Cortical ataxia. Cerebellar ataxia of Pierre-Marie. Occurs due to

Ataxia, which in Greek means disorder, is considered as a disease associated with an imbalance of voluntary movements, a violation of their coordination. The accuracy of each movement of the muscles of the limbs is the result of the coordinated work of several structures nervous system, which transmit an impulse to each other in the direction to the muscles of the limbs from the brain and in the opposite direction from the muscle fibers to the brain, which analyzes the correctness of the movement performed. There is a certain sequence in this chain: brain (cerebral cortex, cerebellum) > semicircular canals of the labyrinth inner ear (vestibular apparatus) > rear pillars spinal cord and peripheral nerves extending from it> nerve fibers penetrating muscle tissue. When the work of at least one link of this chain is disrupted, the phenomenon of ataxia occurs. And depending on exactly where the failure occurred, there are cerebellar, sensitive, frontal, labyrinth ataxia.

  • Cerebellar ataxia - this is the result of a violation of the structure and / or functions of the cerebellum;
  • Frontal (cortical) ataxia- this is the result of a violation of the frontal - cerebellar pathways for processing and passing the impulse;
  • Sensitive ataxia is the result of damage to the posterior columns of the spinal cord and peripheral nerves departing from it;
  • Labyrinth ataxia- this is the result of deviations in the work of the vestibular analyzer.

For each of types of ataxia characterized by their clinical manifestations:

Symptoms of cerebellar ataxia manifest themselves in the form of hypermetry, when the distance to the object to be taken is poorly calculated, the hand travels a path that is much longer than necessary and misses. Another sign of cerebellar ataxia is scrambled speech, when a person speaks loudly, then quietly and abruptly “throws out” words, and does not pronounce them smoothly, often dividing words into syllables. With cerebellar ataxia, the gait changes: a person walks, swaying and weaving, like a drunk. Problems begin with lifting from the “lying” position, when it is impossible to get up without the help of hands, because instead of the body the legs are raised. With cerebellar ataxia, the dynamics of complex movements is disturbed, a tremor of the hands appears when they approach the target.

For frontal ataxia(cortical) violated motor functions and coordination of movements from the side opposite to that hemisphere of a brain in which there was a disturbance. Frontal ataxia manifests itself in the form of instability of the body when turning, bending or turning the body. A person actually does not have the ability to move without relying on any objects. In addition, other functions of the nervous system are also violated, the sense of smell disappears, the psyche degrades (a grasping reflex appears).

Symptoms of sensitive ataxia are reflected in a person's gait when, when walking, he greatly increases the amplitude of the leg span, and walks, spreading his legs to the sides. In the "standing" position with closed legs and eyes closed the human body begins to sway in different directions.

With labyrinth ataxia horizontal nystagmus appears (constant rapid eye movement from side to side), dizziness and many symptoms characteristic of a violation of the vestibular analyzer.

Causes of ataxia, if they do not have a genetic origin (or other anomalies in the development of the body), then they are associated with a number of diseases that have been transferred or are in the process of development, with a lack of vitamins, with injuries, with intoxications of the body medicines or chemical harmful substances, with infections, with neoplasms located in places where they interfere with the smooth functioning of the nervous system, stroke, with hyperthermia (or sunstroke).

Cause of cerebellar ataxia tumors, multiple sclerosis, toxic effects and beriberi can become.

Cause of frontal ataxia there may be injuries, tumors, inflammatory processes.

cause of sensitive ataxia most often there are injuries or tumors of the spinal cord and its branches, lack of vitamin B12.

Cause of labyrinth ataxia become chronic diseases ear, encephalitis, Meniere's disease, multiple sclerosis.

Treatment of ataxia is the hard work of a sick person and proper therapy doctor - neurologist. Carry out therapy with anticholinesterase drugs, cerebrolysin, ATP, vitamin therapy with drugs containing group B. Sometimes drugs are prescribed to correct immunity. As a rule, not the ataxia itself is treated, but the diseases that contribute to its development.

If the cause of ataxia is a resectable tumor or resectable aneurysm, then surgery with the removal of the traumatic factor.

An important role in the treatment of ataxia is played by special sets of exercises aimed at training coordination of movements, skiing, Nordic walking.

The prognosis of treatment for ataxia depends on whether ataxia is hereditary or abnormal, and what specific diseases it is provoked.

Ataxia or in other words incoordination or incoordination in the interaction of muscle groups, manifested by a violation of purposeful static functions and movements human body. Are classified different kinds ataxia.

Ataxia is considered a common pathology, which is characterized by impaired motor skills - while the strength of the limbs is completely preserved or slightly reduced. But the movements become fuzzy, awkward, and while walking or standing there is an imbalance.

For the implementation of any necessary movement, the joint activity of many muscles is required. The movement itself is provided by mechanisms that regulate the choice of a particular muscle group, the duration and strength of each muscle contraction, as well as the sequence of their action in a motor act. In the absence of coordination in the muscles, a violation of the quality of movements develops, a loss of proportionality of movements, their accuracy. At the same time, movements become intermittent, unsmooth and clumsy. And the transition between two movements, for example, extension and flexion, is greatly complicated.

Types and symptoms of the disease

There are 5 types of ataxia: locomotor, cortical, labyrinthine, sensory, episodic and intrapsychic. Each of them is an episodic ataxia, characterized by acute episodes of exacerbations.

Cerebellar or locomotor ataxia

Disease of the cerebellum leads to the development of this type of pathology. While walking, the patient spreads his legs wide and leans forward and backward strongly. Light form is diagnosed only on condition that the patient walks strictly in a straight line with side steps. With the eyes closed, incoordination does not appear more strongly. If the disease affects the middle part of the cerebellum, then the patient feels problems with balance and the process of walking. With damage to the cerebral hemispheres, the patient's movements become inaccurate, and tremors may be detected.

The main causes of cerebellar ataxia include: abscess in the cerebellum, stroke, viral form encephalitis, drug poisoning.

To the reasons for the formation chronic form cerebellar ataxia include: degeneration of the cerebellum due to the development of oncology of the ovaries, lungs, mammary glands, neoplasm in the posterior part cranial fossa, hypothyroidism, prolapse of the tonsils in the cerebellum, alcohol poisoning cerebellum, poor heredity. The hereditary form of pathology can proceed according to an autosomal recessive or autosomal dominant type.

Cortical ataxia

It is manifested by a violation of a person’s gait - the gait seems to acquire a staggering character. With severe damage to the cerebral cortex, paralysis can form, and the patient loses the ability to walk and even stand. In addition, other manifestations of damage to the cerebral cortex develop, such as changes mental state olfactory hallucinations, auditory hallucinations, deterioration of memory for ongoing events and disruption of the visual organs.

Ataxia labyrinthine or vestibular

It develops in case of pathology of the vestibular nerve or vestibular apparatus in the inner ear.

The manifestations of the vestibular type of ataxia include: nausea with vomiting, nystagmus, dizziness and hearing impairment. When turning the eyes or when changing the posture, the symptoms of the vestibular type of ataxia are more pronounced, while coordination upper limbs does not suffer at all.

Its development leads to a disease of the fibers, which contain information about the postures of a person, the position of the body, especially in the horizontal plane.

The sensory form of ataxia can be triggered by the influence of the following factors on the body: pathologies of the spinal cord that damage the fibers ascending to the brain - these are tumor formations of various origins, multiple sclerosis, diseases of the vascular system, beriberi, as a rule, a lack of vitamin B12 in the body.

It is important! Symptoms of sensory ataxia include the following: impaired coordination when walking in complete darkness, impaired reflexes in the tendons, poor balance with eyes closed, impaired vibration sensitivity, detected during examination.

A person with a sensory form of ataxia, thanks to his vision, controls his own steps, but instead of a hard coating, he feels cotton wool under his feet. While walking, the patient raises his legs high and with great strength drops them to the ground.

Ataxia intrapsychic

This type of ataxia is the inconsistency of thinking with human emotions and is most often considered as a manifestation of schizophrenia.

How is ataxia diagnosed?

Diagnosis of the disease is based on the identification of its form and the establishment in the family of a person affected by ataxia.

When conducting laboratory examination comes to light wrong exchange amino acids - their concentration is too low, and their excretion with urine also decreases.

MRI of the brain indicates atrophic processes in the brain and spinal cord, in the upper part of the skull. Thanks to electromyography, damage to sensory fibers in peripheral nerves is diagnosed.

It is important! When differentiating ataxia from other pathologies, it is necessary to pay attention to the possibility of changing clinical manifestations ataxia. AT medical practice cases of rudimentary types of ataxia and the development of its transitional types are known, when Clinical signs resemble the symptoms of multiple sclerosis, etc.

In order to identify hereditary ataxia, it will be necessary to implement an indirect or direct research DNA analyses. Through molecular genetic methods, ataxia is detected, and then a DNA test is implemented to determine the possibility of inheriting the pathological gene by children from their parents.

Sometimes it is required to comprehensive survey DNA tests, this requires a biomaterial taken from all family members.

Organization of the treatment process

Treatment of the disease is organized by a neurologist and it is mainly symptomatic and includes:

  • Fortifying treatment - the consumption of B vitamins and other means.
  • Complex exercise physiotherapy exercises helping to strengthen muscles and normalize coordination of movements.

In addition to the described treatment, the treatment of ataxia requires the correction of immunodeficiency. So, it is necessary to conduct a course of taking immunoglobulin. Radiation therapy in this situation is contraindicated, and it is also necessary to prevent excessive X-ray exposure and prolonged exposure to open sunlight.

It is important! Important role in healing process can play drugs that restore the work of mitochondria, namely riboflavin, succinic acid, vitamin E.

How is prevention carried out?

In case of a disease with a hereditary form of ataxia, the birth of children should be abandoned. In addition, it is necessary to refuse the possibility of concluding related marriages.

Forecasts of the described diseases rarely remain favorable. There is a slow development of disorders of the neuropsychic system of the body. More often than not, this negatively affects the performance of the patient.

But at proper organization symptomatic therapy and warning infectious lesions body, poisoning, injuries, a person can live for many more years.

Ataxia (from the Greek word ataxia - chaos, disorder) is a disease, distinguishing feature which has a coordination disorder. Characteristics of the disease: the patient's gait and gait become unsteady, movements become awkward, he can often drop things and objects. According to these symptoms, two types of the disease are distinguished:

  • static ataxia - when balance is lost in horizontal position
  • dynamic ataxia - there is no coordination of movements when walking. The patient can either completely lose strength in the limbs or retain it.

The disease has a lot of nuances, consider: ataxia - what it is and how it is treated in more detail.

Types of ataxia

Doctors distinguish four common types of the disease:

  • Cerebellar. The cerebellum is affected, as a result of which the patient is difficult to stand on his feet. To maintain balance, he needs to spread his legs wide.

When walking, he can fall a little to the side. There are speech problems. Movements become sprawling. Cerebellar ataxia in children begins to manifest itself in the interval from 5 months to two years .;

  • Cortical ataxia. Amazed frontal part brain, the person loses control of the leg opposite the affected lobe (for example, if left-hand side loss of coordination on the right limb).

The following symptoms are also characteristic: mental disorders, hysteria, poor sense of smell;

  • vestibular ataxia. The main symptom is the defeat of the vestibular apparatus. Vestibular ataxia is characterized by regular dizziness, especially while walking.

The patient may feel that the surrounding objects are moving. On the advanced stage vestibular ataxia causes nausea and vomiting in a person;

  • Sensitive ataxia. In the disease, it is mainly affected parietal part brain, but the posterior pillars or peripheral nodes. Sensitive ataxia is characterized by weak muscle tone, which affects the patient's gait.

He has poor control over his movements when walking, so he steps on the floor too hard, constantly looks under his feet (the instinct of self-preservation works) or bends his knees unnaturally for a healthy gait.

  • With a mild type of sensitive ataxia, in the case of an isolated lesion of the spinal cerebellar tract, coordination and gait have light form violations.
  • The average level of violation - when a person cannot fasten buttons due to reduced tone of the flexor and extensor muscles. It seems to the patient that his legs fail when walking, the gait is stamp-like with a strong lowering and bending of the legs. Walking needs visual control
  • Sensitive ataxia of a severe form generally deprives a person of the opportunity to take vertical position and take a step.

Features of the syndrome of cerebellar ataxia

Cerebellar ataxia is considered the most common in medical practice. Cerebellar ataxia syndrome is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • General violation of muscle tone. Moreover, this effect is inherent in all limbs: the patient feels weakness both in the arms and in the legs;
  • Unsteady gait, uneven standing. With a disease, a person’s gait suffers, since he does not control his limbs;
  • Speech disorder. The patient pronounces the words slowly, drawing out the phrases;
  • Involuntary twitching of the corners of the eyes. This is due to muscle spasms;
  • Intentional tremor of the head and hands. These parts of the body may constantly tremble due to impaired muscle tone.

Because of the above symptoms, the cerebellar appearance of the disease is also often called "hysterical ataxia."

There are two types of the disease:

  • static-locomotor - observed in case of damage to the cerebellar vermis - stability is lost, gait is disturbed;
  • dynamic ataxia - the hemispheres of the cerebellum are affected and the limbs hardly perform voluntary movements.

Hereditary ataxia of Pierre Marie

Marie's cerebellar ataxia is a genetic disease that is passed down from generation to generation. The probability of avoiding this disease is extremely small if any of the close blood relatives (mother or father) suffered from it. Cases when one of the parents had Pierre Marie syndrome and did not pass this genotype to the child are almost never found in medical practice.

Hereditary ataxia begins to manifest itself for the first time at the age of 30-35 years: then there is a violation of coordination of movements and gait. After that, speech problems and loss of muscle tone upper limbs.

Pierre Marie's syndrome can lead to complete dementia by the age of 50-55 if appropriate preventive measures are not taken in time. Therefore, if you know that you may develop hereditary cerebellar ataxia, see a doctor before the age of 30.

Friedreich's familial ataxia

Friedreich's ataxia is also hereditary disease which is transmitted in an autosomal dominant manner. The posterior parts of the cerebellum are affected.

Thanks to medical research it was found that more likely to become the owner of this pathology in children whose parents are relatives.

With this type of pathology, the manifestation of sensitive ataxia with cerebellar is likely.

Symptoms of this disease:

  • As in other cases, gait disturbances are observed: the gait becomes unsteady and uncertain;
  • Human movements are scattered and awkward;
  • Also, the disease is displayed on the facial expressions of the patient: the reaction to any situation becomes inhibited;
  • Speech changes, the patient draws out words and phrases, sometimes he may not finish what he started to say;
  • Hearing deteriorates;
  • On the final stages diseases appear heart problems. Most often, tachycardia and constant shortness of breath are added to the disease.

Ataxia-telangiectasia (Louis-Bar syndrome)

Louis Bar syndrome (ataxia-telangiectasia) is a hereditary disease in which the cerebellum is affected. It was opened in 1941 in France. Louis-Bar syndrome is usually transmitted by genotypes from both parents, that is, it cannot be inherited only from the mother or father.

Ataxia-telangiectasia is a fairly rare disease: according to recent estimates, only 1 out of 40,000 newborns suffers from it.

Telangiectasia is characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. Susceptibility to infectious diseases respiratory tract. Patients often suffer from bronchitis, tonsillitis, conjunctivitis, otitis, etc. With Louis Bar syndrome, these ailments can be fatal to the child, as the immune system unable to fight pathogenic microbes;
  2. The appearance of malignant tumors. Louis-Bar syndrome is manifested by telangiectasias skin: this means that the body is more susceptible to the appearance malignant neoplasms, than usual.
  3. Gait and coordination disorders. Louis Bar syndrome is characterized by loss of balance, resulting in unsteady gait and awkward movements.

Symptoms of ataxia

Depending on the type of disease, the symptoms of the disease may vary. Symptoms indicating that the patient has this disease:

  • Gait disturbance. This feature is characterized by vestibular ataxia and spinocerebellar ataxia. It is expressed in unsteady gait and loss of balance in a horizontal position. A person often looks under his feet, as if afraid of falling, walks slowly and measuredly;
  • Communication skills suffer. A person draws out words and phrases, speech becomes difficult. The patient seems to carefully consider what to say. With a neglected degree, speech becomes completely incoherent;
  • Tremor of hands and head. Spinocerebellar ataxia is often characterized by this symptom. Muscle tone is lost, as a result of which the patient is unable to control his limbs and head, including stopping trembling;
  • The patient cannot stand in the “heels and toes together” position. Vestibular ataxia is characterized by the fact that a person can only be in a horizontal position with their legs apart. This is due to the loss of balance.

Complications of ataxia

Hereditary, spinocerebellar and other types of ataxia can cause such complications:

  1. Respiratory tract diseases - bronchial asthma, rhinitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, etc.;
  2. Ailments of cardio-vascular system- hypertension, tachycardia, heart failure, etc.;
  3. Tendency to recurrence of infectious and viral diseases.

Locomotor ataxia can also lead to hearing problems, and sensory ataxia can also lead to difficulty smelling.

Diagnosis of ataxia

Spinocerebellar ataxia and other types of disease are defined in five stages:

  1. Preliminary conversation with the patient and analysis of his complaints. The doctor collects all necessary information: whether a person in the family had people suffering from a similar disease, how long ago the first signs appeared, what drugs he took for the last month;
  2. Examination by a neurologist. Tests are carried out in order to identify whether there are violations of coordination, speech, gait. For example, in the video above, you can see how the knee-heel and finger-to-nose tests are performed to identify the dynamic variety of the disease.
  3. Examination by an otolaryngologist for hearing problems;
  4. Blood test: the number of erythrocytes and leukocytes is checked;
  5. Holding computed tomography. Based on its results, it is concluded whether the structure of the brain has been disturbed.

After carrying out the above measures, if static ataxia or its types are confirmed, treatment is prescribed.

Treatment and prognosis of ataxia

Ataxias that are predominantly treated medical methods, can be completely eliminated with timely handling to the doctor. The neurologist deals with the treatment of the disease. He may prescribe the following treatments:

  • Taking fortifying vitamins. According to medical supervision, the body of patients most often lacks vitamin B. It can be consumed in the form of capsules or solutions;
  • Normalization of blood circulation. Drugs are prescribed that stimulate blood flow to the brain;
  • Reception hormonal drugs(steroids) to remove plasma from the blood (if it was detected during the analysis);
  • Surgical treatment of the cerebellum. Late cerebellar ataxia is eliminated mainly operational way: Hemorrhage is removed, which allows blood flow to the brain.

Thus, spinocerebellar ataxia and other types of disease are treated.

Training for ataxia

Gymnastics with ataxia will help strengthen the muscles, restore their tone and coordinate movements. According to experts, spinocerebellar ataxia and other types of diseases are treated with with the help of exercise therapy(therapeutic Physical Culture). There are a few things to keep in mind when scheduling workouts:

  • Exercise therapy is used only in combination with other methods of treatment (medication, surgical intervention etc.). If the disease arose as a result of an infection, it must be eliminated, but if a tumor was found, it is removed surgically;
  • A set of exercises is performed under the supervision of a doctor, otherwise the patient will harm himself with careless actions. Proper training treat all types of diseases, including ataxic cerebral palsy.

Ataxia is a motor disorder that is not accompanied by paralysis. characteristic features which are rhythm disorders and Translated from the Greek word ataxia means "chaotic" and "disorderly".

With such a diagnosis, movements become disproportionate, awkward, inaccurate, walking often suffers, and in some cases even speech. Consider what types of ataxia are distinguished, and what are their characteristic features.

Friedreich's ataxia

Friedreich's hereditary ataxia is a genetically determined neurological disease, which is progressive. Initial manifestations ailments become noticeable in the first few decades of life.

First, there are violations of handwriting and gait. For children, however, it is difficult to identify a violation of handwriting due to the fact that it has not yet been fully formed. As for the gait, the patient needs support, he constantly sways. All leg movements are more jerky than progressive.

Over time, the inability to stand (astasia) and even walk (abasia) develops. However, the latter is characteristic manifestation rapidly progressive course of the disease and its last stages.

Changes in the spine are observed, which is especially important for adolescents, in whom the process of its formation has not yet been completed. A few years later, the patient develops diabetes due to malfunctions in the pancreas. A little later, due to dystrophic changes gonadal hypogonadism occurs. In the last stages of ataxia, visual impairment is added, which occurs as a result of dystrophic changes in the visual and, in addition, dementia develops due to damage to brain neurons.

Cerebellar lesion

Cerebellar ataxia is a disorder of motor coordination that develops when the main organ responsible for it is damaged - In some cases, minor changes develop, while in others more serious and severe.

The development of such ataxia occurs due to affecting various areas cerebellum by a pathological process. Often cerebellar ataxia is diagnosed with encephalitis, vascular diseases cerebellum, multiple sclerosis, malignant tumors brain, intoxication, as well as certain ailments of genetic origin. There are 2 types of cerebellar ataxia - static and dynamic.

Static nature of cerebellar ataxia

It is expressed in static ataxia due to a decrease in muscle tone. It becomes difficult for the patient in the process long time stay in one position, he also has an insignificant violation of motor coordination. The person moves with very wide and staggering steps, as if in a state of intoxication. When severe course disease, the patient is not able to sit and stand on his own, because, not even having the strength to hold his head, he constantly falls. Static ataxia in severe form, it deprives the patient of the ability to independently maintain balance. It should be noted that motor coordination is not affected by whether the patient is with his eyes open or closed.

Dynamic nature of cerebellar ataxia

Dynamic ataxia develops when the cerebellar hemispheres are involved in pathological process. With this type of disease, coordination disorders are observed only with physical movement. The smoothness and accuracy of movements are lost, they become sweeping and awkward. Discoordination and slowing down of movements are observed on the side of the lesion. Dynamic ataxia is characterized by hypermetry (excessiveness, opposite movements), adiadochokinesis, overshooting, as well as intentional tremor and speech disorders (patients speak slowly, dividing words into syllables).

In the standing position and when walking, the patient deviates to the side corresponding to the damaged cerebellar hemisphere. The patient's handwriting changes: it becomes uneven, sweeping, with large letters. A decrease in tendon reflexes is not ruled out.

Sensitive ataxia

This ataxia is a movement disorder in which a change in gait occurs due to loss of sensation in the legs resulting from damage to the peripheral nerves, medial loop, posterior columns, or posterior roots of the spinal cord. The patient does not feel the position of the legs, and therefore has difficulty both walking and standing. As a rule, he stands with his legs wide apart and at the same time he can only maintain balance when open eyes, if they are closed, then the person will begin to stagger and, most likely, will fall ( positive symptom Romberg). When walking, patients also spread their legs wide and raise them much higher than necessary, and also sway impetuously forward and backward. Their steps have different lengths, and the feet, touching the floor, make popping sounds. When walking, the patient usually uses a stick for support and slightly flexes the torso at the hip joints. Gait disturbances are exacerbated Often, patients become unsteady, sway and fall when washing, as when they close their eyes, they temporarily lose visual control.

Spinocerebellar ataxia

This term refers to a variety of movement disorders, most of which occur as a result of ischemic damage to the central nervous system in the perinatal period or hypoxia. The severity of gait changes can be different and depends on the severity and nature of the lesion. So, mild limited lesions can cause Babinski's symptom, increased tendon reflexes and are not accompanied by pronounced change gait. Larger and more severe lesions usually result in bilateral hemiparesis. There are changes in gait and postures characteristic of paraparesis.

Begets movement disorders resulting in a change in gait. In patients, this occurs in the limbs, which are accompanied by grimaces on the face or rotational movements of the neck. As a rule, the legs are extended and the arms are bent, however, this asymmetry of the limbs can become noticeable only with careful observation of the patient. So, for example, one arm can be pronated and extended, while the other is supinated and flexed. The asymmetric position of the limbs often occurs when the head is turned in different directions.

Diagnosis of ataxia

To establish the diagnosis, such diagnostic methods are used as:

  • MRI of the brain;
  • electroencephalography of the brain;
  • DNA diagnostics;
  • electromyography.

In addition to any of the indicated methods, it is necessary to take a blood test, undergo an examination by specialists such as a neuropathologist, psychiatrist and oculist.

Treatment of ataxia

Ataxia is serious illness requiring timely action. Treatment, which is carried out by a specialist neurologist, is mainly symptomatic and includes the following areas.

  1. General strengthening therapy (anticholinesterase agents, Cerebrolysin, ATP, B vitamins).
  2. Physiotherapy aimed at preventing various kinds complications ( muscular atrophy and contractures, for example), improving walking and coordination, maintaining physical fitness.

Special gymnastic complex exercise therapy exercises, the purpose of which is to reduce discoordination and strengthen muscles. At radical way treatment (surgery of cerebellar tumors, for example), partial or full recovery or at least stop further progression.

With Friedreich's ataxia, if we take into account the pathogenesis of the disease, drugs aimed at maintaining mitochondrial functions (Riboflavin, vitamin E, coenzyme Q10, succinic acid) can play a huge role.

Prognosis for the disease

Forecast hereditary diseases is rather unfavorable. Over time, especially with inactivity, neuropsychiatric disorders only progress. People diagnosed with ataxia, whose symptoms become more pronounced with age, as a rule, have a significantly reduced ability to work.

However, thanks to symptomatic treatment, as well as the prevention of intoxication, injury and infectious diseases patients live to an advanced age.


Conduct preventive actions specifically for ataxia is impossible. First of all, it is necessary to prevent possible appearance and the development of acute infectious diseases (sinusitis, otitis media, pneumonia, for example) that can provoke ataxia.

Blood marriages should be avoided. In addition, it should be remembered that there is a high probability of transmission of hereditary ataxia from parent to child, and therefore patients are often advised to refuse the birth of their own babies and adopt someone else's child.

Ataxia is serious neurological disorder which must be treated immediately. That is why the earlier this disease was detected, the more favorable the prognosis for the patient will be.

Vestibular ataxia is a type of ataxia that results in dysfunction of the vestibular system. The vestibular system consists of the inner ear canals, which contain fluid.

They sense head movements and help with balance and spatial orientation. Vestibular ataxia is the result of an inner ear disorder.

Signals from the inner ear are unable to reach the cerebellum and brain stem when a person has vestibular ataxia. A person with vestibular ataxia experiences a loss of balance while maintaining strength. The patient often experiences dizziness, a feeling that everything is spinning around. Shows loss of balance or involuntary eye movement.

in unilateral or acute cases the anomaly is asymmetrical, the patient experiences nausea, vomiting, dizziness. In slow chronic bilateral cases, it is symmetrical, the person feels only imbalance or instability.

There are many types of ataxia. In this article, we will discuss some of the more common types, causes, and available methods treatment.

Fast Facts

Ataxia is called a wide range factors.

  • Symptoms include poor coordination, slurred speech, tremors, and hearing problems.
  • Diagnosis is complex and often requires a series of studies.
  • Not always curable, but symptoms can often be relieved.

It belongs to a group of disorders that affect coordination, speech, and balance. Difficulty swallowing and walking.

Some people are born with it, others develop the syndrome slowly over time. For some, it's the result of another condition, such as a stroke, multiple sclerosis, a brain tumor, a head injury, or excessive alcohol consumption.

It worsens or stabilizes over time. This partly depends on the cause.


The following are some of the more common types of ataxia:

Cerebellar ataxia

The cerebellum is responsible for sensory perception, coordination and movement control.

Caused by dysfunction of the cerebellum, an area of ​​the brain involved in the assimilation of sensory perception, coordination, and motor control.

Cerebellar ataxia causes neurological problems, such as:

The degree of symptoms depends on which parts of the cerebellum are damaged, whether there is damage on one side (unilateral) or on both sides (bilateral).

If the vestibular apparatus is affected, the control of the balance of the face and eyes will be impaired. The person stands with their legs wide apart to get better balance, avoid rocking back and forth.

Even when the patient's eyes are open, balance when joining the legs together is difficult. If the cerebellum is affected, the patient will have an unusual gait with uneven strides, stuttering starts and stops. Spinocerebellum regulates the position of the body and the movement of the limbs.

If affected deep structures brain, a person will have problems with voluntary movements. The head, eyes, limbs, torso may tremble when walking. Speech is slurred, with a change in rhythm and volume.

Sensory ataxia

Appears due to loss of proprioception. Proprioception is the sense of the relative position of adjacent body parts. Indicates whether the body is moving with the required force and gives feedback relative to the position of its parts relative to each other.

The patient with sensory ataxia usually has an unsteady stomping gait, with the heel hitting hard as it hits the ground with each step. Postural instability worsens in poor light conditions. If the doctor asks you to stand with your eyes closed and your feet together, the instability will worsen. This is because the loss of proprioception makes a person much more dependent on visual input.

It is difficult for him to perform smoothly coordinated movements of the limbs, torso, pharynx, larynx, eyes.

Cerebral ataxias

Early onset cerebellar ataxia usually occurs between the ages of 4 and 26. The late one appears after the patient has reached 20. The late one is characterized by less severe symptoms compared to the early one.

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