Estrus in dogs looks like a loop. How to understand that a dog is in heat: physiological and behavioral signs

All animals reach puberty at some point, including dogs. This symbolizes their readiness for fertilization and bearing offspring. In order to find a suitable pair, you need to know about all the intricacies of estrus in dogs, its duration, the selection of a male and the behavior of the owner during this difficult period.

Of course, all owners of female dogs will be interested in how long the estrus will last for the pet, what will be its behavior, the nature and cyclical nature of the process, how the owner should behave and when can panties be worn?

What is the frequency of estrus in dogs?

Dogs usually go into heat about twice a year, but some breeds of bitches are exposed to such manifestations of nature only once a year. The reason for concern may be the absence of this phenomenon for more than 8 months from its onset, if less than 4 months have passed between the periods. All this depends on the individual characteristics of the organism of the animal.

The development of the cycle of estrus in dogs occurs at the age of two years. Absolutely normal is the reduction or stretching of the break between estrus. It is impossible to accurately predict the date of the beginning and end of this process and the exact number of days, since every year everything happens differently, and the dates are shifted. It is better for the owner to keep observations and write them down in a diary every year, so as not to miss this important period.

The main point is the observation of the cyclical nature of estrus in dogs. The period of the process itself can vary from a few days to two weeks. Moreover, the rest is from 4 to 7 months. If everything is taken into account correctly, then you do not have to worry about delays.

It is worth remembering that all dogs have a different duration of estrus. But on average, it can be a period 2 to 4 weeks. A deviation from the norm will be considered when estrus lasts less than 7 days or more than 30 days.

The entire estrus period consists of 4 phases, each of which lasts a certain number of days:

The onset of estrus indicates the puberty of the dog, about her ability to procreate. Specifically, even veterinarians cannot say for sure at what age such a phenomenon can occur for the first time and how long it will last. It has already been proven that everything depends on the breed of the knot. It has been noticed that in dogs of small breeds this process occurs earlier than in representatives of large breeds and lasts a smaller number of days per year.

Small-bred females are already in heat for the first time at six or seven years of age. Although, it is still very early to bear offspring. Yes, and the very nature of the manifestation of a natural phenomenon differs from a real estrus, since it does not last long and with small secretions.

In bitches of large sizes, the first estrus appears at the age of one and a half to two years. In addition, the beginning can be very poor and short. And the first ovulation may not come. Predicting the next estrus is also very difficult. It has been noted that the period of the onset of the first estrus coincides with the period of molting of the animal, but it is not so easy to predict this with great accuracy.

The onset of the first estrus in a dog can be calculated by its behavior. The owner must first inquire in order not to get confused and take appropriate measures. Shortly before the onset of estrus symptoms, the animal begins to behave differently than usual. You can notice in her behavior a manifestation of aggression, increased activity, excessive playfulness. The animal loses disciplinary skills, it is difficult to control it.

Exists several signs of estrus at the dog. Among them are:

  1. Frequent urination.
  2. Increasing interest in the bitch from males.
  3. The appearance of spotting and traces in the resting places of the pet.

During this special period, the dog can itself pay attention to the dogs, bark in their direction, wag your tail. The owner must be on the lookout if he does not want to mate his bitch.

How should the owner behave during estrus?

The signal of estrus will be the behavior of males in relation to the bitch in the territory for walking dogs. At this point, the owner of the dog must limit himself from the future consequences that may arise from close communication between the bitch and the male. For this some precautions need to be taken:

Of course, the estrus period adds additional difficulties and inconveniences, but do not take this phenomenon as something unacceptable. On the contrary, it is necessary to make every effort to ensure that such a process in a dog passes without much difficulty, especially the first time.

How estrus behavior in dogs affects the behavior, the duration of the difficult period and its cyclicality are the individual characteristics of each pet. You can talk about the norms very conditionally, but they exist, and a significant overstepping sometimes signals health problems. A responsible owner must notice all the nuances and know what changes are possible during this period and how the girl behaves at the time of “love and passion”.

On average, the frequency of estrus in dogs is twice a year or three times every 14 months. Although some bitches, especially native breeds, are ready for dates only once a year. It is worth worrying if the estrus does not occur for more than 8 months or if there are less than 4 months between periods. Since estrus is often delayed in dogs due to completely harmless reasons, it is not necessarily a disease, but you still need to contact a veterinarian.

The exact estrus cycle in dogs becomes clearly defined only by two years, if the pet is large, and by one and a half years, if we are talking about a decorative dog. During the period of growing up, the pauses between estrus can be reduced or stretched, which is the norm. But even adult ladies are not always loving “on schedule”: plus or minus two weeks before a significant date is the norm. In addition, the duration of estrus in dogs is not exactly a month (exactly a week, two, etc.), so the start and end dates of estrus shift from year to year. Those. the owner must fix the dates permanently, because in very rare cases it is possible to accurately determine the dates by calculations.

It is important to remember not only how many times a dog goes into heat per year, but also which of the dormant periods lasts longer. In most cases, the cyclicity is easily traced: long and short phases of rest alternate, replacing each other. For example, the duration of estrus in a dog is two weeks. April is in heat, then five months of rest, again in heat and six months of rest. If one of the heats falls in the spring, the dormant phases vary even more, amounting to 4 and 7 months alternately. If you forget about this feature and just divide the year in half, you can incorrectly calculate the terms of estrus in a dog, worrying in vain because of a delay, which in reality is not.


How long does estrus last in dogs? This question is asked by many owners of adult bitches who are seriously thinking about getting healthy, fully meeting breed standards, puppies.

The physiological processes occurring in the body of an adult bitch are in many ways similar to those that occur in the body of any female.

At a certain period of puberty, the female has discharge, which is the main sign of her readiness for mating and bearing offspring.

To determine estrus, in veterinary medicine, a term such as emptying is used.

When to expect the first heat

The timing of the start of the first estrus depends on the age and breed of the dog. In females of small breeds (both dachshunds, and) discharge appears at 7-9 months, in females of medium breeds (, ifox terriers) they can linger and begin no earlier than 12-15 months.

When planning the mating of a bitch, you should not particularly count on the first estrus. It may come a little earlier, or vice versa later, its symptoms may be completely invisible to the unprofessional eye, which in some cases leads to errors associated with the falsity of this phenomenon.

False discharge is often diagnosed in young bitches.

In this case, the symptoms may appear for a short time, after which they fade away to return with renewed vigor, also for a short period of time.

It is very difficult to guess when exactly such a bitch will be ready to accept a male, any attempts to do this can lead to an unwanted and even false pregnancy.

The intensity and time of the onset of the discharge largely depend on the individual characteristics of the bitch, therefore, only a veterinarian can accurately tell when the first estrus, for example, in, or in a dachshund, when conducting a thorough study.

Do not self-diagnose and do not panic

signs of heat

The main and clearly visible sign of estrus is the appearance of blood on the floor, carpeting and furniture in places where the dog sits. Blood is released from the so-called loop.

For a bitch, such discharge is absolutely painless, but the animal's mental system can react in the most unforeseen way for the owners.

Large dogs at this time become extremely aggressive, stop obeying elementary commands, therefore, movement with them around the city should be limited.

In small breeds of dogs, an unexpected surge of energy can be observed, the bitch will begin to feel the need for a change of scenery every minute.

The animal may show:

  • irrepressible joy;
  • be sad;
  • salivation is possible;
  • pupil dilation;
  • disorientation in space.

At the first heat, dogs begin to ask to use the toilet more often, and after that they carefully lick the loop. In many females, the beginning of the discharge coincides with the first molt. The dog begins to mark the territory when walking, which immediately arouses interest from the males.

Duration and periodization of estrus

Estrus in dogs, regardless of breed, lasts at least 20-22 days twice a year in young dogs and once in old ones.

In order not to be mistaken with the mating day, it should be remembered that the bitch becomes ready for fertilization only by the 9th day after the appearance of the first blood.

Before this time, all signs of hunting may appear in her, but attempts by males claiming to mate are usually rejected.

The peak of sexual activity falls on the 10-17th day, after which the bitch becomes more and more inert to the encroachments of males and by the 23rd day finally stops responding to them

There is the following estrus periodization generally accepted by dog ​​breeders and veterinarians, which helps even a beginner to understand the issues of the upcoming mating:

  1. Proestrus. Initial stage. Period from 1 to 8 days. At this time, the bitch begins to show signs of estrus, but, as mentioned above, she is not yet ready to accept a male, therefore she behaves aggressively, or vice versa, too shyly. At this stage, abundant spotting is possible, it is recommended to limit the dog's movement around the room, or use special panties. You need to wear panties for as long as the days of estrus.
  2. Estrus. The active estrus period lasts from 9 to 16-17 days. The dog feels desire, moves the tail back and shows other clear signs of readiness for mating - crouches, lies on his stomach, whines. This time is considered the best for mating and getting healthy offspring.
  3. Metaestrus, or diestrus. The passive estrus period is 17-23 days. Mating is, in principle, possible, the female lets the male in, but the discharge becomes less and less noticeable, and the desire disappears. The bitch becomes lethargic and stops responding to the opposite sex. Mating is not recommended, it is better to wait until the next time, especially when it comes to maintaining the pedigree qualities of breeds such as the German Shepherd, Yorkshire Terrier, Chihuahua, Dachshund, Labrador, or Jack Russell.
  4. Anestrus. The period between estrus. The usual state of the bitch, the hormonal background of which is normal.

Important! To make a dog more obedient during estrus, it is necessary to firmly memorize such commands as: “fu”, “to me” and “near” with it. The dog must follow these commands impeccably.

If the dog does not respond, you need to stock up on the animal's favorite treats, they will help to attract the attention of the pet in case he breaks off the leash and rushes towards new acquaintances.

How to prevent unwanted consequences of estrus

One of the undesirable consequences of the first discharge is an unplanned pregnancy in the bitch.

To prevent this, bitch owners are advised to:

  1. Before each walk of large and small dogs on the street, wear special panties. They are able not only to save the owner from the unpleasant duty of wiping the floors and other surfaces after the dog, but also to prevent undesirable coverage by a dog encountered on a walk.
  2. Regularly monitor estrus periods, especially in dachshunds and small breed dogs. From the first estrus, you should start keeping a calendar, marking the first and last days of estrus in it. Such a calendar will help to prepare in advance for estrus also in dogs of small breeds, by finding a suitable male. In addition, keeping a calendar will help to detect problems with the health of the dog in a timely manner.

If estrus occurs more than 2 times a year, or is delayed indefinitely, it is recommended to contact a veterinarian

The main problem of any estrus is far from the nervous behavior of the dog, but the presence of secretions that force the owners to clean the carpets, constantly clean the house and bathe the dog.

You can significantly reduce the time for putting things in order in the house by accustoming the dog to licking the contaminated wool around the loop.

In addition, owners of dogs with early or late discharges will have to take an analysis for the content of progesterone, the level of which will determine the most favorable days for mating and identify possible violations of the female's sexual health.

In the event that a natural estrus does not occur for a number of reasons, the veterinarian can cause it artificially, which is a completely ordinary procedure that does not in the least disturb the normal functioning of the dog's body.

Important! Unwanted heat should never be prevented by birth control. Any drugs that have this kind of effect can cause serious oncological diseases that will eventually develop in a pet.

It is important for the owner of the dog to know how long the pet's estrus lasts, what measures can be taken by the dog breeder to prevent unwanted pregnancy of the dog. When to contact the veterinarian, can the visit be postponed if the dog is behaving normally, or should the estrus be under the supervision of a veterinarian.

When the first estrus in dogs begins, every pet owner must know. Sometimes for some owners, the moment a girl grows up comes as a surprise. Today we will tell you at what age the first estrus begins, how to prepare for it, what you need to know to avoid inflammatory processes.

Pustovka begins in dogs in different ways, no specialist can say a specific day. Puberty for all occurs at a certain time, but does not exceed the allotted interval for the breed.

The natural process in small and large pets is different. How to understand the onset of puberty, and how long estrus lasts, our article is about this.

Key Features

The moment the female is ready for mating ranges from 7 months to 1.5 years. It often happens during the period of changing milk teeth. One of the signs of the beginning of growing up is increased molting.

Small breeds mature faster than large breeds, their maturity is 7-8 months. In large pets, maturation is delayed and begins after a year, in some even at 1.6. Abnormal is considered early emptying - 5-6 months, and late - 17-18.

The duration of the special period is 3-4 weeks. Protracted discharge, which is uncharacteristic in structure and smell - an occasion to consult a doctor urgently.

These can be hormonal, endocrine disruptions, the development of the inflammatory process due to improper care, which is fraught with serious consequences. The first estrus often does not notice the owner, but the female is still ready for fertilization.

Therefore, from 7 months, walking on the street, you need to be vigilant and with increased attention from the opposite sex, you need to be wary.

The recommended age for mating girls after 2-3 estrus, males is better than 12-15 months. Early mating for males and females is undesirable. A strong pet body is a guarantee of easy pregnancy, childbirth and healthy offspring.

Up to 2 heats pass a year, anything less or more is not considered normal. It is imperative to show the female to the doctor in order to exclude pathological processes.

Since the owner may not notice and fix the first discharge, then from the second, control of each subsequent ovulation is necessary.

This is necessary in order to prepare and have everything at hand. And also do not miss the delay and notice deviations in time.

In older dogs, the frequency of discharge decreases every year and is reduced to nothing by a certain age. But they are also capable of producing a litter every time they ovulate.

When do dogs start their first estrus, given the breed?


How is the first estrus in dogs? Ovulation occurs in several stages:

Proestrus(ovarian cycle). Lasts for 7-10 days. During this time, the loop increases in size, swells. This happens due to circulation and increased blood flow in the genitals.

The discharge is slight, may be pink. The girl is not ready for mating, the dog will not be allowed to come to her yet. There is no ovulation these days.

Symptoms - excessive affection, complaisance, playfulness. On the street, smelling a specific smell, the males begin to show special attention, sniffing out the noose.

estrus(emotional phase). From 11 during the week, ovulation occurs (15-16 days). Prior to this, the pet has not yet allowed the dog, but its condition and behavior are excessively pliable.

Already from the 15th day, when the discharge acquired a reddish color, upon contact with the male, it begins to raise the tail and back. Does not drive away, ready for knitting. This period lasts from 5-10, maybe a little longer.

Metestrus(luteal cycle). The final stage, which lasts 2-3. There are practically no characteristic secretions, the genitals and the loop return to their normal state.

Behavior becomes the same, stops letting dogs approach him. This is an important period, the owner needs to understand her condition in time and see deviations in behavior.

Often, in the absence of fertilization, the girl begins to feel like a mother. False pregnancy refers to dangerous pathological processes.

It is associated with hormonal changes, the release of progesterone. If the female returned to its previous state, no changes in behavior are noticed behind it, then the stage was successful.

Anestrus(calm). It continues until the next estrus for 100-150 days. During this time, the body is recovering, preparing for the next ovulation.


For individual pets that live in the northern regions and for courtyards, estrus can be only 1 time per year. The flow in these girls begins in the spring, childbirth occurs with successful fertilization in the winter.

Those females who live in comfortable home conditions, the nesting can occur 1-3 times a year. The delay, absence or, conversely, the increased appearance of discharge (more than 3 times) is a reason to go to the veterinary clinic urgently.

The causes of this condition can be various disorders of the small pelvis, genital area, hormonal levels, or tumor neoplasms.

The body of each dog is individual, in order to understand the exact cycle, the pet must be 2 years old.

During this time, the natural process is getting better, and with good health, estrus will begin at the same time. There may be small discrepancies plus or minus a week.

Therefore, each owner must know the date of the previous estrus, fixing it in the calendar. The duration of the process itself in all animals is individual.

Depends on a number of factors. For example, physical activity can shorten the duration of natural secretions. And the presence of a dog in the house, on the contrary, should be increased.

Symptoms and signs

It is not difficult for an attentive owner to understand the beginning of a special period. Changes in behavior, condition, the presence of discharge - all this indicates the arrival of the first estrus.


  • Swelling of the loop, genitals.
  • Abundant or scanty discharge with blood impurities.
  • Excessive sensitivity and affection.
  • Frequent urination.

At the first stage of the test, the girl drives away the dog. After the color of the discharge changes to a pale pink color, ovulation occurs, the pet is ready for fertilization, behaves calmly in the presence of a male.

If she does not drive him away, but raises her tail and stands motionless, then the estrus phase has come.

Symptoms of the active period:

  • Lets the opposite sex in.
  • Raises and takes aside the tail.
  • Freezes when sniffing her dog.
  • Compliance.

If the owner wants offspring, the peak of readiness has come and you can start mating. To prevent traces of discharge in the house, dogs buy special panties with interchangeable pads.

Rules for the owner

Before the first estrus, the female may have discharge with a small amount of pus - juvenile vaginitis. It will pass as soon as the emptying begins. If it does not disappear, then you should consult a doctor.

Hygiene during this period should be above all. The girl sits in a loop on the dirty floor, while walking or in transport she can catch an infection.

Now the pet needs panties or diapers for one-time use. This will prevent soiling of carpets in the house, blankets, bedding.

The female should not constantly walk in them either, periodically take them off and give her the opportunity to lick herself. It is recommended to clean carpets, paths and rugs.


  1. Wear panties.
  2. Keep on a leash.
  3. In cold weather, reduce walking.

If this happens, and you have not prevented an accidental mating of a pet, you should not resort to emergency contraceptives or abortions. This is fraught with consequences, complications, infertility.

Hygiene and care

Use products such as: panties, diapers during a period of especially heavy discharge. But you don’t need to constantly wear them, let the girl serve herself, study.

Choose hygiene products that are properly sewn, of high quality, from natural materials. Seamless with a tail hole is ideal. The size is indicated on the package.

Large breeds in this little thing look ridiculous. Some owners do not put on for walks, others do not complex, the health of their pet is more important than beauty.

On top in cold weather, you can wear pants, overalls, use special suspenders. Sew at home with your own hands, a video from the Internet will help.

Possible problems

A delay or complete absence of estrus in due time should alert the owner. Pustovka without blood (bloodless) can occur regardless of the complexion of the animal.

It also manifests itself: the behavior changes, the genitals are swollen, only there is no discharge. In the first estrus, there may not be any symptoms at all, although the process of ovulation is normal.

This can only be determined in the laboratory by examining the blood and smear. Such an asymptomatic condition is considered uncharacteristic and attributed to a greater extent to pathology.

In order to prevent serious consequences, it is better to undergo a full examination. Unstoppable heat is a dangerous symptom.

You need to go to the doctor urgently. There are plenty of factors for the development of such a situation, especially if the girl is in adulthood.

This may indicate the development of the oncological process, inflammatory and sexually transmitted diseases, endocrine, autoimmune.

Before mating

If the owner has no experience in this matter, and the offspring is planned, then it is better to start mating from 3 estrus. By this time, the cycle will improve, the body of the female will be stronger, pregnancy and childbirth will be successful.

By the third estrus, the owner will already determine the days of probable conception, they fall on the 11-16th day from the start of the acute stage - estrus.

It is desirable to carry out mating in the first half of the day without feeding the animal. Anti-flea and anthelmintic prophylaxis must first be carried out. This also applies to the male.

The process often takes place on the territory of the dog in a calm environment. Medium and large breeds do not require outside assistance, with the exception of the first cage of the male, where he can injure the bitch.

There are some nuances with small pets, depending on the size, constitution and the breed itself. What difficulties in knitting can arise:

  • The dimensions of knitting dogs vary considerably.
  • Male aggression towards the owner of the pet.
  • Inaccurate determination of the peak of estrus in a girl.
  • Abnormal development of the genital organs and tracts of the female.
  • Inappropriate complexion (thinness, obesity).
  • Pathological processes of the urinary system.
  • Venereal diseases.
  • Poor composition and structure of the male seminal fluid.
  • The presence of fleas and worms.
  • Control the beginning of the first estrus (not earlier than 6 months and not later than 1.5 years).
  • Consult a doctor in the absence or prolonged emptying.
  • Mark the beginning of a special period every time so you don't miss the next one.
  • Prepare, do not forget about hygiene.
  • Walk without letting off the leash, wear shorts.
  • You should not travel, attend exhibitions, championships.

Uncharacteristic discharge

  1. Dark burgundy, brown. Frozen pregnancy. Take it to a specialist immediately.
  2. Black, purulent with blood. Infection of the genital organs during mating or in case of non-compliance with hygiene rules.
  3. Smearing dark consistency. Rejection of the fetus, miscarriage.
  4. Disgusting smell, cloudy. He speaks of a hidden pathological process, it may be the development of pyometra.
  5. In the presence of pus, a change in behavior, urgently seek medical advice.

If discharge from a pregnant pet?

After the female managed to get pregnant, after some time, mucus with impurities should come out of the loop - this is considered the norm. This is a cork with unfertilized eggs.

If there is scarlet blood, immediately show the veterinarian. Now the animal needs an ultrasound of the abdomen and uterus.

A rotten smell may indicate a frozen fetus, which is a reason for an urgent visit to the veterinary clinic.

Consequences of a failed pregnancy:

  • Abdominal surgery to remove the uterus.
  • The glands may swell (mastopathy).
  • Plastic surgery of the abnormal structure of the genital tract, urinary system.
  • Antibacterial treatment.
  • Treatment of oncology detected during pregnancy.

Sterilization and castration

It often happens that the owner of the girl does not want further offspring and decides to sterilize the pet.

At times, there are direct medical indications for this procedure, and it is a necessary measure for the health of the animal.

  • In order to prevent the development of tumor formations.
  • Suppuration of the uterus - pyometra.
  • There is no control over the pet (yard).
  • This also applies to a male, if he is not needed for breeding, it is advisable to undergo a castration procedure.

An unsatisfied male is stressed, on walks he can run after every bitch, at home he can imitate mating with your leg. All this brings him considerable suffering.

Yard and homeless animals pose a real threat to the health of the male, very often they are carriers of venereal diseases.

Those dogs that need to undergo surgery must be completely healthy. A physical examination by a doctor on the day of the procedure is required.

Pre-hand over all the tests, weigh yourself so that the veterinarian understands how much anesthesia is needed. Castration takes place quickly, under general anesthesia.

Through two incisions in the scrotum, the testicles are removed in turn for the male, then they are sutured. Spaying bitches takes a little longer.

Neutering of the dog should be a few weeks before the intended laying. This is the ideal period if the girl is not for breeding.

The risk of complications, the development of further tumor formations and disruptions in the hormonal background is reduced. Each dog is individual.

To find out exactly the age of the first estrus, you can ask the breeder when the girl's mother had a vacancy. Sterilization of dogs after estrus should take place before the next.

The best period for surgical intervention is considered to be from 8 months to 1.5 years after the onset of estrus. Subscribe to our site. Lots of interesting information ahead.

Estrus in dogs is a natural, psychophysiological process that is characteristic of most female mammals. The presence of estrus indicates that the female is ready to mate and bear offspring.

How long does estrus last in dogs (duration)? How does the dog behave during estrus, before and after it, does the behavior of the animal change? What should the owner do if the dog has frequent estrus or a long estrus? How to determine? Can dog pants be used in heat? We will try to answer these and other questions in this article.

All dog owners, without exception, have to deal with such a phenomenon as estrus (other names are empty, esterus). Owners of bitches face this directly, and owners of males, so to speak, indirectly, since their pets come into contact with the opposite sex during walks.

In bitches, puberty occurs at the age of about 7 months - 1.5 years (depending on whether the dog is a small or large breed), and is expressed by the fact that the bitch begins to shed heavily.

The first estrus, unlike the following, is the shortest. Often only a weak manifestation of it is noted, the so-called hidden emptying is a slight release of blood, which attracts little males.

In young bitches that are close to puberty, there is a possibility of a false estrus, in connection with this, allowing mating, estrus can suddenly stop without ovulation. But after a few days, the bitch can again go hunting and already ovulate. Signs of estrus in a bitch are spotting from the loop, which is attractive to males.

Estrus in small breed dogs

Estrus begins after about 6 months of life. Usually the first estrus occurs in the interval of 6-12 months, for example, in a Yorkshire terrier, estrus begins about a year.

But there is no strict rule. Each animal is individual. At this time, the owners of small dogs on walks need to be especially vigilant so that a huge male does not “roll up” to the bitch, otherwise this can cause serious damage to health.

Heat in dogs of large breeds

In large breed dogs, estrus usually begins between 12 and 18 months of age. But the start time of estrus is purely individual and there is no specific period.

A favorable time for conception in large breeds of dogs is 10-15 days of estrus. The sexual arousal of the female during this period is at its maximum level and it is at this time that it is recommended to bring her with a male.

Signs, symptoms, dog in heat

How to identify heat in a dog? Dog behavior changes during heat. The dog becomes more active, playful, and naughty. Hormones begin to "play", and instinct pushes her to free behavior. A leak can be identified by the following features:

  • At this time, the dog begins to urinate much more often;
  • much more attention from males;
  • on the bedding or floor, you can see blood droplets that come out of the loop;
  • females periodically lick the loop.

At this time, females do not allow males, as they are not ready for the fertilization process.

As a rule, by 9-15 days, the discharge becomes mucous, straw-colored. This is the period of the so-called "unfavorable" days. The female at this time has maximum sexual arousal when they notice males, take their tail to the side and take a stance. The loop swells a lot.

This period lasts approximately 5-7 days. The owner, if he wants to breed a dog, is obliged to mark these days. Depending on the breed, a favorable time for fertilization can occur on days 9-17, in some even 21 days.

To prevent the animal from leaving characteristic red droplets in the house, you can use special panties for dogs during estrus. However, most cynologists advise to teach her to lick herself with the very first estrus. Be that as it may, it is recommended to wrap the carpets during the emptying.


The flow proceeds in 3 stages:

  • 1st stage - proestrus- minor bleeding, but traces remain wherever the dog was. To do this, use special absorbent underpants;
  • 2nd stage - estrus- begins 10 days after the first signs of bleeding. At this time, the bitch admits a male for fertilization. The continuation of this stage is 7 days. To obtain pedigree puppies, after fertilization, it is better to protect the bitch from other males;
  • 3rd stage - diestrus- the final stage, at this time the bitch still attracts males, but does not let them in. The period lasts up to 10 days, after the end of the stage, estrus occurs only after six months.

Having passed a blood test for the content of progesterone, you can avoid mistakes. If there was no estrus, you need to look for the reason for interrupting the cycle. If necessary, the veterinarian can artificially induce estrus.

How many days does it last and how many times does estrus occur in dogs (frequency)?

Usually estrus occurs twice a year and lasts 20-28 days (3-4 weeks). If its frequency is 3-4 times a year or more, then it is advisable to consult a veterinarian. Most likely the dog has harmonic disorders.

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