Baby food for gaining muscle mass: reviews, proportions. Diet for children. Advantages, disadvantages and diet menu for baby food

Answered by a nutritionist, Dr. medical sciences Eleonora Kapitonova.

Should adults eat baby food?

Nutrition for children industrial production- this is most quality product , since, according to sanitary and hygienic standards, only the highest quality food raw materials are used to feed children, and the use of food additives, dyes, flavor enhancers, GMOs, etc. And in this sense, baby food is superior in quality to any other food products. But does this mean that adults who care about their health should also switch to baby food? Certainly not. Nutrition for children is designed for features child's immature digestive system early age and therefore contains little fiber, dietary fiber , necessary for normal operation intestines and the formation of intestinal microflora.

Moreover, if we compare the size and serving calories baby food with the needs of an adult, there will be a significant difference. And if all this is translated into banknotes, then the appetite may disappear from the amount received. But there are situations where adults should be advised to switch to baby food for a while. This happens when various diseases digestive system, after surgical interventions on the intestines, against the background of radiation or chemotherapy, with a syndrome of impaired intestinal absorption etc. In such situations, gentle consistency and enriched composition of baby food products will come in handy.

Is it possible to give a drink from chicory to children?

Chicory- a very common plant, the blue inflorescences of which we meet everywhere - along the roads, in the fields, meadows ... This plant is not toxic and is widely used in food purposes. Leaves are used for vitamin salads. Dried and roasted roots - as an addition to natural coffee or for the preparation of its surrogates. The bitter taste of chicory and indeed reminds me of coffee, but the smell is more like a drink made from toasted cereals. Because chicory does not contain caffeine, a drink made from chicory successfully replaces coffee for people prone to increase blood pressure. It is for this reason that a chicory drink as a surrogate coffee with the addition of milk can be used in the nutrition of children from 4-5 years old.

Can you drink apple cider vinegar diluted with water?

Usually this question is asked by people who attribute miraculous properties to weight loss to apple cider vinegar. I can disappoint them: apple cider vinegar does not have specific qualities that would affect weight loss. Anyway, scientific research in this direction has not been carried out, which means that scientifically based data on the effect apple cider vinegar no weight loss.

The quality itself Apple vinegar- quite a useful substance. It has a lot organic acids, amino acids, potassium, silicon, iron, copper, other trace elements, there are vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, E, enzymes. Apple cider vinegar is found in many folk recipes in combination with honey, various extracts, tinctures. Diluted vinegar is drunk to reduce appetite. However, if a person has problems with digestive system, the use of apple cider vinegar can bring more harm than good. Therefore, to control body weight, it is better to rely not on " miracle cures”, but on moderation in food and physical activity.

Read more:

What is a kumquat?

Kumquat (golden orange, kinkan, fortunella) - this is bright representative citrus family. Outwardly, it resembles a small oblong orange, but it tastes like a tangerine with sourness. It is interesting that you can eat it with the peel - it is sweet. The composition of the kumquat similar to all citrus fruits: a lot of vitamin C, rutin, pectin and fiber. Also, like other citrus fruits, it can cause allergic reactions.

What happens if an adult drinks infant formula?

    Milk formula can also be drunk by adults, but I read that it contributes to the set muscle mass if you drink the mixture in large quantities. Although I now drink the mixture every day, they give it out for free, as I weighed 55, and I weigh. 🙂

    Of course, I did not eat infant formula, only once it tasted from a bottle, and then to understand whether it turned out hot or not. But I heard that in our milk, whoever does not take the mixture, then the workers take it for themselves and then make pastries from this mixture. It turns out that an adult can eat and drink the mixture and nothing will happen.

    Everything will be all right) In a day I go to the dairy kitchen, I take kefir, milk and cottage cheese. Since my little sister cannot eat everything, we eat with the whole family) In general, baby food is the most useful!

    Nothing bad will happen if you do not eat this infant formula in batches. Too much can cause indigestion. Some infant formula is added instead of dried cream to coffee in the morning, rejoicing vitamin composition product and culinary ongoing childhood.

    I remember all my childhood I ate it with spoons, and we ate pancakes on this mixture, my mother brought it from work in boxes, and at that time we had very difficult times, I remember. But even when she herself gave birth, she herself pampered herself with this mixture, since she disappeared in time, and the child was on breastfeeding. I think nothing terrible will happen, it’s just that everyone needs to know when to stop, I don’t think it’s desirable to eat it with banks, it swells a lot))) and if this happens, then it’s not very good, but this is just my personal opinion, I don’t really I know....)

    It will only be good and beneficial for the body. Lots of milk formula useful substances, of course, mixtures are intended for child's body Adults are better off eating whole foods. In childhood, we often ate milk formula and looked like snowmen, and more often we drank baby purees, they used to cost a penny.

    Nothing will happen, from the age of eight, when my sister was born, I fell in love with infant formulas and often drank them instead of milk, now less often, but sometimes I get a box or two from friends or my mother buys and I drink with pleasure. And all is well. After all, there are different vitamins ...

    Nothing bad will happen. What can be given to a baby, the same can be given to an adult. Autumn is rescued by infant formula after operations - she herself fed such a mother - solid food it is impossible, efforts during defecation are impossible (the seams could disperse), barely ate. Yes, and after the operation on the thyroid gland, my husband bought baby purees - it was painful to chew and swallow.

    I really love baby food. Nothing bad after 10 years of use this product I did not notice. Sometimes I overdo it with daily allowance, then I feel a banal oversaturation and heaviness in the stomach (the product is protein and therefore cannot be used in any large quantities). Some mixtures include components useful for microflora. The desire to drink formula milk may be due to a lack of calcium. It is a mistake to believe that adults no longer need calcium so much (as much as they need it). I saw mixtures for nursing mothers, which suggest an additional protein component in the diet. There are milkshakes for athletes, but why are we worse?

For the manufacture of industrial baby food, only high-quality raw materials are used without the addition of harmful food additives. That is why all kinds of baby purees and cereals in jars are superior in quality to other food products. But does this mean that healthy adults can eat food made for children?

Why is baby food not suitable for adults?

  1. Causes insulin resistance. Baby food is a highly ground product (homogenized), which allows sugars to be quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, forcing the production of a large number of insulin. It's not at all beneficial process for adults, because it develops isulin resistance. And this is a direct path to diabetes 2 types. It is much more useful when carbohydrates are gradually removed by the intestines from roughage, preventing sharp jumps in blood sugar levels.
  2. Not enough fiber. Nutrition for children is specially designed for the peculiarities of their digestive system. Such food contains little fiber and coarse dietary fiber, which are simply necessary for normal functioning. gastrointestinal tract adult person. That is why adults cannot eat exclusively baby food, but it can be used as a snack.
  3. No longer relevant as sports nutrition. AT Soviet times with the help of baby food, athletes gained muscle mass. To date, this method has lost its popularity because, in order for the carbohydrates contained in baby food not to turn into fat, a man needs to devote much more time to training than usual. In Soviet times, food for children was not as expensive as it is now, so modern men prefer sports nutrition, it is much cheaper.

How effective is the baby food diet?

What kind of sacrifices do women not go to get rid of extra pounds, sometimes they sit on green apples and kefir for weeks, then they drink all kinds of teas for weight loss. Now the baby food diet is very popular. People who have already tried this method of losing weight claim that they managed to lose a few pounds.

Baby food contains few calories, and besides, it is unlikely that anyone will eat it in large quantities. This may explain the effectiveness of this diet. There is another plus, you don’t need to cook anything, you just need to open a jar and eat mashed potatoes. Due to its compactness, such food is very convenient to carry in a bag - this is a great option for a snack. You can eat no more per day 14 jars of baby food.

But with all the advantages of this diet, it must be remembered that baby food does not contain coarse fiber, which is necessary for an adult body. That is why keep this diet longer 10 days is not recommended. To make up for the lack of fiber, you can add vegetables to the diet, such as celery.

From the foregoing, it becomes clear that it is possible to eat baby food, but not all the time. Otherwise, health problems may arise. In nutrition for children, there are not all the necessary trace elements that an adult body needs.

Is it safe for adults to eat baby food? Of course not. But the proponents of the radical healthy lifestyle life is not considered that way. Oh, what battles are unfolding in the comments to the recipe for the next "healthy" pie with large quantity children's fruit puree in the composition! And how many smart and tactful people are there who mention that there is nothing to eat it, there is only one harm, this is your baby food. In relation to the culture of weight loss, healthy lifestyle and diets, this product has a huge history. In the distant Soviet past, freeze-dried breast milk substitutes were highly respected by bodybuilders. And what, there was no normal sale, we had to get out, as best we could. A little later, baby food diets appeared, and a whole culture associated with them. Or with their rejection, it really depends on which side of the barricades you are on.

The content of the article:

What is baby food made from?

Breast milk substitutes

Conventionally, we will include in this category everything that can be characterized by the capacious concept of "mixture". Infant formula is now made from milk and whey protein, milk and palm fats, and a small amount if generalized. Unlike "freeze-dried products for adults", that is, children's food contains only protein, carbohydrates and fats, and no dyes, thickeners and other things. True, this is not always fair. In our Time of Troubles is it worth checking the information on the packaging, what if homogenizers and other strange substances lurk in the composition?

Is it harming our children? Officially, even as part of the power plays important role. After all, natural breast milk contains palmitin, and this product simply imitates it. All this is necessary for growth and development, and does not cause any harm. However, those who believe that palm oil is the main harmful ingredient in baby food can quickly find a product on the market without adding it.

Important: adults will not get sick or die if they eat something with proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the composition. And even if they do it with a dry spoon straight from the jar, they won't get better. There is only one condition - it is necessary to fit into calories.

I ate baby food, and here I am 100 kg

Often on the forums of young mothers you can find remarks that someone recovered not during pregnancy, but after childbirth, sitting on maternity leave. And the reason for this is the notorious baby food eaten with a spoon from a jar. Well, what - it is quite sweet, and pleasant to the taste. Just like dried vegetable cream. And like would for children, means - harmless. Now the heroine of the plaintive post cannot lose weight, neither with a diet, nor on a rug. What's the matter, is it really the baby food that is to blame? Let's think together.

If you eat regular food, you get calories. From proteins, fats and carbohydrates. If while you eat regular food the weight does not increase, then there is neither a "surplus", that is, an excess of calories, nor a "deficit", that is, its decrease. You are on maintenance calories. Let's say you started eating something else in addition, let it be baby food. Of course, the weight will gradually go up if this “something” increases daily calorie content your diet.

Baby purees

Of course, culinary gourmets will condemn you, but baby purees contain nothing out of the ordinary. They include meat, vegetables, fruits, and or cream. Quite ordinary food that we can cook and eat during the day. Many take children's fruit purees as an "analogue" of jam to sweeten their cottage cheese, or to make some more delicious. Puree with, and quite cope with this task. At good brands there is no sugar in the composition, and it is quite possible to replace with this puree anything that you would like to replace.

Children's products from vegetables and meat, as well as cereals, of course, are not so tasty. More precisely, they are completely tasteless and their use is devoid of joy. But we can include these products in the diet when, for example, we forgot our food at home, and we are not able to return for it. Or if we are too lazy to cook.

The great convenience of baby purees is the composition prescribed in advance, and the calorie content of the diet. You can eat just the right amount of them so as not to exceed the norm, and you will always know the exact size of the portions. Therefore, they are often bought by those who strictly follow the diet and do not want to deviate from the chosen course, even if they did not have time. cook food.

baby food diets

The most famous baby food diet is to eat a jar of meat and vegetable puree every 2-3 hours. You can periodically diversify the menu and fruit purees, but most supporters of this excellent diet are against you eating a large amount of fruit. How about carbs...

There are more sophisticated ways to lose weight with baby food. For example, you should, but eat up the entire daily calorie content exclusively with baby purees. You can arrange on it fasting days. Or somehow restrict food.

Can baby food be good for adults?

What do you think, food, in principle, is useful? Talk about the dangers of baby food is usually started by radically opposed artificial feeding personality. They give scientific arguments about the immunity of the child, his fall and collapse, and a bunch of diseases that haunt a person who did not eat in childhood. breast milk. It's really just a hypothesis, at least, there is no reliable data that in absolutely all cases artificial nutrition causes health problems in all people.

In relation to adults, this is absurd. Any adult can and should eat as common sense tells him, and a matrix of calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates, if he wants to stay lean. Will baby food harm him? No, it is not it that “takes away immunity” from children, even if one adheres to a radical point of view. The same in baby food milk protein, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. After eating baby food, no one has caught a cold or been poisoned.

There are no special ingredients that would make a person get better on baby food, either.

And regarding the benefits and harms, the question is rather philosophical. What we take from "adult food" is often of poor quality, and does not always contain at least some vitamins. Therefore, if you choose between several jars baby puree, and cabbage fried to the state of firewood and a cutlet from an unknown person, the choice is obvious.

It is only harmful to eat baby food if you are only eating baby food for ideological reasons. This means that there is something wrong with you. Ask yourself why you eat only baby food, and for what important reason don't want to give yourself a normal adult food and why this is important to you right now. Do you want to consume the minimum number of calories? Or suddenly decided to lose weight to a minimum? Or are you afraid to eat at least one extra calorie? If the answers to these questions are yes, unfortunately you have reached that “stage” proper nutrition brain, which requires psychological help. Just because normal person won't bully yourself like that.

Still, baby food is not the most delicious thing in the world, but just an analogue of normal healthy food in convenient packaging. If you eat only baby food for ideological reasons, you want to infringe on yourself in some way. Perhaps this is somehow connected with a negative perception of oneself and low self-esteem, and not with the desire to be healthy and beautiful in general.

Is a baby food diet good for adults?

An adult should not remain on a puree diet. for a long time. That's what gastroenterologists tell us. For the full functioning of the digestive tract, we need not only a set of "proteins, fats and carbohydrates", but also enough, which will support our bodies on their difficult path to health and beauty. Namely, to help "cleanse the intestines", that is, to get rid of stool. If we chew purees for many months, most likely we will encounter digestive problems and then we will look for a laxative or other means of getting rid of problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

But if, for example, you are treating your teeth and cannot eat solid food, or your stomach hurts from gastritis for a while, these unleavened purees can be, as they say, a life-saving remedy.

Is it possible to lose weight on baby food faster than on regular food? In terms of fat burning, there is nothing special or surprising about it. In fact, baby purees do not contain, and therefore in many people they will simply provoke a faster decrease in volume due to the fact that fluid will quickly leave the body. Baby purees contain little fiber for an adult, and due to the texture and consistency, they cause a rapid decrease in the volume of the abdomen, since they practically do not fill the intestines. This allows them to become almost the main product in any “belly diet” and help us get rid of volumes quickly. Really, you just have to eat after that. ordinary food, and you'll run into problems with "volume gains" again, since the effect is not caused by fat burning.

The use of fruit purees for children can only bring certain harm to a person who is allergic, but does not know about it. So if you suddenly ate baby food and felt a sore throat, saw swelling and felt discomfort when breathing, you should probably stop eating this kind of puree and you need to see an allergist.

So, baby purees are not a panacea, but, so to speak, a private method, and whether to eat them or not, everyone decides for himself.

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Popularity child type donated food famous actress Jennifer Aniston. Trying to get rid of excess weight, she decided not to go back to tried diets, but to try something new. The method brought an excellent result, and many Hollywood stars began to use it.

There are several reasons why hitherto unusual products for adults have gained popularity.

No need to cook low-calorie food - just open a jar bought at the supermarket. Small portions - the habit of eating fractionally during the day narrows the stomach, helps to get a feeling of satiety after minimum quantity food. Baby food for adults - great way use products without harmful chemicals. Products for babies undergo strict control, so they are completely free of GMOs, dyes, flavor enhancers and other “harmful things” that are typical for most of the products we are used to.

The range of products for babies is very wide. Slimming girls and boys can choose vegetable and fruit purees, cereals, dairy products and meat products. In such a variety it is easy to find a dish to your liking.

Despite the large number of pros, there are weighty cons that do not allow considering nutrition for babies as the main element of an adult diet.

Baby food is an option for exceptional cases (postoperative recovery etc.), but not the basis for an adult diet. Trying to lose weight on canned food can lead to serious problems with the digestive system.

Answered by a nutritionist, MD Eleonora Kapitonova.

Should adults eat baby food?

Food for children of industrial production is the highest quality product, since, according to sanitary and hygienic standards, only the highest quality food raw materials are used to feed children, and the use of food additives, dyes, flavor enhancers, GMOs, etc. is not allowed in the production process. And in this sense, baby food exceeds any other food products in its quality . But does this mean that adults who care about their health should also switch to baby food? Certainly not. Nutrition for children is designed for features child's immature digestive system early age and therefore contains low fiber, dietary fiber necessary for the normal functioning of the intestines and the formation of intestinal microflora.

Moreover, if we compare the size and calories in baby food with the needs of an adult, there will be a significant difference. And if all this is translated into banknotes, then the appetite may disappear from the amount received. But there are situations where adults should be advised to switch to baby food for a while. This happens with various diseases of the digestive system, after surgical interventions on the intestines, against the background of radiation or chemotherapy, with the syndrome of impaired intestinal absorption etc. In such situations, gentle consistency and enriched composition of baby food products will come in handy.

Is it possible to give a drink from chicory to children?

Chicory- a very common plant, the blue inflorescences of which we meet everywhere - along the roads, in the fields, meadows ... This plant is not toxic and is widely used for food purposes. Leaves are used for vitamin salads. Dried and roasted roots - as an addition to natural coffee or for the preparation of its surrogates. The bitter taste of chicory and indeed reminds me of coffee, but the smell is more like a drink made from toasted cereals. Because chicory does not contain caffeine, a drink made from chicory successfully replaces coffee for people prone to high blood pressure. It is for this reason that a chicory drink as a surrogate coffee with the addition of milk can be used in the nutrition of children from 4-5 years old.

Can you drink apple cider vinegar diluted with water?

Usually this question is asked by people who attribute miraculous properties to weight loss to apple cider vinegar. I can disappoint them: apple cider vinegar does not have specific qualities that would affect weight loss. In any case, there have been no scientific studies in this direction, which means that there are no scientifically based data on the effect of apple cider vinegar on weight loss.

The quality itself Apple vinegar- quite a useful substance. It contains a lot of organic acids, amino acids, potassium, silicon, iron, copper, other trace elements, vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, E, enzymes. Apple cider vinegar is present in many folk recipes in combination with honey, various extracts, tinctures. Diluted vinegar is drunk to reduce appetite. However, if a person has problems with the digestive system, then drinking apple cider vinegar can do more harm than good. Therefore, to control body weight, it is better to rely not on "miracle cures", but on moderation in food and physical activity.

Read more:

Poisoning vinegar essence. Part 1. How and why Part 2. Clinical picture and treatment of poisoning with vinegar essence

What is a kumquat?

Kumquat (golden orange, kinkan, fortunella) is a bright representative of the citrus family. Outwardly, it resembles a small oblong orange, but it tastes like a tangerine with sourness. It is interesting that you can eat it with the peel - it is sweet. The composition of the kumquat similar to all citrus fruits: a lot of vitamin C, rutin, pectin and fiber. Also, like other citrus fruits, it can cause allergic reactions.

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