Is it possible to take valerian while breastfeeding. Is it possible to drink valerian while breastfeeding. Valerian extract while breastfeeding

The nervous system after childbirth becomes extremely vulnerable. In pursuit of comfort, women rush to natural remedies. Many have heard of a tincture or extract of valerian, also known as valerian. Is it possible to take the drug for women who are breastfeeding children?

From this article you will learn:

After childbirth in an emotional state, there is a struggle between the joy of having a baby and the fear of caring for a newborn. To this is added the inability to perform household duties in the same volume, physical and mental exhaustion. All this, like a snowball, can lead to stress and depression. Nervous excitement needs to be calm.

Before thinking about application medicines try the following tricks:

  • help from relatives;
  • walks in pleasant places;
  • relaxing music;
  • warm shower or bath;
  • pleasant massage;
  • change of scenery;
  • getting positive impressions.

Why use valerian while breastfeeding?

Paradoxically, insomnia occurs in lactating women who do not sleep enough.

This sedative drug helps to cope with disorders nervous system and mental stress. The medicine can provide a way out of depression. Supports hypertension and heart patients. It has an antispasmodic effect on the digestive and urinary systems. These problems sometimes lie in wait for women after childbirth.

Most often, valerian is used in the first months after childbirth. The calming effect accumulates gradually, persists long time. Provides a soft touch. It is gratifying that the drug does not cause dependence on it.

Does not interact with other drugs. It is released from pharmacies without a prescription. Try other normalization methods first. mental state, since the effect of the remedy extends to the child.

Risks and side effects

How to weigh the benefits of the drug and the possible harm? Let's look at the negative impacts.

  • allergy;
  • stupor;
  • nervous excitement;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • memory impairment;
  • excitation of the central nervous system of the baby instead of calming down;
  • lethargy, passivity of the child during feeding.

For example, when shortly after treatment the child’s skin sprinkles, feelings of guilt may be added to the existing depression.

Continuous use of sedatives harms the body, whether you are breastfeeding or not. The nervous system is depressed, fatigue appears with headaches and nausea. Decreased performance. Should a mother take care of a baby in such a state?

If you drink valerian very often, then the concentration of attention drops very significantly. And babysitting is an integral part of motherhood. Driving a car with the help of the drug is not worth it. Regardless of the list side effects, valerian when breastfeeding is considered the safest sedative drug.

On the other hand, if alternative methods are used to deal with problems in the emotional and physical condition mother fails, it also has a bad effect on the baby. Instead of manifestations of love, attacks of aggression fall on him, possibly physical. A woman ceases to adequately evaluate her own behavior and turns into a threat to her own child. It's time to react to her loved ones by offering a natural sedative.

How to apply?

The medicine and dosage are prescribed by the doctor. It is permissible to take one tablet three times a day. Especially difficult situations allow taking a couple of tablets three times a day. When breastfeeding, it is optimal to drink valerian in courses from 5 to 14 days. The drug is potentially risky for the child, it should be correlated with the intended benefit to the mother.

Release forms:

  • tablets;
  • dragee;
  • herbal collection;
  • dry rhizomes;
  • tincture.

Basic Rule – low concentration and short reception time. During lactation, the first form is preferred. It is better not to consider the latter, since it contains alcohol. Decoctions, as well as infusions from rhizomes, are potent, the child may react worse to such a composition.

AT postpartum period hormonal passions continue. The condition of a woman is transmitted to her baby. Therefore, it is important to get through this time as calmly as possible. It is better when harmony is found without drugs. After all, the task of a nursing mother is not only to take care of the baby, but also to strictly control what comes to him with milk.

If the normalization of the state is delayed, then you can take valerian with breastfeeding following medical advice. Be sure to strive for prosperity family relations, organization of life and inner peace. Then the funds from the nerves will bypass you.

It is no secret that for women who have recently become mothers, certain medications are contraindicated. This is understandable. After all, any pill after taking by the mother along with breast milk can enter the baby's body. The body of the crumbs is still so weak that a very small dose can cause symptoms of poisoning.

In this regard, the question arises, how are things with valerian? Can a breastfeeding mother take it? After childbirth, a woman is in a state of constant stress, and it is considered quite normal. With the advent of the baby, a lot of additional troubles appeared, and you constantly have to worry about the state of the child’s health. Significant imprint on condition emotional sphere women imposes and hormonal failure.

Required to pick up best option to calm down and put your nerves in order. However, this must be done in such a way as not to harm the condition of the child. In this regard, perhaps, valerian is the most correct solution. The drug is considered safe not only for the health of a nursing mother, but also for her baby. But you can’t drink it uncontrollably and as much as the most nursing mother wants. Before using it, be sure to consult a doctor who will give everything necessary recommendations and prescribe the required dosage.

When should you take valerian?

Valerian will be an excellent remedy for those who are in a state of constant stress. The medication is indicated for the following conditions:

  • Migraine.
  • Insomnia.
  • Depressive state.
  • Nervous excitement.
  • A condition associated with spasm of internal organs.

To eliminate the listed conditions, valerian is taken in tablets or as a tincture. But self-administration without consulting a doctor is prohibited. At the same time, it does not matter at all in what dosage form it is planned to be taken.

How does valerian work?

Some believe that this tool is completely safe. They argue their arguments by the fact that it is natural. herbal remedy. Nothing like this. For a nursing mother, this is the same medicine and it must be used in strict accordance with the dosage to be determined by the doctor. This needs to be clearly understood.

Valerian officinalis can affect both the nursing mother herself and her child. And sometimes the consequences can be pronounced negative.

What can happen when uncontrolled use valerian? All possible manifestations can be reduced to the following points:

  1. The occurrence and development of an allergic reaction. True, this rarely happens, but it is still possible. Especially often this situation can occur if the recommended dose has been exceeded.
  2. Sometimes the effect wears right opposite character. Instead of calming down, there is overexcitation with sleep disturbance. If valerian is taken for a long time, then the child may experience constipation.
  3. After eating valerian medicinal baby may become lethargic. If the baby sleeps too much and reluctantly takes the breast, then this should alert the mother.
  4. Some claim that valerian can reduce the volume of milk. Such an assertion has no basis. This is nothing more than a myth. The reason for the decrease in lactation should not be sought in valerian, but in something else. The main enemies of reduced milk production are stressful situations, permanent state nervousness, chronic sleep deprivation.

Useful advice. If the nursing mother is overcome by fatigue, then a rational step would be to entrust the upbringing of the child to relatives for some time, and to rest and sleep well herself. After that, everything will return to normal, including lactation, and fall into place.

Release form

In pharmacies, without problems and any prescription, you can buy valerian in various dosage forms Oh. The choice remains with the mother, and depends on the form in which it will be most convenient for her to take it. Release options:

  • Tablets.
  • In the form of herbal tea preparation.
  • Produced in the form of dragees.
  • Dry valerian root for making an infusion.
  • Valerian extract in the form of a tincture.

It is easy to understand that the variety of dosage forms will determine the convenience of methods of its use. When breastfeeding, valerian is most often prescribed in the form of tablets. The fact is that they show a milder effect compared to tincture. In addition, tinctures are prepared according to the recipe for alcohol, and it can harm the child. To achieve the expected result, it will be enough if you take only two tablets daily.

But don't expect immediate results. It will not come immediately, but after some time. The drug must be sufficiently accumulated in the body. Do not rush, and if there is no effect, increase the dosage. Such activities can only harm. You just need to be patient and sedation will surely show up. The usual course is 10 days. As a rule, this is quite enough. Sometimes it is necessary to extend these terms.

Is valerian safe for babies?

The tool is able to effectively soothe, and shows a gentle effect. But not everyone approves of its use for babies. For example, Dr. Komarovsky claims that valerian can only calm a mother, and for a child it is a completely useless remedy. But, despite this, many parents continue to give valerian to babies. Under no circumstances should this be done. The tincture contains alcohol, and for child's body it's like death. The drug can enter the body of a child only with the milk of a mother who takes valerian tablets. Valerian will assimilate female body, will fall into breast milk and together with it will be in the body of the baby. For greater safety, the mother should drink exactly the pills, and not take valerian in some other form.

There is one alternative effective method use of valerian by the baby. It is actually effective and proven. It is necessary to moisten a cotton swab with valerian tincture and put it next to the crib. Nearby you can place fresh decoction from a plant.

Important! You can not use valerian in the presence of pronounced abnormalities in the work of the heart and nervous activity. It is not allowed to combine valerian with other sedatives, because no one knows what the effect might be.

Of course, being a natural natural medicine, valerian will be a good alternative to any other analogue obtained synthetically. natural ingredients always more useful than any, even the highest quality synthetics. But we must not forget that she, whatever one may say, is a real medicine. Therefore, it must be used thoughtfully and wisely. It is always necessary to remember that during lactation, a mother should take care not only of her health, but also constantly think about her baby.

Video: what medicines can be taken while breastfeeding

During the period of breastfeeding a child, young mothers sleep very little, often experience stress, worry a lot, and sometimes, in order to slightly reduce emotional overstrain, they decide to start taking valerian. In the instructions for use of many valerian preparations, breastfeeding is not considered a contraindication. However, almost everywhere there is a lack of data on the effect of valerian on baby who can get a certain dose of medicine through mother's milk. For children under 3 years old, valerian is strictly contraindicated.

Practice shows that a nursing mother often needs not valerian, but normal rest.

How can a young mother take care of herself and not harm the child? Is it possible to take valerian, or is it better to refuse it? To accept the right decision, you need to figure out how much of the drug passes into breast milk, and what effect it can have on the baby. And after that, in without fail consult with your general practitioner and the pediatrician who is leading the child.

Is it possible to take valerian while breastfeeding

Valerian is a part of many drugs, homeopathic remedies and dietary supplements. Some of them are approved for use during lactation, others are contraindicated. Often this is due to the content of additional components in the drug. For example, valerian tincture is contraindicated for young mothers, since in addition to valerian extract, it contains about 70% ethyl alcohol. It can penetrate through mother's milk into the child's body, for whom alcohol is contraindicated even in the smallest dosages.

As well as preparations only with valerian, such complex means contraindicated in breastfeeding.

In a monograph on medicinal plants The World Health Organization states that the use of certain valerian preparations is acceptable during breastfeeding under the direction of a doctor. The experts of the Committee on Medicines adhere to the same opinion. plant origin, subordinate to the European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products. At the same time, the Quality Control Department food products and medicines The United States (FDA USA) does not recommend taking valerian during lactation.

The opinions of doctors and scientists on the safety of using valerian during breastfeeding differ. There is currently no scientific data that would allow making an unambiguous decision. Although scientific and clinical studies on the effects of valerian on the human body are carried out regularly, the question of the effect on the course of pregnancy, the development of the fetus and the infant, who can receive a certain amount of the drug with mother's milk, still remains unclear. In view of this, doctors make a decision on the use of the drug, evaluating the ratio of benefits for a young mother and possible harm for a child. It is not recommended to drink valerian on your own without a doctor's prescription.

On a note

In Spain, for breastfeeding mothers released formulary E-lactancia, in which the drugs were divided into 4 groups according to the degree of risk to the child. Valerian belongs to the second group, where the drugs were low risk. The first group is drugs with an extremely low risk for a child, the third - with a high risk, the fourth - with a very high one. Accordingly, drugs of groups 3 and 4 are contraindicated during breastfeeding.

Do the active ingredients of the drugs pass into breast milk?

The active ingredients of drugs enter the bloodstream and circulatory system spread throughout the body. Accordingly, they also pass into breast milk. The preparations have different permeability, but on average about 1% gets into the milk. active substances. At first glance, it may seem that this is quite a bit, but for an infant, even such a dose can be dangerous.

Valerian tends to accumulate in the body, so its content in breast milk increases after each medication. If a doctor prescribes this drug to a nursing mother, it is very important to adhere to the recommended dosage, not to exceed it. daily allowance and duration of treatment. An increase in a single dose or too long use of valerian can cause an overdose, which is dangerous for both mother and child.

Thomas Hale, Doctor of Pharmacology and Professor of Pediatrics at the Texas Tech University School of Medicine, published the reference book Medicines and Mother's Milk. In it, the professor writes that during breastfeeding, valerian should be used very carefully and in the smallest dosages, and in cases where the use of the drug can be abandoned, the doctor recommends doing so. Hale points out that the permeability of valerian into breast milk has not been studied in any study, therefore, how much medicine the child receives during feeding and how it affects him is not known. In the absence of confirmed data, it is impossible to talk about the safety of the drug.

On a note

In Australia, valerian extract is classified as a category A drug. They are considered the safest and are approved for use during pregnancy.

How valerian preparations can affect the well-being of a child

How exactly valerian affects infants is not known, since the relevant studies have not been conducted. Experts say that in a child, the drug can cause:

The second most common side effect is overexcitation. Despite the fact that valerian has a sedative and hypnotic effect, sometimes its effect is just the opposite. The child may be disturbed sleep and habitual behavior. The baby may not fall asleep regular time, often wake up, cry and act up. Can valerian have a strong sedative effect on the baby. The baby may become lethargic, sleep more, refuse to breastfeed while feeding, and show no interest in favorite toys.

Not rare is the effect of the drug on the gastrointestinal tract. There is a risk of colic, constipation and other functional disorders.

The effect of the use of valerian is noted not immediately, but only after a course of treatment. This is due to the properties of valerian to accumulate in the body. Accordingly, the side effects of the drug may also appear after some time. It is very important to monitor changes in the baby's well-being and behavior, since if any changes occur even 2 weeks after the start of the medication, they can also be caused by him.

On a note

Neonatologists recommend that nursing mothers refrain from using valerian and other sedatives and hypnotics for at least the first 4-5 weeks after childbirth. The possible sedative effect that the drug can have on a child in the neonatal period is highly undesirable. Also, experts do not recommend taking valerian in case of premature birth or giving birth to an underweight baby.

Precautionary measures

Valerian has a fairly extensive list of contraindications and side effects. Only a doctor can decide on the appointment of a drug to a nursing woman. In this case, you need to consult with a pediatrician who can assess the likely risk to the child.

Valerian is a part of so many medicines, and therefore, before starting their use, you should carefully read the instructions. Some preparations based on valerian are contraindicated during breastfeeding.

Excerpt from the instructions for Valerian Extra

Most often, women are prescribed valerian extract in tablets or a decoction that can be prepared at home from dried rhizomes. Tablets can be anything, including the well-known yellow (Valerian Forte), brown (Valerian Belmed) and others. Drops should not be taken, as they contain alcohol.

For adults and children, valerian extract is prescribed 1-2 tablets 3-4 times a day, while maximum dose per day is 6 tablets. During lactation, women are recommended to use the medicine in the minimum dosage, often it is 1-2 tablets 2 times a day. However, the dosage and course of treatment are determined by the doctor individually and may differ significantly from the general recommendations.

It is very important to follow the doctor's orders. Exceed single dose valerian is not allowed, as it increases the risk of overdose. However, the effectiveness of the drug from this will not increase. Valerian has not a quick, but stable effect, which manifests itself gradually, in accordance with the accumulation of the active ingredients of the drug in the body. The risk of overdose also appears with long-term use valerian. During breastfeeding, the course of treatment with the drug rarely exceeds 7-10 days.

An overdose can be dangerous for both the woman and the child. Its symptoms can be:

  • Drowsiness and apathy;
  • Frequent dizziness and loss of consciousness;
  • Nervous excitement, sleep disturbance;
  • Increased pressure, unreasonable increase in heart rate;
  • Headache;
  • Violation of the digestive tract (nausea, constipation or diarrhea).
    If you drink valerian, one or more symptoms may appear in the mother or the baby. In this case, it is recommended to immediately stop taking the drug and be sure to consult a doctor.

What can replace valerian

Valerian extract is not always used as a sedative during breastfeeding. In some cases, doctors recommend taking an infusion of motherwort, Glycine, Novo-Passit, or Persen.

Motherwort tincture is also limitedly allowed for nursing mothers, and only a doctor should make the decision to take it.

Motherwort is often prescribed when a woman is allergic to valerian or is contraindicated for other reasons. Motherwort also has a mild sedative and hypnotic effect, but also has other effects. The question of its use during breastfeeding should also be decided by the doctor.

Novo-Passit contains valerian extract, St. John's wort and guaifenesin. The composition of the syrup also includes alcohol, so it is not recommended for lactating women. As for the use of tablets, breastfeeding is not a direct contraindication, but the instructions say that the effect of the drug through mother's milk on the child has not been studied.

Persen also contains valerian extract, as well as lemon balm and peppermint. The drug is contraindicated in case of allergy to its components, arterial hypotension, bronchial asthma and some other conditions.

Glycine is prescribed with a decrease in mental capacity for work and emotional stress. It has a slight sedative effect and, after a course of treatment, helps to normalize sleep and improve mood. How much of the drug penetrates into mother's milk, and how it may affect the child is unknown. At the same time, the active substance of the product - the amino acid glycine - is a natural and essential component for humans, and therefore it is unlikely that it will enter the body. digestive tract the child will have some undesirable effects.

The effect of using glycine is similar to that of valerian, but glycine is completely safe as it is one of the 20 necessary for the body human amino acids.

Lighter and safe means that a young mother can use are baby soothing teas that are approved for use in children from 1 or 4 months. Such products of different brands - Hipp, Humana, Bebivita - can be found in the departments baby food. They are for children infancy, but adults can also drink them if made more concentrated. When a nursing woman uses such drugs, the risk to the child is much less than when taking medications, but do not forget that herbal preparations may cause allergic reactions and other unwanted effects.

The homeopathic remedies taken by the mother will not harm the child either. Quantity active ingredient they are so small that the risk of its penetration into breast milk and the impact on the child is practically absent. However, it should be borne in mind that a significant result from the use of such funds should not be expected either. During clinical research it was found that there is practically no difference in the effectiveness of homeopathic remedies and placebo.

drugs with a light sedative effect lots of. Often they are positioned as safe, but any drug has a number of contraindications and side effects. During breastfeeding, coordinate the use sedatives you need not only with a therapist, but also with a pediatrician.

It is important to understand that valerian is often prescribed when a young mother, due to fatigue and emotional tension complains about bad dream, mood swings or despondency. Sometimes you can improve your well-being even more. simple ways which will definitely not harm the baby. For example, you can arrange with someone from your family to look after the child for several hours, and go for a massage, to a spa, just walk down the street or sleep. After the birth of a child, a woman's lifestyle changes greatly, and the opportunity to relax and pay attention to herself is extremely necessary for her. After a well-planned and spent day with rest breaks, it may turn out that there is no need to use valerian at all, since emotional condition mother is normalized due to the normal rhythm.

Interesting video: Doctor's opinion on the possibility of using valerian during breastfeeding

The period after the birth of the baby is the time when the mother will not have a single free minute. child care, sleepless nights, worries about the development of crumbs - all this negatively affects well-being, leads to nervous tension. To alleviate your condition and get some rest, it is better to short term entrust education to relatives: mother or husband, do something pleasant for yourself. When such methods do not suit you, you will have to correct the situation with medicines.

Valerian is a proven remedy for sleep disorders, overexertion, and agitation. Can it be taken while lactating? Will it have a negative impact on the child?

Consult your doctor before using the medicine

When can you drink valerian tincture?

Valerian during breastfeeding, according to the instructions, is not prohibited, but you need to consult your doctor to exclude the appearance side effects. This herbal remedy should be used for the following symptoms:

  • insomnia, sleep disturbance, trouble falling asleep;
  • migraine and frequent headaches;
  • excessive nervous tension, overexcitation;
  • such a problem as VVD;
  • spasms in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • disturbances in the work of the cardiac and circulatory system.

The active ingredient of the drug is valerian acid, which fights against muscle spasms, relaxes the muscles, calms the nervous system. The general stress decreases, a peaceful state sets in without harm to the body.

Side effects

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Herbal remedies, including valerian, are good because they practically do not have side effects, therefore, are allowed during breastfeeding. The medicine should be used only in prescribed doses. If they are exceeded, side effects may occur:

  1. drowsiness, decreased performance;
  2. muscle weakness;
  3. inhibited reactions to what is happening;
  4. constipation;
  5. allergy.

However, unlike other drugs, valerian is not addictive and does not affect the brain in any way - the benefits are obvious. Although the drug should be prescribed in moderate doses.

Valerian is useful only in moderate doses.

Valerian is a fairly harmless drug, however, even it penetrates with breastfeeding through milk into the body of the newborn. It is difficult to predict what effect this will be, therefore self-medication is not allowed.

Valerian can only be used in the most necessary cases after consultation with a doctor. It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions for use.

How does the tincture affect the child's body?

When breastfeeding, a woman should carefully plan her diet and make sure that dangerous substances do not enter the body. The baby is very sensitive to any influence, and active ingredients passed to him through milk.

Valerian can be drunk to mom, most often negative consequences not noted. Although in practice, individual reactions still occur, so that the reception should take place under the close supervision of a physician.

Probable negative impact for baby:

  1. Valerian is herbal medicine, but despite its origin, it can cause allergies in a child. To reduce the likelihood of consequences, it is necessary to start with small doses.
  2. If you drink valerian too often, the child will become constipated.
  3. Lethargy in a child is common. The baby will sleep for a long time, be reluctant to breastfeed when feeding. Such symptoms should arouse suspicion in the mother.
  4. Sometimes the effect is just the opposite, which is amazing fact. The child becomes active, overstrained, sleeps poorly, is naughty.

Through breast milk, valerian can gently affect the baby's body and cause a "hypnotic" effect.

Forms of release and dosage of the drug

For ease of administration, the drug is available in several forms. You can choose the one that suits you best:

  • medicine in tablets;
  • herbal collection for brewing tea;
  • dragee;
  • collected roots for the preparation of infusion;
  • ready-made tincture with extracts.

With lactation, the remedy is most often prescribed in tablets. Their effect is much softer in contrast to tinctures. Drinking alcohol-containing products can harm the baby. It is enough for the patient to give a couple of pills a day to achieve optimal results.

The positive effect does not occur immediately after administration, but after some time. Without waiting for calm, you should not increase the dose, you will only harm yourself. Soon you will notice sedative effect, the result will be stable and long lasting. The course of admission must be continued for several days - usually 10 days is enough. AT rare cases have to extend the period.

Best Form the release of medicine for a nursing mother is valerian tablets

Is it possible to drink valerian for babies?

The drug is a safe sedative, which has a gentle effect. Not all doctors approve of the use. For example, doctor Komarovsky believes that valerian is harmful to a child, it calms only the parents, but not the baby. Despite this, many parents prefer to give the medicine to infants.

Can a plant tincture be used? It is strictly forbidden to give this product, because it contains alcohol - a component that is not suitable for the child's body. A child can receive reassurance through the milk of a nursing mother - she takes the drug, the extracts are absorbed, transferred to the child. At the same time, even mothers should drink valerian tablets - for greater safety.

To calm the child, there is alternative way reception: you can moisten a cotton swab with tincture, place it near the bed. You can also put a decoction of the plant nearby - it is better if it is freshly cooked.

We must not forget that the product can cause the exact opposite effect. Instead of calming down, you will achieve irritability, excitability and activity of the baby. These symptoms are most often observed in the early age. If it will be negative effect, it is worth stopping taking the pills to the child and the nursing mother. After a few years you can try the medicine again, but now ask your doctor for advice.

You can not give valerian in case of violations in the work of the heart, deviations of the nervous system. It is forbidden to mix the product with others sedatives, the result can be unpredictable.

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Nursing mothers are forbidden to take many medicines, because through mother's milk they enter the body of the baby. It takes only a tiny dose of the drug to poison the child. On the other hand, many mothers experience severe stress, excitement and anxiety, which are difficult to appease without the use of sedatives. One of the most popular remedies is valerian. It is believed that since the basis of the drug herbal ingredients, then it is completely harmless to mother and baby. Is this really so and does valerian help with breastfeeding?

Why use Valerian officinalis extract?

So, as you already know, due to the ban on the vast majority of drugs, the list of sedatives for nursing is very limited. Often you have to choose from the little that is.

In the first months of a baby’s life, a lot of new problems most often pile up on a woman, and the amount of housework increases at times - it’s difficult to keep track of everything with a baby in her arms. It is not surprising that the mother quickly develops fatigue, irritability, absent-mindedness, etc. from constant lack of sleep. To find peace of mind, many resort to valerian - tincture or tablets, not always thinking about whether it is possible to take this remedy.

Is it possible or not?

This drug is considered safe and effective. Compared to synthetic sedatives valerian has the easiest effect. However, even taking such a harmless remedy, the mother should also think about the health of her child.

Reviews on the forums are very different, but know one thing: in medical practice no cases have been reported with severe complications. Valerian while breastfeeding really does not cause serious problems health in babies. But when it comes to own child, many mothers try to play it safe and instinctively every time they think about whether it is possible to feed valerian, and whether this will affect the development of the child.

Babies are very sensitive not only to medicines, but also to the food that the mother has. So the fears are quite justified. Considering that the extract of valerian officinalis, among other means, has least amount side effects, it is a drug approved for pregnant women. Given this, valerian can be safely consumed by nursing mothers.

Indications for use

How to understand that it's time to take the drug after a course of treatment? Here are the main indications:

  • sleep disturbance;
  • depressive state;
  • irritability;
  • emotional instability;
  • migraine.

In addition to the soothing valerian, it also has an analgesic effect - this excellent tool to relieve pain from spasms in gastrointestinal tract, as well as in the organs of the genitourinary system.

Despite the fact that the drug belongs to the lungs, it should not be bought and drunk without permission - only after consulting a therapist. If you feel that from the moment you started taking valerian, your condition is changing for the better, after achieving the desired effect, the course of treatment should be stopped. If the remedy does not help, you need to contact a specialist to prescribe another therapy.

Weigh the pros and cons

Valerian extract is referred to as herbal preparations. Exists misconception that since it is “just weed”, then it can be taken as you like and as much as you like, but this is far from being the case. Valerian quickly penetrates into the baby's body with milk, this is the same medicine as all the others, which should always be taken into account.

Since the drug affects not only the mother, but also the child, before taking it, you should consult not only with the therapist, but also with the pediatrician, who will finally determine whether it is possible to drink valerian while breastfeeding.

If you want to take another remedy instead of valerian, first weigh the pros and cons. On the one hand, the drug has side effects, and on the other hand, you will remain in an irritable or restless state, you will be plagued by headaches and seizures. panic attacks. All this negatively affects your condition. Remember, according to the notorious doctor Komarovsky, a child needs a well-rested and cheerful mother.

How Valerian Works on the Body - Side Effects

Side effects of taking valerian:

  • Despite the fact that valerian is a herbal remedy, it can cause allergies in both you and your baby. Most often this happens with an overdose;
  • It often happens that the drug does not have a calming effect on the baby, but vice versa. The baby becomes overexcited and does not sleep well at night. If you take the drug for a long time, the baby may have a disrupted bowel function, which will eventually lead to constipation;
  • Another possible side effect is lethargy in the baby. He will sleep too long and reluctantly take a breast, such behavior can really alert;
  • Some believe that valerian has a bad effect on milk production. In fact, stress and constant lack of sleep can reduce the amount of milk, and not at all valerian extract.

How does the drug work on the baby?

Experts do not have a consensus on whether valerian is harmful to children or not. Most often, taking the drug does not adversely affect either the nursing mother or the behavior of the baby. The side effects described above are manifestations individual reaction child for the drug. If you notice that the baby has appeared (, itching), you should replace valerian with other medicines of the same type, for example, motherwort extract.

Valerian is not addictive for either mother or baby, however, it is worth considering the form of the drug. Lactation is a reason to refuse tinctures for alcohol, it is better to drink tablets or drink valerian in the form of herbal tea.

Other Ways to Use Valerian

Valerian can be used not only inside. Have a calming effect and essential oils of this plant - put a couple of drops into the aroma lamp, and you yourself will notice how anxiety and fatigue disappear.

You can sew a pillow and stuff it with valerian grass, keep it with you when you need to calm down. If desired, you can spread the valerian on the windowsill. However, all these tips will not work if you have a cat or a cat at home. AT best case animals will show an increased interest in the grass, at worst they will become very aggressive under the influence of valerian.

Permissible doses

In the pharmacy, the drug can be found in several forms:

  • dried grass in paper bags;
  • roots - they are used to make tinctures;
  • dragee;
  • alcohol tincture.

So, in what quantities should a nursing mother drink valerian, is it possible to use tinctures?

When breastfeeding, you can drink valerian only in tablets, in last resort- tea or decoction. Avoid any amount of alcohol.

The instruction is extremely simple - drink the drug 2-3 times a day, 1 tablet. Most often, the average course lasts about 10 days, but especially advanced cases may be extended. Valerian can not be drunk all the time, each drug has its own course of treatment, so take the remedy for exactly as long as the doctor prescribed. Do not abuse the drug - during feeding it is especially dangerous.

So after all, is it possible for a nursing mother to use valerian with guards? The final answer to this question will be given to you only by your therapist and yourself. The list of side effects of the drug is extremely small and most often these problems occur when the drug is abused. Take valerian strictly according to the doctor's prescription, without exceeding the dose, and this medicinal herb won't harm you or your baby.

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