Itching in the auricle causes treatment. What causes itchy ears? Causes and treatment

Itching in the ears is one of the most common problems in modern otolaryngology. A similar phenomenon can have very natural causes and occur against the background of sulfur accumulation in the ear canal. This discomfort is easily eliminated with the help of hygiene procedures and does not require treatment. But it often happens that itching in the ear is one of the symptoms of the development of the pathological process. In this case, a person needs the help of doctors who will determine the probable causes of the disease and make the right decision regarding its therapy.

The following signs may indicate pathological itching in the auricle:

  • lack of relief after standard hygiene procedures;
  • the appearance of discharge from the ear canal;
  • the presence of pain in the ear and throat;
  • constant noise in the ears and their congestion;
  • hearing loss;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • increased overall body temperature, dizziness and other symptoms of intoxication.

So, let's try to find out what causes and treatment of itching in the ears are distinguished in modern medical practice.

Causes of itchy ears

Why do the ears itch inside? The most common causes of discomfort in the ear canal are:

  • inflammatory processes of the external and middle ear (otitis media) provoked by infection of the structural components of the auditory organ with bacterial or microbial agents;
  • fungal lesions of epithelial tissues or otomycosis;
  • allergic reactions and eczema of the ear canal caused by hygiene items, detergents, medicines;
  • old age and the thinning of the epithelial cover provoked by it;
  • minor mechanical injuries of the ear canal;
  • violation of metabolic processes in the body, including diabetes mellitus and other types of hyperglycemia.

Itching in the ears, the causes of which are not pathological, develops against the background of a violation of elementary hygiene rules and the accumulation of sulfur in the ear, which forms a plug and causes a feeling of discomfort.

Associated symptoms

When a person feels that his ear is itching inside, as a rule, in parallel, he expresses other complaints from the organ of hearing, including:

  1. Severe itching, which is accompanied by a burning sensation, is most likely the result of a foreign body, most often an insect, entering the ear canal. With the development of such a symptom, one should not try to get rid of a foreign object using improvised means. Such actions can lead to perforation of the eardrum and a sharp deterioration in hearing. Getting rid of the problem should be dealt with exclusively by a qualified specialist, using a special set of sterile instruments designed for the treatment of ear diseases.
  2. Itching and pain in the ear are the main signs of an inflammatory process that can occur against the background of infection of different parts of the organ with bacterial or microbial agents. The degree of complexity of the disease, when the ear hurts and itches, depends on several factors: the aggressiveness of the pathogenic microflora, the localization of the process, the supporting forces of the body, and the like. Inflammation causes not only pain and an itchy sensation, but also a pronounced swelling of soft tissues, as a result of which hearing is sharply reduced. Otitis is often accompanied by the release of serous or purulent exudate from the ear canal.
  3. If a person’s ears are constantly itching, then it can be assumed that he has an allergy or a systemic ailment that needs immediate attention from specialists. The ear hurts from the inside also with diseases of the nasopharynx and inflammation of the throat. In such cases, the auricle, together with the internal structures, reacts to pathological changes and, as a result, the ear itches a lot.
  4. When the auricles itch and discharge from the ear canal with an unpleasant odor appears, you should think about the fungal nature of the pathology or otomycosis. With this disease, cracks appear on the epithelial covers, due to which the ears itch even more. Mycotic lesion only progresses over time, so its first symptoms should not be ignored in any case. If untreated, the disease spreads to the internal auditory structures, provokes their corrosiveness and deafness.
  5. If the ears itch and peeling appears, doctors suggest the development of dermatitis in the patient, as one of the most common variants of an allergic reaction. Dermatitis is the main reason why itchy ears occur in the absence of pain or deterioration in hearing function.

Treatment for itching inside the ear

Only an otolaryngologist can tell how to get rid of itching in the ears after finding out the causes of the appearance of an unpleasant symptom and the presence of concomitant signs of the disease. If the ear itches, it is strictly forbidden to comb it, insert any objects into it, or pour medicines. Such actions can provoke the appearance of microcracks, exacerbate the pathological process and complicate its diagnosis.

The doctor examines the ear

The choice of how to treat itching inside the ear depends primarily on the cause of the pathological symptom.

  • Otitis requires adequate antibiotic therapy, which will help eliminate the symptoms of the disease and destroy pathogenic microorganisms. To get rid of the manifestations of the disease, patients suffering from otitis are prescribed drops in the ears "Otof", "Anauran" and others. The dose of the drug for an adult and a child is different, therefore, it should be prescribed individually and only after a thorough examination by a doctor.
    Currently, otolaryngologists in the treatment of otitis are increasingly using combined preparations containing hormonal and antibacterial components. Their action can be supplemented with the use of anti-inflammatory drugs that eliminate hyperthermia and signs of the inflammatory process, as well as anesthetics that have an analgesic effect.
  • Antifungal agents, in particular, Amphotericin, Clotrimazole, will help to overcome a fungal infection, from which it itches a lot in the ear. As an adjunctive therapy, patients are advised to take vitamin complexes and dosage forms, the action of which is aimed at improving the immune response.
  • With the allergic nature of itching, when it itches heavily inside the ear, patients are shown taking general antihistamine drugs, as well as ear hormonal drops, with which you can quickly eliminate itching sensations, get rid of local edema and restore epithelial tissues.

Regardless of the reason why the ear itches, the patient is recommended to undergo a full range of studies, exclude the presence of complex forms of metabolic disorders and systemic diseases in the body, as well as strengthen the immune system and saturate the body with useful substances.

Treatment with folk remedies

Recipe 1 . At home, you can bury in an itchy ear with almond oil in the amount of 1 drop per day. This will eliminate the itching caused by the fungal component.

Recipe 2 . Green walnuts infused with alcohol are an excellent folk remedy for infectious otitis media. This medicine must be used in the form of compresses, which perfectly warm and reduce the manifestations of local inflammation.

Recipe 3 . For people who suffer from chronic otitis, folk remedies based on calendula will be useful, the anti-inflammatory effect of which allows you to remove all the symptoms of the disease in a matter of days. Calendula tincture should be instilled into the sore ear, two drops twice a day.

Recipe 4 . When itching, it is useful to lubricate the ear with alcohol tincture of propolis. Before using the drug, it is necessary to exclude the possibility that the patient has an individual intolerance to bee products.

Prevention measures

So that the ears do not itch, the skin in the corners of the auricle does not crack, and pathogenic microflora does not penetrate into the ear canal, a person should learn elementary preventive measures to prevent the development of itching:

  • competent ear hygiene with the use of special devices for their purification;
  • refusal of jewelry, which can provoke the development of an allergic reaction;
  • regular washing of the ears with soap and then wiping them dry;
  • control over the amount of earwax;
  • knowledge of how to treat ear diseases and regular examinations by an otolaryngologist;
  • increased immunity and general hardening of the body.

How to properly clean your ears

Many patients got rid of the problem of itchy ears when they learned how to clean them properly. So, what to do if itchy sensations periodically occur in the ear canal and how to safely clean it so as not to provoke the appearance of microtraumas or inflammation?

Ear cleaning with ear sticks

Surprisingly, modern otolaryngologists do not recommend cleaning the ears with hygienic sticks, arguing that the latter only contribute to the entry of microorganisms into the ear canal and mechanical damage. The best way to get rid of excess wax is a set of special exercises that move the lower jaw, which allows the wax to leave the ear cavity without permission.

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Surely each of us felt this when the ears itch inside. In most cases, ordinary itching is not a specific symptom of any disease. But if the ears itch with regular persistence, it is worth paying attention to this and finding the cause of its origin.

There are plenty of medical explanations for itching. It has been observed that this symptom often visits the elderly. However, there is no age limit here. It should be taken into account that itching can be an independent process, and in some cases it serves as a signal of the manifestation of the disease.

Now let's try to figure out in more detail why the ears itch inside. The desire to scratch your ear arises if the nerve endings located on the surface layer of the skin are touched by external stimuli.

External stimuli can be divided into three groups:

  1. mechanical;
  2. chemical;
  3. thermal.

In most cases, to eliminate the wild desire to scratch inside the ear, we use cotton swabs. It is cotton swabs that are the distributors of infections. Why is this happening? When we try hard to scratch the ear with a cotton swab, as a result of this, microcracks may appear, through which the infection easily penetrates.

The second important point of cleaning the ears with cotton swabs is the formation of sulfur plugs. Cotton buds tamp sulfur. As a result, sulfur plugs are formed. Sulfur plug will affect the quality of hearing, the formation of inflammation and lead to a violation of the microflora.

So, what are the obvious reasons that the ear itches inside?

sulfur accumulation

The accumulation of wax in the ear canal can lead to itching. You can get rid of excess accumulation by washing the ear. The process is completely painless, which is carried out within a few minutes in the office of an otolaryngologist. Some do this at home.

If, on the contrary, the process of sulfur formation is disturbed in you, very little is released, in which case the ears peel and itch.

Water in the ear

Various water procedures can provoke itching:

  • diving;
  • visiting the water park;
  • visit .

In this case, you need to lie on your side, drip a few drops of hydrogen peroxide and blot with a cotton swab after a few minutes.


If a person has a sore and itchy ear inside, this is a clear sign of an inflammatory process. Pulling with the diagnosis and treatment in this case is not worth it. As a rule, doctors prescribe anti-inflammatory ear drops (,), as well as antibacterial drugs - Normaks, Fugentin.

Do not try to pick up drugs on your own in order to avoid the formation of side effects. Only a qualified specialist will choose the right medicine.

ear mite

fungal infection

In most cases, a fungal infection is accompanied not only by inflammation, but also by redness. Fungal infection of the ear is called -.

Depending on which fungus caused the infection, the doctor prescribes antimycotic drugs: Terbinafil, Econazole.


An allergy to various products can cause paroxysmal itching: shampoo, earrings, hairspray, hat, headphones, etc. In this case, it is simply necessary to identify the allergenic agent and exclude its use.


Itching is one of the main symptoms of this disease. Itching occurs as a result of increased production of toxins released due to illness.

How to cure itching

The main step in the treatment when the ears inside the auricle itch is to identify the cause of the itching.. First of all, we visit an ENT doctor who will conduct an examination and send him to take tests:

  • general - blood, urine;
  • tests for bacterial and fungal infections;
  • allergy to antibiotics.

In some situations, the doctor directs to visit a dermatologist and an allergist. In rare cases, you will need to consult an endocrinologist, neurologist or psychotherapist.

If you cannot wait to see a specialist because you feel unbearable itching, then you can use sedatives and antihistamines.

Do not try to scratch your ear with hard objects. By doing this, you can provoke the appearance of microcracks and the spread of infection.

As a rule, while taking special anti-itch medications, drugs are prescribed that restore the intestinal microflora (activated charcoal, bifidobacteria, etc.). The doctor advises to stop taking sweet, citrus and spicy.


If you often feel itchy in your ears, then the basic rules of personal hygiene are indispensable here. What else needs to be observed:

  • hot ironing bed linen, towels;
  • regularly wipe the phone with an alcohol solution;
  • never wear other people's hats;
  • when visiting the pool, use individual swimming caps, protect the ear passages from water.

Today, modern diagnostics and the right approach to treatment will save you forever from unpleasant itching in the ears.

Many people in their lives have experienced unpleasant itching in the ears more than once. This is not dangerous, but it can be a harbinger of the disease. In any case, if itching bothers you often, it becomes unbearable. Irritability appears, a person is distracted from the main affairs, and this also prevents him from communicating with people. Itching is not easy to treat. If simple procedures do not help, you should consult a doctor, as this may be the beginning of any disease.

Causes of itchy ears

Ears begin to itch when various irritants affect the nerve endings of the skin or when there is an abundant secretion of fat and sulfur containing bile salts. There are mechanical and chemical stimuli.

Ear itching can cause:

  • infection (fungi, bacteria);
  • allergy;
  • high blood levels of cholesterol and sugar;
  • dry skin.

Cotton swabs that are designed to clean the ears can cause infection. When a person tries to stop the itching in the ears with these sticks, he can easily damage the skin, and the infection enters the body through the cracks. As a result of the inflammatory process, itching appears in the ears.

In addition, when using hygienic sticks, sulfur is compacted, which forms a cork. It also contributes to the development of inflammation and malfunction of the microflora in the ears. As a result, harmful bacteria can easily enter the ear.

What diseases can cause itching in the ears?

Infection of the ear canal with fungi (otomycosis). This is the most common cause of itchy ears.

The process of formation of sulfuric matter is disturbed. If too little sulfur is released, the skin dries out quickly and can easily become infected. If a lot of wax accumulates in the ear canal, this leads to plugs. When water enters the ears, itching also appears, since fungi actively spread in a humid environment.

Otitis. If pain also occurs with ear itching, this is the beginning of the inflammatory process of the middle ear.

Ear mite. Red dots appear on the skin that remain after tick bites.

Allergy. Paroxysmal itching in the ears can cause an allergy to cosmetics, flowering plants, headphones, hats, etc.

Idiopathic pruritus. Science has not yet fully understood the causes of this itch. In this case, the patient is treated by a psychotherapist.

Diseases of the kidneys, liver, diabetes, and poisoning. In this case, the cause of ear itching is an increased accumulation of toxins that the skin releases during illness.

Skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema, etc.), which spread throughout the human body, including developing in the ear canal.

Hormonal restructuring of the human body, especially in old age. Then there is a change in metabolic processes in the human body.

Ways to get rid of itchy ears

First, it is necessary to determine the cause of the ear itching. An ENT doctor will help you with this, which, if necessary, will refer you to other specialists. An effective treatment will be prescribed for you, with the help of which you can permanently get rid of this unpleasant sensation.

If, before visiting a doctor, itching becomes unbearable, then you can use antihistamines or home remedies that will ease your suffering. In this case, you should not constantly scratch your ears, as you injure the skin. This encourages the spread of bad bacteria.

During the treatment of itching with tablets and ointments, you need to take sorbents, as well as agents that restore the intestinal microflora. It can be bifidobacteria, etc. Also at this time, exclude spicy dishes, sweets and citrus fruits from the diet.

In diabetes, dry skin of the ear canal should be lubricated with a moisturizer.

After you get rid of the itching with the help of medications, you can prepare medicines at home in order to continue the treatment. The most common home remedy is a 1:1 solution of alcohol and white vinegar. For treatment, you need to drop the liquid into the ear with a pipette, and after a few minutes let the medicine drain. Repeat this procedure for 5-7 days, 1-2 times a day.

Folk remedies for itching in the ears

  • Plain baking soda can save you the pain of itchy ears. Usually it helps well if a lot of sulfuric matter has accumulated in the ears. We prepare the solution: dissolve 1 teaspoon of soda in 100 g of boiled water. Instill this solution into the ears 3-4 times a day, 6 drops each. The liquid softens the sulfur plug, and it will flow out on its own.
  • Table 6% vinegar. Moisten a cotton ball with vinegar and gently wipe the ear canal. Vinegar is also able to soften sulfur buildup.
  • Salicylic alcohol. Twice a day (morning and evening) drip 2-3 drops of alcohol into the ears, after washing the ears with a solution of hydrogen peroxide.
  • Almond, olive or tea tree oil are excellent anti-fungal remedies. Remember, these oils can be instilled into the ears only 1 drop per day.
  • Walnut. 10 g of crushed shells of a young nut pour 100 grams of vodka. Insist 5 days. Add about 30 ml of propolis tincture to the filtered solution. Wipe the inside of the ear and ear canal with this liquid in case of severe ear itching.
  • To remove the wax plug from the ear, you need to lie with the problem ear on a bottle filled with hot water. The sulfur will soften and be easier to remove from the passage. It is not necessary to remove the sulfur substance completely, as its residue prevents the appearance of ear itching.

If itching in your ears appears often, try to follow the basic rules of hygiene. Bed linen and towels must be ironed thoroughly after washing. Wipe phones with an alcohol solution at least once a month. When swimming in the pool, it is necessary to use a rubber cap so that water does not penetrate into the ears.

Despite the fact that itching in the ears can be reduced at home with various folk remedies, it is better to visit a specialist. Only a doctor will be able to determine the cause of the development of ear itching and prescribe the correct treatment.

Even healthy people sometimes have itchy ears. This is normal, since itching is a non-specific reaction to various irritations. For example, tickling and slight itching in the ear may occur after a bath, swimming pool, swimming in the river. In this case, it is due to the ingress of water into the ear and the soaking of sulfur. Itching may also bother after using in-ear headphones, ear plugs, etc.

Mechanical irritation of the ear leads to increased production of sulfur, which, in turn, provokes itching. If itching in the ears is associated with similar causes, treatment is not required - it is enough to learn how to properly care for the outer ear.

In this article, we will show you how to do it at home. In other cases, ear itching is the first symptom of dermatological diseases - psoriasis, eczema, allergic dermatitis, otomycosis. Also, the occurrence of tickling and annoying itching can indicate serious systemic pathologies, such as diabetes. How to treat itching in the ears in this case?

Naturally, local treatment will not be enough. To eliminate the problem, complex treatment will be required, aimed not at the symptoms, but at the causes of the disease. Itching will go away only when normal metabolism is restored.

Unfortunately, itching in the ears is not always treatable with folk remedies.

The action of folk methods is usually local, having an anti-inflammatory and astringent character. It is recommended to use them for mild itching. If within 3-5 days you do not feel relief, self-treatment should be stopped and consult a specialist - an otolaryngologist.

Ear hygiene and itching

Most people firmly believe that the more thoroughly they clean their ears, the better. In fact, the situation is different, and sometimes diligent cleaning of the ears has more negative consequences than even neglecting this procedure. The sulfur that forms in the ear canal is not dirt, but a moisturizing lubricant that has antiseptic, water-repellent and thermal insulating properties.

It is recommended to wash the auricles every day, and clean the visible part of the ear canal from sulfur - no more than once a week. This restriction prevents excessive irritation of the skin of the ear canal and hyperproduction of sulfur.

If a person cleans their ears too often, over time, more and more wax will appear in the ears. In most cases, this is what causes itching in the ear.

Similar effects can occur with frequent use of headphones, earplugs, etc. Such devices irritate the skin of the ear; in addition, they often turn out to be carriers of infection.

What should I do if my ears itch after using headphones? Wipe them down with alcohol before each use.

Frequent use of aggressive cleansers (soaps, etc.) can also disrupt the functioning of the sulfur glands. At the same time, their activity is inhibited, and the skin of the ear canal dries up. As a result, the ears itch unbearably inside. What to do if the cause of itching is dry skin? Firstly, use a moisturizer, and secondly, wash your ears with warm water without the use of detergents until the normal functioning of the sulfur glands is restored.

Itching due to wax accumulation

What to do if the ear itches inside due to the accumulation of excess sulfur? Ears should be cleaned without resorting to mechanical action. This can be done with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. Follow this algorithm:

  1. Take hydrogen peroxide into a pipette and hold it in your palm so that the liquid reaches body temperature.
  2. Lie on your side. Pour a full pipette of peroxide into the ear canal. Contacting with sulfur, the peroxide will begin to release oxygen bubbles, which break the sulfur mass into small fragments.
  3. Turn your head so that the fluid flows out of your ear.
  4. Clean the auricle with a tissue, wipe the ear canal with a cotton swab (do not use cotton swabs).
  5. Repeat the procedure for the second ear.

Do not abuse the cleansing of the ear canal with hydrogen peroxide - such a procedure should be carried out only if necessary. Peroxide flushing is contraindicated for people with a damaged eardrum.

Another way to remove sulfur, widely used in folk medicine, is to instill oil in the ears. In order to dissolve sulfur, olive, castor, sea buckthorn or any other base oil can be instilled. Before use, it should be slightly warmed up (be careful, it is dangerous to use hot oil). It is enough to put a few drops of oil into the ear canal. The procedure is repeated twice a day for 5-7 days.

Itching as a symptom of the disease

How to treat itching in the ear? It all depends on what symptom of the disease is itching. Determining its cause is not easy. So, ear itching can be associated with the following pathologies:

1. Allergic reaction (to shampoo, shower gel, food, tree pollen, etc.). A doctor will help to identify the allergic component in the pathogenesis of the disease. You may need a blood test (allergy test).

2. Fungal infection of the skin of the ear canal. Sometimes its only visible symptom is an itchy ear. How to treat a fungal infection? Treatment is started only when the fact of the presence of fungal mycelium in the ear is established (this requires sowing a swab from the ear). If the diagnosis is confirmed, the patient will be prescribed treatment. The therapy of otomycosis is very long and multi-stage, but it can permanently save the patient from the itching caused by the fungus.

3. Bacterial infection (otitis externa) - accompanied not only by itching, but also by other symptoms of inflammation - pain, swelling, redness of the skin. Treatment of external otitis includes the use of ear drops with an antibiotic and various antiseptics (for example, furacilin alcohol).

4. There is also a mixed, bacterial-fungal infection of the ear. It is known that fungi and bacteria are antagonists. This means that a significant decrease in the number of bacteria (for example, under the influence of antibiotic therapy) can lead to a sharp deterioration in the patient's condition due to the growth of fungal mycelium. That is why treatment should be as thoughtful as possible - it is necessary to take into account all possible reactions of microorganisms to the drugs used.

5. Itching can be a symptom of a dermatological disease such as eczema. In the first stages of eczema, the skin of the ear canal thickens, but there are no rashes yet - they appear after a while. Already at the first stage of eczema, the patient experiences severe discomfort, since it itches inside the ears almost constantly. Treatment of eczema includes various ointments and creams that have antipruritic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects.

6. Psoriasis of the ears may appear in patients suffering from psoriasis of the scalp. At the same time, bright pink papules appear on the auricle and in the auditory canal, covered with scales of keratinized skin. Psoriasis has an undulating course. During the growth of the affected area, many patients suffer from itching, but when the disease passes into the stationary stage, the itching decreases or disappears altogether. It is currently impossible to completely cure psoriasis, but it is quite possible to achieve long-term improvement. Among the effective methods of traditional medicine, one can single out tar ointments, masks for the scalp with natural oils, masks with red clay, rinsing with decoctions of herbs - nettle, calendula. A good result can be achieved by washing your hair with sea salt. 5 minutes before taking a shower the scalp should be gently massaged with sea salt and rosemary essential oil. After that, the head is washed in the usual way, using a non-aggressive shampoo.

7. Itchy ears can be the first symptom of diabetes. Often it is the itching that makes the patient go for a consultation with a doctor. In diabetes mellitus, itching is a consequence of a metabolic disorder in skin cells. It is important to note that with diabetes, not only the ears itch, but also the groin area, the inner surface of the elbows and knees, the folds of the buttocks or abdomen.

Folk remedies for itching

With the help of traditional medicine, you can significantly reduce the discomfort associated with itching in the ear. First of all, try to get rid of the discomfort by rinsing your ears with peroxide. If itching persists, start treatment.

Instillation of oil into the ear canal, in addition to dissolving sulfur, helps to reduce itching. For a better effect, you can add a couple of drops of essential oil to the base oil (usually 1 drop of essential oil is taken for 5 drops of the base oil). Used eucalyptus, rosemary, tea tree oil. Essential oils contain tannins - natural tannins that have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. Wiping with alcohol solutions helps to destroy bacteria that can cause inflammation of the skin of the ear. In addition to being antiseptic, alcohol has an astringent and anti-inflammatory effect, which reduces pain, itching, and ear congestion. In otolaryngology, boric, furatsilin alcohol, as well as calendula tincture are used. It is not recommended to use alcohol instillations for a long time - the course of treatment should not exceed 5 days. Traditional healers also relieve itchy ears with onion and garlic juice. It is not recommended to bury them in the ear in their pure form - it is better to add a couple of drops of juice to olive oil.

Folk remedies can temporarily reduce the discomfort associated with itching inside the ear, but they are not able to resist diseases such as otomycosis, allergic dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, and diabetes mellitus.

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Otolaryngologists have to explain to their patients why the ears itch inside. In their practice, such discomfort is ubiquitous. And often people do not realize the danger of a symptom and seek help in an advanced stage. Meanwhile, with ear itching, an accurate diagnosis and timely treatment are necessary.

Causes of itching

To eliminate the unpleasant sensation, it is necessary to find out the reason why the ears itch inside a person. This should be done especially quickly with a systematic manifestation.

Such pathological processes in the human body as diabetes mellitus and chronic metabolic disorders can provoke irritation in the ears.

Some people harm themselves and the reason is banal - an attempt to clean out the sulfur with a sharp object. It can be a match, a hairpin or a pin. As a result, damage to the eardrum and subsequent discomfort occurs.

Medical treatment

After a visit to the otolaryngologist and receiving the results of blood and smear tests, a course of therapy is prescribed. How to treat depends on the source of the discomfort. Dermatological preparations of antimycotic action will help to eliminate otomycosis. The most popular and effective remedies are Candibiotic, Tsiprinol, Tsipromed. It is necessary to instill the prescribed drug 2 times a day, 2-3 drops.

To relieve an allergic reaction, antihistamines are used - Cetrin, Suprastin, Loratadin. Dosage - 1 tablet per day. Take the selected drug for no more than 5 days. Children under 12 years of age are prescribed half a tablet. Antiallergenic drugs should not be used during pregnancy. They negatively affect the developing fetus. A pregnant woman needs to beware of allergens in the environment.

With inflammation of the middle ear, Otinum and Otipax ear drops are used. They should be administered 3-4 times a day, 3-4 drops. The course of treatment is 10 days. Their active substance will have an anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect.

Medications should be prescribed by the attending physician after a thorough examination of the ear canals. Self-selection of drugs is unacceptable. It is also important to consider contraindications and side effects of drugs.


If the ear itches without any serious reason and is not a systematic phenomenon, then you can use proven "grandmother's" recipes. Folk remedies will relieve irritation, inflammation and eliminate itching.

  1. Baking soda. A solution of baking soda is excellent for softening the sulfuric plug in the ear canal. Dissolve 1 tsp in 100 ml of boiled water. powder. Introduce 5-6 drops of the solution into each ear canal. Make an instillation 2-3 times a day.
  2. Tincture of calendula. A pharmacy remedy will help reduce inflammation and scabies. It should be instilled 2 drops 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 7 days.
  3. Walnut tincture. Grind 10 g of green shells, pour 100 ml of alcohol or vodka. Place the container in a dark and cool room for 4-5 days. After straining, wipe the skin inside with itching.
  4. Almond or tea tree oil. These types of essential pomace help speed up the healing process when infected with fungus-like microorganisms. Oil should be instilled into the ear, in which discomfort is felt, 1 drop per day.

If your ears itch a lot, and there is no access to a medical facility, then you should try traditional medicine. But this should be done carefully and only if you are sure that there is no individual intolerance to their components.

Prevention measures

In order not to worry about why the ears itch inside a person, it is better to prevent the problem from occurring.

To this end, it is necessary to adhere to the rules of prevention:

  • regular and gentle cleaning of the ear canal;
  • do not use other people's personal belongings;
  • often wipe the phone, headphones with alcohol;
  • before use, iron bed linen and towels;
  • in the pool is always in a rubber hat;
  • prevent water from entering the ears;
  • exclude hypothermia of the body.


People love to come up with predictive explanations for various phenomena in their lives. So, signs say that itching in the ears is a signal of material difficulties, an impartial act and the spread of gossip and rumors.

To believe or not in these folk "tales" is a personal matter, but any discomfort in the auricle should be checked. Otherwise, a person will lose precious time, during which a small problem will develop into a chronic disease.

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