Ataxia in dogs symptoms and treatment. Ataxia in dogs. Cerebellar ataxia in dogs

A sudden incoordination of movements is explained by a disease of the organs of balance and is called “vestibular syndrome of dogs (or cats)”. Symptoms can look frightening: an outwardly healthy animal suddenly cannot rise to its feet, falls, flounders, looks frightened. Salivation, vomiting, rapid breathing may also be expressed. The head is tilted to the side, the muzzle is asymmetrical. The first thing that comes to mind in such cases is in an animal. But a stroke is perhaps the rarest cause of these symptoms. Most often, such manifestations are due to a violation of the balance organs located outside the brain - the so-called peripheral vestibular syndrome.

The causes of peripheral vestibular syndrome are as follows:

- Inflammation of the middle and inner ear (otitis media) is the most common cause of peripheral vestibular syndrome. The organ of balance - the labyrinth of the cochlea - is inextricably linked with the organ of hearing. Inflammation in otitis can spread to the cochlear labyrinth and cause disruption of its work. In this case, treatment should include antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. Fighting this disease can take a lot of time and effort. Symptoms of vestibular disorder disappear in 10-14 days. In the treatment of otitis media, the use of ototoxic drugs such as chlorhexidine and aminoglycoside antibiotics should be avoided.

Neoplasms (tumors, polyps, cysts) of the inner ear, Eustachian tube, eardrum. For the diagnosis of these formations, the usual examination and otoscopy are not enough, but additional methods of visual diagnostics and cytological analysis are needed. The most effective treatment for tumors is surgery.

Idiopathic vestibular syndrome is the second most common cause of imbalance. In cats, this disease occurs most frequently during the summer months. Cats of all ages suffer. Dogs are more likely to get sick at an older age and regardless of the time of year. 72 hours after the onset of symptoms, there is a significant improvement in the condition - nystagmus (rhythmic movements of the eyeballs) and nausea almost disappear, appetite appears, the ability to walk. After 7 days the animal can move normally. The tilt of the head can persist for a longer time - up to 2 months. No specific treatment has been developed. Recovery occurs without treatment, but recurrence of the disease is possible.

The use of ototoxic drugs (antibiotics of the aminoglycoside group, chlorhexidine, metronidazole)

Congenital anomalies in the development of the organ of hearing and balance are described in such breeds as:, and in some others. Congenital disorders appear from birth or at 3-4 weeks of age. Some animals live with this disorder all their lives. In some cases, spontaneous recovery occurs by 3-4 months of age. Treatment has not been developed.

Trauma of the temporal bone.

Recall that the above was a discussion of diseases that do not affect the brain. This is the most common cause of sudden incoordination in pets. Less commonly, vestibular disorders are the result of diseases, affecting the brain. Symptoms of imbalance that occur when these structures are affected are called central vestibular syndrome.

The cause of central vestibular disorders are the following diseases:

Infectious diseases of the brain: canine distemper, toxoplasmosis, cryptococcosis.

Inflammatory diseases of the nervous system: granulomatous meningoencephalomyelitis, necrotizing meningoencephalomyelitis.

Brain tumors - meningiomas, lymphomas.

Vascular diseases of the brain: ischemic, hemorrhagic stroke as a result of hypertension, hormonal disorders, sepsis, bleeding disorders, cerebral vascular thrombosis.

The prognosis for these diseases is more cautious than for peripheral disorders. As a rule, in addition to the symptoms of imbalance, the animal also has other neurological disorders, as well as symptoms of damage to other organs and systems.

Symptoms of peripheral and central vestibular syndrome are listed in the table:

In each case of impaired coordination of movements, doctors need the most complete information about the animal. Therefore, the specialists of the Zoovet center, when faced with cases of imbalance in animals, conduct a particularly thorough examination. Depending on which disease the symptoms indicate and the course of vestibular disorders, a treatment and diagnostic plan is drawn up. In some cases, diagnosis may be limited to a routine examination of the animal, examination of the ears, general and clinical blood tests, and this will be enough to establish a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. In more complex cases, advanced diagnostics may be needed - tests for viral and bacterial infections, tests for thyroid and adrenal hormones, X-rays, ultrasound of internal organs, computed tomography of the brain, analysis of cerebrospinal fluid.

In animals, and especially in dogs, neurological disorders are as common as in humans, and they cause a lot of difficulties for the owner, since the treatment of such disorders requires a professional approach, for example, situations often arise when the dog loses coordination. If you notice any behavioral disturbances in your pet, then you should immediately contact a specialist, in no case hesitate, as everything can end sadly for your pet!

It is worth mentioning that in almost all situations, such phenomena are a sign of the appearance of serious functional disorders in the body of a pet. Also, the situation is aggravated by the fact that the dog will not be able to tell you what the problem is. Pathologies of a neurological nature are often combined by experts under the word "ataxia".

Information about the violation

In fact, there is no single correct answer to the question of what ataxia is. The fact is that this cannot be called a single disease, since ataxia simply indicates the appearance of some symptoms, here is a list of them:

  • loss of coordination, which in all situations occurs suddenly;
  • situations associated with loss of balance;
  • sudden trembling;
  • there are even situations when the animal falls for no reason.

We also mention the classification of ataxia, here are the main types:

  1. vestibular;
  2. sensitive;
  3. cerebellar.

It is worth noting that each type has its own characteristics, as well as the reasons for the appearance. The first type of ataxia indicates violations in the functioning of the vestibular apparatus, which is necessary for the animal to successfully maintain balance, without it it will be difficult for the dog to be in space. This will be expressed by the fact that she will not even be able to normally keep her head in one position, there will also be a slight roll when walking, and instability will end with the dog constantly falling or even spinning in place. Experts note another characteristic symptom - uncoordinated eye movements, as well as a constant feeling of drowsiness, less often - numbness.

Sensitive ataxia

As for sensitive ataxia, it develops in cases of damage to the Burdach or Gaulle bundles, it can also appear due to disorders in the spinal cord. The main sign of this type of ataxia is considered to be various violations in the process of walking, in most situations, the owners notice that the dog begins to look at his feet all the time while moving. It is worth mentioning that with serious lesions, the dog may even lose the ability to be in the position of "standing" and "sitting". For this reason, at the first manifestations, it is necessary to consult a doctor, in no case do not hesitate!

Note! The previously discussed types of ataxia cannot affect various behavioral aspects of the pet. Thus, the behavior of the dog does not partially change, of course, the previously described violations are observed, but this is not so serious (the problem can be solved by contacting a specialist, and mental deviations are not observed). For this reason, specialists can easily diagnose the disease, distinguishing it from various infections.

Since these pathologies are relatively frivolous, it is cerebellar ataxia that should be considered, because it is the worst to treat even with timely access to a specialist. If this zone is damaged, the coordination of the dog's movements, as well as its balance, is significantly disturbed. Even with a slight delay, a loss of control over the pet's motor function will follow. In rarer situations, more dangerous symptoms are also observed, namely, a violation of the ability to spatial orientation, it is worth mentioning that sometimes dogs even cease to recognize their owners, as well as the place where they have always lived.

Such damage to the cerebellum, which is located in the brain, is often caused by a tumor, and occasionally an infection can be the cause. Despite this, in most situations, such manifestations occur due to defects present from birth. The essence of the mentioned defects is that the death of normal neurons is caused. In such situations, the specialist makes a diagnosis called "hereditary cerebellar ataxia."

Let us mention that such diseases are transmitted by a recessive gene, that is, such disorders must be present in both individuals who participated in the birth of the animal. For this reason, cerebellar ataxia is considered a fairly rare disease, because conscientious breeders do everything possible to combat diseases that are inherited (dogs with such diseases are simply not allowed to breed).

Loss of coordination due to poisoning

Why dogs can still lose coordination - the causes of other types of illness
The reasons for the development of loss of coordination may be different. As mentioned earlier, these types of disease develop against the background of damage to something. Most often, oncology becomes the main reason for their appearance, such a neoplasm can damage any important organs, which will be accompanied by a large number of unpleasant symptoms, the main ones have already been discussed in this material.

It is worth mentioning that the penetration of toxins into the body can also be the cause of impaired coordination in dogs. It cannot be argued that this means only poison, since any substances that release helminths (worms) into the bloodstream can act as toxins. If a dog has large worms, the problem can be huge, because everything can turn into encephalopathy, so disorders associated with motor function are not the worst manifestation of helminths.

Despite this, the most common cause is poisoning. Almost all dogs pick up some things on the street, and in some situations you can stumble upon poisoned baits, despite the fact that in our time they are quite rare. In such situations, in the absence of medical care in the first few hours, everything will end up with much more serious manifestations, because, most likely, the pet will die.

The problem can also lie in autoimmune diseases, most often systemic lupus is to blame. Such an ailment has a characteristic feature, because if it is present, the pet's body will begin to destroy itself. Experts note that it is the nervous system that can become the first affected system, therefore, a violation of coordination of movements often develops.

Important! Do not forget about injuries, since a dog that has fallen under a car can have a lot of serious injuries observed throughout the body. In this case, ataxia is not uncommon. As you might guess, in this case it is very important to deliver the dog to the medical facility as quickly as possible. If the veterinarian does not look at it, then any hematoma in the meninges can lead to death!

Symptoms of cerebellar ataxia

The symptomatology of cerebellar ataxia is also important to familiarize yourself with, since impaired coordination of movements can progress for many years. Experts note that in some situations, the clinical picture of the disease does not appear for several years. Here is a list of the main symptoms that appear in dogs, regardless of breed and other things:

  • nervousness;
  • constantly occurring trembling;
  • inappropriate behavior of the pet;
  • lack of coordination;
  • strange behavior when walking, because the dog can take uncharacteristically long steps, after each of which it will freeze incomprehensibly;
  • the occurrence of panic attacks, the animal from most situations will seek to hide somewhere, especially when the owner appears;
  • sometimes the dog may even fall while walking, and the frequency of such incidents depends entirely on the type of ataxia and on the stage of development of the disease;
  • weakness, which in the course of the development of the disease can progress;
  • situations in which the pet begins to rotate its head or even its eyeballs very quickly, which is a little less common;
  • hearing loss;
  • possible falling into a state of lethargic sleep;
  • a significant decrease in appetite;
  • a condition in which the dog constantly tends to tilt its head to one side;
  • other changes associated with the behavior of pets.

With cerebellar ataxia, as mentioned earlier, the symptoms are much more serious, because the pet may not even recognize its owners, and also stop controlling the body!

Diagnosis and treatment

It is worth mentioning the diagnostic process, but first you need to understand that it is not possible to fix the problem on your own, and it is forbidden to do this, because the situation may worsen. If you suspect ataxia, you should contact your veterinarian immediately. An interesting fact is that no analysis or diagnostic method has yet been invented that would determine the presence of any type of ataxia.

The veterinarian makes a diagnosis after a complete examination and questioning of the owners, and sometimes it is necessary to do a whole range of different tests, which include such as urinalysis and blood sampling. It is sometimes useful to do an MRI, but not everywhere there is such an opportunity, and such a procedure will be very expensive. For this reason, most often specialists are limited to x-rays. Other tests are prescribed, but they all depend on the results of the examination.

As you might guess, the treatment process will depend entirely on the cause of the disease. If a dangerous infectious disease is detected, the dog will be given strong antibiotics. If the problem lies in the tumor, then veterinarians will perform surgery.

As for more complex situations, for example, when ataxia is caused by a hereditary defect, it is not possible to cure it. For this reason, specialists can only prescribe supportive treatment to maintain a normal standard of living for the pet. Such therapy includes sedative drugs that can relieve panic.

As for the treatment of various movement disorders, only specific drugs can be used for this purpose. It is strictly forbidden to self-medicate an animal, because serious drugs will only make it worse if given incorrectly.

Important! If your animal's ataxia is of the cerebellar type, then you must adapt the apartment to his life. The dog should be allocated a room where there are no sharp corners and objects, because over time his condition will deteriorate greatly even if he takes the necessary drugs prescribed by the veterinarian.

Sometimes it happens that we are unable to help our sick pets. One of the incurable diseases in dogs is ataxia, translated from Greek as “disorder”. This is a motor disorder, which is manifested by a violation of the coordination and coordination of the movements of the animal. For the first time, the symptoms of the disease become noticeable in 3-5 years of the dog's life.

The essence of the disease

Rarely, the disorder appears between one and a half to three years of age or older than five years of age. At first, the owners notice an episodic loss of balance in the pet when changing the position of the body. As the disease progresses, the symptoms increase: the dog's gait becomes unstable, "drunk", it does not seem to notice obstacles, and may fall when turning or making sudden movements.

How is it generated and transmitted

Ataxia in dogs can be inherited, and in the event that both parents of the puppy are either carriers of the damaged gene or already sick. The disorder can also occur due to a number of diseases in which the following are damaged:

  • cerebellum;
  • vestibular apparatus;
  • a system of nerve fibers that conduct impulses from the brain or spinal cord to a motor organ.

The following dog breeds are more susceptible to ataxia:

  • bobtail;
  • Scottish Terrier;
  • amstaff;
  • Scottish Setter;
  • Cocker Spaniel;
  • sennenhund;
  • Australian kelpie;
  • Border Collie.
Breeders who breed these breeds perform genetic testing on their pets to identify carriers of the gene even before clinical signs of the disease appear. Such dogs are excluded from breeding, which avoids the spread of the defect.

Types of disease

Regardless of the type of disorder, the symptoms of ataxia are manifested by a clumsy gait, the inability to overcome an obstacle or climb stairs, trembling, and increased tone of the paws. The gait becomes similar to a cock's step - with a high raising of the forelimbs. There is a constant tilt to one side, dizziness due to a sharp and frequent shaking of the head. Periodically, nystagmus is observed - a short pendulum movement of the eyes from side to side.

As the disease progresses, the animal loses weight due to feeding difficulties.

In clinical practice, there are three types of ataxia:

  • cerebellar;
  • sensitive;
  • vestibular.

The cerebellum is a part of the brain that is responsible for the position of the body in space, coordination of movements and balance in various external conditions. With cerebellar ataxia in dogs, structural changes in this organ do not occur. Its biochemical composition changes due to the loss of part of the Purkinje cells. These cells are a kind of controllers, transmitters of information inside the cerebellum, to the white matter or from it, to the outer layer.

Cerebellar ataxia in dogs has two varieties - static and dynamic. In the first case, it is difficult for the animal to stay in a fixed position. The dog hardly stands on widely spaced paws. Trying to maintain balance, he may fall on his side or forward. With dynamic cerebellar ataxia, discoordination is manifested during movement, especially when turning.

Sensitive ataxia is less common. It can be differentiated from other types by the aggravation of the symptoms when the eyes are closed. In this case, the dog's perception of his body in space is disturbed - proprioception.

Depending on the area of ​​damage to the pathways that conduct nerve impulses, only the pelvic limbs or all four paws can be affected.

Vestibular ataxia occurs when the labyrinth is affected, which perceives changes in the head and body in space, as well as the direction of movement. The dog seems to be on an incline. The animal tries in vain to maintain balance. With this type of disorder, the dog's body is tilted to one side, the movements are slow, cautious. Deterioration and loss of hearing, drowsiness, numbness are observed. The pet moves in circles, which causes dizziness and vomiting.

Diagnosis and treatment

There are no specific tests or diagnostic methods to detect ataxia. The diagnosis is made after a series of examinations and the exclusion of other, less serious diseases with similar symptoms. The most informative will be magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography. In the absence of the necessary equipment, radiography is limited.

In the case of hereditary ataxia, a DNA test is performed for the purpose of diagnosis. A full-fledged treatment of a disease of this nature by genetics has not been developed. Over time, a sick dog becomes almost incapacitated. The veterinarian prescribes maintenance therapy to alleviate the condition and maintain normal living conditions for the pet. Most often, this is symptomatic therapy in the form of sedatives, sedatives and vitamins.

It is important to create the most comfortable living conditions for a sick dog, because without the participation and care of the owner, she will no longer be able to do. It is better to give the pet a separate room without traumatic objects, sharp corners and interior items.

If the disease arose for another reason, then the treatment of ataxia in dogs is aimed primarily at eliminating it.

The organism of animals is able to partially compensate for the existing violations. When one or another part of the brain is damaged, another part of it takes over a share of its functions. In addition, dogs learn to control the strength, speed and range of motion with the help of visual abilities. In this regard, manifestations of the disorder are noticeable only when the animal is tired or excited.

These abilities of the body allow not only to prolong the life of the dog, but also to make it close to normal, despite the disorder.


In addition to the hereditary factor, the disease may have other underlying causes.

For cerebellar ataxia:

  • neoplasms or cysts in the cerebellum;
  • intoxication;
  • autoimmune diseases.

For vestibular ataxia:

  • otitis media of an infectious or fungal nature;
  • neoplasms of the middle ear;
  • injuries in the temporal region;
  • hypokalemia;
  • stroke. With sensitive ataxia:

For sensitive ataxia:

  • tumors;
  • trauma;
  • pathology of the development of the spine;
  • acute vascular and compression disorders;
  • infections.

If a tumor is detected, further treatment includes, first of all, surgical intervention.

In case of an infectious disease, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.

Intoxication occurs not only as a result of poisoning with certain poisons, but also due to infection of the dog with worms that release toxins into the blood of the animal. In this case, treatment is carried out with anthelmintic drugs. Folk remedies in such serious cases will no longer help.

With cerebral lesions, nootropics, vasodilators, B vitamins, nicotinic acid are prescribed to improve cerebral circulation.

Ataxia may be due to an autoimmune disease. A healthy immune system detects and destroys disease-causing substances. But if a failure occurs in the mechanism of its action, the tissues of the body, including nervous ones, become the target of immune cells. Then a violation of coordination of movements develops.

If ataxia occurs on the background of an injury, the brain or spinal cord, spine, or pathways that conduct nerve impulses may be affected. One of the types of disorder arises - a cerebellar, vestibular or sensitive type. Appropriate treatment is carried out after examination, establishing the cause and making an accurate diagnosis.

Ataxia in puppies

Although most cases of congenital ataxia develop in dogs in adulthood, there are occasional anomalies that are noticeable from birth. Pronounced problems with the musculoskeletal system, impaired coordination.

Puppies make attempts to move with their paws, but cannot walk. There is trembling of the head and twitching of the eyes. Otherwise, babies develop normally - they are active, inquisitive, have a good appetite. But such dogs will never be able to move.

To avoid acquiring a carrier or a sick puppy, you must first take into account the genetic predisposition of the breed to ataxia. Secondly, it is better to buy a small pet in a trusted nursery with a good reputation. A responsible breeder will not allow a sick dog to breed, and if they are afraid, they will conduct a DNA test on individuals intended for mating.

ATAXIA in the American Staffordshire Terrier. In the last 10 years, the number of American Staffordshire Terriers has significantly increased, in which, upon reaching the age of 3-5 years, signs of impaired coordination of movements, tremor (trembling) and hyperkinesia (inadequate motor activity) appear. This disease is called American Staffordshire Terrier Hereditary Cerebellar Ataxia (HMA ACT). It is also called cerebellar cortical degeneration or neurogenic ceroid lipofuscinosis. The conducted studies established the hereditary nature of the disease. When conducting magnetic resonance imaging, cerebellar atrophy of varying severity is detected, histological studies confirm the loss of Purkinje cells with thinning of the molecular and granular layers of the cerebellum. The death of nerve cells is associated with the accumulation of pathological fluorescent lipopigment. The first symptoms of the disease usually appear between 3 and 5 years of age. In more rare cases, clinical signs may appear between one and a half to three years of age or after five years of age. The initial symptoms of the disease are not always obvious, and may include occasional incoordination and occasional loss of balance due to sudden changes in body position. Agility dogs, for example, may have trouble clearing obstacles that they previously had no difficulty overcoming. As the disease progresses, coordination disorders become more pronounced - the dog may fall during normal turns and sudden movements. Male dogs may lose balance when raising their paw to urinate. Having difficulty climbing stairs. When the dog is moving in a straight line it may look healthy, but as they round corners and chase the ball, faults become apparent. The gait is characterized by hypermetry - stepping over with a high elevation of the limbs (cock's step). In most cases, there is tremor (trembling) and rigidity (increased tone) of the pelvic limbs. Some dogs have intermittent nystagmus (horizontal movement of the eyeballs) that lasts from a few seconds to one minute. If the dog is turned over on its back, the nystagmus increases. Feeding balance problems can lead to weight loss. The NCL-A DNA test is used to confirm the diagnosis. Thanks to this test, it is possible to detect a tendency to develop a disease even before the appearance of clinical signs, as well as carriers of a pathological gene, which makes it possible to exclude these dogs from breeding in a timely manner. Carrier identification is important to avoid spreading the genetic defect in the breed. The DNA test is reliable, it can be done at any age, but according to the rules of the canine association, not earlier than 45 days. The genetic status of a dog does not change throughout life. The disease is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner, i.e. heterozygous individuals do not have clinical manifestations of ataxia. The probability of disease in males and females is the same. Clinically sick are only homozygous individuals. There is currently no treatment for NMA. It is assumed that sick animals diagnosed in the early stages of the disease before the onset of clinical symptoms are shown replacement therapy with arylsulfatase G throughout their lives. Sick-Carrier, Carrier-Carrier. With mandatory genetic testing and the correct selection of producers, it is possible to completely exclude the appearance of sick animals in the population. The article uses materials from the journal "Veterinary Clinic" No. 4, 2011. Cerebellar ataxia is a violation of coordination of movements that occurs when one of the main organs responsible for it is damaged - the cerebellum. Sometimes the changes are small, sometimes big. Read more about the types and manifestations of cerebellar ataxia in the article. Cerebellar ataxia occurs when various parts of the cerebellum (worm, hemispheres or legs) are affected. It is often observed in tumors, cerebellar vascular diseases, encephalitis, multiple sclerosis, poisoning, as well as in a number of hereditary diseases. Static cerebellar ataxia Damage to the cerebellar vermis is manifested by static ataxia against the background of a decrease in muscle strength. At the same time, it becomes difficult to maintain the same posture, the coordination of some movements is disturbed. In severe cases, the dog cannot sit or stand, falls forward or backward in a standing position, and does not hold its head well. In severe ataxia, the dog cannot maintain balance. At the same time, the violation of coordination does not depend on whether her eyes are open or closed. Dynamic cerebellar ataxia When the hemisphere of the cerebellum is affected, dynamic ataxia occurs, when muscle coordination disorders are manifested mainly during movement. Disorders of coordination are manifested by excessiveness, disproportion of movements, "missing" or missing, difficulty in alternating opposite movements. When standing and walking, the dog deviates or falls to the side corresponding to the affected cerebellar hemisphere. A "drunk" ataxic gait is characteristic. Often there is constant twitching of the eyes. The DNA test is a reliable and reliable study. Identification of the involved gene and validation of the test, as a result of collaborative scientific research effort between the laboratory of molecular and cellular genetics (Dr Marie Abitbol, ​​Dr Laurent Tiret) and effort between the laboratory of molecular and cellular genetics (Dr Marie Abitbol, ​​Dr. - Laurent Tire) and the Laboratory of Neurobiology (Dr Stéphane Blot) from the Alfort School of Veterinary Medicine (ENVA), as well as the CNRS-University of Rennes and ANTAGENE. The technologies underlying the test are patented worldwide by INRA and ENVA. ANTAGENE has the exclusive international license to carry out this test. Experimental studies achieved during the development of the test revealed a high carrier rate in French Amstaff dogs (30%). In addition, in collaboration with Dr. Natasha Olby (State University, North Carolina) confirmed that American dogs have the same disease-causing mutations as French dogs. DNA testing is reliable, easy to perform with a cheek swab (cytobrush), which can be done at any age once the animal is identified (tattoo or chip). Once the test is completed, the dog's genetic status will not change during its lifetime. Early DNA screening (preventive testing) allows: identification of affected dogs before the first symptoms appear, ease of identifying the disease before considering other time and money, examination costs, help in choosing males and females in breeding, avoiding the sale of dogs that end up eventually will be affected by the disease, control over the spread of genetic defects in the breed Symptoms. The disease affects the cerebellar part of the brain, which is responsible for the vestibular apparatus, and coordination of movements. Many of the known diseases can cause disease-causing lesions. (followed by a list of diseases, inflammation of the ear, autoimmune cerebral and others) Many of these signs can portend ataxia and characterize the disease. Many infected male and female dogs show symptoms between 2 and 5 years of age. It all starts with a little clumsiness, for example, it becomes difficult for dogs to overcome obstacles that they previously climbed freely. Dogs may fall or move too fast. As the disease progresses, the clumsiness becomes more severe. Male dogs may lose balance while urinating. In this case, the dog can go quite smoothly in a straight line but get lost when turning. If you pay attention to the dog's eyes, then with sudden movements of the head, the eyes run, either from side to side, in a circle or vertically, and rolling onto the back is the most reliable way to detect this eye movement. Other first signs of the disease include sudden collapse of the body and head of a dog that is standing on 4 legs. In the end, it becomes difficult for the dog to move, not because he is weakening, but because he cannot control his movements. As we are just beginning to study this phenomenon, remember that symptoms and signs show up differently in all dogs and at different ages. This is only a general description of the signs of ataxia. Your dog may not have all of the symptoms to conclude that he is sick. But one symptom is still common - balance problems. Forecasts. The progression of the disease is variable in dogs. For many Amstaffs, symptoms appear slowly. The STCA health committee's verdict is that ataxia is "lethal" because dogs simply can't live normal lives, leading to forced euthanasia. Many dogs are no longer able to do anything by the age of 7-8 years. Moreover, when anesthesia was used for any reason, dogs with even minimal signs of ataxia immediately showed a complete loss of balance. And even after the withdrawal from anesthesia, the signs intensified and the dog did not return to the minimum signs.

4 years, 8 months ago

Ataxia in dogs is a complex, fatal disease. It is characterized by a violation of the functionality of a special part of the brain, the cerebellum. The cerebellum is responsible for coordination and balance. Therefore, any deviation from the norm leads to terrible consequences.

The cerebellum, due to its structure, is a kind of nerve center between the desire to move, the possibility of movement. In fact, the nerve cells of this part of the brain transmit information about the need to make some kind of movement.

Possible causes of the development of the disease are as follows:

  • hereditary problems.
  • existing tumors.
  • Brain damage.
  • Complication of infectious diseases.

Ataxia has a long history, doctors even managed to determine which breeds are most susceptible to the disease: Scotch Terriers, Staffies, Cocker Spaniels, some breeds of shepherd dogs, Chinese Crested. Depending on the localization of ataxia, the following types of the disease are distinguished:

  • Cerebellar.
  • Sensitive: damage to the posterior nerve canals, visual, parietal zones.
  • Vestibular.
  • Frontal ataxia.
  • Mental: an atypical lesion of the nervous system.

Regardless of the location, the symptoms of ataxia are not very diverse. Coordination suffers first. It is difficult for the dog to move around, especially to make complex movements: turn, tilt, jump. Movement in a straight line is usually easy, sharp turns cause loss of coordination, the animal crouches, unable to move on.

The second common symptom is eye tremor, eyelid twitching. This happens due to dizziness, the dog loses contact with the surrounding space, falls. Nervous, convulsive twitches resemble epileptic seizures.

Trembling becomes a specific sign, especially at moments of strong tension, when the dog tries to focus attention on a certain point, to eat something. Diagnosis is usually made using magnetic resonance imaging. The picture will show abnormal development of the cerebellum, abnormal functioning.

Types of ataxia


Cerebellar ataxia occurs more often as an independent disease transmitted through generations. An unpleasant feature lies in the late triggering of the disease mechanism: mature, five to six year old animals abruptly begin to show signs. Often such animals have already been allowed for breeding, therefore, ataxia will inevitably manifest itself in future generations. Recent genetic engineering studies have identified the gene responsible for the development of ataxia. Therefore, it became possible to conduct a specialized DNA test to establish a predisposition. Competent, responsible breeders are required to do such tests.

It is important not to miss the symptoms at the beginning of the disease, because earlier seeking help can prevent a rapid deterioration in the condition. First, there is a state defined by the owner of the dog as awkwardness. A gradual swaying of the body begins, the inability of the animal to maintain balance. The dog begins to starve, because it has difficulty eating, loses weight. Muscle tone is weakened, atrophy occurs.

There are two varieties of this type of ataxia: static, dynamic. The first is characterized by a weakening of the specific muscles of the animal's body. It is difficult for the dog to maintain a certain position. The second is more often manifested during movements

Early diagnosis of the dog's condition will help to overcome tumor, traumatic factors in time. If the genetic cause is established, then it remains only to maintain the condition of the dog, to protect the pet as much as possible, to try to keep it from causing damage. Severe damage to the cerebellum cannot be cured. It is more humane to euthanize the animal.


Sensitive ataxia occurs with lesions of the spinal cord. Then the dog cannot properly bend, unbend the joints. The possibility of determining the correct movement is lost. Severe injuries lead to the impossibility of movement. Occasionally, such a condition can be cured, especially if partial brain damage has occurred, the disease was caught at the very beginning.


Vestibular ataxia is manifested by a pronounced tilt of the animal's body in a certain direction. All movements of the affected animal are cautious, slow. Constant dizziness causes vomiting, movement in a circle.

Other varieties of canine ataxia are manifested due to exposure to infectious diseases, various injuries. Therefore, it is so important to heal any inflammatory processes in the head area in time. The close location of the brain with the organs of vision, hearing, oral cavity contributes to the rapid crawling of pathogens.

Treatment of ataxia

If the owner's desire to save the dog by any means overpowers the humane way out, then veterinarians will recommend using painkillers that relieve nervous tension. Of course, treatment is especially effective in the case of establishing a non-genetic cause of the development of the disease. Anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic drugs, vitamins of group B are prescribed. It is important to try to provide the dog with comfortable conditions that take into account lifelong features. Brain damage is rarely completely cured. A disabled dog from the moment of diagnosis, the manifestation of the first symptoms, becomes completely dependent on people. A sensitive attentive attitude will prolong the life of your beloved pet for many years.

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