The dog has red eyes and ears. Sunburn treatment. Yeast-like pathogens and hormonal disorders

We often notice that our four-legged friends scratch their ears. But do not immediately panic, maybe they just itch, or maybe this is the first sign bad disease. How to determine that the disease has already begun or is the dog just scratching its ears? What to do and how to treat, consider in more detail.

According to statistics, almost every fifth dog has various diseases ears. The reasons can be very different, but it is better not to start treating the dog yourself, but to see a specialist. The veterinarian will help you figure out why the dog's ears are red inside and itchy.

When a dog's ear is affected, the mood will change frequently. She may stop eating and be in constant tension. Dogs can also sleep poorly or not sleep at all. In these cases, the owners should pay attention to their pets, and take a closer look at whether there is redness in the ears. There are times when fluid flows from the ear cavity, which has no nice smell and severe itching. Remember that when they are healthy, there can be no smell.

You also need to know that ear diseases in your pets can be very serious. No need to delay the trip to veterinary clinic. Only a doctor can help you with this problem.

Possible diseases

It can be said that when ear problems begin in a dog, it becomes a very serious problem. Therefore, the owners should know the main ailments and how to properly treat them.

The first and most common disease is this. It manifests itself in the form of pimples on the ears and not much peeling. Allergy is formed in the ear itself and at its tips, so the owner will be able to recognize similar affliction. He also noticed that the dog began to itch a lot and get nervous because of this.

If, nevertheless, the allergy is confirmed, it is necessary full course treatment. If you use only one, it will not give the desired effect. First of all, you need to determine the source that caused the allergy and then just start treatment. Also be sure to change the animal, as most allergies appear due to food.

In order to determine what the dog is allergic to, you need to put him on starvation diet. And then gradually add new foods to the diet and observe the animal. When the allergen is determined, try not to give the dog any more such a product.

Dogs that have long ears may acquire various injuries and hematomas. In this case, the treatment takes place under the supervision of a doctor. With hematomas, the vessel always bursts, in which redness appears and there may be hot ears. When bleeding, blood accumulates between the skin and cartilage. When the bleeding is profuse, then.

When you find a strong swelling on the dog's ear, you need to immediately go to the veterinarian, he will remove the accumulated blood and treat the wound. This procedure will not bring major complications to the dog, and after such an operation there will be no more bleeding.

There are also many other inflammations. Red ears in a dog come from colds and drafts, as well as the penetration of foreign objects, even from the simple penetration of water. During reddened ears, you need to treat the dog with special preparations.

Home first aid kit

People who breed dogs know what to do in such situations and that a first aid kit should always be on hand. This first aid kit will help you carry out prevention at home. Here is what should be included in such a first aid kit:

  • cotton pads or cotton wool;
  • gauze and cotton swabs;
  • special lotions;
  • camphor oil;
  • powder for dogs;
  • alcohol and wet baby wipes;
  • ear drops;
  • medicinal preparations such as sofradec and otipax.

When you see your pets scratching, you can immediately use the first aid kit, and then head to the veterinary clinic.

The animal can also be carried out at home. This procedure will be useful in preventive purposes. But when you see a dog with a red ear or spots on it, you must definitely take the pet to the doctor. Since self-medication can adversely affect the health of the animal. Do not start such diseases, but immediately begin to treat your four-legged friend. An animal with a diseased ear will not last long if the dog starts the disease and goes completely deaf.

Dog owners will agree with us that the ears are one of the most problematic and vulnerable areas in their pets. Especially in dogs, which, in view of their breed characteristics, have long ears - these are representatives of the breed, a spaniel ... Sometimes inner surface the ears of these dogs turn red. Why this happens, and what the owners should do in this case - our new article will tell ...

Causes of Red Ears in Dogs

Now we will look at the most common reasons that can explain, Why does my dog's ears turn red?.

Lack of ventilation

If the dog has long ears that lie down, then as a result of the fact that the wide and long outer ear prevents air ventilation in the inner ear canals, moisture can accumulate there, which is an ideal breeding ground pathogenic bacteria. By the way, one of the reasons that explained why the dogs' ears were cropped was precisely this one - and its purpose was to prevent infection. Now the original meaning of ear cropping has been forgotten, only the aesthetic aspect is supported - erect ears look beautiful, but do not forget about the practical side of ear cropping.

If your dog has long, recumbent ears, and you have not cropped them, in order to prevent infection and the development of otitis media, we recommend brushing daily long hair on the pet's ears from the back and from front side outer ear. Make sure that the hair in the ear area does not tangle and does not roll, for this you can cut it out, or you can use a special depilatory cream - but before using it, make sure that the dog is not allergic to it.

Use also special means for ears - lotions, powders, consult a veterinarian regarding their choice and select the best option for your case.

If inflammatory process nevertheless began, in order to alleviate the condition of the dog, you can open the auditory canal artificially by raising your pet's ears and fastening them together with medical plaster. Dog ears will not hang, air will circulate well. However, without extreme necessity, such a procedure should not be carried out on your own, so as not to damage the delicate ear cartilage.

Foreign body in the ear of a dog

If you notice that the redness of the dog's ear is not extensive, but localized to specific boundaries, this may indicate irritation, as a result of an insect bite (perhaps it was a tick) or as a result of contact with a plant. This can often be observed in those who often and for a long time are in nature.

Often food allergy in a dog, it manifests itself as redness of the inner surface of the ear. As a rule, wheat, rice, oats, fish, boiled poultry meat, yeast act as an allergen, however, your pet may also have an individual intolerance to some other products.

If you suspect your pet has an allergy, put him on a diet. If you feed your pet ready-made dry food, switch it to a dietary dry food or to natural diet nutrition. Try not to mix foods in your pet's diet so that you can find out which foods increase redness and itching, and which foods the dog's body reacts normally to.

To relieve an allergic reaction, a dog can, depending on its age and body weight, be given antihistamine, however, it does not cure the allergy, but reduces its manifestation, so if you do not eliminate the allergen from the diet, the redness will manifest itself again.

If, despite all your efforts, the allergic reaction persists, consult your veterinarian for advice.

- invasion (infection) ear mites. The name of this disease is otodectosis.

Animals aged from 2-3 weeks to 1 year are most often infected. Puppies are infected from their mother. Adult individuals become infected from stray animals, during walks, while communicating with other dogs. Cats are most commonly affected by otodectosis. Transmission of the pathogen can occur through grass, dirty shoes and other items that the pet comes into contact with. If you do not take action, then ear scabies in a dog can give complications in the form of otitis media, meningitis, followed by inflammation. meninges. Treating a dog, in this case, will be extremely difficult.

How to recognize otodectosis?

It is important to determine in time why the animal is worried and why the dog scratches its ears too often. Even if a superficial examination did not reveal pronounced signs of the disease, it is recommended to show your pet to the veterinarian. After diagnosing the ear, the specialist will prescribe a treatment that will be easy and successful due to early detection infections.

Development of the disease

Serous discharge begins in the auricle. Use the corners of furniture to scratch your head. Subsequently, serous discharge will be replaced by purulent. Bad breath comes out of the ears putrid smell. On the inside ear, a crust forms in the auricle. The dog whines, shakes its head, not finding peace. Her hearing is greatly impaired. At the most late stages Complications start:

  • Otitis media is an inflammation of the external ear canal; the dog has difficulty swallowing, he can do circular motions toward the most affected ear.
  • Labyrinthitis (inflammation inner ear) leads to the fact that the animal sits, tilting sore ear down (crookedness).

On the last stage disease begins inflammation of the lining of the brain. The dog may experience nervous seizures, convulsions, she is shaking. This stage is almost always fatal.


On the early stages ear scabies you can do the procedures yourself, with the help of family members. Put the dog on its side, calm, fix the head. Cotton swabs soaked (optional) in hydrogen peroxide, in solutions of furacilin (1:10,000), boric acid(3%), rivanol (0.1%), moisten the affected ear surfaces. Wait a few minutes for the peel to soften and remove it. If the treatment is carried out with the drug Otoferonol, then you can moisten the swab with the same agent.

It is necessary to clean the auricle from purulent and serous secretions, remove the crust, thoroughly clean the ear. This is an indispensable condition, without which subsequent treatment will be ineffective. Uncleaned dirt in the ear will not give medicine access to mites that are under the epidermis of the skin. A new tampon is used for one action each time. This will prevent infection in healthy areas of the ears. Then you need to drip into the ear required amount medicines. It is advisable to hold the dog for a while in a motionless state in which the treatment was carried out. After instillation, the dog shakes its body, the medicine flies out and the effectiveness of the treatment decreases. If possible, gently massage behind the ears with the pads of your fingers.

It doesn’t matter if the dog’s second ear hurts or not, both are subject to the procedure.

Treatment must be repeated after 10 days. Otherwise, the remaining mite eggs will develop into adults and the disease will resume. On the advanced stages treatment is carried out by experts. With complications (otitis and labyrinthitis), a surgical operation is not excluded.

Preparations and medicines

Treating your pet is currently not difficult if the infection is recognized in time and regular care is taken. Pet owners have at their disposal a wide range of products for the treatment of their pets. All drugs for the treatment of ear mites can be divided into categories:

  • Ointments and gels.
  • Ear drops.
  • Drops in pipettes and emulsion concentrates.
  • Sprays.
  • Injections.
  • Drops on the withers.

It is most effective to treat a sick animal with drops in the ear. They have a direct effect on the causative agent of the disease - the tick. Drops "Otovedin", "Anandin-plus", "Otoferonol-Gold", "Otoferonol-Premium" are complex preparations. In addition to the direct acaricidal action (they kill the tick), they have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Invermectin-based injections can be given to a pet if necessary. complex impact on the dog's body. Invermectin suppresses the development of helminthiasis (worms) in almost all parts of the animal's body. It is also effective against skin diseases: scabies, dermatoses, fleas and lice.

If everything is in order with the dog's ears, nevertheless, you can sometimes use drops on the withers. The most common and effective are "Lawyer", "Frontline", "Stronghall". The use of drops at the withers will avoid infections during walks.

Invermectin-based injections should not be applied to dogs of collie breeds and their subspecies: bobtail, border collie, sheltie, etc. These breeds have an intolerance to these drugs and their use can lead to the death of the dog. Why is this happening? During the selection process, a gene (MDR1) mutated in Scottish Shepherds and their subspecies, which caused hypersensitivity of these breeds to opioids, some antibiotics, invermectin and steroids. Invermectin is also not recommended for pregnant and lactating bitches of all breeds.

Prevention of ear mites

Prevention of otodectosis is simple and part of the normal daily care of your pet. Compliance with several simple rules helps to prevent the emergence and development of this painful disease.

  1. After each walk, during evening procedures, wipe the inner surfaces of the ears with clean swabs or napkins. You can moisten them with gentle disinfectant solutions. For example, hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Try to keep your dog out of contact with stray animals, especially cats.
  3. Regularly disinfect the habitat of your ward. If the dog has an aviary, treat it, in addition to the usual cleaning, with acaricidal sprays.
  4. Constantly disinfect equipment: collars, leashes, muzzles, toys and exercise equipment.

For dogs, hearing and smell are very important. These sense organs are developed in them more than others. The owner should monitor the condition of the pet's ears very carefully, and, if necessary, clean them. Normal inner surface of the ear in dogs pale pink and odorless, but since the ears are one of the problem areas in almost all dogs, sometimes their inner surface turns red.

The most common causes of ear redness in dogs

Insufficient ventilation

This usually applies to dogs with wide and long ears. The large external ear does not enough air into the inner ear canal. Moisture accumulates there, bacteria begin to multiply in it. As already mentioned, to prevent the development of inflammation, dogs with large ears need to comb them from the inside and outer side. By the way, cropping of the ears of some breeds of dogs, for example, Cane Corso, was carried out precisely to prevent infection. If the inflammation has already begun, you can artificially ventilate the auditory canal: raise your ears and use a patch to fasten them together. It is important to remember that this procedure should be carried out very carefully and only with the permission of a doctor.


Food allergies are often the cause of reddened ears in dogs. Usually allergies are caused by wheat, rice, poultry meat, but there may be individual intolerance to some products. Allergies can also occur to improperly selected ready feed. If you suspect an allergy, you need to put your pet on a starvation diet, gradually introducing one type of product at a time. If the dog eats dry food, you need to change it to any other or special hypoallergenic. To alleviate the condition of the dog, you can give her any antiallergic drug, but since it only relieves the manifestations of allergies, it is imperative to find its source. When the allergen is identified, you need to permanently eliminate it from the diet. If it was not possible to independently determine the cause of the allergy, you need to consult a doctor.

Foreign body in the ear

When the redness of the dog's ear appears in a certain place, it may be caused by an insect, plant, or other object getting into it. If a part of a plant, a thorn, the hair of the animal itself, or something else gets into the ear, you can try to pull it out very carefully with tweezers, but so as not to push this object even deeper and not damage the ear. When foreign body is too deep, you must definitely take the animal to the veterinarian. Also, a tick can crawl into the ear. You can also try to remove it special device but it is better to see a doctor immediately.

Inflammation after swimming

This is a very common cause of ear redness in dogs. Water, getting inside the ear, lingers there and leads to the development of inflammation. In general, before washing it is recommended to lay in ear passages cotton swabs, and then remove them and wipe your ears dry. But if the inflammation has already developed, you need to contact the veterinarian - he will prescribe special drops.

Otodectosis (ear mite)

It is usually transmitted by contact with a sick animal, and a person can also carry the causative agent of an ear mite on their hands or clothes. In addition to redness, with this disease, the dog’s ear smells unpleasant, it shakes its head, scratches its ear, and can tilt its head to one side or the other. In this case, only a veterinarian should prescribe a diagnosis and treatment. You can not self-medicate, because on initial stage otodectosis is treated within a couple of weeks, and a neglected disease, in addition to being treated for a long and expensive time, can also lead to serious complications and even total loss hearing. The doctor, when examining the animal, will take a scraping from the ear and prescribe the necessary medications.


Almost all breeds are susceptible to this disease: in dogs with long ears it can start, for example, due to insufficient ventilation of the ear canal, and dogs with erect ears can simply catch a cold in the ear. Also, the occurrence of otitis media can be provoked by allergies, decreased immunity, excessive addition of sweets (especially waffles) to the diet, and many other factors. In any case, it is not worth starting this disease - it easily turns into chronic form, can lead to deafness, and in the most severe cases- to purulent meningitis and death. Otitis media can only be treated veterinarian- with a thorough examination, he will reveal the nature of the occurrence of otitis media and prescribe drugs containing substances that affect the causative agent of the disease in your pet. Typically, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory agents, and homeopathic remedies are used to treat otitis media.

Prevention of reddening of the ears

Periodically, a small amount of the so-called " earwax» ( brown discharge). This should not be scared, because it protects the dog's ears from dirt. Just clean your ears thoroughly cotton swab dipped in ear cleaning lotion. Any drops and cotton swabs you don't need to use it for this. It is possible to instill drops intended to combat ear mites for the purpose of prevention only if the dog is also treated for fleas. Sometimes it may also be necessary to pluck or cut out the hair sticking out of the ears, as various microorganisms accumulate on it, contributing to the development different kind ear inflammation. In addition, it is advisable to comb and massage the ears daily - most dogs like this procedure. Do not forget to inspect your pet's ears every day after a walk.

Remember, without proper experience, you should not self-medicate your pet, but it is better to seek help from a specialist!


Know when you should visit the veterinarian. If you notice that your dog is constantly scratching his ears, take him to the veterinarian for an examination. He with the help special device(otoscope) look into the ear canal and check the integrity eardrum your pet. He will also be able to check for other possible causes itching. For example, a veterinarian may take a swab from a dog's ears to check for an infection.

Dog has itchy ears

Ear diseases in dogs, which are accompanied by itching, occur quite often and require timely qualified treatment - most diseases easily become chronic.

Severe itching - not really harmless symptom, as it always causes significant discomfort to the animal. In addition, self-injury due to scratching can lead to such unpleasant disease, as an otohematoma (accumulation of blood in the space between the skin and the cartilage of the auricle).

Otitis externa

Most common cause ear itching in dogs are allergic otitis media complicated by secondary bacterial or fungal microflora. At the same time, the skin of the external auditory canal is red, sometimes thickened (with chronic course), a hanging separation of sulfur is observed.

In this case, in no case should you self-medicate, as well as postpone a visit to the doctor - otitis media that has become chronic is much worse treatable and causes significant discomfort to the animal

Red ears on a dog

The dog's ears are one of the most vulnerable areas, especially in "long-eared" breeds such as various "hounds" (basset hound, coonhound, bloodhound), spaniels, dachshunds or poodles. In general, a red ear in a dog inside is a fairly common occurrence. Let's look at the main reasons for this.

1. Insufficient ventilation. This applies primarily to dog breeds with long ears. The outer ear, wide and long, does not allow air to ventilate the inner ear canals, where moisture accumulates. A warm, humid environment can be an ideal place for bacteria to thrive. Not without reason, representatives certain breeds cropped ears. Now it has become more of an aesthetic requirement, behind which the main point procedures to prevent infection.

The use of the latter method is justified only when you have used all the previous ones, but you are still afraid that inflammation will appear. Some owners lift their pet's ears to open the auditory canal and secure them together with a medical patch or glue.

It does not scratch it, does not peel off, slightly bumpy skin is in place of redness, appetite is normal. What is it and how to treat? We'll go to the vet, just in case anyone has come across this.

Oh, if it’s really an allergy, then it turns out to be a classic sore in a pug ((But in general, only on one ear. Does the allergy manifest itself symmetrically? Or can it also manifest itself one-sidedly?

Levi Enlightened (48429) as you like - on one ear and on both ... and the groin can turn red .... And just go dandruff ... Pick up food ... Look for which one will not react ... Easy manifestation and Stop-itching is removed. This is a soft anti-allergic spray or droplets ... If it starts to itch and the reaction is strong, then Exakan. one-time ... But this is an extreme case, a strong hormonal one. Do not accustom it to it. But anyway, check the ear with a doctor, let him look at the scraping under a microscope for a tick. And when you wash your dog's ears, just in case, plug them with cotton swabs so that water does not get in. Although it does not look like otitis media

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Skin diseases

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Pollen, dust, mold, insect bites, flea collars, and even certain types of food are common causes of allergies in dogs.



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Dogs may have allergic reactions on shampoos and cosmetics for wool, food products and environment, substances such as pollen or insect bites. An allergic dog may scratch the skin until it becomes sore, and the dog's skin also develops a rash. Corticosteroids may help relieve itching, but most effective method treatment is to identify and avoid contact with allergens.

If your dog constantly scratches his ears, cleans his paws, especially the area between his toes, then he needs to be shown to the veterinarian, this may be fungal disease. Symptoms include itching, irritation, discoloration of the skin. The infection affects the ears, the space between the fingers, the chin, the neck, the abdomen, the armpits and around anus

Informational blog about health and healthy lifestyle

Why does the skin in the ears peel off

Some people are worried about such an annoying problem as peeling of the ears. At the same time, constant cleaning does not give a cure, since this trouble does not arise due to observance or non-observance of ear hygiene. Although this disease is sometimes caused by a pathogenic fungus, but real reason may turn out to be much more difficult. reduced immunity, lack of vitamins in the body or disease internal organs All of these can cause peeling. auricles. Let's look at this issue in more detail.

Human skin is an important indicator of the health of the whole organism. Even diseases of the internal organs are able to "notify" themselves skin diseases. Itching, redness, dermatitis and peeling of the skin are not only aesthetically unpleasant, they can also be signs of a number of diseases. For example, peeling of the ears often causes a pathogenic fungus, it also happens to be one of the sure signs of reduced immunity and a lack of vitamins.

What are ear problems in dogs?

Ear problems are not uncommon in dogs. And you can notice them by the behavior of the dog: she often scratches her ears, shakes her head. Inside the ear, you can notice the discharge: pus, black-brown flakes, ichor, bad-smelling sulfur.

Causes of Ear Diseases in Dogs

most susceptible to similar diseases dogs with long hanging ears - dachshunds, setters, Afghan hounds and others. Such ears are constantly on the floor and poorly ventilated.

Types and symptoms of ear diseases in dogs

Inflammation of the outer ear or otitis externa manifested by itching, as a result, the dog scratches his ears with his paws, rubs them against furniture, rolls on the ground. One of the main diagnostic features disease is the smell of discharge from the dog's ear, which can be both sugary-sweet and fetid.

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