Dog breeds similar to greyhounds. Borzoi dogs: a list of modern breeds. Dog grooming

Among all dogs, greyhounds stand apart. For a long time they lived only in aristocratic houses, but then, as they say, "went to the people", and very successfully. Of course, such a pet requires a special approach, and for starters, the potential owner will have to think carefully about which breed to give preference to. Let's find out together by getting acquainted with the most popular lines of greyhounds.

Hunting greyhounds: distinctive features of the group

These animals are used to bait the beast. They are characterized by grace, mobility and a constant need to communicate with the owner. They are quite large in size and have a lean body.

Modern representatives

This group of dogs is considered one of the oldest - the appearance of a greyhound dog has been formed for centuries. Today, the number of such breeds is in the tens, and sometimes it seems that they all look the same. But a closer acquaintance gives a different picture - each of these lines has its own "zest".

Let's take a closer look at the representatives of the most popular breeds of greyhounds.

The striking thinness of these dogs, which has become their hallmark, is striking. Brave and somewhat stubborn, they recognize only the owner, adhering to neutrality in relation to the rest of the family.

Important! The nature of the puppy largely depends on the parents. The offspring of show-class dogs are more docile, while the offspring of "working" animals without real hunting will have a hard time.

Sensitive, although emotions rarely show. The Azawakh also makes a good guard.

They have a sharp mind - commands are mastered on the fly. Excellent assistants in hunting in any terrain: the Afghan line is very hardy and weather conditions are not important for them.

The character is proud, rudeness is not forgiven. At a young age, they are stubborn, but with proper training they become the best friends of the family and faithful watchmen.

Harmoniously built dogs with a long silky coat. Mobility and excitement are combined with kindness and calmness. The voice is rarely given, they get along well with children.
Hunting specialization is the corral of hoofed game, and the nature of the area does not play a role.

Real aristocrats with a pronounced thinness - the stomach is tucked up very strongly, which, coupled with an elongated muzzle, seems to lengthen the dog.
The coat can be either short or medium length. Unlike other greyhounds, such a dog does not hide devotion to the owner and follows him like a "tail". And yes, it's good for home.

The classic greyhound line is graceful and strong dogs for which constant movement is extremely important. They are considered one of the fastest breeds, so the game has little chance of escaping.

Did you know?Britain is considered the birthplace of Greyhounds - the ancestors of the current greyhounds appeared on the islands as early as the 6th century. BC.

They are very inquisitive, although at home they prefer to sit in silence and sleep. They are loyal to their owners but need early socialization. Greyhound training is laborious and lengthy, but all costs are compensated when the dog goes out into the field.

Large animals with strong paws and a powerful body. Shaggy coat of medium length hangs from the body.
One of the hardiest breeds with a somewhat controversial disposition. Deerhound on the hunt is a thunderstorm of all game, but at home such a pet is peacefulness itself. They are very attached to the owners, patient with the antics of children, sometimes they show disposition towards guests.

Irish wolfhound

The breed got its name for its outstanding size (height at the withers reaches 80-90 cm) and thick coat.

In fact, these shaggy good-natured people are very friendly and strive in every possible way to emphasize their devotion to the owner and his family.

Training requires endurance - it is easy to learn, although the dog perceives any load as a game and often improvises. The ideal partner for big game hunting.

Medium in size (maximum 40 cm at the withers), graceful dog with an elongated body.

Greyhounds are distinguished by their playfulness and subtle sense of tact - without words they capture the mood of the owner, and when necessary, leave him alone.

They get along well with large animals, but smaller pets are perceived as prey.
Favorite outdoor activity is chasing a hare.

Important!Thoroughly bathing Italian greyhounds is recommended only in case of emergency (preferably no more than 2 times a year).

Magyar Hounds are strongly built, with a dense short coat.
Excellent guards and hunters - they easily get excited, sometimes forgetting about the sense of self-preservation. They are also good as family dogs (the family is perceived as a pack led by the leader-owner).
Very attentive and capable of learning, but training is somewhat complicated by an independent disposition.

They are slender greyhounds with long limbs and a conical muzzle. Because of the short coat, they do not tolerate cold.
They are distinguished by intelligence and mobility - such a pet does not need to run away from the yard. They love to look for all sorts of loopholes and secluded places.

They become attached to people once and for all, hard to endure loneliness. The main thing for the owner of such a miracle is not to lose the trust of the pet and show patience when raising a puppy: the process of socialization is rather complicated due to the developed hunting instinct.

A lean and hardy short-haired dog - can do without water for a long time.
Excellent companions, although they are not suitable for protection(Canario is not inherently suspicious or aggressive towards strangers).

Their element is hunting for hares and rabbits, and the presence of other dogs will not be a reason for conflict. In "peaceful life" it is better to keep it on a leash: if a hunting instinct works during a walk, it will be difficult to catch a nimble handsome man.

Tall (up to 80 cm at the withers) and graceful dogs with powerful paws.

Kind and balanced, rarely show emotions. Great pet for families with older children.

Did you know?The longer the dog's nose, the better the internal organs of the animal are cooled.

They are wary of strangers - guests are met by barking (puppies can be scared).
Under the condition of constant long walks, there are no problems with education. Favorite objects for pursuit are hares, foxes and game birds like bustards.

Large animals with a proportional physique. The body is completely covered with hanging long hair.

Very sociable, take root well in apartments. Easily trained, good neighbors for other pets (with the exception of rodents, in which the dog sees game).

Bold hunters, ready to pursue prey in almost any conditions.

Graceful dogs with broom ears. They are smart and balanced. They usually get close to one person, but they also treat the owner's environment well. However, the Salukis are not too affectionate and a little capricious.

In dealing with them, you need to gently show character - these handsome people are very sensitive and do not forgive harsh measures.

Born hunters - having seen the game, they forget about everything in the world. Such inclinations require painstaking training and caution during walks.

Arab greyhounds show with all their appearance that we have a four-legged aristocrat in front of us. Friendly, although rather reserved. They love to play, but can show character.

Important!Smooth-haired greyhounds usually have dry skin that is very sensitive to harsh scrubs and strong shampoos.

Very hardy, tolerate heat and long runs. Usually not prone to aggression, slughee instantly attack, noticing a suitable target.

The established daily routine is extremely important - any changes in the usual rhythm are perceived painfully, so you will have to work on this from the first days of your appearance in the house.

Graceful dogs with a strong, lean body and developed muscles.

Courage and passion - this is about them. The best pastime for such a pet is the unrestrained pursuit of game (it can be a badger or a hare, a fox or even a wolf). At such moments, he shows anger, which distinguishes the pelvis from the background of other greyhounds. An ideal assistant for hunting in the woods and on rough terrain.
At home, he is friendly to his own and implacable to strangers - the security service is taken for granted by the dog.

The Kyrgyz mountain greyhound is harmoniously built and conquers with one look of its woolen curls falling from its legs and belly.

They have very sharp eyesight and enviable health. Unpretentious in care, which somewhat contrasts with a pronounced sense of self-esteem. This is not a living toy, but a full-fledged companion without a shadow of servility.
Well trained, the houses are emphatically calm. But on the hunt they are transformed - in the excitement of chasing game (from a marmot to a wild boar), they even forget about wounds.

These are the real intellectuals among the greyhounds.

A graceful, almost airy build is complemented by a good-natured disposition. For such a dog, it is important to be close to the owner and know that they do not forget about it.

Did you know?In terms of their intellectual development, adult dogs are comparable to 2-year-old toddlers.

Very sensitive to the atmosphere in the house.

Obedient and easy to train - work with puppies is necessary because of the strong instinct of pursuit. It is best manifested in hunting small field or feathered game: the dog is not afraid of either water or mud, and can rush through the swamps for a long time.

Medium-sized "saffron mushrooms" also stand apart. Many are conquered by their smile in the form of stretched lips or a funny wrinkled nose.

These cute dogs need an affectionate but firm hand: only the owner's commands are recognized, although the dog will not refuse to play with the children. Socialization is important in relationships with other animals.
They learn commands well, but do not always begin to fulfill them - due to the natural mind, they will first consider the order and find the best way to solve the problem (the dog does not tolerate stupid commands).

There are two types within the line:

  • southern - with a lightweight dry build and smaller growth;
  • northern - with a wider body, heavy bones and large sizes.
The nature of these dogs is very freedom-loving and independent. They cannot stand idleness, and a developed intellect sometimes complicates education.

Important!All greyhounds are more or less prone to insidious joint dysplasia. An alarming symptom in this case is a barely noticeable lameness or refusal of the dog from the usual activity.

The owner must control the dog, especially when hunting - the Horts are very addicted, and in the heat of the chase they can get injured or injure their "colleagues".

The main targets are fur-bearing animals, foxes and hoofed game. Prepared animals can go to the wolf.

Sicilian greyhounds with prominent pointed ears are very intelligent and docile. They get along with everyone who surrounds them, so they are not suitable for the role of a watchman. True, only a company is taken out of other animals.

Agile dog is easy to train: even puppies are able to learn complex commands(if the training takes place in the form of a game).
Gambling hunters, during a walk they require control - well-developed hunting inclinations can turn into trouble for both the seen animals and the dog itself.

Who will suit the dog from the "greyhounds"

These pets will be the best companions for an active person with a calm character. Long daily walks, trips to nature or jogging behind a bike are great bonding moments. If there are no such activities in the daily routine, then it is better not to take a greyhound puppy: boredom and loneliness are contraindicated for such dogs.

Did you know?It is greyhounds that are considered the oldest branch of the canine world.

Housing conditions - a separate issue. Cynologists, together with breeders, note that greyhounds need space. A large animal with a restless disposition, once in the "Khrushchev", with a high degree of probability will fall into the blues or even worse, close in on itself.

Keeping a pet in shape is not for everyone. For example, it can be difficult for older people to control a nimble dog that constantly runs around looking for a suitable target. Yes, and to keep a large animal on a leash, which abruptly rushed to the side, is still an effort.

From this we can conclude that the ideal owner and friend for these dogs will be an active and balanced person (preferably a hunter), who leads an active lifestyle and has some pedagogical abilities - they will be very useful when working with puppies.

Now you know which breeds of greyhounds are considered the most massive, and how they differ from each other. We hope this information will help you orient yourself, and the four-legged friend will become a faithful assistant and companion. And let the pets bring only joyful moments to the house!

Height at the withers: 68 - 85 cm

Weight: 35 - 45 kg

Teeth, jaws and cheekbones

White and large teeth. Scissor bite. The cheekbones are elongated. The jaws are developed.

White, fawn, red, black and tan and transitional options. All color variants can be solid or piebald.

The chest is well developed in width and depth. The back is broad and muscular. Forms an upward arc. The abdomen is tucked up, with a sharp break from the chest.

Soft and silky. Large curls are possible. The undercoat is not pronounced. Elongated on the back, tail and hips. Fits tightly.

Saber-shaped or sickle-shaped, thin and long. Thick suspension.

Hind legs

Dry, thin, muscles are very developed. Straight and parallel. Set wider than the front. The thighs are powerful and developed, with protruding muscles.

Front legs

Lean, thin, very muscular.

The nose is black. Slightly protrudes above the lower jaw.

Large, with an oval slit eyelids, dark brown or hazel.

Small, very thin and sharp. Set high. Taken back. Movable.

Very long and dry. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is almost not expressed. The skull is narrow and oval. Superciliary ridges are not expressed.

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The Russian greyhound is a true embodiment of speed, grace and devotion. The incredible aesthetic beauty of these dogs delighted the great Russian poets and writers - Leo Tolstoy and Alexander Pushkin.

Despite their purely hunting specialization, Russian greyhounds are excellent pets with a fine mental organization. They do not like monotonous training and games, they do not tolerate cruelty and aggression on the part of the owner. However, their devotion allows them to be very obedient animals that are ready to endure any adversity with a person.

Elegant appearance and excellent physical data are the key reasons why Russian greyhounds are rightfully considered the real pride of Russia.


The history of the formation of the breed of Russian greyhounds began in the days of Kievan Rus. It is known that one of the frescoes of the St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv depicts a thin dog with sharp ears chasing a deer. The cathedral was built in the 11th century.

The first hunting dogs appeared in Russia thanks to the Tatars. Their method of chasing prey with fast and brave dogs was very effective, which is why Russian rulers, for example, Vasily III, fell in love. In the 16th century, after Tsar Ivan the Terrible moved most of the Tatar princes and khans to Kostroma and Yaroslavl, Asian greyhounds began to be involuntarily crossed with native hunting dogs. Thanks to the renewed gene pool, greyhounds appeared in the Moscow state.

A little later, dogs were formed that were closest to modern Russian canine greyhounds in terms of leashes and appearance. This happened as a result of crossing the coatz dogs with aboriginal thin hunting dogs. The characteristic features of the new breed were: long hair all over the body, an outstanding mane, large ears bent back and pressed to the back of the head, gracefulness at the junction of thinness and athleticism. Because of their place of origin, they began to be symbolically called Russian greyhounds. Several dogs, which were already considered a luxury, were sent by the Russian Tsar Boris Godunov to the Iranian shahs as an expensive gift. In the 17th century, Russian greyhounds were one of the main Russian national breeds.

In the next century, dog hunting developed into a powerful and complex industry. Russian greyhounds, like no other, contributed to its development. State rulers and nobles kept huge hunting groups, which included greyhounds, hounds, horses and hunting servants - trainers, grooms, cooks. Many complete hunting groups (for example, Sheremetiev and Razumovsky) contained several hundred dogs each. It is known that Emperor Peter II kept 420 Russian greyhounds. The gentlemen hunted hares, foxes and other game, but hunting wolves with Russian greyhounds was especially chic.

In 1873, the Moscow Society for Proper Hunting was organized, within the framework of which the first tournaments of Russian greyhounds were held for speed, hunting aggression and efficiency. The appearance of the dogs was also evaluated, by that time already completely formed due to the infusion of the blood of the English Greyhounds. The official history of the Russian greyhound began in 1888, when the first standard was adopted. Since then, the appearance and essence of the breed has not changed at all. Most Russian canine greyhounds have an excellent pedigree, because they are still bred by specific people - most often hunters. A breeder who knows from his own experience all about the specialization of the breed will never allow deviations or violations of the standard. Therefore, each greyhound is a direct ancestor of dogs that rushed like lightning through the snow-covered steppes and built the great traditions of Russian dog hunting.

The Russian greyhound is one of the top sprinters in the animal world. At a short distance, not a single animal can escape from it. Its peak speed at the start is 120 km/h.


There is an opinion that Russian greyhounds are rather stupid dogs. This is not so, because in this case we are dealing with special animals with a pronounced professional specialization. Their intellect, character and abilities are sharpened for hunting. This is not the kind of dog from which one should expect obedient execution of everyday commands, such as "bring gloves" and "sit in a column", this is not a cute pet for entertainment and relaxation in noisy companies. In their element, Russian greyhounds are smart and quick-witted, they can not only simply rush after the beast at incredible speed, but also develop their own special tactics for pursuing the victim.


Russian greyhounds are the owners of a subtle and unusual psyche. Each of these dogs is a real person with their own habits, principles, value system, prejudices and fears. They are touchy and do not tolerate aggression and harshness on the part of the owner, they are very susceptible to pain - both physical and moral (the greyhound feels when you call her names or treat her with contempt).

The temperament of Russian greyhounds is very even and calm, but they are instantly excited at the sight of a potential victim (hello, hunting instincts!), so the owner must be very careful when raising, trying to draw a line between everyday life and training.

From the very beginning of their existence, Russian greyhounds have been close to people. Moreover, these dogs understood that hunters would be lost without them. For this reason, such traits as pride, independence, willfulness, steadfastness and calmness were clearly manifested in their character and behavior. Our contemporaries retained all these qualities. A greyhound will never curry favor with people, as it should be for a beautiful and strong creature. But this dog will always respond with devotion to the love and care of the owner.

Despite a weak inclination to training, Russian greyhounds are very obedient and quiet. Observers by nature, they can sit for hours at a time, as if thinking about something. Most likely, this is due to the genetic characteristics of the breed, because the hunters tried to make their precious pets majestic animals that are not fit to fuss and play in public.


Russian greyhounds are good-natured and agile, delicate and careful in communication. But their professional specialization has a rather strong influence on behavior.

The owner must understand that the main goal and skill of the Russian greyhound is pursuit. Therefore, on crowded streets, it is strictly forbidden to let these dogs off the leash - a greyhound can choose a cat, another dog, or even a person as an object of persecution. And, believe me, if she overtakes her goal, then the victim cannot avoid problems.

Russian greyhounds are quite capable of getting along with other pets in the house, but this stage of socialization is difficult and stressful. It is desirable that animals grow and develop together. The easiest way for them to communicate is with dogs of large dimensions, which can fight back a greyhound and even try to drive it. Small pets (for example, cats or French bulldogs) are difficult to tolerate - especially if they are trying to dominate. Usually in such cases, they begin to drive their neighbors around the yard.

The Russian greyhound, despite its elegance and thinness, is a very large dog. Therefore, it is better to keep small children away from her. It is important to remember that these animals are very vulnerable and touchy, as a result of which they can misunderstand the play of babies, taking it for rudeness and a threat. But with grown-up children and teenagers who are able to walk it, the greyhound gets along just fine.

The Russian greyhound treats strangers in the house calmly and without shyness. In case of danger, this dog will always protect the owners, although it is not a watchdog by definition.


The Russian greyhound has an incredible reaction, a strong throw and impressive speed. These are the general characteristics of the physiology of the breed, which must be taken into account (developing them) when training and educating any complexity.

The basis of raising a puppy with a Russian greyhound is to teach the animal at such an early age to distinguish everyday reality from play and hunting. So that the dog does not rush at everything that moves during a walk, it is necessary to focus on the well-known command "Next". The execution of the command should always be stimulated by feeding (a small edible bonus). If a young greyhound reacts incorrectly to people, animals, and moving objects, use the Hound command. This word came from the vocabulary of the first professional breeders of greyhounds - hunters, so even a puppy will understand this command the first time thanks to genetic memory.

Under normal conditions, Russian greyhounds are very calm aristocratic animals. But their obedience and intelligence are possible only if the born hunter receives proper physical activity.

Walks and exercise

Hunting instincts dominate the behavior and physical needs of this breed. The body and passion of the hunter require high loads. Ideally, a Russian greyhound should be run every day. This will not be a problem for hosts who lead an active lifestyle, such as morning and evening jogging or cycling. In such cases, the Russian greyhound can (and should) be safely taken with you.

If you do not have the opportunity to happily get tired with this dog, then do not despair. On weekdays, try to just walk in the morning and in the evening, but on weekends, go to the field, to the forest or to the country: let your pet rush forward with all his might. Your task is to at least approximately imitate hunting. A frisbee or a small ball is perfect as a "victim". In addition, no one has canceled the clubs of Russian greyhound lovers - you can always find a company for outdoor activities of a speedy pet.

You can walk and run with greyhounds all year round and in any weather. Their unique coat without undercoat perfectly protects them from cold, rain, snow or heat. You really have to walk a lot. Maybe it is thanks to the greyhound that you will become a real athlete and give up all bad habits.

The elegant and sophisticated appearance of Russian greyhounds has always inspired artists. This breed was especially popular during the Art Deco period. The famous French artist Louis Icarte gained fame precisely thanks to his canvases depicting Russian greyhounds. Also, these dogs were very fond of embodying in their works the Italian sculptor of Romanian origin Dmitry Chiparus, casting Russian greyhounds in bronze.


Russian greyhounds are quite whimsical in care, but not as much as you might think, looking at their long hair. They are very fond of hygiene and diligently monitor themselves. This is perfectly facilitated by their coat, almost devoid of undercoat and with a unique self-cleaning function. Hunters deliberately bred a very neat dog, as extra smells can frighten away the beast.

The main part of grooming is, of course, grooming. Due to its length, tangles can often form in places inaccessible to the dog (for example, behind the ears). Therefore, the coat should be combed 3-4 times a week. With seasonal molting, experts advise doing this every day. Dreadlocks and tangles need to be tried to untangle with your hands and comb - scissors should be used only in the most extreme cases. Try not to cut under the root, as this can disrupt the growth of wool in the future.

Paw care is, first of all, trimming the claws as they grow. Long claws can make it difficult for a dog to run and walk, which is especially painful in the case of super-fast Russian greyhounds. Another important point of care is grooming the hair between the toes. It grows very quickly, dirt gets into it, which not only irritates the dog, but can also cause infection of the tissues. Wool in these places should be trimmed regularly. Remember, in winter in our country it is customary to sprinkle roads with reagents. These substances are very dangerous for all dogs, ingestion is fraught with at least poisoning. Therefore, after each walk in the winter, your pet's paws must be thoroughly washed.

Professionals have constant disputes about washing with a Russian greyhound. Some say that you need to wash often (at least once every 3 months), others argue that water procedures should be resorted to only in extreme cases, because these dogs themselves cope with ensuring the cleanliness of their coat. But all breeders and experts as one advise: if you decide to wash a greyhound, then do it only with the help of special products for dogs. Shampoos and soaps for people dry out the skin of pets.

Teeth should be brushed several times a week with a finger brush and dog toothpaste.

The nutrition of Russian greyhounds should be balanced and point. It is advisable not to divide the daily meal into three large sessions (tomorrow, lunch and dinner), but try to increase the number of meals (for example, five sessions instead of three), making portions smaller. This helps to normalize digestion. The optimal diet of Russian greyhounds should consist of all kinds of meat (preference is given to raw), deboned fish (only sea is served raw, remember), fruits and vegetables (spinach, carrots, berries, apples).

Russian greyhound and your apartment

Every owner of a Russian greyhound knows how these animals love to lie and frolic on sofas and beds. They lie on their backs, throw their long legs up and forget about their aristocracy. No one can accurately answer the question why greyhounds like to relax in this way. But a person who decides to have such an unusual creature at home needs to take this circumstance into account while working on a comfortable personal place for him. The greyhound will feel uncomfortable on the floor and will not hide in a corner. Her bones and muscles need comfort. Experienced breeders advise the owners not to waste time on trifles and give the Russian greyhound a small sofa with an orthopedic surface.

By and large, the Russian greyhound feels pretty good living in an apartment. But only under the condition of regular loads. Otherwise, the dog will yearn for hunting and space. Quite quickly, unspent energy will lead to the inadequacy of the animal, which can be extremely destructive, given the impressive size and strength of the Russian greyhound.

Brief description of the dog breed Russian Greyhound

  • Other possible dog names: Russkaja psovaya borzaya, Russian wolfhound.
  • Adult dog height: 86 centimeters.
  • The weight: up to 48 kilograms.
  • Characteristic color: most often the Russian greyhound is characterized by a white color with colored spots.
  • Wool length: the coat is quite long.
  • Lifespan: about 13 years old.
  • Breed advantages: The Russian Greyhound is an excellent hunter and has a calm temperament.
  • Breed Difficulties: puppies are difficult to train and can take a lot of energy. The dog also needs to be brushed daily.
  • Average price for a Russian Greyhound: about 400 dollars. Elite individuals will cost $ 600.

The history of the origin of the Russian greyhound

The first mention of the Russian greyhound goes back to the mists of time. For example, these dogs were depicted on frescoes as early as the 11th century in Kievan Rus. The first hunting individuals were brought by the Tatars. After these dogs were crossed with local dogs, the result was a Russian greyhound. In the 17th century, such dogs were considered Russian national breed.

Today the breed is popular, many professionals take it with them to hunt. Also, the Russian greyhound is taken to various kinds of competitions, where these smart dogs catch up with moving baits.

The main purpose of the Russian greyhound is hunting. It is used to drive any animals in an open area. Dog has these qualities, how:

  • self confidence;
  • calm;
  • equilibrium;
  • restraint.

Despite the fact that this is a hunting breed, the Russian greyhound joins the family and is considered by right to be its full member. There is no importunity in her, so she can calmly not move from one place for many hours. If someone else came to visit, then the dog will be a little timid and will not show aggression towards such a person.

Russian greyhound very fond of affection. At the same time, she is aristocratically restrained. When hunting with this animal, it must be constantly kept under control, otherwise it will run after the beast. What will be the consequences - is absolutely unknown.

Teaching your dog new commands is very easy. their intelligence is well developed. At the same time, they need to be properly taught to communicate with young children. The Russian greyhound gets along with other animals, but not always.

Sometimes the Russian greyhound there may be a feeling of irritability. This is mainly manifested in cases where the dog is bored.

Video review of the breed Russian Greyhound

The Russian greyhound due to its mobility is rightly compared to a sports car. An interesting story of the origin of the breed is told. The nature of the dog, its behavior, as well as what it needs to be fed are fully described.

If you are not going to hunt, then the greyhound may well act as a dog that guards the house. Even if this is the case, you still need to learn from experienced dog breeders who breed the breed, all the subtleties of the right choice.

Sometimes it happens that in your city there is simply no necessary individual. The only thing that can be advised in such a situation is to be patient and wait. This may take weeks or even months.

The ideal solution is to adopt a puppy who already 10 months old. At this age, he had already been made. Also, the puppy will be able to fully perceive and carry out all the commands that the new owner gives him.

It is worth paying attention to what gender the Russian greyhound puppy is. Males are less phlegmatic than females. This means that they are more excitable.

Nicknames for the Russian greyhound

Nicknames are given to Russian greyhounds based on what they are personal characteristics one dog or another. For example, it can be: Wind, Dexterous, Whirlwind, Shustra, Bullet, Rezva.

Since the Russian greyhound is distinguished by a fierce hatred for the beast pursued by it, this is reflected in such nicknames as: Fierce, Tiranka.

In the old Russian lists, there are many more sonorous names that you can pick up for your pet. Of course, modern nicknames are increasingly used today.

The owner of a Russian greyhound must follow a number of specific hygiene rules that apply to this dog. First of all, her coat should look neat. For this, it needs daily care: combing, brushing, removing dirt.

The Russian greyhound feels great in a city apartment. However, she needs constant long walks. At the same time, it is vital for her to run without a leash for some time. This is very important for her physical form.

What to feed a Russian greyhound

It must be remembered that the Russian greyhound is the most prefers non-animal food. The feed must be present: mineral salts, proteins, healthy carbohydrates, vitamins, fats.

In no case don't give your dog any kind of sweets It's very harmful for her. As a reward, you can give her a regular cracker.

Experts recommend feed puppies at fixed times. Thanks to such a simple technique, the animal will always remain cheerful and energetic. Food must be warm. To avoid problems, the bowl should be placed at chest level.

For the puppy to grow well, he need to give fruits and vegetables. They contain all the necessary minerals and vitamins. After the puppy has crossed the age of 4 months, it is necessary to add a variety of top dressings to its main diet.

The Russian Greyhound is required every year. Otherwise, she will become bored, and she will lose all the necessary qualities of her character. It is recommended to take two puppies for training at once so that they run together and actively develop the speed of movement.

Regularity- the key to good training and excellent well-being of the dog. Training should be built in such a way that all the qualities of a Russian greyhound develop. It is worth remembering that you should not give large loads to small puppies.

At 5 months, puppies can stubbornly disobey the commands of the owner and show waywardness. At this time, you need to be patient and continue to train. The result will justify itself.

Pros and cons of the Russian greyhound breed


  • Speed. This dog can reach speeds over short distances up to 100 km/h. On average, she can run 60 km / h for a long time and catch up with most animals.
  • Phlegm. Most Russian greyhounds can lie still for a long time and do nothing. They do not attract attention to themselves, which is very pleasing to the owners, who can be busy people.
  • Excellent physical shape. The dog is not known for clumsiness, it is distinguished by aristocracy and grace.


  • Requires a lot of space. As mentioned above, a Russian greyhound can be in an apartment. But on condition that it is not one-room.
  • Walking frequency. The dog needs to walk a lot and often. Therefore, if you do not have a large margin of time, then it is best not to start a Russian greyhound.

The Russian greyhound is a loyal and intelligent hunting dog bred in ancient Russia. With sufficient physical activity, the breed is quite suitable for keeping in a city apartment. At first glance, the dog is fascinated by its grace and plasticity, luxurious wool gives the breed solidity.

The ancestors of modern Russian greyhounds, who lived with the Celts, were massive, large, but inferior in running speed. The first descriptions of dogs, outwardly close in appearance to the modern breed, date back to the 17th century. For several centuries, Russian greyhounds were owned exclusively by nobles. Hundreds of greyhounds kept on estates participated in hunting pens. Hunting with Russian greyhounds turned into a real performance.

In 1873, an imperial association of breed lovers was organized in Russia. Russian greyhounds began to breed at the royal court. In 1988, the first standard of the Russian greyhound was adopted. The first genealogical book describing the breed was started at the beginning of the 20th century by the Moscow Society of Hunters.

However, a sad fate awaited all representatives of the breed during the years of the October Revolution of the 17th year. The Bolsheviks took up the destruction of the Russian greyhound breed, declaring it the heritage of the bourgeoisie, and they managed to save it only thanks to the puppies, given away by foreign guests.

The dog population has been restored. The name of the Russian greyhound breed officially received in 1936. The dog is quite popular in the USA, but is used there exclusively as a pet. In Russia, and at present, the dog is used as a hunting breed.

Appearance and breed standard, photos

The Russian Greyhound is a large dog with a narrow, long, lean body. The height of the dog is from 68 to 86 centimeters, the weight of the Russian greyhound is from 30 to 55 kilograms. The elegant appearance of this dog inspired artists, sculptors, poets.

A photo. Russian borzoi

Two Russian canine greyhounds in the photo

The Russian Greyhound breed standard has the following characteristics:
  • Head wedge-shaped, elongated, with a narrow muzzle. The forehead is narrow, convex, with a smooth transition to the muzzle. The bridge of the nose is straight or with a slight hump. The lips are thick, taut, pigmented with black.
  • Bite scissor. The jaw is powerful, with large teeth.
  • Nose convex, mobile, with oblong nostrils, black
  • Eyes oblique, almond-shaped, with a slight bulge. The color is brown of varying intensity.
  • Ears small, triangular, broken at the top. The ears are narrow.
  • Body strong, graceful. The neck is narrow, with a pronounced scruff and muscles. The chest is moderately wide and convex. The back is short, narrow. The croup is sloping, powerful. The abdomen is tucked up. The groin line is lowered below the abdomen.
  • limbs long, make up half the height of the dog, smooth, with developed muscles. The shoulder blades are flat, elongated. The hind legs are set wider than the front. Thighs sloping, well developed. Paws are oval, with strong toes. The nails are long, curved, black.
  • Tail strong, thin, sickle-shaped or saber-shaped. Raised at work, at rest it can fall between the hind limbs.

The following deviations are considered to be the disadvantages of the breed:

Aggression towards a person in a Russian canine is considered a vice.
  • Too light or too massive body.
  • Squat or too tall.
  • Pronounced stop, wide forehead, pronounced cheekbones.
  • Deep-set eyes.
  • Short neck.
  • Narrow back, narrow croup, flat chest.
  • Round paws.
  • Dull, disheveled coat, shaggy.

Disqualifying faults are:

  • Aggressiveness towards humans.
  • Overshot or undershot.
  • Profitable fingers.
  • Blue eyes.

Coat type and color

The coat of the Russian greyhound is wavy, silky, hence the breed has the name "canine".

The color of the Russian greyhound is divided into two types:

  1. Piebald - on the main background of black, red, gray color there are pezhins - white areas on the head, limbs, chest, tail.
  2. Spotted - the main color is white, with black, red, gray spots near the eyes, on the body, ears, at the base of the tail.

The colors of the Russian greyhound can be varied:

  • White.
  • Sexual with an admixture of different shades: red, gray, silver.
  • Burmatny - sexual with a dark coating.
  • Murugiy - red with a black awn of hair.
  • Gray of varying intensity.
  • Chubary - sexual, red, gray with dark stripes.

Russian canine greyhounds can have a wide variety of colors.

Dark colors have a mazurin - a muzzle painted black. Disadvantages of color - speck of bright shades not in tone with the main color, chocolate and blue colors.

The nature of the breed

The Russian Greyhound is a dog with an accommodating character, which is combined with tenderness and a sharp mind. The behavior of these dogs is adequate and quite predictable, so they can be started in a house where there are small children. But the adult Russian greyhound does not tolerate noisy children's games.

The Russian greyhound becomes attached to the owner and the inhabitants of the house, therefore, in adulthood, a change of scenery is not recommended for them. The dog is affectionate and even flattering, polite with strangers.

The dog will perceive other animals as prey, so it is not recommended to keep it in a house with rodents, birds, cats. A greyhound can get along with a domestic cat, but it will catch up and bite someone else's cat that has fallen into its territory.

It is not necessary to let the greyhound off the leash for a walk so that small dogs and cats do not suffer from her teeth. You can let your dog off the leash only in a special fenced area or in an open area in the village.

Russian greyhounds are calm and affectionate dogs, but at the sight of prey they change and begin to pursue it furiously.

The Russian greyhound has a trait that must be taken into account - it is a vulnerable psyche. The dog should not be neglected, go about your business, not paying attention to it. In this case, the greyhound becomes angry and even vindictive.

Breed training

The Russian greyhound is not trained, but rather brought up. She has a complex mental organization, the dog is sensitive to the mood of the owner and demanding on the nature of the relationship with him. You need to talk to the greyhound calmly, in a firm, but not rude tone. The pet needs understanding and respect, then in return you can get obedience and understanding.

The Russian greyhound quickly learns the basic commands and unquestioningly fulfills them. At the same time, the breed does not like various tricks, rather, they do not see the point in them and are in no hurry to perform. It is difficult to force a greyhound to bring slippers or a newspaper - this dog does not like to serve.

IMPORTANT. The characters of individual representatives of this breed are very diverse, so it is difficult to give recommendations on their training. Each individual must be carefully studied and approaches to training and education should be found. If the owner can adapt to the dog, it will become obedient and completely controllable.

The main goal of the breed instinct of the Russian greyhound is the pursuit of prey. Trophies in greyhound hunting are obtained without shots, exclusively by the forces of dogs.

Russian canine speeds up to 60 km per hour.

This is possible due to the incredible speed that dogs can develop when running. The speed of the Russian greyhound in running is one of the main working qualities of the breed as a hunter. This breed can run at speeds of 50 to 60 kilometers per hour.

The high speed of a dog depends on heredity and proper training. But still, the speed qualities are based on the inherent genetic agility. You can develop the qualities inherent in nature with the help of proper training. Full realization of potential also depends on adherence to feeding norms and injury prevention.

For the development of running speed during walks, explosive and high-speed exercises are needed. Jogging after a thrown ball or stick helps develop the necessary qualities. The natural instinct helps to teach the dog to run after a person moving on a horse or a vehicle. Gradually increasing the speed of movement helps the dog learn to distribute forces when running.

The original purpose of the Russian greyhound breed is hunting. To use the dog for its intended purpose requires special training. First of all, physical hardening of the puppy is necessary. He must constantly run and play in order to form dexterity, agility, dexterity in a grip.

The greatest effect can be achieved if the games are accompanied by a companion of a different breed - an element of competition will make the training most effective.

The puppy is taught to whistle and horn, the sounds of which will indicate commands, "to me". Leaps for a horse or bicycle are carried out with a tied carcass of a hare or a fox. This technique teaches the dog to chase prey by distributing its own strength while running.

Russian canines are allowed in a pack to search all the places where the beast lies.

Next, the Russian greyhound is grafted on a hare or fox. Wolf training is carried out when the dog is at least 12 months old. If the greyhound does not have good physical qualities, it is better not to risk it. Grafting on a wolf is a difficult task, so it is not recommended for a hunter to carry it out alone. Young greyhounds are baited accompanied by adult dogs.

IMPORTANT. A dog is taken on a hunt only after it completes the full course of training and fulfills all commands.

Hunters go hunting with Russian greyhounds in groups of three or four people. Dogs are set off in a pack to search all the places where the animal lies. There is a lead dog in the pack, catching up with the beast and slowing down its movement, the companions who came to the rescue take the beast.

The Russian greyhound is quite suitable for keeping in a city apartment, but not in a one-room apartment, since the size of the dog requires enough space. In a country house, you should not keep a dog on a chain, since a watchman will not work out of it anyway.

Content in an aviary or apartment

An ideal place for a Russian greyhound is a spacious aviary with an area of ​​20-25 squares. It will be possible to keep a pair of greyhounds in it.

Russian canine can be kept both in an aviary and in an apartment.

The height of the fence in the aviary and the yard where the dog will walk should be at least three meters, as the dogs jump perfectly and can run away. The aviary must be located in such a way that it is in the shade closer to noon and until the evening so that the dog is not in the sun in hot weather.

To sleep in the aviary, a warm booth with a height of at least one meter is arranged. The booth area is 1.5 square meters, and for two dogs 2 -2.5 square meters. The roof is made removable so that the booth can be cleaned and disinfected. A straw pillow is laid inside the booth. In winter, straw is laid outside and inside the walls of the booth. The entrance to the booth is closed with a felt curtain.

In the apartment, the greyhound feels quite normal. The dog will be happy to lie on the couch, watch TV for a couple with the owner, but only after an active walk. The breed was born for fast and long running, it must be provided for walks.

With a lack of physical activity, the dog will get bored and begin to behave destructively, then the apartment can be seriously damaged. In rural areas, the dog is kept in warm booths or sheds.

Hair care, eyes, ears, claws

Despite the long coat, taking care of the dog is not so difficult, since the breed is clean. She will not wallow in the mud, she tries as much as possible to bypass dirty puddles on a walk. In order not to cause discomfort to the dog, in slushy weather it must be taken for a walk in a special overall.

The coat should be brushed once or twice a week. The combing procedure is carried out carefully, removing all dead hairs and carefully removing the resulting tangles. After a walk in the forest or going hunting, you need to comb out all the blades of grass and burdock that have fallen into the wool: skin irritation may develop from them.

During the molting period, the canine is combed out daily, the rest of the time - once a week.

Some disadvantage of the breed is frequent and abundant molting. During these periods, you have to comb your pet daily. Bathing them often is not recommended. In principle, this is not necessary, since there is no smell of dog from this dog.

IMPORTANT. From frequent washing, the coat begins to fluff, the dog looks shaggy. For this reason, exhibition dogs are washed 5-6 days before the event, so that the hair is smoothed out before the appearance, becomes more adjacent to the body.

Once a week, the dog's ears, eyes, teeth are rubbed. Nails are trimmed once a month. Every month, the dog's hair is treated for ticks and fleas, for this you can use preparations:,. You need to inspect the hair of a greyhound after each walk to prevent infection with ticks and fleas.


A dog needs a quality, balanced diet. The lack of nutrients and vitamins immediately affects the condition of the animal's coat. A dog's muscles need enough protein, and the bones will not develop properly with a lack of calcium.

The situation is aggravated by pickiness in food. The Russian greyhound is a true gourmet and will not eat food that does not please her taste. You need to feed your dog more often than other breeds, this will help normalize its digestion. . Fractional meals 3-4 times a day and rest after eating is a guarantee of the dog's normal well-being.

Russian canine cannot be fed with food from the table: pastries, fried and salty foods, smoked meats.

You can feed the Russian greyhound with natural products or or (, Brit,).

Natural food for Russian canine

Natural food should be freshly prepared. The food should be a semi-liquid porridge with pieces of meat added to it. The bowl is washed with hot water after each feeding.

The diet should consist of products:

  • Lean meats.
  • Cereals (buckwheat, rice).
  • Dairy products.
  • Vegetables.
  • Fruit.
  • A spoonful of vegetable oil once a day.

Do not give the dog fatty meat and lard, smoked foods, sweets, legumes, tubular bones, pastries and white bread, spicy and fried foods.

ATTENTION. In no case should you feed the dog before the upcoming physical exertion, since there is a danger of developing intestinal volvulus, even with a fatal outcome.

Breed health

The life expectancy of a Russian greyhound is 7-10 years. In general, this is a healthy dog, but still suffers from some ailments.

Russian canids have fairly good health, but live only 7-10 years.

Most often, Russian greyhounds are affected by diseases:

  • Wobbler Syndrome.
  • Retinopathy (retinal atrophy).

The physical activity of the Russian greyhound often leads to various injuries: bruises, dislocations, abrasions of the paws. When walking through the field and forest, the dog may be bitten by snakes or predators. In this regard, it is extremely important to vaccinate the dog against rabies and infectious diseases.

If after a walk a snake bite is found on the dog's body, you need to make a small incision, squeeze the blood out of the wound and put a compress with a cold solution of potassium permanganate on it. Inside the dog is given some vodka.

Choosing and buying a puppy

A Russian greyhound puppy can be purchased at the age of 1-1.5 months. By this time, they are already taken away from their mother and transferred to independent nutrition. When selecting a baby, first of all, they pay attention to the compliance with the breed characteristics of his parents and their qualities as hunters.

A photo. Two puppies of Russian borzoi

Puppy of Russian canine greyhound in the photo

The puppy must have the following breed characteristics:
  • Dry and long head with a smooth stop.
  • Long legs.
  • Burnt belly.
  • Long, silky, elastic and shiny coat.
  • Correct bite.

You can not take a puppy with signs of rickets and other signs of poor development:

  1. Crooked limbs.
  2. Swelling on the wrists.
  3. Thickening on the ribs.
  4. Sagging back.
  5. Hanging belly.
  6. Shaggy wool.

You can buy a purebred puppy of a Russian canine greyhound in the following cities:

  • Moscow - price from $100
  • St. Petersburg - price from $ 150 (,

You should buy a Russian Borzoi puppy only from a breeder with good reviews.

greyhound dogs


The signs of a modern canine are as follows: height from 67 to 76 centimeters in slope; the head is dry, wedge-shaped, with a narrow forehead and a sharp falcon (the posterior extremity of the skull); forceps (muzzle) thin, long, folding, that is, not humpbacked, and without a bridle, which is the case when the lower jaw is much shorter than the upper; wax (nose) dark or black; the ears are small, thin and in a puff, that is, laid back on the back of the head and lying close to each other; eyes are black, bulging; the neck from the sides is flat, long, swan-like; the chest is wide, tapering in front; shoulders full, muscular; elbows of forelegs slightly turned apart; legs generally bony and sinewy; the grooves of the forelegs (paws) are dry and narrow, compressed into a ball in the fingers and resting on the ground with claws, and not with a heel; steppe (back) in a male with a top, that is, with a light hump, in females - a bench, that is, straight; ribs barrel-shaped, descending to the elbows of the forelegs; undermining (belly) tucked up above the groin; urine (kidneys, sides) - blunt and hard; hind legs are straight, parallel to each other and widely spaced; black meats (hams) are moderate, but knotty and strong; bowstrings (Achilles veins) are thick and elastic; the grooves of the hind legs are long and in the fingers similar to the hare; the rule (tail) is not fleshy, but dry, a little thicker than a finger, with a sickle, of medium length and with a suspension, that is, with a latrine dog; the body is strong, hard and elastic, with well-developed and sharply defined muscles; Psovina (wool) wavy and silky, not particularly warm (thick), but of good quality.

According to the color of the dog

The following greyhound colors are distinguished:

  • white,
  • black,
  • gray,
  • black with tan,
  • gray with tan
  • light sex,
  • red-sex,
  • sexual,
  • red,
  • red with mazurina,
  • murugaya,
  • burmataya,
  • dark brown,
  • black and gray,
  • red-blotched,
  • gray-gray,
  • floor gray and
  • all the indicated colors - piebald.

sexual called a greyhound of straw or maize color;
sulfur- ash color;
murugoy- a red dog with black ends of the legs and ears, a black strap on the back and a black axle all over the body of the dog, but not with a black toe;
red with mazurina- red dog with black tongs;
Burmese- a dog with a dog, as if covered with dust;
dark brown- sexual dog, covered with a chocolate or light brown axis;
chubaroy- a sex or red dog with irregularly located black or gray spots in the form of stripes or apples, and the color itself is called by the predominant color, for example. black and gray, red-blotched.

scorched are called bright red spots in a black or gray dog ​​on the forceps, on the eyebrows, on the cheeks, on the chest and on the extremities of the legs.

Canine greyhounds are vicious, strong, strong, frisky and distinguished by brusque (see this next) - an especially quick impulse to capture the beast.

purebred greyhounds

A breed group of Russian canine greyhounds that originated from a single admixture of Crimean or mountain blood to canines.

Crimean greyhounds

Either Krymka, or Krymachi, are most often found in the steppes of the Crimean peninsula. Their distinguishing features are small drooping ears, sometimes covered with the so-called cloak, that is, a long canine; yellowish eye; strongly developed chest, back, sacrum and black meats; sloping (slightly concave) back, thin, dry and hooked rule, always one-colored, that is, without a white tip and without any marks at the root. Their growth is no more than 14-15 inches, the color is mostly all black or tan, sex-piebald, red with mazurin, less often black-and-pie, white and murugo-piebald.

Kazakh greyhounds - tazy

Tazy is an extremely graceful and proportionately built dog, small in stature, with a small dry head, a thin graceful tong, large dark eyes, long triangular ears under a cloak, a thin and flexible neck, an elastic gait, a lean belly, a deep chest compressed from the sides, straight back, thin, long, at the end of the rule bent into a ring and muscular legs. Psovina - thin, soft, silky, smooth, with suspensions on the legs and rules. The typical color is bright red with black tips on the back, dewlaps and ears; there are, however, other suits. Tazy are remarkable for their ability to jump for a long time. Tazy are divided into Kazakh and Turkmen. Among the Kazakh Tazy there are Shchi-basins, or a small greyhound, which is very small compared to the usual and steppe which are much larger than the Turkmen ones.

Kyrgyz greyhounds - Taigan

Taigan is an aboriginal breed of dogs from the ancient group of Central Asian greyhounds, formed and widespread in the extreme mountainous regions of Kyrgyzstan, mainly in the Tien Shan zone. The Taigan is a hunting dog that works in rough terrain. Possesses maneuverability, skill, playfulness, vigilance, amiableness, malice towards the beast, flair. It is capable of a long jump, tolerates extreme high mountain conditions (hunting at an altitude of 2-4 thousand meters above sea level), is independent, has security skills. Taigan is used for hunting mountain goats (formerly argali), roe deer, fox, corsac, badger, wolf, for joint hunting with golden eagle. Strong proportionally folded dog, medium and above average height (60-70 cm at the withers), with well-developed muscles. The head is elongated, dry. Hanging ears with adorning wool ("in cloaks"). The back is straight. The coat is soft, on the ears, on the sides, shoulders, hips - elongated. The presence of an inflexible ring at the end of the tail is one of the signs of breed. Typical colors: black, gray, fawn (can be of different shades), white, blond, brown. Dark colors may occur with white markings or tan markings. Adapted to both street and apartment content. Freedom-loving, needs long walks without a leash away from highways. Does not require careful grooming.

Moldovan greyhounds

or Voloshki, are found in the steppes of Bessarabia and Romania, and, apparently, originated from the crossing of the Polish Horty with the Krymka, as they are short-haired. Crimean and Voloshsky greyhounds, without being particularly agile, have such significant strength that they can gallop up to 10 miles in one run without getting tired at all, and therefore are especially suitable for hunting in the steppe.

mountain greyhounds

They come from the Caucasus and Asia Minor. Their distinguishing features: a completely dry head; narrow forehead, sharp falcon; thin, dry, and beautiful forceps; thin, hanging, sharp below, under cloaks, ears; long and straight neck; dry and compressed legs in grooves, barrel-shaped and rather low ribs; short, thin rule with a slight dewlap, sparse and not long psovina, but smooth and satiny. The color is black with tan marks, muruga and red with muruzina. Mountain greyhounds are famous for their strength, agility, strength to the far board, and sometimes they even acquire the cast of a canine dog (see above).

Khiva greyhounds

It is taller than other oriental greyhounds and more fleshy than them and is distinguished by huge, burdock-shaped hanging ears under a thick cloak. They are inferior in agility to other greyhounds, but perhaps the most tireless.

Horty greyhounds

They make up a special group of Western European greyhounds, which in the past broke up into numerous local breeds, but now only Italian greyhounds, or greyhounds, which were previously used to bait rats, have survived on the mainland of Europe. Large Horty were bred in the former Poland and in England; in the first they almost completely disappeared, in England they were crossed to maintain the breed from complete degeneration with bulldogs. The distinctive features of the modern English greyhound are as follows: the head is wide and flat, like a snake; forceps long, dry, tapering towards the end, without bridle and without frills (drooping lips); eyes of medium size, shiny, of a color suitable for the color of the dog; ears are small, hanging, thin and soft; the neck is long and set high, the chest is wide, but not very wide in front; the muscles on the legs are convex, that is, developed, the back is squared, that is, resembling a bar, the paw is round, cat-like; the rule is thin, cartilaginous and sharp; dog short and silky, completely absent on the lower parts of the body; suit, usually, one-color; its predominant colors are steel, black and red. English Horty are very frisky dogs, which they proved by taking the first prizes for agility in 1889 and 1890 at the St. Petersburg cages of the Society for the Encouragement of the Field Merit of Hunting Dogs.

Busty greyhounds

They originated in ancient times from the mixing of oriental greyhounds with sheepdogs, from which they inherited their distinctive features: woolly dog, beard, mustache and thickly hanging eyebrows. Their color is almost always ash-gray, dirty-sex, red, white and black. The busty ones are divided into Scottish or Courland shreds and English royal ones; the first of them have on the whole head and on the whole body a long tufted dog, tough, like a seal or a badger; English ones are distinguished by a more silky dog, hanging down, like those of Angora goats, thick eyebrows and mustaches, with a beard, like a goat.

see also

  • Australian greyhound - dog breed
  • Azawakh is a breed of dog. Another name is the Blue Berber Greyhound.
  • Russian borzoi - dog breed
  • Saluki - Persian Greyhound
  • Hunting for a hare with greyhounds "by sight"
  • Of the dog breeds, only greyhounds are found in coats of arms and serve as a symbol of fidelity, devotion and obedience; they are revered by the young (fr. levrons), if without a collar (with it they are called fr. accole's).


  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: In 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.


  • L.P. Sabaneev. "Hunting dogs... Greyhounds and hounds", Greyhounds

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

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