Twists the legs painkiller. Why does he twist his legs and what to do about it

Hello. If you or your loved ones have legs spinning at night, then here you will find recipes for ointments, baths that will help get rid of this problem and establish a restful sleep.

Why does he twist his legs at night

Even doctors find it difficult to answer this question. If you undergo an ultrasound of the legs, pass tests, come to the doctor with the results, he will say that everything is fine with the legs. This disease was defined restless leg syndrome.

How does it manifest itself? It is such an unpleasant sensation, not like pain or numbness. It just twists its legs so much that I want to always move them from place to place.

When a person moves his leg, the unpleasant sensation stops, but only for a short time. The constant movement of the legs does not allow sleep, turning into a nightmare every night.

Based on the number of convulsive movements of the limbs, the severity of the disease is determined:

  • light - when 5-20 movements are made within 1 hour;
  • medium - from 20 to 60 movements per hour;
  • heavy - more than 60 movements within 1 hour.

With a severe degree of the disease, chronic depression can develop, so RLS should not be left without treatment.

This disease most often visits women, especially older and middle-aged women.

Causes of Restless Leg Syndrome:

  • Heredity.
  • Metabolic disorders.
  • Iron deficiency in the body.
  • Renal failure.
  • Deficiency of magnesium, folic acid, thiamine.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Type 2 diabetes.
  • Vascular diseases.

These are just some of the diseases that Ekbom's disease entails.

It is not so important for people who have torsion of their legs to know the reason, it is more important to know the way to get rid of this scourge. Let's try to find a treatment for each case.

How to beat an insidious disease

During pregnancy treatment needs to be handled with extreme caution. The doctor may prescribe sedatives or iron, folic acid preparations. It is important for a pregnant woman not to worry, walk more before going to bed, go to bed at the same time, do not drink coffee, strong tea, especially in the evening.

The cause of RLS in pregnant women can be a lack of vitamins B, C, E. To compensate for the lack of vitamins, the doctor prescribes vitamin preparations.

A simple exercise can help:

  • Stretch your legs, pull your socks towards you, and try to pull your heels away from you.
  • Alternately tilt your feet, then to the left, then to the right.
  • Do these exercises right before bed.

These exercises must be performed not only for pregnant women, but also for everyone who has pain, aching legs. Be sure to add the "bike" exercise. Contrast baths help well.

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What to do if Ekbom's syndrome starts to pester little children. If you notice signs of this disease in a child, then try to help him quickly. Warm baths before bed help almost everyone. Pour warm, but not hot water into a basin, let it stand in it until pleasant relaxation. You will see the state of the baby.

From personal experience. For a long time I was looking for a remedy that would help get rid of torsion of the legs. It turned out to be a simple drug Glycine. It is necessary to put a tablet of Glycine under the tongue before going to bed and that's it, a restful sleep is provided. Only the pill does not need to be washed down, but simply sucked. Children can also be given Glycine tablets at night, as they relax the body well, contributing to a restful sleep.

adults can take medications such as Valerian, Novo-Passit at night. There are stronger drugs: Madopar, Mirapeks, Nakom, which are prescribed for Parkinson's disease. If you do not get carried away with these drugs, then nothing terrible will happen, but you will no longer twist your legs.

Knees don't rest

If the joints ache at night, then the cause may be overweight, arthritis, arthrosis, osteoporosis. These are very serious diseases and should not be left untreated. If a person feels pain in the knee at night, it means that arthrosis already exists.

If the joints react to the weather, then most likely you are developing osteoporosis. It is the joints that begin to hurt when the temperature of the atmosphere changes.

If the feet, knees hurt, this indicates venous expansion of the veins or blood clots in the vessels of the legs. If left untreated, this pathology can lead to ulcers, gangrene.

To find out the cause of night pain, it is necessary to undergo an ultrasound of the vessels, especially for the presence of thrombosis. This is important, since any regular squat can lead to a blood clot, which means more serious problems.

If there were injuries to the limbs and aching legs at night, these old wounds remind of themselves. Proper nutrition, therapeutic exercises will help you.

Muscle cramps can prevent you from sleeping. Muscles are deprived of sufficient oxygen, so they twist. Lack of movement - can be the first cause of seizures.

What the calves of the legs “scream” about

If the pain occurs suddenly, then do not leave it unattended. Calves can be very sore with thrombophlebitis, and this is the most dangerous consequence of varicose veins.

Try to notice exactly how the calves of the legs hurt.

  • With thrombophlebitis, they hurt without ceasing. At first, the pain is throbbing, then it turns into burning, the skin over the veins turns red, becomes painful, thickened.
  • When a process occurs in the deep veins, swelling of the lower leg begins. Edema is dangerous because it can help break off a blood clot.
  • The danger is atherosclerosis of the arteries. It can be recognized by the soreness of the calves when walking. Another symptom is icy feet even in a warm room.
  • If the pain radiates to the muscles, then there is a process of disease of the spine, although the spine itself does not hurt.
  • With inflammation of the vessels, weakness is felt in the calves.

How to independently determine the degree of the disease:

  • If the pain subsides when the legs are in an elevated state - problems with the veins;
  • Legs go numb, tingle - problems with the spine;
  • The pain slowly disappears when lowering the legs down - problems with the arteries;
  • Often there are convulsions - deficiency of iron, calcium, magnesium.
  • An accurate diagnosis can only be made by a doctor with a detailed examination of the patient. The main thing is not to dismiss the “bells”, often it is the soreness of the calves that becomes a signal for the development of serious ailments.

In order to prevent

With any physical activity, the legs take on the entire load in the first place. Regular pain and fatigue at the end of the day signal that some negative processes have begun in the lower extremities. Timely examination and the right course of treatment will help to stop the disease and prevent complications.

The therapist will take a history and conduct an initial examination to understand why the legs are aching. Based on it, he will draw a conclusion about the further course of treatment. Depending on the underlying causes of leg pain, it can refer to:

  • traumatologist;
  • vascular surgeon;
  • nutritionist, etc.

Hardware and laboratory methods of research will confirm or refute the preliminary diagnosis, help determine the stage of the disease and the possible presence of background inflammation. Next, the specialist will prescribe a regimen for taking the drugs and give the necessary recommendations.

In no case should pain and any other abnormal symptoms in the legs be ignored. They reflect hidden problems that can lead to disability.

Causes of discomfort

Excess weight

The first reason is excessive load on the limbs. Muscles and joints often cannot cope with it. The process of deformation begins, which leads to dysfunction.

Read also: The structure and pathology of the human thigh

Extra pounds are most often caused by malnutrition:

  • excess fat;
  • the presence in the diet of fast food and semi-finished products;
  • overeating, especially at night.

All 3 factors affect metabolic processes. Harmful substances and decay products are not removed in time and settle on the walls of blood vessels, disrupting blood circulation, cellular respiration and saturation of tissues with vitamins and minerals.

vascular atherosclerosis

The cause of atherosclerosis is in cholesterol plaques that clog blood vessels. Poor patency causes pain and discomfort in the legs. A sharp malaise indicates a more serious problem - the appearance of a blood clot. Only immediate medical attention will save the leg from amputation.

Venous insufficiency

The main signs of varicose veins:

  • the leg is very sore in the evening, discomfort disappears at rest;
  • puffiness;
  • manifestation of veins;
  • formation of veins.

Vascular damage in the absence of treatment leads to thrombophlebitis, and he, in turn, to pulmonary thromboembolism. An artery in the lungs becomes blocked by a detached blood clot, which can be fatal.

Varicose veins are more prone to middle-aged women. The statement that only overweight people suffer from it is erroneous.

Nerve damage

Short self-liquidating bouts of pain in the legs are a sign of disorders in the nervous system. Unpleasant sensations in the thigh are usually associated with pinching of the sciatic nerve. Most often this problem affects:

  • pregnant women;
  • patients with osteochondrosis.

Read also: Seals on the leg in the knee area


It is customary to look for the root cause of osteoporosis in a lack of calcium or in its poor absorption. Most often, this disease affects the elderly. Self-medication can relieve symptoms, but only temporarily. It is better to immediately consult a doctor who will prescribe medications and physiotherapy.

Arthritis and osteoarthritis

Any joint pathology entails pain in the lower extremities and deformation of the entire musculoskeletal system. Arthritis is often accompanied by:

  • edema;
  • local temperature increase due to the inflammatory process;
  • at first rare, and then constant aching pain in the knee joints;
  • stiffness and inability to move quickly.

Both diseases are treated by an orthopedic traumatologist. He issues directions for the necessary research and controls the treatment process.

Diseases of the spine

Osteochondrosis occurs in the lower back, but the pain is given in the legs, especially the thighs and legs. Due to this dislocation, diagnosis can take some time. The disease is characterized by attacks of pain, which are eliminated by intramuscular administration of anti-inflammatory drugs.

Damage to muscles and bones

Fractures or severe bruises always violate the integrity of the bone, which can lead to tissue suppuration. This disease is called osteomyelitis and, if left untreated, is fatal.


  • sudden very severe pain;
  • temperature rise;
  • general weakness and malaise.

Myositis is a pathological phenomenon in the muscles, characterized by severe inflammation. Occur after an infectious disease, when bacteria locally affect muscle tissue.


  • severe aching pain;
  • inability to walk or climb stairs normally;
  • complete immobility.

Read also: How to take "Veroshpiron" for swelling of the legs?

Systemic connective tissue diseases

Autoimmune pathology of the muscles and joints of the legs is accompanied by attacks of sharp pain, alternating with remission. Often has a hereditary predisposition.

The clinical picture is as follows: antibodies begin to attack healthy cells of their own body, quickly destroying the connective tissue. This is what causes all the symptoms.

The disease is difficult to treat, but with regular observance of all the rules, it becomes possible to maintain the usual rhythm of life.

flat feet

Flat feet is the most common disease in people of any age. It is characterized by the development of the pathological structure of the foot. It can be both a symptom and an independent disease. Any violation in the musculoskeletal system gradually spreads to neighboring areas, causing negative changes. At first, the legs ache up to the knees, then fatigue and malaise rise higher.


Long-term damage can be felt due to excessive physical activity or a sharp change in weather conditions. Even knowing the nature of pain, it is necessary to consult a traumatologist, especially if the manifestations intensify.

Deficiency of some trace elements

Poor or improper nutrition affects the entire body. A weak immune system is unable to fight infection. A lack of calcium and phosphorus weakens the bones, and a deficiency of iron reduces the level of hemoglobin, which affects the efficiency of blood circulation.

Diagnostic methods

To identify the causes of aching pain in the legs, a detailed examination of the patient should be carried out using various diagnostic methods. The latter can be used:

  • computed and magnetic resonance imaging;
  • x-ray;
  • urine and blood tests;
  • Vascular ultrasound.


The doctor chooses methods based on the diagnosis and history. Some diseases have similar symptoms and fundamentally different approaches to treatment. Therefore, experts do not advise to make a decision on their own without analysis.

restless leg syndrome

The condition that patients describe as "twisting their legs" has other names. This condition is known as Restless Leg Syndrome or Ekbom's Syndrome. As a rule, the symptoms of this pathology appear at rest. The patient complains of pain during or before sleep, as well as during the period when he is sitting or lying down. Often twists the legs from an insufficient amount of iron in the body. However, there are some other options as well.

Why does he twist his legs

The manifestation of Ekbom's syndrome can be caused by such ailments:

Diseases of a neurological nature;

rheumatoid arthritis;

kidney dysfunction;


Therapy for restless leg syndrome

In a large number of patients who applied for consultation, pathologies are not detected. In such a situation, the doctor prescribes medications that help normalize the activity of the brain, as well as medications necessary to relax muscle tissue, belonging to the group of muscle relaxants. To reduce pain, walking in the fresh air, a light dinner, eliminating the likelihood of hypothermia, evening foot massage, limiting the intake of alcoholic beverages, rubbing the legs with mint oil until redness appears on the skin, quitting smoking, eating a large number of apples or other foods are recommended. that contain adequate amounts of iron.

Characteristic features of the disease

For those patients who twist their legs at night, specialists prescribe drugs containing magnesium and folic acid. The pain syndrome in this pathology is weakened by movements. That is why exacerbations are observed during the hours intended for rest. After sleepless nights, patients complain of fatigue and lack of concentration throughout the day. If a person twists his legs, then, as a rule, he has problems with the heart muscle. The constant movement of the legs can cause dangerous fluctuations in blood pressure. They also leave a negative imprint on the heart rate.

Spins his legs. What to do?

Patients suffering from Ekbom's syndrome, treatment procedures should be selected individually. One part of the patients is relieved by warm foot baths, which must be done before bedtime. The other is cold. Many patients notice a reduction in pain if they wear cotton socks at night. Legs can twist already before going to bed. In this case, you need to walk around the bedroom. The most common folk method for eliminating pain is to position the legs on a rocking chair. Thus, they are at a level above the body, which contributes to the release of stagnant venous blood from the valve pockets. When massaging the legs, care must be taken. It is advisable to use relaxing or regenerating creams during this procedure: Lyoton, Troxevasin, etc. To get rid of pain in the legs, traditional medicine also recommends various lotions, light and frequent self-massage of the lower extremities. Effective and contrast shower. The elimination of restless legs syndrome is facilitated by massage of the spine, lower back and back, in the thigh area, which is performed by a specialist.

Often people who have had leg injuries complain of pain in their legs at night. If the pain appears suddenly, accompanied by burning, swelling, redness of the dermis, cramps, consult an osteopath to find out the causes of pain and methods of treatment.

The leg consists of three parts: thigh, lower leg, foot. They have tendons, joints, muscle tissue, bone tissue, muscles. Patients complain of pain in the legs, some cannot determine where and how it hurts, the pain covers the legs entirely.

The causes of pain in the legs are minor damage to any part of the leg and internal components. With dislocations and fractures, pain accompanies until full recovery. Pain in the legs at night can be provoked by a number of reasons. The doctor will identify the cause, prescribe a course of treatment. Do not try to diagnose yourself - there are many causes of pain:

  • Chronic disorders, deformation of the muscular system;
  • Chronic disorders of the structure of the vertebrae;
  • Vascular diseases provoked by an inactive lifestyle;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Allergic reactions and smoking cause diseases of the vessels of a chronic nature, damage to the arteries of the legs, in advanced cases - gangrene;
  • Dystrophic disorders in the cartilage of the joints, infringing on the nerve roots;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Violation of the endocrine system;
  • Overstrain of muscles by physical activity;
  • nervous stress;
  • Joint damage.

What causes nighttime leg pain?

Particular discomfort causes pain at night or before bedtime. Consequences - aggravation of the existing disease, chronic lack of sleep, irritability. Causes of pain:

  1. Cartilage and joints prone to injury provoke a violation of blood circulation. This causes pain in the legs and feet, varicose veins develop, as a result - thrombosis.
  2. A sedentary lifestyle, or, conversely, overly active, when people are subjected to heavy physical exertion.
  3. During pregnancy, the woman's body is weakened, the load on the spine, legs, when the stomach becomes visible - and until the moment of childbirth affects. Childbirth is stressful for the body.
  4. Improper nutrition, lack of vitamins, calcium, magnesium, lack or excess weight. It provokes disruption of the endocrine system, kidneys. Violation of the kidneys leads to the formation of edema on the legs, interferes with walking. Possible heart problems, causes pain in the body.
  5. Proper footwear is an important aspect of healthy feet. Wearing uncomfortable shoes provokes circulatory disorders, leads to a number of diseases.
  6. Inflammation of connective tissues and small joints, deposits of crystallized urates in body tissues cause severe pain;
  7. Autoimmune diseases, poisoning, restless leg syndrome.

It is impossible to independently determine the presence of a specific disease, the range of causes of pain is wide. At the slightest pain in the legs, immediately contact a professional who will diagnose, diagnose, and prescribe treatment.

How are diseases that radiate pain in the legs manifested?

Let's break down the diseases that manifest pain in the legs into groups:

  • Vascular diseases;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • Pathology of the spine;
  • Poisoning of the body;
  • Restless Leg Syndrome.

These groups are characterized by pain in different parts of the legs. After analyzing the sensations, it is determined which group the pain in the legs of an individual person belongs to.

Vascular diseases

Most often, the legs hurt in people with diseases of the vascular system, leading to varicose veins. The vessels expand, the elastic wall of the vessel ceases to narrow to a normal state. The stretched wall of the vessel becomes a repository for substances that must be excreted from the body with the natural metabolic process. Blood stasis occurs. The same happens with atherosclerosis - the lumen is closed with plaques, thrombophlebitis - blood clots accumulate in the cavity of the vessel walls. The legs are affected by diseases caused by a violation of the nervous regulation, provoking damage to the blood vessels of the blood system.

These diseases affect the nearest nerve endings, cause intoxication of tissue vessels, and provoke pain in the legs at night. If you experience pain, contact a vascular surgeon to identify the disease and treat it.

vitamin deficiency

With a lack of trace elements and vitamins, at night the body sends signals that give off painful sensations in the muscles of the legs, convulsions. It is important to eat right. Cramps are provoked by a lack of magnesium. A blood test will reveal the content of vitamins, determine what the body lacks.

To normalize the state of muscle tone, take a course of vitamin therapy, the result appears within the first week. The course is prescribed by a doctor, based on the results of the analysis, and the optimal vitamin complex is selected for a particular patient. Improvements are especially noticeable before bedtime.

Pathologies in the spine

With problems with the spine, there is a long one, which is difficult to stop with painkillers. Often the pain manifests itself in the lower spine, accompanied by cramps, discomfort in the lower back. The pain manifests itself at night and during the day, at rest and during active actions.

Seeing a doctor will help to avoid complications and the transition of the disease to the chronic stage. The earlier the pathology is detected, the more effective the course of treatment will be.

Body poisoning

Intoxication of the body adversely affects the body. The manifestation of side effects occurs in a complex or by acting on one system, then on subsequent ones.

One of the causes of poisoning of the body is a violation of the excretion process. This applies to the kidneys, liver, lungs and complex diseases of the skin. The result is the accumulation of toxic substances in the fibers of muscle tissues. Poisonous substances provoke the process of decomposition or an increase in the volume and mass of organs or muscles, causing pain.

For treatment, the patient is determined in a hospital or intensive care unit, depending on the severity of the disease. Self-treatment is prohibited.

Restless Leg Syndrome

Women, the elderly suffer, especially at bedtime. The syndrome manifests itself in excessive tension of the legs, instability of mental states, and depression. It is typical for people experiencing constant nervous tension. Overwork provokes a nervous breakdown.

Manifested in the constant movement of the legs, even sitting. At night, at rest, before going to bed, there is a strong pain in the legs, the muscles of the legs do not relax.

Young women and men complain that their legs are bothering them for the following reasons:

  • Stress;
  • Chronic lack of sleep;
  • Alcohol consumption;
  • Smoking;
  • Fatty food.

Superimposed on mental instability, these factors lead to the occurrence of restless legs syndrome. It is important to follow the prescribed course of treatment.

The course of treatment is prescribed by a doctor. Depending on the stage of the disease, the possibility of undergoing complex therapy at home is determined or observation in a hospital is necessary.

Treating nighttime leg pain

To avoid possible complications, call an ambulance for symptoms:

  • The temperature of the legs is different from the temperature of the body - too hot or too cold. Legs stop responding to pain;
  • Deformation, inflammation of the skin, manifested in the appearance of blisters, the acquisition of a blue or black tint;
  • Body temperature reaches 39 degrees and above, there is a strong aching pain in the legs, wounds, ulcers appear, edema spreads;
  • Impaired mobility of the lower extremities, accompanied by pain, inflammation of the veins.

Self-treatment is prohibited. If your legs hurt, go to the hospital, get diagnosed. In order to be sure of the disease that provokes, in addition to the results of the examination, the attending physician must study the patient's history in detail in order to exclude or confirm the presence of a predisposition to genetic pathologies. Then the doctor prescribes a course of treatment, which the patient must strictly follow in order to avoid complications.

There are many people who experience pain and discomfort in their legs. This happens from time to time. In such situations, a person cannot calm down, fully relax, because unpleasant sensations are annoying.

However, restless legs syndrome does not only occur in older people. There are no age restrictions here. Due to discomfort in the lower extremities, the person cannot concentrate and just wants the pain to go away.

He can twist his legs at any time of the day. Most often this happens due to changing weather, but there are many other reasons. Know what causes Restless Leg Syndrome and how to get rid of it.

The reasons

If he twists his legs, then experts call this "restless legs syndrome." A similar diagnosis often worries people who are faced with pain that occurs in the lower extremities. There is no need for specialists to intervene if he does not twist his legs so often or it does not cause inconvenience to a person.

Causes of RLS include:

  • malnutrition;
  • diseases associated with the central nervous system;
  • overstrain in the nervous, physical plane throughout the day;
  • bad habits (alcohol drinks, smoking).

Other factors that can cause discomfort in the legs should also be mentioned. Twists legs when a person takes an uncomfortable position, the temperature inside the room changes dramatically, changes in the weather occur.

If a person constantly twists his legs and this interferes with sleep, contributes to constant fatigue, then qualified help is needed. In such cases, it is worth contacting a neurologist or therapist. If restless leg syndrome occurs very often, do not neglect it. After all, this may be a symptomatology of a disease related to the nervous system.


If you don't want to get Restless Leg Syndrome, then prevention is important. It is possible to prevent discomfort in the legs if certain measures are followed.

So that your legs do not twist and there are no cramps at night:

  • you should walk before going to bed, you need to take walks in the fresh air;
  • do not drink drinks that tone up, as well as eat immediately before bedtime. After eating, drinking, 4 hours should pass;
  • do not watch films that stimulate the nervous system, its activity;
  • it is recommended to do warm baths for the lower extremities, a contrast shower;
  • wear shoes that are comfortable;
  • do not think about difficult situations, their resolution before going to bed;
  • do not drink alcohol, do not smoke.

If he twists his legs, you can eliminate the symptoms. To do this, massage the calves of the legs using gels, creams, ointments that warm.

When it comes to medicines, you need to consult a doctor first. After all, first you need to be fully examined. It is also necessary to consult a therapist if you want to take sedatives.

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