Candles cefekon instructions for use for children. Cefekon D suppositories for children - instructions for the use of rectal suppositories for the treatment of babies. Description of the dosage form

Which relieves various kinds of pain and minor inflammatory processes. Suppositories have a torpedo shape, have a light (white) color, can be cream or light yellow. Candles are used in pediatric practice.


The medicine contains: the active ingredient paracetamol and witepsol - an auxiliary element. The action is achieved by paracetamol. When it enters the body of a child, it affects the thermoregulatory and pain centers.

Indications for the use of the drug

Suppositories "Cefekon" (for children) are used in cases of inflammatory processes, the result of which is an increase in body temperature. A remedy is prescribed for headaches, toothaches, neuralgia, pains caused by injuries or burns. You can use candles one-time - for antipyretic effect, for example, after vaccination. Course treatment is also practiced. For newborns, a pediatrician's recommendation is necessary before starting the use of the drug "Cefecon". Candles for children, the instruction allows for appointment from the age of one month. However, self-medication should not be done in this case. Only the attending physician will be able to establish the appropriate course of therapy, given the nature and complexity of the disease.

Means "Tsefekon" (candles for children). Instructions for use

When prescribing suppositories to reduce body temperature, they are used for up to three days. To relieve pain, therapy is carried out for five days. The need for longer use should be discussed with the pediatrician to avoid side effects and negative reactions.

Application scheme

The dosage of the drug "Cefekon" (candles for children), the instruction recommends setting in accordance with the weight and age of the patient. A single dose is approximately 10-15 mg of the drug per kilogram of the baby's weight. The daily dose is 100-150 mg. Between the use of suppositories there should be an interval of 4-6 hours. For a child aged 3-12 months, whose weight is approximately 7-10 kg, the dose is 0.1 g per dose. Babies 1-3 years old are administered up to two suppositories of 0 .1 g each. Patients under 10 years of age are prescribed a suppository with a dosage of 0.25 g. If the child has a body weight of 31-35 kg, two suppositories of 0.25 g are recommended. To reduce body temperature in the period after vaccination, the drug is administered once at a dosage of 0.05 g .

What side effects do Cefekon suppositories cause (for children)? Parent feedback

The drug is well tolerated. The medicine practically does not cause side effects. Sometimes an allergy may appear, which is a rash on the skin and mucous membrane, generalized edema, urticaria. In some cases, there is an upset stomach, manifested by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. A rare occurrence may be thrombocytopenia, pancytopenia, neuropenia, leukopenia, agranulocytosis. Parents whose children were prescribed the drug, note the good tolerability of the drug. In addition, the form of suppositories is optimal for the treatment of children under 10 years of age. The undoubted advantage of the remedy is the rapid onset and long-term preservation of the therapeutic effect.


Means "Cefekon" (candles for children) instructions do not recommend the use of patients with hypersensitivity, severe inflammatory processes, bleeding in the intestines. If a child has a violation in the functioning of the liver and kidneys, there are diseases of the circulatory system, including anemia and Gilbert's syndrome, therapy is carried out under medical supervision.

drug interaction

Paracetamol is able to enhance the effect of drugs-inducers of microsomal hepatic enzymes, agents that have a hepatoxic effect. Therefore, special attention should be paid if these medicines and Cefekon (candles for children) are used at the same time. The instruction also warns that the use of suppositories and anticoagulants can increase prothrombin time. In addition, the effect of paracetamol is reduced by anticholinergic drugs. In turn, the active substance of the drug "Cefecon" slows down the action of uricosuretics and the excretion of the drug "Diazepam". Activated charcoal impairs the bioavailability of the active ingredient of suppositories. There are cases when the active substance has a toxic effect while using the drug with isoniazid. To avoid overdose, do not administer suppositories in combination with other paracetamol-based drugs.


In a state of intoxication, complications are possible, which are manifested by pain in the abdomen, vomiting, increased sweating, pallor of the skin. In more complex cases, there is a coma of the child, renal failure, encephalopathy. If such signs appear, the candles must be canceled immediately.

special instructions

Candles are recommended to be administered after spontaneous (natural) cleansing of the child's intestines or after an enema (cleansing). The drug does not affect the condition of the mucosa of the digestive system. The medicine, presented in the form of suppositories, is very convenient for use by a child, especially in case of vomiting. The drug is recommended to be stored in a dry, necessarily dark place, out of the reach of children. The shelf life of the medicine is 2 years from the date of issue. In pharmacies, candles are dispensed without a prescription.

Antipyretic drugs should be present in every first aid kit, especially when a newborn baby has appeared in the family. Sometimes it happens very quickly. This condition may be associated with a cold, infection, or. In such cases, an immediate antipyretic drug is needed. Cefekon - candles for children (instructions for use are below), can help out in this situation.

Suppositories are the most in demand and popular, but not suitable for all children. They will quickly relieve the child of the temperature, they are cheap. The price ranges from 39 to 49 rubles. Let's find out if it is worth buying a rectal suppository called Cefekon.

Principle of action, composition and correct administration

Cefekon belongs to the group of analgesic non-narcotic drugs. The active substance paracetamol blocks cyclooxygenase in the central nervous system. In turn, the central nervous system affects the center from which pain emanates. The drug maintains body temperature within certain limits. The composition of rectal suppositories includes an additional component witepsol.

The medicine is sold in various dosages. Pharmacological companies produce a drug whose active substance is dosed at 50,100 and 250 mg. This dosage is convenient to use, there is no need to cut the candle if you need a smaller amount of the active ingredient.

Attention! Cefecon is used only rectally.

How to put candles for newborns and adult children? They are inserted into the anus. Before using the suppository, empty the intestines, it can be spontaneous or with an enema. After emptying, lay the child on its side, pull the legs to the stomach in such a way that it is convenient to administer the product. After the candle has already entered the anus, pinch the baby's buttocks and ask him to lie down in this position for a while.

Dosage for newborns and children up to 12 years

The dosage regimen depends on the body weight of the child. In the annotation to the drug (instruction for use) it is written that it is used once or repeatedly.

Important! The action of Cefekon lasts from 4 to 6 hours.

Candles, which I release at 50 mg each, are prescribed to newborn children from 1 to 3 months. Suppositories of 100 mg (1 pc.) are prescribed at the age of 3 months to 1 year. A child 1–3 years old, weighing 11–16 kg, is recommended to inject 1–2 suppositories at a time.

At the age of 3 to 10 years, the maximum daily dose is 750 mg. That is, 3 suppositories are injected from a temperature of 0.25 g each, keeping 6 hours between the next injection. Children from 10 to 12 years old, whose weight exceeds 30 kg, are prescribed 2 suppositories of 0.25 g (500 mg).

How often can Cefekon rectal suppositories be used? In a single dose, the agent is administered 2-3 times a day, every 4-6 hours. A maximum of 60 mg/kg body weight can be used.

How long does Cefekon work? The effect of the drug begins to be felt 30 minutes after administration.

Indications and contraindications for use

Antipyretic suppositories are used for children under 12 years of age. The remedy is taken for any viral and infectious diseases that cause fever. Indications for use:

  • smallpox;
  • acute respiratory infections;
  • post-vaccination period;
  • headache;

Cefecon D is effective in myalgia, lumbago, degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Rectal suppositories are contraindicated for newborns who are less than 1 month old. It should be taken with caution in anemia and neurotropenia. The drug reduces hemoglobin.

Also, suppositories from temperature should not be given to a child with intolerance to the main active substance, the presence of an inflammatory process in the rectum. Do not use Cefecon in congenital deficiency of the enzyme glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase.

Side effects after using rectal suppositories are rare. However, there have been cases of allergic reactions, nausea, and abdominal pain. manifested by a rash on the skin, itching and urticaria. There are isolated cases of thrombocytopenia and neurotopenia.

Attention! Stop using the remedy if the child becomes drowsy and slow.

The use of drugs in high doses causes an overdose. In such a situation, a dyspeptic phenomenon or a hepatotoxic effect is possible.

The hepatotoxic effect increases with simultaneous use with inducers of microsomal liver enzymes (Phenytoin, Ethanol, Phenylbutazone). The absorption of paracetamol decreases with the simultaneous use of anticholinergic drugs with Cefecon, and increases if the drug is combined with Metoclopramide.

The activity of the drug is reduced by adsorbing agents. For example, activated carbon and atoxyl. In the case of a combination of Cefecon with anti-tuberculosis drugs, toxic damage to the body occurs.

Important! Rectal suppositories cannot be used simultaneously with salicylates, so as not to cause a nephrotoxic effect.

Combination of Cefekon with Nurofen

Helps with high fever and various pains. The difference between the means is in the active substance. Can Nurofen and Cefekon be given at the same time? To this question, most pediatricians will answer that it is impossible. Taking drugs is alternated, but it is not recommended to give at the same time. There may be unwanted side effects and a sharp drop in temperature. Every parent should know how to alternate Nurofen and Cefekon. Between taking one of the antipyretic drugs should pass at least 4 hours.

How long after Nurofen can Cefecon be given? These drugs based on ibuprofen and paracetamol can be alternated with a break of two hours. However, do not forget about the daily rate of each of them. The action of Nurofen lasts up to 8 hours. It is given no more than 3 times a day. Between its receptions it is possible to give Tsefekon.

Candles Cefekon or Nurofen: which is better? The body of each child is individual. For some, the first remedy is suitable, for someone it is better to use the second drug. If you choose between candles, then Cefekon is better, since it can be used from the first month, and Nurofen from the third.

Cefekon or Panadol

Suspension Panadol has a pleasant taste. However, not all children like it. Panadol - therefore it cannot be alternated with Cefekon. There may be an overdose. Take one or the other. At the same time prohibited.

Panadol or Cefekon: which is better? Comparing the reviews of the two funds, it is safe to say that parents are inclined to use Cefekon. Panadol does not help many children. They start choking on it, coughing or spitting it out. An alternative way to lower the temperature is paracetamol suppositories. The child will not spit them out, and they will certainly help. Cefecon is not absorbed into the stomach and does not affect the liver and kidneys, unlike Panadol.

Attention! Rectal suppositories bring down the temperature faster than suspensions.

Tradename: Tsefekon D.

Latin name: Cefecon D.

Producer: Russia, "JSC" Nizhpharm.

Official site:

Description of the medicinal product

Antipyretic suppositories for children Cefekon D are produced in the form of rectal suppositories. Depending on the age, the drug has a different dosage (50 mg, 100 mg, 250 mg).

Release formComposition of candles Cefekon DA photo

50 mg - for children 1 - 3 months.

100 mg - for children 3 months. - 3 years

250 mg - for children 3-12 years old

As active substance used paracetamol.

Additional component is the substance Witepsol. With the help of witepsol, candles for children dissolve at body temperature.

Suppositories white. Cream shade is allowed.

In what cases to apply

Photo: Appearance of the suppository

According to the annotation to this drug, Cefecon is given to a child in the following cases:

  • To lower body temperature(with acute respiratory diseases, after vaccination, with viral diseases.
  • As a pain reliever drug. Cefekon is able to eliminate pain in case of toothache in a child, joint pain, and headache.
  • Doctors often recommend this drug to relieve pain in various injuries(including burns).

It is worth noting that this remedy is not able to cure a viral or catarrhal disease. Cefekon is prescribed exclusively to reduce temperature or eliminate pain.

Contraindications, side effects, overdose

Cannot be used in the following cases:

  • The drug is strictly prohibited for use by young children who have not reached 1 month.
  • Individual intolerance to active components.
  • The drug is used with caution in case of low hemoglobin, neutropenia, as well as in chronic diseases of the liver or kidneys.

Side effects

Sometimes a child develops an allergy to Cefekon suppositories, which manifests itself:

  • skin itching or rash,
  • redness of the anus.

Abdominal pain, vomiting, and nausea are also possible. Very rarely, a child develops diarrhea from Cefekon suppositories.


Official data on overdose is not registered.

Expiration date and storage rules

Shelf life - 24 months. It is strictly forbidden to use this drug after the expiration of the specified time.

Storage conditions: in a dry place, at a temperature not exceeding 20 degrees.

The cost of the drug, where to buy

The price may vary depending on where you live.

Release formPrice
50 mg50 rub
100 mg60 rub
250 mg70 rub

Candles Cefekon D for children: instructions for use

This drug may not help if the wrong dosage is used. How to put Cefekon candles in children and what dosage is optimal, we will consider further.

Before using this medicine, it is advisable that the child goes to the toilet.

Never split a candle in half!

The candle is administered rectally. For ease of use, lay the baby on its side and gently insert the suppository into the baby's anus. After the introduction of Cefekon, it is necessary to remain in the same position for several minutes.

To avoid adverse reactions of the body, do not exceed the dosage of the drug.

The dosage of Cefekon suppositories is calculated according to the weight and age of the child.

How long does it take for the drug to start working?

Within 20-30 minutes, the temperature begins to subside, the pain subsides.

The drug acts from 4 to 6 hours.

At what temperature should candles be placed?

Do not give your child an antipyretic at subfebrile temperature. At this point, the body tries to overcome pathogenic microbes on its own.

Cefekon is used at a temperature of 38 and above.

How often can Cefekon suppositories be given to a child?

During the day it is forbidden to use more than 3 suppositories.

special instructions

Cefecon should not be used simultaneously with other drugs that contain paracetamol in their composition.

If the child has an elevated body temperature for 3 days, be sure to contact your doctor.

Photo instructions for the use of Cefekon (abstract)

Cefekon's analogs

This drug has a fairly large number of similar drugs. Consider the most effective of them:

Name of the drugWhat diseases are usedWho can't applyAt what age can you useaverage cost
NurofenFor the treatment of acute respiratory diseases, viral infections. To relieve pain in the joints, as well as headache, toothache and earache.If the weight of the child is less than 5 kg, 1st and 3rd trimester of pregnancy, heart failure, renal failure, individual intolerance to the active substance, fructose indigestion.From 3 months170 rubles
ViferonInfectious and inflammatory diseases, hepatitis of various groups. During pregnancy, it is used to treat candidiasis, vaginosis and mycoplasmosis.Individual intolerance to the active substanceSince birth210 rubles
EfferalganUsed to reduce high body temperature in acute respiratory diseases, viral infections, after vaccination. As an anesthetic, it is used for pain in the ears, headaches, toothaches.Individual intolerance to the active substance, anemia, blood diseases, age up to 1 month.From 1 month105 rubles
PanadolNewborns, children with serious kidney or liver diseases, individual intolerance to the active substance.From 3 months98 rubles
ParacetamolAs an antipyretic for acute respiratory diseases, viral infections, and also after vaccination. Relieves pain during teething. Effective for ear and headache.Viral hepatitis, individual intolerance to the active substance, renal or hepatic failure.From 3 months89 rubles

Often parents are faced with a choice, which drug is better? From the reviews, you can understand that the most effective drug is Viferon and Cefecon. Viferon is an antiviral drug and does not contain paracetamol. Therefore, doctors often prescribe a course of treatment with both drugs.

As for Nurofen, this drug has another active ingredient - ibuprofen. However, the use of both drugs at the same time is not recommended.

In the event that taking Nurofen did not help, an hour later you can use the Cefekon suppository.

All people sooner or later have to deal with colds or pain of unknown origin. One of the main symptoms of the onset of the disease can be fever, headaches, spasms, chills and aching bones. If an adult is able to choose their own medicine for treatment, then with children everything is much more complicated.

Quite often, doctors prescribe Cefekon D candles with paracetamol for babies. We will figure out how to take this drug, what is the maximum dosage and in what cases it will be useful.

How is it produced

The release form of this drug is rectal suppositories. It should be noted that the main active ingredient of the drug "Cefecon D" is paracetamol. The manufacturer offers the buyer different dosages of the drug. It's pretty convenient. One pack of Cefekon D suppositories contains 10 suppositories. They are packed in a strong waterproof individual film.

Active ingredient and composition

"Cefecon D" - candles, which include paracetamol in the dose indicated on the package, as well as the excipient witepsol, which forms a suppository. Due to its release form, the drug is quite easy to use. Candles "Cefekon D" very quickly dissolve in the intestines and begin their action. Improvement in the condition can be seen within half an hour after the first injection.

"Cefekon D" - candles for children, which have an anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic effect on the body. The use of this drug does not cause any inconvenience. After the introduction of the candle is not felt in the body.

The drug "Cefecon D": instructions for use

This drug is prescribed for children aged three months to twelve years. Depending on the age, the dose of the drug is selected individually. In what cases it is necessary to use suppositories?

As an antipyretic

If the child's body temperature has risen, then Cefekon D candles will help bring it down. The instruction indicates that the drug is quite effective for influenza, various viral and colds, during the course of vaccination. Also, with an infection in the intestines, this remedy will help bring down the body temperature. However, in this situation, it must be borne in mind that if the child has frequent and loose stools, then the active substance may not have time to be completely absorbed into the blood. Taking the drug in this case should last no more than three days.

As an anesthetic

Candles "Cefekon D" perfectly relieve pain. They will be effective for toothache and headache, to relieve the condition after vaccination and during a cold. Also, the drug relieves pain after burns and injuries. It must be remembered that it is impossible to use Cefecon D candles for a long time as an anesthetic. The instruction indicates that the course of treatment should not exceed five days.

For newborns

Pregnant and lactating women

Nobody is immune from illness. The disease can knock down both a pregnant woman and a young nursing mother. Since this category of the fair sex is not recommended to take any medications other than regular paracetamol, Cefekon D candles will be an excellent option. Do not exceed the indicated dosage and always listen to what your doctor recommends. When taking the drug, it is necessary to take into account the risk of side effects.

How much and how to use candles?

Depending on the age of the baby, the doctor may prescribe suitable Cefecon D suppositories. The dosage of the medicine increases with the growth of the child. Due to the fact that the manufacturer produces several types of candles, it is very convenient for parents to use them. If earlier, after receiving the appointment, you had to independently calculate the dosage and divide the suppository, now this is not necessary.

For children under one year old, suppositories are prescribed containing 50 milligrams of the active substance in each. Children after a year are prescribed suppositories, each of which contains 100 milligrams of paracetamol. Older children are recommended to use 250-milligram suppositories. Before using the drug, you must carefully study the instructions. Consider all contraindications and remember what side effects may be, especially if you are using this medicine for the first time.

The suppository must be administered rectally. It is recommended to empty the intestines before use. If the child has constipation or lack of stool for several days, then a cleansing enema should be done before the introduction of the candle.

When using this drug, it is necessary not only to take into account the age of the baby, but also pay attention to its weight. On average, doctors prescribe the introduction of one suppository no more than four hours later. However, you must be responsible and calculate the maximum and single doses for your child.

A single dose of the drug should not exceed 15 milligrams per kilogram of body weight. This rate can be used up to three times a day. It is also necessary to take into account that the daily dose of this medicine should not be more than 60 milligrams per kilogram of body weight.

Example of correct dosage calculation

For example, your baby weighs 12 kilograms and is over one year old. In this case, the doctor prescribes a dosage - one suppository containing 100 milligrams of the active substance every four hours. Is it correct?

Since your child weighs 12 kilograms, you can give him up to 180 milligrams of the drug in one injection. Accordingly, the amount of active substance that is in one candle is normal.

The doctor claims that you can administer the drug every four hours, that is, you can use six candles per day. After an elementary calculation, it becomes clear that a child with a body weight of 12 kilograms per day can enter 720 milligrams of the active ingredient. Since one suppository contains only 100 milligrams of paracetamol, the daily allowance will not be exceeded.

Contraindications to the use of the drug

It is worth considering the individual characteristics of the child before treating with Cefekon D candles. If the baby is allergic to paracetamol, then it is necessary to stop using medicines that contain it.

When the drug should be used with caution

You need to carefully monitor the reaction of the body if you are using this remedy for the first time or increasing its dose. Also, with various diseases of the liver and kidneys, it is necessary to monitor the child and his condition. Caution should be taken when using this drug in the following syndromes: Gilbert, Rotor and Dubin-Johnson. In the presence of various blood diseases, it is worth paying attention to the well-being of the child after using the drug.

Side effects

Quite rarely, the body shows any adverse reactions after using Cefekon D suppositories. Reviews about this tool are mostly positive. However, according to parents, some babies experience nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea during therapy.

Sometimes after the initial application, an allergic reaction occurs in the form of itching and a slight rash. Quincke's edema can become a complication of such a side effect. If a child has blood diseases, then anemia, thrombocytopenia and other complications may develop.

In case of an overdose or long-term use that goes beyond what is permitted, a hepatotoxic effect of the drug associated with the functioning of the kidneys and the circulatory system may be observed.

Storage of the medicinal product

Candles "Tsefekon D" must be stored in a dark, cool place. The ambient temperature should not be lower than 2 and higher than 25 degrees. It is preferable to keep the suppositories in the refrigerator. It is worth limiting the access of children to this drug, as well as to any other medicine. Store the suppositories in the carton. After three years from the date of issue, you must stop using the drug and throw it away.

Price category

Depending on where you buy Cefekon D candles, the price may vary slightly. Also, the cost of the drug is affected by the dosage of the active substance in one suppository. Candles containing 50 milligrams of paracetamol cost between 35-40 rubles. Suppositories "Cefekon D", in which there are 100 milligrams of the active substance, have a price of 40 to 50 rubles. Candles, which contain 250 milligrams of paracetamol, cost from 45 to 55 rubles. As you can see, this medicine is quite affordable. Every person can buy it.


Candles "Tsefekon D" are one of the most popular, which are prescribed for young children and children under twelve years old. The active substance is quite safe and has practically no effect on the organs of the body. This is a definite plus and a weighty argument for the use of this particular medication. Follow all the recommendations of the doctor, before using the drug, always read the instructions. Use candles "Cefekon D" for its intended purpose and do not get sick!

The composition of the suppositories includes Paracetamol in various dosages and Witepsol as a suppository mass.

Release form

Candles (suppositories) rectal for children V-shaped in a blister pack of 5 candles in a cardboard box No. 10.

pharmachologic effect

Analgesic, mild anti-inflammatory, antipyretic.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


Children's Cefekon has analgesic and antipyretic effect . In the central nervous system, the drug causes blockade of cyclooxygenase, thereby affecting the pain center and the thermoregulation system. In the focus of inflammation, the influence paracetamol on cyclooxygenase is neutralized by cell peroxidase, which significantly reduces the anti-inflammatory effect. Cefecon does not negatively affect the gastrointestinal mucosa and water-electrolyte metabolism, that is, there is no sodium water retention in the body.


The drug has a high absorption, rapidly absorbed through the mucous membrane. Easily overcomes the BBB. Has high bioavailability. Distributed mainly in body fluids. Protein binding is negligible (less than 10%). Metabolized in the liver. The maximum concentration of the drug in the blood occurs within 10-60 minutes after taking it. Excreted by the kidneys in the form of inactive metabolites (sulfates and glucuronides).

Indications for use

The drug is prescribed to children as:

  • antipyretic . Appointed at , , post-vaccination reactions, childhood infections and other conditions that cause an increase in body temperature;
  • analgesic and with pain syndrome ( , myalgia , headache and toothache, pain from burns and injuries).


Children under 1 month, hypersensitivity to paracetamol, chronic alcoholism. The drug should be prescribed with caution in diseases of the blood system, expressed kidney dysfunction and liver , genetically determined enzymatic absence of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase.

Cefekon D - candles at pregnancy and lactation can be prescribed taking into account the benefits and risks for the pregnant woman and the child (fetus). In studies of teratogenic, mutagenic and embryotoxic effects paracetamol not installed.

Side effects

Nausea, vomiting; anemia , agranulocytosis, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia; allergic reactions (itching and rash on the mucous membranes and skin, ), development of papillary necrosis and interstitial jade , hemolytic anemia.

Instructions for Cefecon D

The suppository is administered rectally to a child or adolescent. In the instructions for Cefecon D suppositories for children, it is recommended to administer suppositories after a cleansing enema. The suppository is administered 2-3 times a day. A single dose of Cefecon D on average should not exceed 15 mg per kilogram of a child's weight, and the maximum daily dose should not exceed 60 mg.

A special purpose of the drug requires children's age 1-3 months - a single administration of one suppository (0.05 g of paracetamol) per day.

At the age of 3 months to one year, with a child weighing 6-10 kg, the dose of the drug is 1-2 suppositories of 0.1 g each; 1-3 years with a body weight of 10-15 kg 1-2 suppositories of 0.1 g; 3–10 years (weight 16–32 kg) 1 suppository of 0.25 g; 10–12 years old (weight 33–36 kg) 2 suppositories of 0.25 g each.


There is no information on drug overdose.


When taken concomitantly with salicylates dramatically increases the risk of developing nephrotoxic action . When administered concurrently with increased toxic effect chloramphenicol , the effectiveness of agents that inhibit the synthesis and accelerate the excretion of uric acid decreases, and the effect of indirect anticoagulants increases.

Terms of sale

Without recipe.

Storage conditions

At a temperature not higher than 20°C.

Best before date


Coincidence in the ATX code of the 4th level:

There are a lot of analogues of the drug "Children's Cefekon" containing paracetamol in its composition.

We note just a few of them: Paracetamol for children , Tylenol for children , Bindard (effervescent powder for children), Dynafed EX , Volpan (powder), Dinafed junior , Dafalgan , Deminofen , Kalpol 6 plus , Paracetamol MS , and others.

Reviews about Cefekon D

On numerous Internet forums discussing drugs for children, reviews of Cefekon suppositories confirm the high effectiveness of the drug. Cefekon D is especially indispensable in cases where the child categorically refuses to take antipyretics and painkillers in the form of a drink (syrup) or tablets, or the child begins to vomit after taking the syrup.

Some parents, if a child has a temperature, give him antibiotic , which is absolutely impossible to do without consulting a doctor. Do not forget that the temperature is a protective reaction of the body and should not be reduced within moderate limits. Give wet wipes to the child, let's drink plenty of water.

Antipyretic candles Cefekon for children is the best option, but we should not forget that children's candles from temperature should not be taken for more than 3-5 days. In addition, the drug is not expensive. Information from the forums confirms that candles for children, the composition of which contains paracetamol, are quite popular among parents. Often on the forums they ask “how long do Cefecon D candles last?”. As a rule, the effect appears after 15-20 minutes and lasts up to five hours.

Some parents are faced with the choice of “which is better: Cefekon or ? And can Cefekon and Nurofen be given to a child at the same time? These two drugs have different active substances ( paracetamol and ibuprofen ). Here everything is individual. In some cases, Cefecon is more effective, in others - Nurofen. It is not recommended to give Cefecons Nurofen at the same time. If between taking, for example, Nurofen, the temperature rises, reduce it by rubbing. However, if your child takes Cefecon for five days and the temperature does not drop, then Cefecon should be replaced with another drug. But you can not give the child one drug, between doses of another.

Sometimes parents use candles for adults to reduce the temperature in a child. This should not be done, since most parents cannot correctly calculate the dose for the child. It is better to use a drug intended for children.

Price Cefekon D, where to buy

The price of Cefekon candles for children 0.25 g No. 10 varies between 44 - 58 rubles per pack. The price of candles Cefekon D 0.05 g No. 10 is 34-42 rubles, and 0.1 g No. 10 is 38-47 rubles per pack. You can buy the drug in most pharmacies in Moscow and other cities.

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    Cefecon D rectal suppositories. 100mg 10 pcs. JSC "Nizhpharm"

    Cefecon D rectal suppositories. 50mg 10 pcs. Nizhpharm JSC

    Cefecon D rectal suppositories. 250mg 10 pcs. JSC "Nizhpharm"

Pharmacy Dialog

    Cefecon D (supp. 50mg №10) Nizhpharm JSC

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