Allergy testing for a specific breed of dog. How to check if you are allergic to dogs? Allergy to "fur" and wonderful "hypoallergenic" dogs

Almost a fifth of people are victims of dog allergies, more than half of them are children. The appearance of this pathology is not associated with size or breed, it is a reaction to the waste products of animals.

About a third of families keep dogs, but four-legged friends can bring not only joy, but also serious health problems for the owners, especially for children. They develop lacrimation, cough, rhinitis, skin rashes and other signs of allergies. It is generally accepted that the cause of allergic reactions is animal hair, and according to American doctors, it is in every home, and even where there have never been dogs. What is the reason for such an allergy, how is it customary to diagnose a pathology?

Allergy is a protective reaction of the body, manifested by the appearance in the blood of antibodies (immunoglobulins E) that counteract allergens - Can f1 antigens. But if they are present in excess, it causes allergic reactions.

It is impossible to recover from allergies, it is only possible, by reducing the concentration of provoking factors, to stop the production of antibodies. This task is difficult, because resistant allergens are able to move through the air and persist for a long time in the smallest dust particles.

Allergy is manifested by redness of the eyes, lacrimation and swelling of the eyelids, rash and dermatitis, coughing and sneezing, bronchospasm, asthma and hearing loss, and its extreme degree is Quincke's edema. The source of the allergy is not dog hair, but a foreign protein that is present on it in the form of saliva, fat, dandruff, feces. However, this “provocateur” (coincidentally) can be found in dry food, fillers and four-legged pet care products, such as shampoos. And although it is far from always the “fault” of the animal itself, without understanding, everyone blames it on it.

Risk factors for this disease are often associated with heredity, it is known that the probability of its transmission from one parent is 50%, and from two - 70%. Also, its acquisition is facilitated by a decrease in immunity due to serious illnesses, unfavorable ecology, unhealthy food, infections, and bad habits.

Reference. The ability of lymphocytes to recognize foreign bodies is innate. Therefore, the earlier the child encounters allergens, the less likely it is to have a painful reaction. And allergies to dogs are less common in children who have been in contact with them since infancy.

Identification and interpretation of analyzes

Accurate diagnosis of dog allergy is not possible without a series of laboratory tests and tests. The list of frequently encountered studies to identify this pathology is extensive and constantly updated.

What tests are done to detect allergies to dogs:

  1. General blood analysis. This is the easiest method to detect inflammation and an allergic component in the body. In relation to allergies, they are alarming: leukocytes increased to 12-15 thousand, and eosinophils in the leukocyte formula exceed 5%, ESR is at least 12-15 mm per hour.
  2. Urinalysis is also an important diagnostic indicator. An increased protein is a sign of inflammation; blood elements present in it indicate a violation of kidney function or serum sickness, which occurs due to a malfunction of the immune system. The appearance of cylindrical bodies with fragments of eosinophils is an indicator of acute glomerulonephritis - an immune lesion of the renal glomeruli.
  3. Blood chemistry detects the presence of allergies to dogs with an increase in the amount of C-reactive protein and immune complexes.
  4. Immunogram- the ratio in the blood of various types of immunoglobulins, the presence of allergies is indicated by an increased content of immunoglobulins E.
  5. Detection of sensitized T-lymphocytes in the blood- an indicator of the body's reaction to antigens present in saliva, feces, on animal hair with an accuracy of 90%.
  6. Scarified tests. They are referred to as skin tests, during this procedure, scratches are made on the forearm or back with a sterile scarifier at certain intervals. Each of them is dripped with microdoses of different allergens. After a third of an hour, reddened papules larger than 5 mm appear in places of a positive reaction.
  7. Peak test- a different type of skin tests, the difference is in the method of applying the allergen: first on the skin, and then it gets under it with a needle puncture. The result is determined in the same way as in the previous case.
  8. Patch test. The most gentle method, when applicators with allergens are glued to the skin. The consequences are checked after two days, they manifest themselves similarly to those described above. Even minor contact with an allergen can be dangerous with skin tests, so they are not practiced for diagnosis in children under 5 years of age. They are not used for dermatitis.
  9. Provocative Tests- this is the introduction of a tiny dose of an irritant into the nose or under the tongue. They are done only when skin tests are not possible. Due to the special danger they are not used for children. These examinations are carried out only in clinics with intensive care, so that it is possible to provide emergency assistance in case of an instant violent reaction of the body to them (for example, with anaphylactic shock).

And now more about the analyzes No. 4.5, as specific and most accurate data for diagnosing the disease. They are carried out if skin tests cannot be done.

The immunogram determines the presence of total immunoglobulin E (IgE). This test is performed by drawing blood from a vein. It is examined by various irritants in the laboratory for a week or two. In the case of positive reactions to any of them, the results, as a rule, are the basis for further testing for IgG antibodies or the presence of a specific immunoglobulin.

For adults, the normal content of total immunoglobulin should not exceed 50 mg per liter of blood. In children, these indicators are not stable and change with age. If antibodies are more than 200 mg per liter, this indicates the presence of an antigen or infection.

The reaction of immunoglobulin to various stimulus antigens is classified as follows:

  • Up to 50 units per ml - absent or negative.
  • 50-100 units - Yes, but weak.
  • 100-200 units - moderate.
  • More than 200 units - high.

If the reaction to the “dog” antigen is high, then with a certainty close to 100%, it can be argued that this is an allergy to a dog.

Important! Sometimes asthmatic symptoms do not appear on the dog's coat itself, but on mold or plant pollen that gets on it outdoors. Then the animal is only a carrier of the allergen. To find out if this is so, you can only temporarily remove the four-legged pet or conduct appropriate tests.


It is important to know that the data of immunological tests will not be reliable if they are not prepared accordingly. The rules of preparation are aimed at maximizing the exclusion of the influence of any extraneous (and even potential) allergen:

  1. Blood sampling is carried out on an empty stomach, the patient should have dinner 8-10 hours before him, and the day before it is only allowed to drink clean water.
  2. It is advisable for smokers to refrain from their habit for at least half a day.
  3. A few days before the analysis, you should refuse products that can provoke an allergy. Contact with animals and birds at this time is also not desirable.
  4. It is also necessary to avoid stressful situations or physical exertion (similar to potential food allergens).
  5. Temporarily stop taking any medication.
  6. The patient at the time of the procedure must be absolutely healthy, if he had an acute viral or relapse of a chronic disease, then several days should pass from the moment of recovery.

When the indicator of total immunoglobulin is significantly increased, then the diagnosis is continued by conducting studies for the presence of a specific immunoglobulin. This laboratory study does not require special preparation, even taking antihistamines does not affect the presence of a resistant antigen. An exception is the treatment with hormonal drugs.

Skin tests are done in a clinical setting and under the supervision of medical staff to avoid complications on them. The day before, all anti-allergic drugs are excluded. It is not permissible to conduct these studies earlier than a month from the time of the last allergy symptoms. And the specifics of provocative analyzes were mentioned above, these requirements also apply to them.

Contraindications for skin and provocative testing:

  • the patient's age is more than 60 years or less than 5 years;
  • fever or local inflammation of the skin;
  • pregnancy;
  • hormone treatment.


Diagnosis of allergy to dogs in children is carried out, as in adults, by the following methods:

  • allergy test - the most common of all, serves to identify a reaction to an allergen;
  • skin testing with a set of allergens. Their solutions are weaker than for adults.

Contraindications for research:

  • Exacerbation of an allergic or other chronic disease.
  • Flu, SARS or other infection.
  • The disease proceeds in a severe form.
  • Treatment with corticosteroids.

Before diagnosing the presence of an allergy to dogs in children, you need to visit a pediatrician, pass general urine and blood tests and do a biochemical blood test. Skin and provocative tests are not practiced for children under 5 years old, the immune system of babies is not fully formed, which is why it is too vulnerable, and this is fraught with serious complications, up to anaphylactic shock. In addition, this process is very painful. For children younger than 3 years, any type of testing is generally not advisable, because. due to the specificity of the protective reactions of their body, it does not reflect the real picture, and the norms of these indicators change with age.

The method of taking venous blood due to the lack of contact of the patient with the pathogen has no contraindications. With its help, the degree of risk of an allergic reaction in children with a hereditary predisposition is also revealed.

IgE norms at different ages are as follows:

  • in infants - no higher than 15 units per milliliter of blood;
  • for preschoolers - up to 60 units.
  • for younger students - up to 90 units.
  • for teenagers - up to 200 units. (as in adults).

One of the most progressive and acceptable for children of any age is the radioallergosorbent test (RAST). Only specific allergens are used here, and no medications are canceled before the examination.

Interesting! A genetic predisposition to an allergy to a child's dog can manifest itself even if the parents did not have a reaction to this irritant. For example, my mother suffered from hay fever, and my father was allergic to citrus fruits.

Before the diagnosis, food allergens are excluded from the diet for several days: honey, chocolate, milk, nuts, citrus fruits, seafood, brightly colored vegetables and fruits. They also refuse products with preservatives, flavors, synthetic colors and sweeteners.

You should be aware that the method for detecting general immunoglobulin reactions is not always reliable. This is due to the fact that antibodies do not accumulate in the body immediately. And therefore, the indicators for blood serum may also increase not very quickly. If the general analysis for immunoglobin is normal, and the symptoms of an allergy are on the face, then a test for specific antibodies should be done. There are no contraindications to it, but nothing can be eaten 3 hours before the examination.

The same examination is also useful if you need to identify an allergy to a dog and to the street pollen that it carries. It also helps to know the truth if you suspect that the puppy's allergy is actually caused by his shampoo or a bag of dry food.

Attention! People suffering from high blood pressure are at risk of allergic reactions, including to dogs.

In summary, it is useful to know the following about dog allergies:

  1. It affects 15% of the population, of which more than half are children.
  2. The risk of manifestation of this disease is many times higher with hereditary predisposition, environmental problems, various infectious and chronic diseases.
  3. The treatment of household items by boiling does not save from the reaction to the antigen.
  4. Its provocateur is not the animal hair itself, but the protein present in the products of its vital activity. Therefore, it is impossible to reliably say which breed of four-legged is the safest.
  5. Sometimes this type of allergy is mistaken for a reaction to pollen, poor-quality food, or hygiene items of a four-legged friend.
  6. There are several fairly reliable methods for detecting allergies to dogs, but not all of them are acceptable for children and have a number of contraindications.
  7. A comprehensive examination of the patient by several methods makes it possible to exclude a diagnostic error and prescribe an effective treatment that alleviates allergy symptoms that lead to dangerous diseases.

In contact with

[21-621 ] Allergen e5 - dog dander, IgE (ImmunoCAP)

970 rub.


Quantitative determination in the blood of specific antibodies, class E immunoglobulins, which appear in the presence of an allergic reaction to dog dander.

Russian synonyms

Specific immunoglobulin class E for dog dandruff.


Specific immunoglobulin E to the dog dandruff, Spec. IgE to the dog (serum).

Research method

Solid phase immunofluorescence (ImmunoCAP)


kU/l (kilo unit of allergen per liter).

What biomaterial can be used for research?

Venous or capillary blood.

How to properly prepare for research?

  • Do not smoke for 30 minutes prior to the study.

General information about the study

An allergen is a substance that causes an allergic reaction. There are a huge number of substances of natural or artificial origin, each of which can become an allergen for humans.

The main participant in the immediate type (type 1) allergic reaction is immunoglobulin class E (IgE). For each allergen, there is a specific immunoglobulin E. The purpose of this test is to determine the allergic reaction to dog dander.

There is a misconception that animal fur causes allergies, but this is not true. The main activity in the formation of an allergic reaction is shown by secretions (saliva, urine, etc.) and animal dander. Only after contact with the skin of the animal allergens get on the coat. At the same time, the allergenic properties of wool, dander, saliva and urine of animals do not depend on their breed or length of wool.

These allergens are included in the epidermal group. In addition, the same group includes wool, fluff, feathers, excrement and saliva of various animals (cats, guinea pigs, hamsters and other rodents, birds, rabbits, horses, sheep, goats, etc.). They enter the body by air, by contact with animals, by contact with products that contain an allergen (clothes, pillows, blankets). Allergy symptoms can be as follows: redness (hyperemia), skin rashes, urticaria, skin itching, swelling and swelling, redness and burning of the mucous membrane of the eyes, lacrimation, swelling of the eyelids, sneezing, coughing, shortness of breath, bronchospasm.

The analysis is safe for the patient compared to skin tests (in vivo), as it eliminates contact with the allergen. In addition, the use of antihistamines and age characteristics do not affect the quality and accuracy of the study.

Quantitative determination of specific IgE antibodies makes it possible to assess the relationship between the level of antibodies and the clinical manifestations of allergy. Low values ​​of this indicator indicate a low probability of an allergic disease, while a high level has a high correlation with the clinical manifestations of the disease. When detecting high levels of specific IgE, it is possible to predict the development of allergies in the future and a more pronounced manifestation of its symptoms. However, the concentration of IgE in the blood is unstable. It changes with the development of the disease, with the amount of dose of allergens received, as well as during treatment. It is recommended to repeat the study when symptoms change and when monitoring ongoing treatment. The need for re-examination should be consulted with the attending physician.

ImmunoCAP is characterized by high accuracy and specificity: even very low concentrations of IgE antibodies are detected in a small amount of blood. The study is revolutionary and based on the immunofluorescent method, which allows to increase the sensitivity several times compared to other tests. The World Health Organization and the World Allergy Organization recognize ImmunoCAP diagnostics as the "gold standard", as it has been proven to be accurate and stable in independent studies. In the Russian Federation, the technique has not yet become widespread, although worldwide up to 80% of tests for class E specific immunoglobulins are performed using ImmunoCAP.

Thus, the detection of specific IgE using this technique brings allergy diagnostics to a qualitatively new level.

What is research used for?

  • For the diagnosis of allergic diseases caused by dog ​​dander.
  • To assess the risk of developing allergic reactions to dog dander.

When is the study scheduled?

  • In the presence of the following symptoms indicating an allergic nature: redness and burning of the mucous membrane of the eyes, lacrimation and swelling of the eyelids, nasal congestion, sneezing, coughing, shortness of breath, bronchospasm.
  • Children - if their parents suffer from allergic diseases, including those manifested by contact with dog dander.
  • To evaluate ongoing drug treatment and allergen-specific immunotherapy (ASIT).

What do the results mean?

Reference values

Indicator value,


Level of allergen-specific antibodiesIgE


Very tall

Rich high

Over 100.0

Extremely high

Reasons for an increase in the level of specific IgE:

  • the presence of allergic reactions to dog dander;
  • bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, allergic conjunctivitis, caused by sensitization to dog dander.

Causes of a decrease in the level of specific IgE

With a second study (in dynamics), the level of specific IgE may decrease for the following reasons:

  • limiting or eliminating contact with the allergen;
  • conducting medical treatment.

Cross reactions

So the very day came - a charming baby appeared in the house, undoubtedly the best breed in the world. But the joyful event is overshadowed when one of the family members suddenly turns red and itches his nose, wheezing appears in his chest, and there are tears in his inflamed eyes. The doctor confirms the suspicion - it is an allergy to a dog that shows symptoms. The recommendations are unequivocal - immediately get rid of the puppy. What to do? Do you really have to stop communicating with these beautiful animals for the rest of your life?

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Causes of allergies

The term "allergy" was introduced relatively recently, just over a century ago. But this disease has been known since ancient Egypt. And since then, humanity has been trying to get to the bottom of the reasons for the abnormal reaction of the body, which, in fact, is the so-called allergy to dog hair (this is not at all about wool, but more on that below).

So, the first fact: an allergy is an excessive, unnecessary reaction of the immune system to a foreign substance that has entered the body (anything, except perhaps distilled water). Fact two: lymphocytes learn to distinguish between “us” and “them” even during the formation of the child’s body, therefore, allergy to dogs in children born and growing in the environment of these pets is much less common. Fact three: an allergy occurs due to the release of antibodies into the blood, which are aimed at combating the "intruder" (that is, the substance that causes allergies). Similar reactions occur, for example, when a virus enters the body - antibodies (if immunity is developed) do not allow the virus to multiply. When it comes to allergies to dog saliva (pollen, food, whatever), antibodies are produced in excess and without real need, which leads to unpleasant symptoms.

Thus, if very simplified, the body, as it were, develops eternal immunity for dogs. You cannot get rid of this "immunity", that is, it is completely impossible to cure an allergy. But you can "lull" an overly vigilant body, deceive it with drugs or "cause" it by reducing the amount of the allergen in the environment.

Why do some people have dog allergies that come and go without any treatment, others don't develop at all, and still others have severe symptoms? First of all, it is important to consider the hereditary factor. If one of the parents suffers from allergies, the child is born allergic in 50% of cases, if both - in 70% of cases. Moreover, the type of allergy does not matter: mom can not stand the smell of perfume, dad sheds tears during the flowering period, and children are allergic to dogs, fish or chemical dyes - it is impossible to predict.

And if there is no genetic tendency to allergies? Don't get upset, it's easy to earn. Every second we are surrounded by billions of aggressive substances: lipstick, wallpaper, house dust, dishwashing detergent, a purchased apple oozing pesticides - the list is endless. And we do not pay attention to ecology and nutrition until the question arises: “Allergy to a dog, what to do now, how to live on?”. But the breakdown of immunity has already occurred: the body is tired of fighting billions of "invaders", and made a mistake.

Can specific symptoms be identified?

Unfortunately no. Allergies in different people manifest themselves in different ways: one develops a terrible cough and swelling of the larynx, the other itches, the third “cries”. But the degree and type of manifestations practically do not depend on the type of allergen, this is only an individual reaction of the body. Those. dog allergy symptoms are non-specific:

  • lacrimation, redness of the eyes, swelling of the eyelids;
  • itchy eyes, nose, skin;
  • dermatitis, manifested by a rash at the site of contact with the allergen or everywhere, throughout the body, eczema;
  • cough, sneezing, wheezing, shortness of breath, bronchial spasm, asthma, swelling of the larynx and / or parts of the body;
  • gastrointestinal disorders, dizziness, weakness;
  • otitis media, ear pressure, hearing loss.

Similar symptoms often occur after contact with toilet filler, dog ammunition, prepared food, dog cosmetics, etc. Therefore, it is important not only to consult a doctor, but by all means to pass an allergy test to dogs (sensitivity test). There is a possibility that the pet is not to blame for the manifestations of allergies: do not take the doctor's word for it, our allergists are very fond of blaming animals without hesitation, without bothering to conduct an in-depth study.

Allergy to "fur" and wonderful "hypoallergenic" dogs

Roughly speaking, wool itself is not an allergen. What in everyday life is called an allergy to dog hair is actually an allergy to a foreign protein that is always contained on the surface of hairs. These can be: saliva, sebaceous secretions, exfoliated skin, lacrimal and nasal secretions, urine, genital discharge. The amount of aggressive protein depends on many factors: the sex and general health of the pet, the conditions of feeding and keeping, sexual activity, type of coat and, of course, the size of the dog. And according to the latest data, and colors: it is believed that black dogs provoke allergies more often than white ones.

Unfortunately, dog breeds that do not cause allergies are a scam of unscrupulous breeders. Attempts to breed hypoallergenic cats and dogs have been made repeatedly, but so far this is impossible (genetics simply “has not grown up” to such discoveries). But there are breeds that are easier for allergy sufferers to live with:

  • naked dogs, since the wool, “flavored” with the allergen, does not scatter around the apartment;
  • dogs without undercoat, as the fluff does not crumble everywhere;
  • dogs are rough-haired, as they shed less if the dying coat is trimmed (plucked out) in time. Of course, an allergic person should not do this himself;
  • dogs are small, and preferably tiny, since an allergy to the epithelium of a dog a little larger than a kitten, in most cases, will not be as pronounced as an allergic attack after communicating with a St. Bernard (the amount of allergen that has entered the body is incomparable).

We specify: bullets and poodles, Mexicans, Portuguese and Chinese, Yorkies, Malteses, Bichons and all lapdogs, schnauzers. You will have to forget about brachycephals with constantly flowing saliva, constantly crumbling short hair with “needles” is also prohibited. In addition, the amount of the allergen is sharply reduced if the pet is castrated / sterilized in time. But remember that non-allergic dog breeds don't exist! Before you buy a puppy, you need to conduct a test: take a scraping from the skin and cheek cavity of the puppy, and donate the material and your own blood for analysis to the laboratory (the responsible breeder will not object, and even insist on the test, having learned that someone from the family buyer's allergies).

Get rid or...?

If we are talking about allergies to dogs in newborns, the pet, unfortunately, will have to be given to good hands - the baby may die, as it is not yet able to inform adults about the deteriorating state of health. The same applies to severe cases when breathing is difficult: bronchospasm, true asthma, laryngeal edema, etc. Although it is likely that the disease can be brought under control, and therefore it makes sense to look for a pet temporarily housing, until the moment when the allergy sufferer's condition improves.

So, the decision entirely depends on how the allergy to the dog manifests itself. When it comes to increased lacrimation, sneezing, itching and other conditionally harmless symptoms, you can solve the problem without depriving yourself of the joy of communicating with a four-legged friend.

In addition, dog hair allergy symptoms are less likely to occur if you regularly take care of the cleanliness of the pet. Bathe your dog at least once a week, using special products that reduce the amount of aggressive protein. It is desirable to comb out daily (if there is something to comb out). Of course, care manipulations should not fall on the shoulders of an allergic person.

What else to do so that an allergy to a dog makes itself felt less often? Of course, reduce the amount of allergen in the environment: replace heavy curtains with tulle, throw away carpets, store underwear and bed linen in impervious bags, use an air purifier, and do wet cleaning weekly. There should not be a single corner in the apartment where dog secretions accumulate (exfoliated skin, hairs, etc.). It is important to regularly ventilate rooms, keep your pet out of the bedroom, and wash your face and hands after close contact.

But since it is impossible to cure an allergy to dogs, the most important thing to do in the first place and without any excuses is to find a competent specialist. Remember that without treatment, a banal cough can develop into asthma, and lacrimation - with severe swelling! An allergist should be your best friend: attentive, meticulous, not quick to judge. Only together with a doctor who will prescribe the necessary drugs, write out a diet, plan a schedule and adjust your lifestyle, you can take control of allergies.

An allergic reaction is an intolerance of the body to certain substances, which are called "allergens". How does a dog allergy manifest itself? Constant sneezing and nasal discharge, various skin rashes, stool instability, choking are all signs of wool intolerance. How to get rid of allergies to dogs? This article talks about the most effective medicines, as well as useful tips that have been tested in practice.

Why Do Dog Allergies Occur?

Reasons for the appearance

The reason for the occurrence of an allergic reaction is the hypersensitivity of the immune system to irritating substances. Wool itself causes allergies quite rarely, mainly allergens are: saliva, urine, secretions, feces, as well as dead epidermal cells that remain on the hairline of animals.

The human body, taking allergens as a possible danger, tries to protect itself from them by all possible methods. Protective antibodies enter the bloodstream to "fight" the irritating substance. As a result of this, symptoms of an allergy to various breeds of dogs may appear: the patient begins to cough and sneeze, and he may also have tears. Thus, it turns out that an allergy is an excessive “care” of the immune system for the body, which always works when there is a source of irritation nearby.

Allergy to animals can often manifest itself due to the following factors:

  • Late "acquaintance" with allergens. The earlier a person begins to come into contact with animals, the lower the risk of an allergy to dogs, since selective lymphocytes have managed to develop protection against these allergens. Therefore, the manifestation of allergies in children is much less common.
  • Heredity, and irritation in parents and children can be completely different allergens.
  • Various viruses that remain in the human body forever, such as a fungus or herpes.
  • A serious illness, as the body becomes exhausted and weakened.

An allergic reaction can occur not only to dog hair, but also to special food or filler, shampoo, which the patient has touched.

In fact, the answer to the question: “How to cure an allergy to dogs completely” is not, since all existing methods are only auxiliary ways to eliminate the exacerbation of the reaction. Even allergen-specific immunotherapy will not give a 100% result if a pet lives at home, which can cause such irritation.

Allergy symptoms

The symptoms of a dog allergy are as follows:

  1. The skin begins to itch and redden, the body is covered with various types of rashes, especially on the face and chest. Often this happens when the patient is bitten or licked by an animal.
  2. The condition of the respiratory tract worsens. This is expressed in constant sneezing and coughing, nasal discharge, as well as nasal congestion. It becomes difficult for a person to breathe, wheezing can be emitted from the lungs.
  3. The work of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted, headaches occur, hearing deteriorates.
  4. The eyes become red, itchy, and irritated, and tears may come out of them.

In order to confirm an allergy to domestic or street dogs, you need to pass a radioallergosorbent test. However, there may be nuances here: despite the fact that the analysis for an allergy to dogs showed good results, it happens that intolerance is caused by mold or pollen that a pet brought from a walk.

An allergy to dog hair is especially dangerous in young children, since during this period there is a very high risk of developing bronchial asthma, which is difficult to treat. It is difficult for a child to understand why he is forbidden to play, touch and approach a pet, so parents should be constantly on the alert. As often as possible, you need to bathe the baby, wash his clothes and clean the apartment.

Dog Allergy Treatment

Treatment of allergies to dogs is carried out with the help of medicines, which are divided into groups:

  1. Antihistamines (sometimes called antiallergic drugs) block the action of irritants and relieve symptoms during an exacerbation of the disease:
  • Claritin - based on loratadine, it comes in the form of syrup and tablets. Approximate cost: 230 rubles.
  • Diphenhydramine, also called Diphenhydramine, not only eliminates itching during allergies, but also has a sedative and hypnotic effect. Therefore, it must be used with caution.
  • Suprastin or Chloropyramine, available in the form of tablets and injections, costs about 130 rubles.
  • Benadryl - is sold in the form of tablets and syrup, has an anticholinergic effect, the analogue is Diphenhydramine.
  • Tavegil based on ethanolamine, eliminates itching and burning, strengthens the walls of capillaries.
  • Zyrtec - active substance: cetirizine hydrochloride, comes in the form of drops and tablets, eliminates allergic syndrome, approximate price of drops: 350 rubles.
  • Telfast - a derivative of fexofenadine, is sold in the form of tablets. The price of the drug is high, so you can replace it with analogues, for example, Telfadin, Fexofast or Allerfex.
  • Loratadine - available in powder form, removes signs of allergy to dogs and other irritants.
  1. Medicines that eliminate the manifestation of edema, especially when the patient is tormented by abundant discharge from the nose, also drugs prevent mucus stagnation:
  • Sudafed - it happens only in the form of a syrup, it treats ailments of the respiratory system.
  1. Topical corticosteroids with anti-inflammatory effect, they are sprays:
  • Nasonex - based on mometasone, has anti-inflammatory properties, eliminates various discharges from the nose.
  • Flonaz - this medication does not cure ailments, but alleviates the symptoms of the disease, long-term use of the drug is contraindicated.

Is it possible to cure allergies with the help of special drugs? No, you can only reduce the exacerbation to make the patient feel better.

hypoallergenic dogs

Which dogs do not cause allergies?

What should a person who is allergic to dogs do if he really wants to have such a pet? There are breeds that cause allergic attacks quite rarely. Wool in hypoallergenic animals falls out a little during molting, so harmful substances are distributed in much smaller quantities. It does not have to be a short-haired breed - on the contrary, animals with a long coat are not so prone to molting. Pets with short hair often shed all year round, and removing hairs from clothes and interior items is not always easy.

Which dogs do not cause allergies in humans? Of course small - a miniature pet has much less wool than a large breed. Interestingly, a negative reaction to calm, balanced individuals occurs much less frequently than to nervous, aggressive, often barking animals. The reason for this is the abundance of saliva released during barking.

Also, dogs that do not cause allergies have a special saliva structure - it contains less protein that provokes an irritable reaction in humans. For this reason, it is not recommended to take an animal with profuse salivation, such as bulldogs.

It should be remembered that hypoallergenic dog breeds can also become a source of the disease. Doctors' observations have shown that a person's immunity can react differently to two individuals of the same breed: the first pet will cause an exacerbation of allergies, the second will not. This happens because of the individuality of the body, not only the dog, but also the person.

hypoallergenic dog breeds

Which dogs are not allergic to humans? Here is a list of such breeds:

  1. Bichon Frize - the wool of these representatives rarely falls out, special care is not required for it.

    bichon frize

  2. The Bedlington Terrier is a fairly balanced and intelligent animal.

    Bedlington Terrier

  3. Bolognese or Maltese - are famous for their soft and good-natured disposition, quick-witted, but beware of little-known people.

    Bolognese (Italian)

  4. Poodles are very obedient and intelligent animals.


  5. The Spanish Water Dog has curly hair.

    Spanish water dog

  6. Papillon.


  7. Bullets - The animal's fur is almost impenetrable, this is due to the unique hairline. Keeping a pet in a stuffy room is not recommended all the time.


  8. The Border Terrier is a very kind dog, madly in love with its owners.

    border terrier

  9. The Australian Silky Terrier is a small creature with short legs. These agile and cheerful dogs are excellent hunters.

    Australian Silky Terrier

  10. Portuguese water.

    Portuguese water dog

  11. Lhaso apso.

    Lhaso apso

  12. American Hairless Terrier - the animal has no hairline, but skin diseases are quite rare.

    American Hairless Terrier

  13. Samoyed husky.

    samoyed husky

  14. The Irish Water Spaniel is a very rare species, has a friendly character, gets along well with children and other animals.

    Irish Water Spaniel

  15. Yorkshire Terrier.

    Yorkshire Terrier

  16. Coton de Tulear - his hairline resembles cotton wool.

    Coton de Tulear

  17. Skye Terrier.

    skye terrier

  18. Dandie Dinmont Terrier. The long body, short limbs and an interesting crest on the head give the animal a rather peculiar look.

    Dandie Dinmont Terrier

  19. Shih Tzu.

    shih tzu

  20. Miniature Spitz is a small dog that loves to spend time in the company of people. But the animal does not need great physical exertion.

    pygmy spitz

  21. Soft-haired wheaten terrier.

    Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier

  22. Tibetan Terrier.

    Tibetan Terrier

  23. Peruvian Inca Orchid - the pet needs to be bathed often, and the skin should also be treated with a special cream to protect it from the sun.

    Peruvian Inca Orchid

  24. Schnauzer.


  25. Polish lowland sheepdog.

    Polish Lowland Sheepdog

  26. Affenpinscher is a playful, mischievous miniature pet.


  27. Xoloitzcuintle - it is necessary to train an animal from childhood, otherwise problems may arise.


  28. Chinese Crested - despite the fact that the molting of the animal occurs quite rarely, the coat must be looked after often and painstakingly.

    Chinese Crested

  29. Mexican nude.

    mexican nude

  30. The Welsh Terrier is a highly trainable dog. Regular physical activity is required.

    welsh terrier

  31. Flanders Bouvier.

    Flanders Bouvier

Dogs that do not cause allergies at all are nothing more than a myth, because each organism individually relates to environmental factors. All developed drugs to eliminate allergies are only auxiliary means with which you can get rid of the symptoms. To find out if a particular breed is suitable for a person, you need to be in the presence of a pet for at least a couple of hours, and then draw conclusions.

On 8/6/2019 at 10:03 AM, Lotik said:

Good afternoon everyone. I'll write a little, maybe someone will come in handy.

My son returned home after a short "vacation". We have appointments with doctors today and Thursday. Feeling well? A little snotty and coughing. We are waiting for the experts.

1. Allergy testing for a specific dog is not possible. It is a myth. If you have reasoned objections, please state - addresses, flogs, appearances. The fact is that an allergy to an animal can be anything - saliva, wool, epithelium, dandruff, urine, semen, discharge from the eyes, what, smell, etc. There are many allergens and it is very difficult to hand over all this for an individual dog. It is also difficult because for each allergen it is necessary to make specific samples for a specific animal. Who and where does it - remains a mystery.

2. Clean house. Yes! This is mandatory and not up for discussion. Do not allow the dog into the children's room, daily wet cleaning of the room, airing. Here, probably, air purifiers for allergy sufferers are also good (we have not yet purchased, there are slight doubts, but more on that some other time).

3. Homeopathy. It definitely has its place! BUT! First you need to know the exact diagnosis ... In our case, we need to understand that we have just an allergy or an allergy and some other disease, in parallel. Allergic manifestations are definitely on dogs or there is some other provocateur. We need to answer these questions. That's when there is an answer, then YES - and homeopathy, and oriental medicine.

4. The main thing in any treatment is to find YOUR doctor. Homeopath, allergist, it doesn't matter, but OWN!

5. Our dogs....? It's hard... it's unbearably painful and hard to realize what's possible... Yes, people, everything is possible! And I'm being cunning if I say that "I don't even admit the thought of rebuilding them." Throw slippers if you want! We, my family, are considering different options for life ... About this, too, some other time!

As long as it is!

Be healthy and take care of your loved ones!

Faith, as far as homeopathy is concerned, it does not treat symptoms, but the problem as a whole, allergies are a consequence of something. Conventional medicine treats the symptoms and as a result we have pharmacology and, at the very least, surgery.

If we laymen begin to read the indications and actions of homeopathy, then this is an abrocadabra. But strange as it may seem, and as practice shows, it really works if the instructions are strictly followed. When taking homeopaths, they conduct tests and ask strange and ridiculous questions, it seems like quackery. I treated an allergy to the sun at the Moscow Homeopathic Center on Enthusiastov sh. Izar is also on homeopathy as prescribed by Davydov, this is about the placebo effect, the dogs do not know what it is. And again, before the advent of chemistry and pharmacy, there was homeopathy.

Today, one in five dogs suffer from allergies. The causes of this disease are most often environmental factors or genetic predisposition. An allergy is a congenital hypersensitivity of the body to certain substances.

The most typical types of allergies for dogs are atopic dermatitis, insect, food and contact allergies.

Atopic dermatitis in dogs

Atopy or atopic dermatitis is the most common form of allergy in dogs. This is an allergic skin disease, which is characterized by intense itching, rashes and dryness of the skin.

Allergens are absorbed directly through the skin. Atopy usually develops during the first three to five years of a dog's life. It rarely occurs in dogs over 6 years of age.

Atopy may appear seasonally. One form of atopic dermatitis is a respiratory allergy. The main inhalation allergens in this case are the pollen of trees and grasses. Despite the fact that in humans, respiratory tract allergy is manifested by rhinitis and conjunctivitis, the main symptom in dogs is itchy skin.

The dog feels itching on the muzzle, in the ears, on the stomach and tries to alleviate his condition (rubs, licks, scratches the affected areas). As a result, dandruff, scratching, the skin turns red and inflamed.

The dog may respond inappropriately to:

  • house dust mites;
  • Mold spores;
  • wool of other animals;
  • human epidermis, etc.

Insect allergy (flea dermatitis) in dogs

Insect allergy is an increased sensitivity to insect bites (bees, wasps, etc.)

After a bee sting, a dog may develop angioedema, a very dangerous condition when medical attention is urgently needed, otherwise the animal may suffocate.

The most common form of the disease is flea dermatitis, when a dog has an allergic reaction to a protein in the flea's saliva.

Main symptoms:

  • skin rashes
  • patchy alopecia

The intensity of flea dermatitis varies from mild (slight redness) to severe (sores). Unlike other forms of allergy, here the most commonly affected areas of the skin on the back and croup.

The disease begins with the appearance of itching. The dog behaves restlessly: itches, scratches, bites itself, often pulling out shreds of hair. The animal injures the skin, so a bacterial infection can subsequently join: inflammation of the skin, wounds, ulcers.

Food allergies in dogs

Food allergies are the third most common type of allergy in dogs. This disease is the result of an unfavorable immunological reaction of the skin or rarely other organs to food or feed additives.

The main symptoms of a food allergy are:

  • pruritus
  • redness of certain areas of the skin
  • skin rashes
  • diarrhea
  • flatulence
  • colic, abdominal pain

Allergy to food ingredients can occur already at the first contact with the pathogen. Most allergens in dogs are proteins or protein compounds. In principle, any protein in the feed of an animal can lead to allergic reactions. The more often it is taken, the greater the likelihood of developing hypersensitivity to the product. An allergic reaction to familiar food can occur even after several years of taking it.

The most common allergens:

  • chick
  • mutton
  • soy and corn
  • beef
  • wheat
  • cow's milk and dairy products

Food allergies can occur at any age, even in puppies as young as a few months old.

Contact allergies in dogs

Contact allergy is quite rare in dogs and is characterized by hypersensitivity to certain hygiene products, household chemicals, plants, toys, synthetic fabrics, etc. As a rule, it manifests itself with prolonged contact with the allergen.

Main symptoms:

  • erythema (redness)
  • red spots
  • acne
  • baldness
  • combing

Diagnosis and treatment of allergies in dogs

Allergy treatment begins after the diagnosis is made. When diagnosing, it is important to exclude diseases with similar symptoms (scabies, helminthic infestations, fungal infection of the skin, etc.). The diagnosis is made on the basis of clinical studies.

Different methods are used to diagnose allergies, depending on the type of disease.

For the diagnosis of atopic dermatitis, the most reliable are:

serological blood test, which consists in the study of certain antibodies or antigens in the dog's blood serum (70% success rate)

    an intradermal test (skin allergy test), when the veterinarian injects the allergen into the top layer of the skin and observes the reaction. If the reaction is positive, it is concluded that there is a non-food allergy. This type of test shows an 80 percent success rate.

If both tests are performed, the success rate rises to about 90%.

When diagnosing food allergies It is important to determine which foods trigger an allergic reaction in a dog. For this, an elimination diet is used, when for 6-8 weeks the dog is not allowed to eat foods from the previous diet. Then the old diet gradually returns. If an allergic reaction occurs to any food within 4 hours to 7 days, a food allergy is confirmed. If the symptoms persist during the diet, the food allergy is ruled out.

Unfortunately, allergies are incurable. The predisposition to allergic reactions to certain substances is innate and persists for life. This disease can occur in dogs of any breed and at any age, but the problem can be managed if the cause is correctly identified and further contact with the allergen is avoided.

Allergy Prevention in Dogs

After identifying the cause of the allergic reaction and intensive treatment, long-term prophylaxis is necessary, aimed primarily at avoiding contact with allergens.

To prevent relapse, the following steps should be taken:

  • avoid contact with the identified allergen
  • observe a diet, excluding foods that cause an allergic reaction

  • include omega-3 fatty acids and biotin in the diet
  • bathe your dog more often
  • check for fleas, comb the hair with a fine comb
  • in case of contact allergy, use mechanical barriers for the skin (socks, blankets, etc.)
  • take a course of corticosteroids if necessary
  • visit the veterinarian regularly to adjust the recommendations and choose an individual diet

Remember that allergies cannot be cured, but they can be prevented.

If you find allergy symptoms in your dog, contact an experienced specialist who will conduct an examination, help to correctly identify the type of disease, and prescribe individual treatment.

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