Why can't ultrasound be done often? Can an ultrasound hurt?

To diagnose their patients, many doctors refer them to ultrasound. This modern method diagnostics allows you to determine the status of any internal organs- stomach, liver, heart and many others. Use this way research began several decades ago, but the question still remains whether it is harmful to repeat ultrasound many times, even if this is required by treatment? Theoretically, the frequency of the applied ultrasound does not affect the organs abdominal cavity or any other, but some scientists still doubt it.

What is an ultrasound and how often is it done?

ultrasonic diagnostic study it is very in demand in many areas of medicine, therefore it is used in the treatment of the pelvic organs, chest area and heart, kidneys and liver, as well as ultrasound is required during pregnancy. For example, with its help, doctors detect diseases on initial stages development, which is especially important for cancerous tumors, kidney stones or metastases. In such cases, no one thinks whether it is harmful to do an ultrasound scan twice in a row for 1-2 weeks, since the main objective is to identify and track the development of the disease.

Examples beneficial influence this study:

  • With the help of ultrasound thyroid gland or mammary glands, doctors control the size, shape, and degree possible inflammation that needs to be cured.
  • Thanks to this study, scientists have learned how to do artificial insemination.

The frequency of performing ultrasound diagnostics depends on individual factors. In the treatment of oncological diseases, ultrasound sometimes has to be repeated every other week or done 2 times every week, and in case of kidney damage, an examination is required first to detect it, and then after the course of treatment for control.

Can an ultrasound hurt?

It is impossible to say for sure whether it is harmful to do ultrasound often. Often, the harm from it is associated with thermal and mechanical effects on the body. Opponents of this diagnostic method note that ultrasonic vibrations cause the formation cancer cells, which is due to the chaotic work healthy cells during the examination.

It should be noted that this statement has no scientific justification.

Other opponents of ultrasound diagnostics speak of a destructive effect on body tissues, especially with frequent ultrasound (mainly we are talking about weekly). This statement is generally at odds with the laws of physics. If the study had a destructive effect on tissues, this would affect the skin, which has direct contact with the apparatus. There would be burns or eczema, but nothing like that happens.

No one will answer you how often you can repeat ultrasound without harm to health. Doctors determine the need to repeat the examination depending on the diagnosis and the patient's health status. Someone is recommended regular examinations due to other factors. So, women after 50 are recommended to undergo ultrasound diagnostics mammary glands of the breast and uterus annually. And when complaints appear, an unscheduled examination is required.

Scientists are constantly conducting research in order to prove or disprove the effects of ultrasound on human organisms, but there is still an obvious negative effect was not identified.

Is ultrasound safe during pregnancy?

In the process of conducting an ultrasound examination, high-frequency waves pass through the tissues of the body of a pregnant woman, reflected from them and returning back. The signal is converted into electrical, and a certain image is displayed on the screen. There is also a more complex 4D fetal ultrasound, which allows you to get a three-dimensional and even color image. Most often, it is made pregnant when mothers want to examine the fetus from all sides and record a video on the media.

There is an opinion that 3D and 4D ultrasound examinations are harmful during pregnancy, as they require the use of a higher frequency of waves, and this negatively affects developing baby. This raises the question of whether it is harmful to do an ultrasound on early dates. The danger lies in the following:

  • In the body of a woman and in her fetus there are tiny cavities filled with gas.
  • When ultrasonic waves pass through them, the cavities can burst.

For adults, this is safe, but when researched in the initial stages, for example, at week 4, this can be harmful.

Also, under the influence of ultrasound, the cells are slightly warmed up due to the water content. It is still not known for sure how the rupture of the smallest bubbles and the heating of the cells will affect the embryo that has just begun to form.

Foreign doctors speak negatively about whether it is possible to do ultrasound in the initial stages of pregnancy or after childbirth with breastfeeding. Exceptions are certain indications. As for doctors in our country and on post-Soviet space in general, they, for the most part, have nothing against such early studies and prescribe them even in the first weeks. At the same time, few people think about whether it is harmful to do an ultrasound in this or that case?

Ultrasound examinations of children

Now let's find out how harmful it is to do ultrasound often for children, since many parents are interested in this issue. In fact, the child ultrasound examination may be required in the same way as an adult, with different kind diseases and disorders in the body. To keep track of progress child development or in general to initially identify a deviation, the doctor can write out a referral for an ultrasound scan to the child.

In some situations ultrasound procedure even infants if pediatricians have suspicions of any violations. There is nothing dangerous and unusual in this, especially if the examination will be carried out once a month or even less frequently.

More frequent repetition of diagnostics could theoretically be harmful, but real scientific evidence it doesn't exist.

There are some situations in which an ultrasound is not inherently harmful, but simply uncomfortable or inaccurate. For example, women are often interested in whether it is harmful to do an ultrasound of the pelvis or kidneys during menstruation. Strict contraindications does not exist, but doctors still advise to be examined only in emergency cases.

This is explained by the following facts:

  • during menstruation, blood with clots collects in the uterus, which can prevent a specialist from examining different kind pathology;
  • also, when bleeding, the smallest formations, including cysts or polyps, may be invisible.

Thus, it is possible to undergo an ultrasound examination during menstruation and this is not harmful, but it may prevent the correct diagnosis.

The question of whether it is possible to do ultrasound with a cold and temperature is quite popular. In this case, the examination also does not harm, but the results in some cases may be distorted. This is especially true of the examination of the thyroid gland, which, with any acute respiratory disease and acute respiratory viral infections, becomes a little inflamed, and single nodules may appear on it, passing after recovery.

Ultrasound of the pelvis and prostate can be harmful when the patient needs to fill bladder. This applies to people who have undergone surgery on the urinary system or have urinary incontinence.

Summing up, we note that in general, ultrasound examination of internal organs, as well as developing fetus during pregnancy can not be harmful, subject to several simple rules that you now know about.


So, it was like this: “You can often read in the literature about proper nutrition, and you also say that meals should be 4-5 times a day, but he writes the exact opposite: meals should be 1-2 times. If more often, the valves of the esophagus-stomach, stomach-duodenum, and so on begin to work incorrectly. All this leads to their constant non-closure with the subsequent throwing of the contents up, with all the consequences ... Her arguments are confirmed by examples of cures. Who is right?

Here's what I can say on the subject. There are not only many theories, but also myths related to nutrition. I adhere to the recommendations experimentally verified by specialists in this field. The guideline for eating is the feeling of hunger, which comes every 3-6 hours, depending on your busyness and individual characteristics. The optimal intervals between meals are 4-5 hours. The last meal should be no later than an hour before bedtime.

So, if you have the opportunity to eat only three times a day, breakfast (8-9 am) should account for 30% daily ration, for lunch (13.30-15.00) - 45%, and for dinner (19.00-20.00) - 25% of the daily ration. If you prefer four meals a day, then breakfast and lunch should be a little lighter, but there is either an afternoon snack (17.00-17.30) or a second dinner (21.00-22.00), which makes up 10% of the daily diet. What to choose, an afternoon snack or a second breakfast, depends on your rhythm of life. Finally, if you prefer to eat five times a day, then breakfast is 20% of the daily diet, lunch is 35%, afternoon tea, dinner and the second dinner are 10% each.

your fears about frequent use food is unreasonable. Indeed, there are such diseases - reflux, when part of the food goes against the natural movement (from the stomach it is thrown into the esophagus). This is dangerous because gastric juice can damage the walls of the esophagus. But a noticeable burn of the mucous membrane occurs only when long-term exposure gastric juice. And this does not happen from the usual fractional nutrition. Among the causes of reflux, doctors call stress, obesity, pregnancy, smoking, the use of certain drugs (calcium antagonists, anticholinergics, beta-blockers, etc.). However, the frequency of nutrition has nothing to do with it, there are no clinical data on this. Galina Shatalova has her own ideas about proper nutrition, and her recommendations concern not only and not so much the frequency of meals, but the lifestyle in general. In other words, you can’t just eat according to Shatalova, you must either live according to Shatalova, or adhere to the views official medicine. Which is exactly what I do. Therefore, I do not think that eating often is harmful. It is harmful to eat often and a lot, that is, to overeat.

Back in the 19th century (not so long ago as it seems), even European royalty bathed only a few times a month. At modern man such hygiene standards are appalling. On the contrary, he thinks, is it bad to wash every day? Because daily showering has become the norm in almost every home. Let's look at this issue in detail.

Do I need to bathe every day? "Pros and cons"

Scientists around the world from the USA, Israel and Germany unanimously say that you do not need to wash every day. Thus, most people ask themselves why it is necessary to wash every day, but one should ask why it is not necessary to wash. Scientists do not think so out of harm, they have their own reasons.

1. It is necessary to wash 2 times a week using shampoo and soap. Scientists believe that it is better not to abuse chemistry and to wash properly 2 times a week, and every day you can take a shower and wash certain places that need care.

2. Why are frequent baths and showers harmful? Because they violate acid-base balance, and this, in turn, reduces immunity and opens the way for various skin infections. In addition, modern people are deficient in vitamin D, which is formed on the skin, and frequent souls and baths wash it off. Therefore, the answer to the question of how many times you need to wash is: it’s enough to take a warm shower, but seriously, with gel, soap and shampoo, wash 2 times a week, it’s pointless to do this more often, according to scientists.

A look at the problem of ordinary people

In addition to the opinion of scientists, which is very important and extremely valuable, there is also the experience of ordinary citizens. The latter, in turn, prefer to wash either every day or as needed. Is it illegal? No, absolutely not. Because everyone human body unique and demanding individual approach. For example, people with bold type Hair needs to be physically washed more than twice a week.

How and why should you wash every day?

What about those whose work is associated with heavy loads, dirt and dust?

  • If a person sweats because of work or he loves heavy athletic training, then he does not need to use soap or other chemicals every day.
  • He can simply take a shower, and wash especially contaminated places on the body with soap.
  • Thus, a person minimizes the impact of various hygiene products on the body and preserve the vitamin D that it needs so much.

Isn't there too much sex? Is it bad to make love too often? Sex- a good thing. However, as they say, you need to know the measure. Too much zeal in this matter is fraught with consequences for the body. How to avoid minor (and not so) injuries and troubles “on the job” and what dangers may lie in wait for “sex champions” - this was told to “MK-Sunday” by the capital's doctors.

Press pause

In fact, there is no such thing as “overabundance” in relation to having sex! says the gynecologist the highest category Tatyana Yakuseva. - Love can be made as often as your physical and mental health. In addition, scientists have long proven that abstinence has a negative effect on our body! It is known that in men from long pauses in intimate life erection is often disturbed, there are problems with ejaculation. Women may have problems psychological nature... However, everything needs a measure! Particularly loving natures, some dangers can still lie in wait ...

Who's our warm-up?

A surge of passion in some cases can provoke such troubles as sprains, vaginal muscles, microtrauma of the mucosa, redness and abrasions, says gynecologist-physiotherapist Daria Pomazanova. - Sometimes the head of the penis and the frenulum can suffer from friction (it happens that the natural lubrication disappears for a short time due to the frequency of intercourse). Usually these annoying symptoms do not make themselves felt until the next day.

Also, on the outer labia, as a result of too saturated blood supply in them, signs often appear premature aging in the form of wrinkles, cracks and dry skin. Avoiding such problems is quite easy - before you make love, take together hot bath or shower (this will help make the muscles more elastic) or use special intimate lubricants and gels.

So that no loads are scary, increase the time of the “prelude” - this causes natural lubrication to be more intense and the ligaments to warm up better.

What passions!

Of course, the least likely (but this, unfortunately, happens!) With an overly violent manifestation of feelings, a dangerous thing can happen - a rupture of the vagina (its arch, front wall), says plastic surgeon-gynecologist Mikhail Zinkin. - What is fraught with such "wounds"? First of all - profuse bleeding, inflammatory processes and the penetration of the infection into the body (this is not counting the severe pain).

If something similar happened to you, discard all fears and embarrassment and urgently seek help from a surgeon to avoid undesirable consequences! - the specialist warns.

The rear is protected

By the way, doctors call the most traumatic anal sex. Even the Roman poet Martel threatened his wife with divorce because she did not want to make love to him. in an unconventional way, while other Roman matrons never denied him this. It is also known that in the nineteenth century this type of intercourse was quite popular in the working environment - they resorted to it to avoid unwanted pregnancy.

One of the most common injuries with frequent anal sex is anus fissures, violation of the mucous membrane, stretching of the circular muscle - the sphincter. The latter is especially dangerous, since over time it can lead to very serious consequences: sharp forms hemorrhoids, incontinence. This delicate muscle can easily suffer from a rupture, but it will heal very slowly and painfully.

Dangerous Gate

Some experts believe that anal sex provokes diseases such as anal cancer (dysplasia) and rectal cancer!

It will not be superfluous to know that this kind of sex is practically an open gate for any viruses ( intestinal infection, urethritis, papilloma). The mucous membrane of the rectum ( anus) unlike the vaginal mucosa is much less adapted to protect the body from infection, and condoms in this case not a panacea, - warns urologist, andrologist Dmitry Azanyan. - Avoid also combining anal sex with vaginal sex: intestinal microflora that has entered the vagina can cause serious infectious, inflammatory diseases uterus.

honey syndrome

Another misfortune that lies in wait for especially ardent partners is the so-called “syndrome honeymoon”, - says gynecologist Tatyana Yakuseva. - Most bright signs this temporary ailment: a feeling of discomfort during intimacy, painful urination, irritated mucosa, micro-inflammation, burning sensation, itching, sometimes discharge (leucorrhea).

All these symptoms are usually manifested due to such ailments that have become naughty against the background of the “syndrome”, such as bacterial vaginosis(violation of the natural flora of the vagina), colpitis (inflammation of the external genital organs and the mucous membrane of the vagina) and even cystitis, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder).

Passion Berries

To remove all these unpleasant manifestations, you first have to limit your sexual activity.

With vaginosis and colpitis, it is useful (as a preventive measure) to drink a decoction of sage leaves, calendula, yarrow herb and juniper berries. The decoction is prepared as follows: 2 tbsp. spoon collection pour 1 liter of boiling water, insist in a thermos overnight and take 30 minutes. before meals (about 1/4 cup) for a month.

You can use this infusion for local baths at night. Warm baths with the addition of medicinal mixtures of herb succession, lavender, nettle, oak bark will soothe and relieve irritation of the mucous membrane.

The affected mucosa can be lubricated with honey (dilute with water in a ratio of 1:10). Hot baths from pine twigs or from pine extract help well from whiter (brew 10 liters of boiling water for 100 g of pine twigs, hold on low heat for 30 minutes and leave for 1 hour).

To drink or not to drink?

Too frequent active sex sometimes leads to nervous exhaustion, - says a sports medicine doctor, sex therapist, psychotherapist Leonid Abramov. - It is expressed in strong feeling fatigue, apathy, distraction, emotional imbalance. Besides, the sex is pretty decent exercise stress on the body, during which we lose a large number of water (half an hour of lovemaking may require the same effort as running a five-kilometer distance), and this can occur without obvious sweating.

Therefore, after each intimate contact, it is necessary to replenish the moisture reserves in the body in order to prevent dehydration, which just causes fatigue and increases the risk of nervous fatigue. For this, a half-liter bottle of water or juice will be enough. Reestablish water-salt balance will help mineral water. As you know, very well tones and relieves thirst. green tea. A decoction of mint with hawthorn will soothe, normalize the work of blood vessels and the heart.

libido hormone

According to some doctors, a breakdown in sexual strength (especially in men) can also occur due to a decrease in the hormone of sexual desire - testosterone.

When women have sex, the level of testosterone in their body rises, but in men, after frequent orgasms, the amount of this substance in the blood decreases significantly. This leads to the fact that immediately after intimacy, the male muscles strongly surrender in their ability to contract, which leads to sharp decline physical activity. In addition, the lack of libido hormone causes irritability, a feeling of depressed mood.

drug orgasm

Unrestrained sex negatively affects brain cells! Such a hypothesis was recently put forward by European scientists-sexopathologists. In their opinion, endorphins released during orgasm (which cause a feeling of pleasure) are not so harmless as previously thought. These substances act on the body like heroin. And if the heroin, penetrating through cell membranes, is distributed evenly throughout the cells of the body, then endorphins, released in the brain, act directly on its cells.

Sexopathologists claim that a kind of “overdose” of endorphins with increased sexual activity(!) can lead to irreversible changes in brain cells, which is fraught with microscopic hemorrhages, circulatory disorders, and subsequently can also threaten with oncological neoplasms. However, the founders of such a bold theory make reservations, stating that it is too early to draw final conclusions: the hypothesis needs more detailed research!

Give quality!

There is also an opinion that too energetic sex life leads to a decrease in the ability male sperm to the fertilization of the female egg. Is it really?

After frequent ejaculations (for example, 4-6 times a day), sperm quality does deteriorate, but only by short period! - says urologist Sergey Zhakov. - Literally within a day beneficial features seminal fluid is restored anew, so this does not affect conception in any way.

The only thing that can happen during “brute force” (we emphasize that everything depends on the individual characteristics of the body) is a temporary lack of erection (quite natural period“non-excitability”), a decrease in the amount of sperm. Sometimes the so-called asthenic ejaculation can happen - this is when seminal fluid does not erupt, but flows freely.

Second heart

But for the work of the heart, contrary to misconceptions, there is no active sexual position pernicious influence does not render. Even vice versa! Sexologists and cardiologists unanimously assert: during regular sex, the heart muscle is trained, normal blood circulation is maintained in the body, the resistance of the heart to stress increases and the action of a number of harmful factors leading to the development of atherosclerosis and coronary disease. In particular, mechanisms are launched that prevent the development of stress.

But doctors also warn that those who already suffer from any cardiovascular disease (especially myocardial infarction and heart failure) should not be zealous in “amorous affairs”.

In addition, sex is a great simulator for prostate, or, as it is also figuratively called, - “the second heart of a man”. By at least it has been accurately proven that a stable erection and ejaculation prevent the development of prostatitis. This is due to the fact that with regular lovemaking, the chances for bacteria to multiply in the ducts of the gland are reduced. The less stagnation of prostatic juice, the lower the likelihood of the disease.

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