no lumps remain. Spread the resulting slurry evenly over all areas of the hematoma and leave on the skin until completely dry. Rinse with water afterwards. Such a mask should be done 2-3 times a day until the bruise is completely gone.

cabbage mask

Take one cabbage leaf and scroll it through a meat grinder (you can use a blender).

Gently spread the mixture over the bruised area and leave for half an hour. Repeat 2-3 times a day.

Potato mask

Grate a raw potato on a fine grater or chop in a meat grinder, apply to the skin and leave for 20 minutes.

Perform three times a day until the bruise disappears.

Wormwood mask

Wormwood grass has long been famous for its ability to remove bruises under the eyes. Take a small amount of plants and grind in a mortar until juice appears.

Apply the resulting slurry to the hematoma. If enough juice came out, you can soak a cotton swab with it and make a compress.

Plantain mask

A few plantain leaves (preferably not quite small ones) carefully beat off with a kitchen hammer so that they let the juice flow.

Then put the leaves on the bruises and leave for 20-30 minutes.

Aloe celandine and beetroot compress

Grate a small amount of beets, add to it a teaspoon of aloe juice and dry celandine herb.

Infuse for a couple of hours, place the mixture in cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice. Take a cotton swab, soak it in beetroot juice, and place it on the bruise for 20-30 minutes.

Rosemary and coltsfoot compress

These herbs are taken in a ratio of one to one, poured into 200 ml of water and boiled for about five minutes. Herbs can be bought at the pharmacy.

After the broth is filtered, insisted and used for a compress.

Mountain arnica compress

Buy at the pharmacy alcohol infusion arnica, dilute it with water in a ratio of 3: 1, and use for a compress.

If there are wounds and abrasions on the skin, this remedy is contraindicated.

Herbal compress

W St. John's wort, hop cones, wild rosemary and wormwood in a ratio of 3:1:1:2, let it brew.

Such a compress perfectly relieves swelling and reduces the inflammatory reaction.

Compress with honey

Mix half a tablespoon of flour, egg yolk, a tablespoon of honey and the same amount of any vegetable oil.

Apply to the skin, cover with plastic wrap and a warm cloth, and leave for a couple of hours. Repeat morning and evening.

bruise disguise

If you do not have time for the methods described and you urgently need to hide the bruise, you can resort to cosmetic camouflage.

Today the most popular are tonal creams, concealers and proofreaders. Proper application of them makes the bruising completely invisible. Which concealer to remove bruises under the eyes depends on the type of skin.

Hide the bruise on problematic skin help foundation "camouflage" with a dense texture. A thick layer of cosmetic will make the bruising invisible.

For dry skin types, a foundation with moisturizing ingredients is more suitable. To disguise a bruise on oily skin, use a foundation with a greasy texture and fine powder.

If the hematoma is green color, then choose a tonal remedy of a red tint, if the bruise is purple, then you need a toner with an orange tint, and for a brown hematoma, choose a cream with a pink tint.

Now you know how to cure a bruise under the eye and disguise it properly.

You can learn more about masking bruises under the eyes.

Do you have a bruise under your eye? It doesn't matter, this can happen to each of us in life. It can arise as a consequence of hitting a door jamb, from a fall, from being hit by a bully. Therefore, we want to tell you how to quickly cure a black eye on your own at home. After all, you must admit that not a single woman can wait 10 days until the bruise comes off on its own, changes its color - it's just hard labor.

Of course, you can not treat a bruise, but for ten days it will "decorate" your appearance. I want to tell you what to do immediately after the stroke, and then how to continue treatment.

As soon as you get a bruise, you must immediately attach something cold to the affected area. It can be ice, which is probably in every refrigerator. But if it is not there, then a frozen piece of meat is quite suitable, or a bag of frozen fruits that you prepared in the summer, even a bag of dumplings will come in handy.

It happens that you received a blow not at home, but on the street, and there is nothing cold at hand, what should you do in this case? Use any cold object: a metal object, a bottle of cold water, handkerchief dipped in water. For first aid, cold is applied for 30 minutes.

The cold will cause your blood vessels to constrict, allowing less blood to get under your skin, thereby reducing the size of the bruise and reducing the amount of swelling, if not none at all. A catastrophe when the eye is swollen and with a bright bruise. The cold will also help relieve pain, which is just as important. In this situation cold compress, Just necessary thing and even irreplaceable.

Do not put off visiting a traumatologist after you have received a bruise under your eye from a blow. Most people do not consider such injuries serious at all, they think that these are only temporary inconveniences and troubles. However, this is not at all the case, because there may be consequences from a blow, for example, an eyeball may be broken, or the consequences of an injury may appear and affect later. The doctor will help you: he will determine the degree of damage, as well as prescribe the treatment you need. Thus, you can avoid unpleasant surprises for you in the future. Therefore, it is imperative to consult a doctor.

A bruise under the eye - how to quickly get rid of it using medicines.

Treatment of a bruise must begin immediately, immediately after the injury. To do this, you need to buy absorbable hematoma ointments in a pharmacy. These drugs are quite inexpensive, and you can buy them even without a doctor's prescription. Below are the most effective ointments:

  1. Heparin ointment is a remedy that helps to resolve subcutaneous hemorrhages. It should be applied once an hour with light massage movements, but in no case should it be rubbed. Once the first thin layer is absorbed, apply the second layer. Smear carefully so as not to injure the blood vessels again. It is recommended to treat with such an ointment no more than 5 days.
  2. Troxevasin ointment. This ointment is applied to the area where the bruise has formed every 2 hours. It is also impossible to rub, you just need to smear the sore and damaged place. The ointment is applied for 5 days.
  3. Vitamin K. In addition to external preparations, it is recommended to use medications that contain vitamin K - this will also help to get rid of a bruise under the eye faster. This vitamin restore, strengthen blood vessels, and also make them more elastic. A drug containing vitamin K will help you choose a doctor.

A bruise under the eye - how to quickly get rid of using folk remedies.

In addition to medicines, a bruise can be cured with folk remedies. IN folk medicine exists great amount different recipes, which will help get rid of a bruise under the eye quickly. Before you choose your remedy, first take a close look at the ingredients, and remember if you have any allergic reactions to any herbs. If you do not have any allergic reactions, then such drugs simply cannot harm your health.

Hemorrhagic herb.

Thanks to useful properties of this herb, you can accelerate the resorption of a bruise under the eye, because the burnet helps to activate blood circulation in soft tissues. This herb is even used to stop bleeding, so it will be useful for quick treatment bruises. You can cure a bruise in four days. You can buy burnet herb at any pharmacy.

For the treatment of bruises, a decoction is prepared, from which lotions are then made on the damaged areas. In order to prepare a decoction, you will need an enamel pan, 3 tbsp. dry herbs, 1 cup boiling water. Then you need to put on fire and bring to a boil. After that, the broth should be boiled until half of the liquid has evaporated. Then strain the broth through gauze, which must be folded into three or four layers. Then, in the cooled broth, moisten a cotton pad and apply for 20 minutes to the place where the bruise has formed. Moisten a cotton pad periodically in a decoction. It is recommended to make such lotions every 2 hours, and you will immediately notice the effect of burnet. And after 3-4 days you don’t even remember that you had a bruise under your eye.

A bruise under the eye, how to quickly get rid of with anise seeds.

Anise seeds not only remove the bruise, but also relieve you of swelling. A decoction is also prepared from the seeds and lotions are made. Pour 2 tbsp into the dishes (enamelled). anise seeds and pour them with a two-hundred-gram glass of boiling water. Boil over low heat for about 10 minutes. Then the pan must be covered with something warm, and let the broth brew for about 1 hour. Then strain through cheesecloth, add honey there - 2 tbsp. and stir. Moisten a cotton pad in a decoction and apply to a bruise under the eye, as well as a decoction of burnet for 20 minutes. Such lotions should be done every 2 hours, and if done less often, then there will be no effect. The bruise from the blow will pass in 3-4 days.

You can also remove a bruise with a freshwater sponge. You can buy it in a pharmacy, it is sold in the idea of ​​a gel or powder. The powder is diluted with water in a ratio of 2 tsp. for 1 tsp water. Put the resulting creamy mass on a clean cloth or bandage and apply to the affected area.

On the first day, as it was written a little higher, after an injury, cold should be applied, but on the following days, compresses should be done, and they should be warm. After all, it is heat that enhances blood circulation, so the bruise will come off much faster. Anything you have on hand will do: a linen bag filled with heated sand or salt, a hot water bottle, hot bottled water. But remember exactly what dry heat will be much better. by the most the best remedy there will be coarse salt, which should be heated in a frying pan, put in a bag, and after cooling a little to a temperature so that it can be tolerated, apply to the bruise.

It is necessary to warm up every 2 hours for 15 minutes for three days. And after three days, your bruise will completely disappear, leaving no trace.

A cabbage leaf will help you quickly cure a bruise under your eye. It must be made from warm compress. Take fresh cabbage leaves and heat them in hot water. Then crush with a rolling pin to soften the sheet, and apply to the sore spot. Make a compress every two hours.

And you can make a poultice from the infusion of comfrey. You will need 3-4 leaves of comfrey, which must be poured with 1 cup of boiling water and left for 10 minutes. Strain, then moisten a cotton pad in this tincture and apply to the bruise. You can make poultices from the leaves and branches of rosemary, poultices will help to anesthetize the bruise and dissolve the bruise formed from the bruise.

There is one rule: you can warm up and make warm compresses only when edema subsides and only one bruise will remain.

More advice. Remember, in order to quickly get rid of a bruise under the eye, in no case should you use methods and methods that are designed to remove bruises on other parts of the body. After all, you must admit that the skin around the eyes is very soft and delicate, and in general it is possible to harm the eyes themselves.

Be careful and careful, then you will never need our advice.

This herb activates blood circulation in the soft tissues, which contributes to the resorption of the bruise. To prepare a decoction 3 tbsp. burnet pour 250 ml of boiling water. Put on a slow fire, bring to a boil and cook until half the liquid has evaporated. Cool, strain and, moistening a gauze cloth in this product, apply to the bruise for 20-30 minutes. Perform the procedure every 2-3 hours, and then the bruise will come off in 3-4 days.

Prepare the decoction in an enamel bowl.

anise seeds

To quickly remove a bruise under the eye, prepare a decoction. For this, 2 tbsp. anise seeds pour 250 ml of water. Boil over low heat for 10 minutes. After that, wrap the pan with a warm towel and let stand for about 1 hour. Strain the resulting product, add 2 tbsp. honey and stir. Moisten a gauze cloth in the decoction and apply to the damaged area for 20-30 minutes. Make such lotions every 2-3 hours, and after 3 days there will be no trace of a bruise.

This tool will not only remove the bruise, but also relieve swelling.


Mix bodyagi powder with water in a ratio of 2: 1. Put the resulting mass on a clean napkin and attach to the site of the bruise. Repeat the procedure every 2 hours. This remedy helps to treat not only bruises under the eye, but also hematomas.


The following recipe will also help to quickly cure a bruise under the eye: 2 tbsp. dry calendula flowers pour 250 ml of boiling water. Boil in a water bath for about 5-7 minutes, leave to brew for 30 minutes. Strain and, moistening a cotton pad in the decoction, apply to the bruise for 20 minutes. Carry out the procedure every 2-3 hours.


Quickly get rid of a bruise under the eye will help a warm compress from cabbage leaves. Warm fresh leaves in hot water, crush with a rolling pin and apply to the affected area of ​​​​the skin. Do a compress every 2 hours.


To prepare an infusion of 3-4 leaves of comfrey, pour 250 ml of boiling water and leave for 10 minutes. Strain, soak a cotton pad in the decoction and apply to the bruise. Repeat the procedure every 2 hours.

warming up

When the swelling subsides and only a bruise remains on the face, apply dry heat to it. To do this, heat coarse salt in a pan, put it in a bag and, having cooled to certain temperature, apply to the damaged area. Spend this procedure 15 minutes every 2 hours for 3 days.

To temporarily hide a bruise under the eye, use cosmetics: foundation, powder, corrector and so on.

It is difficult to find a person who has not faced such a problem as a bruise at least once in his life. Most of similar troubles happens to us in childhood, but also in adult life no one is immune from this .

If the bruise can be hidden under clothing, then the bruise does not cause many problems. But if it is in the most visible place, it is real problem especially when waiting for you important meeting or a date. To accept everything necessary measures, you need to know how to quickly remove a bruise under the eye.

Hematoma is the formation of a bruise in the tissues, which occurs due to ruptures small capillaries. The reason for the formation of bruises can be

  • bruises,
  • blows,
  • medical diseases (blood cancer, liver cirrhosis, etc.).

There are several stages in hematomas:

  1. Red blood cells come to the injured place, which are part of arterial blood. Swelling and puffiness form at the site of injury, and capillaries shine through the skin, staining the affected area in a reddish color. It is during this period that the bruise is most painful.
  2. Oxyhemoglobin, which is part of red blood cells, begins to gradually oxidize, due to which the bruise turns into a burgundy-bluish hue. This happens a day after the injury - the place becomes denser, and the pain occurs only after pressing.
  3. On the sixth day, the bruise turns yellowish green. This happens due to the transition of hemoglobin to a greenish pigment. At this stage pain missing.
  4. Over time, the greenish piment turns into bilirubin, and the bruise itself begins to gradually dissolve, leaving behind a yellow spot.

How to prevent bruising under the eye

If you take the necessary measures in time, you can not only reduce the radius of the bruise, but also completely prevent its occurrence. The cold will help you with this. Apply ice or frozen foods to the eye immediately after injury. In order not to injure the delicate skin of the eyelids, wrap the compress with a soft cloth or towel. If it's not around freezer, you can use a coin or a spoon visit web page .

  • Removes pain and eliminates puffiness.
  • Interferes with blood flow to tissues, reducing the area of ​​hematoma.
  • Constricts blood vessels.
  • Removes swelling.

What to do with a hematoma

If the pain is too strong, you can take a painkiller - ibuprofen is ideal for this. In no case should you take analgesics, aspirin or paracetamol, as they dilate the vessels, which contribute to more blood flow to the eye, thereby increasing the bruise.

Even if you take all the necessary measures in time, the next day there may be a small hematoma and swelling. This time it is necessary to act in a completely different way - warming up the affected area. For this, compresses with heated cereals, salt, towels soaked in warm water or a simple heating pad. Do not apply too hot compresses, so as not to burn the skin of the eyelids.

Your next step– determination of the state of injury and adjacent tissues. Most often, a bruise under the eye occurs from a blow to the face and bridge of the nose, and this is fraught not only with bruises, but also with a concussion and loss of vision. Pay attention to these symptoms:

  • Hemorrhage of the eye.
  • Loss of coordination and blurred vision.
  • Nosebleed, atrophy facial nerve and pain on rotation of the eyeball.

If you find yourself similar, immediately contact an optometrist, ophthalmologist and neurologist.

How to remove a bruise with medication

Accelerate the resorption and healing of the bruise will help pharmaceutical products- ointments and gels. The cheapest available remedy- iodine. Apply a small amount to the bruise before going to bed, avoiding contact with the eyes. Do not be afraid yellow spots- they will be absorbed in a few hours.

  1. Universal balm Rescuer promotes cell regeneration. Should be applied thin layer several times a day.
  2. An effective remedy is bodyagi powder. Dilute it warm water and soak gauze or a cotton pad with the resulting slurry. Apply to the eye several times a day for 15-20 minutes. After each compress, thoroughly cleanse the skin and moisturize with cream.
  3. Ointment SinyakOff not only removes the bruise, but also gives a slight toning effect, visually reducing the affected area. It is necessary to apply every 2-3 hours and withstand no longer than 40 minutes. Remove the rest of the product with a napkin.
  4. Troxevasin very quickly eliminates puffiness and helps to normalize blood circulation. It is necessary to apply with light massage movements, without stretching the skin, 2-3 times a day.
  5. Another excellent remedy— Lyoton. High efficiency allows you to use the gel even on deep subcutaneous hematomas.

Using medications be aware of the precautions: Do not:

  • apply at night
  • put them on too thick
  • combine several ointments at the same time.

Constantly let the skin rest, taking breaks between applying the product.

Suggest how to quickly and easily remove a bruise under the eye, traditional medicine can:

  • Squeeze the juice from the aloe and apply as a compress. Apply 3-4 times a day.
  • Make a mash of starch or grate chilled potatoes. Apply as a compress 2-3 times a day.
  • Dissolve a spoonful of honey in any vegetable oil. Add one yolk and apply as a mask.
  • Grind the onion with a teaspoon of salt and apply to cheesecloth. Apply as a compress 2 times a day.
  • Dissolve a few tablespoons of salt in table vinegar. Soak cotton pads in the solution and apply to the bruise.

How to visually remove a bruise under the eye

A bruise under the eye can become a real problem - since it is very difficult to remove it quickly, and hiding from people for more than a week is not an option, you can resort to cosmetics.

Your the best helpers- tonal concealers. They must be applied in the following order:

  1. Apply a dense yellow shade corrector.
  2. Apply your skin tone concealer on top.
  3. Set your makeup with powder.
  4. On top of the bruise, you can apply a little highlighter or powder with reflective particles.

Badyaga from bruises

  • Try not to open your eyes wide for a few days.
  • Do not overwork your eye sockets - do not read, do not watch TV and do not surf the Internet.
  • Don't touch your eyes with your hands.
  • Do not sleep with your head down or on your side - this will aggravate swelling and bruising.
  • Do not go out into the sun and do not swim in the water.
  • Wear sunglasses in bright daylight.

After an injury, bruises on the eyes disappear in 10 days. And if a man can still endure such a “decoration” for a week and a half, then it is extremely unpleasant for a woman to become the object of annoying attention and various gossip because of this minor temporary defect. Therefore, it is useful to know what measures to take to quickly cure a bruise under the eye.

First aid can be provided at home. Cold is good for preventing bruising of the eye. To do this, immediately after the bruise, it is necessary to apply ice wrapped in cotton cloth to the affected area. In its absence, frozen semi-finished products, pieces of meat, chilled cans of drinks will do.

It is undesirable to treat bruises by touching raw product directly to the skin. If scratches occur after impact, they may become front door for infection. When you apply, for example, a frozen chop to your face, first wrap it in a bandage or sterile gauze so that such treatment does not turn into inflammation in the future.

If an unpleasant incident happened on the street, any metal object - coins, keys - will help prevent a bruise on the eye. As an emergency measure, use a cool bottle from the refrigerator of the nearest store or a handkerchief moistened with water.

Low temperature has a narrowing effect on the blood vessels. Blood collects to a much lesser extent under the skin at the site of impact. In addition, the cold will not only relieve swelling, but also reduce pain. Therefore, it is so important to provide assistance in the very first minutes after the impact. It is better to take all measures to ensure that a bruise does not occur on the eye than to treat and hide it for a week or more.

Visit to the emergency room and pharmacy


Bruises under the eyes are in vain considered a trifle. After a blow, the consequences of an injury can be much more serious than they seem at first glance. Be sure to see a doctor to rule out possible damage eyeball or a concussion. If it was not possible to avoid the occurrence of a hematoma, the doctor will advise how to quickly cure bruises.

Pharmacies freely sell drugs that dissolve hematomas, which can be bought without special prescription doctor:

  • Troxevasin, if you treat the site of injury with it every 2 hours. The drug is applied gently in a thin layer, without rubbing into the skin. The course of treatment is 5 days.
  • Heparin ointment effectively treats bruises on the eyes, resolving subcutaneous hemorrhages. It is applied a day after receiving a bruise. The ointment is applied with light movements from 3 times a day. Until the previous layer of the drug is absorbed, the next one does not need to be applied. The course of treatment is 5-7 days.
  • Vitamin K is an antihemorrhagic element that serves as a preventive measure against hemorrhages, strengthening and restoring the walls of blood vessels. If hematomas occur even at the slightest impact, it is possible that this particular vitamin is not enough in the body, which causes the vessels to lose their elasticity and become fragile.

Physiotherapy at home


If on the first day after the bruise it is necessary to apply cold to the hematoma, then the next day the treatment is continued with heat.

This will improve blood microcirculation and the skin will quickly acquire a natural shade.

It is best to use dry heat for these purposes. To do this, coarse salt is heated in a hot frying pan, poured into a cloth bag, and then applied to bruises on the eyes. The skin is heated for about 15 minutes 5-6 times a day. As a rule, after 3 days there is no trace of a bruise.

You can use bottles and heating pads with hot water, compresses. A popular remedy for removing the manifestations of hematomas is a compress with gruel from cabbage leaves. A few leaves are removed from the cabbage, dipped in boiling water and kneaded. The resulting mass in a warm state is applied to the bruise every 2 hours.

Folk remedies


Proven folk remedies help to quickly and effectively remove hematomas. Herbs remove the manifestation of bruises no worse than factory pharmacological preparations. It is important to take into account that raw materials natural origin V pure form may cause allergic reaction. Therefore, the choice of medicinal plants should be approached responsibly.

Burnet herb will speed up the treatment of a bruise on the eye. This plant has been used since ancient times to stop bleeding from wounds. Today it is sold in pharmacies and is used in the treatment of hematomas. For this:

  1. In enameled dishes put 3 tbsp. spoons of dry raw materials and pour a glass of hot water.
  2. On high heat, bring to a boil, and then on low heat, bring the volume of liquid in the pan to half of the initial one.
  3. The broth is filtered and cooled. Used to make compresses.
  4. A piece of bandage folded several times is moistened in a liquid and applied to a sore spot for 20 minutes.
  5. Lotions do every 2 hours. After such care, the bruise disappears in 3-4 days.

Relieve swelling and treat bruises anise seeds. An infusion is prepared from them, which is used for compresses. The course of treatment of a sore spot is 3-4 days. The medicine is prepared according to this recipe:

  1. Pour 2 tbsp into enameled dishes. tablespoons of seeds and pour a glass of boiling water.
  2. Boil over medium heat for at least 10 minutes and remove from the stove.
  3. The pan is covered with a towel or a warm scarf. The infusion will be ready in an hour.
  4. The liquid is filtered and add 2 tbsp. spoons of honey.
  5. The tissue base of the compress is moistened in the infusion and applied to the bruise for 20 minutes every 2 hours.

Bodyaga is successfully used to treat bruises and bruises. This tool is easy to find in a pharmacy. For 4 st. spoons of powder take 2 tbsp. spoons of water. The gruel is applied to the hematoma 2 times a day. After drying, carefully rinse off so that the bodyaga does not get into the eyes.

If wormwood grows near the house, it can also be used in medicinal purposes. From fresh plants squeeze the juice, which is applied to a cotton swab and applied to the bruise. The procedure is repeated 3 times a day.

When it is possible to stay at home for several days, lotions are made from beetroot juice and aloe. They color the skin, but they have excellent restorative and healing properties.

The aloe leaf is left in the refrigerator for 1-2 days before use. The beets are ground on a grater, aloe juice is added to the resulting mass in proportions of 1: 1. WITH cotton swab the composition is applied to the sore spot for 20 minutes. The mixture is stored in the refrigerator.

Removes swelling and unhealthy skin tone comfrey tea or comfrey brewed with boiling water. It is useful to make a decoction of wild rosemary leaves. Bruises are smeared with chilled vodka. For the period of treatment during sleep, it is advisable to put 2-3 pillows under the head. This will reduce pain, reduce pressure and speed up the disappearance of the hematoma from the face.

There are many available and effective ways how to cure a bruise under the eye quickly and easily. But it is important to be systematic and follow the procedures regularly. And this trouble will be removed in a matter of days.

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